Antihistamines for women. The benefits and harms of antihistamines

The article provides a list the best drugs 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation, which can make life easier for people prone to allergies. After reading the entire article, you will be able to understand why some antihistamines are better than others. Find out which of them and why pregnant and lactating women should not take them. You can watch an interesting video on the topic of what antiallergic medications you should take with you when going on vacation.

Antihistamines - which ones are better?

Drugs that suppress histamine (the hormone that triggers allergic reactions in the body) come in different forms. They can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of capsules, tablets, nasal spray and even eye drops. Antihistamines can cause serious side effects in the body, so some are sold only with a doctor's prescription.

Note! Only a doctor can answer the question of which antihistamines are best, and then on an individual basis, having familiarized himself with the characteristics of your body and identifying the allergen that worries you.

Currently, there are three generations of drugs that suppress histamine. They differ in their constituent components, effect and duration of impact on the body:

  1. First generation: endowed with sedative properties (suppresses consciousness, calms, relieves irritability) and acts as a sleeping pill.
  2. Second generation: has a powerful anti-allergic effect. Such drugs do not suppress consciousness, but can seriously impair normal rhythm heart, which, if a person is inattentive to his health and drug inactivity, leads to death.
  3. Third generation: active metabolites (product of bio-physical-chemical processing of 2nd generation drugs). The effectiveness of these drugs is more than 3 times higher than the effectiveness of 1st and 2nd generation antihistamines.

To choose the most best medicine, which is capable of blocking the activity of histamine without disrupting the functioning of the main systems of the body, you should have an idea of ​​the main components of such drugs and the effectiveness of their effects. It is this topic that is addressed in the following sections of the article.

To treat allergies, you can use not only tablets, but also.

First generation drugs

The duration of exposure to antihistamines of this group is 4 - 6 hours, after which the patient must take a new dose of the medicine. In the list of main side effects: dry mouth and temporary loss of clarity of vision. Let's consider popular types of drugs, different forms of release.

The drug contains the active component chloropyramine. The product is effective for common types of allergies, including seasonal and those caused by insect bites. "Suprastin" is prescribed from 1 month of life. After administration, the medicine begins to act after 15 - 25 minutes. The maximum effect is achieved within an hour and lasts up to 6 hours. The product helps stop gagging, is a moderate antispasmodic and has the ability to relieve inflammation.

"Suprastin" is sold in tablet form and as a solution in ampoules. It is recommended to take the tablets only with meals, which avoids irritation of the gastric mucosa. Injections are prescribed for prolonged allergies that cannot be cured with pills.

The approximate cost of the drug is 120 - 145 rubles. (available for free sale).

Another name for the soothing antihistamine is “Clemastine” (the active substance is clemastine hydrofumarate). The medicine is intended to alleviate allergies that may occur in response to pollen, pet dander, mosquito bites, or skin contact with a chemical. All these factors cause allergic symptoms (skin rash, sneezing, red eyes, nasal congestion). After taking Tavegil, the actions of histamine are blocked, as a result the mentioned symptoms disappear.

This type of antihistamine is a long-acting (long-acting) medicine. From gastrointestinal tract the drug penetrates the blood. After 2 hours, its maximum concentration in plasma is observed. After 5-6 hours, its antihistamine activity develops intensively, which can last 12-24 hours.

"Tavegil" can be purchased in the form of tablets, syrup and solution for injection. The price of the medicine starts from 120 rubles and depends on the form of release, as well as on the number of tablets or ampoules in the package. The product is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Typically, this drug is prescribed to children and adult patients whose bodies do not accept other antihistamines due to addiction. Compared to them, Fenkarol has a less pronounced sedative effect (does not suppress consciousness), which allows it to be taken in work time. The antiallergic drug proves its effectiveness in the treatment of allergies to pollen, drugs and food.

45% of the active component of the drug (hifenadine) penetrates into the blood 30 minutes after administration. After 1 hour, the maximum content of the active substance in the blood plasma is reached. The duration of its effect lasts no more than 6 hours.

In pharmacies, the medicine is sold in tablet and powder form, as well as in the form of an injection solution. You can buy Fenkarol for 260 - 400 rubles (the cost depends on the form of release and the quantity in the package). The drug is sold without a prescription.

