Antihistamines for cats: a brief overview. Common Allergy Medicines for Cats


Cat allergy medicine is a remedy aimed at eliminating symptoms and alleviating the condition of an allergy sufferer. Usage medical supplies Possibly as prescribed by a doctor after examination.

Indications for use of tablets

If signs of allergy appear, you need to see a doctor, self-medicate or untimely appeal threaten serious complications

Cat allergy is a condition that has no cure. There is a vaccine abroad that is based on modified cat epithelial allergens. This allergy vaccination is not suitable for everyone; in Russia, allergy treatment is based on the use of medications.

Indications that it is time to take medication against cat allergies are symptoms that are different for each allergy sufferer.

  1. Skin: rashes (blisters or spots), itching, redness and swelling.
  2. Respiratory tract: dry cough, shortness of breath, hoarse voice. A runny nose and sneezing appear.
  3. Eyes: redness, watery eyes, itching.
  4. Gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  5. Autonomic system: dizziness, headache.

With each new contact with a pet, symptoms reappear, the severity depends on various factors. If signs of an allergy appear, you need to see a doctor; self-medication or late treatment can lead to serious complications. After this, when the next allergic reaction to cats occurs, it is already clear what to do.

Allergy medications are also recommended to help prevent symptoms when contact with a pet is expected.

Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes medications from different groups

Canadian scientists are working on creating a vaccine against cat allergies. Until it enters the lives of allergists, it is necessary to be treated with pills. Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes drugs from different groups. Antihistamines are prescribed first. They are divided into three generations, each of which marks the renewal of anti-allergy medications since the thirties of the last century. Third generation tablets are the safest. First and second generation drugs are prescribed with caution.

There are several well-known drugs that help fight allergies to cats:

  • Tavegil (first generation). The action is aimed at eliminating hives, eczema, cough and nasal symptoms. It is also used for Quincke's edema. Side effects: fatigue, drowsiness, cardiac dysfunction. It is not recommended to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Suprastin (first generation). Among the safest antihistamines. Effectively fights skin rashes, rhinitis, conjunctivitis. Often has a calming effect. Not suitable for asthmatics and pregnant women.
  • Claritin (second generation). These pet cat allergy pills work within half an hour of administration. The effect is felt within a day. Helps fight allergic rhinitis, skin reactions, and asthmatic symptoms. Side effects are rare: headache, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, drowsiness. Not prescribed for liver diseases, pregnancy, lactation. Contraindicated in children under two years of age and people with lactose intolerance.
  • Zyrtec (second generation). Effective when allergic rhinitis, asthmatic manifestations, skin reactions. Prescribed for Quincke's edema and fever. Prescribed for children from six months of age, contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Side effects occur due to improper use of the drug.
  • Telfast (third generation). Strong remedy for allergies, which relieves Quincke's edema, allergy complications, and urticaria. Not prescribed for children under six years of age. Side effects occur extremely rarely: nausea, drowsiness, headache. Not prescribed for cardiac and kidney diseases, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hifenadine. Used when different manifestations allergies. Relieves symptoms half an hour after administration. Prescribed from the second trimester of pregnancy. The tablets are well tolerated, in rare cases dry mouth and dyspeptic disorders occur.

Allergy tablets

When taking anti-cat allergy pills, you need to follow the dosage exactly.

There are other drugs in tablets that help fight different symptoms.
  • Decongestants. They relieve swelling and mucus stagnation. Eases hyperemia. Doctors prescribe some drugs from this group for long time. Known remedy is Sudafed. Its action is aimed at reducing swelling upper paths breathing. It is a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine. Appointed from the age of twelve.
  • Combined drugs. They combine the actions of drugs from several groups. Some of them contain antihistamines and decongestants, which help relieve various symptoms allergies to cats. There are medications that block the effects of histamine and prevent mast cells from producing substances that cause painful reactions in cats.
  • Corticosteroids are hormones of the adrenal cortex. These include glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Glucocorticosteroid tablets are a remedy for severe allergies to cats. They are prescribed for severe symptoms. They have a powerful anti-allergenic effect, but can be addictive. Prescribed for a short period of time. There are corticosteroids that can be given to children. If severe allergies on a cat manifested itself in a pregnant woman, glucocorticosteroid drugs are prescribed only when the result of their use exceeds the probability possible complications for the fetus.

When taking tablets against allergies to cats, you need to follow the dosage exactly and inform your doctor about the occurrence of side effects. Some medications used to treat allergies in cats, but after consultation with a veterinarian.

"Diazolin" is an effective antihistamine for cats. It quickly eliminates skin itching. However, not all cats tolerate this medication well. Often observed in animals increased drooling, discharge Young kittens may experience symptoms resembling those of panleukopenia (distemper). It is very difficult to calculate the required dose of this medicine. Sometimes, after taking even a small amount of Diazolin, cats developed unwanted effects. Therefore, it is better to choose a more gentle drug to treat your pet.

