1 capsule for thrush. Inexpensive and effective tablets for thrush

First aid and excellent results

Pseudo-popular wisdom says: whoever is not familiar with thrush is not a woman. But if you take the issue seriously, this disease will not be so simple.

All people are susceptible to candidiasis (thrush), regardless of gender and age, since yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are part of the normal microflora of mucous membranes. But the reproduction and growth of fungi is tightly controlled by the immune system, and these microorganisms coexist with humans without revealing themselves in any way. But any changes that “shatter” the immune system can provoke uncontrolled growth of fungi and, accordingly, symptoms of thrush. A provoking factor can be a course of antibiotic treatment, hypothermia, stress, changes in diet, and, in fact, anything that disrupts the delicate balance of the microflora of the mucous membranes.

When we say that everyone is susceptible to thrush, we really mean everyone, including men and children. But, since candidiasis is still more often diagnosed in women, let’s talk about the best remedies for treating thrush in them.

The best suppositories for thrush


Photo: www.farmshop.ru

Price packs of 3 candles - approximately 300 rubles.

The active ingredient is natamycin, which has antifungal and antibacterial effects. The suppository, dissolving, forms a foam-like mass, which is evenly distributed over the mucous membrane. Thanks to this, natamycin has an effect over the entire surface of the mucosa, which is important in the treatment of “deep” candidiasis.

Advantages. The main advantage of Pimafucin is the possibility of its use for the treatment of thrush even in pregnant and lactating women. Considering that pregnancy and the postpartum period are the “leaders” in the incidence of candidiasis, this advantage turns Pimafucin into an almost irreplaceable drug. In addition, local use of the product prevents the penetration of natamycin into the blood. This means that the list of contraindications is reduced to individual intolerance to any component of the drug.

Flaws. No shortcomings as such were identified, therefore, on a ten-point scale, Pimafucin was assigned 10 points.

Reviews. “In my opinion, these suppositories are the best remedy for thrush. And they help quickly, and you don’t have to run to the doctor every time for tests. People like me - “chronic” candidiasis patients - already know all the signs that thrush has begun, and Pimafucin quickly relieves all symptoms.”


Photo: www.cosmo.ru

The cost of a package of vaginal suppositories (5 pieces) is about 300 rubles.

The active ingredient of Livarol - ketoconazole - is a substance with a pronounced antifungal effect, which produces an effect not only on typical representatives of the microflora that provoke thrush, but also on rarer forms Candida.

Advantages. Ease of use and the need for a single administration per day makes this drug convenient for use both at home and on the road. The duration of treatment is 3-5 days for acute candidiasis, and 10 days for chronic forms (the number of relapses of thrush is at least 4 times a year). In addition, Livarol is effective against staphylococcal and streptococcal lesions, which allows its use for mixed fungal and bacterial infections of the vaginal mucosa.

Flaws. Livarol is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Although this is not an absolute, but a conditional contraindication (if the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the fetus, the doctor may prescribe this drug), it still excludes Livarol from the list of “best” remedies for thrush. And for this reason, on a 10-point scale, it is assigned a score of 8 points.

Reviews. “I gave preference to Livarol because shortly before I had treated dandruff (of fungal origin) with shampoo with ketoconazole. The effect simply shocked me, so when I encountered thrush, I didn’t even think twice when I saw the familiar word “ketoconazole” on the packaging. I was not mistaken: after the first candle, the itching and discomfort went away, I even had to write reminders to myself so as not to forget to complete the course of treatment.”

the most convenient remedy for thrush

Photo: i0.tabletki.ua

Price a package containing 1 capsule is about 460 rubles.

The active ingredient in Diflucan is fluconazole. Fluconazole inhibits the growth and activity of fungi that cause thrush, and in a short time relieves the symptoms and manifestations of this condition.

Advantages. The main advantage of Diflucan is its ease of use and minimal course of treatment. By drinking just 1 capsule, you can get rid of the symptoms of acute thrush and the discomfort that this condition causes.

