Antifreeze is a beautiful, bright and dangerous poison. Liquids in a car that can kill you

Antifreeze is an engine cooling liquid. Given medical condition also called engine coolant poisoning. This article discusses poisoning caused by ingesting antifreeze.

Important: This article is for information only and cannot be used to treat or manage the actual effects of the venom. If you are poisoned by antifreeze, call ambulance"or Ministry of Emergency Situations

Alternative title:

Engine coolant poisoning

Poisonous ingredients:

  • Ethylene glycol
  • Methanol
  • Propylene glycol

Where are they located?

  • Various antifreezes

Note: This list may not be complete or definitive.

Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning:

Airways and lungs

  • Rapid breathing
  • Lack of breathing

Bladder and kidneys

  • Blood in urine
  • Lack of urine or decreased urine production

Eyes, ears, nose and throat

  • Blurred vision
  • Blindness

Heart and blood

  • Change acid-base balance body, which can lead to multiple organ failure
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Low blood pressure

Muscles and joints

  • Leg cramps

Nervous system


  • Blue lips and nails

Stomach and gastrointestinal tract

  • Nausea
  • Vomit

Treating antifreeze poisoning at home

Antifreeze poisoning: what to do before calling an ambulance

Please check the following information:

  • Age, weight and condition of the patient
  • Name of the product and ingredients, if known
  • Time that has passed since antifreeze poisoning
  • Antifreeze volume

If possible, take a container of antifreeze to medical institution- this will help adjust the treatment.

What to Expect in the Emergency Room for Antifreeze Poisoning

In the emergency department, a victim of antifreeze poisoning will be taken under vital control. important functions patient, including temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure. Blood and urine tests will be done. The patient can also receive:

  • Dialysis
  • IV fluids
  • Medicines to treat symptoms
  • Medicines (antivenom) to neutralize the effects of the poison
  • Gastric lavage

Prognosis after antifreeze poisoning

Ethylene glycol antifreeze poisoning : Death may occur within the first 24 hours. If the patient survives, he may have little or complete absence urine for several weeks before kidney function returns. Any brain damage may be permanent. Vision loss or blindness may be permanent.

Methanol-based antifreeze poisoning: Methanol is extremely toxic. For severe consequences very little is needed - just 2 tablespoons of methanol can kill a child, while 0.06 liters to 0.16 liters of methanol can be a lethal amount for an adult. The ultimate consequences of methanol poisoning depend on physical features body, the amount of poison and the speed of receiving help.

Denial of responsibility: The information presented in this article about antifreeze poisoning is intended to inform the reader only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Antifreeze (popularly Tosol) – special liquid, which has a low freezing point due to a mixture of water and ethylene glycol. Used instead of water to cool engines. There are also propylene glycol-based fluid options that are safer, but they are quite expensive, so most people buy ethylene glycol antifreeze. For humans, the liquid and even its vapors are extremely dangerous, and ingestion of the substance in an amount of about 100 ml can cause death.

How does antifreeze poisoning occur?

Ethylene glycol is considered a hazardous substance. Its maximum concentration in the air is up to 5 mg per cubic meter. If this norm is violated, intoxication is possible with prolonged stay in such a room and inhalation of vapors.

But most often, poisoning occurs when liquid gets inside. For example, some may mistake it for regular alcohol, while others drink it for the purpose of suicide.

It is necessary to store antifreeze out of reach, as it is dangerous for animals and children who do not realize the threat of this solution. 5 ml of the drug drunk will be a lethal dose for a cat’s body, 20-40 ml for a child.

If a person drinks ethylene glycol, it begins to destroy the endothelium blood vessels and affects the nervous system. Because of this effect, it is classified as a neurovascular poison. Moreover, in the body it begins to oxidize, turning into oxalic or glycolic acid, which seriously damage the liver and kidneys, leading to severe intoxication.

Symptoms of intoxication

Signs of poisoning appear in the first hours after antifreeze enters the body. The victim needs urgent medical attention and hospital treatment, since the consequences of taking this poison can be the most dire. Symptoms of the disease are usually divided into general symptoms, cerebral and hepatorenal phases.

First signs

In the first 5-8 hours after consuming Antifreeze or inhaling its vapors, the following general symptoms are observed:

  • headache;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • pain in the sternum;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain due to burns of the mucous membrane;
  • dizziness, etc.

