Akita Inu is an adult dog. All about the Japanese Akita Inu

It is considered the oldest on earth. It was bred in northern Japan and used as a hunting dog. The Japanese consider it their pride and even gave it the name “Treasure of Japan.”

Today, the breed has gained immense popularity due to its attractive appearance and captivating character traits. The Akita Inu is a strikingly beautiful dog with an impressive appearance that expresses its nobility and strength. The dog is densely built, of good proportions, with an elegant appearance and posture that commands only respect.

The Akita Inu breed has a loyal, reserved and calm character. But despite her tolerant attitude towards minor irritants, she is very wary of other dogs on the street, and instantly responds to any challenge from them. The Akita Inu breed perfectly combines restraint, intelligence and a fiery temperament. It was bred for hunting, protection and even herding. This active, cheerful, persistent and very stubborn breed was able to pursue large prey without a shadow of fear and hold it until the hunter appeared. She proved herself excellent as a guard dog. Possessing unsurpassed sense of smell, sight and hearing, the Akita Inu only barks when threatened.

Description of the Akita Inu breed and the FCI standard (ICF)

  • Round (considered ideal, it gives a classic look, a lively and smiling expression)
  • Rectangular or Hakoguchi (box mouth; this type lacks prominent cheekbones and has drooping lips, which gives it a flabby appearance)
  • Triangular (this type lacks fullness; the bridge of the nose is narrow, the upper lip is slightly drooping)
  • Lips: Tight fitting.
  • Jaws and teeth: regular scissor bite; teeth are strong.
  • Eyes: dark brown, small, moderately spaced. The raised outer corners give a triangular shape, the inner corner is set deep, the line of the lower eyelid stretches up to the outer corner, located under the ear.
  • Ears: small, erect, triangular; slightly rounded at the ends, inclined forward. The sinks are directed to the side or outward. The line should be clearly parallel to the curve of the neck.
  • Neck: Thick, muscular, without dewlap, in proportion to the head.
  • Back: straight, strong.
  • Loin: wide, muscular.
  • Photo of Akita Inu in the snow

  • Chest: Deep with well developed forepart, ribs moderately sprung.
  • Belly: tucked up.
  • Tail: Set high, thick, carried vigorously over the back; when lowered, the tip of the tail almost reaches the hock joints.
  • Forelegs: straight, even, strong bones. Shoulders moderately sloping and developed. The elbows are pressed tightly to the body, looking straight back. Paws are round, arched with elastic pads.
  • Hind limbs: well developed, powerful with moderate articulation angles. Densely covered with thick fur.
  • Coat: guard hair is hard, straight; the undercoat is soft and dense; slightly longer at the withers and rump; longer on the tail than on the body.
  • Flaws:

    • Deviation from the sexual type (male in the bitch type or bitch in the male type)
    • Malocclusion (overbite or underbite)
    • Incomplete set of teeth
    • Tongue with blue or black spots
    • Lightened iris of the eye
    • Short tail
    • Shyness, cowardice

    Disqualifying faults:

    • Erect ears
    • Hanging tail
    • Long hair (shaggy)
    • Black mask on the face
    • Markings on a white background

    P.S.: males have two normal, fully descended testicles.

    Akita inu color

    • Red - white
    • brindle
    • Completely white
    • Sesame (red-fawn coat with black tips)

    In all of the above colors, with the exception of white, Akita Inu should have “urajiro” (whitish hair on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheekbones, the lower surface of the jaw, on the neck, chest, body, tail and on the inner surfaces of the legs).

    By nature, the Akita Inu is calm, sociable and affectionate. She loves people and will make a great family pet for you and your family. Akita is noble, famous for its quiet, easy-going disposition, and barks only when necessary. They are very smart and calm, with an independent character, have enormous willpower, and are an excellent watchman and home guard.

    Many breeders claim that in the presence of an Akita Inu, a person feels relaxed and calm. It helps many people cope with stress and mental anxiety.

    The Japanese respect it for its cleanliness, lack of odor and very clean and tidy appearance. Akita Inu is patient and loyal, gets along well with children and is always ready to protect them.

    If he lives with other pets from puppyhood, then there will be no conflicts. In the future, when he meets a four-legged friend on the street, he will react more calmly. Akita Inu needs early socialization, otherwise it may show aggression towards other pets, including representatives of the same sex.

    When choosing, it is advisable to already have experience in keeping similar breeds. Suitable for people with a strong, decisive character, since training and education turns out to be very difficult. Akita Inu can sometimes become very stubborn and assertive. It is especially noticeable with insufficient physical activity. Let it get bored and it will turn into destructive and difficult to control energy.

    If you want to buy an Akita Inu, you need to know that the breed is naturally prone to hunting instincts and often displays possessive habits. Children should be taught to communicate with other animals from an early age.

    Walks are active with elements of training to work the body and mind. She is strong enough and can easily cope with reasonable weights, such as a child sledding in winter.

    An Akita Inu puppy under 18 months should not be forced to pull huge weights, for the reason that their bones and joints are not yet strong and fully formed.

    Give your dog the opportunity to exercise independently, jump, run, frolic and play whenever he wants. Be sure to buy toys that encourage running. Having received enough exercise, the Akita Inu will be calm, docile and obedient.

    Education, training Akita Inu

    Once in your home, the Akita Inu puppy must feel that you are the owner here, and she should obey the established rules. She has a strong and independent character and needs a strong-willed and strong owner. A person who is too soft or timid is unlikely to cope with her; once she feels power over the situation, she will not listen.

    Training to obey the owner is the most important moment in training a pet. Don't allow him to sleep in your bed, but allow him to be on the floor next to you. This will teach obedience, at the same time, it will give pleasure to be close to the owner.

    Care for Akita Inu

    Photo of Akita Inu at the door of a private house

    The Akita Inu has a beautiful thick coat of medium length with a very soft undercoat that sheds. Shedding is abundant, seasonal, 2 times a year: January - February and May-June. In the summer it can walk without undercoat, and only by autumn it begins to grow overgrown. If kept in an apartment with dry, warm air, it can shed for a whole year. Another reason for constant shedding is poor diet or health problems.

    The main advantage of caring for fur is that it does not require cutting or trimming. The downside is that it sheds a lot, but the period lasts only a couple of weeks. During periods of intense shedding, the fur falls out in clumps.


    Once a week, with a metal comb or a brush with metal teeth. This way you remove dead hair and give your pet a massage.