Flaws. Unfortunately, convenience is not the main criterion, at least as far as Diflucan is concerned. This drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, kidney and liver pathologies and is prescribed only taking into account the general health of the patient. For this reason, Diflucan is difficult to classify as an anti-thrush remedy that can be recommended as the best component of a home medicine cabinet “for everyone.” The number of contraindications for this drug does not allow us to rate it above 7 points.

Reviews. “The best pills for thrush, Diflucan has helped me more than once, and the help was really emergency. But these capsules did not work for my sister, her stomach rebelled a little - she has cholecystitis, apparently because of this. I believe that the high price is the only drawback of Diflucan.”

Epigen Intim
best natural remedy for thrush

Photo: www.apteka84.kz

Price 60 ml bottle. is about 1400 rubles.

The active ingredient, glycyrrhizic acid, is a component obtained from licorice root. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunostimulating, antipruritic effects, and also accelerates regeneration processes in the mucous membrane.

Advantages. The natural origin of the active substance of the drug is its main advantage, which allows it to be prescribed for the treatment of thrush throughout the entire period of pregnancy, as well as in the case of candidiasis in children. In addition, with the help of Epigen Intim, it is recommended to prevent thrush using the drug while taking antibiotics, during the recovery period after any illness, etc. The convenient release form - a bottle with a spray - is another plus in favor of this product, thanks to which Epigen Intim can be easily and simply used in any environment, not just at home.

Flaws. The only disadvantages include the high cost of the drug, which, however, is more than compensated for by its advantages. We consider Epigen Intim one of the best remedies for thrush. Rating - 10 out of 10.

If a woman is faced with a disease such as candidiasis or thrush, then it is necessary to contact a specialist who can accurately diagnose and prescribe an effective medicine for thrush. It is impossible to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, since the symptoms of candidiasis are similar to other diseases, for example, bacterial vaginitis, and candidiasis can be accompanied by various infections that require a separate treatment regimen.

Thrush is a bacterial disease that is caused by a certain type of fungus - Candida. This fungus can find a nutrient medium for itself on the mucous membranes, skin, and internal organs. In a healthy person, immune cells prevent the fungal infection from multiplying. But after suffering serious illnesses, stress, or strict diets, the immune system weakens and cannot restrain the growth of fungi, and the first symptoms of thrush appear. In women, the most common form of candidiasis is the vaginal one - the disease affects the vulva and vagina. Unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • burning;
  • white discharge;
  • the labia become inflamed;
  • pain occurs during sexual intercourse.

Since candidiasis is a fungal infection, medications for thrush should be antimycotic. All antifungal agents are divided into two groups:

  • local action;
  • for systemic therapy.

Preparations for topical use:

  • creams;
  • ointments;
  • douching solutions;
  • sprays;
  • candles;
  • vaginal tablets.

Products for local therapy are applied directly to the mucous membrane (creams, ointments) or introduced into the vagina, as well as rectally (suppositories, vaginal tablets). The main advantages of such drugs in the treatment of candidiasis in women:

  • quick elimination of unpleasant symptoms of thrush;
  • minimal absorption of active substances into the bloodstream.


  • longer course of treatment;
  • the need for repeated therapy;
  • used to treat mild thrush.

Drugs for systemic treatment must be taken orally - these are:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • solutions for injections.


  • short course of treatment – ​​1–3 days;
  • used to treat severe forms of the disease;
  • have an antibacterial effect on the entire body (after all, the main habitat of Candida fungi is the intestines);
  • exclude the possibility of relapse.


  • cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the need to additionally use local therapy;
  • Side effects from the digestive and other body systems may occur.

Oral drugs

Today you can find a large number of tablets for thrush in pharmacies, but they are united by the main active ingredient. They differ only in its dosage and rate of absorption by the body. Capsules and tablets for the systemic treatment of thrush contain one of the following active ingredients:

The most common anti-thrush tablets for women are Fluconazole. This drug contains the active ingredient of the same name, and has earned its popularity due to its speed of action and low price. In most cases, just one anti-thrush tablet is enough to get rid of the fungus, but if the disease is severe, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment with Fluconazole for up to 7 days. The peculiarity of this drug is that it quickly enters the blood and lymph and is transported to all organs. Thus, there is a systemic effect on the body. Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 4 years old;
  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance.

