Absorbents - what are they? Effective drugs. Pectin sorbent

The content of the article:

Medicine White sorbent promotes adsorption from gastrointestinal tract and removal of exogenous and endogenous toxic substances from the body of various origins(including waste products pathogenic microorganisms, food and bacterial allergens).
Indirectly helps to reduce the manifestations of toxic-allergic reactions, reduce the metabolic load on the detoxification organs (primarily the liver and kidneys), correct metabolic processes and immune status, eliminating imbalances biologically active substances in organism; enhances intestinal motility.

Recommended as a dietary supplement to food - an additional source dietary fiber-enterosorbents to improve functional state gastrointestinal tract.
The main component of these tablets is ultra-fine silicon dioxide, a mineral widely distributed in Europe. In addition to silicon dioxide, white coal contains so-called microcrystalline cellulose fibers and auxiliary substances: powdered sugar, potato starch.
Silicon dioxide binds by adsorption and removes toxins, food and bacterial allergens from the body. Promotes transport from blood and lymph to the gastrointestinal tract toxic products, including alkaloids, glycosides, salts heavy metals.

Indications for use:
The drug White Sorbent is recommended as a dietary supplement to the diet as an additional source of enterosorbents for the purpose of prevention and alleviation of symptoms in:
- food poisoning of various origins (including mushrooms and alcohol);
- acute intestinal infections;
- helminthiasis;
- stomach disorders;
- hepatitis (incl. viral hepatitis A and B);
- renal and liver failure;
- allergic diseases;
- dermatitis endogenous intoxication;
- dysbacteriosis.

Mode of application:
Tablets: taken by adults and children aged 3 years and older: adults and children aged 7 years and older - 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day between meals, washed down drinking water.
Bottles: open the bottle with powder, add boiled water, cooled to room temperature, to the neck (250 ml) and shake thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is formed (one measuring cap of the suspension contains 1.15 g of silicon dioxide). Use by adults and children aged 1 year and older: adults and children aged 1 year and older: adults and children aged 7 years and older - 2 measuring caps of suspension (50ml) 3-4 times a day in between between meals.

Side effects:
Allergic reactions are possible.

The drug is contraindicated:
- individual immunity of the components,
- pregnancy and lactation period,
- peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the acute stage,
- ulcers and erosions of the intestinal mucosa,
- gastric and intestinal bleeding,
- intestinal obstruction.

Interaction with other drugs:
No data.

No data.

Storage conditions:
Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. Store the prepared suspension in a tightly closed bottle at a temperature of (4±2)°C for no more than 32 hours.

Release form:
Tablets 210 mg No. 10.
Bottles of 12±0.5 powder for preparing a suspension.

Compound :
Tablets: 1 tablet contains - main substances: silicon dioxide (210 mg), microcrystalline cellulose; excipients: powdered sugar, potato starch.
Bottles: silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose in a 250 ml bottle.

Consume no earlier than 1 hour before meals.
Caution for consumption by certain categories of the population (children, pregnant women, elderly people, athletes and people with allergies)
Before use, consult a doctor. note for people suffering diabetes mellitus: 1 tablet contains 0.26 g of sucrose (equivalent to 0.026 bread units).

Sorbents for cleansing the body are often used by people to rid the intestines of accumulated toxins, as well as to get rid of intoxication caused by food or industrial poisons.

Why are sorbents used?

To find out why I use sorbents, you need to establish what sorbents are. Sorbents are drugs of natural or synthetic origin that can absorb toxic substances and toxins from the human intestines and stomach, and then remove them from the body. naturally.

The name “sorbents” means suction, which very clearly characterizes their main function.

The uses of these drugs are as follows:

  • infectious intestinal diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.) in adults and children.
  • for allergies, to remove toxins and allergens from the intestines.
  • kidney dysfunction.
  • diseases of the nervous system.
  • diseases of the pancreas and liver (especially when there is a heavy load on it due to the action of toxins).
  • withdrawal syndrome after alcohol or drug abuse.
  • Taking sorbent will also help against overeating.
  • food toxic infections to cleanse the intestines to expel pathogens.

