Allergy from the perspective of esotericism, psychology of religion. Psychological causes of allergies Allergy cause of occurrence psychological factors

Allergy is a disease that has deep roots. To heal, you need to get rid of the cause, which does not lie on the surface, but lies in the depths of consciousness. We will talk about the psychological prerequisites for the occurrence of allergies. Numerous experts find serious arguments in favor of a direct dependence of the development of allergies on a person’s emotional state.

Liz Burbo on the metaphysical origins of allergies

When asked whether allergies have psychological causes, the expert gives an unequivocal positive answer.

She describes this disease as associated with the immune system and consisting of a perverted or increased sensitivity of the body to a particular substance.

To describe the connection between allergies and a person’s psychological state, Bourbo uses concepts such as emotional, mental and spiritual blockage.

Emotional blockage

Allergy sufferers typically suffer from the following emotional disturbances:

  • Intolerance and disgust towards someone.
  • Problems with adaptation in society.
  • Emotional dependence on certain people who are authoritative for the allergy sufferer.
  • Touchiness.
  • Unreasonable positioning of oneself as a victim of aggressive attitudes from others and the associated defensive behavior.
  • Deep internal contradiction. This can manifest itself in the form of striving for something and simultaneously suppressing it. An allergic person may desire the presence of a person and at the same time wait for his departure, since love and the reluctance to become dependent because of it are fighting in him. This leads to the fact that the object of adoration contains numerous shortcomings.
  • The desire to attract attention. Allergies with symptoms such as difficulty breathing help show others that a person needs them and cannot do without help.

It is highly likely that a couple in which their life positions are radically different and there are numerous quarrels is raising an allergic person.

Mental block

The presence of an allergy is a signal that the person suffering from it is “stuck” in some situation that constantly repeats itself and cannot find a way out. Most often we are talking about something that is especially expensive for an allergy sufferer. He depends on a person or even an object and tries to earn love through suffering. For example, approval or disapproval from a certain person, most often a close one, becomes unjustifiably important. As a result, a state arises where the only way to earn love is considered to be complete submission and humiliation. What is especially valuable is often associated with allergies. Your favorite milk or other product can become an allergen.

To make your life easier and more enjoyable, you need to understand that suffering is not a guarantee and not the only way to deserve love. The feeling of increased attention to oneself during illness has been fixed since childhood and is difficult to get rid of even as an adult. You need to understand that, not only by being sick, you can attract attention.

Having an allergy to an animal or to dust may indicate that a person considers himself an object of aggression. Fear of other people most often indicates internal problems.

You should not look for external causes of allergies. It is necessary to analyze your psychological state during the day before the exacerbation. It is possible that during this period there were meetings with unpleasant people who caused severe irritation in the allergy sufferer. This situation must find a way out. You won’t be able to change another person, but you can try to change your view of the world and open your heart.

Spiritual blockage

This phenomenon is similar to what happens when vision problems occur. A person's true self cannot satisfy its important needs.

Bodo Baginski and Sharmo Shalila about the underlying causes of allergies

The authors of the book "Reiki" define an allergy as an exaggerated defensive reaction of the body to any substance that is considered harmful. The reason is that the allergic person fights with this substance, displacing it into the subconscious, as a symbol of the rejected area. By independently creating an enemy for himself, a person begins to defend himself from him. As a result, aggression accumulates. At the subconscious level, there is a constant struggle to prevent something from entering your life. Protection and love are opposite phenomena. To love means to accept and unite.

An allergy is caused by a substance that relates to the area from which a person is protecting himself. Those who suffer from allergies should consider what their allergen indicates. It symbolizes what a person fears, what he struggles with and what he rejects. It is necessary to analyze your reaction to certain phenomena and try to understand the reasons for the aggression and desire to defend yourself. And then the understanding will come that nothing in the world is negative and dangerous in itself. Only a person awards phenomena, events and objects with such properties. You need to come to terms with your surroundings and your inner world. Healing can only happen when there are no more spheres that a person fears and avoids. There is no need to create enemies for yourself and focus on protecting yourself from them. Baginski and Shalila analyze various allergens for their connection to areas that an allergy sufferer tries to exclude from their life.


It is enough to analyze the name “antibiotics” to understand the psychology of allergies to such drugs. Translated from ancient Greek, anti means against, and bios means life. Antibiotics are something that is directed against life and destroys something living in a person. Therefore, the body’s fight against such substances in the form of allergies is absolutely natural. This is a kind of signal that it is necessary to accept all living things, regardless of whether they cause conflict and tension.

House dust

If this type of allergy occurs, it means that a person experiences fear and disgust for what he considers dirty. This often applies to sexual relationships.

Animal fur

In this case we are talking about problems in the sphere of love relationships, reproduction and sexuality. The psychological disorders associated with allergies to the fur of different animals are somewhat different.