Diflucan is another proven remedy for thrush in women, it has a broader spectrum of action and is used to treat diseases caused by various yeasts. For therapy the following are used:

  • capsules;
  • injection;
  • suspension.

The drug has a long half-life, so it is taken once a day. The full course of treatment usually lasts 3–5 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Pimafucin is a drug whose main substance is natamycin. One capsule is taken per day, and the entire course is designed for 3 days. A special feature of the drug is its minor side effects, which makes it possible to take it during pregnancy, lactation, and also for young children.

Prices for the most popular and effective tablets for thrush:

Vaginal suppositories

Suppositories and vaginal tablets for thrush are used for local treatment. They contain the same active ingredients as the tablets. General rules for using suppositories:

  • It is not advisable to use during menstruation;
  • exclude sexual intercourse during therapy;
  • do not wear tight or synthetic underwear;
  • change individual towels daily;
  • do not wash with soap;
  • do not use scented panty liners or toilet paper;
  • suppositories are administered at night.

Many women believe that the best remedy for thrush is Zalain. Its main advantages:

  • single use;
  • possibility of treatment during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Possibility of use during menstruation.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Another effective remedy for thrush is Irunin vaginal tablets, a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. Doctors often prescribe this drug for recurrent candidiasis. Its use is not recommended during pregnancy.

The most inexpensive medicine for women for thrush is Clotrimazole suppositories, but they have many side effects, such as:

  • itching and burning;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain in the abdomen and during intimacy;
  • headache.

This drug should not be used during pregnancy.

The most common medications for thrush for women and their cost:

Creams and ointments

Creams and ointments are often used for external use. Most often they are prescribed as an addition to a systemic course of treatment, to relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Such drugs for the treatment of thrush have their advantages:

  • they are easy and simple to apply;
  • they quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease;
  • they can be used to treat both women and men;
  • minimum side effects;
  • cheapness.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • long course of therapy;
  • it is impossible to treat deep lesions;
  • lower content of active substance.

The cost of the most common creams and ointments for the treatment of thrush in women:

Solutions and sprays for the treatment of candidiasis

Your doctor may prescribe a douching solution or spray for thrush. These drugs are most often used for Candida infections in the oral cavity, but can also be used to treat vaginal candidiasis.

The most popular product is Epigen-Intim (spray). Its feature is a completely natural base – licorice root extract. In addition to its antifungal effect, it also has:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves itching;
  • relieve swelling of the labia;
  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • has a local immunostimulating effect.

Epigen Intim can be used during pregnancy.

Orungal is another effective broad-spectrum remedy. It is used against yeast fungi, including Candida, as well as trichophytoses. This drug is used if candidiasis is accompanied by bacterial infections.

Vagotil is a solution for douching for thrush. To prepare the solution, add 5–15 ml of the drug to 1 liter of boiled water.

Cost of solutions and sprays:

Name price, rub.
Epigen Intim 1100

The best products for intimate hygiene during treatment

  • Intimate (Nivea) – 190 rub.;
  • Lactacyd Femina – 210 rub.;
  • Intimate Nanocare (Sesderma) – 2400 rub.;
  • Intimate hygiene gel (Seba Med) – 350 rubles;
  • Epigen Intim – 510 rub.

Lactacyd Femina is a good remedy for thrush; it contains lactic acid, which maintains normal vaginal microflora. This is important during treatment, since normal microflora also dies along with the fungi.

Tablets for candidiasis are prescribed to patients as etiotropic therapy aimed at destroying the fungal infection. Medications for the treatment of thrush are divided into local and systemic agents. For mild cases of the disease, it is enough for women to use vaginal tablets. In case of severe symptoms of candidiasis, treatment is carried out with oral medications. Therapy for fungal infections in men involves the use of ointments to treat the lesion and tablets for internal use.

The best remedy for candidiasis

Most often, when candidiasis is confirmed by laboratory tests, patients are prescribed the antifungal drug fluconazole. The medicine is used not only when Candida microorganisms are detected in biological materials, but also pathogens of other species.

