American Akita: characteristics, care, what to feed, puppies, standards, training. Food for American Akita, natural diet for American Akita, holistic class dry food, super premium dry food, rating of dry food classes

Of course, the ideal option is to have the book “JAPANESE AKITA” published in 2016 by the DOG-PROFI publishing house, in the creation of which I was directly involved, and which is the only book published in Russia about the AKITA breed.

You can order the book from the publishing house or by contacting me in a personal letter - [email protected]

How to raise a strong, healthy and obedient dog from a small fur ball?

Since the breed is very “young” in Russia, no books have been written about Akita yet, the advice of a breeder will provide invaluable help.

Already at 2 months of age, you need to start socializing your Akita baby. Necessarily - communication with all the people living in your home, visiting guests and especially with children. Be careful that children do not harm your Akita puppy. Also, you should not allow your puppy to bite everyone, especially children. Don't forget that your puppy will very soon grow into a large and confident dog, so you should shape his character today.

You need to pick up an Akita puppy in your arms with both hands, picking up the puppy under the chest with one hand, and supporting it with the other. bottom part bodies.

It is advisable to immediately determine the baby’s place in the house. You can prepare bedding - most often purely symbolic. Akita, having thick hair, prefers to sleep on the bare floor, ceramic tiles, and use the mattress as a toy. In hot weather, the puppy will definitely try to find a cooler place, and sometimes in a draft. There is no need to prevent him from doing this.

Akitas that live outside in a kennel often take their bedding outside and proudly lie on it (or what's left of it!)

Starting from the very first day of his appearance in your home, the baby Akita will carefully study all its corners, but, as a rule, rare representatives of this breed cause “damage” to furniture, shoes and other household items. This is rather an exception.

However, it is imperative to protect valuables from the puppy’s teeth, and the baby from dangerous objects - chemicals, household chemicals, flowers that can cause allergies, sharp objects, balls and balls that the baby can swallow and also turn Special attention on sockets and electrical wires!

You need to clearly remember that there are things that it is better to forbid a puppy from the very beginning and never make an exception - sleeping on the bed, taking food from the table, biting the owners... Here such a “medicine” as a rolled-up newspaper is always recommended. It can only be used at the moment when the puppy performs an unwanted action - lightly hit the puppy on the back of the body. Such punishment must be accompanied by vocal reinforcement, in a serious and dissatisfied tone, loud and clear.

If the puppy uses his teeth, use your teeth and bite him on the bridge or back of his nose. This is exactly how mothers of all dog breeds raise their children. You can also take the puppy by the withers and, lifting it off the ground, let it hang in the air a little. The baby, having lost support under his feet, will become more flexible.


Teaching your baby to go to the toilet in his designated place is not difficult. As a rule, the breeder gives away a puppy with already existing skills - the baby manages his affairs on a diaper or newspaper (if sometimes it’s a little too much, it doesn’t count). You can prepare several such places while the puppy is still small. But as soon as you can go outside, the number of toilets in the house should be reduced and gradually moved to the exit.

Akitas are usually very clean. But in the first days you need to help the baby determine where it is possible to make a puddle or a pile, and where it is undesirable. If the puppy went to the toilet in the right place, reward him with something tasty several times a day, gradually reducing the number of rewards and treats. Once the necessary skills have been acquired, you can encourage the puppy only with your voice (praise). Exactly the same recommendations are for toilet training on the street. As a rule, there are enough “marks” from other dogs on surrounding objects, on the ground, and the puppy quickly understands where he should leave a pile or puddle.

It is worth paying special attention to owners of puppies living in city apartments. You should not walk a small puppy in a place where there are a lot of adult dogs and large piles of their waste products. Find a cleaner place (not a playground, of course) and be sure to bring a couple of plastic bags with you to clean up after your pet!

In the future, Akita will most likely become your reliable friend - respecting all family members and inspiring self-respect. But we must not forget that Akita is not soft toy, but a large and strong dog!

WITH one month old It is advisable to “make friends” of the puppy with brushes and combs for fur. The Akita is combed in the direction opposite to hair growth. During this procedure, the relationship between the owner and the baby improves, because the mother also sometimes “fleas” the puppy and licks its face.