Horsehair is a symbol of the reproductive instinct. A person puts a block and fences himself off from sexuality and, as a result, begins to suffer from allergies, thereby revealing his deep-seated psychological problems.


Cat fur is a reflection of female sexuality, affection and softness. If cats cause allergies, we can say that there are serious problems in this area.


In this case, we are talking about such a component of sexuality as aggression. If it is constantly suppressed, the body will begin to show an excessive defensive reaction to dogs.

Flower pollen

Hay fever is an allergy to pollen, which symbolizes procreation and fertilization. Therefore, when such an allergy occurs, it can be argued that there is aversion and the person is taking a defensive position in front of everything related to sex. As usual, with hay fever, an allergy sufferer experiences a strong fear of sexuality.

Valery Sinelnikov about emotional preconditions for allergies

The specialist puts forward the theory that an allergic reaction occurs when a person lacks emotional self-control. Emotions and feelings that are driven into the subconscious and accumulate there, polluting the soul, sooner or later break out in the form of allergies. It could be anger, pity, resentment or irritation. That is, the presence of allergies is a sign of the inability to accept something happening in life or a person. Like other experts, Sinelnikov denies that certain substances cause allergies. Psychological reasons are the basis of the disease.

The specialist gives several examples from his own practice to confirm his theory.


A man sought help with hives. An analysis of his psychological state made it possible to identify the causes of the disease, which are at the subconscious level. It turned out that the man was tormented by resentment, anger and irritability. The body's allergic reaction occurred after a conflict at work. He experienced strong negative emotions towards his leadership. To cope with hives, a person needed to recognize the problem in himself, and not in the people around him, including colleagues. An unloved job provoked irritability and an incorrect attitude towards others and oneself.

The man was able to be motivated to solve emotional problems. He did not try to cure his hives with medication, but reconsidered his attitude towards the conflict, realizing its causes. The signal from the body was correctly perceived by him and stimulated personal development.


Children are much worse at controlling emotions than adults. Therefore, they more often suffer from excessive activation of the body’s protective function. Fortunately, working with children's subconscious also produces positive results.

The psychological causes of allergies in adults and children are closely interrelated. A child’s allergic reaction is a reflection of the actions of his parents. Sinelnikov gives a vivid example of this from his practice. A woman came to the reception who had two children. The eldest nine-year-old child was healthy, but the youngest four-year-old suffered from severe allergies. It turned out that the psychological state of the woman during the first and second pregnancies was radically different. While carrying her first child, the woman was completely calm. The second pregnancy was overshadowed by a conflict with her mother, who insisted on an abortion, believing that the time had not yet come for a second child and there were insufficient funds. Relations between women remained strained to this day. Their negative emotions and thoughts create an excellent background for the development of allergies in a child. To correct the situation, the daughter needed to put aside her grievances and realize that her mother did not wish her harm. The fears she expressed about the lack of material resources to raise a child were only a reflection of the expectant mother’s own fears. It is necessary to let the events that happened go through yourself again, apologize to your mother and thank her. The attitude of others towards us is determined by our own behavior.

It has been scientifically proven that allergic reactions do not occur under anesthesia or hypnosis. This gives us the right to assert that allergies are of a conscious nature. The disease is a manifestation of rejection of something, hidden aggression and suppression of emotions, which find a way out in allergies.

In order to recover, you need to gain courage and look into your own soul. A positive result can only be achieved by an in-depth analysis of one’s own fears, their recognition and acceptance. Life must be accepted in all its manifestations. You need to eradicate fear and turn your weaknesses into strengths.

Oleg Torsunov on the connection between allergies and character

The expert identified two main metaphysical causes of allergies:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • negativism.


This phenomenon occurs when there are negative tendencies in the character, and the subtle body is too sensitive. The lack of tolerance, humility and kindness with developed sensitivity leads to a reluctance to provide any help to others while simultaneously demanding constant attention to oneself. Hypersensitivity is manifested in the fact that the senses react acutely to any irritants, even very minor ones. Anxiety appears from contact, whether conscious or not.

If a person is selfish, hidden antagonism will certainly appear, and this, in turn, leads to allergies. Such a person sees only the bad in those around him. Gradually this becomes a habit, and the person becomes stronger in his negative attitude towards everything around him. Animals and plants, just like people, have a subtle body of mind, although in an underdeveloped state. Often people do not realize this and underestimate the importance of contact with flora and fauna. For example, if there is no compatibility with your pet, you will constantly feel discomfort and irritation, against which an allergy will develop. The psychology of the disease is quite complex. There are many treatment methods, but to completely eliminate the problem, you need to learn humility.

Torsunov formulated two main problems that arise when getting rid of allergies:

  • improper work with the mind;
  • errors in treatment.

Wrong work with the mind

A person, striving to perceive more deeply, can increase his sensitivity. At the same time, his character remains unchanged, which leads to increased irritability. To achieve a positive effect, in parallel with the development of sensitivity, you need to instill in yourself such qualities as tolerance, humility, compassion and kindness.