Fluconazole differs from other fungicidal drugs in its maximum activity against fungi. The active substances of the drug block the synthesis of enzymes by microorganisms, preventing their further reproduction. The fluconazole component has the ability to be uniformly distributed in tissues and accumulate in the skin. The antimycotic is effective in severe forms of candidiasis, which is accompanied by damage to internal organs, respiratory and urinary tracts. The medicine can help with fungal infections of the nail plates, mucous membranes of the eyes, and the oral cavity.

Vaginal and urogenital candidiasis are treated with a single dose of 150 mg tablet. To prevent exacerbations, your doctor may prescribe you to take fluconazole again. If the oral cavity and digestive tract are affected, the course is 2-4 weeks.

For taking tablets for preventive purposes, the dosage is calculated individually.

Necessary examinations before prescribing the drug

Examinations are carried out when signs of a fungal infection are detected in the patient. To confirm the diagnosis, a cultural method is used, in which the material is inoculated on nutrient media. A study can also be carried out using polymer chain reaction, which detects DNA fragments of pathogenic microorganisms. The analysis is carried out after collecting material from the candida lesion: mucous membranes of the urinary tract, oral cavity, skin. To conduct a cultural study, sputum, urine, feces, a smear from the tonsils, and pharynx are used.

Doctors do not recommend getting tested when taking antibacterial and probiotic drugs. When collecting material from the vagina the day before, a woman should not douche or treat the external genitalia. Scraping from the urethral canal is carried out 3 hours after emptying the bladder. The doctor must inform the patient about the rules for preparing for tests when issuing a referral.

Treatment regimen for candidiasis and dosage

Medicines and tablets for candidiasis are prescribed after receiving the test results. The type of medicine is selected by the doctor depending on the form of the disease and the pathologies the patient has.

Tablets against candidiasis for men

In addition to fluconazole, treatment of fungal infections in men can be carried out using the following fungicidal drugs:

All systemic antifungal drugs can cause side effects:

  • stool disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsive phenomena;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • blood diseases.

The occurrence of one or more negative effects when taking a fungcidin medication should be reported to your doctor.

Medicines for women

In case of complicated candidiasis, women are prescribed systemic medications. The most effective of them are fluconazole, nystatin, pimafucin. In mild cases of fungal disease, therapy begins with topical medications. If treatment with ointments and suppositories is ineffective, the regimen is supplemented with a tablet form of the antimycotic drug.

Candles and ointments

The advantage of suppositories with antifungal substances over the tablet form of the drug is the absence of systemic exposure and a minimal number of side effects. Vaginal suppositories are usually well tolerated by patients and rarely cause discomfort. This form of medication can be used for prophylactic purposes during a long course of antibiotics. To treat candidiasis, women are prescribed:

When using fungicidal suppositories, itching, hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa, and burning may occur.

To treat the external genitalia for candidiasis, you can use ointments with fungicidal properties:

  • clotrimazole;
  • candid;
  • canesten;
  • canizon;
  • agisten;
  • nystatin;
  • pimafucin;
  • lomexin;
  • miconazole

Antimycotic ointments and creams prevent the spread of fungal infections and reduce discomfort caused by candida. When used, side effects may appear in the form of itching, drying of the mucous membrane, and redness. If you experience discomfort during treatment with antifungal agents, you should consult a doctor. A specialist will help you choose a more suitable drug with minimal side effects.

During pregnancy

Treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women involves the use of local medications in the form of sprays and suppositories. In severe cases of the disease, women are prescribed medications with fungicidal properties in the form of oral tablets. During pregnancy the following can be used:

  1. Systemic drugs. When carrying a child and lactation, it is allowed to use pimafucin and nystatin. The drugs do not have a toxic effect on the fetus. During treatment, a woman must strictly adhere to the prescribed regimen.
  2. Medicines for topical use. External genitalia affected by fungi can be treated with sodium tetraborate in glycerin or epigen spray. Women are prescribed nystatin and pimafucin suppositories. The choice of fungicidal drug depends on the stage of pregnancy.
  3. Immunomodulators. The drugs are prescribed when the protective functions of a woman’s body are weakened. During pregnancy, it is allowed to use Viferon in the form of suppositories, probiotic preparations, and multivitamins.
  4. Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Preparations containing fish oil and vegetable oils help pregnant women strengthen their immunity, restore mucous membranes affected by fungal infections, and normalize metabolic processes.


