Adaptation of a disabled person to work. The essence of social adaptation of disabled people to the working environment Social adaptation of disabled people through leisure

Acquisition and improvement by disabled people of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, taking into account their acquired or existing specialty (profession);

Acquisition, restoration and development of the working abilities of disabled people and their consolidation in the process of implementation labor activity;

Increasing the competitiveness of people with disabilities in the labor market;

Employment of disabled people in accordance with the acquired or existing specialty (profession).”

However, it is worth noting that these activities are largely aimed at employment and employment mainly disabled people with physical limitations or light forms disabilities (hearing, vision, etc.), rather than people, for example, with intellectual, mental and multiple developmental disabilities.

The period of adaptation of disabled people to work can range from six months to one year. Often, due to the severity of the disability of a disabled person, all this time is spent not on adapting disabled people to work as such, but on “adapting” to the workplace, team, acquiring skills to interact with others, and becoming familiar with the production features of the organization.

Financing of measures to adapt disabled people to work at the expense of the Fund social protection of the population of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus is carried out by labor, employment and social protection authorities in the form of allocation to employers Money on the:

Purchase of equipment;

Purchase of materials;

Purchasing workwear;

Compensation for the costs of paying disabled people.

Compensation for the costs of paying disabled people is made by labor, employment and social protection authorities to employers on a monthly basis. Which imposes certain obligations on the employer. Thus, employers submit a monthly certificate to the labor, employment and social protection authorities about the costs of paying disabled people, indicating the period for which wages were accrued. At the same time, these costs include accrued wages for work performed and time worked, the amount of compulsory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus and insurance premiums for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The body for labor, employment and social protection, within five days from the date of receipt of such a certificate, provides payment documents to the territorial bodies of the state treasury for the transfer of funds to compensate for the costs of paying disabled people to the current (settlement) account of the employer.

To carry out the adaptation of disabled people to work, it is mandatory that they have a specialty (profession) (except for types of activities that do not require vocational training) in accordance with individual program rehabilitation of a disabled person (hereinafter - IPR), formed by medical rehabilitation expert commission(hereinafter referred to as MREC).

In accordance with paragraph 17 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus “On approval of the Regulations on medical and rehabilitation expert commissions” dated October 16, 2007 N 1341, specialized, interdistrict (district, city) commissions “carry out medical and social examination, including establishing the fact of the presence of disability, the group (degree of health loss in children), the cause, date of onset and duration of disability, make labor recommendations.” That is, it is the MREK specialists who issue a medical opinion (on admission to work in a certain specialty), on which the IPR is based. As for people with intellectual, mental and multiple developmental disabilities, they, as a rule, do not receive such a conclusion and, accordingly, are not recognized as unemployed.

The IPR is one of those documents that a disabled person must present to the employer when concluding an employment contract (Article 26 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus). Hiring a disabled person without this document is not allowed. The IPR of a disabled person determines the complex rehabilitation activities, specific types and the timing of the rehabilitation of a disabled person, as well as those responsible for its implementation, and consists of three sections (programs):

Medical rehabilitation;

Professional and labor rehabilitation;

Social rehabilitation.

The IPR determines the types of activities that are contraindicated for a disabled person to engage in, as well as recommendations for his social and labor rehabilitation. As a rule, it is the health of the disabled person that is taken into account first. Often, people with disabilities can be recommended those types of activities for which there are not enough vacancies in the regions of their residence, i.e. market conditions are not taken into account.

Not all disabled people who want to find a job turn to the employment service. This happens by various reasons. For example, the vacancies offered do not always require the level of qualifications that are available to disabled people with appropriate education who expect to receive a decent remuneration for their work. One of the reasons is also that people with disability groups I or II in practice cannot register with the employment service, since their degree of disability is too great. Or any job is not suitable for a disabled person, because... the workplace needs to be adapted to their individual needs.

Adaptation of disabled people to work can be carried out in accordance with the directions of labor, employment and social protection authorities on a contractual basis, both for individual entrepreneurs and in organizations of any legal form.

To organize the adaptation process, the employer must submit to the labor, employment and social protection authorities at the place of creation of the job:

An application indicating a list of specialties (professions) for which it is possible to organize the adaptation of disabled people to work, the number and list of vacant jobs, as well as the need to create new jobs and opportunities for further employment of disabled people;

Calculations of financial costs for organizing the adaptation of disabled people to work (purchase of equipment, materials, special clothing, wages for disabled people).

The department (department) for labor, employment and social protection of city (district) executive committees prepares and sends to the committee for labor, employment and social protection of the regional executive committee (hereinafter referred to as the committee) a conclusion on the feasibility of organizing the adaptation of disabled people to work, with documents attached, within three days from the date of receipt of the application. The committee, in turn, reviews the submitted documents and makes a decision on the advisability of organizing the adaptation of disabled people to work for a given employer within seven working days from the date of their receipt, which is informed in writing by the labor, employment and social protection agency, which informs the employer. Thus, a list of employers who are ready to organize the adaptation of disabled people to work in specific specialties (professions) is being formed.

A disabled person, in turn, to receive a referral for adaptation to work must contact the labor, employment and social protection authority at the place of registration as an unemployed person.

The body for labor, employment and social protection, based on the IPR and taking into account the list of employers who are ready to organize the adaptation of disabled people to work in specific specialties (professions), taking into account the specialization (profession) of the disabled person, makes an appropriate decision and issues a referral to the disabled person to the employer for adaptation to work. In the event of a refusal to issue a referral to a disabled person for adaptation to work, he has the right to familiarize himself with the reasons for the refusal specified in written notice from the authority for labor, employment and social protection.

