Adam's root from spoilage - traditional medicine. Biologically active substances

Preparation recipes and methods of treatment with Adam's root are aimed at treating pathologies of a different spectrum: from stomach ulcers to diseases genitourinary system. The use of preparations based on this plant has a tonic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of thamus in medicine has a long history. Behind long years Many recipes have been created for its use both internally and for rubbing. Traditionally, the plant is used to prepare tinctures, ointments and balms.

Useful properties of the plant

Tamus is one of the potent ingredients enriched with many useful elements.It is used in therapy various diseases thanks to the following components contained in it:

  • tannins that have anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects;
  • oxalic acid, which prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the body;
  • carotenoids, which have a blood purifying effect and promote the synthesis of vitamin A, necessary for normalizing metabolism in the body;
  • polysaccharides that have a beneficial effect on the patient’s blood sugar level;
  • alkaloids necessary to activate blood circulation;
  • formic acid, which produces a bactericidal effect, relieving the skin of acne, bruises, wound marks, etc.

Thamus has a multidisciplinary effect and can be used in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, respiratory system, skin. But most often this plant is used as an ingredient in drugs for the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • sprains;
  • soft tissue hematomas, etc.

The strong action of the component makes it an indispensable ingredient in the manufacture medical supplies. But it should be remembered that he is a representative poisonous plants, and therefore requires precautions when using it. It is unacceptable to use the ingredient “by eye”, in larger volumes than stated in the recipe, for greater effect.

The use of thamus-based products is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. The specialist determines the dosage of the medicine, which the patient must strictly adhere to so as not to cause harm to the weakened body.

Before using the drug, a test is carried out allergic reaction patient per component. You need to apply a small amount of the prepared product to your wrist. The appearance of irritation in this area after some time indicates intolerance to the plant.

Tincture recipes

It is popular to use the plant as an ingredient for drugs aimed at treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These products are intended for external use only and have a warming effect on diseased areas. To prepare a classic tincture, you need to combine the crushed plant and vodka in proportions of 200 g per 0.5 l. The composition is infused for 12 days in a cool, dark place. A prerequisite for preparing an effective drug is periodic shaking of the composition and avoiding contact with direct sunlight. After this period, the tincture is filtered. The prepared product is used as a rub before bedtime. It is necessary to treat the affected areas and then wrap them with a warm cloth.

To treat diseased joints, rub with Adam's root is used. You need to combine 50 g of crushed plant and 0.5 liters of sunflower oil. The mixture is infused for at least 10 days, stirring occasionally. Ready product in large quantities rubbed into the affected areas, which are wrapped with a warm cloth.

To reduce the intensity of inflammation of the appendages, eliminate cystic formations in the ovaries the use of a simple tincture of thamus is indicated. To prepare it, the crushed component is mixed with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1 tbsp. by 0.5 l. The compound is infused for 10 days in a cool, dark place. The drink, strained and diluted with water, is taken 3 times a day after meals.

For the treatment of polyps and the prevention of endometrial cancer, it is recommended to use tincture of thamus. To prepare it, 0.5 tsp. The crushed plant is mixed with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. The cooled and strained drink is taken several times a day after meals. For greater effectiveness, drinking the drink in courses is recommended: 3 weeks - use, 1 week - break.

To reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in bladder, use wine tincture. To prepare it, 100 g of crushed root is poured into 1 liter of dry red wine and left for several days in a cool, dark place. The strained drink is taken 1 tbsp. several times a day after meals until unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The use of Adam's root is also effective in the process of restoring the body after a stroke. You need to mix 1 tbsp. main ingredient with 300 ml of vodka and leave for at least 10 days. The patient drinks the liquid, filtered and diluted with water, 25 drops 2 times a day after meals. It is recommended to use the drug in courses according to the following scheme: 1 month - use, 2 weeks - break.

Ointments and poultices

Treatment of joint diseases is unthinkable without the use of ointments based on Adam's root. By classic recipe you need to grind the main ingredient on a fine grater, then mix it thoroughly with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:10. The product is applied with gentle movements to the affected areas, which are wrapped in a warm cloth. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to use it at night.