Second generation drugs

Compared to the drugs described above, this group of histamine-suppressing drugs is much more effective, which is reflected in the following factors:

  • Firstly, they do not cause drowsiness, do not cause stool problems, dry mucous membranes and difficulty urinating.
  • Secondly, they do not affect mental and physical activity.
  • Thirdly, they are not addictive, which allows them to be used for long-term treatment (over a year).
  • Fourth, the duration of the corrective effect of the dose taken is 24 hours, which allows you to take the drug once a day.

Important! Taking 2nd generation antiallergic drugs should be accompanied by medical supervision, because This group of drugs acts as blockers of potassium channels of the heart (responsible for the excitability and rest of the heart muscle). For this reason, self-medication is dangerous.

The product contains active substance Loratadine, which can cope with seasonal (caused by pollen, dampness) and year-round (caused by dust, animal dander, detergents) allergies. The drug is effective for allergies to mosquito bites and copes with the manifestations of pseudoallergic syndrome (the pathology is similar to allergies, but has other causes). It is also prescribed for the treatment of itchy dermatoses.

The medicine can be purchased in the form of syrup and tablets. The average cost in the pharmacy chain for Claridol is 90 rubles. (over the counter).

The active component of the drug is loratadine. This antiallergic drug is prescribed to patients to get rid of skin rashes, false allergies, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. After 8 to 12 hours, after taking the tablets or syrup, the active substance enters the phase of maximum activity. The duration of its corrective effect in the body lasts 24 hours.

"Lomilan" is produced in tablets and in the form of a homogeneous (homogeneous) suspension. The average cost of Lomilan tablets is 120 rubles, the suspension is 95 rubles. Over-the-counter release.

The drug is made on the basis of the substance - rupatadine. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of runny nose and urticaria caused by allergies. Its active component quickly cleanses the skin of rashes, relieves itching, and makes breathing free. Rupatadine does not suppress central nervous system.

Peculiarity!“Rupafin” should not be taken with grapefruit juice, because the product increases the activity of rupatadine by 3.5 times, the human body will not be able to correctly perceive this factor, and this can result in serious consequences for him (the appearance of swelling, nausea and vomiting, disruption of the heart).

"Rupafine" is produced only in tablets (there are no other dosage forms), they are taken regardless of food intake (1 tablet, 1 time per day). The average cost of tablets in a pharmacy chain is 587 rubles. (available without a doctor's prescription).

III generation drugs

This group of antihistamines does not have a cardiotoxic (blocking potassium channels of the heart) or sedative (calming) effect, so the drugs can be prescribed to drivers, as well as people whose work involves increased concentration attention. The third generation of drugs is not addictive, which makes it possible to effectively treat both seasonal and year-round allergies.

The drug is prescribed to get rid of seasonal allergies And chronic urticaria. The active component of this antihistamine is fexofenadine hydrochloride, which, in turn, belongs to the active metabolites (bio-physical-chemical processing products) of terfenadine (2nd generation antihistamine).

The drug shows its effectiveness within 1 hour after administration. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is observed after 6 hours. The duration of exposure to fexofenadine is 24 hours.

The active component of this antiallergic drug is desloratadine. The substance blocks histamine receptors for 27 hours, so the medicine needs to be taken only once a day (5 - 20 mg). Trexil does not have a negative effect on the human central nervous system. Does not suppress consciousness or induce sleep.

An antihistamine can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription for about 89 rubles.

The active ingredient of the drug is fexofenadine (the active metabolite of terfenadine - a 2nd generation histamine blocker). The medicine is available in tablet form, 30, 120 and 180 mg. The tablets are taken 1-2 times a day at the dose prescribed by the doctor. Fexofenadine quickly penetrates the blood plasma and blocks the production of histamine for 24 hours.

The cost of the antihistamine "Telfast" depends on the amount of active ingredient in one tablet and can range from 128 to 835 rubles.

If you are going on vacation, then watch this video material. In it, the allergist names the medications that you should put in your suitcase. You should not take the recommendations of a specialist lightly, especially if you have a journey ahead of you. exotic country, where there are many new plants and delicious fruits that you have never tried.

Question answer

What antiallergic drugs can pregnant women take?

Usually these are Levocetirizine and Fexofenadine. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should only take medications prescribed by your doctor.

What harm can antihistamines cause to a pregnant woman and her fetus?

Particularly dangerous for women carrying a child are 1st generation antiallergic drugs, in particular Diphenhydramine and Diazolin, which can complicate the course of pregnancy (dizziness, increased fatigue, dry mucous membranes) and cause heart disease in the fetus.

