Allergy to cream - symptoms and causes, treatment methods and preventive measures. Allergy on the face

606 03/25/2019 6 min.

External stimuli And specific features our body can cause significant inconvenience, resulting in an allergic reaction on the skin of the face.

You can get rid of allergies only by identifying and eliminating its cause, and remove primary symptoms the disease can be treated with the help of special medicinal and cosmetic products.

How can it manifest

Allergies manifest themselves in different ways, the most common symptoms are:

  • The appearance of red spots of various sizes.
  • Rash.
  • Burning.
  • Formation of nodules, papules, vesicles, pustules.
  • Peeling of the epidermis.
  • Erosive formations.
  • Swelling of the eyelids, lips.

Rashes are divided into primary and secondary. Scabs, erosion, and scales are classified as the latter. Their appearance indicates that the allergy is chronic.

A rash is one of the types of allergic reactions.

How to do hair lamination at home by professional means find out . But before you start the procedure, evaluate everything.

What could be causing

Among the factors that provoke allergic reactions:

  • sudden climate change;
  • unusual composition of water;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • exposure to chemicals, low-quality cosmetics, individual intolerance to cream components;
  • plant pollen;
  • pet hair;
  • cold;
  • Sun;
  • insect bites;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excess vitamin C;
  • fatty food;
  • frequent consumption of foods that are serious allergens - chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, red fruits and berries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • drug treatment;
  • slow metabolism;
  • weak immunity, vitamin deficiency.

Common triggers

A flawless look is impossible without a quality manicure. How to coat your nails so that the polish lasts longer, read.

How to help babies

The body and skin of newborns are particularly sensitive; any allergen, even in the smallest doses, can cause redness and rashes on the cheeks, mouth and nose.

Less commonly, a child experiences anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. To prevent this reaction of the body from acquiring an atopic form, it is necessary to identify its causes in time and begin treatment.

The most common case of disease is associated with foreign components in the baby’s diet. But become the reason for inadequate immune reaction can also:

  • Infectious and acute diseases transferred by the mother during pregnancy, blood transfusion.
  • Medicines prescribed for the child.
  • Household dust.
  • Pollen.
  • Low air temperature.

If allergic manifestations are a consequence of the introduction of new foods into complementary foods, then you should stop eating them or reduce the dose to a minimum.

To eliminate allergies, Bepanten and Sudocrem are suitable. The first is recommended for young mothers in antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals. The second one is prescribed for babies with diaper dermatitis, it can be bought in pharmacies.

Bepanten baby

Is nail polish true? Horsepower is able to quickly restore and strengthen nails, read in.

Cream vs cream

Sensitive skin, weak immunity, blood diseases, individual intolerance can cause the body to react incorrectly to facial skin cosmetics.

Considering how much women love to experiment with decorative cosmetics, allergies to creams are one of the most common today.

To eliminate unpleasant reactions on the face, before purchasing a new product, you need to purchase a sample of the product, apply it to your wrist, covering 1-2 cm of skin, and test it. If within a few minutes the treated area does not change color, itching or burning does not appear, the product is suitable for use on the face.

To select a drug, consult a doctor! It is also important to familiarize yourself with the composition.

  • The formula must not contain:
  • propylene glycol;
  • arachidonic acid;
  • propylparabens;

petroleum products.

At the first signs of an allergy, you need to wash off the product that caused intolerance, take an anti-allergy drug (tablet or syrup), and apply a cream with an antihistamine effect. Remedies fromskin allergies medications

prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can be harmful!

Balm “Two lines” SOS

Luxurious manicure in fashionable colors -.

Survive the winter In winter, the most common type remains allergy to cold, accompanied by severe redness individual areas of skin on the face. During a long stay

open space

With the thaw, the symptoms of cold allergies disappear, but the winter period without special care therapy will be accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

Cold is like an enemy!

Remedies for epidermal intolerance to cold should contain:

  • Vegetable oils.
  • Vitamins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Extracts of medicinal herbs.
  • Stabilizers.
  • Preservatives.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Panthenol.
  • Urea.
  • Hormonal or non-hormonal drugs that relieve inflammation.
  • Glycerol.

On the face, allergies appear within the first 2 days after contact with the allergen. The reaction to the cream is felt within the first minutes after its use.

Read how effective Evelyn 8 in 1 medicinal varnish is.

Features of non-hormonal drugs

Not hormonal agents based on homeopathic collection. They have virtually no contraindications or side effects due to their gentle composition and are suitable during gestation and lactation. At the same time, they act on the epidermis gently, but slowly; you should not hope for quick results from creams that do not contain the hormone.

Non-hormonal spray ATODERM

Approach the choice non-hormonal drugs for treatment allergic reactions on the skin of the face you need to be careful: the composition contains herbal components and herbs, which can intensify the primary symptoms of malaise. Before starting treatment, you need to carefully study the composition of the product.