The cleaning properties of sorbents have been known for a long time. These medications are prescribed by doctors in many cases and are even sometimes used to prevent certain diseases, and by girls to lose weight by cleansing the intestines of toxins.


One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use various medications . To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

Sorbent groups

Choosing a sorbent for a specific illness is quite simple, the main thing is to correctly decide on the group of drugs.

There are the following types of sorbents based on their action in the intestines:

  • absorbent - forms a single compound with a toxic substance and is removed from the body, “dragging” toxins with it.
  • adsorbent - absorbs toxins and foreign elements on its surface and accelerates their removal from the intestines.
  • enterosorbents are absorbents and adsorbents together.

The doctor should choose the drug depending on the needs of the body and the type of disease. It is impossible to reliably say which sorbent is the best, but the higher the sorption capacity of the drug, the more it will absorb toxic substances and prevent them from circulating in the blood. The faster the sorbent removes toxins, viruses and bacteria from the intestines, the less of them will enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, poisoning it.

By chemical composition All sorbents are divided into five main groups:

  1. Carbon sorbents.
  2. Ion exchange resins.
  3. Silicon-based sorbents.
  4. Natural sorbents.
  5. Aluminosilicates.

Which sorbents are suitable for a person in a particular case should always be decided by a doctor, since you cannot use the medicine yourself; it can harm the body by eliminating not only toxins and poisons, but also vitamins and minerals.

Release form of sorbents

Sorbents are produced inexpensive, but effective, according to different composition and with additives in the form of lactulose.

The forms of release of sorbent substances are varied:

  • powders;
  • gels;
  • dragee;
  • pills;
  • pastes;
  • granules.

You can always choose the most convenient drug, especially for young children who do not yet know how to swallow tablets.

How to use sorbents correctly?

Sorbents are drugs that require careful use, otherwise they can harm the human body.

It is necessary to take sorbents based on the following requirements:

  1. The doctor should calculate the dose of the drug for each person, taking into account the patient’s weight and illness. The daily dose must be divided into several doses.
  2. It is not recommended to take other medications directly with sorbents; it is better to take a break of 1-2 hours and only drink them afterwards, so that the sorbent substances cannot reduce the effectiveness of the drugs.
  3. Most sorbents must be dissolved in water or washed down well so that they quickly enter the stomach, and from there into the intestines and begin to act.
  4. Regarding meals, it is also better to take a break and take sorbents an hour before or an hour after meals.
  5. If the course of treatment with sorbents is prolonged for a long time, then it is necessary to take additional vitamin complexes.

People of all ages and even newborns can take sorbents, the main thing is to choose the right one the best drugs in a particular case and take the medicine according to the age dosage.

Below we will discuss natural and synthetic sorbents for the intestines, their instructions for use and their effect on the body.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon comes in the form of black tablets for oral use. It is effective against overeating, food poisoning, intestinal infections, and also eliminates excess gastric juice acids.

This product is not expensive, but the price is not its big advantage, since the sorption capacity of coal is very low, which means you will need to take large quantity tablets to achieve the desired result.

Calculate daily dose The drug is like this - for every kilogram of weight a person must take one tablet. The dose can be divided into two or three doses, or can be taken at once if the intoxication is very severe. Also in certain cases daily dosage may be increased to 60 tablets, but this dose is allowed to be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Children can grind the tablets into a black powder and give them plenty of water to drink if they find it difficult to swallow.

Accept Activated carbon It is not worth more than three days, since it does not have a selective ability and removes minerals and vitamins along with toxins.

A well-known drug in pediatric treatment practice intestinal infections and disorders. This sorbent is very popular because it selectively absorbs only foreign organisms and pathogenic microflora without disturbing the intestinal balance. The dosage of the drug largely depends on age:

  • Children under one year of age are advised to consume one sachet of Smecta per day.
  • Children from one to three years old are prescribed two sachets per day.
  • persons over three years of age are allowed to take 3-4 packets of Smecta per day.

The final decision regarding the dosage of the drug must be made by the doctor.

Smecta must be diluted in a glass of water and taken only freshly prepared. The prepared liquid should not sit for a long time.