Second generation drugs

These antihistamines for cats for allergies do not affect the central nervous system. nervous system and do not cause drowsiness or apathy. However, they can adversely affect the heart, liver and stomach. Such drugs are strictly prohibited from being used in conjunction with antifungal drugs, as this leads to cardiac arrest.

It must be remembered that not all medications from this group can be used for People often take Gismanal tablets for allergies. But this drug is not suitable for treating cats, as it is an H2 receptor blocker.

People are well aware of the drug "Fenistil", which quickly eliminates itching after insect bites. It can be used to treat cats both in the form of drops for internal use and in the form of a gel for application to the skin. It is better to give your pet children's Fenistil. However, we must not forget that when local application This product dries out the skin, so you should not overuse it.

The drug "Loratadine" is quite often used in veterinary practice. It is less cardiotoxic than other drugs in this group and is less likely to cause side effects. Pets usually tolerate this remedy well. Many pet owners consider Loratadine one of the best antihistamines for cats. Photos of the packaging with tablets can be seen below.

"Kestin" is shown as skin manifestations allergies in animals, and when mucus is discharged from the nose. The medicine helps within one hour after administration and lasts for two days. Side effects are observed infrequently. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Third generation drugs

These drugs do not affect the central nervous system or heart function. They are convenient to use because they do not interact with other medications and can be used in complex treatment. These medications have minimal side effects. If we list third-generation medications, the list of antihistamines for allergies for cats is small. These include only two drugs - Fexofenadine and Cetirizine (Zyrtec).

Both of these drugs are well tolerated by animals. The tablets do not have a bitter taste and are easy to swallow. In addition, they quickly relieve the main symptoms of allergies.

Owners often ask what antihistamines can be given to cats during pregnancy. All first and second generation medications are strictly prohibited when carrying kittens. These products can seriously harm the babies. As for 3rd generation drugs, they are prescribed to pregnant cats in extreme cases. This is not to say that their use is completely safe, but they are less harmful than older medications.

When does a cat need medication?

How can you tell if your pet needs to be treated with cat antihistamines? Only a veterinarian can solve this issue. With minor manifestations of the disease, sometimes it is enough to remove the allergen from the house or change the type of food. However, if an animal has severe rash, itching, runny nose, breathing or digestive disorders, then you need to consult a specialist. IN severe cases the cat may develop anaphylaxis, and then the pet will need emergency help.

The owner of a pet cannot always independently determine an allergy in a cat. Manifestations negative reaction to various substances may be similar to signs of infection. To accurately identify a disease, it is sometimes necessary to laboratory tests. In severe cases, treatment with cat allergy antihistamines may not be sufficient and steroid hormone therapy is required.

How to give medicine to an animal

Allergy medications are not recommended to be mixed with food. It is better to give tablets between meals. The interval between taking the medicine should be about 8-12 hours. The dosage of antihistamines for cats is determined individually and is prescribed by a veterinarian. The amount of medication depends on the type of drug.

If the animal suffers from seasonal allergic reactions to flowering plants, then the course of treatment can be carried out in advance. Taking medications in such cases is necessary even in the absence of signs of the disease.

Most allergy medications are prescribed in tablet form, but some drugs are available as injection solutions. Injections are usually used for acute and severe allergies. In such cases, the course of treatment is short - about 3-4 days.

Preventive measures

It must be remembered that it is impossible to cure allergies with medication alone. The drugs will only help temporarily eliminate the symptoms of the disease. In order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to exclude the animal’s contact with the allergen.

You also need to take care of the hygiene of the room in which the cat is located. Dust should be removed and wet cleaning should be carried out. You also need to change the litter in your cat litter as often as possible. It is important to exclude your pet from contact with detergents, cosmetics, rubber and plastic items. Cat toys should be dusted and washed as often as possible.

A cat's reaction to an allergen is faster than a human's. It develops instantly, and concentration dangerous substance doesn't matter. The cat begins to itch, sneeze, develop vomiting, diarrhea, and discharge from the respiratory and visual organs appears.

Sometimes the allergy proceeds relatively calmly, a rash occurs, scratching, and dermatitis develops. An owner’s attempt to help his pet can cause harm, so the most reasonable solution is to seek help. professional help. White cats suffer from allergies more often than others.


A hypersensitive reaction occurs to the following allergens:

  1. Products used in everyday life - glass cleaning products, perfumes.
  2. Dust, beebread, mold.
  3. Chemicals protecting garden plants.
  • Allergy to accessories:
  1. Toilet filler.


Signs of allergies vary widely:

  • Combs.
  • Alopecia.
  • Blisters.
  • Rash.
  • Discharges from the respiratory and visual organs.
  • Cough.
  • Sneezing.
  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea.