Treatment errors

Prolonged fasting tends to make the problem worse. If you limit yourself to food for a long time, sensitivity will increase, and along with it irritability will not be long in coming. And this is a sure way to worsen allergies. The fact is that during fasting, the body is artificially cleansed, but the mind does not become cleaner. To cleanse it, it is necessary to develop positive qualities of character, kindness, obedience, enrich the mind with knowledge and communicate with holy people. For those who are alien to spiritual practice and developing their character in a positive way, prolonged fasting, that is, longer than 3 days, is contraindicated.

SergeyKonovalov and his theory of healing emotions

The mental causes of allergies according to Konovalov are as follows:

  • denial of one's own power;
  • doubts;
  • self-doubt.

Healing technique

The guarantee of success in getting rid of allergies is self-knowledge. To understand yourself, you need to follow some rules.

  • The right way of life, the criteria of which Konovalov describes in his book.
  • Meditation with a book.
  • Close connection with your teacher, receiving healing energy from him.

Vladimir Zhikartsev about the karmic causes of problems

The expert pays attention to negative attitudes that provoke the development of diseases, and harmonizing thoughts that lead to healing.

Negative attitudes

  • Denial of one's own power.
  • Rejection of someone.

Harmonizing Thoughts

  • Awareness of a safe and friendly world.
  • Acceptance of life and the people around you.

Louise Hay and self-healing

Causes of the disease

  • A strong dislike for someone.
  • Inner strength is denied.

Healing technique

  • Treat the world as a friend.
  • Awareness of the absence of disagreements with life.
  • Feeling safe.

Anatoly Nekrasov about body pollution

  • 1 reason – Pollution of subtle bodies and the body as a whole. The way to eliminate it is to cleanse the body, that is, breathing, nutrition, blood, intestines and other organs, as well as feelings and thoughts.
  • Reason 2 – Problems with communications. Dependence on someone’s love, difficulty perceiving certain events and people, as well as resentment contribute to the occurrence of allergies.
  • Reason 3 – Constant conflicts between parents. A child who is present during numerous quarrels is at risk of developing allergies. He uses the illness so that his parents will turn their attention to his health and finally make peace.

The described causes of allergies can be eliminated if you follow some rules.

  • Maintaining cleanliness in the body.
  • Developing a positive attitude towards people and the world in general.
  • Following the spiritual path.

Luule Viilma on the curse of the allergy century

The author of Soul Light describes allergies as a sign that the body is intolerant to something. We are talking about household chemicals, citrus fruits, protective equipment and preservatives. They have a destructive effect on the body, are not eliminated and accumulate. The kidneys and liver are the first to suffer. Heavy metals settle in the bones and liver, and when they reach about 2 kilograms, death occurs for no apparent reason.

Children's allergies

The disease in children has certain characteristics. They may experience pronounced allergic reactions even with maximum dietary restriction. Why does this happen?

The fact is that allergies arise due to the accumulation of toxins in the liver, and this is caused by the child’s fear of anger and hatred. If there is a lack of love, the heart chakra suffers from a lack of energy. The child’s health directly depends on the relationships that develop in the family. If parents constantly radiate anger and hatred towards everything that seems wrong to them, the love in children fades away. The child observes the behavior of his parents, feels the destruction of the family and the loss of love, which leads to a blockage of his heart.

While still in the womb, the baby may find himself in a stressful situation if his conception was not planned and the mother was in a state of nervous tension. In order for the child to be cured, parents must realize that their mistakes led to the disease and take the path of correction.

The author gives an example from practice. A mother comes to the appointment, whose child has noticeable improvements, but there has not been a complete cure. She denies the presence of any conflicts in their family and does not realize that not only screaming is a sign of a bad atmosphere in the family. No better than restrained irritation, nervous speech and a commanding tone. A little quarrel is much better. The child does not feel loved and is in a constant state of fear, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

In addition to emotional problems, material problems also lead to the destruction of a family, especially since they are often interconnected. However, the main blow to children's health, the onset of stress, dates back to the period of intrauterine development. The problem exists and cannot be ignored. You need to learn to forgive. The mother must forgive all the insults that the child's father caused her. It’s a good idea to do this in front of the child, so that he feels that love in the family is blooming again.

The soul needs freedom to become strong and courageous. Then the husband will change. It will become easier to talk to him. Men often display stubbornness as a defense. By admitting his mistakes and apologizing, a man only strengthens his sense of self-worth. A woman must correctly evaluate such an act. The child will be happy in any case.

Viilma tells a story about a fifty-year-old man who had a serious conflict at work. As a result, a rash appeared on the skin, which itched terribly. The man’s already terrible mood worsened even more. After going to the doctor, my irritability only increased. The prescribed pills turned out to be expensive and bitter.