This is a natural plant sorbent, which is in combination with lactulose, and therefore it helps not only to free the intestines from pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins, but also restores the balance of microflora.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, but it is better to crush them thoroughly, especially if the sorbent is prescribed to a child. Children under one year of age are usually prescribed to take half a Filtrum tablet per day, and children under seven years of age, 1 whole tablet. Adults can take 1-2 tablets per day.

Found excellent application in the field acute poisoning and intestinal infections, chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by intoxication, as well as allergies.

Polyphepan is prescribed at the rate of 0.5-1 g of the drug per 1 kg of weight.

The dosage is as follows:

  • children under one year old - up to one teaspoon per day.
  • children from one to seven years old can take a dessert spoon per day.
  • Children over seven years old and adults drink a tablespoon.

Polyphepan should be mixed in a glass of water and the drink divided into three times. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks and is always determined by a doctor.


This is a silicon preparation in the form of a gel. Silicon has a selective effect, and therefore there is no fear of loss useful microelements. IN childhood Take Enterosgel one teaspoon, and for adults one tablespoon. If intoxication does not go away or gets worse, you can take another dose, but you should always consult a doctor. You are allowed to drink a maximum of four spoons of gel per day.

Polysorb MP

This is also a silicon-based drug, but with a higher sorption capacity. It perfectly removes many toxins, bacteria and viruses. The drug is most often prescribed in 1 tsp dosage. and is taken three times a day. The course of treatment should always be selected by a doctor.


Sorbents of natural origin

There are constantly many substances around a person that can easily and beneficially cleanse the intestines and improve the condition of the body. Finding a natural sorbent is quite simple - you need to eat right, using natural products, and not synthetic substances, and then the body will constantly receive the required dose of sorbents.

Natural sorbents are divided into several main groups:

  1. Pectin sorbents– help form a gel in the intestines by binding water along with toxins and quickly remove all this fluid. Pectin products are easy to find - buckwheat and oatmeal, apples, grapes, plums, oranges, peaches, strawberries, cabbage, beets, carrots, seaweed. Pectins help get rid of many industrial poisons - lead, mercury and remove excess cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  2. Cellulose– found in many vegetables – sorrel, carrots, cabbage, celery, beets, as well as in bran and nuts. It helps to cleanse the intestines well and improve bowel movements for those who have constipation.
  3. Chitin– sorbent that removes fatty acid and cholesterol. Chitin in large quantities found in seafood, as well as certain types mushrooms
  4. Cellulose– lowers sugar and cholesterol levels in the body. The sorbent not only removes harmful substances, but also helps beneficial bacteria multiply faster. Cellulose is found in pears and apples, carrots, celery, broccoli, beets, and cabbage. But while it is still possible to combine these products, you cannot take cellulose preparations together with chitin.

Natural sorbents should be consumed every day in small portions, then the body will not feel the need for help with bowel movements and elimination of toxins.

A person will feel much more cheerful and active, and most importantly, many problems will go away ( skin rash, irritability, malaise, etc.).


You can ask how much any sorbent costs when you go to the pharmacy. Such drugs are not expensive and are sold almost everywhere; you can buy the most affordable sorbent or one recommended by a doctor. The price of the drug largely depends on the packaging (quantity) and the manufacturer, as well as the city in which the sorbent is purchased.

In the table you can see data on the main sorbent preparations in different cities, the cost is indicated in rubles.

Names of sorbents/CityActivated carbonFiltrumEnterosgelPolysorb
Moscow01.02.2025 128-323 71-286 335-518 35-420
Volgograd35-71 163-300 134-287 422-456 155-371
Voronezh01.05.1950 158-306 131-281 422-456 81-367
Krasnoyarsk01.04.1939 149-340 93-244 398-435 52-343

The human body can sometimes be so clogged with waste, toxins or poisonous substances that this has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of many systems. Such aggressive influence often becomes a source of poisoning, allergies, and intoxication. It can lead to diseases of the kidneys, liver, and digestive system. In such situations, the patient is prescribed absorbents. What is it and what are the benefits of such drugs? Let's take a closer look.

Absorbents - what are they?

Since ancient times, such substances have been used to cleanse the human body. However, in the past they looked like medicinal plants. Today, medicines have been created based on these components.