It can reduce the number of capillary stars and prevent more serious symptoms of the disease.

La Cree, Russia

Suitable for sensitive skin, including children's skin. Excellent product in the cold. It features a safe non-hormonal formula, rich in herbal composition:

  • extracts of violet, string, licorice;
  • avocado oil;
  • panthenol.

It has an unusual light brownish tint and a persistent atypical odor. Doesn't clog pores. Very easy to apply thin layer, otherwise it forms a film on the face.

Sold in 30 ml tubes. average price– 250 rubles.

Any special cream eliminates only the symptoms of an allergy; in order to get rid of it, you need to identify the cause and eliminate contact with the allergen.

La-Cri product series

How to choose a foot cream for sweat and odor is described in detail in.

Skin Cap, Spain

In the ranking of the best creams that eliminate the effects of allergies, this Spanish-made product occupies a special place. The main topic, discussed on forums, the “non-hormonal” nature of the product remains, which many question.

The active ingredient is zinc pyrithione. Among the goods domestic production There is an analogue - Zinocap cream. The Russian version costs 2 times less, but there are conflicting reviews about its effectiveness.

Non-hormonal Skin-Cap can be purchased at a pharmacy, the average cost of the product is 1,750 rubles per 50 ml. It has a light liquid consistency. The shade is milky with yellowness. Smells nice.

According to the instructions, it is allowed for children from 1 year. IN in rare cases Doctors can prescribe the drug from the first months of life. In this case, the product must be applied pointwise, without touching healthy areas of the epidermis.

It will allow you to restore an attractive appearance to your feet.

Gistan, Russia

It has a pleasant light texture, is well absorbed and does not dry out the skin. Has a faint pleasant aroma. The composition contains extracts of speedwell, string, birch buds, lupine and others medicinal plants, lavender oil. The abundance of plant components requires checking the cream for hypoallergenicity!

Suitable for the first signs of intolerance, insect bites, burns.

Sold in pharmacies, the average cost of a tube is 180 rubles.

It will help soften dehydrated skin.

Dermovate, Poland

Most effective hormonal drug. Contraindicated in children, not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as infectious diseases skin and acne. To avoid dependence on the product, the treatment period is very short.

The active ingredient is clobetasol. There are more cheap analogues– Cloveit, Afloderm, Powercourt.

Tube volume – 25 g, cost – from 510 rubles.


Sudocrem, Ireland

The texture is thick, does not absorb, lays on as a thin “mask”, but does not clog the pores. White. Suitable for children and adults. Dries out inflammation, acne, allergic rashes.


  • zinc;
  • lanolin;
  • The simplest aromatic alcohol is benzyl.

Available in jars of 60 and 125 ml. The average price for 60 ml is 400 rubles.



Useful video with an opinion on the use of Sudocrem cream

In most cases, external manifestations indicate internal contact with the pathogen. Even if you probably know the reason negative reaction, pick up the right drug only a specialist can.

Select the section Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

Most frequent symptoms requiring treatment special ointments from allergies are the following:

Edema. With allergies, swelling usually occurs around the eye sockets and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Itching. With allergies, it is usually expressed quite intensely, and in some cases it becomes unbearable. Ointments usually work well to relieve this symptom.

Rash. Allergic rash can accept different shapes, but most often these are small spots or bubbles filled with clear liquid. This symptom cannot be left without treatment, since damaged skin (at the site of opened blisters) can easily become infected.

Erythema. Erythema is redness of the skin. Sometimes these are round spots different sizes, sometimes – redness immediately large plot skin.

Peeling. Characteristic in to a greater extent for dermatitis (atopic and contact). Also effectively eliminated with ointment.

A lot of ointments have been created that can be effective for allergies. Here are some that have proven effective in certain situations:

For sun allergies on the face

  • Radevit;
  • Actovegin;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • We see.

For allergies to cold on the face

  • Fucidin;
  • Levomekol;
  • Levosin.

For diathesis

  • Diaderm
  • Zinc ointment
  • Celestoderm
  • Actiderm
  • Advantan

For allergies to cosmetics

  • Fucidin
  • Kremgen
  • Elidel
  • Advantan

Ointments for facial allergies in adults

The allergy treatment regimen is approximately the same, regardless of who has it, where it is localized, and what symptoms it is accompanied by.

The main thing to do first is stop exposure to the allergen. Usually, allergy sufferers know what they are reacting to; otherwise, they just need to wash their face thoroughly and find a place where exposure to the potential allergen could be minimized (for example, hiding from the sun).

Allergies often occur to food products, so it can be effective ingestion of intestinal sorbents. This will help quickly remove the allergen from the body and, accordingly, eliminate the symptoms.

Next you need make sure that the patient does not have systemic manifestations of allergies, which may be dangerous. These include, for example, difficulty breathing due to swelling respiratory tract, severe weakness, lethargy due to a drop in blood pressure, etc. If there are no such signs, then you don’t have to see a doctor right away and try to cope with allergies on your face on our own using topical products.