Tamus-based ointment is indicated for warming up and eliminating pain in the back and neck. To prepare it, you can use a homemade tincture or a ready-made product from a pharmacy. The crushed plant is mixed with eucalyptus oil, lavender, propolis and petroleum jelly until a creamy consistency is formed. Before use, the product is heated and rubbed in a circular motion into the affected areas. After this, the treated area is wrapped in a warm towel and left for several hours. The product is used until the pain completely disappears.

In addition to the warming effect, thamus has a resolving effect. To prepare a mixture for hematomas, 1 tbsp. crushed main ingredient is combined with 1 glass of water and placed on low heat for 30 minutes. The infused and cooled decoction is applied to the hematomas for several hours.

Thamus has a beneficial effect on the skin. To smooth and lighten the skin after ulcers and other injuries, it is necessary to mix equal quantities of fresh crushed plant, lentils, fenugreek and boil them in olive oil before steaming. The cooled broth is applied to the cleaned surface until the skin tone is evened out.

For the treatment of eczema and quick removal for warts, use a mixture mixed with boric ointment. It is necessary to combine crushed thamus and hellebore roots in equal quantities, to which 3% boric ointment is added until a thick consistency is formed. The mixture is applied with gentle movements to the affected areas several times a day until the ulcers are completely eliminated.

Adam's root is a fairly common medicinal plant that has both beneficial properties and side effects. It is used in the preparation of lotions, tinctures, ointments, since the effectiveness of treating any disease increases significantly. Positive reviews about the use of Adam's root in folk medicine are fully true. But there are a number of recipes that can really help you.

For many centuries, traditional medicine has been collecting a first aid kit from natural plants, which can very quickly heal the human body. Over the past few years, the leader of the top ten medicinal herbs Adam's root is marked. People call it as:

  • Thamus vulgaris or Bryonia alba;
  • fire root or snake root;
  • unavailable

You can find such a plant exclusively in the mountain rocky forests of the Caucasus and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

What does Adam's root look like?

The appearance of the fire root is close to a creeping vine reaching a length of up to five meters. Today, you can purchase the presented collection at any pharmacy, but it is best to collect herbs yourself at certain periods of time.

Why is it called such a unique interpretation of “Adam’s Root”? The appearance of the name is directly related to the biblical characters Adam and Eve. The myth tells that Adam, having sprained his ankle, pushed Eve to search for a medicine that could relieve the pain and heal the abrasion. While searching, the girl found the root of a bush from Garden of Eden and applied it to Adam's abrasion. So, from time immemorial, traditional medicine has been producing tinctures, poultices and ointments from the Thamus root to help alleviate the resulting illness or wound.

Healing properties of white Bryonia in folk medicine

Each disease causes some discomfort, which may be accompanied by pain, inflammation or bleeding, swelling, bone and soft fabric. To eliminate such ailments, traditional medicine advises using Adam's root.

He is endowed with an incredible amount useful microelements, which eliminate the most severe forms diseases due to:

  1. Carotenoids. Promotes the production of vitamin A, which is responsible for the function of cleaning blood in blood vessels.
  2. Tanning elements. Responsible for relieving inflammation and stopping blood during major bleeding.
  3. Polysaccharides. Helpers control the required level of sugar in the human body. A similar element is necessary for patients suffering from diabetes.
  4. Oxalic acid. Acts as a blocker against harmful microelements entering the body.
  5. Formic acid. A bactericidal agent that helps to cleanse the skin of rashes, abrasions and bruises in the shortest possible time.
  6. Alkaloids. Enzymes that improve brain function.
  7. Fatty oil. It has a beneficial effect on nerve endings.
  8. Kumarinov. Elements that fight against dandruff and relieve the inflammatory effect (acne treatment).

Such a wide range medicinal properties allows the use of Adam's root in the treatment of ailments of various nature ranging from skin defects to rheumatism and radiculitis. Since the components it contains have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitumor, tonic, and restorative effects when used.