    During periods of shedding, you will have to comb every day:

    1. slicker
    2. furminator (you need to use it carefully so as not to cut off the guard hair when the fur starts to come out in clumps)
    3. rake-shaped metal brush


    It is not recommended to bathe Akita Inu too often, no more than 1-2 times a year, as needed or before a show. They are very clean; brushing removes dust and dirt. With frequent bathing, the coat loses its natural protective fatty lubricant and waterproofing properties.


    Inspect regularly, to prevent souring, wipe once a month with chamomile tea or special drops (ask your veterinarian). Healthy eyes are shiny, without tear or brown tracks. A little discharge in the corners of the eyes in the morning is considered normal if the dog has been running outside all day. Excessive tearing, redness or swelling of the eyelids, a consequence of allergies or a serious illness. If you notice such symptoms, be sure to show it to your veterinarian.


    Brush your Akita - Inu's teeth 1-2 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs, using a toothbrush or a finger attachment. Do not practice brushing teeth with toothpaste for people; many of them cannot tolerate the strong menthol smell and foam. In order not to discourage interest in the procedure, it is better not to experiment.

    Photo of Akita Inu at competitions


    Once a week, wipe the auricle with a damp cloth soaked in warm water. A healthy ear is a pleasant pink color, without any unpleasant odor or fluid. If your dog notices redness, frequently shakes its head, rubs itself on the floor, smells unpleasant, or leaks fluid, contact your veterinarian immediately. There are several reasons, otitis media, ear mites, allergies, you should not self-medicate, it is better to consult a specialist.


    Trim once a month with a nail clipper for large breeds. Sharp ends are smoothed with a nail file to avoid burrs. Accustom your Akita Inu to procedures from puppyhood, otherwise you simply won’t be able to cope with an adult. Never yell at her, speak in a gentle, moderate voice. If the dog is very nervous, postpone the procedure until the next day. After any procedure, be sure to praise and treat him with his favorite treat.

    Diseases of Akita - Inu

    • Hip dysplasia
    • Bloating or volvulus
    • Von Willebrand disease (blood disease)
    • Cataract
    • Entropy
    • Glaucoma
    • Progressive retinal atrophy
    • Acquired pseudoparalytic myasthenia gravis (a disorder of neuromuscular transmission, which is characterized by muscle weakness and fatigue.
      Myasthenia, congenital or acquired. This disease causes weakness of the skeletal, esophageal, facial, pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles.
      Signs of myasthenia gravis in dogs: exercise intolerance, megaesophagus, neck ventroflexion, swallowing problems, hypersalivation, regurgitation, inability to blink and loss of voice).

    Akita Inu height and weight

    Height at withers:

    • Male: 64 cm - 70 cm
    • Bitch: 58cm - 64cm
    • Male: 40kg - 45 kg
    • Bitch: 32kg - 45kg

    They live on average 10-12 years.

    Akita Inu photo

    Akita Inu is a Japanese dog breed that originated on the island of Honshu. The Akita Inu breed is the largest Japanese Spitz dog. The Akita Inu dog is a true hunter. For a very long time they were used for hunting deer, wild boars and even bears. The Akita Inu dog breed is a national treasure of Japan. Below you will find a description of the Akita Inu and photos, learn the character of the Akita Inu, and also find useful information about the care and maintenance of the Japanese Akita Inu dog.

    A description of the Akita Inu breed should begin with the size of these dogs. The Japanese Akita Inu is a large hunting dog breed that was bred in the mountains of northern Japan. The height at the withers for males varies from 65 to 70 cm, for females from 60 to 65 cm. The weight of Akita Inu is 40-50 kg. The lifespan of an Akita Inu is 12-14 years. Akita Inu dogs are well built and proportionally built, have a strong muscular body, high large paws and a large head in the shape of an inverted triangle.

    The Akita Inu dog looks somewhat like a wolf, a fox and a bear at the same time. This breed has small dark brown eyes, a large black nose, a short neck and a wide chest. The Akita Inu's ears are pointed upward and look slightly forward, and the tail curled into a ring lies on the back. The Akita Inu breed has a very unusual and original appearance, which immediately attracts the eye. The Japanese Akita Inu looks proud and majestic, which definitely makes it stand out among other breeds.

    The Akita Inu dog most often has a red color with white urajiro (this is when there is white fur on the face, chest, belly and the inner surface of the paws). There are also all-white Akita Inu and brindle with white Urajiro. The Akita Inu's coat is very thick and consists of several layers, giving the dog a plush appearance. The description of the Akita Inu states that only the presence of all three layers of hair makes the dog’s appearance meet the standards.

    The topmost layer of wool is the longest, coarse and straight, the middle layer is shorter, but also quite hard. The last layer is the undercoat, it is the softest and thickest. The longest hair on the Akita Inu is on the tail. Also, the shoulder blades and panties of these dogs have slightly longer hair than the rest of the body. There are Akita Inus with shorter or longer hair, but in any case the coat must meet the required standards.

    History of the Akita Inu breed

    Today, the Akita Inu breed is best known for its legendary dog ​​named Hachiko. Surely everyone has watched a thrilling film about how a faithful dog was waiting for his owner. In Russia, the Japanese Akita Inu dog breed is rapidly gaining popularity. Even our President Vladimir Putin has an Akita Inu dog, which was given to him in 2012 by the Japanese governor of Akita Prefecture. The president named the puppy Yume, which means Dream in Japanese.

    The history of the Akita Inu breed dates back to ancient times, as evidenced by the found remains and preserved drawings. Scientific research has shown that the Akita Inu breed is one of the oldest in Japan and throughout the world. The Akita Inu was bred in the northeastern part of the island of Honshu, in the Akita province, as a hunting and guard dog. Hence the name of the breed, translated from Japanese “inu” means dog, and the prefix “akita” is the name of the area where the breed appeared.

    In Japan, clubs for lovers of these dogs were founded, where they drew up instructions on keeping, breeding and training. Special books were kept where information about dogs was recorded. Also, the surviving documents indicated that Akita Inu dogs took part in fights, which were soon banned. And if at first the Akita Inu dog breed was a peasant breed, they soon became elite pets of aristocrats and emperors. In Japan, the Akita Inu dog became sacred and to offend it meant signing your own death warrant; offending was very severely punished.

    A society for the protection of the Japanese Akita Inu breed was founded. Ultimately, this breed became available only to high rulers and their families. Perhaps it was precisely this turn in the history of the Akita Inu breed that allowed it to survive in its purebred form to this day. After all, these dogs were kept excellently at court. However, during the Second World War, the Akita Inu dog breed experienced hard times. American soldiers crossed the Japanese Akita Inu with a mastiff and a German shepherd. Thus, a new breed was developed - the American Akita, which you can see in the photo below.