After sending a disabled person for adaptation to work, the body for labor, employment and social protection enters into an agreement with the employer on organizing the adaptation of the disabled person to work.

The employer also enters into a fixed-term employment contract for adaptation to work with a disabled person sent by the labor, employment and social protection agency for a period of defined by agreement on the organization of adaptation of a disabled person to work. The employer is obliged to provide the labor, employment and social protection body with a copy of the relevant order within five days from the date of issuing the order to hire a disabled person. A disabled person is removed from the unemployment register from the date of his employment.

As for the “adaptation plan”, there is no one system regarding its content. Sometimes in different regions of our country, employment centers require employers to provide adaptation plans that differ in content.

By the time the adaptation to work is completed, a disabled person, by decision of the employer, can be hired for a permanent job or fired. About his decision to dismiss or continue the employment relationship with a disabled person, the employer is obliged to submit to the labor, employment and social protection body a copy of the order on the dismissal of the disabled person or on his hiring within three working days.

A disabled person with whom the employer, after completing adaptation to work, did not enter into an employment contract, or with whom the fixed-term employment contract was terminated early, may be registered as unemployed again in established by law ok.

In conclusion, I would also like to note that in the event of non-extension labor relations with a disabled person, upon completion of adaptation to work, the disabled person has the right to rely only on himself and his family. Thus, the mechanism for adapting a disabled person to work is not focused on the “quality” of adaptation, because there is no further support for the disabled person, “adaptation” is not brought to its logical end, it is interrupted.

In my opinion, the success of a disabled person’s adaptation to work consists of a set of measures that have a positive effect on it. To achieve the desired results (i.e., the employee ultimately fulfilling the requirements for his position) in the process of adapting a disabled person to work, a personal approach to the duration of adaptation of a disabled person is necessary in order to:

Inclusion of a disabled person in interpersonal relationships with colleagues;

Meet the staff, corporate rules behavior;

Practical familiarization of the employee with his duties and requirements;

The completion of the adaptation process is characterized by the gradual overcoming of production and interpersonal problems and the transition to stable work.

Olga Triputen, PPU “Office for the Rights of People with Disabilities”


The relevance of this work is explained by the fact that working with people with disabilities is one of the most complex issues in social work. The problem of social adaptation of disabled people is the problem of the adaptation of disabled people to full life in society healthy people purchased in Lately of particular importance. This is due to the fact that in the new millennium, approaches to people who, by the will of fate, were born or became disabled began to change significantly. Professional area social work arose in the world about 100 years ago, and in our country - since 1991. Issues of medical, social and labor rehabilitation of people with disabilities disabilities impossible to solve without participation social workers and specialists in the field of social work. In the Russian Federation, at least over 8 million people are officially recognized as disabled. In the future, further growth in the number of this category of the population is expected, including in share terms." (18. – P.147).

Despite the growth in the number of disabled people in Russia, there are still negligibly few institutions that work to provide them with social, socio-medical, material, social and other assistance. One of the most important problems for people with disabilities is their lack of inclusion in social production, since only some regions are actively engaged in opening jobs, which negatively affects their financial situation and psychological state. Recently, specialists from various professional areas are developing technology for social, socio-medical, socio-psychological support for people with disabilities. There is an active discussion of the experience of leading social rehabilitation centers in special journals, at conferences and other scientific and practical forums. However, there is still a need for constant and targeted study of the problems of people with disabilities both at the state and regional levels, including at universities. Disabled people in Russia also face problems such as loneliness, since their communication is limited to their parental family or immediate relatives, the inability to continue their education, and more. The state, providing social protection for people with disabilities, is called upon to create for them the necessary conditions for individual development, realization of creative and productive capabilities and abilities by taking into account their needs in relevant government programs, providing social assistance in the forms provided for by law in order to eliminate obstacles to the realization by people with disabilities of their rights to health care, labor, education and vocational training, housing and other socio-economic rights. Today, people with disabilities are among the most socially vulnerable categories of the population. The most pressing tasks social policy in relation to disabled people are to provide them with equal opportunities with all other citizens of the Russian Federation in the exercise of rights and freedoms, to eliminate restrictions in their life activities, to create favorable conditions that allow disabled people to lead a full life, actively participate in the economic, social and political life of society, to fulfill their civic duties.

The object of study of the course work is social work with disabled people. The subject is the problems of social work with disabled people. The purpose of this work: To study the problems of social work with people with disabilities.

Based on this goal, I set myself the following tasks:

1. Define the concept of disability;

2. Consider types of disabilities;

3. Study the mechanism for implementing state policy regarding people with disabilities;

4. Study the regulatory framework for working with people with disabilities;

5. Outline the basic principles of working with people with disabilities;

6. Consider the features of working with people with disabilities in the social environment;

7. Justify the psychological aspect in working with people with disabilities;

8. Study the main content and types of rehabilitation of disabled people.

Research methods: analysis of literature and documents summarizing the experience of social service centers with people with disabilities. In this course work The works of scientists were used: E.I. Kholostovoy, M.E. Bochko; P.V. Pavlenok; N.F. Dementieva, B.A. Dolgaev and others.