Application of Adam's root in the field of traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of the fire root are used in traditional and folk medicine. Extensive micronutrient content of this plant In folk medicine, even at home, it allows you to relieve or cure the following diseases:

  1. Varicose veins The disease affects 30% of the population. It is Adam's root that allows you to strengthen the venous vessels, for excellent blood functionality, avoiding problems with swelling of the limbs.
  2. Heart ailments. By consuming snake root tincture, blood pressure is restored, normalizing the functioning of the heart muscle to its normal limit. Restoring work circulatory system It has great importance For human body. Many diseases begin precisely because of such problems. That's why regular use tinctures will allow you to quickly tone all blood vessels.
  3. Hip joint. In case of illness in such an area, taking Adam's root is a must; this plant will relieve inflammation, swelling and pain like no other. Are you prone to rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, sciatica? Eliminate problems painlessly through external or oral administration unavailable. Positive reviews about the use of Adam's root in folk medicine confirm its effectiveness. If you really want to be treated with this plant, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  4. Respiratory system. When moving from season to season, people are often exposed to acute respiratory infections or colds, accumulating harmful bacteria in the lungs. To remove such microorganisms, traditional medicine recommends taking tinctures from Adam's root. He is also an assistant to patients suffering from pneumonia, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

Treatment of female diseases

IN modern world a downward trend has been observed reproductive system in women, for this reason, the pregnancy rate fell several times. To solve a seemingly hopeless situation, Adam's root is recommended by traditional medicine, you only need daily use to restore hormonal levels.

It is believed that consuming thamus tincture 2 times a day can reduce infertility by several tens of percent. In practice traditional medicine There have been cases where a woman, after a course Adam's root, was fertilized without surgical intervention and IVF.

The use of Adam's root in folk medicine is fully confirmed by positive reviews. If you really want to get rid of health problems, then you can choose best option treatment using the presented herb.

Treatment of complex diseases can be carried out as an additional treatment. That is, you can visit a doctor, take pills and medications, and use tinctures and decoctions as auxiliary components.

Treatment women's diseases is of great importance, especially in modern realities. Many doctors prescribe the use of decoctions and tinctures based on variety of herbs, and these include the Adam's root.


Traditional medicine uses Thamus vulgaris exclusively in medicinal purposes. It can be used both externally and orally. For external use, Adam's root is ground to a finely shaped form, mixed with Vaseline or boric ointment. The resulting consistency is used to apply ointment to the affected areas of the skin, making lotions or compresses. The ointment is also suitable for rubbing the body before a massage. Eczema and warts can be cured with this consistency.

The oral version of Adam's root requires special care during use as the plant is poisonous.

To prepare the tincture at home you need:

  1. Place the finished dry root in a dark container.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol-containing drink. The product must be infused for 12 days.

The resulting tincture can be taken orally, but with the recommendation of a doctor. The tincture is also relevant for external use; it is used for rubbing sore joints or in places of bruises.

Following the positive reviews about the use of Adam's root in folk medicine, one can easily note its effectiveness. The most important thing is to prepare the tincture correctly.

In folk medicine, the root was tested in a third treatment option - in the form of poultices. To prepare such a procedure, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of the root with boiling water and cover the mixture for 5 minutes. After a certain interval, the water is drained, the plant is wrapped in a rag or gauze and applied to painful areas. For quick results, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Features of the plant

It can cure a wide range of ailments that may have tormented you for many years. In practice, plants in three types of treatment have confirmed their healing against diseases:

  1. Digestive tract.
  2. Respiratory system.
  3. Female and male reproductive systems.
  4. Vessels and heart.
  5. Musculoskeletal system.

However, when preparing snake root, be careful and observe all proportions so as not to harm your body, because the plant contains toxic elements that may not contribute to healing, but on the contrary, worsen the condition of your body. By rationally consuming Adam's root, you provide your body with strong protection against the listed diseases.

The plant can be used in different variations and for the prevention of the body, the main thing is to maintain the correct proportions. Traditional medicine is rich in herbs, which are more effective in their content than a medicinal solution. Take advantage of what nature gives us. Positive reviews about the use of Adam's root in folk medicine indicate that not many people are suitable for such therapy. It is imperative to consult with specialists.