Photo: Allergies on the face often manifest as red spots

The following ointments have gained the most popularity:

  • Fenistil;
  • Actovegin;
  • Forocort;
  • Actiderm;
  • Celestoderm;
  • Allergodil.

If the allergy occurs on the face in a pregnant woman, then to combat it you can use the following drugs, the use of which will be absolutely safe and will not affect the development of the fetus in any way:

  • Zinc ointment;
  • Purelan;
  • Oilatum;
  • Psilo-balm;
  • Allertek (only in the 2nd and 3rd trimester);
  • Activated carbon;
  • Enterosgel.

It should be noted that “mild” manifestations of allergies in a pregnant woman should not be considered as dangerous for the fetus. They are associated with a physiological weakening of the immune system during the period of waiting for a child. For example, women often experience allergic rhinitis during pregnancy.

However, you cannot completely rely on this thesis, and it is necessary to inform your doctor about the symptoms that appear. The fact is that a woman cannot always correctly determine the degree of the disease, whether it is “mild”.

An allergic reaction in a mother can, firstly, negatively affect the child’s immune system (and in the first trimester, his entire body). Secondly, it cannot be removed with most medications.

If the cream chosen by the sick person does not help, systemic antihistamines will have to be used, and almost all of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. That is why the use of even “absolutely safe” drugs must be deliberate and controlled.

List of ointments for allergies with a brief description

As already mentioned, there are a lot of local allergy medications today, and they are all different. The most important thing is to consider their division into hormonal and non-hormonal agents.

Non-hormonal ointments for allergies on the face


Suppress the action of the allergy “weapon” - histamine, neutralizing its effects in the body. Are considered the most effective drugs in such conditions.

Among the disadvantages: some representatives of antihistamines cannot be taken together with antibiotics and antimycotic drugs. First generation drugs can have a pronounced sedative effect.

Popular antihistamines are the following:

ApplicationThe cream is applied in a thin layer 3-4 times a day to the affected skin.

Good ones. The drug is effective and has an affordable price. There are no clearly negative reviews. Some believe that there is no better ointment for swelling on the face.

Roughly speaking, this is “the same Diphenhydramine” - the drug “Psilo-Balm” is made on the basis of diphenhydramine. And Diphenhydramine is one of the “luminaries” among antihistamines.

Pricegel, 1%, 20g — 263 rubles

Healing, moisturizing, softening ointments

These ointments do not directly affect the pathogenesis of allergies, as is the case with antihistamines, and are not effective enough for severe manifestations. Their purpose is to influence symptoms, easing the course of the disease.

They are most effective in combination with antihistamines systemic action or when used after antihistamine ointments, during the period of skin regeneration.

They are safe and can significantly speed up the recovery of the skin. The most popular ointments in this group include:

Radevit Active
ApplicationTwice a day, the ointment is gently rubbed into the skin on the area with allergies. If there wound surface(scratches, cracks, “burst” weeping bubbles), then it must be treated before application antiseptic drugs. The duration of treatment for allergies is usually unlimited.
ReviewsDespite high price, reviews are good. Those who have tried it share the opinion that it is better to pay enough and get a truly effective remedy for your first aid kit. Allergists believe that this is a good ointment for facial allergies in adults.
Priceointment, 35 g – 358 rubles
We see
ApplicationTwice a day, early in the morning and late in the evening, the ointment is applied to the affected areas. Cracks and scratches are treated with an antiseptic before application.
ReviewsEveryone notes the good price/quality ratio. Negative feedback No. Doctors note an improvement in the condition of patients who were prescribed this medicine.
Priceointment, 0.5%, 35 g – 200 rubles


This group of ointments for allergies on the face should be used only for severe swelling, itching, possibly pain syndrome, redness and increased skin temperature.

They are not initially designed to combat allergies, but in some cases an intense inflammatory reaction may develop that requires appropriate treatment. In any case, you should consult your doctor before use.

ApplicationApply topically, in the form of applications. Apply a thin layer to the affected surface and cover with a sterilized napkin.
ReviewsThe reviews are positive, the ointment has proven itself for a very long time. People like both the effect and the price of the drug. According to experts, today there are more modern and high-quality analogues, but in the case of a limited budget salicylic ointment will help achieve the desired effect.
Price2% 25 mg – 27 rubles
Application1-2 cm of gel with light rubbing movements cover the entire area with allergy symptoms. This procedure is carried out two to three times a day, but no more than ten days.
ReviewsAccording to reviews, the drug has a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Many have chosen it for their first aid kit.
Pricegel, 45 g – 265 rubles
ApplicationBefore applying the gel, the skin must be washed and dried, then a 3 cm long column is applied to it and gently rubbed, spreading evenly over the affected skin.
ReviewsPositive. There is a rapid onset of action and a good analgesic effect.
Pricegel 1%, 20G – 184 rubles

It is important to note the following fact: last drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Many people know that such medications can cause gastrointestinal complications - heartburn, ulcers, bleeding. Nise gel- a local drug, it practically does not enter the bloodstream, so there is no need to fear such complications.

