Archie: “I’ve always dreamed of sewing something on myself, at least big ears.” Star secret: what kind of face lifting procedure do Russian TV presenters do? Archie had plastic surgery

Vera Alentova

The actress underwent her first plastic surgery, a circular lift, back in the late 90s, followed by several more operations. Not all of them were successful: after the intervention in 2009, the actress’s facial expressions were impaired, and asymmetry appeared in her face.

Natalia Andreichenko

Natalya Andreichenko underwent several plastic surgeries at once, trying to “stop” her youth and give a new round to her film career. Experts believe that not all of these interventions were successful - for example, the lips turned out uneven.

Elena Proklova

The actress is sure that the most effective way to preserve youth is plastic surgery. Over the years, Elena has resorted to blepharoplasty, lip augmentation, changing eyelids and eyebrows - and is invariably pleased with the result.

Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya has never hidden the fact that she improves her appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. But in 2014, Masha decided to return to a more natural appearance, removed silicone from her lips and reduced the size of her breasts. The rehabilitation process after the operation took a lot of time, Masha was worried about possible complications, but today she is happy with her figure.

Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita believes that the desire to look younger is natural for any woman, so she does not hide her age or the fact that she resorts to plastic surgery. To make her hips slimmer, the singer chose liposuction, and when she turned 47, she corrected her eyelids and chin.

Rosa Syabitova

In 2013, the TV presenter lost 20 kilograms in a short time and decided that her renewed body needed more serious correction than fitness. Surgeons enlarged Rosa's breasts and reduced her stomach, and also performed liposuction.

Evgenia Kryukova

Evgenia Kryukova decided to undergo otoplasty - an operation to correct the shape of the ears. The actress always suffered from her strongly protruding ears; she even had to use special makeup glue during filming!

Katie Topuria

The singer had a nose job twice - for medical reasons, due to a deviated septum that interfered with proper breathing. After the first operation, the shape of the nose changed a little, so during the “second approach” the surgeons corrected everything and now Katie is happy with her nose.

Irina Dubtsova

Irina Dubtsova is sure that you should not resort to plastic surgery in pursuit of fashion: plastic surgery should only be done when a woman no longer likes herself in the mirror. The singer herself “improved” her breasts, which had lost their shape after childbirth, but only after she tried all other methods - training, massages and cosmetics. This is what Russian stars look like before and after plastic surgery!

Yulia Nachalova

In 2007, the singer decided to have breast surgery: she was going to return to the stage after the birth of her daughter and wanted to look perfect. Julia enlarged her breasts to size 4, at first she was pleased with the result, but then psychological problems arose: “It’s as if the breasts are someone else’s, are a different creature and live their own lives,” the singer admitted in an interview. A few years later, Julia decided to return her size, but the operation was unsuccessful and led to serious complications.

Despite the fact that plastic surgery is no longer something secret and expensive, Russian stars are still in no hurry to admit that they have corrected their appearance. They stubbornly deny the operations attributed to them, although an experienced doctor only needs to look at their “before” and “after” photographs. Here are 11 Russian stars who, according to surgeons, had plastic surgery.

Pavel Priluchny

If you compare photographs of Pavel from his youth, the changes will immediately become obvious. The actor decided to give up his protruding ears, but it seems he went a little overboard - now even the temples of his glasses don’t fit behind his ears. Take a closer look.

Pavel had otoplasty, the surgeons are convinced, looking at these “before” photos. By the way, many fans liked him with his “native” ears. But still, the film industry has its own standards, so he could not get the role of a macho man.

Olga Orlova

It is obvious that singer Olga Orlova has made a significant correction to her appearance, but she does not want to admit it.

— I will definitely use the services of plastic surgeons when necessary. Maybe in ten years,” the actress says in an interview.

But you can’t fool an experienced surgeon with words: it’s clear that Olga has had her lips and cheekbones corrected.

— It’s enough to eat moderately, move more, and lead a healthy lifestyle. And give up smoking and alcohol: all this makes you look very old,” Olga continues.

Alas, even the healthiest lifestyle does not change the face as dramatically as a plastic surgeon does.

Alexey Chumakov

One of the Moscow surgeons is 100% convinced that the singer corrected the shape of his nose. He sees with a professional eye that the tip of the nose has become more graceful and, perhaps, the septum has been straightened. True, rhinoplasty in this case is almost invisible.

Of course, the difference in this case is not so obvious. Maybe this is a sign of high-class surgery?

Sergey Zverev

The outrageous Russian stylist does not even hide the fact that he had plastic surgery. The surgeon noticed rhinoplasty and lip augmentation, obviously there could have been other operations. There is an opinion that Zverev was forced to resort to plastic surgery due to a car accident that disfigured his nose, and subsequent operations only corrected the unsuccessful consequences of the first. Others believe that Sergei deliberately changed his appearance, which did not suit the man since early childhood.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

But in the case of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, the result of the plastic surgeon’s work is obvious. To do this, just study the actress’s filmography and look at her role in her early films. There you can see that Elizabeth’s native nose was not as aristocratic as it is now. Experts say that there were at least two operations: first they made the nose snub, and then they worked on the shape.

In the “before” and “after” photos you can notice some unnaturalness: the bridge of the nose remained wide, and then the nose narrowed. Using old footage, you can reconstruct the chronology: apparently, the aspiring actress had rhinoplasty as soon as she became an adult.

Many people wonder why the actress does not remove the scar on her cheek that she has since childhood. But plastic surgeons believe that such a scar emphasizes her individuality and adds mystery.

