5 table what you can eat. Stewed eggplants with sour cream sauce

The famous Soviet scientist M.I. Pevzner developed special diet called table 5, adherence to which significantly helps in the treatment of diseases of the liver, biliary tract, gallbladder and some others pathological conditions body. Diet table 5a is prescribed to patients with chronic pancreatitis and during exacerbation of hepatitis.

In addition to reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract and limiting thermal, mechanical and biochemical effects on the stomach and intestines, complete diet Diet No. 5 creates conditions for the normalization of lipid metabolism, the entire biliary system and the main filtering organ - the liver.

About medical diet 5

Prescribing therapeutic nutrition table No. 5 is advisable outside the acute stage chronic pathologies of these organs (hepatitis in remission with moderate functional liver failure, cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis).

Treatment of the pancreas ( acute pancreatitis) begins with fasting (from 1 to 3 days) with the gradual introduction into the diet of permitted foods that have undergone special culinary processing, according to diet table No. 5a. To reduce the load on the pancreas, all products, including vegetables and fruits, are consumed only after cooking and heat treatment.

Basic table rules 5

The daily intake of chemical compounds in diet table No. 5 is:

  • water (free) from 1.5 to 2 l;
  • table salt from 6 to 10 g (in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, at the first stage there is no salt, then it is gradually introduced into the diet);
  • carbohydrates from 300 to 350 g (the amount of simple, quickly digestible carbohydrates is up to 40 g);
  • fats from 70 to 75 g (the norm for vegetable lipids is 25 g);
  • protein compounds 90 g, half of which are animal proteins.

The energy value of the daily menu varies from 2100 to 2500 kcal. The number of meals is from 5 to 6.

To whom is it assigned?

Patients with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis. Treatment of these pathologies without compliance strict diet No. 5 is impossible, according to experienced gastroenterologists. Table 5 can be observed for up to two years.

Diet 5 table, what is possible and what is not (table of products)

It is strictly contraindicated to include fried foods in the diet, foods that contain refractory fats, or a high concentration of cholesterol. high density and purines.

Limiting the intake of extractive compounds that excessively stimulate secretion gastric juice, allows you to reduce the chemical load on the digestive process.

All dishes are prepared in a multi- or double boiler, boiled or baked. Meat, especially stringy meat, and all vegetables that are sources of coarse dietary fiber should be rubbed.

The temperature of the food consumed is also important (from 20 to 60°C), that is, neither hot nor cold dishes that create irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa are unacceptable. Fractional portions are consumed every 2.5-3 hours, allowing the gastrointestinal tract to quickly process incoming light food.

Table of allowed and prohibited products for table 5
Authorized Products
(can be eaten)
  • Drinks and desserts: jelly and compotes made from fresh and dried fruits (sweet only), vegetable juices without salt and spices, weak tea with skim milk, honey, jam (limited), marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, mousses and jellies.
  • Bread: day old or dried wheat.
  • Vegetable soups.
  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Mucus boiled porridges: rice, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal.
  • Dietary meat.
  • Not fatty fish.
  • Cooked and pureed vegetables, except prohibited, starchy ones, such as potatoes, are limited.
  • Eggs (no more than 1 piece per day in the form of a steam omelet or soft-boiled).
  • Fats: vegetable oil, unsalted butter(add only to ready-made, slightly cooled side dishes and hot dishes).
  • Baked sweet fruits (apple, pear), sweet dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes).
Prohibited Products
(can't eat)
  • alcoholic drinks, black coffee, lemonades and soda, energy drinks, broths, kvass,
  • sour hot dishes (cabbage soup, rassolnik, green borscht),
  • legumes, mushrooms
  • pearl barley, millet and corn grits
  • fatty meat and lard, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, salmon, sardine, stellate sturgeon) and caviar
  • hot and sour vegetables and herbs (cabbage, leeks, spinach, sorrel),
  • culinary, lamb, pork, beef fat, margarine
  • offal, canned, salted, pickled, smoked, fried, spicy, spicy dishes
  • hard boiled eggs
  • fresh baked goods, black bread and crackers made from it
  • fast food
  • ice cream, full fat dairy products
  • chocolate, confectionery, puff pastry, rich pastries
  • cocoa beans
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and all other sauces.

The table shows what can and cannot be consumed during the Table 5 diet (full list).

Sample diet menu table number 5

The dishes on the 5 table diet menu are quite satisfying and varied. Here is an example of a daily menu for patients who are prescribed this system nutrition.

  • Breakfast: rolled oats porridge(2 tablespoons of dry flakes) with ½ teaspoon of butter, steam omelette in water, rose hip drink.
  • Snack: carrot puree soufflé.
  • Dinner: rice soup with pureed vegetables, boiled turkey fillet (no more than 100 g), grated beets, dried plums and pears.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), baked apple.
  • Dinner: steamed hake fillet (90 g), broccoli or zucchini puree, sea buckthorn or fruit tea.
  • Late dinner: bifidokefir.