CHAPTER 1. Social work with disabled people. general provisions

1.1 The concept of disability and its types

The term “disabled person” goes back to the Latin root (volid – “effective, full-fledged, powerful”) and literally translated can mean “unfit”, “inferior”. In Russian usage, starting from the time of Peter I, this name was given to military personnel who, due to illness, injury or injury, were unable to perform military service and who were sent for further service to civilian positions. It is characteristic that in Western Europe this word had the same connotation, that is, it referred primarily to crippled soldiers. From the second half of the nineteenth century. the term also applies to civilians who also became victims of war - the development of weapons and the expansion of the scale of wars increasingly exposed the civilian population to all the dangers of military conflicts. Finally, after the Second World War, in line with the general movement to formulate and protect human rights in general and certain categories of the population in particular, the concept of “disabled person” was formed, referring to all persons with physical, mental or intellectual disabilities.

In accordance with Federal law dated November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation", a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activities and necessitating the need for it social protection. (8).

Limitation of a person’s life activity is expressed in the complete or partial loss of his ability to carry out self-care, movement, orientation, communication, control over his behavior, as well as engage in labor activity. (17. – P.87).

Today, people with disabilities belong to the most socially vulnerable category of the population. Their income is well below average and their health and social care needs are much higher. They have less opportunity to receive an education and cannot engage in labor activities. Most of them have no family and do not want to participate in public life. All this suggests that people with disabilities in our society are a discriminated and segregated minority.

All disabled people for various reasons are divided into several groups:

By age - disabled children, disabled adults. By origin of disability: disabled since childhood, war disabled, labor disabled, disabled.

1.2 By degree of ability to work: disabled people able to work and incapable of work, disabled people of group I (unable to work), disabled people of group II (temporarily disabled or able to work in limited areas), disabled people of group II (able to work in benign working conditions).

According to the nature of the disease, people with disabilities can belong to the mobile, low-mobility or immobile groups.

Mechanism for implementing state policy regarding people with disabilities State structures, non-governmental organizations and public associations, private initiatives are called upon not only to protect public health and prevent disability, but also to create conditions for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, their integration and reintegration into society and professional activities. Targeted federal and regional programs, combining the efforts of various departments. In 1994, funding for the “Development and Production” program began technical means rehabilitation to provide for disabled people.” A federal program has also been created Social support disabled people." Within the framework of the Federal

comprehensive program “Children of Russia” provides a program “Disabled Children”. Implementation

federal programs

must create conditions that meet the requirements and norms of a civilized state, under which a disabled person, like any citizen, has the opportunity on equal terms to receive education, work, provide for themselves financially and have access to all social, industrial and economic infrastructure. In these conditions, the main task of social work with people with disabilities is to combine the efforts of both government bodies and public and private initiatives, self-help groups to most fully meet the needs of this category of the population and self-realization of people with disabilities. The main socio-economic and socio-demographic indicators characterizing the position of disabled people in society are: participation in labor and social activities, dimensions

Previously, the main efforts of the state to improve the standard of living of disabled people were reduced mainly to providing various kinds of material benefits and subsidies to their individual categories. At the same time, there was a fairly developed system of specialized enterprises employing the labor of disabled people, which, however, in a market economy became uncompetitive in comparison with commercial structures. Continuation of social policy regarding people with disabilities in providing various benefits seems hardly possible in conditions of budget deficit, moreover, it is fraught with a number of negative consequences- opposition between healthy and disabled people (which, in turn, gives rise to a negative attitude towards the latter), as well as various categories disabled people to each other; the reluctance of some disabled people to participate in rehabilitation processes due to dependent attitudes and expectations of benefits and subsidies.

Adaptation of disabled people in a new workplace: problems, features, prospects

Employment is one of the areas of creating equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. At the same time, it is an area of ​​life whose importance is difficult to overestimate for people with disabilities, since employment provides not only income, but also such important things as communication, the possibility of self-realization and a career, a certain social status, fullness of life, etc.

Unfortunately, on the path to employment for a person with a disability, there are still a number of obstacles that she has to overcome - these are architectural, transport, communication, psychological and other barriers. And the task of society as a whole, and above all special bodies, institutions and organizations, is to help them overcome these barriers and gradually come to the elimination of these barriers altogether.

The international community has adopted a number of legal acts aimed at helping people with disabilities realize their capabilities and abilities, be active members of society and have an adequate standard of living. Thus, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities proclaims equal opportunities in education, restoration of working capacity, vocational training, and employment.

Adaptation of people with disabilities in a new workplace

Let's consider the features of the process of adaptation of people with disabilities to a new workplace. It is typical that at the initial stage of working for a selected vacancy, a person with a disability has a number of problems associated with adaptation to a new workplace. Going through this stage is a difficult period for any new employee, and for a person with a disability it can be associated with significant big amount problems of both internal and external nature, caused by disability and the characteristics of certain nosologies, because people with disabilities do not constitute a homogeneous group.

They may have physical, sensory, intellectual, mental disorders, or a combination thereof, which may be present in them either from birth or acquired in childhood, adolescence or later, during school or already during employment. Disability may be minor Negative influence on a person’s ability to work and be a full-fledged member of society, or sufficiently significant, resulting in a need for more substantial support and assistance.

An important characteristic of a person, which can significantly either contribute to the process of adaptation to a new workplace or, conversely, complicate it, is the level of social competence of the individual. Social competence should be understood as social skills and the skills necessary to successfully solve problems that occur in both everyday and professional life, and which are necessary for the integration of the individual into society. This refers to the ability and skills to establish contacts, the ability to find one’s place in a group, to carry on a conversation, the ability to conduct according to the situation and the dynamics of the development of the team, the ability to analyze life situations in the aspect of the activities of social institutions and the behavior of other people and include this knowledge in the scheme for regulating one’s own behavior, etc.