The washing up.

Puppies are washed more often than adult Akitas. It is advisable to do this no more than once every 2-3 weeks. at a young age. I usually use shampoos with a hypoallergenic effect and intended for puppies. There are quite a lot of cosmetics for animals, and your experience or the recommendations of a breeder or veterinarian will tell you what to choose.

Feeding the puppy.

Most breeders provide a puppy feeding plan for the first time.

There are 2 options - industrial dry and canned food or natural food.

As for dry food, everything is quite simple. In Japan, the Akita eats everything - there is no cult of food there, as in Russia, when the puppy is fed strictly according to the clock, with strictly defined food and strictly according to the norm indicated on the package.

In my opinion, dry food is better balanced, it frees up time when cooking, and you can leave it in your absence for long time- they will not spoil. But... Akitas are great gourmets. They may refuse food for a long time, defending their right to eat other foods. Sometimes a given dry food is simply not suitable for a particular dog - food intolerance or an allergy to one of the food components (most often chicken).

As a rule, there are no problems with feeds where meat products are completely excluded or partially mixed with fish - for example, Pro-Plan - salmon with rice. Or food considered hypoallergenic - lamb with rice. But Akitas do not eat them too readily.

Naturally, when choosing premium or super-premium food, you need to give preference to those companies that produce food for large breed puppies.

It is better to feed a small puppy 5-6 times a day. At the age of 2 months - no more than 5 times. At 3 months you can switch to 4 meals a day. But then, when the teeth change - at about 4 months - the puppy begins to eat worse. It is better to feed him no more than 3 times a day. At 6 months you can freely switch to 2 feedings a day. A small puppy should eat 10-11% of its weight per day. He may initially eat a little more, but as he gets older he will moderate his appetite.

It is also best to feed adult dogs 2 times a day, although some adult Akitas who are not exposed to physical stress prefer to eat 1 time every 2 days. Average daily requirement dry food for an Akita weighing 30 kg - 400-500 grams of dry food or 1 - 2 liters (depending on the load and condition of the dog itself) - natural food.

It is believed that diets such as dry food and natural food should not be mixed. Although all breeders do exactly this! Cottage cheese, kefir, meat, eggs, cheese, etc. are added to dry food. I believe that it is better to add specialized canned dog food to dry food. Very often, dry food manufacturers produce canned food of the same name. FEEDING ONLY CANNED FOOD IS EXTREMELY UNDESIRABLE!

In my many years of experience as a breeder (over 18 years), puppies raised on natural food have better health in the future.

Through trial and error, I settled on the following feeding diet for an Akita puppy: natural food.

So - the amount of feed.

V= M: 100 X 11

Where V is volume daily ration(weight)

M – puppy body weight

For example, with a body weight of 10 kg, the puppy should receive 1100 grams of food per day, divided by the number of meals.

I would like to note once again that all babies have different appetites, can digest this or that food differently, and the metabolic processes in the body also differ. Therefore, the above example is only one of the options.

I want to bring next example. All the puppies from all the litters of one of my breeders began to “burp” if they were given cottage cheese or kefir. And this was repeated time after time. As a result, I was forced to stop feeding him cottage cheese or give it mixed with porridge.

25% of the total daily diet should be cottage cheese 1% or 5%

(which is better diluted with low-fat fermented milk products– kefir, yogurt, etc.);

It is advisable to give mineral bait along with cottage cheese, necessary for a puppy for growth and correct formation skeleton;

25% - raw meat(beef, turkey, lean chicken); offal - after 4 months (liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen - only boiled; peeled tripe - can be raw). Meat feeding can be replaced with fish, increasing the amount by 30% in relation to meat.

Bones cannot replace feeding. They can be given to the puppy as entertainment, only in raw form and only for a few hours. Do not give small bones, chicken bones or other hollow bones that the puppy could break into sharp pieces and swallow;

25% - vegetables(boiled - carrots, pumpkin, onions, garlic, very little - potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage).;

25% - cereals(rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet). I prefer to use rice and buckwheat in a ratio of 2x1. You can also use pasta. Both can be prepared as meat broth with the addition of vegetables, and cook milk porridge. I recommend cooking milk porridge as follows. First, cook the cereal in water until tender and add milk at the end of cooking.