Nutrition fully satisfies the physiological needs of the body, both in energy and biologically. active substances. Diet table 5 for pancreatitis for a week is compiled taking into account the recommendations given.

A diet regimen for children and adult patients allows not only to normalize the biological functioning of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and restore optimal functioning of the digestive organs, but also to lose weight. According to reviews from patients who followed diet No. 5, weight loss occurs harmoniously, smoothly and constantly.

A significant restriction of lipids is useful for all people who need to protect the gastrointestinal tract. By adhering to the specified menu over a long period of time, you can get rid of pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, as well as to heal and cleanse the entire body.

Diet number 5 for children belongs to the therapeutic category. Designed to reduce pain syndromes for exacerbations of pathology, relief of the condition after an illness or surgery.

In what cases is Diet 5 for children used?

Diet table number 5 is intended for children suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the pancreas, kidneys, Bladder and liver. Slow down the effect of the disease, prevent dangerous consequences, normalize the functioning of the affected organ and stabilize the child’s condition - all these are the tasks of proper therapeutic nutrition. Positive results are achieved by correcting the diet, due to which the load on the organ is significantly reduced.

You can follow the diet long time, since the list of permitted products is varied and nutritious. The recommended number of meals is at least 4 times a day.

You definitely need to drink more fluid - up to 2 liters, the emphasis in nutrition should be on protein products, excluding large amounts of fat. The daily salt intake does not exceed 10 g. If the child’s pancreas is damaged, then initial stages When following a gentle nutrition program, it is worth excluding salt-containing foods.

What is allowed and what is not allowed: prohibited and permitted products

The diet for a child after an illness should be based not only on correct selection fresh products, but also the way they are processed. You can bake, stew, boil, steam. Smoking and frying are strictly excluded.

The following products are prohibited:

  • smoked and pickled;
  • chocolate dishes and with the addition of cream;
  • all derivatives from butter dough;
  • spicy and bitter vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • ice cream;
  • any fatty fish or animal meat;
  • pearl barley, millet and barley cereals;
  • meat by-products;
  • scrambled eggs and boiled chicken eggs;
  • cocoa, coffee, sparkling water;
  • berries, fruits with sour taste.

Heat-treated vegetables and fresh cucumbers in small quantities are allowed. From drinks - any decoctions based on herbs and rose hips, tea with milk, pure water, jelly. Oils should be chosen only of vegetable origin; you can use a little butter, but unsalted and fresh.

Allowed sweets are natural marmalade, marshmallows, dry cookies, dried fruits, jam and various types of honey. It is acceptable to include seafood, crackers, crispbread, and rye flour bread in the menu in limited quantities.

Diet Table 5 – menu for the week (table)

Diet menu number 5 for children can be designed in such a way that the diet is varied every day, and the child likes the dishes. The daily norm is about 2,000 kcal.

Day 1

Breakfast option:

  • milk sausage,
  • tea with milk,
  • 2 egg white omelette.

For second breakfast - compote of any dried fruit, cottage cheese casserole.

For lunch you can eat:

  • veal cutlet,
  • vegetable soup,
  • boiled buckwheat groats.

After lunch, your baby should prepare a fruit salad dressed with yogurt. Dinner option - kefir, stew, chicken meatballs.

Day 2

For breakfast:

  • chamomile tea with honey,
  • omelette with steamed milk,
  • Buckwheat porridge (puree-like consistency) with a spoon of butter.

The second breakfast is rice pudding.

Prepare for lunch:

  • beef meatballs,
  • soup with any permitted vegetables,
  • berry jelly,
  • carrot-beet puree.

Afternoon snack – natural yogurt mixed with 100 g of cottage cheese.

In the evening - stewed vegetables and 150 g of baked hake + rosehip decoction.

Day 3

Since morning:

  • sausage and a slice of bread or rye bread,
  • any dry biscuits.

Before and after lunch – compote + cottage cheese casserole, yogurt with any sweet fruit.

At lunchtime:

  • beef cutlet,
  • soup with potatoes, carrots and cabbage,
  • buckwheat.

For dinner - stew and meatballs from lean meat, for drinks - kefir.

Day 4

After sleep:

  • egg white omelette,
  • steamed cheesecakes with the addition of sour cream (serving 150 g).

Second breakfast and afternoon snack - fruit salad and a mixture of dried fruits and nuts, respectively.

During lunch you can give:

  • strawberry jelly,
  • veal meatballs,
  • puree soup with seafood.

A few hours before bedtime - a casserole with carrots and apples.

Day 5

Morning meal option:

  • buckwheat with added milk,
  • bread toast with a piece of low-fat cheese,
  • tea with mint.