Increasing the level of social competence

Due to a certain list of reasons caused by disability, and primarily related to the social isolation of persons with disabilities, the latter often need to increase the level of their social competence. A successful solution to this problem, in turn, makes it possible to increase the overall level of competitiveness of people in the labor market and makes the process of adaptation to a new workplace more successful. Activities carried out, in particular, by the state employment service to increase the level of social competence of people with disabilities (consultations, conversations, trainings, seminars, referrals to partner organizations) are aimed at developing communication skills in these individuals, overcoming their own outdated stereotypes, and developing skills confident behavior, the most complete familiarization with the medical, psychological, social and legal features of their condition and status.

It is extremely important for successful adaptation to a new workplace right choice professions for people with disabilities. This is especially true for young people who are choosing their professional path for the first time. Many troubles of individual people and the economy as a whole are associated with the fact that people often work in places that are not in their place, not according to their calling, inclination, psychophysiological capabilities and abilities. An incorrect choice means wasted money and time on obtaining “inappropriate” specialties, poor retention of personnel in jobs, problems in employment and adaptation.

Vocational guidance is designed to help a person with a disability make the right professional choice.

Vocational guidance for people with disabilities is considered as a set of activities aimed at:

a) identifying their professional interests,

b) identifying their professional capabilities,

c) taking into account the needs of the labor market for specialists in their chosen professions.

Therefore, this set of measures, which is carried out by the state employment service and is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of people with disabilities, their employment and adaptation, consists of providing persons with disabilities with professional information, professional advice and professional selection. It is carried out through individual and group forms of work (individual and group consultations, seminars, trainings, testing, provision of information, etc.). Therefore, in general, vocational guidance for people with disabilities is carried out in employment centers for general scheme. But taking into account a number of certain features that are important when selecting suitable profession for clients of this group. First of all, this is the need to take into account medical restrictions and recommendations.

The psycho-emotional states that are characteristic of newcomers during the period of their adaptation to a new workplace can be described as going through certain stages or stages:

- Euphoria. Got a job. Hope for Better conditions, a better life.

– A brief stage of understanding the social environment and corporate culture. A crisis follows.

– The crisis is associated with a misunderstanding of certain aspects of professional responsibilities, the cultural codes of a given team, and a feeling of loneliness. Problems of physiological adaptation and value orientations increase the feeling of helplessness, lack of self-confidence, and “readiness to be offended.”

- Way out of the crisis. Getting used to the environment, understanding the specifics of professional duties, establishing friendly relations, joining the team.

– The adaptation process ends. The psycho-emotional state is aligned with the pre-crisis state.

Professional adaptation for people with disabilities

For people with disabilities, the support and assistance of a specialist at the adaptation crisis stage is especially important. Because complications can be so significant for people with disabilities that they cannot always overcome them on their own. This can cause apathy, despondency in one’s abilities and, in general, in the possibility of successful one’s own work activity, which, in turn, can lead to the dismissal of an employee. Therefore, a feature of the process of successfully securing disabled people in a new workplace is supporting them after employment. Especially at the stage of adaptation to a new workplace, since the efficiency and effectiveness of solving problems of this period depends on whether the employee will be freed and remain working. Note that such activities are not characteristic of the state employment service and are not part of the direct responsibilities of employment centers. But it allows you to avoid the need to carry out a repeated set of actions to find a particular client, as it helps to secure him in a new job.

In order to effectively provide assistance and support to people with disabilities during their adaptation process to a new workplace, a specialist from the state employment service or other organization (for example, public organization disabled people) must take into account the characteristics of each type/aspect of adaptation in the workplace and understand the essence of the problems that people with disabilities may have in each of them.

The following types/aspects of adaptation in the workplace for people with disabilities are distinguished:

– corporate adaptation,

– social adaptation,

– organizational adaptation,

– technical (technological) adaptation,

– professional adaptation,

– psychophysiological adaptation.

Corporate adaptation of disabled people

In order to start working effectively in a new workplace, a person needs to get answers to questions related to the organization of the activities of this institution:
– what place does the organization occupy in the market, how are things going, what is it striving for, what are its strategic goals;
– how management is carried out, who makes decisions;
– what is the structure of the company, where are the divisions located;
– what is the frequency and technology of planning and reporting; current procedures, regulations, etc.

Social adaptation of disabled people

Coming to a new job, a person must become aware of the norms of behavior and communication that exist in a given team, and join the system of relationships with colleagues. At this stage, she gets acquainted with the “atmosphere” of the organization, its corporate culture and looking for answers to next questions:
– what style of communication is inherent in the team, how employees are usually addressed – peers, subordinates, managers;
– who you can/cannot turn to for help, advice, what can/cannot be discussed at dinner, in the smoking room;
– who has similar hobbies, interests, whether there are any groups, “camps”, territories in the organization, relationships between them, and so on.

Organizational adaptation of disabled people

A person usually spends time at work most daylight hours. Of course, this time should be organized in everyday life. There are many organizational issues that newbies need to figure out in the first days or even months of work. For example:
– where you can place your things, where is the dining room, toilet, where you can smoke;
– how to apply for a permanent pass, who sets up the computer, when and where salaries are issued;
– how to order an office, a courier, a car when you are on vacation;
– how birthdays are celebrated here, how much to give as gifts and to whom, etc..

Technical (technological) adaptation of disabled people

Each organization uses its own set of equipment and software. During the adaptation period, a new employee will have to remember the password, get used to the new keyboard, set up an email program, and enter the necessary contacts into the Address Book. Master a new model of telephone, fax, copier, and understand the internal organizational system for storing information. Master specific production and other equipment, master specific software and so on..