Adam's root and preparations from it

There is a legend that when Adam twisted his leg and bruised his knee, Eve treated him with this plant, hence the name: Adam's root. This is, of course, just a legend, and this plant has plenty of names: inaccessible, white bryonia, white step, thamus, fire root. But does it really matter what the plant is called? What matters is that Adam’s root will relieve any pain. If you look for it in pharmacies, most often it will have the name white bryonia. The most medicinal properties of Bryonia (Adam's root) are the roots, which contain a lot of different useful substances. So, for what diseases will Adam’s root relieve pain and help get rid of them? Since ancient times, tincture of Adam's root has been used for paralysis, epilepsy, gout, heart disease, and constipation. The powder from them is used externally for abscesses, trophic ulcers, weeping diathesis, from warts. Also, tincture and decoction are used for stomach and intestinal ulcers, diabetes mellitus, the pressure drops very gently. But Adam’s root best relieves pain in rheumatism, osteochondrosis, after fractures, sprains, dislocations and other joint and muscle pain.

Adam's root application:

Mode of application:

Tincture. Externally. For rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, joint diseases.

Pour 200 grams of crushed root into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 12 days in a dark container, in a dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Rub the tincture on the sore spots at night, warming them with woolen clothing.

Poultices. For rheumatism, sciatica.

Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of crushed roots for 5 minutes, wrap the roots in gauze, apply to sore spots for 30-60 minutes 2-3 times a day.

1) Tincture for the treatment of all external sore spots: pour dry Adam’s root with vodka (1:10). Insist for ten days. Store in a dark place. Adam's root itself can be stored in dry form for three years, and the tincture can be stored for five years. Rub the tincture where it hurts.

2) When bronchial asthma: grind the dry root and mix 30 grams with 300 grams butter and 300 grams of honey. Take the mixture 2-3 times a day, one teaspoon after meals.

3) Not only will Adam’s root relieve pain, but it can also be called the enemy of ovarian cysts and inflammation of the appendages: pour 70% alcohol or strong moonshine (0.5 liters) into a tablespoon of crushed dry root. Leave for ten days. For one course you need to prepare three bottles of tincture. Drink a tablespoon with a third glass of water half an hour after meals three times a day.

4) For strokes: pour a tablespoon of Adam's root with 300 ml of vodka, leave for seven to ten days, strain. Take 25 drops with 1/3 glass of water after meals in the morning and evening. After a month of taking it, take a two-week break. Take 2-3 courses in total.

5) Adam's root is also used as an antitumor agent: brew half a teaspoon of the roots with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. After meals, take a tablespoon 2-3 times a day, for cancer for three weeks. Take a week break and repeat the treatment.

Remember that in case of an overdose of Adam's root, the plant is poisonous; strictly adhere to the dosage.

Other recipes:

Tincture from the root is used as an external remedy for resolving bruises and healing wounds. A tincture is prepared from 200 grams of the root poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. Keep the composition in a dark place for 5 days. Used as an external remedy.

Here is a recipe for its use in bronchial asthma:

Grind 30 grams of dry root, mix with 300 g of honey and 300 g of butter. Take the mixture 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Adam's root is popularly called “the enemy of the cyst”! He is especially an enemy of ovarian cysts and inflammation of the appendages!

In folk medicine the following recipe is used:

Various hyperplastic processes in the endometrium, endometrial polyps are a precancerous condition, cancer of the uterine body (endometrium) is the most common pathology of female diseases in gynecological oncology, accounting for more than 40 percent! “Adam's root” will help in such cases.

As an antitumor plant, Adam's Root is used as follows:

“Adam’s root” is also called a paralysis herb - it helps with strokes:

1 tablespoon per 300 ml. vodka, leave for 7-10 days. Strain. Take 25 drops with 1/3 glass of water in the morning and evening after meals. Course 1 month. Break 2 weeks. Repeat 2-3 courses. For strokes, do not forget about Mordovnik, Dioscorea, Ginkgo, Sophora, Mistletoe, Datura, Arnica.

Tincture for rubbing all external sore spots:

Dry root 1:10 parts vodka. Leave for 10 days. Store in a dark place. Shelf life - 3 years, tinctures - 5 years. Can be prepared for rubbing and oil: 10% Vaseline or sunflower oil. This ointment should be stored in the refrigerator and warmed up before use.

Adam's root tincture (130 ml)

Pharmacy name: thamus root - Tami communis rhizoma.