To prescribe treatment procedures, it is necessary to make sure that the cat has an allergy. The cause of itching or hair loss is not only allergies, but nutritional imbalances - deficiency of vitamins or essential carboxylic acids, dermatitis of infectious etiology, symptoms of damage internal organs.

The cause of the allergy is determined by sequential exclusion. A reaction to flea saliva can be eliminated by treating the cat with a high-quality insecticide. They block access to household items and remove toys.

Food allergies can be eliminated by changing your diet. It's hard to find natural ones food ingredients, unable to cause a violent rejection reaction, therefore, after consulting with a specialist, they use ready-made dietary food. For a while diagnostic procedure exclude treats and pieces from the table from the diet.

If the cat owner insists on using natural food, the specialist will recommend low-allergenic food ingredients. After the cessation of allergy symptoms, the animal is offered “provoking” food and the component of the diet is determined. irritating. The process of finding out which product is causing an inadequate reaction can continue for months.


In most cases, inadequate reactions develop to flea bites. The following means of control are distinguished:

  • Destructive:
  1. Emulsions for killing fleas - neostomasan, etc.
  2. Aerosols.
  3. Shampoos.
  • Repellent:
  1. Drops.
  2. Collars
  3. Folk remedies.

Insecticidal emulsions are diluted with water, applied to the cat, not washed off, and allowed to dry. It is necessary to protect the eyes and mucous membranes from contact with the solution. Aerosols are improved insecticidal emulsions. They are more convenient and safer than the latter, but are more expensive. The treatment provides protection from insect attacks for 1-2 weeks. Shampoos are used to kill insects.

Drops are applied to the skin along the spine. Cleaning a cat from fleas takes a day, protection from insects lasts 3-4 weeks. Flea collars are impregnated with insecticides. Their purpose is to repel arthropods. Protects the cat from attack for 3...7 months. But, before putting on the collar, you need to drive away the fleas using the above methods. Unfortunately, some cats develop allergic reactions to collars.

The second most common is food allergy. Healing procedures combined with diagnostic ones. Identify foods that cause an inadequate reaction and exclude them from the diet. Used in parallel symptomatic remedies to relieve signs of dermatitis and general strengthening drugs. The therapeutic course may take months.

Atopic dermatitis associated with the innate predisposition of animals to hypersensitive reactions to stimuli. The disease is incurable, but treatment methods have been developed to minimize complications.

Measures are taken to separate the cat and the irritant. If an animal that has been given a collar tries to rip it off, it is necessary to examine the cat and, if an allergy is suspected, remove it. If your cat is reluctant to use the litter box, the litter may need to be replaced.

Cats with a predisposition to allergies can pass on the defect by inheritance, so they are excluded from breeding.


The course of the disease is aggravated by the superposition of a bacterial or mycotic infection. IN similar cases Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ointments, liniments, gels or aerosols, anti-itch medications, wound healing and restorative drugs are used.

The most popular antihistamines for cats are:

  • Migstim.
  • Vedinol.
  • Anandin.
  • Zooderm.
  • Terramycin spray.


To prevent allergic reactions in cats, it is recommended to perform following rules:

  • Keeping the area where the pet lives clean.
  • Block the animal's access to substances and agents that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Be careful when giving your pet treats.
  • Carry out pest control measures regularly.
  • Use insecticides, including flea collars High Quality.
  • Feed ready-made feed recommended by the breeder or veterinarian.
  • Use ceramic dishes.
  • Do not use smelly or dusty toilet fillers.

Veterinarians note that allergies in cats are not such a rare occurrence. An animal may react to pollen, plants, various fabrics, plastic and rubber objects, food, nutritional supplements, dairy products, house dust, dust mites, flea bites, household chemicals. Antihistamines for cats, originally created for humans, are used to treat many types of allergies. Experts have developed a technique that involves their use in combination with fatty acids and the evasion method (excluding possible allergens).

Each antihistamine has a different dose and can cause different side effects, so they must be prescribed by a veterinarian. It is also not recommended to use H2 blockers, for example, Claritin, Hismanal, which are very effective for humans, but useless for treating cats. Doctors advise using medications containing H1 blockers. These include:

  1. 1st generation antihistamines (diphenhydramine, tavegil, donormyl, dimenhydrinate, diazolin, bicarfen, pipolfen, teralen), which have a pronounced sedative effect and short term actions.
  2. Antihistamines of the 2nd generation (astemizole, fenistil, tinset, terfenadine, claritin, kestin, soventol), among the side effects, have a cardiotoxic effect.
  3. 3rd generation antihistamines (cetirizine, fexofenadine), which have a more selective effect on histamine receptors, a longer duration of action, do not depress the nervous system.