Professional adaptation of disabled people

This aspect of adaptation is directly related to the professional side of the employee’s activities in the organization. Does he have enough knowledge, skills and abilities or does he need to study? Does this employee have any prospects? These questions are of interest to the HR manager and the head of the department. And the employee himself needs to master the following professional aspects works:
– technologies and techniques used in the organization, work standards, documentation, standards, regulations, technical requirements;
– prospects for professional and career growth, training opportunities, advanced training;
– parameters for assessing the quality of work, and so on.

Psychophysiological adaptation of disabled people

This aspect primarily includes adaptation to a specific, often different from the usual mode of work and rest. Particular attention to psychophysiological adaptation should be paid in the following situations:
– shift work schedule – if a person is not used to waking up every morning and leaving home every day;
- fluid work schedule - some organizations offer a work schedule from 7:00 to 16:00, and in others - from 11:00 to 20:00; abruptly switching from one work mode to another is often quite difficult;
– irregular working hours – it is difficult to get used to irregular work, if in the previous organization the employee’s work schedule was standardized, the need for more standardized work must be discussed at the interview;
– long business trips – for some employees, long departures can become additional stress; employment - in case project work the worker must be prepared for peak workloads that typically occur before the completion of a project.

Partner organizations

An important place in the arsenal of measures for such work should be held by holding special conversations, consultations, seminars, trainings, meetings, etc. with the mandatory application of the principle of an individual approach to each person with disabilities. This work should be carried out in close cooperation of partner organizations dealing with the problems of people with disabilities, primarily such as the state employment service, the Social Protection Fund for the Disabled, rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities, labor and social protection departments, and local executive authorities. And also with trade unions of enterprises and organizations (if they exist) or with industry trade unions, as well as with non-governmental organizations of both disabled people themselves and those dealing with disability issues in general.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the public employment service is making a lot of efforts to improve existing areas of work with persons with disabilities and to search for new approaches and forms of work. It is also developing an innovative system of measures aimed at promoting the employment of people with disabilities in modern labor market conditions, their adaptation and retention in new jobs. But only constructive interaction of all organizations involved in ensuring the employment of persons with disabilities, and a positive and caring attitude of society as a whole towards disability problems, can truly ensure effective solution problems of employment of people with disabilities in our country and raise the solution to this issue to a qualitatively new level.

Social adaptation technology is a sequence of actions and methods of interaction between a social work specialist and a disabled person using individual and group forms of social work (games, social trainings, etc.) that contribute to the development of skills and abilities for inclusion in the living environment. Social adaptation includes a disabled person in an accessible social and professional sphere and the process of acquiring skills and communication skills in a small group. Social adaptation is simultaneously considered as a social technology, process and result.

Social adaptation, among other things, includes a disabled person in small group and living environment, facilitates the assimilation of established norms, relationships, and patterns of behavior. A person with a disability is in search of a social environment that is favorable for his self-realization and the discovery of resources. IN in this case The immediate environment of a person with disabilities (family, club association, activists of a public organization, friends) is a small group, which is divided into formal and informal. The first are created according to developed regulations to carry out public, socially protective, state-sanctioned activities. These could be public organizations of citizens with disabilities, clubs, associations of families raising a child with disabilities, studios, etc. Informal small groups arise spontaneously under the influence common interests disabled and healthy citizens, their joint activities and have a spontaneous organizational structure. These associations include communities of friends, academic and professional activity and etc.

The result of social adaptation of a disabled person is the emergence of a feeling of satisfaction with life, relationships with close circles, increased creative activity, achievement of success in communication and joint activities of a small group and living environment.

The use of technologies for social adaptation of a citizen with disabilities allows him to feel free in a small group and be included in different kinds activities. This allows a disabled person to enrich his inner world with the help of new values ​​and social norms, and to use social experience when organizing activities in a small group.

There are several levels of social adaptation of a person with disabilities to the social environment: high, medium and low.

A high level of social adaptation is characterized by a creative attitude towards the norms and stereotypes that have developed in the environment (he makes proposals for improving communication, developing tolerance when building interpersonal relationships in a small group). A person with disabilities internalizes values ​​and norms independent life by taking part in social, political and economic processes, free choice and access to residential, public buildings, transport, communications, insurance, labor and education. A disabled person himself is able to determine and make decisions, manage situations, he has life plans and prospects. He is satisfied with his lifestyle, strives to change his shortcomings, takes the initiative to eliminate them, and is an active participant in public life. A high level of social adaptation of a disabled person is characterized by his achievement of complete self-care, a high level of health literacy, and precise implementation of treatment procedures.

A disabled person with an average level of social adaptation adapts to the norms and values ​​of a small group without changing them, assimilates generally accepted forms and ways of life characteristic of a given environment (family, club association, friends, activists of a public organization). As a rule, he is involved in activities and communication with the help of another person (parent, friend, social work specialist); his level of self-care may be slightly or moderately reduced.

A low level of social adaptation of a person with disabilities is characterized by self-isolation, seclusion, and limited contact with people due to a lack of desire to communicate and establish relationships. He does not know how to conduct a dialogue with his opponent and enters into conflict with him. He has observed significant reduction social skills and self-care skills, leisure, labor, and professional activities are absent or significantly limited; behavior is dependent on other persons; there is a lack of initiative and independence in overcoming life’s difficulties.