    Akita Inu character

    The popularity of these dogs is growing not only because of their interesting appearance, but also due to the amazing character of the Akita Inu. These dogs are smart, brave and reserved, just like the Japanese themselves. The character of the Akita Inu is characterized by a calm and even disposition. These dogs are very balanced and outbursts of aggression are not typical for them. Of course, if the owner’s life is threatened, the dog will react, but first he will carefully study the situation. The Akita Inu dog is an excellent hunter and watchdog by nature.

    The character of the Akita Inu is very friendly and inquisitive; these dogs literally stick their curious nose everywhere, especially in childhood. As they grow up, they become much more diligent. An Akita Inu puppy is considered up to the age of 2-2.5 years. Despite the fact that already at 4 months they reach about 70% of the size of an adult. The older an Akita Inu dog becomes, the more clearly its character traits such as restraint, confidence, independence and composure appear. These dogs seem to become wiser over the years. In any family, the Akita Inu dog will become a faithful, devoted and reliable friend for everyone. The Japanese Akita Inu is a kind and cheerful dog breed that loves children.

    Behind the external self-sufficiency, coldness and serene calm lies the same curious baby who loves attention to himself. The character of the Akita Inu is obedient; these dogs are not inclined to do dirty tricks. The Japanese Akita Inu dog is a rather vulnerable and sensitive creature. This breed must be treated with respect and kindness. Believe me, it will be deeply mutual. The Akita Inu dog breed is very cheerful, playful and sociable. These dogs need long walks and exercise.

    Akita Inus are distrustful, vigilant and wary of strangers, although they do not show it. This breed has a difficult relationship with other dogs, because Akita Inu strive to be dominant. Having met another dog on the street, they can immediately rush into battle, proving their rights to the territory. Therefore, from early childhood it is necessary to educate the Akita Inu and pay a lot of attention to it, then the dog will be able to show only its best natural traits. Usually Akita Inu has friendly relations with other pets in the house.

    By nature, Akita Inus are independent and stubborn. There will be difficulties with such a dog if you do not educate and socialize it. Show moderate persistence and exactingness in training. Remember that the Akita Inu is a true Japanese, so it is very important to show the dog a strong character so that he recognizes authority and obeys. But don’t forget to also reward your pet for its success. Rest assured, the time spent will definitely pay off and you will get an excellent companion with good manners and developed intelligence.

    Akita Inu puppies

    If you have acquired an Akita Inu puppy, try to immediately set priorities and set restrictions. Show your baby his sleeping place, bowls of food and water. Akita Inu puppies are very restless, they are constantly moving mischievous lumps. Don't allow him to sleep in the bed, bite during games, or chew on things. Then it will be almost impossible to wean yourself from these habits.

    In raising an Akita Inu, it is very important to be consistent and see everything through to the end. Relationships with this breed should be built on mutual respect. Be patient, never yell at the dog or use physical punishment; Akita Inus have a phenomenal memory, in which you will forever remain an enemy. Misdemeanors should only be punished with a reprimand, but you must speak calmly and clearly, then the baby will understand everything.

    Under no circumstances indulge in begging, no matter how pitiful and pleading the look may be. Remember that Akita Inus are prone to gaining excess weight, so you need to strictly monitor the amount of food consumed. If you indulge the dog, he will begin to manipulate you. Akita Inu are very smart and quickly understand how to behave in order to get what they want. If you allow this behavior, it will be very difficult to achieve obedience from the dog.

    Nobody likes monotonous repetitions, so the education process should be diluted with games. As for physical activity, it should be moderate. Especially for babies who are still developing, otherwise there is a risk of injury. The Japanese Akita Inu breed is clean and quite quiet; these dogs do not bark unnecessarily. Each dog has an individual temperament, communicate with your pet more often, don’t let him get bored and try to get to know him as best as possible.

    Caring for an Akita Inu requires brushing the coat at least 1-2 times a week, and during periods of shedding at least 3 times. These dogs do not need to be groomed. Akita Inu care includes bathing with special shampoos 2-3 times a year; more frequent bathing is not recommended. It is necessary to brush your teeth and ears once a week, and trim your nails once a month. If necessary, wipe your eyes with water or chamomile decoction.

    Keeping an Akita Inu requires good and nutritious nutrition. Try not to train your dog to eat from the table. It is best to feed your Akita Inu premium dry food, which already contains all the necessary beneficial vitamins and minerals. If you prefer a natural diet, then the Akita Inu should be fed with lean meat and vegetable broth, and you can also give low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, eggs and fish 2 times a week. When eating natural foods, you should additionally add vitamin complexes.

    During shedding, with any type of food, it is necessary to give special supplements so that the new coat is healthy and grows faster. Always make sure your pet has enough fresh drinking water. The Akita Inu dog breed has excellent health. But no matter how excellent it is, it is necessary to take proper care of it. Visit your veterinarian, get the necessary vaccinations and monitor your pet's diet.

    The following diseases are most often diagnosed in Akita Inu: joint dysplasia (usually a hereditary disease), eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, retinal atrophy, entropion) and digestive problems (due to poor diet). Proper nutrition, an active pet lifestyle and regular visits to the veterinarian will help avoid a lot of health problems.

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    It is “dignity” that would be most suitable to describe this breed in one word. These dogs are one of the national symbols of their homeland - Japan, the breed was proclaimed one of the monuments of its nature, “the treasure of Japan”.

    The breed is popular not only because of its attractive appearance, but also because of its noble, balanced character and exceptional devotion to its family. The real story of the dog Hachiko, world famous for his loyalty, happened with a representative of the Akita Inu.

    History of the origin of the breed

    Akita Inu is one of the 14 most ancient dog breeds in the world, which is proven by genetic studies conducted on these dogs by scientists, as well as cultural monuments with images very reminiscent of the appearance of Akita. More than two thousand years ago, the ancestors of these dogs were found in the north of the Japanese island of Honshu, and the familiar appearance of the breed was formed around the 17th century. Perhaps in ancient times nature brought together the Chinese Spitz dog with the mastiff, or the descendants of mastiffs and Siberian huskies became the ancestor.

    Japanese dogs were first the favorites of peasants and big game hunters, then they attracted the attention of the nobility. In the 18th century, they were already considered “elite”; they were considered an honor to be held by representatives of the ruling aristocracy, and, of course, the imperial family. The dogs were given exceptional care, elevated to the level of a palace ceremony. The Emperor signed a law prohibiting, under pain of severe punishment, from injuring or taking the life of an Akita Inu..