A list of the most common allergy medications for cats includes:


It has an antihistamine, sedative, hypnotic and analgesic effect. The dosage of the drug is strictly individual; at the same dose it causes sleep in some animals, in others sedative effect is absent, and in a certain group it can provoke a condition close to delirium. The drug is available in capsules and tablets.


An effective antihistamine for allergic reactions, insect bites.

Has a sedative effect. It is an analogue of diphenhydramine, available in capsules of 25 and 50 mg. Not used to treat allergies in pregnant and lactating animals. It is also undesirable to combine it with taking antipyretic and cold medications.

For one kilogram of animal weight, 1-4 mg of the drug is needed, which is taken after 8-12 hours and is not mixed with food.


It has antihistamine, sedative, psychotropic, antiemetic effects. Refers to piperazine derivatives, weakens smooth muscle skeleton, has a bronchodilator and analgesic effect. Not addictive.


Injection drug, basic active substance– 1% chlorpheniramine maleate. Used for treatment allergic dermatitis, urticaria in cats. It is administered only intramuscularly; if it comes into contact with the skin, it may cause irritation.

Simultaneous administration during or after feeding reduces the irritant effect on gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to combine with alkaloids. The drug is only suitable for removing acute symptoms and should not be used for more than 3 days.

Clemastine, tavegil

Relieves allergy symptoms in animals: eye irritation, runny nose, sneezing. Renders long action by blocking histamine receptors. Side effects: thirst, hyperactivity or, conversely, apathy, diarrhea. Strengthens the effect of sedatives; combination with other drugs is undesirable.

It is used regardless of the weight of the animal, 1/2 tablet every 12 hours.

Cyproheptadine (Peritol)

It combines a strong antiserotonin substance with antihistamine activity, which is why it is effective for itchy dermatitis. Relaxes the muscles of the bronchi. Causes a side effect in the form of increased appetite.


The active ingredient is promethazine hydrochloride. Histamine H1 receptor antagonist. Available in the form of an injection solution, it is used to relieve allergy symptoms. It acts longer than diphenhydramine and produces a mild sedative effect. The dose is calculated depending on the weight of the animal.

Cat allergy pills are effective means for elimination unpleasant symptoms. In addition, regular wet cleaning in the apartment, eliminating all dust collectors, and using an air purifier and humidifier will help reduce the body’s immune response.

How is treatment carried out?

For the treatment of cat allergies, a complex of tablets from the following pharmacological groups is used::

  • corticosteroids;
  • antihistamines;
  • antispasmodics;
  • anesthetics;
  • bronchodilators;
  • enzyme preparations.

Corticosteroids help eliminate inflammatory process, skin rashes, lacrimation and runny nose, which occur against the background of the body’s immune response. Prescribed mainly for severe forms cat allergies. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days. TO side effects include hormonal disruptions, increased concentrations of glucose in the blood, and the appearance of edema in the limbs and face.

Antispasmodics and bronchodilators are necessary for relaxation smooth muscle respiratory tract during the period of exacerbation of cat allergies. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of cough and swelling of the upper respiratory tract.

To alleviate the patient's condition, in addition to tablets, eye and nasal drops and ointments are effectively used to eliminate skin itching and rashes during exacerbation of cat allergies.


The most commonly used antihistamines are:

  • Diazolin– active ingredient mebhydrolin. The drug blocks histamine receptors, does not have a hypnotic or strong sedative effect on the body, and helps relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi.
  • Suprastin– active substance chloropyramine hydrochloride. A cat allergy medicine with an antiallergic effect that is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal canal. Has antispasmodic and antiemetic effects.
  • Diphenhydramine– active ingredient diphenhydramine. Except antihistamine action, the tablets have a local anesthetic, sedative, and are similar to antipsychotic drugs.
  • Fenistil– active ingredient dimethindene maleate. It has a weak sedative effect, does not have an antiemetic effect, and reduces vascular permeability, which increases during allergic reactions.

Antihistamines for cat allergies are the main component complex therapy. They block receptors that are irritated by histamine, reducing permeability vascular wall, prevent the spread of inflammatory mediators throughout the body.

How to prevent exacerbations

It is impossible to completely cure cat allergies. Therapy is aimed only at the development of stable remission. In the future, it is important to prevent the allergen from spreading throughout the apartment. For this it is necessary:

  • frequently ventilate the apartment and carry out wet cleaning;
  • maintain hygiene pet, its tray and bedding;
  • adhere to a hypoallergenic diet;
  • during close contact with the allergen, take antihistamine tablets.

Today, immunospecific therapy is very popular. It consists of regular subcutaneous injection of purified antigen. This lasts for six months.

As a result of exposure to defective links immune system The patient's response to the antigen decreases and the patient develops a stable remission.

Preventing cat allergies is key wellness. Its main task is to prevent the body’s sensitivity to allergens and prevent relapses by reducing or completely eliminating the allergen from the immediate environment.