The following conditions contribute to the successful implementation of the technology of social adaptation of a person with disabilities: firstly, the environment of a person with disabilities contributes to the realization of his needs and the development of individuality; secondly, when the organizational culture of a small group is built on the manifestation of friendly support, respect, responsibility, and interest in each person; thirdly, the disabled person’s environment recognizes and gives a positive assessment of the results he achieves; fourthly, it ensures the participation of a citizen with disabilities in the social and cultural life of a small group and living environment.

The choice of technology for social adaptation of a disabled person largely depends on his life problem. For example, as a result of a previous illness, he does not always have the opportunity to be a member of a small group, engage in professional activities, visit theaters, museums that contribute to the formation of social attitudes of the individual and introduce the disabled person to the cultural traditions and values ​​of society. Such difficulties can be overcome with the help comprehensive work social work specialists and psychologists using psychological and gaming correction methods aimed at integrating a person with disabilities into society.

The technology of social adaptation of disabled people can be implemented through such forms as games, social training, excursions, and conversations. A game as a form of technology for social adaptation of a disabled person imitates the real social environment in which a disabled person may actually find himself. In the process of social adaptation of citizens with disabilities, various types of business games are widely used: simulation games, “business theater”, etc.

Using game forms, you can imitate professional, creative activity etc. With the help of an imitation game, a person with disabilities gains social experience in interacting with people, he masters new social roles of “student”, “manager”, etc., his range of social skills expands, which allows him to be more prepared for real life. Through imitation social model given in gaming activities, a disabled person acquires forms of social behavior that were previously inaccessible to him.

The game “business theater”, as a form of technology for social adaptation of a disabled person, allows you to imitate a specific life situation and human behavior. The staging method, which is used in this game form, teaches a person to navigate various life conditions, give an objective assessment of his behavior, take into account the interests of other people, and establish contacts with them. To conduct the game, a scenario is developed that describes a specific life situation and explains to the players their functions, responsibilities and tasks.

Overall, in implementation gaming technologies, contributing to the social adaptation of a disabled person, several stages can be distinguished:

Stage I. Formation of a group and development of a game plot script. The size of the group depends on the severity of the consequences of disability and the nature of the participants’ problems, and, as a rule, consists of 2-5 people. The composition of the group is also determined by the strategy for selecting participants; it can be heterogeneous, that is, include participants with to varying degrees disability. Where the conditions of a social service institution allow, it is recommended to select participants with a similar life problem (for example, the same disability group, disease); in this case, a social work specialist will have a clear focus in choosing game forms and exercises.

Stage II. Carrying out the game. The introductory part of the lesson includes greeting and introducing disabled people to the plan for a set of games and exercises. The social work specialist meets the participants and is the first to greet everyone in a friendly, friendly manner. Then he plans the joint work, informs those gathered about the order, content and sequence of games and exercises. Next, game exercises are carried out in accordance with the scenario.

Stage III. Summing up the results of the game, when there is an analysis and generalization of the social skills that the participants have acquired.

It is possible to consolidate social skills acquired with the help of gaming technologies in the form of social training, which helps a disabled person to master social norms accepted in society, productive ways of behavior and interaction, and prepares for independent life. The effectiveness of social training can be assessed according to two criteria. The first of them is the level of mastering new social skills in accordance with the tasks set in the training program, the possibility of freely performing them both in training sessions and in real life. The second criterion characterizes the correspondence of the learned social experience life goals of a disabled person.

Before social training, a social work specialist conducts individual consultations to help people with disabilities determine to what extent new social skills ensure the realization of their life goals.

At the beginning, a social work specialist completes the group and, in accordance with the composition of the participants, determines the goal, objectives and develops a training program. At the same time, it contributes to the creation positive emotions, which ensure a person’s desire to come to this group and to this trainer constantly until the end of the program. Conducting social training promotes awareness personal characteristics, habits and ideas of disabled people about themselves. During the training, social skills are strengthened by the disabled person during play activities, when life situations are “played out” that need to be resolved with the help of new social skills for the participants. At the end of the training, the social work specialist and participants analyze and evaluate the results of the work.

The sequence of inclusion of a citizen with disabilities in the living environment and his social adaptation is carried out through several stages: conducting social diagnostics; inclusion in a social group; training in problem solving.

In general, social adaptation as a technological process allows: to include a disabled person in a small group, to help him learn established norms, relationships, patterns of behavior, to develop skills and communication skills, to join the social and professional sphere accessible to him.

Signs of social adaptation of a disabled person are: satisfaction with their position in the group, conscious maintenance of the norms and traditions that exist in a given community, desire and willingness to enrich the content, forms and methods of interaction with others in the association, tolerance.

The essence of social adaptation of disabled people

to the production environment

Labor activity is one of the categories of life activity, the impairment of the ability to carry out which in accordance with the requirements for the content, volume and conditions of work is one of the criteria for disability.

It should be noted that among disabled people of working age who repeatedly applied to medical and social examination services, only about 20% continue their working activities. Of these, working disabled people of group 1 – 0.15%, group 2 – 5.15%, group 3 – 14.7%.

Considering the industrial adaptation of disabled people, it should be noted that illness, as a rule, leads to a disruption of the individual’s existing adaptation to work, which, with appropriate interpretative assessment on the part of the disabled person himself, can lead to the emergence of an adaptive situation, and, accordingly, the need to adapt to the working environment .

The following classification of types of adaptive situations among employed and working disabled people can be given:

1. Adaptation of disabled people at their previous workplace in their previous profession (specialty).

2. Adaptation of disabled people to a new workplace, but in the same profession (specialty).

3. Adaptation of disabled people in the process of professional training in a related specialty (taking into account previous professional skills).

