Aerophagia in newborns.

Why can a child burp air? There are several causes of aerophagia in children:

  • In children infancy Belching or regurgitation occurs due to improper attachment to the breast, incomplete latching of the nipple, or due to too fast or slow flow of milk or formula.
  • In young and older children, aerophagia can occur due to neurological and psychogenic causes, as well as diseases internal systems and organs.
  • Neurological aerophagia is observed due to poor chewing, talking while eating.
  • Neurological aerophagia can also be caused by increased salivation. This arises due to frequent use chewing gum or lollipops.
  • Psychogenic aerophagia in a child develops as a result of stressful situations, fear or after hysteria. The child swallows air not only during meals.
  • Diseases respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity and teeth, as well as of cardio-vascular system can also provoke frequent belching of air in a child.
  • Aerophagia can be caused by congenital damage internal organs or systems, and in particular - digestive tract.


Parents can independently recognize pathology in a child based on certain signs.

  • Belching occurs. It can be loud and odorless. Bouts of burping bother the child throughout the day. During sleep, aerophagia usually does not occur.
  • The child experiences bloating and a feeling of heaviness after eating.
  • Sometimes hiccups occur.
  • There may be shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and there is also a risk of developing tachycardia.
  • In infants, signs of aerophagia include regurgitation, colic, and bloating. During and after feeding, the baby experiences discomfort due to excess air in the digestive tract, which manifests itself in the form of severe crying. But usually aerophagia in infants disappears after 4 months of life.

Diagnosis of aerophagia in a child

A pediatrician can diagnose the disease if external inspection child. The doctor takes an anamnesis, takes into account the complaints of the little patient and his mother. The doctor gently taps the abdomen to identify loud sound. Using X-ray examination, you can detect the amount of gases in the digestive organs, as well as monitor external changes internal organs.

The doctor may ask the child to induce a burp. To do this, you need to stretch your head forward, press your chin to your chest and simulate the process of swallowing. To identify the cause of the development of aerophagia, the child is sent to additional methods examinations. This could be an ECG, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Sometimes a consultation with a psychiatrist is required if there is a possibility psychogenic cause the occurrence of aerophagia.


How dangerous is the disease for a child?

  • In most cases, aerophagia is treatable and does not cause complications.
  • If treatment is not started on time, work disruptions may occur. digestive system due to changes in the structure of internal organs.
  • There is a possibility of developing a hiatal hernia, as the pressure on the diaphragm from the stomach increases.
  • In infants, aerophagia usually goes away on its own without use. special treatment, if it is not caused by congenital pathologies.
  • Aerophagia is dangerous for infant because he may choke if he lies on his back during an attack of regurgitation. Therefore, it is recommended to place the infant on its side.


What can you do

Parents cannot treat aerophagia in a child on their own. Consultation with specialists is necessary to prescribe the correct treatment.

  • If the doctor prescribes drug treatment, parents must strictly adhere to the dosage of medications.
  • Meals should be taken in small portions.
  • The child should chew solid food thoroughly and drink the required amount of liquid.
  • From children's diet You should exclude foods that increase gas formation in the stomach.
  • If regurgitation occurs frequently in infants, it is necessary to ensure that feeding is correct. During feeding, the baby should be on the floor vertical position. The breast or nipple of the bottle must be completely engulfed.
  • After feeding the baby, you should not shake or handle him gymnastic exercises, play or change clothes.

What does a doctor do

To cure aerophagia in a child, the doctor needs to find out the cause of its occurrence:

  • In infants, aerophagia is not a pathology if the baby continues to gain weight and develop.
  • Neurotic aerophagia should be treated with physiotherapy and sedative medications.
  • The doctor may prescribe breathing exercises, massage, and taking a warm bath.
  • If aerophagia is caused by diseases of the internal organs, appropriate treatment with special medications is prescribed.


To prevent a child from burping air, parents should help him with this:

  • The child must adhere to nutritional rules.
  • The use of chewing gum and hard candies should be minimal.
  • Whenever psychological disorders, the child should be taken to a psychiatrist to begin timely treatment. Parents should protect their child from stressful situations.
  • An infant must be properly placed on the breast or bottle, and not fed while crying. After feeding, the baby should be kept in an upright position for some time. Belching of air usually occurs.