After taking the medication, the rash did not go away. Moreover, ulcers appeared on the skin. It would seem that the problem should have been solved. After all, the man received medical assistance. In fact, his increasing irritability made the situation worse. Critical contamination of the liver occurred, which was reflected in the form of a rash on the face. Trying to cleanse itself, the liver began to secrete pus.

The solution to the problem was not difficult. Leave the anger, forgive and ask for forgiveness from your body. The effect was not long in coming.

Viilma perceives allergies as a tangle of anger, fear and love. The body solves a psychological problem in ways available to it. He is trying to protect the person. This is how allergies arise.

The causes of different types of allergies are different. If there is a reaction to animal fur, this may indicate that the mother was very angry or scared during pregnancy. Or maybe she's scared of dogs' habit of licking their hands. If a child suffers from an allergic reaction to dog hair, his mother is likely not very balanced.

A pollen allergy (hay fever) can occur in a child who becomes angry because of the fear that he will not be allowed into the yard. Subsequently, as an adult, this person will still be irritated and scared.

Fears need to be released without allowing anyone to instill them. It is necessary to mentally return to childhood and look there for the cause of your current problems, including allergies. If hay fever occurs for the first time in an adult, this may indicate that he was upset due to some incident in nature or that he had discomfort when harvesting hay. You need to let go of stress and anger. A good person is not afraid of the anger of others, the power of evil people, poor financial situation and the anger of disappointment. Through self-analysis, you need to find in yourself all the negativity that poisons your life and get rid of it.

Everyone who was blamed for all the troubles must be forgiven, since it is not they who are to blame for attracting misfortunes, but the person himself. Suffering should not be accepted as normal. You need to strive to improve your condition, work to eliminate everything bad that burdens your soul. Some people use the excuse of comparing themselves to even more nervous people. No one can force a person to take care of himself. Everyone is free to do whatever they want with their health.

Sergey Lazarev and the consequences of a lack of love

In his books, the author concludes that all diseases without exception are caused by a lack of love. If you put anything above God, you can remain without divine love, rushing to something else. The Bible says that God is Love. A person loses love for whom other spiritual and material values ​​become too important: knowledge, morality, order, abilities, relationships, sex, pleasure, power, wealth, fame and money. In fact, all these means are not the goal, but only a means to achieve true (divine) love. And where love does not live, various problems arise, including diseases.

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Are you allergic? First of all, of course, you first need to eliminate the causes that cause allergies. Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of allergies.
Allergy- this is an increased or perverted sensitivity of the body to some substance. Allergies are classified as diseases associated with the immune system.

Causes of allergies:
- Emotional blocking. An allergic person usually experiences disgust to anyone, has great difficulty adapting to people or situations. Such a person is often strongly impressed by other people, especially by those whom he himself wants to impress. Many allergy sufferers are touchy. They often consider themselves the object of aggression and exceed the necessary degree of self-defense. Allergies are always associated with some kind of internal contradiction m. One half of an allergic person’s personality strives for something, while the other suppresses this desire. The same is true for his attitude towards people. So, for example, an allergic person may rejoice in someone’s presence and at the same time want this person to leave: he loves this person, but at the same time does not want to show his addiction from him. Usually, after prolonged torment, he finds many shortcomings in his loved one. Very often the cause of allergies lies in the fact that the parents of the allergic person had completely different views on life and constantly argued. Allergies may also be a good way to attract attention especially if it manifests itself in difficulty breathing, when the allergic person cannot do without the help of other people.
- Mental blocking (esoterics) If you suffer from allergies, it means that in your life a certain situation is repeated, which attracts and at the same time repels, or there is a person towards whom you feel hostility, but at the same time seek approval from him - usually this is someone close to you. You feel that if you live up to this person's expectations, he will truly love you. You should no longer think that submission is the only way to achieve love.
- It’s interesting that allergies are very common may be connected precisely with what a person loves most. So, you can really love dairy products and suffer from allergies to them. If you suffer from allergies to certain foods, this may indicate that you it is difficult to recognize the right to enjoy the joys of life.
Your life will become much easier and more enjoyable if you realize that you can achieve the attention of those you love without suffering. Perhaps as a child you were convinced that illness was a sure way to attract attention; but one should not think that this is the only way.
If you are allergic to dust or any animal, you may often feel like an object aggression. As a rule, if a person is afraid of other people, the reason fear should be sought within himself.
Instead of thinking that the allergy is caused by some external factors, try to remember and analyze everything that happened to you during the day that preceded the allergic reaction. Perhaps you have interacted with people you cannot stand or even you hate. Since you cannot change others, you have no choice but to learn to look at the world through the eyes of your heart.
- Spiritual blocking is that in case of eye problems. Ask yourself what you don't want to see in life, what do you want to close your eyes to - the truth? before the future? in front of yourself?