To understand absorbents - what they are and how they work, you need to understand what these medications are. These medications contain substances of artificial or natural origin that perfectly absorb harmful components.

Thus, if you take an absorbent, it will pass through the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the drug will absorb everything from the system and, having neutralized them, will be released naturally.

IN medical practice The most common absorbents are:

  • "Smecta".
  • "Polysorb".
  • "Enterosgel".
  • "Activated carbon".
  • "Sorbex".
  • « White coal».
  • "Polyphepan".
  • "Sorbolong".

In addition to preventive cleansing, these medications have clear medical indications.

Prescription of drugs

Their use is indicated for:

  1. This condition is caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body.
  2. Poisoning. The medication helps cope with intoxication caused by for various reasons. Absorbents are effective for poisoning stale food, chemicals, alcohol, various denatured alcohols.
  3. Psoriasis. The development of the disease is dictated mainly by allergic components.
  4. Atherosclerosis. The pathology is associated with insufficient fat metabolism, which results in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  5. Gastrointestinal ailments. Medicines effectively cope with the symptoms of diseases accompanied by the circulation of bacteria or toxic substances in the body. They are prescribed for flatulence and dyspeptic syndrome.
  6. Oncological diseases. They are especially useful after a course of chemotherapy.
  7. Allergic manifestations.

Types of medicines

Absorbent preparations are classified according to the active substance:

  1. Activated natural coal. This group includes a number of medications: “Carbolong”, “Carbolen”. And of course, this category includes the medicine Activated Carbon, the most famous and popular absorbent.
  2. Silicon-containing preparations. These include “White Coal”, “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel”.
  3. Potassium-magnesium drugs. The following drugs are included in this category: Almagel, Phosphalugel, Gastal.
  4. Medicines containing medicinal clay. The representative of the group is the medicine “Smecta”.
  5. Products based on natural sorbents: cellulose, pectin.

Now let's look at the most popular drugs.

Medicine "Activated carbon"

Exactly this known remedy. Many medicines are produced based on it. It is recommended to use the following absorbents in case of poisoning:

  • products;
  • medicines;
  • alkaloids;
  • various chemical compounds;
  • various aggressive substances.

In addition, the medicine “Activated carbon” helps with:

  • flatulence;
  • dyspepsia;
  • asthma;
  • cirrhosis;
  • dermatitis.

The drug "Enterosgel"

The product belongs to silicon-containing drugs. These absorbents are used to cleanse the body.

The medicine "Enterosgel" is prescribed to patients in need of correction of various pathological conditions:

  • infectious-toxic liver diseases;
  • kidney ailments;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergic manifestations.

The drug is effective in the treatment of intoxications, infectious diseases, diarrhea, various skin pathologies, and dysbacteriosis.

Medicine "Smecta"

This effective medicine, different high level security. The medicine "Smecta" can be used even for babies up to one year old.

The drug is prescribed mainly for the correction of chronic or acute diarrhea of different nature. It is effectively used to eliminate bloating and heartburn. The medicine allows you to eliminate negative symptoms caused by ulcers, colitis, gastritis.

The drug "Polifepan"

This is an excellent medicine that has excellent sorption qualities and pronounced detoxifying properties.

The medicine effectively promotes removal from the body:

  • various bacterial particles;
  • poisons;
  • toxins;
  • alcohol;
  • medicines;
  • metals

The medication eliminates excess metabolic products such as bilirubin, urea, cholesterol.


So, now you know, when it comes to absorbents, what they are. These drugs can eliminate unpleasant consequences almost all poisonings occurring in any degree of complexity. They, entering digestive system, bind all intoxicating substances and eliminate them. Thus, the patient’s body is cleansed, painful symptoms are eliminated, and the condition is normalized.

However, do not forget that absorbents are medicines. Along with the advantages listed above, they have contraindications and can lead to side effects. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor and choose the most suitable remedy for you.

Currently human body subject to many unpleasant and negative impacts on the body - the solution is the best sorbents for removing toxins.

Types of sorbents

Many have wondered which sorbent is better? First you need to understand what a sorbent is. Sorbents are considered to be those substances that are able to “attach” to harmful substances and neutralize them, subsequently removing them from the body. What do sorbents remove? Toxins, waste, heavy metal salts. Sorbents are widely used in medicine when toxins enter the body.