Second breakfast and afternoon snack - banana soufflé, biscuits with apple juice.

Lunch time:

  • squash Cavier,
  • steamed turkey cutlets,
  • soup with potatoes and rice,
  • any fruit jelly.

A good option for dinner is mashed potatoes + fish pudding, any herbal decoction.

Day 6

Morning menu:

  • apple compote,
  • semolina porridge cooked in milk,
  • dried apricots + raisins.

You can prepare apple puree for second breakfast, and during the afternoon snack you can give your child a handful of dried fruits.

Lunch menu:

  • fish dumplings,
  • soup with meatballs,
  • rosehip decoction,
  • buckwheat with a small piece of butter.

During dinner, the baby can eat zucchini puree, any sweet juice and vermicelli with minced meat (veal or chicken).

Day 7

Breakfast of the final day:

  • oatmeal with raisins,
  • tea with lemon balm.

Before lunch, eat peach puree, and after - a glass natural yogurt with added banana pieces + oat cookies.

Full lunch:

  • potato casserole,
  • fruit compote,
  • rabbit stewed in creamy sauce.

For dinner, meatballs are prepared with the addition of rice. It is best to choose chicken for an evening dish.

Recipes for diet table 5

All products for a child’s diet must be of high quality and fresh. Dishes need to be steamed, baked in the oven or boiled. There are many recipes for gentle nutrition; you can choose ones that your baby will eat with pleasure and benefit the body.

For cabbage rolls with vegetables you will need the following:

  • 30 g vegetable broth;
  • 150 g white cabbage;
  • spoon of butter;
  • 2 carrots;
  • greens, tomato, onion;
  • 20 g rice;
  • half an egg;
  • low-fat sour cream - about 10 g.

Cabbage, egg, rice are boiled, the vegetable is divided into leaves. Greens, carrots and onions are mixed with rice and eggs, seasoned with salt, oil and tomato. The sauce is made from vegetable broth, sour cream, and flour. Minced vegetables are wrapped in cabbage leaves, poured with sauce, and baked in the oven.

For baked cheesecakes with carrots you will need:

  • ghee and butter (7 and 3 g, respectively);
  • 150 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 25 g flour, a spoonful of semolina;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 20 g granulated sugar;
  • half an egg.

Simmer the grated carrots in water and butter (25 minutes). Boil for a few minutes, adding semolina. Combine the cooled mass with sugar, salt, cottage cheese and flour. In a mold greased with melted butter, bake the round cakes until a crust appears.

Frequently asked questions about table 5

Every parent should take a responsible approach to the issue of feeding the baby, especially during his illness. Basic questions related to nutrition will help you avoid mistakes when preparing your diet, thereby preserving wellness baby.

Can a child be given bananas on Diet 5?

Yes, bananas are a sweet fruit, only sour ones are prohibited. The best option– bake fruits, boil them or make soufflés.

Are oatmeal cookies allowed on the fifth diet?

Oatmeal cookies are allowed, as well as biscuits and any other non-butter cookies. This dessert is useful if you make it at home.

Can I cook pasta if my child likes it?

Pasta, including vermicelli, can be boiled if it is made from flour premium. The second category will not work, only the hard variety.

How long should you maintain the fifth diet?

The duration of nutrition according to this system should be determined by a pediatrician. Long follow therapeutic diet, for example, from six months or more, allows you to fully restore normal work digestive systems.

Can children eat nuts with this diet?

It all depends on the circumstances of the purpose of therapeutic nutrition. Nuts are allowed only if the liver is impaired. The product allows you to speed up the regeneration process of a diseased organ due to high content vitamin E and potassium.

Is it possible to give a child cottage cheese on diet 5?

All dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat are acceptable. It is forbidden to add to the diet only those whose fat content is more than 2.5%.

Diet 5 – can I have watermelons?

Watermelon is allowed, but in moderation. The recommended serving of this berry per day is no more than 2 small pieces. You can make jelly, sorbet or salad from watermelon.

The diet of this diet is not monotonous; with the right approach to creating a menu and choosing recipes, the child will feel cheerful and healthy. Following a therapeutic diet will allow you to forget about the disease, and will also significantly alleviate your general condition.

To organize the nutrition of patients in hospitals, Soviet doctors developed several types of diets. The most famous of them is diet No. 5. Today, the menu for this diet is publicly available and is considered a hit among people who adhere to proper nutrition. In this article we will look at the features of the fifth table, an approximate weekly menu and recipes.

Cleansing and therapeutic effect diet is based on the refusal certain products, as well as in changing the method of preparing foods allowed for consumption. Diet table 5 is prescribed if:

  • liver diseases (hepatitis of various origins, cirrhosis);
  • stomach diseases (gastroenteritis, chronic gastritis);
  • diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract (cholangitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis; postoperative syndrome that occurs after removal of the gallbladder);
  • diseases of the pancreas (pancreatoduodenitis, acute and chronic pancreatitis).