Allergy- this is a reaction of the body's defense against some substance that is recognized as harmful, since for an allergy sufferer it symbolizes the area that he rejects, represses into the subconscious, or with which he struggles. Defense against the enemy always means aggression. This is an unconscious struggle with an area that we are afraid of, that we do not want to include in our lives.
Ask yourself, what is your symbolic enemy trying to point out to you that you are allergic to? What areas of your life do you repress or avoid because you unconsciously fear them? Then consciously look at these areas, see your defensiveness, your fear and internal aggression. (See on this subject "Gospel of Matthew"", chapter 5, verses 39 and 44.) Make peace with everything that lives in you and with everything that exists in the world. True healing is only possible when you consciously include the areas you are avoiding in your life, no longer defending yourself against them and declaring them your enemies. This is the path of love, the path of Reiki.
Allergy to antibiotics . The word "antibiotic" consists of two words: anti - against and bios - life. That is, these are means directed against life, means that kill something in you. In this case, an allergy is a very healthy reaction. It is an instruction to accept all living things, even if they manifest as tension or conflict.
Allergy to house dust indicates fear of everything that you perceive as dirty or unclean, often this also applies to the sexual area.
Hay fever - uh then an allergy to pollen, here protection against the area of ​​sex is manifested. Usually in the subconscious there is a very great fear of sexuality.
Allergy to animal hair indicates the area of ​​love, sexuality and the instinct of procreation.
Allergy to dogs indicates the suppression of the aggressive component of sexuality.

Valery V. Sinelnikov (thinker and psychologist) in his book “Love Your Illness” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of allergies:
“This disease is a sign of a lack of emotional self-control. Your subconscious, thus, brings out those feelings and emotions that you suppress within yourself (literally, those that pollute your soul). For example: irritation, resentment, pity, anger.
If you have an allergy, it means that you cannot tolerate or accept something in your life. This could be one of the people, some area of ​​life or some situation. Foods or substances that provoke an allergic reaction are not the cause of the allergy. The reason is inside, not outside."
. Thus, illness is an impetus for self-development.
Allergies in children- This is a reflection of the behavior of the parents. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the emotional background of the mother during pregnancy. Negative thoughts and emotions of the mother create an allergic background in the child later.

Revisit all the events of that time with new feelings and emotions. In the first place there should be a feeling of love. If the child is already old enough, then he needs to forgive his mother and change his attitude towards her, thank her. Remember: "Honor your parents".
Scientists have discovered an interesting fact: there are no allergic reactions under hypnosis or under anesthesia. That is, it is consciousness that plays the primary role here.
This disease clearly indicates your intolerance to anything in this world, which means you are hiding and suppressing aggression within yourself. All these feelings seek a way out and manifest themselves in the form of allergies.
To heal, you need to turn inside yourself, honestly and courageously look at what you are avoiding. Reconsider your attitude. There is no need to make the world sterile. There is no need to be afraid of life. Accept all its manifestations. Remember the golden rule: “Every power in this world can be used for good.”

Another name for such an allergy is pseudoallergy or false.

From an esoteric point of view, an allergy is a rejection of someone or something. The stronger the allergy, the stronger the rejection. Children suffer from allergies most often in those families where there is hidden or obvious rejection by spouses of each other. They are irritated by certain habits, opinions, words or actions. It happens less often that the mother does not perceive a certain situation, herself, her body, or a specific thought.

Allergies often occur in children, since children, unlike adults, have not yet learned to control their emotions. An allergic reaction in children is a reflection of the parents' behavior.

Next you should pay attention to more subtle factors. The development of allergies is influenced by grievances, difficulties in relationships with people - rejection of specific people and events, dependence on the love of another person. When a child is in an atmosphere of quarrels between parents, this can also cause the development of allergies - with the disease, he attracts attention to himself and tries to remove contradictions between parents.

Anatoly Nekrasov “1000 and one way to be yourself”

Allergies (manifestations on the skin)- Panic anger.
Allergies in children (any manifestations)- Hatred and anger of parents towards everything;
The child’s fear of “they don’t like me.”
Allergies in children (manifestations on the skin in the form of scabs)- Muffled or suppressed pity in the mother; sadness.

The curse of the century is allergies. An allergy, or hypersensitivity, is a sign that the body cannot tolerate something. What exactly? Food? Sorry, but how can the body not tolerate food? Preservatives, protective agents, citrus fruits - these are the real means of destroying the body. In addition - household chemicals. These substances are not removed from the body, accumulate and primarily harm the excretory organs - the liver and kidneys. Heavy metals accumulate in the liver and bones, and when their mass reaches 2000 grams, the body dies as if for no apparent reason.

But why are allergies common in children? It happens that children are brought to an appointment whose skin is completely covered with crusts, despite extreme restrictions on food.

Example from life. A mother and father bring in a child with an allergic skin rash. I explain that this disease is caused by the accumulation of toxins in the liver. The liver is no longer able to cleanse the body, and the skin is forced to come to its aid. The liver cannot cope with its work because fear of hatred and anger has blocked it. If the liver is helpless, then behind this there is certainly a lack of energy from the heart chakra. This means that the situation with the feeling of love is unimportant.