They are also used in production to ensure safety environment from the entry of harmful substances into it. Sorbents have a beneficial effect on humans and contribute to overall good health and increasing life expectancy.

Description of the following groups of sorbents by characteristics:

  • Ionites. They use ion exchange processes, after which harmful substances are neutralized.
  • Chemical absorbers. Join a certain chemical reaction with substances.
  • Absorbents. They “attach” toxins to themselves.
  • Adsorbents. They are absorbers of unfavorable substances.

Also distinguished special group- enterosorbents. These are special medicines for cleansing the body, as well as helping to restore the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. They work on the principle of binding, after which they are released along with toxins naturally. Effectively act on pathogenic substances, breakdown products of alcohol, expired food and various toxic substances, including toxins. Enterosorbents are an excellent solution if you need to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract without external intervention (enemas, gastric lavage, etc.). For a more extensive understanding of the field of influence of enterosorbents, it is worth looking at the table below.

Colon cleansing products

If you experience heaviness in the abdomen, a weakening of general well-being, malaise and simply a pale skin color, you should take into account that this may be a consequence of intestinal clogging with toxins, which in turn are not excreted very easily, but there is a way out - sorbents. Also, symptoms of a polluted intestine may include the smell of rotten breath and a characteristic coating on the tongue, excessive sweating, skin rashes in the form of acne and migraines without good reason. In this situation, enterosorbents also help, because the principle of action is almost the same, but the goal is the same - removing toxins from the body. These medications should always be kept in home medicine cabinet in case of mild poisoning or just as a prophylactic

for the whole family.

during toxicosis. Helps remove harmful microorganisms from the intestines. Helps relieve heartburn. Often prescribed after suffering from liver and kidney diseases, intoxication, dysbacteriosis.

Sorbents in tablets Most often, people buy sorbents in the form of tablets due to their easy to use . The principle of action of the tablets is simple and clear: when it enters the human stomach, the tablet begins to dissolve under the influence of stomach acid, which is why active substance gets into the stomach, and does not remain on the walls oral cavity

. After completing this algorithm of actions, the substance that was inside the capsule begins to act, namely, absorb toxic substances in the stomach.

Sorbents preparations:

It has some design advantages over conventional tablets. The shell is made of special substances, which begin to disintegrate due to moisture and heat, causing the sorbent to go where it belongs - into the stomach. When taking tablets in capsules, it is worth remembering that you need to wash them down copious amounts water to prevent difficulty drinking.

Unlike a regular tablet, the action begins a little slower. It is recommended for children, as hard tablets are a little more difficult to swallow.

Sorbents for children

. Prescribed to cleanse the body.

What is the best sorbent? Reply to this question no, because Each human body and the intoxication that happens to it is unique. Each of the above sorbents is in some way worthy of the title of the best.

is a group of drugs that can absorb and retain particles of gaseous and liquid substances. In medicine they are used to remove allergens, microorganisms, poisonous and toxic components from the intestinal lumen or from the wound cavity (less commonly).

Absorbents are necessary to eliminate the following pathological conditions:

Types and list of absorbent drugs

Absorbents differ in nature:

  • carbon (activated carbon);
  • organosilicon (“Polysorb”);
  • with magnesium and/or aluminum ions (“Almagel”);
  • based on polyvinylpyrrolidone and iodine (“Enterodes”);
  • containing lignin and/or cellulose (“Polifan”);
  • based on smectite (“Smecta”);
  • containing zeolite (“Bactistatin”).

Activated carbon

This is a drug natural origin, which is non-toxic. It is not absorbed in the intestine and is excreted feces, coloring them in dark color. The drug is safe for pregnant and lactating women and is approved for use in pediatrics.

The use of coal is effective for poisoning caused by various reasons (poor food, medications, alcohol), and digestive disorders.

But there are also contraindications: hypersensitivity to the product (allergy), the presence of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and gastric bleeding.

"Polysorb MP"

"Polysorb" acts not only in the intestinal lumen, but also participates in osmotic processes: this agent promotes movement from the blood and lymph to the gastrointestinal tract toxic substances, showing complex impact on the body. The drug is not absorbed by the intestinal walls. The powder must be diluted with water before use.