I note that such a diet contains all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals, necessary for a growing body and most often does not cause problems with digestion and individual intolerance(which is often the case with feeding dry ready-made food).

You can also add cheese to your puppy’s diet (under no circumstances should you replace feeding with cheese!) and eggs (2 times a week, 1 egg). Crackers and crackers can be given as treats. Many Akitas love fruits - grapes, bananas, apples, pears, dried apricots, prunes. All this should be given in small quantities (fruit can cause colic in puppies).

Mineral and vitamin baits.

There are a huge number of nutritional supplements and the same number of opinions - which one to choose?

I try to focus, first of all, on the puppy, to whom I offer certain types mineral supplements or vitamins. The puppy eats some types of vitamins willingly and in large quantities. There are times when a child finds a way to get to his favorite jar and gobble up a catastrophic amount of pills! It all depends on the animal’s immediate need for certain components of these drugs.

But there are a huge number of cases when the “shaggy monster” refuses to eat vitamins and prefers them to the walls of your apartment, sand on the street, soil from flower pots and many other seemingly completely inedible objects.

Therefore, I will start by listing the manufacturers and preparations that were used in the cultivation of many litters and brought more benefit than harm.

One of the most affordable in the price scale is the English company POLIDEX.

POLIVIT-C plus – intended for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches.

GLUCOGEXTROLPLUS - for the prevention of joint damage, stimulates regeneration cartilage tissue in puppies and young dogs.

MULTIVITplus is a multivitamin and mineral complex for any age.

IMMUNITUUP – to improve immunity.

PROTEVITplus - for muscle growth.

RECOVIT - for sick and weakened animals and

SUPERWOOLplis - for improving skin and coat.

The next affordable drug, but rarely found in our stores, is SA-37, supplied by INTERVET. This drug is wonderful balanced complex, which can be limited to when raising a puppy, since it contains full complex everything necessary for a growing organism (and for a mature and very aged one) too.

More expensive drugs and more popular companies -CANIPURAndCANINA.

I can only say that my Akitas eat them reluctantly and sometimes even refuse to accept them.

The assortment is very large:

CALCIGEL – calcium, joints, growth.

BIOVIT – stimulates appetite, improves metabolism

CAROTIN - pigmentation

CORVIT – heart, blood circulation

DERMAFIT – skin problems

ELEKTROLIT – a solution that restores water-salt balance

FERROCEL – blood formation (blood loss)

FERTIL – fertilization and pregnancy

GRAVID – pregnancy and lactation

HEPAFIT – liver, metabolism

MINERAL – minerals, vitamins

MULTIBIOTIN – leather and wool

RACE – maximum performance. Increased loads.

RACEPOWER – endurance and maximum performance

RELAX – strengthening the nervous system

RENAFIT – kidneys, bladder, detoxification

SENIOR – for aging dogs

YEAVIT - digestion

GLUCOSAMIN – regeneration and protection of joints.

CANINA - the drugs from this company are quite expensive, but this does not mean that they are the best.

The assortment of this company is very large, so it is unlikely that I will be able to list the entire list.

Most commonly used drugs:

BIOTINFORTE – for the skin and coat of long-haired dogs

The Akita Inu breed is considered one of the most ancient. The dogs are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and capricious character. Akita Inu is a self-confident, proud, self-sufficient dog with high intelligence and excellent hunting qualities. To keep your animal healthy, you need to take care of its diet. Don't know what to feed your Akita Inu? Our article will help you understand all the intricacies of feeding dogs of this breed.

Akita Inu requires more careful care than four-legged dogs of other breeds. In particular, this applies to animal nutrition.

  • food of natural origin (raw or home-cooked);
  • ready-made food of industrial type (dry or wet);
  • mixed nutrition.

It is the third type - mixed nutrition - that is considered the best option for this breed of dog. Dry food should be alternated with meat and meat by-products, cottage cheese and fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables. Daily ration should be balanced, control the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Also, do not forget that in our region this breed dogs came from Japan, where they have different traditions and habits, including in gastronomic terms.