    This is interesting! Why Akita Inu? The name of the breed is not very complicated: the word “inu” means “dog” in Japanese, and Akita is the name of the prefecture in the northern part of Honshu, where the breed originates.

    In 1927, the purity of this breed was protected by the newly created Akita Inu Preservation Society. During the war, the dogs showed their skills with honor at the front, after which the breed had to be restored again using the surviving purebred individuals.

    Today, Akitas are sometimes crossed with more aggressive breeds, which is how the Kara Futo and Tosa Inu breeds were developed. Over the last half century, the appearance of the Akita has become more massive, and its character has become somewhat more temperamental.

    Description of Akita Inu

    Akita Inu is a large dog, very attractive due to its harmonious build. Thanks to the high carriage of the head and proud posture, this dog appears majestic.

    1. Torso strong, muscular, slightly elongated. The chest is wide and powerful.
    2. Head large, commensurate with the powerful body, slightly flattened between the ears, shaped like an obtuse angle. It has strong square jaws, small triangular rounded ears, a not too elongated nose with a large black earlobe (brown is only found in snow-white Akitas). The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly visible. A characteristic feature is deep-set, slanted, small, truly “Japanese” eyes of a dark brown hue.
    3. Tail - not particularly long, thick and fluffy, curved into a tight ring, single or double.
    4. Paws - strong, strong, fingers adapted for swimming - they have membranes between the fingers. The fingers are pressed tightly together, like a cat's.
    5. Wool- dense, dense, with a pronounced structure. Sheds a lot. The color may be different and is regulated by breed standards.
    6. Voice - The Akita is considered a "vocal" dog, although it is not at all prone to barking and growling, this is rare even when attacking.

    This breed is characterized by curious sounds: snorting, moaning, muttering, as if the dog is talking to itself, grumbling under its breath. Attentive owners even distinguish similarities between human words.

    Breed standards

    According to the ICF classification, Akita belongs to group 5, section 5, No. 255. The judges are quite strict about the appearance of these dogs, because it is important to preserve its purebred characteristics.

    • Weight - Adults should range between 40-50 kg, females can weigh from 30 kg.
    • Height - at the withers:
      • for males - about 67 cm;
      • in females - about 61 cm.

    An excess or decrease of this indicator within 3 cm is not considered a deviation from the standard.

    Cover of wool- according to the standard it must be three-layer. The first layer is made of long and coarse hairs. The second is hard short guard hair. The third is a soft and thick undercoat.

    All three coats must be present. The longest hair is on the tail; on the back of the paws (“pants”) it is slightly longer than on the body. The overall length is not so significant: shorter-haired Akitas are considered standard, and they can be combined with longer hair.

    Important! If the hair is very long, and not hard, but softer, such dogs are classified into a separate group - long-haired Akita Inu.

    Color- can be different, one important rule is clean and unblurred contours of color. The dog can be completely one color or with spots, but the colors should not change into one another or mix. Sometimes Akitas have “urajiro” - white fur on the chest, the inner surface of the paws and tail, and the mask on the face. For the Japanese Akita Inu, the standard allows only three colors:

    • red and white urajiro;
    • brindle with white urajiro;
    • pure white without spots.

    Important! The American variety of Akita has black Urajiro, but for the Japanese standard this type of color is not allowed and is considered a breed defect.

    Dog character

    This dog is truly the embodiment of ideas about its eastern homeland: a remarkable temperament hidden under a layer of dignity and restraint. She is harmonious in her manifestations; the owners rightfully believe that she is practically devoid of obvious shortcomings.

    From childhood, puppies of this breed are playful and inquisitive. It is not typical for them to suddenly fall into aggression or have a changeable temperament. When communicating with an Akita, you get the impression that she always keeps herself in control, in a downright “Eastern” way; her slanted eyes seem to reflect the prudence and wisdom of centuries.

    Meanwhile, this is by no means a slow and phlegmatic breed: the Akita perfectly protects the owner and his family, knows how to fight, but does not do it headlong. Before this, the dog will assess its strength and situation and plan its behavior.

    The only trait that could be called negative is the excessive curiosity and restlessness inherent in young age. An Akita must always be aware of events: it will immediately appear at any noise, stick its nose into any box or door. This behavior lasts for quite a long time - this breed seems to have a puppyhood that lasts up to 2 -2.5 years, and then the dog gets wiser, gains experience and acquires diplomacy and restraint.

    Dogs are very loyal and affectionate to children and are excellent friends and nannies for them.. It will be good for both a single owner and a large noisy family. The main thing is to pay attention to her and work with her from her very first days in the house. In return for respect, she will respond with boundless love and devotion.

    As much as the Akita is tolerant of people, even strangers, it is so irreconcilable with other four-legged animals on its territory. She will not tolerate another four-legged animal in her house or yard; she should even treat other animals on a walk with caution.

    Important! These dogs are very compassionate and kind to their young. At the London Zoo, an Akita Inu nursed a newborn orphaned Sumatran tiger cub, while very tenderly caring for and playing with the baby, becoming his real mother.

    Akita Inu is a very clean dog, it has no smell. Experts note the so-called “cat behavior” in this breed - dogs lick their fur, like cats or tigers. They have similar maneuvers when attacking: the dogs sneak, crouching to the ground, and then suddenly jump on the prey or the offender.

    This dog belongs to the category of companions, aimed at protecting and guarding household members, their territory and food. A very smart, even intellectual creature that needs early socialization and constant communication.


    Akita Inu lives about 10-14 years.

    On the one hand, these dogs are very unpretentious in keeping. They can be kept in an ordinary city apartment, or in a private house, or in an enclosure (in the yard). On the other hand, it is believed that the Akita Inu is not for beginners in dog breeding, since it requires attention and skill in training and education.

    Akita inu in the apartment

    Your dog will need a long walk every day; it is advisable to walk the dog for at least two hours both in the morning and in the evening. This is necessary in order to prevent the “apartment” dog from gaining excess weight, because the Akita is a calm dog, it does not like to rush around, so it is necessary to provide it with adequate physical activity.

    Akita on the street

    You don’t have to worry about the dog getting cold, because it has thick and long hair with a warm undercoat.. But you still need to make sure that the dog has a spacious kennel with a heated floor in the enclosure, then even wintering in outdoor conditions is not scary for him. The main thing is that when kept in an enclosure, the dog receives enough communication with all family members every day.