Brain phase

This stage of poisoning begins because the components of the substance affect the nervous system, causing symptoms of paralysis. In addition, ethylene glycol has a narcotic and stimulating effect, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • feeling high degree poisoning;
  • redness of the skin and mucous membranes, and then the appearance of clear signs of cyanosis;
  • excitement, fussiness, signs of euphoria, the victim talks a lot, psycho-emotional outbursts are replaced by depression, worsening mood, apathy and drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness, ataxic gait;
  • convulsions, tremors of limbs;
  • stiff neck;
  • labored breathing;
  • increased pain in the abdomen and lower back.

Without proper medical care and care, symptoms will increase, becoming more and more pronounced. As a result, consciousness becomes confused, the person may even fall into a coma. If the poisoning is severe, the patient's reflexes disappear and uncontrolled urination or bowel movements are possible. Arterial pressure does not change, but instead of the initial tachycardia, bradycardia appears, that is low heart rate. The pupils dilate and practically do not react to light. Breathing changes to deep, rare, with sounds of noise.

The patient remains in the cerebral phase for up to 2 days. During this time, the condition can either improve or worsen to the point of death. But even with a significant improvement in well-being, the danger does not disappear, since after a while the cerebral phase is replaced by the hepatorenal phase, which is characterized by other damage to the body.

Hepatorenal phase

3-20 days after poisoning, the onset of the hepatorenal phase or damage to the kidneys and liver is possible. It arises due to toxic effect on the tissue of these organs the antifreeze itself and its breakdown products. The following symptoms are observed:

  • feeling of intense thirst;
  • cessation of urine output;
  • significant increase in pressure;
  • uremic colitis, manifested in severe intestinal pain and diarrhea;
  • albuminuria;
  • pain on the right in the liver area and its enlargement;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • an increase in the concentration of creatinine, urea, and other medium molecules in the blood.

First aid for poisoning

If the patient is conscious, gastric lavage should be started immediately to remove any remaining antifreeze. To do this, make a 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate and give at least a liter to drink. To prepare the solution, add 4 tsp. baking soda per liter of water. After drinking liquid, vomiting is artificially induced by pressing on the base of the tongue.

To remove toxins from small intestine, take enterosorbents - Activated carbon, Smecta and other similar drugs.

Hospital treatment

Due to the high toxicity of this substance and big threat Health and life in case of poisoning requires hospital treatment.

It is recommended to immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital yourself, if this is faster. Treatment begins with a blood transfusion to cleanse the body. For detoxification therapy, infusions are used saline solutions, bicarbonate, glucose. The use of vitamins and diuretics is also indicated. If there are indications, enter respiratory analeptics, anticonvulsants and cardiovascular drugs.

To neutralize ethylene glycol metabolites, magnesium sulfate is used intravenously. If hepatorenal syndrome is too developed, hemodialysis is prescribed.

Possible consequences

When too severe defeat death of the body is possible within a very a short time. If intoxication is mild, it can result in significant damage to the kidneys and other excretory organs. It may take several months to bring the body back to normal. However, there is no guarantee that the kidneys will fully recover.

Coolant poisoning can also lead to brain damage, in which neurological symptoms that appear for the first time persist throughout life.

Preventive measures

To avoid possible entry of antifreeze into the body and to protect yourself and other people from poisoning, it is recommended:

  • tell employees at work or at home about the dangers of this substance;
  • exercise strict control at the enterprise over the consumption of antifreeze;
  • add neutral components that change the smell and color of the substance;
  • organize secure storage of liquid in an inaccessible place.

Antifreeze is liquid chemical composition, characterized by a low freezing point. He is essential substance for use as a coolant for automobile engines. The product is not intended for oral administration, but in some cases it enters the body. What are the dangers of antifreeze poisoning?

Antifreeze – common name all antifreeze liquids for cooling systems in cars. All of these products have a glycolic base. Antifreeze concentrate consists of 90% ethylene glycol, a dihydric alcohol that is a strong poison. The remaining 10% of the “anti-freeze” is distilled water (3%), dyes and additives (7%). The additives are inorganic substances(nitrates, phosphates, amines, silicates and others), which affect the quality of the car.

A glass (200-250 ml) of such liquid can kill an adult. Lethal dose for a child there may be only 50 ml of this substance.

Manufacturers produce antifreeze under various names and markings (Antifreeze, OZH 40, OZH 65, S12, G48, Z65, and many others). Some manufacturers add methyl alcohol to the coolant to reduce the viscosity and density of the product. Methanol is classified as a technical poison and is dangerous for humans and vehicles to which such substandard antifreeze is added.

Is it possible to get poisoned by antifreeze fumes?

A person who accidentally or intentionally drinks a little coolant will experience irreversible processes in the internal organs and brain after a few hours. There is a danger of losing vision completely. The refrigerant, entering the stomach, becomes a real explosive mixture that destroys the human body.