4. Adaptation of disabled people during employment in a related specialty (profession), taking into account previous professional skills.

5. Adaptation of people with disabilities in the process and conditions vocational training in a new specialty (profession).

6. Adaptation of disabled people when finding employment in a new specialty (profession).

Disabled people, considered as subjects of labor activity, have a number of features:

1) restrictions on the ability to acquire and use professional skills;

2) more a long period work in comparison with healthy people;

3) performing work of equal power due to higher voltage of the functional systems of the body;

4) the need to adapt the workplace, equipment and technological process to the characteristics of the pathology of a disabled person;

5) average level of professional training;

6) narrow sphere of communication;

7) intrapersonal conflict;

8) low resistance to frustration;

9) the difficulties of social and psychological contacts with healthy colleagues and management.

It should be noted that at present there is a lack of unity in the terminological designation of the process of adaptation of disabled people to the working environment. Thus, some authors associate the adaptation of disabled people at work with the concept “ social and labor adaptation”, in others - with the term “vocational and industrial adaptation”, since they consider the adaptation of disabled people to production as one of the measures of professional rehabilitation.

However, in our opinion, the use of the term “industrial adaptation” in relation to the adaptation of disabled people at an enterprise is more correct, since the structure of work itself seems to us to be three qualitatively unique types of work activity. The first type of labor includes socially organized labor, which combines types of labor that are included in the system of social division of labor. Labor of the second and third kinds includes numerous varieties domestic work, that is, work on household self-service, and leisure, “amateur” work. Thus, the term “labor adaptation” is much broader, while the term “industrial adaptation” immediately denotes the specificity of the object of social adaptation.

We consider industrial adaptation of disabled people as the process and result of the disabled person’s adaptation to the most adequate and optimal assimilation and implementation social functions related to production activities at a particular enterprise.

It should be noted that over the past two decades, a fairly small amount of research has been carried out in the field of production adaptation disabled people. One of the serious studies, the purpose of which was to study the relationship between the professional and social components of industrial adaptation of disabled people, was carried out in 1982 - 1983. in Moscow. The professional component of industrial adaptation was studied using such indicators as the availability of labor skills and knowledge, level of qualifications, assessment of the attractiveness of the profession, and job satisfaction. The social component of industrial adaptation of disabled people included a wider range of factors related to the integration of the employee into the life of the work team, social activity, and the intensity of interpersonal contacts.

The most important conclusions this study we can note the following:

1. There is no connection between the success of professional adaptation and social adaptation for disabled people. So, if for physically healthy people successful professional adaptation practically guarantees social adaptation, then for disabled people this relationship is extremely complicated: the majority of disabled people examined have quite highly developed professional skills; at the same time, almost a third have a low level of social adaptation and are not involved in the social life of the production team.

2. The lowest rates of industrial adaptation were registered in the first year of disability. In this period defense mechanisms personalities have not yet “worked out”; it takes time to get used to the idea of ​​​​the need to change the previous life pattern. In the second year of disability, the level of the social component of industrial adaptation increases: the proportion of disabled people with high adaptation doubles. In the future, this level remains stable. As for the professional component of adaptation, only after 5 years of being on disability the proportion of people with high scores increases sharply.

3. During secondary production adaptation, disabled men show better performance than women, and during primary adaptation, the opposite is true.

4. In the group of people disabled since childhood, 1/6 of the share had a low level of the professional component of industrial adaptation; among people with disabilities due to a general illness - 1/55 of the share. The lowest level of the professional component of industrial adaptation was registered among persons whose disability was caused by an occupational disease.

In general, it can be noted that the level of industrial adaptation of disabled people is lower than that of non-disabled people. The insufficiently high level of the professional component of industrial adaptation is largely due to the fact that the employment of disabled people is often associated with a decrease in qualifications and difficulties in selecting a job that matches their capabilities. The low level of social component of disabled people may be due to the difficulties of socio-psychological contacts with healthy people - colleagues, management. This, in particular, is evidenced by the higher level of social adaptation of disabled people working in specialized enterprises, where their problems are better understood by those around them.

It should be noted that the structure of industrial adaptation for disabled people is insufficiently developed, and most scientific sources highlight the physiological, professional and socio-psychological components as its elements. Some authors psychological and social aspects adaptations are considered separately. Thus, we propose a structure for industrial adaptation of disabled people, including such elements as: physiological adaptation, professional adaptation, social adaptation, which, in turn, includes socio-psychological, socio-economic and socio-organizational.

Let us characterize each of the components of industrial adaptation of disabled people.

The physiological component of the adaptation of disabled people to work is understood as the process of forming a stable system of functional connections in a worker, ensuring the effective performance of work with the least energy and spiritual expenditure of the body.

In the process of forming physiological adaptation to work, three stages are distinguished:

The initial stage (working in), characterized by low performance, imperfect functioning of the body’s systems, high energy and mental costs of the body that are inadequate to the work being performed;

Transitional stage, the duration of which is determined by the severity, intensity and conditions of the work performed, as well as its compliance with the employee’s health status;

The final stage (stage of physiological adaptation), the formation of high and stable performance, adequate energy and mental costs for the work performed. Each stage corresponds to a typical curve in changes in performance throughout the working day, as well as the state of the functional systems of the body that provide muscle or mental activity.