The delicate stomach of Asian dogs often cannot cope with the food that other four-legged dogs are accustomed to. At the same time, Akita Inu requires special care and maintenance. Be sure to keep food and water bowls clean. If the size of the booth where the pet lives allows, try to separate the dog’s “dining room” from the resting area.

How to feed natural food Feeding a dog of an exotic breed with natural food is not an easy task. Indeed, in their native country, the Akita Inu diet consists mainly of rice, fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables. Feed adult dog

It is necessary twice a day - morning and evening meals. Don't know what products should be on the menu?

Rule #1 Carefully study the component composition. If soy is present among the ingredients, you can immediately exclude it from your list. this product . Feed with high content

Soy is not suitable for Asian breed dogs. A large amount of protein can provoke an allergic reaction in a pet.

Wheat and corn are two other ingredients that should not be in exotic breed dog foods. These two products will not cause any particular harm to the health of the animal, but can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the general well-being of a dog that is not accustomed to this type of food. Choose dry food that contains fish, meat, rice and bone meal.

Rule #2 Pay attention to those feeds where it is indicated daily norm according to the weight and age of the animal, because an adult dog and little puppy

Different amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrates are needed. For example, the daily fat intake for puppies should not exceed 18%, while babies need at least 25% protein.

Rule #3

Give preference to premium and super premium food. If you can’t find food on your own, you can always seek help from a veterinarian or more experienced dog breeders. They will certainly tell you how to care for a four-legged Asian breed.

If you still couldn’t resist the charisma of dogs of this breed, get ready for some difficulties in caring for and maintaining a pet.

Feeding Akita Inu differs significantly from feeding other dog breeds. One slight mistake in catering can lead to serious problems with the health of the pet. To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of foods that should not be present in the diet of this breed.

So, what food should you not give your Akita Inu?

  • foods high in salt;
  • food products with various food additives or “food chemistry”;
  • sausages;
  • smoked and pickled foods;
  • river fish (as it contains a lot of small bones);
  • raw meat and raw fish (to prevent helminths from entering the animal’s body);
  • all sugar-containing foods (this breed has hereditary predisposition to diabetes mellitus).

Regardless of whether you feed your dog dry food or homemade natural food, do not leave food in the dog's bowl. Airing, drying out, getting dust, debris and insects into the bowl, which is especially typical for animals living outside in a kennel, can negatively affect the health and well-being of the pet. Also, do not forget to keep your Akita Inu's kennel clean.

It is especially important not to miss this moment during the molting period of the animal. A shedding dog requires more attention and care. The Akita sheds, the fur gathers in clumps, settles somewhere in the corner of the dog house and, at the slightest breath of wind, ends up in the food. Representatives of this breed are willful and have a good memory.

Having once fed your dog something forbidden, in the future you may encounter aggression or, conversely, excessive attention from a pet begging for another “delicacy.” As noted experienced dog handlers, prohibited foods can negatively affect the dog’s gastrointestinal tract and also cause allergies. Common problems health problems negatively affect the dog’s psyche, the animal begins to be wary of any new food product.

Akita Inu are quite large and active dogs, requiring proper care including great attention need to pay attention to feeding. It is necessary to choose the right food and stick to it certain rules so that the dog’s nutrition really suits it.

Natural food for Akita Inu.

Inexperienced dog breeders, having bought an Akita Inu, can make an unpleasant discovery for themselves, since the pet is more likely to refuse the chicken, pork, beef, and turkey offered to it. It must be remembered that this breed of dog came to us from Japan, where traditionally their diet consists of rice and seafood in various types. Therefore, if you decide to keep your dog natural food, then you will have to seriously think about creating a menu.

For good digestion, your dog needs to be fed rice porridge with addition sea ​​fish, vegetables, seafood. Puppies need no more than 18% fat in their diet, and no less than 25% protein. Therefore it is necessary to give boiled eggs at least once a week, lean veal, and make sure that the dog is not allergic to it. Puppies are given calcined cottage cheese as a source of calcium, but this depends on individual tolerance to dairy products, to which dogs of this breed are not accustomed.