In folk medicine, this plant occupies a special position among other types of medicinal plants.

The use of preparations from tamus rhizomes is versatile and effective.

Medicines based on medicinal plant– Adam’s root – are widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine. On pharmacy shelves you can find not only dried Adam’s root, but also ready-made medicine (ointment, tincture, balm). This herbal medicinal raw material is also added to complex preparations.

In this article, let's take a closer look at how Adam's root will help cope with joint diseases, and also tell you about homemade recipes from Adam's root for treating joints.

You can find more than one on the pharmacy shelf medicine, which includes the Adam's root

What kind of plant is this

Adam's root is a plant from the liana family, which differs from other representatives by the presence of small red berries. Of all parts of the plant, only the root is used for treatment, from which tinctures, decoctions, ointments, balms and others are prepared. dosage forms both in traditional and folk medicine.

Among other names of this plant you can find the following: common thamus, white step, fire root, white bryonia, lepshura. Outwardly it looks like a climbing vine with stems up to 4 meters long, which are covered with sharp thorns. The leaves have a pentagonal shape and a rough surface. The roots of the plants are thick, turnip-shaped, dark brown in color, and white in cross section.

This plant grows in southern latitudes. It can be found in Europe, the Caucasus, and Asia. As already mentioned, only the root is used for medicinal purposes; the remaining parts of the plant are poisonous. The roots are harvested in the autumn. The preparation process is very simple. The peeled root is cut into thin slices and dried on outdoors in the shadow.

Medicinal properties and uses

The ability to use the root of this plant in medical purposes due to its unique and rich chemical composition. In the pulp of the roots you can find:

  • tannins,
  • vegetable resins,
  • essential oils,
  • alkaloids,
  • coumarin substances,
  • phytosteroids,
  • glycosidic compounds,
  • fatty acid,
  • various microelements,
  • brinolic acid,
  • histamine-like substances.

Thanks to such a rich composition, medicines based on Adam’s root have excellent anti-inflammatory, local irritant, decongestant, analgesic, antiseptic, and regenerating effects. In addition, a large number of microelements restores mineral metabolism in bone tissue.

Only the root of Thamus vulgaris is used in medicine, the rest of the plant is poisonous

Medicines prepared on the basis of Adam's root are taken orally in the form of tinctures, decoctions, and are also used for local treatment(ointments, balms, lotions, rubs, compresses).

Adam's root will help cope with the following diseases of the joints and other structures of the musculoskeletal system:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • gouty arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis and others degenerative lesions spine;
  • traumatic lung damage degree (soft tissue bruises, ligament and muscle sprains, joint dislocations);
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • heel spur;
  • bursitis of various localizations.

In addition, there are many more indications for treatment with medications based on this plant, for example, varicose veins lower limbs and thrombophlebitis, acute bronchitis, peptic ulcer stomach, hemorrhoids, cystitis, skin diseases, erectile disfunction in men.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is important to know! Ingest medications prepared according to folk recipes, is not recommended, since if the dose is exceeded, the drug becomes poisonous and can only cause harm. Adam's root should only be used for preparing medicines for topical use.

Below are the most popular recipes folk remedies based on thamus.


To prepare an alcoholic tincture of Adam's root you will need:

  • 200 grams of dried root, which can be bought at a pharmacy;
  • 500 ml 40% vodka.

Place crushed thamus roots in a transparent glass container and fill it with alcohol. Cover the container tightly with a lid and place to infuse in a cool, dark place for 10 days. There is no need to strain the drug after preparation.

This tincture can be stored for quite a long time - for 3 years. It is usually used to rub sore joints. You need to do this procedure once a day until the pain subsides. After rubbing, the joint must be wrapped in a warm cloth.

There is another recipe for removing pain syndrome in the joints. To do this, you need to steam the crushed root in boiling water. Then the resulting mass should be wrapped in clean gauze and applied to the sore joint. You need to keep this compress until the raw material cools completely. The procedure must be repeated once a day until the symptoms of joint inflammation subside.

Mono can be purchased at a pharmacy and ready-made alcohol tincture Adam's root


It is very difficult to prepare a balm at home, so it is better to use ready-made dosage forms. The most popular and effective for joint health are balms prepared according to Dr. Kurshov’s recipe. There are two versions of this balm based on Adam’s root: “Warming” and “Regenerating”.