What antiallergic drugs are prescribed to infants?

A child can be prescribed Zyrtec from birth (consultation with an allergist and pediatrician is required). The medicine is released in drops. The drug is contraindicated for premature babies and those whose mothers smoked during pregnancy.

Are antihistamines prescribed for chickenpox to relieve itching?

IN in this case the most common drugs are Suprastin, Diphenhydramine and Tavegil. Please note that they do not use lotions and creams that contain these components, but medications in the form of tablets.

What tablets can be given to children with allergies for mosquito bites?

Be sure to consult a pediatrician and allergist about this. Zirtec and Suprastin are usually prescribed. If allergies are hereditary, doctors do not recommend that parents give their children the same antiallergic drugs that they themselves take.

What to remember:

  1. There are 3 generations of histamine-suppressing medications.
  2. The best anti-allergy drugs are 3rd generation drugs, with correct use they do not carry serious side effects.
  3. Antihistamines are available in the form of tablets, syrup, injections and eye drops.
  4. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women should not take 1st and 2nd generation medications; their active ingredients pose a danger to the baby.
  5. It is better to give anti-allergy medications to children as recommended by a doctor.

Every year the number of allergic reactions, including dermatitis, is steadily growing, which is associated with deteriorating environmental conditions and “unloading” immune system in conditions of civilization.

Allergy - reaction hypersensitivity body to foreign chemical– allergen. It can serve as food products, pet hair, dust, medications, bacteria, viruses, vaccines and much more.

In response to an allergen, the organs and cells of the immune system begin to intensively produce a special substance – histamine. This substance binds to H1 - histamine receptors and causes signs of allergies.

If the provoking factor is removed, the manifestations of the allergy will go away over time, but cells that store the memory of this substance will remain in the blood. The next time you meet him, the allergic reaction may manifest itself with greater force.

How do antihistamines work?

These drugs bind to histamine H1 receptors and block them. Thus, histamine cannot bind to receptors. Allergy symptoms subside: the rash turns pale, swelling and itching of the skin decreases, relief nasal breathing and the symptoms of conjunctivitis are reduced.

The first antihistamine drugs appeared in the 1930s. As science and medicine developed, a second and then a third generation of antihistamines were created. All three generations are used in medicine. The list of antihistamines is constantly updated. Analogues are produced, new forms of release appear.

Let's look at the most popular drugs, starting with the latest generation.

To be fair, the division into first, second and third generations makes sense, because substances differ in properties and side effects.

The division into the third and fourth generations is very arbitrary, and often carries nothing more than a beautiful marketing slogan.

Sometimes these drugs are classified as both third and fourth generations at the same time. We won’t confuse you even more and will call it all simpler:

Latest generation - metabolites

The most modern leks rstva. Distinctive feature this generation is that the drugs are prodrugs. When they enter the body, they are metabolized - activated in the liver. In medicines no sedative effect, also they do not affect the functioning of the heart.

Antihistamines new generation are successfully used to treat all types of allergies and allergic types of dermatitis in children and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Also, these drugs are prescribed to people whose profession involves increased attention (drivers, surgeons, pilots).

Allegra (Telfast)

The active ingredient is fexofenadine. The medicine not only blocks histamine receptors, but also reduces its production. Used for chronic urticaria and seasonal allergies. The antiallergic effect lasts up to 24 hours after the end of the course of treatment. Not addictive.

Available only in tablet form. Previously, the tablets were called Telfast, now they are Allegra. They are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.


The effect after administration develops within 20 minutes and persists for 3 days after discontinuation of the drug. Used for the treatment and prevention of allergies. Cetirizine does not cause drowsiness or decreased attention. Long-term use is possible. The drug is available in the form of drops (trade names “Zirtec”, “Zodak”), syrup (“Cetrin”, “Zodak”) and tablets.

In children's practice it is used from 6 months in the form of drops, from 1 year in the form of syrup. From 6 years of age, taking tablets is allowed. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually.

Cetirizine is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. During the period of use, it is advisable to stop breastfeeding.

The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of year-round and seasonal allergies, urticaria and skin itching. The effect occurs 40 minutes after administration. Available in the form of drops and tablets.

In pediatric practice, drops are used from 2 years of age and tablets from 6 years of age. The dosage is determined by the doctor in accordance with the weight and age of the child.