    Care and hygiene

    The Aktita Inu has a very “successful” coat in terms of care, which does not require complex and expensive procedures for the dog to look great. You only need to thoroughly comb your pet 1-2 times a week to prevent tangles from forming. Haircut and trimming are not applied. Molting presents some difficulties: it occurs very intensely in Akitas. During this period, it is worth helping the dog and combing it every other day with a special mitten or brush.

    – not the most useful procedure for these dogs. Getting wet too often is harmful to them and leads to various diseases. Once a season or even a couple of times a year will be enough. After the animal is bathed, take care to dry the fur as quickly as possible - use a hairdryer or a large towel.

    Akita Inu diet

    The diet and composition of the diet of purebred dogs must be treated with utmost care. Never feed your dog scraps or leftovers from your table. Human food may not only be unhealthy, but dangerous for your pet. The easiest way is to choose the right dry food with a balanced composition of vitamins and minerals. If preference is given to natural food, it should be lean meat in combination with vegetables, cottage cheese and raw eggs 1-2 times a week.

    When feeding naturally, be sure to take additional vitamin complexes. During shedding, the dog will need nutrition to improve the condition of the coat - supplements will improve its growth and condition. Make sure you always have fresh drinking water available.

    Diseases and breed defects

    The Akita Inu is not very susceptible to systemic diseases and is a very healthy and hardy breed. Meanwhile, such dogs may have a certain tendency to the following diseases:

    • bloating or volvulus (due to errors in feeding and improper diet);
    • hip dysplasia;
    • eversion of the eyelid (transmitted genetically);
    • von Willebrand disease (blood disease);
    • eye diseases - cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy.

    As a rule, with timely consultation with a veterinarian, these problems can be solved with medication or surgery.

    Education and training

    The Akita Inu needs to be raised to be a self-confident person who, from the first days in the house, will be able to put himself as the master. A timid and shy person will not be able to raise such an individuality as an Akita; she will impose her own rules on him.

    The most correct thing would be to establish subordination at the same time as mutual respect. This dog should not be kept by people who only want to feed it and not think about it during the day.

    Important! An Akita Inu that is not socialized in childhood and is unsociable, instead of being calm and reasonable, can become aggressive and uncontrollable.

    The owner must find the “golden mean” between authoritarianism and flexibility. Rough pressure and attempts to “break” or subjugate the dog are unacceptable. Positive reinforcement (praise, treats) is much more effective. Akita does not carry out commands automatically, but after thinking carefully, it seems to be looking for meaning in the owner’s demands. For the person she loves and respects, the dog is ready to do anything. He will be indifferent to the rest. This respect must be given to the dog before the end of its puppyhood - 2-2.5 years. Further re-education will be pointless. If you start training in childhood, the dog will be able to fully realize its unique intellectual potential.

    Japan is mysterious and amazing - a country of contrasts, a country of progress. The land of cherry blossoms and samurai. It has a rich history and many national treasures.

    One of them is the Akita Inu dog breed. A detailed overview of the breed follows.

    Japanese dog breed Akita Inu - The largest of dogs belonging to .

    The breed appeared in the 17th century in the town of Akita on the Japanese island of Honshu. But Their ancestors are considered to be Matagi Inu, dogs known since the 8th century.

    Initially, Inus were used for hunting or guard duty. But gradually their hunting status changed to elite, and the dogs became available only to wealthy people.

    After the Second World War, the breed spread throughout Europe and the American continent.

    Exterior description

    FCI standard No. 255 dated March 13, 2001 “Akita”.
    Group 5 “Spitz and primitive type breeds.”
    Section 5 “Asian Spitz and related breeds.”

    The height of a male at the withers reaches 70 cm, the height of a female is 63 cm.

    Exterior standard stable:

    • small eyes of a dark color, the upper eyelid is slightly raised;
    • erect triangular ears, slightly pointed, thick, small in size;
    • paws are strong, large;
    • large muzzle.

    Akita has a massive back, a tucked belly area, and a thick tail raised in a semi-ring.

    The appearance is expressive, it is not for nothing that they are included. The coat is distinguished by short, straight hairs with a fluffy undercoat.

    Allowed four types of coat colors:

    • red or fawn;
    • with dark ends of hair;
    • brindle;
    • white.

    Standard colors (other than solid white) include urashio - white fur on the face and inner surface of the body.

    Akita Inu

    Breed characteristics

    These are the smart ones they have an excellent memory. Dogs are playful and restless from an early age.

    Puppy age in Akita lasts up to 2.5 years.

    With age, a dog's childishness gives way to calmness and equanimity.

    Adults have the ability to hide their emotional state. But despite the apparent indifference, the dog loves its owners.

    The Akita Inu is human-oriented and becomes a human companion. The dog is fearless, but not aggressive, and in case of danger it will protect family members to the end.

    They are independent and curious. This is explained by belonging to the Spitz family. Akitas are easy to train. But you need to be patient. Training should be gradual.

    During training, you cannot show aggression or rudeness - the animal withdraws into itself.

    It is necessary to find a balance between affection and firmness.

    A negative feature of the breed is vindictiveness. If you treat a dog cruelly, there is a risk of making an enemy. He is also distrustful of strangers, but will never show it.

    Akita Inu is kept as the only pet.

    Akita does not tolerate other dogs and often fights, especially with representatives of its own breed.

    Another feature of the breed is that they do not bark. Only in extreme cases.

    Capabilities. Due to their qualities, dogs were used as bodyguards. Akitas have not lost their hunting abilities. They have excellent vision, hearing, and the ability to move quickly and silently.

    Akita Inu are excellent swimmers and are often used as water rescuers.

    Akita Inu is suitable for home and apartment living. In a private home, the dog can be kept outside the house; they tolerate cold and heat well.

    The animal must have its own place. But they do not like to sleep on mats or baskets. The dog is clean, she will always wait until she is taken outside on business.

    Akita Inu sometimes likes to be alone. Therefore, he needs a place where no one will disturb him. When kept in an apartment, a dog needs constant physical activity.

    Akita is easy to care for. The coat does not require cutting, and the dog needs to be brushed once a week, unlike. Dogs actively shed twice a year. This period lasts a couple of weeks and they need to be brushed daily.

    If shedding continues for more than three weeks, you should contact your veterinarian.

    Akita is fed with special food or natural products. An adult dog is fed twice a day. If your pet doesn't get enough exercise, he can eat once a day or less.

    The diet includes:

    • cereal
    • lean meat
    • vegetables
    • dairy products

    At the same time, nutrition is supplemented with vitamin complexes.