The purpose of the diet is to maintain or restore normal liver function and biliary tract, improving bile production.

The fundamental principles of diet No. 5 include:

  1. A balanced carbohydrate-protein diet with sufficient fiber consumption. Daily norm: proteins - up to 90 g, fats - up to 90 g (a third of them should have vegetable origin), carbohydrates – up to 350 g (of which simple carbohydrates– up to 80 g).
  2. The daily calorie content of food should be 1600-2900 kcal.
  3. Limiting salt intake (up to 10 g per day), as well as foods containing purines, fats, essential substances and oxalic acid.
  4. Fractional meals - meals of 100-200 g 5-6 times a day.
  5. Dishes should be boiled, stewed or steamed. Should only be served warm.
  6. Compliance drinking regime(at least 2 liters of water per day).

Depending on the disease, it is possible to slightly change the menu. For example, in case of exacerbation of the diseases described above, it is necessary to switch to the 5A diet. In this case, from diet menu All products that enhance fermentation processes in the intestines are excluded.

Allowed foods for diet No. 5

When following a therapeutic diet, you need to know what foods you can eat. The list of permitted products includes:

  • vegetable soups;
  • boiled porridge (wheat, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey, lean beef);
  • low-fat fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • one-day old bread or dried wheat bread;
  • cooked vegetables;
  • egg (2 pieces per week);
  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • dried fruits (prunes, raisins, dried apricots);
  • baked fruits (pear and apple);
  • desserts (marmalade, jam, marshmallows, mousses, marshmallows, honey).
  • drinks (rosehip decoction, weak tea, jelly, compotes, vegetable juices without salt).

Sample menu

Duration of compliance therapeutic diet depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the organism. The menu for the week might look like this:


  • breakfast - oatmeal with raisins, rosehip decoction;
  • 2nd breakfast – baked apple, “Maria” cookies (2 pcs.);
  • dinner - vegetable soup with chicken meatballs, a piece of rye bread;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese smoothie;
  • dinner - wheat porridge, vinaigrette with vegetable oil, bread;
  • 2nd dinner – a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge with butter, a slice of cheese, a banana milkshake;
  • 2 breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream and fresh strawberries;
  • lunch – rice soup, minced meat roll, glass of low-fat milk;
  • afternoon snack – grated carrot salad, 1 marshmallow;
  • dinner - rice cabbage rolls and chicken fillet, salad of prunes and boiled beets, a glass of strong tea with honey;
  • 2nd dinner – a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast - wheat porridge with butter, cottage cheese and berry pudding, tea with milk;
  • 2nd breakfast – boiled fruit puree;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, a piece of boiled beef, cabbage and cucumber salad in vegetable oil;
  • afternoon snack – baked apples with honey;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes, pike perch in sour cream, a piece of bread;
  • 2nd dinner – acidophilus with chopped parsley.


  • breakfast - rice porridge, a piece of cheese, cheesecakes, dried fruit compote;
  • 2 breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese, carrot juice;
  • lunch – pumpkin porridge, rabbit in sour cream, berry jelly;
  • afternoon snack - egg white omelette, a little marmalade;
  • dinner - rice porridge, braised cabbage, dried fruits compote;
  • 2nd dinner – kefir smoothie with the addition of pear.


  • breakfast - oatmeal with milk and jam, cottage cheese with sour cream, rosehip broth;
  • 2nd breakfast – fruit salad of bananas, apples and steamed raisins;
  • lunch – vegetable soup, steamed cod, tea;
  • afternoon snack – rice pudding, crispbread;
  • dinner – zucchini stuffed with rice and turkey, 1 marshmallow;
  • 2nd dinner – fruit puree.


  • breakfast - an omelet of protein and vegetables, a piece of cheese, compote;
  • 2nd breakfast – stewed vegetables with rice, a piece of bread;
  • lunch – beetroot soup, beef cutlets, compote;
  • afternoon snack – carrot-apple puree, 1 marshmallow;
  • dinner – baked turkey with apples, stewed cabbage;
  • 2nd dinner – acidophilus.


  • breakfast – buckwheat porridge with butter, cottage cheese with fruit, milkshake;
  • 2nd breakfast – boiled fish, vinaigrette;
  • lunch – mashed potatoes, minced rabbit cutlets, vegetable salad in vegetable oil, compote;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, rosehip decoction;
  • dinner - vegetable soup, bread, a glass of tea;
  • 2nd dinner – a glass of kefir.

As you can see, the menu for every day can be very varied. However, what is most lacking in this diet is the flavor of garlic and onions. Will help you cope with this problem oriental spice asafoetida. Also, the dishes in diet No. 5 have a bland taste, since a lot of salt is not allowed. In this case, you can use natural seasonings such as oregano, marjoram, turmeric, rosemary. You need to add very little.