Aerophagia is functional disorder in the functioning of the stomach. It is manifested by swallowing excess air and then belching it. In order to cope with the presented condition, it is strongly recommended to begin a rehabilitation course as early as possible. This is what will make it possible to avoid the development of complications and negative consequences.

Reasons for the development of aerophagia

There can be a lot of factors influencing the formation of aerophagia. These include violation of the rules of food consumption, diseases of the respiratory tract, and digestive tract. The latter factors, the treatment of which is necessary, include many conditions: from diseases of the teeth or oral cavity to high-lying gastric ulcers, insufficiency of the cardiac sphincter, hernia hiatus and chronic colitis.

No less significant factors are diseases associated with the activity of the cardiovascular system. It's about O coronary disease, circulatory failure (combined with venous stagnation in the area of ​​the stomach and intestines). In addition, you should pay attention to the likelihood of developing an aneurysm of the descending aorta. This means limited expansion blood vessel, a protrusion noted in the area of ​​its wall.

Moreover, provoke negative symptoms, the treatment of which is necessary, may be poorly selected dentures, certain psychogenic factors. This is about stressful situations, nervous shocks. What symptoms are associated with a condition such as aerophagia will be discussed below.

Symptoms of the condition

The manifestations of the condition are unambiguous, and the first of them is the presence of loud belching not only after eating food, but also at any other time. In some cases, the process turns out to be permanent, disappearing at night.

It is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms, the presence of which also indicates that treatment is required. In addition, aerophagia may be associated with gastrocardiac syndrome, in particular extraordinary cuts hearts, painful sensations in the area of ​​the heart muscle. Another sign should be considered aggravation during breathing. The forms of the present condition and the diagnostic measures on which treatment depends will be discussed below.

Forms and diagnosis

Basic form of this state is neurological. We are talking about a conditioned pathological reflex when swallowing air. It can occur while eating or talking, as well as during habitual swallowing of saliva. Speaking directly about diagnostic activities, it is necessary to pay attention to the importance of taking into account the history and symptoms, in particular, the time of appearance of the first signs of the condition, the frequency of formation of those or other signs.

In addition, the diagnosis of aerophagia can be made on the basis of a medical examination, in particular, characteristic belching and tympanitis. The latter phenomenon is a loud or less quiet, but high-pitched sound that is formed in the process of tapping over hollow organs. An equally important step in the diagnosis process is x-rays. It is he who identifies the large gas bubble of the stomach, as well as other characteristic symptoms

, the treatment of which is necessary. What exactly a recovery course is will be discussed below.

Treatment methods Therapy should begin with the correct consumption of food, namely - this process

and other procedures. In order for treatment for such a phenomenon as aerophagia to be effective, it is necessary to remember systematic exercises breathing exercises . In addition, special attention is paid to the nuances of the rehabilitation course for people with. This is about neurological disorders rational psychotherapy, prescribing small dosages of antidepressants.

With this approach, as well as excluding self-treatment and application folk remedies, the patient will be able to avoid complications and other negative consequences, which will be discussed below.

Complications and consequences

Experts identify a significant number of complications and negative consequences that can arise as a result of untimely treatment and the use of inappropriate techniques. Talking about similar situations, it is necessary, first of all, to stretch and weaken the cardia - that’s what they call muscle fibers, which separate the area of ​​the esophagus and stomach.

No less likely complication with the development of a phenomenon such as aerophagia, the formation of a hiatal hernia should be considered. We are talking specifically about the protrusion of a small part of the stomach through the diaphragm in the area where the esophagus passes. Treatment of any of the presented cases is complicated and, in the vast majority of cases, is effective solely through surgical intervention.

What preventive measures are will be discussed below.

Preventive actions Particular attention must be paid preventive measures

. After the main course of treatment or to exclude aerophagia in the future, experts insist on observing basic food consumption standards, as well as everything related to food hygiene. The rules presented below may seem elementary, but not everyone follows them, which provokes the development of complications.