Vitamins for thrush are necessary to restore the immune system and maintain it in normal condition.

With a deficiency of essential substances, the body's defenses are weakened, which leads to an increased risk of developing fungal infections and inflammatory processes.

In addition to the need to exclude harmful foods and introduce healthy, mineral-rich foods into the menu, patients suffering from candidiasis are required to prescribe multivitamin complexes. The preparation must contain B vitamins. They prevent the development of dysbacteriosis, improve metabolic processes, and increase the overall energy of the body. Also, the vitamin-mineral complex should contain a daily dosage of zinc, magnesium, selenium, magnesium, calcium.

If there is a fungal infection, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • supradin;
  • alphabet;
  • picovit;
  • centrum;
  • multitabs.

In addition to the complex, it is useful to take polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega3, flaxseed oil. The substances necessary for the body can be taken in the form of products, as well as in the form of dietary supplements. Before purchasing vitamin and mineral complexes, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Cost of drugs against candidiasis

The cost of medications prescribed when a fungal infection is detected is shown in the table.

Name of the drug Price, $
fluconazole 0,9
itraconazole 4,8
ketoconazole 3,2
natamycin 8,6
pimafucin 4,1
nystatin 0,8
livarol 7,2
clotrimazole 0,2
McMiror 13,7
ovum 5,5
ginesol 5,6
McMiror 13,7
candid 5,3
kanesten 15,8
canizon 1,0
agisten 12,3
lomexin 8,8
miconazole 2,6

Anti-candidiasis medications are prescribed after a thorough examination of the patient. The choice of medication form depends on the form of the disease and symptoms.

Fungicidal medications have contraindications and may cause side effects.

The patient must inform the doctor about existing systemic pathologies.

Thrush - this delicate problem is familiar to both women and men. Itching and burning can ruin your mood for a long time, but timely and high-quality treatment of candidiasis can quickly get you back on track. Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of drugs to suit every budget. Are there really inexpensive and effective tablets for thrush? Let's try to figure it out.

What is “thrush”? It is a fungal disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. In a healthy body, these fungi live quietly, without causing any pathological changes. However, when the poisonous conditions coincide, Candida begins to harm us.

Reasons for exacerbation:

  • humidity
  • occupational hazards
  • taking antibiotics
  • trauma to the vaginal mucosa, penis
  • endocrine pathologies
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders

Symptoms of thrush:

  • itching in the affected area
  • burning, redness, discomfort
  • white flaky discharge
  • erosion
  • pain during intercourse or urination
  • The mucous membranes of the mouth are covered with a white coating, like after milk, which is why the disease is called “thrush”

Types of disease:

  • vulvovaginitis, balanitis,
  • fungal stomatitis of the oral mucosa
  • candidiasis of the nails (onychia and paronychia)
  • intestinal candidiasis
  • generalized candidiasis

Review of drugs

So what are the inexpensive and effective treatments for this delicate problem?


Today, doctors around the world choose these tablets for effective treatment of candidiasis. This inexpensive remedy for thrush saved our grandmothers and today has become a truly golden classic. What attracts doctors to this medicine? First of all, its effectiveness. Nystatin has an excellent effect on all types of yeast fungi, without serious contraindications (impaired liver function, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers). It is effective and safe for both short-term and long-term treatment, and does not require complex regimens or vigilant monitoring. And the main feature of these tablets is that they can be used by children of the first year of life. The cost of one package of the drug is less than 150 rubles. and it definitely won’t hurt your pocket.

How to take Nystatin correctly?