The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women. Can be taken during breastfeeding.


Synonyms: Lordestin, Desal, Erius.

The drug has an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. Well eliminates the signs of seasonal allergies and chronic urticaria. When taken in therapeutic doses, dry mouth and headache may occur. Available in the form of syrup and tablets.

It is prescribed to children from 2 years of age in the form of syrup. Tablets are approved for children over 6 years of age.

Desloratadine is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It can be used when life-threatening conditions: Quincke's edema, suffocation (bronchospasm).

3rd generation antihistamines effectively eliminate allergy symptoms. IN therapeutic doses do not cause drowsiness or decreased attention. However, if the recommended dosage is exceeded, dizziness may occur, headache, increased heart rate.

If you have used any of their products, do not forget to leave a review in the comments.

Second generation – non-sedative

Drugs in this group have a pronounced antihistamine effect, which lasts up to 24 hours. This allows you to take them once a day. Medicines do not cause drowsiness or impairment of attention, so they are called non-sedating.

Non-sedative drugs are actively used to treat:

  • hives;
  • hay fever;
  • eczema;

These products are also used to remove severe itching with chickenpox. There is no addiction to 2nd generation antiallergic drugs. They are quickly absorbed from digestive tract. They can be taken at any time, even during meals.


The active ingredient is loratadine. The medicine selectively acts on H1 histamine receptors, which allows you to quickly eliminate allergies and reduce the number of side effects:

  • anxiety, sleep disorders, depression;
  • frequent urination;
  • constipation;
  • possible attacks of suffocation;
  • increase in body weight.

Available in the form of tablets and syrup ( trade names"Claritin", "Lomilan"). The syrup (suspension) is convenient to dose and give to small children. The action develops 1 hour after administration.

In children, Loratadine is used from 2 years of age in the form of a suspension. The dosage is selected by the doctor depending on the body weight and age of the child.

Loratadine is prohibited for use in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. As a last resort, it is prescribed under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Synonym: Ebastine

This drug selectively blocks H1 histamine receptors. Does not cause drowsiness. The effect occurs 1 hour after administration. The antihistamine effect lasts for 48 hours.

Used in children from 12 years of age. Kestin has a toxic effect on the liver, causes rhythm disturbances, and reduces heart rate. Contraindicated for pregnant women.

Synonym: Rupatadin

The medicine is used in the treatment of urticaria. After oral administration, it is quickly absorbed. Simultaneous use food enhances the effect of Rupafin. It is not used in children under 12 years of age or in pregnant women. Use during breastfeeding is only possible under strict medical supervision.

2nd generation antihistamines meet all modern requirements for medicines: high efficiency, safety, long-lasting action, ease of use.

However, it should be remembered that exceeding the therapeutic dosage leads to the opposite effect: drowsiness appears and side effects increase.

First generation - sedatives

Sedatives are called sedatives because they cause a sedative, hypnotic, and consciousness-suppressing effect. Each representative of this group has a sedative effect expressed in varying degrees.

In addition, the first generation of drugs has a short-term antiallergic effect - from 4 to 8 hours. They may become addictive.

However, the drugs are time-tested and often inexpensive. This explains their popularity.

First generation antihistamines are prescribed to treat allergic reactions, relieve skin itching in infectious rash diseases, to reduce the risk post-vaccination complications.

Along with a good antiallergic effect, they cause a number of side effects. To reduce their risk, treatment is prescribed for 7–10 days. Side effects:

  • dry mucous membranes, thirst;
  • increased heart rate;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort;
  • increased appetite.

First generation drugs are not prescribed to people whose activities require increased attention: pilots, drivers, because they can impair attention and muscle tone.


Synonyms: Chloropyramine

Available both in the form of tablets and ampoules. Active ingredient: chloropyramine. One of the most commonly used antiallergic drugs. Suprastin has a pronounced antihistamine effect. Prescribed for the treatment of seasonal and chronic runny nose, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, eczema, Quincke's edema.

Suprastin relieves itching well, including after an insect bite. Applicable in complex therapy rash diseases accompanied by skin itching and scratching. Available in the form of tablets and injection solutions.

Suprastin is approved for the treatment of infants starting from one month. The dosage is selected individually depending on the age and body weight of the child. These drugs are used in complex therapy chickenpox: to relieve skin itching and as a sedative. Suprastin is also included in the lytic mixture (“troika”), which is prescribed at a high and constant temperature.