We remind you once again that all food and drinks must be consumed only warm! Cold and hot foods can be harmful.

Recipes for diet No. 5

Can be used during a therapeutic diet delicious recipes dishes. Here are some of them.

1. Stuffed zucchini.

For preparation you will need:

  • turkey fillet;
  • 0.5 cups rice;
  • 2 large zucchini;
  • 1 carrot.

Boil the turkey and mince it. The rice also needs to be boiled and then washed under cold water. Wash the carrots and pass through a large grater. Mix rice, carrots and minced meat. Wash the zucchini, cut in half and clean out the middle so that you get a boat. Add the rice mixture to the zucchini and bake until done.

Patients can eat 100 g of casserole.

2. Protein omelet.

The following products are needed:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 cups skim milk;
  • dill or parsley.

This dish is easy to prepare. Take 2 eggs and separate the white from the yolk. Next, beat the egg whites with milk, add a few grains of salt. If desired, you can add some chopped herbs. Place the prepared mixture in a steamer bowl for 20 minutes.

3. Vegetable soup.

Prepare the following vegetables:

  • 100 g white cabbage;
  • 1 medium potato;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 quail eggs.

Place a liter pan of water on the fire. While the water is boiling, wash and chop all the vegetables. First add potatoes and cabbage to the pan. Simmer the carrots a little in a frying pan, add asafoetida spice. Pour over the carrots quail eggs and stir. Add everything to the soup. Serve with herbs and low-fat sour cream. If desired, you can make chicken meatballs (rice, fillet, egg, natural spices).

Diet No. 5 for children

IN modern times The number of children with diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver has increased. The causes of gastrointestinal disease are very different. They may be a violation of the nutritional schedule, infections, frequent use fast food, fatty and fried foods.

Table No. 5 is the most famous diet that doctors prescribe to patients, including children. The menu for a child is no different from the menu for an adult. You can eat the same foods and dishes.

There are still some restrictions regarding products. For example, children under 3 years old can only eat white fish (pollock, hake, cod). You can include red fish (chum salmon, pink salmon, trout) in the menu of older children. Children's fruit and vegetable purees in jars are perfect as an afternoon snack and snack.

Precautionary measures

When following diet No. 5, it is strictly forbidden to eat too cold, hot or fried foods. The list of prohibited products includes:

  1. First courses, which are cooked in meat, mushroom and fish broth; all cold soups.
  2. Fatty varieties fish and meat, offal, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, pates, lard.
  3. Fat dairy products, sharp varieties of cheese.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Some vegetables (radish, garlic, sorrel, spinach, Brussels sprouts).
  6. Mayonnaise, ketchup, adjika, mustard, red and black pepper.
  7. Fresh bread.
  8. Ice cream, chocolate.
  9. Citrus fruits, cranberries, grapes.
  10. Alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks.

Consequences of not following the diet

If you do not adhere to a therapeutic diet, patients risk additional stress on the liver. The disease will worsen and treatment will have to start again.

Usually diet No. 5 is prescribed along with drug treatment. Compliance with this diet will help get rid of the symptoms of exacerbation of the disease and achieve remission. In addition, the diet improves overall well-being and relieves excess weight. The diet regimen is also suitable for small children.

Medical nutrition“Table No. 5” is contraindicated for active diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The main purpose of diet No. 5 is the introduction of a balanced, liver-friendly diet, which is aimed at restoring the functions of the liver and bile ducts, as well as improving bile secretion.

The “Table No. 5” diet provides for a normal intake of proteins and carbohydrates with some restrictions on fats. Exclude from the diet foods that contain purines, cholesterol, extractives, oxalic acid, essential oils, as well as products with fats that have oxidized during frying. In addition, salt intake is limited.

The diet should contain foods rich in lipotropic substances, fiber, and pectins. All dishes are boiled, baked without crust or stewed. You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. It is advisable to grind the food as much as possible. On an empty stomach you need to drink as much fluid as possible.

Included daily norm food products for diet No. 5:

  • proteins – up to 80 g, including 50% of animal origin
  • fats – up to 80−90 g, including 30% vegetable
  • carbohydrates – up to 400 g, energy value– 2400−2800 kcal

It must be remembered that diet cannot restore the functioning of organs affected by the disease. It only gets rid of the factors that provoke exacerbation, and also promotes recovery processes. Diet No. 5 is prescribed in combination with medicines And medical procedures. Of course, those who know their accurate diagnosis Patients can switch to this nutrition plan on their own, but this does not exempt them from visiting a doctor.