However, if the product is applied long time without interruptions over a large area of ​​skin (for example, the entire face and neck), then the development undesirable consequences Maybe.

It is also worth remembering that if you develop symptoms of such intensity that you are forced to use “unusual” strong drugs, it is important to consult your doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps under allergic disease“masked” skin or any other pathology that requires completely different treatment.

Hormonal ointments for allergies on the face

Hormonal ointments are rightfully considered one of the most versatile and effective. In case of allergies, they inhibit the destruction of cells containing inflammatory mediators (and also affect many other inflammatory processes, which such destruction entails), which means that they act on the very mechanism of allergy development and are therefore effective.

Most often, hormonal drugs (glucocorticoids) are used for long-term allergies, when the effect of more simple medicines turns out to be not enough.

Limitation of the use of glucocorticoids is associated with their multiple systemic influences, therefore they cannot be taken in long courses, used for infectious diseases (due to immune suppression), helminthiases, high blood pressure and many other diseases, so before purchasing you need to consult an allergist.


The ointment is applied externally: it must be spread over the affected area in a thin layer two to three times a day. The duration of treatment, as a rule, depends on the relief of symptoms.

It is advisable to exclude factors that contribute to the absorption of the ointment into the blood (hot, steamed skin, occlusive dressings).

ReviewsGood ones. This medicine is familiar to most people. Doctors have been prescribing hydrocortisone ointment against allergies on the skin of the face for many years, since the ointment is inexpensive and at the same time effective.
Price1%, 10 g – 31 rubles

I would like to emphasize that unwanted effects Most appear due to uncontrolled use of hormonal ointments, overdose, violation of instructions, use of drugs without a doctor’s prescription and clear indications for this. They are not a reason to fear steroid ointments in general.

Remedies for facial allergies in children

Treatment of allergies in children, as in adults, is complex.

First of all, the influence of the allergen is eliminated. If parents do not yet know what causes such a reaction in the child, then they should simply exclude all suspicious foods from the diet (especially if we are talking about complementary foods - do not introduce new foods during the allergy period and cancel the last one or two introduced) and any chemical or organic matter, the safety of which has not been tested by time.

You should also pay attention ventilation and wet cleaning of the premises, maintaining normal temperature (in the house it is 20-22 degrees), since warm air can increase the itching in a child. When cleaning an apartment, you need to use non-aggressive and hypoallergenic detergents. Children should buy clothes made from natural materials.

In some cases, already at this stage, allergic manifestations are greatly reduced or completely disappear. But usually it also requires drug therapy. Skin allergies in children can be treated with medications local action, which include ointments.

Photo: Allergy to cold on a child’s face

The following drugs have gained particular popularity against facial allergies in infants:

  • Elidel;
  • Gistan;
  • Skin cap;
  • Mustela Stelatopia;
  • Bepanten;
  • Advantan.

Non-hormonal ointments for children


As a rule, when local allergies First of all, children are prescribed antihistamines. This group medicines begins to have an effect very early, has practically no effect side effects and is accessible to the average buyer.

Antihistamines approved for use in children include:

  • Fenistil Gel(cream, 0.1%, 30 g - 337 rubles). Apply externally 2-4 times a day. For more convenient application, you can use a cotton swab. Reviews: good. Parents find the drug effective and convenient to use. No one noted any side effects. Doctors speak of the drug in neutral tones.
  • Psilo-Balm(gel, 1%, 20g - 263 rubles). The cream is applied in a thin layer 3-4 times a day to the affected skin. Bandages can be used. Reviews: good. The drug is effective and has an affordable price.

Healing, moisturizing, softening

These drugs have a purely symptomatic effect aimed at preserving the skin and easing the manifestations of allergies. The use of drugs from this group will not lead to complete cure child from allergies, this needs to be understood.

They usually contain petroleum jelly, various mineral oils, and synthetic components. The main thing is that they should not contain alcohol, flavorings or other substances that can themselves act as an allergen.

ApplicationUsed for daily hygiene in cases of allergies in newborns, infants and children. Must be applied in a thin layer to clean skin several times a day.

Facial allergy in adults is an inflammatory reaction of the skin to various stimuli. Its manifestations - itching, redness, rashes, peeling, swelling - are very noticeable, therefore they cause not only a deterioration in well-being, but also aesthetic problem.

As a result, psychological discomfort arises, which leads to the need to take urgent and most effective measures to relieve external manifestations. For this purpose, topical preparations are used, primarily ointments. Exists a large number of ointments for facial allergies in adults. Each of them can be most effective in certain situations. Universal action has hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointment. In general, ointments are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

Drugs in this category (glucocorticoids) are recognized as the most effective and versatile. They quickly relieve allergy symptoms and put it into remission for a long time. Therefore, hormonal ointments are most often used to quickly solve the problem. Their active components prevent the destruction of cells containing inflammatory mediators and stop the inflammatory processes that arise as a result of such destruction. This determines high efficiency the use of hormonal ointments in the treatment of facial allergies in adults, since they directly affect the mechanism of development of the allergic reaction.