    It is prohibited to feed the animal bones, flour products, potatoes and sweets.

    The dog needs regular treatment against ticks and the use of products. The danger of infection is always present.

    Many people fell in love with Akita Inu dogs after watching the film about Hachiko, this story touched everyone and, of course, many wanted to make friends with such a faithful dog. If you are thinking about adopting a puppy of this breed, first read the Akita Inu breed description. Perhaps some details and nuances will interest you.

    Physical Characteristics of the Akita Inu

    Wool: short and fluffy.
    Color: brown, sesame, brindle and white. All colors other than white must have "coloring", that is, whitish hair on the sides of the muzzle, under the jaw, on the throat, on the chest and belly, as well as on the underside of the tail and the inside of the legs.
    Size: 64 to 70 cm for males and 58 to 64 cm for females
    Weight: from 30 to 50 kg

    Origin and history

    Akita is a very old dog breed native to Akita Prefecture, Japan. He was born as a hunter, later became a guard dog and a fighting dog. Currently in Japan, the Akita Inu dog breed is considered a "national treasure", meaning it is part of the list of Japanese traditions that need to be protected and preserved.

    There were two main lines of the Akita breed in Japan: the Maiden and the Ichinoseki. The first branch of the breed that showed obvious signs of interbreeding with molosoids was transported to America to produce the so-called "American Akita", known today as the "Great Dog of Japan".

    The second branch of the breed, which was much closer to the original type, was chosen by the Japanese as ideal and is today the true Akita Inu breed.

    The Akita Inu is also known as the Akita Ken, the Japanese Akita, and the Great Dog of Japan. These dogs originated in the mountains of Northern Japan, in Akita Prefecture. Akitas are among the oldest native dogs of Japan, and the breed has remained unchanged for centuries. Their ancestor is the Matagi dog, which accompanies the traditional winter hunter of Northern Japan - Matagi. The breed was developed to help Matagi hunters of wild boar, Japanese deer and Asiatic black bears, as the dogs would flush the animal until the hunter came and killed it.

    The breed became widely known after the story of Hachiko, an Akita Inu, attracted the attention of people around the world, leading to the official designation of the breed as a Japanese national monument in 1931. Hachiko was born in 1923 and belonged to a professor from Tokyo who lived on the outskirts of the city and traveled to work by train every day. Hachiko walked with his master to and from the train station every day, waiting for him to return home on the 4 o'clock train. One day his owner died at work, but Hachiko continued to go to the train station, waiting for his return, every day for 9 years. The Akita became the Japanese symbol of loyalty and fidelity associated with the institution of the emperor, and a bronze statue was erected in his honor at Shibuya Station in 1934. Additionally, an Akita statue is traditionally given to newborns as a symbol of health and a long, happy life.

    In 1937, Hellen Keller visited Japan and fell in love with the Akita Inu. She was given two Akitas (as the first one died of troubles shortly after she returned to the United States). These were the first Akita dogs to arrive in the United States.

    During World War II, the breed almost disappeared because they lacked food, were eaten by hungry people, or were killed after a government order aimed at preventing the spread of disease by culling all non-military dogs. Thanks to the efforts of some people, the Akitas were released into remote mountainous areas, where they continued to breed with their ancestors, thus surviving the war. Others began breeding them with German Shepherds to turn them into military dogs and save them from death. In the early 20th century, Akitas were also crossed with other breeds such as the English Mastiff, Great Dane, St. Bernard and Tosa Inu to give them certain fighting dog traits.

    After the war, Akitas began to be bred again and efforts were made to give them a more standardized appearance to undo some of the damage caused by past crossbreeding. Some US Army personnel took some Akita dogs to the US because they wanted to recreate the breed. They preferred larger dogs with heavy bones and bear-like heads.

    These were the first dogs that later developed into another type of breed, the American Akita. The American Akita is considered only a different type of Akita in the United States and Canada, as it is considered a separate breed in other countries. In Japan, this topic is quite controversial, and since the Akita is the country's national symbol, there are breed standards designed for careful breeding that clearly distinguish between the Japanese and American Akita.

    Akitas were recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1955. They were first introduced into the UK via Canada in 1937, although they only became more popular in the 1980s. Akitas reached Australia from the US and New Zealand from the UK in 1982 and 1986 respectively.

    Characteristics of the Akita Inu breed and the dog's abilities

    The Akita Inu is a majestic dog that behaves with dignity and restraint. Distrustful of strangers, he is very affectionate with people in the family, but always expresses his affection in a calm and dignified manner.

    Typically, dogs of this breed have good guarding skills. They love children at home, but are not very sociable with those they do not know, and try to avoid them, leaving them to observe their indifferent and imperturbable dignity.

    The Akita Inu dog fights a lot with other dogs of the same sex, especially if it is a male. If someone approaches him too sharply, he may even bite, especially if he does not know this person: after all, he is a samurai!

    The Akita is not a dog for beginners, it has a strong character, education will need to be introduced for this dog from an early age. This applies to both calm and nimble dogs.

    Living conditions

    The Sib Ina (American Akita) can live outdoors at any time of year and in any temperature, but prefers to live as a human.

    At home he almost never barks. Akita Inu lives very well in an apartment because it is a very calm dog.

    Akita Inu health

    Although the Akita Inu is a simple and therefore hardy dog, the breed is usually affected by two diseases: sebaceous adenitis (skin disease, hair loss) and VKH (inflammation of the brain and iris, depigmentation of the skin and nose, etc.).

    These are two autoimmune diseases: the dog's immune system reacts to its body, it attacks diseased cells, but also healthy ones.

    The mode of transmission is not clearly defined, but it is a hereditary pathology.

    Average life expectancy: about 10 years

    Physiological characteristics of Akita Inu

    Akita Inu red blood cells may be small, without any pathological significance in this breed. They also contain more potassium, which must be taken into account when interpreting certain blood tests (potassium).


    Interventricular septa and congenital heart defects occur in this patient 4.1 times more often than usual.

    Akita Inu also have a significantly increased risk of pericardial effusion (6.5 times). This disease usually occurs in middle-aged dogs.


    In Akita Inu, granulomatous sebaceous adenitis is an uncommon inherited condition affecting older or middle-aged dogs. The disease tends to develop into discrete gray hair.


    Hemophilia A in familial form is sometimes found in Akita Inu.


    Multiple ocular abnormalities of hereditary origin (congenital cataracts, retinal abnormalities, posterior linthicon and microphthalmia) are suspected in Akita Inu.