The drug is taken orally, 500 thousand units 3-4 times a day, or 250 thousand units. 6-8 times. If you use vaginal tablets for thrush, then the drug must be taken intravaginally after vaginal hygiene, 2 times a day, 250 thousand units.
The course of treatment is 10-14 days. Possible side effects: nausea, diarrhea, allergic reactions.


  • Price: 45-50 rub.
  • Clinical and pharmacological group: antifungal
  • Active ingredient: Fluconazole
  • Condition for dispensing from a pharmacy: available without a prescription
  • Analogs: Mikosit (302 RUR), Diflucan (2012 RUR), Mikomax (236 RUR), Diflazon (206 RUR)

Here is another inexpensive remedy for thrush. The average price in pharmacies for this medicine is 132 rubles per pack. This drug has the advantage of being available in a variety of forms: tablets, ointments and even shampoos. Ketoconazole does not have any special contraindications, but it should be remembered that self-administration of it to children can be dangerous! Be sure to consult a specialist!

How to use?

Adults should take 1-2 tablets. orally (200-400 mg) once a day. To improve absorption of the drug, you can drink it with an sour drink. Unlike most other remedies, women cannot take these tablets for thrush without a doctor's prescription. You can’t just buy them at the pharmacy.


  • Price: 250-350 rub.
  • Clinical and pharmacological group: antifungal
  • Active ingredient: itraconazole (in pellet form)
  • Condition for dispensing from a pharmacy: by prescription
  • Analogs: Vorizol, Vfend, Diflazol, Irunin, however their price is much higher.

These are good anti-candidiasis pills for men, but are also suitable for women. Despite the fact that doctors most often prescribe antifungal agents to men in the form of a cream or ointment, when it is necessary to use pills, this is the remedy they choose. The price of Itraconazole varies from 250 to 350 rubles. per package.

How to use?

The drug is taken twice at 200 mg per day, or once at 200 mg for 3 days. When choosing traconazole, remember that they are contraindicated for people with cardiovascular disease. Itraconazole also has an adverse effect on the liver, so if you experience symptoms such as nausea, bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite, or dull pain in the right hypochondrium, you should stop taking the pills and consult a doctor immediately. This and


  • Price: 31 rub.
  • Clinical and pharmacological group: antifungal, local use
  • Active ingredient: clotrimazole
  • Condition for dispensing from a pharmacy: without a prescription
  • Analogues: Imazol Cream/paste, Fungisan cream, Canesten spray, Candisan ointment, Candide powder for external use

This drug is available in all possible forms: capsules, vaginal tablets, suppositories, ointments, creams, solutions for external use. Moreover, the medicine has no contraindications except pregnancy, lactation and sensitivity to the drug.

Side effects of Clotrimazole include swelling and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, nausea, headache, and frequent urination. These tablets help not only women but also men against thrush, but the course of treatment with them can last more than 7 days. But due to the absence of contraindications, sometimes this is the only drug that can be prescribed for recovery.

How to use?

The drug is prescribed in 1 tablet. 2 times a day for 3 days or 1 tablet. 1 time per day for 6-7 days, preferably before bedtime. If symptoms persist for more than 8 days, you should consult a doctor.

Alternative to pills

Separately, I would like to touch upon the topic of vaginal suppositories for thrush, which include: Irunin, Livarol, Betadine, Lomexin, Ginezol, Gino-pevaril, Zalain. For a woman, suppositories are a great way to end vaginal candidiasis once and for all. In addition, some of them only need to be applied once. Remember that when using them you must strictly adhere to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, however, there are general rules for their use.

  1. Treatment must be carried out by both partners in order to avoid the so-called “ping-pong effect”, when you are being treated for thrush, your partner gives it back to you, he is treated himself, then you pass the disease on to him, and so on ad infinitum.
  2. During the course you need to avoid synthetic and tight underwear.
  3. Before inserting suppositories into the vagina, you should carefully rinse the vagina with warm, clean water without using any detergents.
  4. The suppositories should be inserted deep into the vagina while lying down.
  5. During treatment, it is prohibited to use scented pads, intimate hygiene liquids, soap, shower gels and scented toilet paper.