The period of formation of stable physiological adaptation to work, depending on the severity, intensity and working conditions of different authors, ranges from several months to 1 year. The features of physiological adaptation to work of disabled people include: a less stable level of emerging adaptation, performing work of the same power due to higher stress on the functional systems of the body, etc. It has been established that disabled people adapt more quickly to work in their previous profession or using professional skills than when moving to another, even easier job.

The professional component of adaptation to work is the process of a disabled person mastering the necessary knowledge, skills and mastery, the ability to quickly navigate work situations, program and control his work actions.

The duration and success of professional adaptation is determined by: the complexity and characteristics of the work content, the compliance of the employee’s psychophysiological qualities and abilities with the requirements of professional activity (suitability for work), and socio-psychological attitudes regarding the work performed. Important in the formation of sustainable professional adaptation of disabled people, adaptation of the workplace, equipment and technological process to the peculiarities of the pathology of the disabled person is given.

In most blue-collar professions, the period of professional adaptation is usually equated to the period of assignment to a worker of the first qualification category, i.e., 3-6 months of work. In professions with complex content, including creative ones, achieving professional mastery requires a longer time.

The socio-psychological component of adaptation to work is considered as a process of forming the subjective attitude of a disabled person to the work performed, his awareness of the objective nature and content of work and their correspondence to the internal structure of the personality, interests, attitudes and value orientations of the worker. The subjective side of the labor process includes a more or less complete awareness by the employee of the objective nature, conditions and content of work and their correspondence to the internal structure of the individual, the system of his interests, attitudes and value orientations. The subjective side of work, along with the objective side, largely determines the employee’s attitude towards work and his satisfaction with the work performed. A person’s attitude to work is influenced by the characteristics of the internal structure of the individual (intensity, strength and type of emotional manifestations, level of activity, temperament, adequacy of the individual’s self-esteem, pre-work attitude, etc.), as well as objective working conditions that develop during the work process (character, severity , work and rest schedule, clarity of work organization, state of relationships in the team, level of material remuneration, cultural and community services, etc.). Job satisfaction largely explains the persistence of an employee in the workplace or, conversely, his dismissal or desire to quit.

Social-organizational adaptation of disabled people assumes that in the process of this type of adaptation, organizational requirements are mastered, which include the implementation of work schedules, daily routines, job descriptions, and orders from superiors. Here, connections and relationships are created between the disabled worker and the enterprise, which streamline their interaction in accordance with production requirements. As a rule, these connections are directed from production to the disabled worker, are strictly standardized, invariant with respect to his characteristics, and are dominated by the interests of production. Labor discipline is the most important objective indicator of organizational adaptation. To characterize the organizational adaptation of a disabled person, we use indicators of his satisfaction with the organization of work, mainly directly at the workplace (shift work, rhythm of work and its compliance with the specialty, condition of equipment and tools).

When studying the socio-economic adaptation of people with disabilities, the object is the level of wages and the method of its distribution, which concentratedly express economic relations in the enterprise and in society.

Quite relevant at the moment is the problem of assessing the degree of adaptation of people with disabilities, which we propose to carry out according to a set of criteria designated depending on the elements that make up the structure of industrial adaptation.

Thus, we propose to assess the physiological adaptation of disabled people according to such criteria as feeling tired at the end of the working day, well-being during work, the presence of physical fatigue, the presence nervous fatigue, a feeling of lightness and heaviness of the work being performed. As indicators of physiological adaptation specific to disabled people, we highlight the following criteria: frequency of morbidity with temporary disability due to disabling pathology and the presence contraindicated conditions labor

We identify the following criteria for assessing the success of professional adaptation: attitude towards the profession, ease of mastering it, desire to change profession, quality of work performed, compliance with the existing profession general training, as well as the influence of the existing pathology on the quality of the work performed, the need to adapt the technological process to the pathology of the disabled person.

Socio-psychological adaptation can be assessed by the disabled person’s satisfaction with relations with the administration, the presence of socio-psychological difficulties in relationships with healthy colleagues, and the presence of socio-psychological difficulties caused by disability.

The criteria for economic adaptation are satisfaction with wages, satisfaction with the system of material incentives for workers, satisfaction with the timeliness of payment of wages, as well as the ratio of the level of wages in the amount of the disability pension and earnings before disability.

Social and organizational adaptation, in our opinion, must be assessed according to the following criteria: the possibility of promotion or education, the possibility of advanced training, satisfaction with shift work, the organization of work and rest, the condition of work equipment and tools, working conditions, rhythm of work

The use in aggregate of both indicators specific to disabled people and (general) indicators suitable for any category of workers is due to the fact that disabled people, despite the specific characteristics of a physiological, psychological and social nature, are nevertheless also ordinary workers.

The complexity of assessing the industrial adaptation of disabled people, both for each indicator separately and in aggregate, necessitates the use of mathematical formulas in order to objectify conclusions about the degree of industrial adaptation of disabled people: high, medium or low.

Thus, we have concluded that in the general body of research devoted to industrial adaptation, the issues of adaptation to work for people with disabilities have not been sufficiently developed. Selected studies theoretical and applied studies in general do not yet provide an answer to many questions that have accumulated on this problem. The following questions remain unresolved or require more thorough scientific justification:

Studying the characteristics and mechanisms of adaptation to the enterprise of disabled people with in different forms diseases in order to determine specific approaches, methods and measures for organizing their professional and industrial adaptation, etc.;

Studying the factors and working conditions that contribute to the industrial adaptation of disabled people;

Development of criteria and indicators for assessing the success of the process of industrial adaptation of disabled people, ways and methods of influencing this process.


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