Suprastin is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Synonym: Clemastine

It is used in the same cases as suprastin. The drug has a strong antihistamine effect lasting up to 12 hours. Tavegil does not reduce arterial pressure, the hypnotic effect is less pronounced than that of suprastin. The medicine is available in several forms: tablets and injection solution.

Use in children. Tavegil is used from 1 year. The syrup is prescribed to children from 1 year of age, tablets can be used from 6 years of age. The dosage is determined individually depending on the age and body weight of the child. The doctor selects the dose.

Tavegil is prohibited for use during pregnancy.

Synonym: Quifenadine

Fenkarol blocks H-1 histamine receptors and triggers an enzyme that utilizes histamine, so the effect of the drug is more stable and long-lasting. Fenkarol practically does not cause a sedative and hypnotic effect. In addition, there are indications that this medicine has an antiarrhythmic effect. Fenkarol is available in the form of tablets and powder for suspension.

Quifenadine (Fenkarol) is used to treat all types of allergic reactions, especially seasonal allergies. This product is included in complex treatment parkinsonism. In surgery, it is used as part of drug preparation for anesthesia (premedication). Fenkarol is used to prevent host-foreign reactions (when the body rejects foreign cells) during transfusions of blood components.

In pediatric practice, the drug is prescribed from 1 year of age. For children, the suspension is preferable; it has an orange flavor. If the child refuses to take the syrup, a tablet form may be prescribed. The dosage is determined by the doctor taking into account the weight and age of the child.

Fenkarol is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, its use is possible under medical supervision.


Synonym: Dimetinden

The drug is used to treat all types of allergies, itchy skin with chickenpox, rubella, and the prevention of allergic reactions. Fenistil causes drowsiness only at the beginning of treatment. After a few days, the sedative effect disappears. The medicine has a number of other side effects: dizziness, muscle spasms, dryness of the oral mucosa.

Fenistil is available in the form of tablets, drops for children, gel and emulsion. Gel and emulsion are used externally after insect bites, contact dermatitis, sunburn. There is also a cream, but this is a completely different drug based on a different substance and it is used for “colds on the lips.”

In pediatric practice, Fenistil in the form of drops is used from 1 meat. Drops are prescribed for children under 12 years of age; capsules are allowed for children over 12 years of age. The gel is used in children from birth. The dosage of drops and capsules is selected by the doctor.

Pregnant women are allowed to use the drug in the form of gel and drops from 12 weeks of pregnancy. From the second trimester, Fenistil is prescribed only for life-threatening conditions: Quincke's edema and acute food allergies.


Synonym: Mebhydrolin

The medicine has low antihistamine activity. Diazolin has quite a large amount side effects. When taking it, dizziness, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate, frequent urination. But at the same time, Diazolin does not cause drowsiness. It is approved for long-term treatment in drivers and pilots.

Available in the form of tablets, powder for suspension and dragees. Duration of antiallergic effect is up to 8 hours. Taken 1-3 times a day.

In children, the medicine is prescribed from 2 years of age. Up to 5 years of age, Diazolin in the form of a suspension is preferable; over 5 years of age, tablets are allowed. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually.

Diazolin is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Despite all the shortcomings, first generation drugs are widely used in medical practice. They have been well studied and approved for the treatment of children. early age. Medicines are produced in different forms: solutions for injections, suspensions, tablets, which makes their use and selection of individual dosage convenient.

Antihistamines work well against allergic dermatitis, and (in most cases) atopic dermatitis too.

It should be remembered that medications must be taken in a strictly defined dose, according to the instructions. Otherwise, it is possible that unwanted effects, even (!) gain allergic reaction.

The selection of the medicine and its dose should be carried out by a doctor. Antiallergic treatment, especially for children and pregnant women, should be carried out under strict medical supervision.


    I have a severe allergy to ragweed (but the list of allergens is not limited to this): my eyes were itchy, runny nose, sneezing. In addition to Avamis (nasal spray), I started taking levocitemeresin. But it doesn’t help me well, because... has already started coughing, especially at night. I didn't sleep at all one night. Now I don’t know what to drink anymore :(

    • There are a lot of drugs, something different suits everyone better. Try other drugs from the list, newer ones.

      Well, it’s best to consult a doctor, maybe you will be prescribed an injection form.