What is possible, what is not: list-table

It is recommended to eat soups: dairy, vegetable, with cereals, fruit. Borscht and cabbage soup should be without meat. Soup dressings should not be fried. Lean, lean meat (beef, poultry, ham or tongue), fish (pike perch, bream, hake, navaga, cod) are allowed. Cooking methods - boil or steam, bake boiled fish and meat in the oven, prepare jellied dishes from fish.

Milk, kefir, and cottage cheese should be consumed no more than 200 g per day. You can prepare dishes from cottage cheese: casseroles, souffles, cheesecakes, lazy dumplings, not too spicy cheese. It is advisable to cook porridge in water or with the addition of a small amount of milk. Liquids should be consumed 1.5-2 liters per day.

It is recommended to eat bread that was baked yesterday, both white and black, as well as from bran. You can eat some baked goods (buns or pies) no more than 2 times a week, but you should not add butter to the dough. Boiled eggs- no more than one per day, if an omelet is prepared, then also only from one egg. It is recommended to consume raw and boiled vegetables and greens, as well different dishes from vegetables (side dishes and soups, stews). Carrots and beets are especially useful.


  • fruits and berries (non-acidic varieties)
  • black caviar
  • puddings (baked or steamed)
  • vermicelli and pasta;
  • crackers, dry biscuits (biscuits), dry biscuits
  • jam from sweet fruits and berries, sugar, honey, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows - no more than 70 g per day
  • butter and vegetable oil - as a dressing for dishes
  • vegetable and fruit natural juices, rosehip decoction, herbal or weak tea, coffee with milk
  • berry, milk, fruit sauces
  • herbs and some spices in limited quantities: dill leaves, parsley, cloves, cinnamon, Bay leaf, vanilla

Selecting a diet for a diseased liver

  • More details


  • fatty fish, meat, poultry
  • fried, fatty, spicy, smoked dishes and products
  • alcohol
  • offal (brains, liver)
  • lard, canned food, legumes
  • mushrooms and mushroom broths
  • onion, spinach, sorrel, radish, garlic, radish, rhubarb, cauliflower, turnip
  • chocolate, ice cream, cocoa
  • vinegar, carbonated drinks
  • cold drink
  • pickled vegetables

Menu for the week

For breakfast you can eat vinaigrette seasoned with low-fat sour cream, soaked herring (no more than 20 g), a slice of yesterday's white bread. To drink – tea with milk. Second breakfast may include small piece boiled beef, a portion of buckwheat porridge, as well as natural vegetable juice.

Specially designed nutrition, or diet, is the main component of recovery from many diseases. This is especially important for diseases of the liver and bile-forming organs. For such patients, table number 5 has been developed. It is this nutrition that ensures a complete supply of all important substances in a gentle manner for the liver.

Historical description

Almost a century ago, the therapist Pevzner noted that proper nutrition can alleviate the suffering of patients with many diseases. In 1920, he presented to the world an amazing development of 15 treatment tables. A lot of time has passed, but even today patients are prescribed such diets. They allow you to achieve favorable results.

Indications for use

  • acute hepatitis, chronic (without exacerbation);
  • cholecystitis (during recovery);
  • liver cirrhosis (in the absence of liver failure);
  • (beyond exacerbation);
  • cholelithiasis (if there is no acute stage).

It should be remembered that table number 5 is allowed only for those patients who do not suffer from gastrointestinal tract from various diseases.

Diet goal

With the above ailments, there is a need to provide gentle nutrition for the liver. At the same time, like any person, the patient needs a full intake of all useful substances. This goal is included in the developed table number 5. The diet provides normal functioning liver, as well as bile ducts.

Characteristics of therapeutic nutrition

Diet table number 5 is distinguished by a balanced content of carbohydrates and proteins. The consumption of fats (especially for animals) is kept to a minimum. Nutrition involves excluding foods containing purines, cholesterol, and essential oils. It is recommended to avoid fried foods. Products with a high percentage of nitrogenous extracts should be avoided.

Therapeutic nutrition includes baked, boiled and stewed dishes. Only fiber-enriched vegetables or stringy meats should be ground. Sautéing should be excluded with this diet. Eating very cold foods is contraindicated.

The diet includes eating 5-6 times a day.

Nutritional composition

  • It is recommended to consume 80 g of proteins (of which 55% are animal);
  • fats amount to 80 g (30% is allocated to vegetable);
  • 350-400 g of carbohydrates are consumed (70-80 g of sugar is acceptable).

Table number 5 does not prohibit the use table salt. However, the daily amount should not exceed 10 g. Liquid consumption varies from 1.5 liters to 2 liters. The inclusion of xylitol and sorbitol is acceptable. But no more than 25-40 g.

The daily caloric intake is 2800-2900 kcal.