We are talking not only about proper nutrition or following a rational diet, but also about the fact that you need to eat slowly, preferably silently. It is very important to wash down dry food with a sufficient ratio of water to facilitate passage throughout the entire intestinal area. In addition, experts recommend frequent walking at a slow pace after eating food - this will also have a positive effect on digestive function and eliminate aerophagia.

Thus, the presented condition can be considered quite dangerous, moreover, it is much easier to prevent it initially than to subsequently carry out a recovery course, which can take quite a long time.



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    1.Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No person can ensure complete safety for himself. But significantly reduce the chances of occurrence malignant tumor everyone can.

    2.How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically forbid yourself from smoking. Everyone is already tired of this truth. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of deaths from oncological diseases. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminating tobacco from your life - best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half a day, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3.Does it affect excess weight on the development of cancer?
    Look at the scales more often! Overweight will affect not only the waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity promotes the development of tumors of the esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue serves not only to preserve energy reserves, it also has secretory function: Fat produces proteins that influence the development of chronic inflammation in the body. And oncological diseases appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, WHO associates 26% of all cancer cases with obesity.

    4.Do exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Spend at least half an hour a week training. Sport is on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the United States, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet or pay attention to physical exercise. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but at a vigorous pace. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 shows that even 30 minutes can reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women worldwide) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol has been blamed for causing tumors of the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum and mammary glands. Ethyl alcohol breaks down in the body to acetaldehyde, which then, under the action of enzymes, turns into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is a strong carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful for women, as it stimulates the production of estrogens - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6.Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables are not only included in healthy diet, they also help fight cancer. This is why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half daily ration should be vegetables and fruits. Particularly useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: regular cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Red meat affects which organ cancer?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Research has confirmed that people who eat more than 500g of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.

    8.Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18–36 are especially susceptible to melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. Both tanning equipment and sun rays are blamed for this. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology confirmed that people who regularly apply a special cream have half the incidence of melanoma than those who neglect such cosmetics.
    You need to choose a cream with a protection factor of SPF 15, apply it even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also not expose it to the sun's rays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    Stress itself does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that constant worry changes activity immune cells, responsible for turning on the “hit and run” mechanism. As a result, the blood constantly circulates a large number of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for inflammatory processes. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


  1. With answer
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    Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  1. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  2. Task 3 of 9

    Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 4 of 9

    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  4. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

  5. Task 6 of 9

    Which cabbage helps fight cancer?

Aerophagy is the name given to the process of regurgitation that is common to all newborns. The unpleasant phenomenon is explained by the penetration of a small part of the milk from the stomach back into the esophagus and, from there, into oral cavity.

Aerophagia is characteristic of most babies under the age of about 4 months. This natural process, which, nevertheless, causes a lot of trouble and causes discomfort. According to statistics, regurgitation occurs at least once during the day in 67% of newborns immediately after feeding. Over time, the process subsides on its own and, as a rule, does not require special treatment. If the baby is gaining weight well and developing according to all accepted standards, there is no reason for unnecessary concern.

However, it is worth considering that gastric aerophagia can be a sign of certain diseases. Therefore, if you experience frequent regurgitation, it is better to consult a pediatrician. Aerophagia is differentiated into 2 types: organic and functional. Organic regurgitation may be a consequence abnormal development digestive tract, in particular, narrowing of the pyloric part of the stomach. Also, regurgitation can occur when perinatal lesion central nervous system as a result of hypoxia during intrauterine development or due to infectious process or hereditary disorder metabolism. Naturally, in these cases, in order to get rid of aerophagia, it is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment. Functional aerophagia in newborns is associated with structural features of the still insufficiently developed digestive tract. For example, the reason may lie in the insufficient development of the gastric sphincter or in the esophagus being too short. Typically, aerophagia of a functional nature is diagnosed in babies born with low birth weight or prematurely. As the child grows up, the pathology disappears without a trace. To ensure that regurgitation in this case causes a minimum of trouble, you can help the baby by eliminating all factors that can provoke aerophagia. First of all, you should pay close attention to the feeding process. The baby should not suckle too quickly, as this leads to overfeeding and, accordingly, to regurgitation. It is necessary to make it comfortable for the baby to grasp the nipple along with the areola. This will significantly reduce the chance of swallowing air. At artificial feeding It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles left in the nipple; it must be filled with the mixture. In addition, the bottle must be at a certain angle that allows feeding with minimal risk of air entering the nipple. By the way, there are currently special nipples equipped with an air valve and a medium-sized hole that are most suitable for feeding a baby. The baby should be fed in a semi-upright position with short breaks. During a break, the child is turned towards him in an upright position and held there for several minutes. You should not feed your baby if he is crying. At this time, he will probably swallow air, which will lead to regurgitation. At the end of each feeding, the baby is held upright until he can burp air.