Alas, to cover absolutely all the remedies for candidiasis, even a few articles are not enough. We talked only about the most common and cheapest of them. The choice is yours, but remember that only a qualified specialist will prescribe the most effective and safe treatment for you.

Thrush in women is a violation of the acid-base balance of the external genitalia, which leads to increased growth of bacteria of the Candida family. Many women use more antifungal medications, the effect of which is noticeable for a short time.

The prevalence of genital candidiasis among women is growing by leaps and bounds. Most likely, this is due to changes in the lifestyle, quality of nutrition and immune status of the woman. So, let's talk about drug treatment and ways to combat the disease.

Why is thrush dangerous?

Thrush or genital candidiasis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs. Often the disease is chronic and difficult to treat, but recently the pharmaceutical world has been filled with a huge number of powerful drugs for thrush for women. Why is fungal inflammation so difficult to treat, and the female half of the population of our planet still suffers from it?

Any long-term infection causes a change in the structure of the mucous membrane. Over time, in 1-5% of cases of thrush, the disease can result in cancer. Of course, there is no direct connection between thrush and cancer, but the disease cannot be excluded as a risk factor.

Conditions that provoke genital candidiasis (thrush)

  • Reduced immune system tension (viral disease)
  • Taking an antibiotic
  • Hypothermia (working in cold conditions)
  • Taking combined oral contraceptives
  • Taking steroid hormones

Conditions in which thrush is normal

  • Pregnancy (there are signs of thrush, but they are not pronounced)
  • Oncological pathology
  • Lack of protein and polyunsaturated fats in the diet

It is impossible to say that the above conditions do not require medical intervention. This means that it makes no sense to specifically treat this pathology in the presence of certain conditions. Once you get rid of the original cause of thrush, its symptoms will also go away.

When should thrush be treated and with what?

Traditional treatment of thrush with tablets is prescribed only if there are some symptoms that indicate the severity of the condition.

Symptoms of the disease

  • White or milky discharge
  • The discharge periodically becomes cheesy in nature.
  • Itching and other discomfort in the vaginal area
  • Unpleasant smell of sweat

Approximate treatment regimen with tablets

  • Fluconazole 150 mg - once
  • Hilak Forte 30 drops 3 times a day - 10 days

The cost of this scheme is about 600-700 rubles.

Important! During pregnancy, it is prohibited to use a regimen with fluconazole!

Tablets for the treatment of thrush in women

  • Nystatin 1 tablet 3 times a day for 10-14 days (average cost 50-100 rubles)
  • Diflucan (fluconazole) 1 tablet for each case of illness (cost 550 rubles)
  • Pimafucin 1 tablet 4 times a day for 6-7 days (cost 250 rubles)

In some cases, treatment with tablets alone is not enough and local medications are prescribed.

Local medications for genital candidiasis

  • Clotrimazole 1 vaginal tablet at night for 6 days or 1 tablet 2 times a day - 3 days (50 rubles)
  • Livarol 1 suppository at night - 10 days (250 rubles)
  • Candid-B6 1 vaginal tablet at night - 10 days (100 rubles)
  • Terzhinan 1 vaginal tablet - 10 days

It is worth noting that taking antifungal medications too often is dangerous for the liver. If you are forced to take such medications for longer than 10 days, you must additionally take a hepatoprotector, which will protect liver cells from the toxic effects of the drugs.

Thrush often tends to become chronic, so its treatment should be short and effective. This disease does not pose any particular danger, but its consequences can affect the possibility of pregnancy and the general health of a woman’s genitourinary system. Treatment of candidiasis with tablets in women is the most common method, but do not forget that self-medication can lead to the development of toxic (drug-induced) hepatitis and allergic reactions.

Prevention methods

  • Using only special hygiene products (intimate soap)
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition (to correct metabolism)
  • Taking 150 mg of fluconazole once every 4-6 months + 500 mg ascorbic acid for 7-14 days (in the presence of chronic candidiasis)
  • Maintaining personal hygiene rules
  • Treatment of chronic diseases that cause a decrease in the reactivity of the immune system (chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, bronchitis)

Often, 1 method is ineffective, so it is best to use all methods at the same time.