Important: the hormones present in the ointment act not only on the outer layers of the skin, but also penetrate into the blood. For this reason, their use must be agreed with a specialist.

The use of glucocorticoids may be justified in case of long-term allergies, when more simple drugs turn out to be ineffective. The limited use of hormonal ointments is due to their numerous systemic effects.

  • high blood pressure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • helminthiases, etc.

In any case (even in the absence of contraindications), hormonal drugs cannot be used in long courses.

The most common steroid ointments for facial allergies in adults are: hydrocortisone, prednisolone and Elokom. All of them have almost the same effect on the body, but must be selected in accordance with the manifestations, causes and characteristics of the course of the disease.


Hydrocortisone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid drug that relieves inflammation, swelling, and itching. When used in the recommended amount, it does not cause systemic side effects.

The ointment is applied to the affected areas in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the severity of symptoms and the effectiveness of the effect. Average duration is 1–2 weeks, in some cases it can reach 3 weeks. If during the first week of using hydrocortisone there is no improvement or if you feel worse, it is recommended to stop using the drug. To exclude the development of secondary skin infections hydrocortisone ointment is often prescribed along with antifungal and antibacterial agents.

Contraindications for use are:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • viral, fungal and tumor skin lesions;
  • damage skin(wounds, ulcers);
  • rosacea, acne vulgaris;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

If the instructions are not followed, the areas where the ointment is applied may develop side effects:

  • redness;
  • increased swelling;
  • itchy sensations;
  • secondary type infectious skin lesions;
  • hypertrichosis.

Long-term use over large areas of skin increases the risk of developing hypercortisolism, which leads to glucosuria, hyperglycemia, suppression of the adrenal cortex, and the manifestation of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.
In general, hydrocortisone ointment has been used for the treatment of facial allergies in adults for many years. It is characterized positive reviews as inexpensive and at the same time effective.


Prednisolone ointment is an analogue of hydrocortisone. It also effectively relieves inflammation, swelling, itching, peeling and other manifestations of allergies on the face in adults. The drug is quickly absorbed and begins to have an active effect.

According to the instructions, it should be applied to the skin 1-3 times a day for 1-3 weeks until symptoms disappear completely. Before use, consult a doctor.


"Elocom" is a synthetic hormonal drug that effectively eliminates inflammatory and other processes caused by a reaction to an allergen. When applied to the skin, the ointment stimulates the formation of its own proteins, which block the release of specific elements of the inflammatory process.

All other steroid ointments have almost the same properties, effects, contraindications and method of application. Only a doctor can choose the appropriate one in each specific case, therefore

Important: hormonal ointments can be persistently addictive. Therefore, their use should be limited in duration.

Also, when treated with such drugs for too long, side effects may occur, including local reactions and general intoxication of the body. But it should be borne in mind that undesirable effects are only the result of uncontrolled use of hormonal ointments and are not considered a reason to avoid them altogether.

Non-steroidal ointments

To treat facial allergies in adults, non-hormonal agents are also widely used, which have no less effective effects. They are very diverse and are divided into several groups:

  • antihistamines;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing, moisturizing, softening.

Each of the groups, in turn, is represented by a wide range of different drugs.


The action of such ointments is aimed at suppressing histamine, the main “weapon” of allergies, and neutralizing the consequences of its effects on the body.

Popular antihistamine ointments are:

  • “Fenistil gel” has a very individual effect and in some cases shows high effectiveness, while in others it has no effect;
  • “Psilo-Balm” is similar to “Diphenhydramine” (“the luminary” among antihistamines),
  • counts the best remedy from allergic swelling of the face in adults.

Antihistamines are considered most effective for allergic reactions, but some of them have a pronounced sedative effect and cannot be combined with antibiotics and antifungal drugs.


For facial allergies in adults, anti-inflammatory ointments are prescribed only in cases of severe severe symptoms(swelling, itching, redness), which are accompanied by pain and increased temperature of the skin. They are not intended directly to combat allergic manifestations, but can help with the development of severe inflammatory reaction. Most often, the following are used for appropriate treatment:

  • salicylic ointment - has long established itself as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, but today it is somewhat inferior in effectiveness to modern analogues, although with a limited budget it can help solve the problem without extra costs;
  • "Indovazin" - has an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • “Nise” is characterized by a rapid onset of action with an analgesic effect.

Important: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause complications at work digestive tract– heartburn, ulcers, bleeding. Ointments – local drugs, which practically do not enter the blood, so they do not give such consequences. But with prolonged use without breaks in large areas (for example, all over the face and neck), complications may develop.