After feeding, you should not do gymnastics with your child or change his clothes. It is best to place the baby on his tummy before feeding. Then, turning onto your back, stroke the area around the navel with a warm palm in a clockwise direction. During feeding, the baby should breathe freely. You need to make sure that his nose does not rest on his chest. It will help reduce aerophagia and daily toileting of the nasal cavity. If these measures do not help reduce the number of regurgitations, you should consult with your pediatrician about the possibility of dietary correction or treatment with pharmacological drugs, affecting intestinal motility.

As a rule, special milk formulas, anti-reflux and casein, are used for dietary correction. Casein mixtures have a higher casein content, which results in denser curdling in the stomach. The formation of a clot prevents regurgitation. These mixtures include such as Enfamil and Similac. Anti-reflux mixtures contain special thickeners, which increase the viscosity of the mixture. TO this type products include milk formulas Lemolak and Frisovo.

Nutrilon Antireflux mixture can be classified as a universal product due to the simultaneous presence of a thickener, gum, and casein protein. By the way, gum not only helps to increase viscosity, but also helps to empty the gastrointestinal tract faster. Also, this mixture has a reduced amount of fat, which makes it possible to more effectively combat aerophagia.

The prescription of the mixture is based on individual indicators for each baby. Functional aerophagia is perfectly amenable to correction and does not affect negative influence weight gain and infant development. If dietary correction is not effective enough, use drug therapy. It is advisable to undergo an examination to identify the cause of the pathology. Among the specialists whose consultation you need to obtain are a surgeon, a neurologist, and an endocrinologist.

Aerophagia in children, of a functional nature, rarely lasts more than the first 4 months of life. If regurgitation occurs frequently, there may be medical problem requiring special treatment.

Aerophagia - what is it? Information about this can be obtained from your doctor. Aerophagia is a functional gastrointestinal disorder that involves excessive swallowing of air, which leads to frequent belching. It can appear in people of any age. In some cases, it is a symptom of a disease, for example, reflux esophagitis, gastrointestinal ulcers or duodenum. Treatment of aerophagia is aimed at eliminating the disease that causes it.

1 Essence of the disease

Aerophagia is a harmless gastrointestinal disorder that occurs due to excessive swallowing of air. As a result, patients complain of frequent, uncontrollable belching, which becomes an embarrassing problem in daily functioning and impairs relationships with other people. Aerophagia develops slowly, its symptoms increase gradually, becoming more and more burdensome for a person.

In some cases, the disorder occurs suddenly. Aerophagia can occur in people of all ages: both children and adults. Sometimes anxiety or depression underlie the development of the disease.

An incorrectly formulated diet has a great influence on the appearance of symptoms such as belching and gas. Drinking carbonated drinks further increases the amount of air in the stomach. Eating food quickly also increases aerophagia.

2 How to recognize pathology?

Rare belching that accompanies or occurs after eating food is not a cause for concern. Belching in infants is also a natural reflex that ensures the removal of air swallowed along with food from the stomach. Frequent belching may represent a form of habit.

Aerophagia is a functional disorder; with this disorder, no abnormalities appear in additional research, For example, laboratory tests or visual diagnosis, nor in endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Thus, aerophagia can produce symptoms similar to indigestion. This happens because the stomach is filled with air and causes symptoms such as constant belching.

In case of additional symptoms In addition to belching, it is necessary to introduce appropriate diagnostics in order to identify the underlying disease. Usually done:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • contrasting X-ray examination gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastroscopy.