    Hello! My daughter (16 years old) frequent relapses allergic rhinitis. The last time the doctor prescribed a course of Desal (4 weeks), not even 2 weeks later nasal congestion, fever, and this time severe headaches appeared again. They thought it was low blood pressure. When they took the test, it turned out to be an allergy again. They started taking Dezal again. Tell me, is it possible to use antihistamines so often, and what alternative or better ones would you recommend? effective treatment?

    If one drug from at least the second generation does not help, then you need to try another active ingredient. For example, loratadine does not help my child at all. And doctors automatically prescribe it. :(They used cetrin, drank almost the entire package - everything was fine while the weather was damp and cold. As soon as the sun came out and all the alder-birch trees began to bloom, cetrin did not help. It is not clear where the promised effect was for three days after the course of treatment.
    We took 2 courses of ASIT - it didn’t help yet, alas. And drugs for ASIT are very, very expensive.
    Friends say that acupuncture helps. But it is also very expensive. We need to study the issue.

To see new comments, press Ctrl+F5

All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose.

Criteria for choosing antihistamines:
During recent years the number of patients with atopic asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis is increasing. These conditions are generally not life-threatening, but require active therapeutic intervention that is effective, safe and well tolerated by patients.

The advisability of using antihistamines for various allergic diseases (urticaria, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, allergic gastropathy) is caused by wide range histamine effects. The first drugs that competitively block histamine receptors were introduced into clinical practice in 1947. Antihistamines suppress symptoms associated with the endogenous release of histamine, but do not affect the sensitizing effect of allergens. In the case of late prescription of antihistamines, when the allergic reaction is already significantly expressed and the clinical effectiveness of these drugs is low.

Criteria for choosing antihistamines

The need to choose a drug that has an additional antiallergic effect:

  • year-round allergic rhinitis;
  • seasonal allergic rhinitis (conjunctivitis) with seasonal exacerbations lasting up to 2 weeks;
  • chronic urticaria;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • allergic contact dermatitis;
  • early atopic syndrome in children.
Indicated for use in children:
    children under 12 years old:
  • loratadine ( Claritine)
  • cetirizine ( Zyrtec)
  • terfenadine ( Trexyl)
  • astemizole ( Hismanal)
  • dimethindene ( Fenistil)
  • children 1-4 years old with early atopic syndrome:
  • cetirizine ( Zyrtec)
  • loratadine ( Claritine)
  • desloratadine ( Erius)
Indicated for use by women during pregnancy and lactation:
  • loratadine ( Claritine)
  • cetirizine ( Zyrtec)
  • desloratadine ( Alergostop, Delot, Dezal, Claramax, Clarinex, Larinex, Loratek, Lordestin, NeoClaritin, Eridez, Erius, Eslotin, Ezlor)
  • fexofenadine ( Telfast, Allegra)
  • pheniramine ( Avil)
When choosing antihistamines (or any other medications) during lactation, it is better to be guided by the data on the website, where you just need to search for the English or Latin name of the drug or the main substance. On the website you can find information and the degree of risk of taking the drug for a woman and child during lactation (breastfeeding). Since manufacturers often play it safe and do not recommend using the drug during pregnancy and lactation (who will allow them to conduct research on the effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women, but no research means no permission).

The patient has specific problems:

    patients with renal failure:
  • loratadine ( Claritine)
  • astemizole ( Hismanal)
  • terfenadine ( Trexyl)
  • patients with liver dysfunction:
  • loratadine ( Claritine)
  • cetirizine ( Zytrec)
  • fexofenadine ( Telfast)
Authors: I.V. Smolenov, N.A. Smirnov
Department clinical pharmacology Volgogradskaya medical academy

Almost everyone modern man The home medicine cabinet contains antihistamines that are used to relieve an allergic reaction. But not everyone who uses them knows how such drugs work, how to use them correctly, and what the term “histamine” means. Therefore, you should understand in what cases these medications are prescribed, what their indications and contraindications are.

is a biologically active substance produced by cells of the immune system. It causes various physiological and pathological processes, influencing receptors located in the tissues of internal organs.

Antihistamines block the production of histamine, which makes them indispensable in the treatment of allergies, gastrointestinal, neurological and other pathologies.

When are antihistamines prescribed?