Adult dogs are practically not kept on natural food, since feeding Akita with natural products is very expensive and is fraught with allergic reactions. In Japan, Akita Inu eats light and healthy food, without dyes and preservatives. Finding such food is currently very difficult, so the owners of such dogs prefer to feed them dry balanced food for Akita Inu.

Dry food.

There are several rules when selecting professional food for an Akita.
In search of suitable food, you will have to run a lot, but it costs the health and cheerfulness of the dog.

Regular dog food is not suitable for Akita, since it contains several sources of essential animal protein, some of which are meat or soy, which this breed does not digest.

Allergies can occur to protein, so you need to find a fish-based diet. Wheat and corn should be avoided as they are contained as a source of carbohydrates in most foods and are not suitable for Akitas; dogs are not accustomed to such foods. The main source of carbohydrates in their diet should be rice. When feeding, you need to pay attention to age based on correct ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Brands of food that are not divided by age should be excluded immediately.

“What to feed an American Akita?”- a very important question that must be resolved before a dog appears at your home. At first, follow the breeder's recommendations. All changes to the diet are introduced gradually.

What to feed the American Akita: dry food or natural products?

If you are a supporter natural nutrition, products must be of high quality. At the same time, adhere to next line-up diet:

The amount of food depends on the size of the dog. On average, an adult American Akita should receive the following diet:

If you feed your dog dry food, the protein content should not be more than 32%. High protein feed may be the cause allergic reaction in an American Akita.

How many times a day should you feed your American Akita?

Feeding regimen for American Akita (puppy and adult dog):

Dog age
Number of feedings per day
2 – 3 months
5 times (at approximately 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 hours). The puppy is not fed at night.
3 – 5 months
4 times (6, 11, 16, 21 hours)
5 – 12 months
3 times (6, 13, 21 hours)
Over 12 months
2 times

To prevent intestinal volvulus, it is better to feed the dog after a walk. After eating, avoid jumping and running.

It is good if it is possible to feed the puppy from a stand that is located at chest level.

When choosing mineral supplements and vitamins, consult your veterinarian. Most often, an American Akita puppy is between 3 and 8 months old (period active growth) give mineral supplements. It is better to choose one with a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 3:1 or 2:1. Supplements containing iodine can be helpful - they will prevent problems with the thyroid gland.

The American Akita is a large and heavy dog, so it is most likely impossible to do without chondroprotectors - drugs that affect the development of bones and joints. As a rule, they are given to puppies at the age of 4 - 8 months.

Avoid obesity - excess weight will not only negatively affect the dog’s health, but will also put additional stress on the joints.


How to raise a healthy and beautiful Akita?

Akita is a powerful dog with a good coat. Puppies of this breed need proper balanced diet. With rapid growth and replacement of teeth, problems with ligaments and bones are possible. It is also necessary to take good care of the animal's fur, otherwise itching, dandruff and faded color will result.

How to balance your puppy’s diet and keep it in good shape adult Akita, especially if it is a show dog?

1) Dry food or natural food?

1.1. I, as a breeder with extensive experience, recommend high-quality holistic dry food. To decide on the choice of a holistic provider, carefully study the international rating of dry food and read reviews. Do not be guided by the opinion of a pet store salesperson or a veterinarian, the first is only interested in sales, the second may promote food from the company sponsoring the clinic.

Here are the sites you can trust:

  • DogFoodAnalysis – the most famous international rating of dry food
  • Companion – dry food analyzer
  • Zooprofi – forum about proper nutrition pets

remember, that the best choice for Akita this is a food with an average protein and fat content, even if she lives outside.

Before you start an Akita. Calculate how much her food and maintenance will cost you. This is not a dog you can skimp on.

So, dry food must be of holistic quality, have a high rating (at least 4 stars) and cannot contain cheap fillers such as soy, corn, wheat and the like and other harmful substances.

1.2 Natural feeding is also a very good thing and I cannot deny its benefits, provided that all the rules are followed, namely:

  • The basis of natural nutrition is raw meat stored frozen
  • IN chopped meat All substances necessary for proper nutrition are added: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, taurine, vitamins, omega fatty acids and other components that the dog’s body cannot synthesize on its own. Of course you need to maintain the correct proportions
  • All ingredients must be fresh and of the highest quality, without antibiotics or hormones. In short, these are quality products for people.