The first option is indicated for inflammation, injury and acute pain in the joint. It allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate swelling, redness, swelling, and relieve sharp pain, restore normal blood circulation, relieve pathological muscle spasm and eliminate inflammation. In addition to Adam's root extract, it contains camphor and capsaicin.

The “restorative” balm contains ingredients that help restore damaged joint structures, for example, bischofite, chondroitin and glucosamine.

The balm is applied as follows. Need to rub in medicinal composition into the sore joints with massage in a circular motion for several minutes until the medicine is completely absorbed by the skin. You need to repeat such procedures 2 times a day for 10-14 days. You can use 2 types of balm at the same time, which will only increase the effectiveness of treatment.


For cooking medicinal ointment will be needed fresh root thamus, which must be ground on a grater or using a blender into a paste. Then the resulting mixture is mixed with Vaseline in a ratio of one to ten. It is better to store the ointment in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

You need to rub the ointment composition into the sore joints using circular massage movements. Use 2-3 times a day until the pain subsides.

Contraindications to treatment

There are few prohibitions on the use of recipes based on Adam's root. Among them:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the medicinal product;
  • children under 5 years of age;
  • oncological pathology of any localization.

Among side effects When using products based on Adam's root externally, possible skin burns and allergic dermatitis should be noted.

Ointments, tinctures, balms and other medicines from Adam's root are successfully used in the treatment of many diseases, including joints. But before using them, whatever they are miraculous properties this medicinal plant, it would not hurt to consult a specialist about the advisability of such therapy.

When it comes to joint and musculoskeletal problems, the question of a suitable and natural remedy that can soothe painful sensations and get rid of inflammation, swelling ceases to be idle.

Great amount modern drugs promises to restore mobility and restore cartilage. Doctors often use corticosteroids and antibiotics to relieve inflammatory processes, which cannot but affect the body as a whole.

On the other hand, in folk medicine there is an ingredient that people resort to when their back or knees give them no rest. The plant Thamus vulgaris, or Adam's root, is cultivated in Russia in the form of pharmaceutical raw materials and ornamental plant. It has received great use in folk medicine due to its wide range of healing properties.

The plant is also called fire root, inaccessible, lepshura and sebaceous root. The last name comes from the oily core of thamus rhizomes, which are medicinal raw materials. The wild form of thamus grows in Europe and Central Asia; thamus can also be found in the Caucasus, which is why it has another nickname: “Caucasian ginseng.” Tamus prefers the outskirts of forests and mountain slopes.

The healing properties of thamus lie in the long and powerful roots with which this vine is tightly intertwined with other plants. It is very difficult to obtain thamus root; you will have to work hard. Under the brown top layer there is a white oily core.

Thamus leaves, stems, flowers and fruits for cooking medicinal drugs do not apply. Moreover, the collector needs to properly protect the skin, otherwise you can get unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation on exposed areas of the body.

One of the common forms of the drug based on Adam's root is tincture. It is prepared in different concentrations, depending on the method of further use. Tincture for internal use has a significantly lower concentration of substances than the option for external rubbing.

The drug contains essential oils, alkaloids, tannins and coumarins, histamine-like and glycosidic compounds, brinolic and fatty acids. Thamus rhizomes also contain phytosterols and plant resins.

Adam's root is an excellent antiseptic, analgesic and hemostatic drug. It effectively relieves inflammation and helps tissues recover after injuries.

Medicinal properties of Adam's root

Thamus rhizomes contain large amounts of beneficial features, which have repeatedly shown their effectiveness in practice. Adam's root is capable of:

  • Promotes activation of the regenerating properties of tissues;
  • Relieve inflammation;
  • Stops bleeding;
  • Has a vasodilating effect;
  • It has a tonic and restorative effect on the body as a whole;
  • Inhibits the development of tumors;
  • Antioxidant effect.

Thanks to the presence fatty acids, essential oils, vitamins and microelements, fiery or Adam's root treats joint problems such as:

  • The consequences of limb injuries are dislocations and subluxations, sprains, bruises, calluses.
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Neoplasms such as heel spurs;

The medicine has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect. They shoot well painful sensations, has a local increase in blood microcirculation.