Indications for taking antihistamines are the following pathological conditions:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • the body's reaction to insect bites;
  • allergic reaction to house dust, pet hair;
  • drug intolerance;
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • exudative or allergic erythema;
  • psoriasis;
  • allergies to cold, heat, household chemicals and other toxic substances;
  • allergic cough;
  • food allergies;
  • bronchial asthma.

Types of antiallergic drugs

Several types of histamine-sensitive receptors are present in body tissues. These include:

  • H1 (bronchi, intestines, heart vessels, central nervous system);
  • H2 (gastric mucosa, arteries, central nervous system, heart, myometrium, adipose tissue, blood cells);
  • H3 (central nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive organs, upper respiratory tract).

Each antihistamine composition acts only on certain groups of receptors, so only a doctor should prescribe them.

The first generation of antihistamine drugs block the sensitivity of H1 receptors, and also cover a group of other receptors. The active substance contained in these medicines, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, causing the development of a side effect - sedation. This means that these antihistamine medications cause drowsiness in a person, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue.

Treatment with first-generation antihistamines is not allowed if the work of the person taking them is related to concentration.

This type of antihistamine also has other side effects. These include:

  • dry mucous membranes;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

These drugs act very quickly, however, the effect after taking them lasts for a short time. In addition, the first generation of antihistamines is addictive, so they should not be taken for more than 10 days. They are not prescribed for stomach diseases occurring in acute form, as well as in combination with antidiabetic and psychotropic drugs.

First generation antihistamines include:

A drugPhotoPrice
from 128 rub.
from 158 rub.
from 134 rub.
from 67 rub.
from 293 rub.

The development of the second generation of antihistamines has eliminated most side effects. The benefits of these drugs include:

  • lack of sedation (mild drowsiness may occur in particularly sensitive patients);
  • the patient maintains normal physical and mental activity;
  • duration therapeutic effect persists throughout the day;
  • The therapeutic effect of the drugs persists for 7 days after discontinuation.

In general, the effect of antihistamines is similar to previous drugs. But they are not addictive, and therefore the duration of treatment can vary from 3 days to one year. Such drugs should be taken with caution by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Second generation antiallergic drugs include:

A drugPhotoPrice
from 220 rub.
from 74 rub.
from 55 rub.
from 376 rub.
from 132 rub.

Third generation antihistamines are selective and affect only H3 receptors. They do not have any effect on the central nervous system, and therefore do not cause drowsiness or fatigue.

Although these antihistamines are derivatives of previous ones, all aspects were taken into account when developing them. existing shortcomings. Therefore, they have virtually no side effects.

The following diseases are successfully treated with this type of antihistamine:

  • rhinitis;
  • hives;
  • dermatitis;
  • rhinoconjunctivitis.

The most popular antihistamines include:

In what cases are antihistamines not prescribed?

Allergies are a companion for many modern people, which significantly increases the popularity of antihistamines. There are three generations of antihistamines on the pharmaceutical market. Two last generation have much fewer contraindications for use. Therefore, you should consider those conditions for which most antihistamines are not prescribed:

  • increased sensitivity or individual intolerance to the components included in the preparations;
  • the period of bearing a baby and natural feeding;
  • age restrictions;
  • severe stages of liver or kidney failure.

The dosage of antihistamines should be calculated individually. Therefore, before taking them, you should consult your doctor. For some diseases, the doctor can adjust the dosage of the antiallergic drug downward, which will avoid the development of side effects.

But since greatest number contraindications are present in first-generation drugs, they should be given Special attention. These drugs are not recommended for use in the following conditions:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • for glaucoma;
  • at bronchial asthma;
  • with prostate enlargement;
  • in old age.

As mentioned above, first generation antihistamines have a pronounced sedative effect. This side effect increases if they are taken in combination with alcohol, antipsychotics, tranquilizers and other drugs.

Other side effects include the following:

  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • insomnia;
  • increased nervousness;
  • fatigue.

Antiallergic drugs for children

For elimination allergic manifestations First generation antiallergic drugs are used in children. These include:

The disadvantage of these drugs is multiple side effects, manifested in disruption of digestive functions, activity of cardio-vascular system and CNS. Therefore, they are prescribed to children only in case of severe allergic reactions.

Unfortunately, many children develop chronic forms of allergic diseases. To minimize negative impact on a growing organism, during treatment chronic allergies New generation antihistamines are prescribed. For the youngest children they are produced in the form of drops, and for older children - in the form of syrups.