Indicated for food poisoning, infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea, as well as viral hepatitis.

“Smecta” not only has an absorption effect, but also stabilizes the mucous barrier of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the amount of mucus.

Indications for use: acute or chronic diarrhea, pain syndrome for intestinal diseases.

The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction, fructose intolerance. Approved for use by pregnant women, lactating women and children from birth.


The drug is available in powder form, which must be diluted in 50 ml cold water. It acts in the intestinal lumen and is excreted unchanged. Used as aid for acute infectious diseases gastrointestinal infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, food toxic infections.

The drug may cause a short-term feeling of nausea, which quickly disappears and should not serve as a reason for withdrawal. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Ukrainian drug, analogue – Polysorb. It can be used both internally (acts in the intestines) and externally - applied to the wound. Absorbs toxic substances, waste products of microorganisms.

Indications include acute intestinal diseases, hepatitis, presence purulent wounds and burns.

Contraindicated in individual intolerance facilities, peptic ulcer disease digestive organs, erosive lesions intestines, intestinal obstruction. Not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Features of the use of absorbents

  • With simultaneous use of drugs different groups with absorbents, it is necessary to observe a break between doses of drugs: absorbents are capable of absorbing not only harmful substances, but also medications. Therefore, it is worth using them 1-1.5 hours before or after taking the main product.
  • Absorbents can remove vitamins and microelements from the body, so the treatment period should not exceed 5-7 days.
  • To nutrients from food into the blood, you need to use sorbents between meals.
  • The use of absorbents must be accompanied obligatory use water (up to 2-2.5 liters of water per day) to avoid dehydration.

Below we will consider the advisability of using absorbents in individual cases.

In case of poisoning

Regardless of which group the absorbent belongs to, the most effective technique the remedy will be available in the first hour after consuming poor-quality food, alcohol, medicine. This is explained by the fact that molecules of toxic substances are quickly absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the blood. If symptoms of intoxication are detected early, then almost any absorbent will help - from the latest generation of drugs.

But it is not always possible to quickly track the development of unfavorable processes in the body. All absorbents act only in the intestinal lumen and are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so there is no point in using them if more than 2-3 hours have passed after poisoning, when toxins have already entered the bloodstream. In this case, hemodialysis will help.

Treatment with absorbents at home should not last long: if the symptoms of poisoning (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) do not disappear within 12-24 hours, you should urgently seek qualified medical help.

To cleanse the body

Absorbents of natural origin containing activated carbon (Sorbex), lignin (Filtrum-STI) or smectite (Smecta) are suitable for purification.

It is necessary to use absorbents with caution to cleanse the body: since these drugs remove and useful material(vitamins, minerals), then the period of their use should not exceed 7 days. In this case, you need to replenish the missing substances by taking multivitamin complexes.

To maintain a healthy balance of microflora, it is recommended to use. Or use sorbents that additionally contain nutritional substances beneficial bacteria, for example, “Lactofiltrum” (contains lactulose), “Acipol Active” (with).

For allergies

Absorbents are capable of binding allergen particles and immune complexes, resulting from allergic reaction. Due to this, the body is able to recover faster and accelerate detoxification processes.

For weight loss

But the use of absorbents for weight loss is a myth. The effect of reducing volumes occurs due to the banal ability of drugs to eliminate manifestations increased gas formation. The bloating is eliminated - the waist size is “decreased”. Of course, for general cleansing of the intestines, you can use sorbents for a while. But to lose weight, it’s worth reconsidering and possibly changing your lifestyle.

For children

Not all absorbents are suitable for use in pediatrics - this is directly stated in the instructions for the drug. IN in case of emergency(for example, on vacation, where there is no hospital nearby), you can give the child a sorbent of natural origin, following the dosage (usually it is 1.5-2 times lower than for an adult), fractionally throughout the day. But, if your baby shows symptoms of poisoning, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible: children's body more sensitive to microbial invasions.

Usually, poisoning is easier and simpler to prevent than to treat: it is enough to pay attention to the quality of food (and alcohol) consumed, observe hygiene and safety measures when working with chemicals.