Joint tincture recipe

Like any natural remedy Adam's root implies long-term use of the drug in courses. This may be 1-1.5 months, when you will have to methodically use the tincture externally for rubbing or internally. The effect is cumulative, that is, to get a result, you need to active substances At first they accumulated in sufficient quantities and the body got used to them.

Thamus tincture is sold in the pharmacy ready-made, but you can prepare it yourself. Cooking home remedy on vodka. A 40% concentration of ethyl alcohol is sufficient to have a preservative and warming effect, but not cause a burn to the food tract or skin.

To prepare a tincture for rubbing, the dried root is crushed. It is necessary to measure out 200 grams of raw materials, which will be placed in a bottle or other dark glass container. The raw materials are poured with half a liter of vodka, corked and put away in a dark place for 12 days. The bottle needs to be shaken periodically to mix the raw materials.

Before use, the resulting tincture is filtered and rubbed on the joints overnight, after which they are wrapped in woolen cloth. The product has an excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect.

You can also make a tincture for internal use. It is important to remember here that thamus is poisonous, which means the concentration should be much less than for rubbing. For 0.5 liters of vodka, only 10 grams of raw materials are taken.

The raw material has been infused for 10 days, also in a dark place, shaking periodically. Dark glass containers are suitable for preparation - this is important, since glass is inert to the active substances of the drug, and sunlight has a destructive effect on beneficial substances.

Afterwards, the drug is filtered and consumed 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon of tincture, previously diluted in 0.5 glasses of water. You need to drink after eating, after a pause of 30 minutes. The course is 45 days, after which there is a 14-day break. If necessary, the course is repeated.


The effectiveness of Adam's root is best described by reviews of people who purchased it for themselves or relatives when they needed to solve the problem of joint pain. The plant is widely known in folk medicine due to wide range diseases that it helps to cure. This remedy even got its name thanks to the legend of Eve, who, with the help of the root, healed her husband Adam’s injured leg.

The ointment is applied at night under a compress to previously degreased skin. The ointment can also be prepared at home by taking the crushed root as a base and mixing it with Vaseline as a base. The gel has a lighter texture and is absorbed faster. It, like the thamus-based balm, is best purchased ready-made at the pharmacy.

According to those who have already tried preparations based on “fire root” (another name for thamus), the product perfectly eliminates the problems of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, injured joints and ligaments, and recovery from bone fractures.

In this case, age does not matter:

  • Long-standing joint problems in older people;
  • Cervical osteochondrosis in office workers;
  • Problems with knee joints in athletes.

Modern pharmaceuticals make it possible to find a drug in a convenient specific person form and solve the problem with the disease.

In spring and autumn - before flowering or after the berries ripen - Adam's root is harvested for further use as a raw material. medicinal tinctures and ointments. It is noted that the drugs do not have unpleasant odor and are very effective, especially when it comes to treating old injuries, degenerative processes in cartilage and joints.


Important! The Adam's root plant is naturally poisonous and must be handled with care. If you have an idea to treat your joints with drugs purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself, then you must first make sure that the ointment or tincture will not cause an allergic reaction. Do an allergy test!

Thamus is contraindicated in young children and pregnant women.

If you are planning to purchase the drug for oral administration, then mandatory observe specified dosage and frequency of administration. The regime is also important - the fire root can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and other signs of poisoning.

Thamus rhizome is used and recognized by official pharmaceuticals, and not only in folk medicine. Consult with your doctor before taking the drug to make sure that it will not have an inhibitory effect on other drugs that are prescribed to you.

Is it worth trying Adam's root as a medicine for sore joints? Definitely yes, as long as your decision is approved by your doctor. You need to make sure that you are not intolerant to the active substances of the drug. Besides, prerequisite is strict adherence to the instructions.

Remember that tamus is poisonous, which means it requires a responsible attitude. Before taking the drug, women need to make sure that they are not expecting a child, since thamus can cause unpleasant consequences for the progress of pregnancy.

Adam's root should not be used for children. Their body is still too susceptible to irritating substances, and their skin is very sensitive and can get burned.