Intoxication when antifreeze gets ingested is much more more dangerous than influence steam or skin contact. Coolant fumes are toxic and, when reaching a certain concentration, can cause symptoms of poisoning.

According to sanitary standards, the presence of ethylene glycol in the air should not exceed 0.005 g per 1 m 3. But with some malfunctions in the car, vapors can enter the cabin and accumulate in the air, exceeding the permissible concentration that does not affect health. During a long trip, the driver and passengers may inhale harmful fumes, which will cause the development of characteristic symptoms poisoning.

Often, antifreeze vapors penetrate into the car interior through the stove when the heating system is on. Ethylene glycol is a fatty alcohol, and if water evaporates, this substance settles on the glass and front panel of the car, where it continues to negatively affect the human body.

Symptoms of poisoning

Intoxication of the body caused by ingestion of antifreeze manifests itself various symptoms from many body systems. Antifreeze vapor poisoning may appear side effects with systematic inhalation of harmful substances.

Consequences of coolant poisoning

From the outside respiratory system:

  • noisy breathing;
  • tachypnea (rapid breathing);
  • bradypnea (slow breathing);
  • stopping breathing.

From the cardiovascular and circulatory system:

  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • bradycardia (slow heartbeat);
  • hypotension (low blood pressure).

From the side of urine excretory system:

  • hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • oliguria (rare urination);
  • anuria (lack of urine).

Pathological manifestations in the muscles: cramps in the lower extremities.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cramps in the stomach;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting blood.

Manifestation of symptoms on the skin:

  • the appearance of a bluish tint on the lips and nails;
  • severe pallor;
  • facial skin hyperemia;
  • erythema of the mucous membranes.

From the organs of vision:

  • cloudiness, darkening, double vision;
  • inability to focus vision;
  • short-term loss of vision;
  • complete loss of vision.

From the outside nervous system:

  • fussiness;
  • excessive talkativeness;
  • uncertainty in gait;
  • lack of coordination;
  • dizziness, general weakness;
  • migraine;
  • dullness, delirium;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • speech disorder;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • coma.

The appearance of the first symptoms of intoxication depends on the concentration of toxic substances in the body, the amount of liquid swallowed, general condition human health before poisoning, the age of the victim.

Signs of poisoning may appear after several hours and develop rapidly. Or they can make themselves known in a day or several days, which is more dangerous - in the lost time the kidneys are affected and the person suffers instant death.

If you drink coolant, you must immediately take measures to limit the spread of poison through the blood and call a doctor.

International classification of diseases code ICD 10 – T 52.3

First aid

Correct pre-medical first aid for antifreeze poisoning plays a big role in the subsequent health of the victim and even determines his life. If you don't produce necessary actions Irreversible processes begin to occur in the patient’s body: the kidneys and liver are affected, blood vessels are destroyed, brain activity. The result of intoxication can be death.

To provide first aid you need:

  • immediately rinse the stomach with a soda solution (2 tablespoons of soda per 1 liter of water);
  • give the patient a sorbent to drink (activated carbon, White clay, Polyphepan, Smecta, Sorbex, Atoxil, Enterosgel and other absorbent drugs);
  • cover with a blanket and ensure peace;
  • Drink water frequently to prevent the development of kidney failure;
  • call an ambulance.

Antidotes and further treatment

The antidote for antifreeze or epilene glycol is ethyl alcohol. A poisoned adult is given at least 100 ml of 40% ethanol to drink at a time or produces intravenous administration 5% solution. To further disinfect the effect of alcohol, the victim continues to be given ethyl alcohol, but in smaller doses (30-50 ml per 1 kg of weight). Droppers with calcium chloride are also used as a poison neutralizer.

The fact that alcohol helps neutralize the harm from epilene glycol is even stated in the safety data sheet for technical automotive fluids. When we're talking about about the poisoning of a child, then he is also advised to consume 30-40% ethanol at the rate of 2 ml of alcohol per 1 kg of weight.

Further actions are aimed at restoring functions internal organs. The kidneys and liver suffer the most. To remove fluids in the urine, the patient is given diuretics. The patient undergoes a procedure - hemodialysis, which is aimed at cleansing the blood of toxins without involving the kidneys. During hemodialysis, water and electrolyte balance body.

The patient is given an appointment:

  • prednisolone;
  • glucose;
  • vitamin complexes of group B, C;
  • adenosine triphosphoric acid;
  • folic acid.