Healing, regenerating

These ointments also do not have direct action on the pathogenesis of allergies and with its pronounced manifestations are not given therapeutic effect, but can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and improve skin regeneration. The most common ointments in this group, recommended for facial allergies in adults, include:

  • "Radevit" is a very good, absolutely non-toxic regenerating ointment, can be used for long-term therapy allergies on the face in adults, significantly accelerating the healing of scratches, cracks, burst blisters;
  • "Videstim" is the optimal product in terms of price/quality ratio, provides rapid improvement conditions;
  • "Actovegin" - contains a protein-free extract (hemoderivat) from the blood of calves without any harmful chemical additives, but can cause allergies associated with individual intolerance to the main component;
  • “Solcoseryl” is an analogue of “Actovegin” in composition, helps improve metabolism, accelerates tissue restoration.

All of these products are safe and can be used simultaneously with systemic antihistamines or after antihistamine ointments.

Zinc ointments are also widely used to treat facial allergies in adults. This is one of the oldest and most proven methods quick recovery appearance in case of sudden allergic manifestations. These drugs include:

  • zinc ointment is a “classic” of pharmacology, a reliable and proven product with a single active ingredient – ​​zinc (its derivatives), quickly and effectively relieves any manifestations of allergies (itching, peeling, redness) even without identifying the allergen;
  • salicylic-zinc paste - has an anti-inflammatory effect, dries, eliminates redness;
  • Skin cap - quickly reduces inflammation, eliminates itching, flaking, and other skin manifestations, even if the irritant continues to act and other symptoms of an allergic reaction remain.

Zinc ointments were used by doctors back in Soviet times. Over all the years of using these products, no serious complications or negative consequences.

Important: all ointments with zinc are capable of the most short time restore the appearance of the skin, that is, quickly solve the aesthetic problem. But they do not remove the causes of such manifestations.

Ointments by type of allergy

Depending on the type of allergy, the most effective are:

  • for reactions to the sun - “Actovegin”, “Solcoseryl”, “Radevit”, “Videstim”;
  • with – “Fucidin”, “Elokom”, “Levomekol”, “Levosin”;
  • for diathesis - “Aktiderm”, “Advantan”, “Diaderm”, “Celestoderm”, Zinc;
  • for allergies to creams, cosmetics - Advantan, Fucidin, Kremgen, Elidel.

Treatment of any facial allergy in adults requires integrated approach. In addition to the use of ointments, it is necessary to use other means to eliminate systemic manifestations, which may be more dangerous than deterioration in appearance. These include, in particular, difficulty breathing, severe weakness, lethargy, etc. In the absence of such signs, you can fight allergies on the face using only topical medications.

Allergy cream on the face is a drug that quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms inflammation in the form of redness, peeling and itching of the skin. It should be understood that the selection of the appropriate remedy depends on the stimulus that caused the negative manifestations and the individual sensitivity of the person.

The impact of an allergen on the body occurs in short terms, and signs of a varied nature appear, causing painful sensations and skin changes. The main symptoms of allergies on the face:

  1. the appearance of red spots on the face of various shapes;
  2. a feeling of constant, incessant itching at the site of irritation;
  3. peeling of the skin;
  4. dry skin;
  5. the presence of swelling at the site of allergy formation;
  6. soreness of irritated areas of the skin;
  7. the appearance of eczema;
  8. irritation in the form of a small rash.

A peculiarity of the manifestation of allergies on the face is the sudden appearance of accompanying symptoms when a possible irritant comes into contact with the face. The reaction develops quickly and in this case it is important to use a cream that will provide protection and prevent the development of further irritation!

Causes of facial irritation

The occurrence of facial allergies depends on various factors. Possibly at risk most of women, since the combination unfavorable conditions with the use of cosmetics causes the development of irritation on the face. Reasons for the reaction:

  • negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • hypothermia;
  • use of low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics for facial skin care;
  • presence of allergens in food;
  • allergic reaction to the medications used;
  • insect bites;
  • manifestations of allergies to animal fur.

The course of an allergic reaction in the body negatively affects general state human and one of the important factors successful treatment is rapid identification possible reason and eliminating the allergen!

Characteristics of antiallergic cream

When choosing an allergy cream on the face, you should pay attention Special attention on the properties and composition of drugs in this category, since the characteristics of the products must meet certain criteria:

  1. contains components that eliminate dry skin;
  2. the presence of substances that provide maximum skin hydration;
  3. quick relief of symptoms of skin irritation;
  4. having a high impact effect;
  5. protection of the skin from irritating allergens;
  6. restoration of damaged epidermal cells;
  7. elimination severe itching and redness.

In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the specific content of the following components:

  • corticosteroid medications;
  • presence of panthenol;
  • urea;
  • bactericidal, anti-inflammatory substances;
  • immunomodulatory drugs;
  • complex of vitamins;
  • glycerol.