A child is a mirror of home relationships. The hatred and anger of parents towards everything that is bad and not corrected, that is not done by the spouse or the government of the state, destroys the feeling of love in them. The child sees this, and from the collapse of the parents’ love - from the collapse of the family - his heart is blocked by silent heartache.

I also tell them about the stress the child suffered while being in an embryonic state, when he was unplannedly conceived, and in addition to this, he found himself caught between the millstones of his father’s and mother’s struggle for power.

I see two deathly pale faces with tears in their eyes, looking at each other with shame, but increasingly filled with determination. People admitted their mistakes. Whoever admits it corrects it. I know their child will recover quickly and completely. His spirit knows what happened, it was a teaching, but my parents love me.

Example from life. Another mother arrives, disappointed that the child is still not completely healthy. It comes for the umpteenth time, because although there is an effect, it is less than expected. The mother sincerely hopes for recovery.

I see her frightened face and readiness to burst into tears, because how much can you endure when they tell you again that a child is a mirror of the family. We have such a decent family, we don’t quarrel at all. She does not understand that their family harbors bitterness in their souls. It may be true that they don’t quarrel at all, but a constantly raised, nervous tone of voice and living under orders and prohibitions are worse than any quarrel.

Why didn't father come? Oh, he doesn’t have time... Sorry, but sitting in a car in the yard and swearing that his wife is dragging the child to all sorts of crazy people - does he have time for that? By the way, all people are abnormal in their own way...

The mother says: “But we live well.” I would really like you to live well, dear woman. But if you, afraid of your husband’s anger, tremble and remain silent all the time out of fear, then you yourself will develop allergic asthma, and a child in such a negative biofield cannot recover. You cannot keep suppressed love in your soul. The child's disease worsens to ulcers on the neck. Consequently, the child is haunted by the fear that he is not loved.

Who doesn't love it? Who don't like? A child loves his parents completely and forever. When he sees the home environment, and the child cannot be deceived, he fears that the parents’ love is disappearing. Material problems are also an effective destroyer of family life. Basically, the beginning of this stress goes back to affairs and events that occurred during the embryonic period. There is no point in denying problems. You need to forgive your father. Do this instead of the child - first of all, forgive the fear of anger, then you can forgive the father. Do this every night before bed. Don’t be afraid to do this in front of your child; he will immediately feel that his love for his father is liberated and blossoms. Forgive your husband's parents for failing to instill true love in the soul of their son, and forgive your parents for making your love dependent on fears.

A free soul is brave and strong. Then your husband will be freed from your stress, and you will be able to talk to him. Male stubbornness is often just a defensive reaction. The right action is always acceptable to a true man.

The dignity of a true man only increases from admitting his own mistake and apologizing, if only the woman appreciates it correctly. The child will probably appreciate it correctly.

I will repeat again and again - you don’t need to be an evil person yourself. And fear of the anger of others, worry about evil people, anger due to disappointments, dissatisfaction with your poor financial situation, suffering from the power of an evil person - all these are your stresses. Find your own bad feelings and thoughts and release them.

Ask for forgiveness from everyone you blame for your misfortune, because it is not they, but you yourself who attract misfortune to yourself. You say: “But everyone has their own misfortune.” Right. But who forbids them to improve their emotional state? Why wait until nature shakes us out of hibernation with some catastrophe? He who eliminates the bad in its infancy gets rid of the bad. He who continues to hate the bad and does not accept forgiveness suffers from the bad.

Sometimes people make excuses: “Others are even more nervous than me.” I don't object to this either. Every person has the right to be who he is, but I am the creator of my own health. I myself came into these circumstances, knowing where I was going, and yet I came. Our illness depends on the nature of stress.

Allergies are the body's reaction to external irritants. The body's immune system thus shows us that it is difficult for it to cope with these irritants and “asks” us not to come into contact with them. But, according to psychologists, one of the causes of allergies is our psychosomatics. The human nervous system becomes too fixated on certain substances, which leads to the manifestation of allergy symptoms.
In modern psychology there is a statement that all diseases arise from nervousness - after experiencing stress, against the background of depression. We can say with confidence that it is true. But what can we do? Indeed, in the modern world we face stress many times every day. Nowadays, there are many books that can help you figure out and understand why this or that type of allergy arose. These publications are united by one main idea - a person who suffers, denies his own strength, depends on the opinions of others and is touchy, thus sowing fertile soil for the development of allergies.

A person must work on himself every day. Change your beliefs. To understand that the world around him is not an enemy, that everything around him was created only for help and benefit.


Probably, each of us at least once in our lives, after communicating with a person, said: “I can’t communicate with him, I’m really allergic to him.” This is where it all begins... We set our brain to be allergic. And, of course, we receive it as if ordered. Our body gives us what we ask of it.