Ultrasound is usually a test that allows you to describe a disease of the stomach or esophagus. Contrast X-ray examination is more accurate. It is carried out on an empty stomach, the patient swallows a suspension with contrast agent(barite), and then done X-ray. Barite absorbs radiation, due to which the resulting image shows the shape of the gastrointestinal tract and possible pathologies.

Gastroscopy, in turn, makes it possible to clearly exclude other diseases. During the diagnosis, a flexible camera is inserted into the stomach through the oral cavity. It allows you to accurately evaluate the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and part of the duodenum. During the study, a sample of the mucosa can be taken for histopathological examination.

3 Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In some cases, frequent, annoying belching may be due to functional disorders and illness. Often, excessive swallowing of air causes discomfort in the epigastrium. Aerophagia may be one of the symptoms of the disease in the following cases:

  • gastric reflux esophagitis;
  • erosive esophagitis;
  • ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract or duodenum;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • diseases of the biliary tract.

In considering the above diseases, it is useful to state other symptoms that appear during the course of the disease. To exclude organic disorders underlying aerophagia may require endoscopic examination upper gastrointestinal tract.

Annoying belching can also occur in people with emphysema. It is the result of swallowing air into the esophagus through the relaxed upper sphincter. Frequent burping may also be side effect the use of bicarbonate consumed to relieve pain in patients with peptic ulcer in the anamnesis. When the drug is swallowed, carbon dioxide is formed in the stomach, which is removed from it through belching.

4 Treatments

There are many simple ways, which can help combat annoying daily belching. First of all, you need to consume food often and in small quantities. It is advisable to eat slowly, in small pieces and chew them thoroughly, this will allow less air to enter the stomach. You must provide yourself with a calm environment for eating: do not talk while eating, avoid haste and stress.

In addition, the position when eating is important - the standing position promotes the swallowing of air. People for whom burping is a very common problem should stop drinking carbonated drinks. Patients benefit greatly from eliminating foods that reduce tension in the lower esophageal sphincter, such as fatty foods, sweets, alcohol and strong coffee. It is necessary to quit smoking, as nicotine also relaxes the mentioned muscles.

Getting rid of the wrong ones eating habits, as a rule, reduces the severity of the disease. If there is no sufficient improvement, pharmacological drugs should be used.

The most common cases of burping, which are not a symptom of a serious illness, do not require special treatment.

Although belching is usually a physiological phenomenon, it can become a very cumbersome and embarrassing problem. In this case, herbal medicines with peppermint extract and artichoke herb can be included in the treatment for digestion. They improve intestinal function, support the function of the liver and biliary tract, and also stimulate the secretion of bile. In addition, these remedies reduce digestive disorders by promoting the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fennel fruit extract is also very effective in eliminating excess gas. All of the herbs listed are available over-the-counter in the pharmacy as dietary supplements.

Aerophagia does not carry serious consequences for good health. When the cause of excessive air swallowing is a disorder of the body, underlying diseases are treated, for example, gastric reflux esophagitis, stomach and gastrointestinal ulcers, diseases of the pancreas or liver. When mental disorders(For example, anxiety disorders or depression), which are accompanied by aerophagia, may be useful sedatives or antidepressants. Treatment includes special breathing exercises to prevent air swallowing while eating.

Aerophagia is a specific disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, spontaneous swallowing of air when eating and not only, followed by regurgitation. Swallowing excess air puts pressure on the surface of the stomach and causes pain.

According to established data, when a person eats, he normally swallows about half a teaspoon of air in volume with each sip. Because of this, there is always an air bubble in the stomach with a volume of 2/3 of a standard glass. He gradually moves to small intestine, there the main amount is absorbed, the remaining air leaves through anus. A small amount of air in the stomach may be expelled by belching.

Aerophagia is divided into two types:

  1. Organic. It appears due to the pathological development of the gastrointestinal tract, dysfunction of the central nervous system, due to genetic disorders;
  2. Functional or physiological- considered normal. It occurs in premature babies.