What to do if you have an allergy on your face

The main cause of allergies is the use of appropriate products. Cosmetics industry presents a wide range of various skin care creams with various effects impact. But individual reaction to active substances, contained in the product, can cause serious allergies.

The appearance of irritation on the face requires preventive measures aimed at quickly eliminating all negative signs process:

  1. immediately stop using the drug that caused the allergic reaction;
  2. Carrying out thorough cleansing of the face from the remnants of the applied cream;
  3. use of hypoallergenic drugs and antihistamines;
  4. compliance full course applying antiallergic cream according to the instructions;
  5. exclusion of the use of other cosmetics for facial skin care;

To prevent the development of allergies on the face, preliminary testing should be carried out. The procedure involves applying a small amount of cream to the back of the hand and waiting for a reaction to occur. Allergic components They quickly make themselves felt, so results are visible within 10–30 minutes after using the product.

Classification of antiallergic drugs

Depending on the age and degree of development of allergies, the following face allergy creams are distinguished in various categories. Below is an overview of the relevant drugs:

Hormonal drugs

This category of drugs is used only in as a last resort, since the corticosteroids contained in the composition give a large number of side effects. Substances are addictive and over time can no longer block the development of the allergen. Therefore, the use of creams containing hormones should be done with extreme caution.


Antiallergic cream containing corticosteroid substances. The active substance provides an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect during the development of irritation. The drug is effectively used to eliminate all negative manifestations allergies. The cream also has a number of contraindications, so it is intended for use only in adults and children over 12 years of age. Pregnancy period and breast-feeding are also a ban on the use of the medicine. average cost 350–400 rubles.

Non-hormonal creams


An effective non-hormonal anti-allergic cream for adults and children. It contains a hemoderivative obtained from calf blood, which provides the basic properties of the cream. Area of ​​application: elimination of signs of allergy and healing effect in the development of wounds of unknown etiology.

Actovegin cream is applied to the site of inflammation 2 times a day for 7–10 days. After the disappearance of negative symptoms, treatment should be continued until the end of the prescribed course of therapy. The product should not be used when individual intolerance active ingredients. The average cost is 100–150 rubles.


Cream based on natural ingredients. The combination of active ingredients ensures the processes of restoration and regeneration of skin cells, which promotes quick elimination signs of allergies.

The advantage of Solcoseryl is the possibility of long-term use and relative safety in the absence of contraindications. The cream is not recommended for those with individual intolerance to the components. The average cost is 250–300 rubles.

Antiallergic drugs for children and newborns

The development of allergies in childhood is caused by imperfect functioning of the enzyme system and the presence of chronic allergens in the body. In this case, it is best to use creams based on natural ingredients. high action without the addition of hormones and their synthetic analogues.


An effective antihistamine in the form of a gel for topical use. Suitable for children, as it does not contain heavy components that contribute to the development of side effects. The medicine is intended to relieve severe allergic processes caused by various reasons.

Fenistil gel has virtually no contraindications and is not recommended in case of individual intolerance to the active substance. The average cost is 300–320 rubles.


Facial allergy cream, consisting of several natural ingredients (sophora, propolis, yarrow). The cream is prescribed for treatment atopic dermatitis, weeping eczema, diaper rash, diathesis in childhood.

The use of Wundehil cream for allergies on the face involves applying the drug to the affected area for 7 days until the negative manifestations of the allergy disappear. The total duration of use of the medicine is no more than 30 days. The average cost is 100–120 rubles.


Antihistamine cream intended for use in newborns and pregnant women. The drug does not have toxic substances composition, and the action of the medicine is based on a combination of a complex of vitamins E, D, B, petroleum jelly, wax and glycerin.

Using Radevit for facial allergies allows you to quickly relieve signs of facial allergies and eliminate the inflammatory course of the process. It has no contraindications, but if the components are intolerant, use should be discontinued! The average cost is 200–250 rubles.


A highly restorative cream containing provitamin B5, which has a skin regeneration effect. The drug is intended for use as an antiallergic agent in newborn infants and pregnant women.

Bepanten has no contraindications and is not used when high sensitivity towards active substance in the composition. The average cost is 500–550 rubles.

It should be emphasized that the appearance of allergies in a child is not a reason for independent therapy. It is best to get a qualified recommendation from a dermatologist or allergist and begin the correct appropriate treatment!

Every person has an allergic reaction to cosmetics at least once, and some “lucky” people experience it regularly. How to recognize potential dangerous drug and what to do if it was not possible to do this in time?

There is a widespread misconception that allergies to cosmetics are a problem exclusively for people with sensitive skin. In fact, they are “responsible” to a much greater extent for it hormonal background our body, metabolic rate and blood composition.

That is why cases are very common unexpected allergies for a proven product from your favorite brand, which a woman has been using for many years. Reason: internal problems in the body, general decline immunity (for example, as a result of stress, illness, taking potent drugs or seasonal factor).