Constant dissatisfaction with the course of your life provokes allergies to the objects around you. Such consequences result from doing something you don’t like, lack of hobbies as a kind of relief, and an unhappy marriage. In these cases, an allergy is necessary for the body as a form of refusal from violence against itself and coercion to do something.

Let's now look at some types of allergies and the psychological causes of their occurrence.
Dust allergies most often occur in people who are panicky about keeping their home clean. They give it too much importance. At the sight of just one speck of dust, they begin to cause allergy symptoms (sneezing, nasal congestion, watery eyes). The body will definitely give a reaction to such “urges” and “requests”. At the same time, a person rarely listens to the comments of family and friends.

Next, let's look at the causes of animal allergies. As a rule, this type of allergy is caused by the animal’s personal hostility. Perhaps the pet appeared in the house against your will and you want to get rid of it in every possible way, showing allergic reactions. Another reason could be sad memories from childhood. These include dog bites and fright. An allergy to an animal is a kind of protest against it.

First of all, it is necessary to compare events and facts. Establish the time of manifestation of allergic reactions and attribute it to some event. During times of stress, anger, and expressions of anger, people eat these emotions. This is how food allergies appear. This allergy can also occur when eating with someone you don’t like. If you have a big grudge against a friend, then his favorite foods will definitely cause you an allergy. If you limit yourself in consuming your favorite treats that bring you pleasure, allergic manifestations to these products are also possible.

A striking example of a food allergy due to nervousness is anorexia.

This disease usually affects young girls and boys. This category of people is emotionally unstable, highly dependent on the opinions of others. To meet society's expectations, they try to lose weight by instructing their brain not to take any food. Thus, they fall into emotional dependence, which is very, very difficult to get rid of.

Those suffering from anorexia should turn to psychologists and psychotherapists, and not rush headlong to nutritionists and allergists. The psychological causes of pollen and flower allergies can be explained by the following examples. The young man decided to break up with the girl, and as a farewell he brought her a bouquet of flowers. In the future, not only the girl will be allergic to this type of flower, but also the young man, as he may feel guilty.

Another example: during the period of wild flowering of various plants, a man or woman loses a person close to him or her. Such a loss will always be associated with this period, and manifest itself in the form of an allergy to pollen.

If a person experiences a lack of attention from others, he will compensate for it with allergies.

For example, attacks of suffocation, when everyone around will try to help him. Children often suffer from lack of attention. It is the neglect of parents that leads their children to illness. Many people believe that they must suffer in order to be loved. The feeling of pity for them is the main indicator of the manifestation of love and care.

Psychologists, in order to prove that it is psychosomatics that causes allergies in patients, conducted many experiments with allergy sufferers. The patient was put into a state of hypnosis, given instructions and placed in an environment full of allergens. The study found that under such conditions, no allergy symptoms appeared in humans.

Symptoms of allergies due to nerves

  • Feeling anxious
  • Inability to disengage and relax
  • Internal suppression of anger
  • Non-contact, isolation, asociality
  • Display of aggression
  • Touchiness
  • Frequent depression

Doctors have long begun to connect a person’s emotional state with his physical and physiological manifestations. As you know, allergies manifest themselves in different areas and parts of the body. As a rule, these are the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, bronchi, arms and back. Emotionally, these organs are connected as follows:

  • Manifestation of ear allergies: refusal to hear someone or something
  • Allergies manifest themselves in the mouth as a result of not accepting new ideas and thoughts.
  • A man coughs to attract attention
  • Humiliated people with a feeling of inferiority suffer from headaches
  • Bronchial asthma: inability to make decisions independently, need for approval and opinion of others, lack of independence
  • Bronchitis affects people in whose family there is constant tension, disputes, scandals

Treatment options

To eliminate the psychological causes of allergies, the patient needs to do tremendous work on himself. This will require a lot of patience and daily work. It is necessary to gather all the will into a fist. You should understand for yourself that allergies do not bring any benefit, but only harm the body.

First of all, you need to find out for yourself what benefits you have to avoid and what pleasures you have to give up if you have allergies. I assure you, the list will not be small.

The next step is to realize the improvement in your quality of life once you get rid of your allergies. You. Finally, get rid of that annoying cough, runny nose, and so on.

To normalize your emotional state, learn to relax. Just relax – head, soul and body. Sports hobbies will help you with this. Practicing various martial arts will help get rid of the aggression that has accumulated during the day. Dancing helps to abstract from various problems and relax the brain.

Swimming is a good stress reliever. Plus, it will also put you in good physical shape, which is good news. For a hobby, you can also choose handicrafts. The process of sewing, embroidery or knitting will help you forget about problems and concentrate all your attention on work. And the product of your labor will bring great joy and give you self-confidence.