They are divided into three categories:

  1. Neurological;
  2. Psychogenic (neurotic);
  3. Due to pathologies of internal organs.

1.Neurological- progresses due to the developed incorrect conditioned reflex. With hasty eating, insufficient chewing, talking while eating, increased salivation, smoking, chewing gum.

2.Psychogenic aerophagia occurs if: nervous work or frequent shocks; disturbed psyche; hysterics, stressful situations. In this case, a person may swallow air outside of meals. Aerophagia refers to gastric neurosis and gastrocardial syndrome. More than 2/3 of the population experienced neurosis. Most people had never heard of this disease, but mistook it for gastritis, a stomach ulcer or poisoning. Neurosis develops due to many psychological and physiological reasons. Psychological ones include:

  • Hard work with constant stress;
  • Recent nervous breakdown;
  • Frequent lack of sleep;
  • Shattered psyche;
  • Intensive course of life.

During stressful situations, human blood enters high dose adrenaline, which inhibits the natural functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and provokes gastric neurosis.

Physiological are:

  • Frequent consumption of unhealthy foods;
  • Abnormal diet;
  • Use of low quality products;
  • Viral pathologies;
  • Gastritis;
  • Diseases of other internal organs.

Airbrushing is one of the forms of gastric neurosis, in which air enters the stomach not during food intake. Whether a patient has airbrushing can be determined using an x-ray of the stomach and intestines. At the same time, you can see how much excess gases there are and the high position of the diaphragm.

Gastrocardiac syndrome appears when the stomach is full and is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • Breathing heavily with a feeling of heaviness in the chest area;
  • In the area of ​​the heart, a growing pain is felt, similar to an attack of angina pectoris;
  • Sudden onset of anxiety;
  • Significant delay in heart rate;
  • Right after the delay, increased heart rate.

There is also a sudden decrease blood pressure, profuse sweating, dizziness, feeling frightened, unexpected weakness.

Those who have experienced such symptoms should know that gastrocardiac syndrome disappears immediately after belching or vomiting (vomiting must be induced).

Diseases leading to aerophagia:

Aerophagia in infants

In children, it is formed when they swallow air while eating or crying. This is facilitated by:

  • Inaccurate attachment to the breast, insufficient nipple girth on the bottle;
  • Very difficult or accelerated milk flow;
  • Small volume of milk in a nursing mother.

Signs of aerophagia

The manifestation of symptoms is the same in all cases:

  • Frequent loud belching, sometimes constant (disappears during sleep);
  • Severe bloat upper section belly;
  • Episodic hiccups (not found in everyone);
  • Indigestion;
  • Pain behind the sternum;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Difficulty breathing.

With neurotic aerophagia in some patients, the belching ends with a cry.

Symptoms in newborns

They are defined very simply:

  • In the form of regurgitation;
  • Colic, abdominal swelling, constant crying during and after meals;

In babies, the disease lasts up to 4 months, if after that he gains weight, then there is no pathology.


The fact of the disease is verified based on:

  1. Data from the patient, where the physician clarifies: under what circumstances the first symptoms appeared (when they swallow saliva, when rushing while eating, etc.);
  2. A kind of belching, when the sick person pulls his head forward, squeezes his chin to his chest and makes swallowing movements;
  3. Radiographs. In the image you can see a large concentration of accumulated gas in the stomach, in some cases, a transformation of the configuration of the stomach.

To find out the causes of the pathology, the following is carried out:

Sometimes a consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary.

How to get rid of aerophagia?

Treatment is selected individually depending on the source of the disease and first of all it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. All patients with aerophagia, regardless of the cause of the disease, need to:

  • Adhere to hygienic standards for eating - eat food without haste, silently, if the food is dry, wash it down required quantity water;
  • Eat frequently throughout the day (250 g up to 5 times a day);
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks, do not eat foods that increase gas formation;
  • Perform a light abdominal massage after meals, take warm sitz baths;
  • Do not swallow saliva while eating, but spit it out;
  • Do breathing exercises;
  • Quit smoking and alcohol;

Patients with neurotic disorders courses of psychotherapy and small doses of antidepressants are prescribed.

Physiological aerophagia in infants through certain time disappears without treatment. After feeding him, you need to hold him in an upright position until excess air comes out.