Brake fluid, like antifreeze, is technical means, used for normal operation cars. It also contains epilene glycol. Due to inattention or carelessness, you can be seriously poisoned by this composition, and the harm caused by brake fluid to the body is identical to “anti-freeze”.

Manifestations of intoxication and possible complications from poisoning with brake fluid and antifreeze are similar, and the algorithm of actions is the same. It is important to provide first aid in a timely manner and send the patient to a hospital for treatment.

Preventive measures

To prevent antifreeze poisoning, it is necessary to store the technical fluid in its original packaging out of the reach of children, and monitor the serviceability of the vehicle’s heating system to prevent epilene glycol vapors from entering the cabin. When using antifreeze or brake fluid, you should protect yourself from inhaling fumes and getting on your skin.

When buying antifreeze, you need to pay attention to the composition. An analogue of epilene glycol is safe propylene glycol, which does not pose a threat to humans and the environment.

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The most poisonous for human body Fluids include antifreeze used to prevent fluids from freezing. The composition of the product is a combination of ethylene glycol and water. In this case, antifreeze poisoning is possible, since this technical fluid has harmful influence to all organs.

Even if the antifreeze liquid does not enter the body, vapor poisoning is quite possible. However, the most serious threat life arises precisely as a result of taking this tool directly inside the body. Ethylene glycol, which predominates in antifreeze, has the same effect Negative influence to all organs of the body. Accordingly, signs of antifreeze poisoning can be observed in all vital important systems person.

From the respiratory system. A person who has drunk a dangerous composition or received excessive antifreeze vapors will lose their breathing rhythm; it will be either accelerated or slowed down. Noises are clearly audible. Main danger- cessation of breathing.

Genitourinary system. When thinking about what will happen if you inadvertently drink antifreeze, you should not lose sight of the signs from the excretory system. People who have been poisoned by any technical liquid will notice blood in their urine, too little or no urination.

Circulatory system. Damage to this system is the most dangerous outcome of ingesting antifreeze. Most often, palpitations are observed when the pulse slows to 42 beats per minute. The poison also provokes a decrease in blood pressure.

Muscular system. Poisoning with antifreeze or brake fluid causes severe cramps limb muscles.

Skin. Possible bluish lips and nail plates, redness of mucous membranes and face.

Gastrointestinal tract. A person who has been poisoned by antifreeze usually feels nausea, often accompanied by bloody vomiting, thirsty and sharp pains in a stomach.

Technical fluid and the nervous system

The greatest danger from antifreeze entering the human body is damage to the nervous system. Ethylene glycol has a damaging effect on the endothelium, which is inner shell blood vessels, and also destroys tissue of the nervous system. In this regard, antifreeze is classified by doctors as a group of poisons that have neurovascular properties.

You can determine the fact that the antifreeze has gotten inside and reached the nervous system by the following signs:

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to recognize damage to the central nervous system, which can result in paralysis. Signs of intoxication often do not appear immediately, which poses a great danger of triggering processes that are irreversible for the body.

Two phases of poisoning

Depending on the amount of ethylene glycol that enters the body along with antifreeze, there are two stages of poisoning, each of which has its own symptoms: cerebral, hepatorenal (hepatorenal).

The first phase represents the action of the poison directly on the tissues of the nervous system, while it has a paralytic, stimulating and even narcotic effect on them. The main signs of this condition:

If first aid is not provided, the intoxication of the body with antifreeze increases, consciousness becomes clouded, and as a result, the victim may fall into a coma. Uncontrolled urination and bowel movements may occur before coma.

The brain phase has two outcomes: either death of the poisoned person occurs, or improvement if first aid was provided on time.

However, even with the onset of improvement, one should not lose sight of the second phase - the hepatorical one.

Characteristic signs of the hepatoridal phase, which usually occurs between 3 and 20 days of poisoning, are usually:

  • a sharp reduction in urine, up to its complete absence;
  • increase in the blood of medium molecules and urea;
  • positive symptom named after Pasternatsky;
  • constant thirst accompanied by arterial hypertension;
  • upset stomach, diarrhea.

Antifreeze poisoning is one of the most severe types of intoxication of the body, accompanied by a number of severe severe symptoms. Required condition First aid is emergency gastric lavage and calling an ambulance for the victim.

A product such as antifreeze can be stored in every garage. It is dangerous poison. A teaspoon of the substance is enough for a pet. A dangerous dose for humans will be large quantity. How to protect yourself from this possibility? And most importantly, how to identify intoxication and how to help if it happens? This will be discussed below.

What's dangerous about antifreeze?