Art therapy has proven itself well. Rhythm, drawing and singing will allow you to reveal your talents and help you feel confident in society. Some specialists, in order to relieve the patient of allergies due to nervousness, resort to hypnosis sessions. This method will allow you to find out the true causes of symptoms that the patient is not even aware of. Only by finding the cause can you cope with the disease without any problems.

It is important to take care of your nervous system. Don't take unfavorable events in your life to heart.

Only a qualified psychotherapist can help you. And remember: nerve cells do not regenerate.

When it comes to allergies, they usually immediately begin to find out what products cause it, what environmental factors provoke it. But why doesn’t anyone think about why this is so: one person is allergic to this product, while another eats it with pleasure and everything is fine with him. And this happens again for the same reason - the true cause of any disease lies in the psychological state of a person.

That is why some disease manifests itself only in those who have psychologically created the conditions specifically for this disease. This is the only difference between the set of diseases that each person suffers from - each person has fertile soil prepared precisely for certain diseases that manifest themselves in him.

Let's talk about allergies. To begin with, in good tradition, let’s turn to the masters of their craft, who at one time wrote wonderful books that helped people understand the cause of every disease.

1.Luule Viilma.

Allergy – panicky anger, fear of “they don’t love me”, unwillingness to suffer in silence. Book Warmth of Hope pp. 71, 130, 136-139.

2.Liz Burbo

Most often, people with allergies feel disgusted by someone and cannot tolerate that person. They find it difficult to accept people and circumstances. They are highly dependent on the opinions of others. Usually, allergy sufferers are very touchy and see aggression towards them even where there is none at all.

3.Louise Hay

Belief that provokes illness - Who can you not stand? Denial of one's own power.

A new belief that needs to be formed - The world is not dangerous, it is a friend. I am not in any danger. I have no disagreements with life.

So, what causes allergies?

1. Allergy is aversion

To begin with, it is clear that this is non-acceptance of something - it’s not for nothing that we often even say in our speech “I’m allergic to it.” In fact, the cause of almost any disease can be determined by the catchphrases that are so often repeated in our society. This once again proves that people have long understood the relationship between illness and thoughts, and that this relationship is indisputable.

2. Allergy to dust

Appears mainly in people who attach too much importance to cleanliness. This is often accompanied by condemnation of relatives and friends who, in your opinion, do not care enough about the cleanliness of their home.

3. Animal allergies

Chances are you don't really like these pets. Perhaps this is connected with some incident from childhood, when you or just someone before your eyes felt bad from communicating with them. Perhaps someone was bitten by a dog in front of your eyes, perhaps there was some other incident. Specifically, allergies to dog hair appear as a protest against slavery.

4. Causes of allergies

They must always be determined by comparing the time of its appearance and the events of your life at that moment. If you carefully study and compare all the facts, you will definitely understand where this disease came from.

5. Food allergies

Sometimes it appears on foods that you often consume in a state of anger or rage, or when communicating with an unpleasant person. It could also be foods that the person you have a strong grudge against loves. The second approach to the reasons for food allergies is that sometimes a person forbids himself to receive joy from life and enjoy it. Then he becomes allergic to his favorite foods.

6. Allergies in children

Often provoked by parents' hatred and anger at everything. In children, in general, all diseases are in most cases associated with the psychological problems of their parents. Until the age of 14, a child relies on the energy of his parents - so if you want your children to be healthy, then doubly monitor your psychological state. It is likely that your hatred or resentment will bring illness not to you, but to your child. So it’s better to immediately work with yourself and change the way you think, than to later say that I would give everything if only my child was healthy. And the reason can be not only obvious hatred, because quiet sadness is no better and also leads to illness.

7. Allergy to the computer

It may appear in a person as a sign of protest against the transformation of a person into a machine. This form of allergy, by the way, can also occur in a child if the parents spend all their time at the computer, and the child at this time feels that he is not loved, that the parent has become a hostage to this machine.

8. Allergy is an internal contradiction

This is another reason for allergies. It happens that a person strives for something, but at the same time suppresses this desire in himself. Or he loves someone, but is afraid of becoming dependent on this feeling and wants this person to leave. Or this form of contradiction when you dislike someone, but at the same time try to achieve approval from him. In children, allergies can develop as a result of constant contradictions in the views of parents, which are accompanied by regular quarrels.

9. Allergies are a way to attract attention to yourself.

Another reason that cannot be ignored is the same desire to attract attention to oneself, even if this means enduring the inconvenience of the disease. People often believe that in order to be loved, they need to suffer. Change that thought. Any person is initially born for love and should not deserve it. Moreover, a sick person most often receives not love, but pity. And pity is a very harmful feeling that causes protest inside the patient. Because pity is an indicator that a person is weak and helpless, and a person’s inner nature does not accept such an attitude towards itself, since it is created by perfection.

So, learn to accept the world, people and events as they are. Stop judging anyone. And understand that you are worthy of love just because you are - you don’t need to earn it, much less through suffering. Love yourself and everything in your life will change.

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