The risk of an allergic reaction also increases after changing the diet and composition of the diet. This is especially true for amateurs strict diets- along with fat deposits, the body loses a lot useful substances, including protecting the skin from external influences.

How does an allergy to cosmetics manifest itself and what does it look like - the main symptoms and photos

Experts divide our skin’s reactions to cosmetics into 2 types:

  • simple allergic dermatitis and
  • allergic contact dermatitis

In the first case, the problem occurs immediately after applying the product to the skin. Symptoms can range from mild itching to bright red rashes and even blistering. Contact dermatitis begins almost imperceptibly, but gradually gains strength: the same above-mentioned symptoms appear, which gradually become more and more sharp character.If you do not wash off the cosmetics that triggered the allergy in time, the matter may end anaphylactic shock , which poses a direct threat not only to health, but also to life!

In addition, dermatologists are increasingly identifying the so-called reactive skin condition as a separate category. Visual cues there are no such conditions. Upon contact with allergens, tingling and tightening are noted.

A special type of allergy is photosensitivity. Appears after exposure to the sun. The weaker the allergen, the later symptoms will appear. The reaction to weak stimuli is formed over several days or weeks of constant contact.

In some cases, allergies to cosmetics can take years to develop. Most often - with direct contact of a cosmetic product with an area of ​​skin (eczema of the eyelids with intolerance to mascara). Less often - when applying the product to other areas (hand cream provokes a runny nose) and by airborne droplets (perfume, aromatherapy session).

What might an allergic reaction to cosmetics look like?
Photo 1 - various manifestations on the face

Photo 2 - eczema of the eyelids

Photo 3 - rash around the eyes

What cosmetic products cause allergies and why?

The absolute record holder for the number of allergic reactions is decorative cosmetics. In the first row is waterproof mascara. Particles of the product getting on the mucous membrane of the eye cause irritation. Those with sensitive skin will have to avoid it. Reason - ingredients:

  • animal fat (lanolin),
  • beeswax,
  • vegetable resins and
  • black iron oxides (CI77499)

In this case, mascara is suitable, where beeswax is replaced with vegetable or mineral. Be careful with lipsticks - they contain the most caustic dyes. The effect of increasing lip volume is achieved due to the content of strong allergens (chili pepper, menthol and mint). The lighter the tone, the more harmless the product.

Face masks and serums are considered treacherous due to the content of active ingredients. They can also cause allergies if the rules of use are not followed: left on the face for longer than the specified time, applied in too large a quantity, or removed poorly. The least dangerous are body creams, shower gels and shampoos. But their bright colors (especially green and blue) and strong smell are cause for concern.

Often allergies are caused by expired cosmetics:

  • dry products such as powder, blush and eye shadow can be stored for up to three years
  • creamy ones last no more than a year
  • mascara and foundation are not resistant to time: the shelf life is most often three months, less often - six months
  • Lipstick is not recommended to be stored for more than a year, lip gloss - six months
  • biocosmetics do not last longer than three months.

To prevent products from becoming unusable ahead of time, store them correctly: at room temperature, normal humidity and in a place protected from light. Place in refrigerator if instructions instruct. A shelf in the bathroom is an unlucky place for permanent residence of cosmetics due to high humidity and temperature changes.

Hypoallergenic and “allergen-tested” cosmetics

The packaging of the drug may be marked “hypoallergenic” or “tested for allergenicity” (100% allergy tested) - they do not guarantee the safety of the cosmetic product.

  • “Hypoallergenic” means that the product was created with ingredients that cause minimal reactions. Make sure that the composition does not contain seafood extracts, citrus fruits, cocoa beans - the strongest allergens. Buy a product with extracts of chamomile, witch hazel, panthenol and other soothing ingredients. Although they are also known isolated cases allergies.
  • The inscription “Tested for allergenicity” is a different level of quality control. A focus group is being created of allergy sufferers who try finished products. If at least one case of an allergic reaction is recorded, the product is sent to the laboratory for revision, since it does not have the right to bear the “100% allergy tested” label. But even here there is no complete guarantee of safety: a focus group can consist of 5 people and, by coincidence, none of them are allergic to the substances being tested.

How to treat allergies to cosmetics

The main rule is not to try to solve the problem yourself. Of course, it is necessary to immediately wash off the problematic product, but it is extremely undesirable to engage in further self-medication. In order to guarantee yourself against allergic reactions, you need to accurately determine their cause, and this is a task for a specialist: a dermatologist or allergist.

In each case, the doctor will give an individual set of recommendations that will help you avoid troubles in the future - this includes a list of “dangerous” ingredients, various drugs that increase the body’s resistance, and nutritional recommendations.

What to do if you have an allergy to cosmetics, but it is not possible to see a specialist in the next few days?

First, completely stop using any cosmetics. Secondly, take an antihistamine (for example, Suprastin or Diazolin). It is not advisable to use various kinds