    Inherited generalized progressive retinal atrophy, responsible for night blindness, has also been reported to appear between 1 and 3 years of age. Dogs become blind between 3 and 5 years of age.

    Orthopedics - musculoskeletal

    In Akita Inu, patella disease is a common condition with a risk multiplied by 6.7.

    Cruciate ligament rupture is a common cause of chronic limb pathology, and neutered dogs are most susceptible to this.


    The breed was at risk of extinction, the first time due to a rabies outbreak in Japan, and the second time during World War II, when the dogs were killed to feed the population.

    The Akita is a medium-sized dog whose origins date back to Japan.

    Affection level (5/5): These dogs are known to be good family dogs.
    If they are trained properly, they are known to follow commands and get along with family members. They are good as guard dogs.

    Housing for Akita (2/5): Akita Inus are aggressive and therefore not good as an apartment dog. They have the potential to move away from home.

    Walking in cold weather (4/5): Akita dogs are very suitable for cold weather. You can take them outside even in frosty weather.

    Hot Weather Tolerance (2/5): They thrive in cold conditions, making it difficult for them to survive in hot weather.
    After 32°C it becomes too hot for Akitas and they should be kept indoors.
    The idea of ​​shaving their hair seems appealing, but you shouldn't shave your dog's fur during the summer. The dog may become sensitive to direct sunlight and this may cause rashes or burns.

    Barking Tendencies (2/5): If you are looking for a quiet and silent dog that doesn't bark too much, this might be perfect for you.
    They grumble and mutter from time to time. American Akita dogs have a high prey drive. They are required to chase cats if they see them.
    It's best to keep them away from cats. Akita dogs are aggressive towards dogs of the same sex.
    They may get involved in fights. Keep them away from same-sex dogs.
    However, they get along well with dogs of the opposite sex.

    Exercise Needs (4/5): They have an aggressive personality, so avoid taking them to dog parks.
    They need 30 minutes to an hour of exercise. They are full of energy, so you must keep them busy in some other activities.

    Care needs (3/5): Akita sheds a lot. Two or three times a year he sheds more than usual.
    It is necessary to comb your hair regularly with a bristle brush. They are affectionate and playful, watch over members of the house and want to participate in household activities.
    Akita training requires an owner who never accepts defeat. You have to set some ground rules and the dog has to accept it.

    They have average intelligence.

    They require almost 25-40 repetitions to understand a new command. They rank 54th in the list of Intelligent Dogs.
    Akita Inu likes to carry things in its mouth and chew them. This is a talkative breed. Loves to play, bite and chew.
    Make sure you provide them with enough chew toys.
    They have the trait of carrying things around the house and following their owner, which shows their love in some way.
    They are average and very expensive in terms of purchase. Akitas cost roughly between $750 and $2,000.

    Quick Facts

    About the breed

    In the 1920s, a loyal dog named Hachiko brought fame to the breed. A statue of Hachiko still exists at Shibuya Station in Tokyo to honor his loyalty to his owner.
    Akita is the national dog of Japan. He is loyal, worthy and brave. It can survive in cold regions, but it is not suitable for hot climates.
    With erect ears and straight posture, he looks no less than a brave wolf!

    Where are you from?

    The Akita breed has been known since the 1600s in the Royal Northern Province of Japan. It was brought to America by Helen Keller. The dog almost disappeared during World War II. But some breeders kept Akitas in remote places, and today we can see a lot of them. Akita is a medium to large dog.
    The breed is known as Akita Inu in Japan. They are slimmer than American Akitas. American Akitas are heavier and have a denser body.

    Learning ability:

    Akita puppies are known to be stubborn when trained. The best way to train them is to teach them basic commands first. Basic commands include “sit,” “stay,” “no,” and “stay.”
    Once your puppy has had his vaccinations, start interacting with him in his environment. Communication will help him remain calm among these people. Be sure to reward them with a treat if you see any good behavior.


    Akitas have a tendency to drool. They also have a high degree of shedding. But Akitas are like cats, they keep themselves clean. They are easy to clean. Their coat needs to be brushed regularly.
    Spray some water on their fur and then use a firm comb. This makes it easy to comb wet hair. Does not require frequent bathing.
    Trim your nails regularly to prevent paw injuries. Use a damp cotton swab to clean your dog's ears and prevent water from getting inside the ear as this can cause infections.

    General diseases and health conditions

    Generally, an Akita is in good shape and healthy if it receives proper food and exercise. But there are some diseases that specifically occur in high numbers in this breed. Specifically, Akita dogs are prone to the following health problems.

    Bone diseases:

    • Hip and elbow dysplasia
    • Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the femur bone does not fit properly into the hip joint.
      This causes the dog to walk abnormally and painfully.

    Akita or Akita Inu

    What is the correct way to say Akita or Akita Inu? The above question comes up often when talking about the Akita breed - there is still a lot of confusion about the breed split.
    The following should clarify some of the differences:
    Firstly, there is no such breed as the Japanese Akita, there are two types of Akita: Akita and Akita Inu.
    Back in 2004, the Kennel Club finally admitted that there were in fact two breeds of Akita, until this time the UK and America were the only countries in the world that only had one registered Akita breed. It took the club another two years to separate the breeds - to register an Akita Inu, three generations of pure Inu (Japanese) bloodlines must be provided. There are still breeders in the UK today who still favor one breed and believe that the club made a huge mistake in separating the breed.
    The Kennel Club of America still refuses this division, their reasoning is that both breeds (they use the term "type") have the same DNA, so they cannot be different breeds; if they are combined, it is unlikely to happen in the near future.

    Akita Inu breed standard

    General form A large, well-balanced, strongly built Spitz-type male. Slightly longer than its height.
    The characteristics are worthy. Wide head with relatively small eyes. Thick triangular ears are pricked and tilted forward. A distinctive feature is the highly curled tail and markings.
    Temperament aloof, obedient and loyal. The head and skulls appear as a blunt triangle when viewed from above. Wide skull, without wrinkles, with moderately developed cheeks. A stop with a distinct groove is identified. The muzzle is straight, of good depth, gradually tapering. Lips set firmly. The nose is large and black, except in white dogs, where a flesh colored nose is acceptable.
    Eyes relatively small, almond-shaped, moderately set apart and dark brown. The eyes are dark and dense.

    Ears relatively small, thick, triangular, slightly rounded at the ends. Slightly spaced, pricking and leaning forward.

    Jaws strong, with an ideal, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlap the lower teeth and are fitted to the jaws.