Antifreeze is a liquid that does not freeze when low temperatures. It is used in aviation deicing agents, for mechanisms that operate at low temperatures. Antifreeze is also used to cool internal combustion engines. It prevents overheating and damage to car parts.

To understand why antifreeze is dangerous for humans, let’s look at its composition. The coolant is a mixture of water with ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, methanol. These components are toxic to the human body, and if ingested can be fatal. To do this, just drink 250 ml of methanol or 100 ml of ethylene glycol.

How to protect yourself and your loved ones?

Car owners encounter antifreeze when operating their cars. Often the product can be stored in their garage. Therefore, certain precautions should be taken to avoid poisoning. Firstly, do not taste the liquid under any circumstances. Secondly, explain to children that the substance is not intended for drinking. Having a sweetish taste and bright color, some types of antifreeze are special danger for children. It is best to store it out of the reach of children.

Important! Keep antifreeze out of the reach of children! They may be tempted to taste the bright liquid.

If your work activity associated with antifreeze, be sure to use personal protection. First of all, protect yourself with a respirator so as not to be poisoned by liquid vapors. Also take care of your skin and eyes. After working with antifreeze, it is important to wash your face and hands. warm water with soap.

Poisoning by antifreeze vapors can occur not only at work, but also when they enter the vehicle interior while the engine is running. Although it is difficult to get poisoned in this way, you should remember that regularly inhaling antifreeze vapors can lead to consequences.

Difference between antifreeze and brake fluid

It should be added that in the operation of a car, in addition to antifreeze, brake fluid is also used to ensure braking of the mechanisms. Sometimes they can be accidentally confused. The worst thing is if brake fluid is confused with alcoholic drinks, since there is some similarity in color, taste and smell.

What happens if you drink brake fluid? Brake fluids contain the same ethylene glycol. Therefore, the signs of brake fluid poisoning will be similar to the symptoms of antifreeze intoxication. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting are the first symptoms. Later, headache and dizziness appear. Even if you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. After all, if brake fluid, like antifreeze, enters the body, it can be fatal.

Signs of antifreeze poisoning

If the substance has entered the body, poisoning is determined by certain symptoms.

The following signs from the nervous system are possible:

  • state of euphoria,
  • talkativeness,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • drowsiness and fatigue (usually appear after the initial feeling of intoxication),
  • inattention,
  • speech disorder,
  • unsteady gait
  • hallucinations and delusions,
  • convulsions,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • coma.

From the cardiovascular system:

  • low blood pressure,
  • slowing or speeding up the heartbeat.

From the respiratory system (especially in case of poisoning with antifreeze vapors):

  • slowing or speeding up breathing
  • breathing noises,
  • respiratory function stops.

From the gastrointestinal tract:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting, which may contain blood,
  • abdominal pain,
  • strong thirst.

From the genitourinary system:

  • urination with blood,
  • weak urination,
  • lack of urination.

From the outside skin:

  • nails and lips acquire a bluish tint,
  • mucous membranes and facial skin begin to turn red.

From the muscular system:

  • spasms in the leg muscles.

Symptoms can develop quickly. It is also possible for symptoms to appear within a few days, which becomes more dangerous for the person as kidney function is damaged. In this case, medical intervention is delayed, which can lead to death. It is important to contact a doctor immediately as soon as antifreeze enters the body.

Important! To avoid serious health consequences, you must contact a doctor within two to three hours after the antifreeze enters the body.

Help with antifreeze poisoning

The first measures to help someone who has drunk coolant are the following:

  • The patient needs to be given sorbents. They reduce the amount of toxins in the stomach, preventing them from entering the blood.
  • Give water to drink large quantities. Gag reflexes, which can cause burns to the esophagus, should be avoided.
  • In case of poisoning by antifreeze vapors, it is necessary to remove the patient to fresh air.

Only doctors can treat further treatment. Therefore, call an ambulance.

The hospital uses methods such as cleansing the stomach with a tube, oxygen inhalation, and blood transfusions. Drugs are introduced into the body that remove toxins and restore function. different systems and relieve symptoms. Qualified help will help avoid serious consequences.

Serious problems in human health can become the following consequences poisoning:

  • heart function is disrupted,
  • kidney disease and renal failure,
  • brain dysfunction
  • nervous and mental disorders.


In everyday life we ​​use various toxic liquids. You can protect yourself from intoxication by them if you strictly adhere to the rules of operation and storage. It is very important to keep children away from such substances. Antifreeze poisoning, like brake fluid poisoning, is indicated by a number of symptoms, and if they occur, you should seek medical help. Do not neglect providing first aid to the victim. Although further treatment should be carried out by doctors. This will help avoid serious consequences and death.