This feeding system is called BARF, read the details

Under no circumstances should you feed your Akita from the table or cook porridge with meat for it. The dog is a predator and its gastrointestinal tract cannot properly digest cooked food. Also, you should not get carried away with giving treats and treats. You can easily be spoiled and large dog, and it will be very difficult to bring her to her senses. Try to keep your Akita's diet as close as possible to living conditions in the wild.

I don't recommend natural feeding Akitas, especially if this is your first dog or you have no experience. In Russia it is difficult to find high-quality products, the additives of which require much more than when feeding dry food, they are expensive, and this is a troublesome task that takes time. Not all Akitas are suitable for this diet. But if you want to try, go for it!

2) Do Akitas need any vitamins or additional supplements to their basic diet?

Yes, they are absolutely necessary and especially:

  • During the puppy's growth period
  • During pregnancy and lactation
  • When the body weakens
  • During the pre-exhibition period
  • IN for preventive purposes
  • With natural feeding

I use and highly recommend Bio4Pets drugs: Kinosil, Kino-3 and Kinovita. These three supplements contain all the necessary micro and macroelements and vitamins. Recommendations and dosages can be obtained on the official Bio4pets website.

Important! The following foods should absolutely not be given to Akita:

  • Any boiled bones– danger of damage to the gastrointestinal tract
  • Chocolate and cocoa are poisonous for dogs
  • Salty, smoked, sweet, fatty, spicy - causes health problems
  • Grapes or raisins can cause poisoning
  • Onions are dangerous in any form
  • River fish - contains eggs of dangerous worms
  • Nuts and seeds are indigestible and often cause allergies.

You should also not unnecessarily change dry food or mix food from different manufacturers.

3) Even the most best food and supplements will not be beneficial if the Akita is not kept and raised correctly.

Exercise, walks and games are all very important for an American Akita puppy and should be provided in the best possible way. There are important points on which I would like to focus special attention.


  • Don't get carried away with walking on a leash with your puppy. You can only use it to get to a safe walking area.
  • Try to walk your dog in a park or forest, where there is no asphalt or concrete.
  • Only adult dogs over 1.5 years old can run behind a bicycle or go skiing with you.
  • You should not allow your puppy to jump high, jump over obstacles, or play with Frisbee while his bones are developing - no earlier than 12 months.
  • Exhausting running after a fetch or a ball, long games with people or adult dogs are also harmful to a growing Akita. The puppy should not come from a walk excessively tired and fall “without his hind legs.”
  • All training and exercises with the puppy should be in the form of a game so that he does not get bored or tired.
  • For a puppy under one year old, it is contraindicated to walk on stairs if you live on a high floor without an elevator... I don’t even know how to say this, but you will have to carry the baby in your arms or completely refrain from buying a large dog.
  • Children and young inexperienced puppy should not be left alone and play without adult supervision, otherwise tragedy cannot be avoided! I personally know of a case where the wild play of a 7-year-old boy and a 4-month-old puppy ended in disaster; they overturned the ironing board and iron. The puppy's spine was severely damaged and had to be euthanized...


  • Calm walks without a leash (of course, where this is possible), when no one “winds up” the puppy (children, for example, or other dogs) and he does not get tired, but runs around as much as he wants.
  • Swimming in a convenient shallow place without cliffs or slippery surfaces, avoiding extreme fatigue. Avoid hypothermia. Do not forget to dry the puppy if the coat is not dry before evening.
  • Find age and size friends for your young Akita so they can play together. Their physical activity will be the same and mutually beneficial.
  • It is important to socialize the Akita and walks in the city and noisy places on a leash are definitely necessary for the puppy, but should be very short.

The formation of the skeleton and joints of a large dog is completed at approximately 18 months and this is the most important period for the Akita owner. All disturbances in diet and physical activity can cause irreparable harm to the dog's body. Be careful during this time! Any deviation from the norm: the slightest curvature of the bones, a wobbling gait, lameness, etc. is a signal for an urgent visit to the veterinarian and consultation with the breeder!

Nursery " Vladydogs» provides full support in the education and raising of Akita puppies purchased from us!

Read about the training and education of the American Akita in the following article.