Like any diet, table number 5 is based on the need to eat certain foods. Therapeutic food contains:

  1. Wheat (1st, 2nd grade), Rye bread exclusively yesterday's baked goods. Non-food products with boiled fish, meat, apples, and cottage cheese are allowed. Dry biscuits and long-lasting cookies are included in the diet.
  2. Soups. Vegetables, cereals, fruits, dairy with pasta. Beetroot soup, cabbage soup and borscht are vegetarian. The dressing made from vegetables and flour is only dried, not fried.
  3. Poultry, meat. Lean, without tendons and fascia. Bird without skin. Beef, rabbit, pork, lean lamb, turkey, chicken. Milk sausages, pilaf with meat (boiled), cabbage rolls.
  4. Fish. Only low-fat varieties are acceptable. Baked or boiled.
  5. Dairy products. Kefir, curdled milk, acidophilus, milk. Sour cream as a seasoning. Half-fat cottage cheese. Mild cheese.
  6. Eggs. Baked egg white omelettes. One yolk a day. A soft-boiled egg is acceptable.
  7. Cereals. Any. Oatmeal and buckwheat are especially useful. Boiled pasta.
  8. Vegetables. Varied. Both raw and boiled and stewed. Sauerkraut, not sour cabbage.
  9. Sweets. A variety of berries (exclude sour ones), raw fruits. And also baked and boiled. Kissels, compotes, mousses, jellies, sambucas. Dried fruits. Marmalade, jam, honey, marshmallows, non-chocolate candies.
  10. Beverages. Juices. Coffee with milk. Rosehip decoctions. Tea.

Foods to be excluded

It is necessary to refuse food that can cause harm to the body. The following are excluded from the diet:

  1. Flour products. Avoid fresh bread. Fried pies are prohibited. Pastry, puff pastry.
  2. Broths. Fish, meat, and mushroom soups are contraindicated. Green cabbage soup, okroshka.
  3. Poultry and meat. Fatty varieties. Goose and duck are excluded. Kidneys, liver, brain. Canned food, sausages, smoked meats.
  4. Fish. Fatty types. Canned food. You should not eat smoked or salted fish.
  5. Dairy products. Full fat milk (6%), cream. Spicy cheese. Fat cottage cheese, sour cream.
  6. Eggs. Fried and hard-boiled are prohibited.
  7. Cereals. Legumes.
  8. Vegetables. Sorrel, radish, spinach, green onion, radish, mushrooms, garlic. Pickled vegetables are excluded.
  9. Sweets. Ice cream, products containing cream, chocolate.
  10. Beverages. Cocoa. Black coffee is contraindicated. Cold drinks excluded.

Menu examples

From the above it is clear that table number 5 is quite diverse. Sample menu might look like this:

Day 1

  • First breakfast. Prepare a white omelet. You can add milk rice porridge. A little butter and tea with a slice of lemon.
  • Lunch. Refresh yourself cottage cheese casserole with sour cream.
  • Dinner. Cabbage soup (necessarily vegetarian), boiled meat with stewed carrots. Compote (made from dried fruits).
  • Afternoon snack. Tea (lemon), cookies.
  • Dinner. Prepare a piece of cheese and butter. Mineral water.
  • Before bedtime. A glass of kefir.

Day 2

  • First breakfast. Apple and carrot salad. Milk sauce with cutlets (steamed). Milk coffee.
  • Lunch. One fresh apple.
  • Dinner. Mashed potato soup will give you strength. Boil the fish and stew the cabbage. Fruit or berry jelly.
  • Dinner. Treat yourself to buckwheat groats. Drink mineral water.
  • Before bedtime. A glass of kefir.

Day 3

  • First breakfast. Cottage cheese (sweet) with the addition of sour cream is healthy. Oatmeal milk porridge.
  • Lunch. Bake the apple.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup is recommended. Rice and boiled chicken. Pairs with milk sauce. Fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Juice.
  • Dinner. Prepare mashed potatoes. White sauce. Boiled fish. Rosehip compote.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.

Day 4

  • First breakfast. Pasta with added meat will give you strength. Butter.
  • Lunch. Pamper yourself lazy dumplings with sour cream.
  • Dinner. Potato soup from Hercules will be useful. Stuffed cabbage rolls. You can wash it down with jelly.
  • Afternoon snack. Fresh apples and plums.
  • Dinner. Prepare milk porridge (rice). Cheese. Butter. Wash it down with tea.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.

Day 5

  • First breakfast. Buckwheat porridge is recommended. Cottage cheese. Butter. Milk coffee.
  • Lunch. Bake the apple in the oven.
  • Dinner. Prepare vegetarian borscht. Meat noodle soup with sour cream. Wash it down with berry jelly.
  • Afternoon snack. Have some tea. Complete with cookies.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes will be useful. Vegetable salad. Boiled fish.
  • Before bedtime. A glass of kefir.