    Neck thick and muscular, of moderate length, without dew. The pronounced ridge merges with the back of the skull.

    Forelegs The shoulders are well developed, moderately laid back. Elbows close to chest. Good bones. The front legs are straight when viewed from the front.

    Body length from shoulder point to buttock point slightly more height at the withers. The chest is deep, the forechest is well developed, the ribs are moderately sprung. Well chosen.

    Small of the back wide and muscular.

    Hind limbs strong, muscular with moderate angles. Well developed hips. Moderate knee rotation. Strong hocks, well let down, turning neither in nor out.
    Paws round, curved and dense with thick cushions. They do not turn in or out.
    Tail set high. Thick, full and good length. Tightly curled over the back. An untwisted tail is highly undesirable.
    Gait/movement free-flowing, energetic and powerful with a moderate stride length. A negative gait is undesirable.
    Wool The outer coat is coarse and straight. Slightly longer at the withers and croup. More abundant on the tail. The undercoat is soft and dense. No signs of brushing or feathering.
    Color red-fawn; sesame; brindle; white. All of the above colors except white should have whitish fur on the cheeks, sides of the muzzle, inside of the legs, and on the underside of the jaw, neck, chest, body and tail.
    Size height at withers: dogs 64-70 cm (25 27-27 ½ inches); females 58-64 cm (22-25 inches).

    Akita breed standard

    General form Big, powerful, alert.
    Characteristic Large, wide head, with relatively small eyes and straight ears, carried forward along the back of the neck; large, curled tail, in balance with the head.
    Temperament Dignified, courageous, aloof; tends to show dominance over other dogs, although this trait is not encouraged.
    Head and skull large, in balance with the body, the skull is flat, the forehead is wide, a well-defined stop and a clean furrow. The head forms a blunt triangle when viewed from above, without wrinkles. The muzzle is wide and strong, the cheeks are well developed. The nose is large and black, with a straight bridge. The lips are tight and black. In white dogs, flesh-colored pigmentation is allowed on the nose and lips.
    Eyes Relatively small, almond-shaped, clean, moderately bred and dark brown. The eyes are dark and dense.
    Ears Relatively small, thick, triangular, not set, carried forward along the back of the neck when viewed in profile. Moderately separated from each other, slightly rounded at the ends.
    Mouth The jaws are strong, with an ideal, regular and complete scissor bite, that is, the upper teeth closely overlap the lower teeth and are fitted to the jaws.
    Neck Thick and muscular, relatively short, gradually widening towards the shoulders. A pronounced crest merges with the back of the skull.
    Forelegs Shoulders are strong and powerful, moderately relaxed. Elbows are very tight. The forelegs are well boned and straight when viewed from the front. The pasterns are inclined approximately 15 degrees.
    Body longer than height. Well developed forechest. The back is smooth, muscular, the lower back is moderate, toned. The skin is supple, but not loose.
    Hind limbs Strong and muscular, with moderate angle and bend of the knee joint. Well developed hips, strong hocks, well let down, turning neither in nor out.
    Legs Thick, well built, very dense, turning neither in nor out. The pads are hard. Nails are strong.
    Tail Large and full, set high, carried back, full or double curl, always falling to or below the level of the back. Three-quarters of the way through a curly ponytail, the tip goes down the side. The root is large and strong. The hair is coarse, straight and full, without the appearance of a trail. A sickle or loose tail is highly undesirable.
    Gait/Movement Energetic, powerful and smooth with small steps. The back remains firm and level. The hind legs move in accordance with the front legs, while the gait may follow a single path.
    Wool The outer coat is coarse, straight and standing away from the body. The undercoat is soft and dense. The coat at the withers and buttock area is approximately 5 cm (2 in), slightly longer than on the rest of the body, more abundantly on the tail. No signs of brushing or feathering.
    Color Any color including white brindle or pinto. The colors are brilliant and crisp. Markings are well defined with or without mask or flame.
    Size Height at withers: dogs: 66-71 cm (26-28 inches); females: 61-66 cm (24-26 inches).

    Distinctive features

    Many people think that the main differences between breeds is size, believing that if an Akita is slender and long-legged then it is actually an Akita Inu, where large and massive denotes an Akita, unfortunately this is not the case and the reason why many dogs are considered Akitas, although in reality they are just slender or small Akitas.

    Akita Inus tend to be smaller and more athletic looking, there is little difference in height, but if the dogs stand together you will notice a difference in their build.

    The head is where both breeds really differ: the Akita has a "bear face" while the Akita Inu has a much more triangular face with a thinner conical muzzle, ears are small, set much closer to the side of the head and tilted forward almond-shaped eyes.

    Coloration is also where breeds differ, any dog ​​with a black mask is not an Akita Inu. Inus come in sesame, red, white or brindle colors.

    All of the above colors except white should have whitish fur on the cheeks, sides of the muzzle, inside of the legs, and on the underside of the jaw, neck, chest, body and tail.
    Coat texture is another area that differs between both breeds: the Akita Inu's coat is coarser and slightly longer than that of the Akita, which has a much softer, thicker-feeling coat.

    Dog personality

    Akitas have never been bred to live or work in groups rather than alone or in pairs. Today's Akita reflects this breeding. The Akita is happy to be the only dog ​​and can be aggressive towards other dogs outside of its family group.

    With proper socialization, the Akita can learn to tolerate other animals, but will most likely try to maintain its top dog status at any cost. Akitas are loyal and affectionate towards their family and friends, but are quite territorial around their home and away from strangers.

    They are excellent watchdogs and will only bark when something is truly wrong.
    The Akita's large size can make it difficult to control, so it is not suitable for everyone. He has extreme strength and endurance and requires special training to help him channel his energy correctly. However, being an intelligent breed, the Akita can easily become tired from training. He thrives when he is challenged and given work to do.

    Although the Akita is a large, hardy breed, they have been bred at home for centuries. The loyalty and devotion they show is much loved among Akita owners.

    Typically, an Akita will follow you from room to room in your home as if its only purpose in life is to protect you and keep your company.

    Akitas, however, can have aggressive tendencies. Aggression is usually directed at other dogs. They are generally not aggressive towards people, but have highly developed protective instincts and caution should be exercised when strangers enter your home. As for the children in the family, the Akita will be as devoted to them as he would be to any member of the family. Of course, small children should never be left alone with any large dogs at all, especially when they are new to the family.
    In addition to their extreme loyalty, Akitas like to be kept clean and are easily destroyed. Some call the Akita Inu breed almost "cat-like" because they are so clean and odorless.