Day 6

  • First breakfast. Weld buckwheat porridge. Meat cutlets (steam). Wash it down with lemon tea.
  • Lunch. Prepare Treat yourself with apple jam.
  • Dinner. Milk soup (preferably with pasta). with sour cream. Wash it down with compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit jelly.
  • Dinner. Semolina porridge with the addition of prunes will give you strength. Mineral water.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.

Day 7

  • First breakfast. Boiled potatoes. Herring. Finish your meal with lemon tea.
  • Lunch. Baked apple in the oven.
  • Dinner. Cabbage soup Vermicelli with milk sauce. Cutlets (steam). A glass of compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Rosehip decoction with cookies.
  • Dinner. Prepare cheesecakes. Sour cream. Omelette (white). Mineral water.
  • Before bedtime. Drink a glass of kefir.

It should be understood that this is only an approximate diet. Table number 5, menu, recommendations for food intake, options for cooking food can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Diet for children

During the period of acute hepatitis, the child is usually prescribed table number 5. For children with this disease, diet 5a is more suitable. It allows you to provide good nutrition with pronounced inflammation in the liver and bile ducts.

This diet should be followed throughout acute stage illness. On average, this period lasts about a month and a half. In the future, the diet expands significantly. Over time, the child will be able to return to regular eating.

If necessary, such nutrition should be excluded from the diet. raw fruits, vegetables (ungrated). Meat food is prepared in chopped form. Otherwise, the diet resembles table number 5. The menu, after making adjustments by a nutritionist, may be similar to that presented above. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Table number 5 is characterized not only by the selection of certain products. The method of preparation is important. Pay attention to the temperature of the food being served. Such nuances depend on the specific ailment. Therefore, it is best to discuss recommended table number 5 with your doctor. A diet selected by an experienced specialist will fully comply individual characteristics body.

Potato soup


  • rice - about 100 g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • small onion;
  • broccoli - approximately 50 g;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • salt.


  1. In a saucepan filled with 2 liters cold water, add chopped potatoes.
  2. Rice and chopped onion are also added there. Everything is put on fire.
  3. Finely grated carrots and broccoli florets are added during cooking.
  4. The soup is cooked over low heat. Readiness is determined by vegetables and rice. Just before turning off the soup, you need to add salt.
  5. Before serving, add herbs and vegetable oil to the plate (1 tsp is enough).

Carrot cheesecakes


  • carrots - 50 g;
  • cottage cheese (fat content 9%) - 150 g;
  • semolina - 5 g;
  • butter - about 20 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • wheat flour - 30 g;
  • sugar (about 20 g), salt (pinch).


  1. The carrots are thoroughly chopped. Add butter to the water. The prepared carrots are simmered in this mixture for about 20 minutes. After this add semolina and continue to cook. Be sure to stir.
  2. The mass should be cooled. Then cottage cheese, sugar, salt, egg and most flour.
  3. Cheese pancakes are formed from the kneaded mixture. They should be breaded in the remaining flour. Cheese pancakes are fried in butter.
  4. They are brought to full readiness in the oven.

Caucasian meatballs


  • beef (pulp) - 150 g;
  • prunes (or apricots) - about 10 g;
  • milk - about 2 tbsp. spoon;
  • sour cream - 20 g is enough;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon;
  • 1 egg, salt.


  1. The meat is freed from fat and tendons. It is recommended to pass through a meat grinder twice.
  2. Prunes (apricots) are simmered in water. After removing the seeds from it, cut into thin strips in the form of noodles.
  3. IN chopped meat milk, egg, butter, prepared prune strips are introduced. The mass is salted and thoroughly mixed.
  4. The resulting mixture should be divided into small balls. Bake in the oven until ready. Pour sour cream on top and heat thoroughly.

Fruit salad


  • strawberry, tangerine, banana, kiwi - 30 g each;
  • apples - 50 g;
  • sour cream - about 20 g.


  1. Washed fruits must be peeled.
  2. Bananas and tangerines are cut into pieces. And apples and kiwis - in strips.
  3. The prepared fruits are decorated with strawberries at your own discretion and seasoned with sour cream. Fruit salad ready.

This diet (table number 5), the recipes for which were given above, is prescribed by a doctor along with medication and therapeutic treatment. With long-term adherence to nutritional recommendations, it is possible to get rid of exacerbation and achieve a stage of stable remission.

In addition, patients who adhere to the diet have noted amazing effects on the body. Most of them got rid of extra pounds. At the same time, patients noticed an increase in energy along with a significant improvement in well-being.

Patients diagnosed with liver and biliary tract diseases need to listen to nutritional recommendations. Individuals who have stopped following a diet should avoid consuming prohibited foods. You should not get carried away with strong alcohol, or you should reduce its intake to a minimum.

Ignoring the diet can lead to severe stress on the liver and organs responsible for the production of bile. This will provoke an exacerbation of the disease. And the treatment process will need to start all over again.