Alena Shishkova

Model and ex-lover Timati looks like an ideal illustration of modern beauty standards. The skillful hands of surgeons also played an important role here. Doctors are convinced that the girl had rhinoplasty, cheekbone contouring and lip augmentation. Alena Shishkova “adjusted” her appearance to modern beauty standards and practically ceased to look like her former self.

Paulina Andreeva

The fiancee of Fyodor Bondarchuk also did this. Surgeons just need to look at her teenage photo. It seemed to many that she changed almost everything about herself: the shape of her face, her eyelids, her nose, her lips. In reality, the changes are, of course, not so serious.

In 2017, one of the capital’s plastic surgeons agreed with at least one assumption that Paulina had blepharoplasty - correction of the shape of the eyelids.

Yulia Nachalova

Several years ago, the singer admitted to unsuccessful breast surgery. The operation took place in a Russian clinic. The singer herself explained that her breasts lost their shape after childbirth. The implants did not take root, and blood poisoning began. An emergency operation to remove it was already performed in California. Julia assures that the problem has since been resolved.

However, her latest March photo on Instagram horrified her subscribers. If you look closely at the neckline, the unhealthy color of the breasts is obvious. In addition, experts believe that since 2016, she has seriously taken up the task of remaking her face.

Moreover, it is more difficult to say what has NOT changed in it than to list the obvious metamorphoses. And in new spring photographs, 37-year-old Nachalova became completely unrecognizable.

Oksana Samoilova

Ideal facial features, a chiseled figure, luxurious hair and glowing skin... Oksana claims that training and a healthy lifestyle are to blame for everything. But the youthful photographs of the girl found by bloggers speak for themselves: the plastic surgeon clearly had a hand on the celebrity’s nose, chest, lips and cheekbones.

Polina Gagarina

The singer claims that she has never turned to surgeons and does not intend to do so in the future. Surgeons look at her childhood photos with skepticism. In their opinion, she corrected the oval of the face, narrowing the lower part and highlighting the cheekbones. Alas, such dramatic changes cannot be achieved only by losing weight and cosmetics. Some surgeons are convinced that Polina had “Bish’s lumps” removed, supposedly after this her cheeks became sunken.

But since now the procedure for removing lumps is considered outdated, it is most likely that Polina, like other stars with chiseled cheekbones, undergoes a lift with the finest silicone threads every 3-5 years. They are inserted under the skin through punctures, without incisions, lift the tissue upward and do not in any way affect facial expressions.

Oksana Fandera

In the mid-2000s, the actress was suspected of breast enlargement (just compare the photo above, and everything will become clear). Oksana wisely prefers not to communicate with journalists on these topics, so nothing is known for certain.

Surgeons note the fact that she corrected the shape of her lips. In this case, it’s not even an operation, but just an injection with hyaluronic acid.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Another celebrity who obviously had plastic surgery is Lera Kudryavtseva. In December 2017, becoming a guest of her own program “Secret to a Million,” the TV presenter again swore that she had not undergone plastic surgery. Everything is attributed to genetics and the work of the stylist.

But you can’t fool an experienced plastic surgeon: they believe that Lera has had a Botox injection in the forehead and eyes, contour plastic surgery, fillers in the lips and nasolabial folds. Moreover, initially, back in the 90s, most likely, cheiloplasty was performed - an operation to correct the shape of the lips. So now they look old-fashioned "rubbery". At the same time, the surgeon denied rumors that Lera had rhinoplasty: old and recent photographs show that the asymmetry in the area of ​​the left wing of the nose is preserved.

12 March 2012, 14:53

We often see photographs of celebrities with unsuccessful, and sometimes simply terrifying, consequences of plastic surgery. Usually it all starts with small changes: someone wants to fix their nose, someone dreams of full lips or a beautiful bust, some decide to look younger. But the results of these operations are not always pleasing to the eyes of those around them and even the celebrities themselves. A person always sees flaws in himself and the desire to become more attractive is quite natural, but the main thing is to stop in time, to understand that beauty should not be created from scratch, but simply to emphasize the best in yourself. It is the desire to become a completely different person that leads to sad results.
Pros of plastic surgery: - increases self-esteem. Helps get rid of complexes that a psychologist could not cope with; - can smooth out some imperfections, such as disproportion - rejuvenates. - a quick way to lose excess weight, as well as a life-saving method for people who have suffered from burns or have birth defects.
Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery: - risk of implant rejection; - intolerance to a certain type of anesthesia; - scars after some procedures may be noticeable, despite doctors’ promises to the contrary; - Surprisingly, the patient is not always satisfied with the result of the operation, even if he has long dreamed of changing one or another facial feature.
30% of breast correction operations and 20% of rhinoplasty are working on mistakes. But plastic surgery can also lead to more dangerous consequences. We have already heard about many tragic cases. Any intervention by a plastic surgeon is a medical operation. This means that, in addition to the likelihood of developing specific complications, there are also general risks. These include: inflammation, formation of hypertrophic scars, allergic reaction, accumulation of fluid under the skin (seroma), bleeding, asymmetry, loss of sensitivity of skin areas.
And don’t forget: many people like you just the way you are. And it is impossible to please everyone. Moreover, celebrities should not forget this. After all, their fans often love them just like that, but they may not like the modified copy. For example, I really liked Nicole Kidman. But her face after plastic surgery became somehow different, it’s not the same Nicole, it’s someone else.
A person who no longer knows the count of operations and is still trying to change something about himself is definitely sick. He needs qualified psychological help, so the surgeons who perform such operations are criminals. In this matter, unfortunately, only conscience can stop, but the thirst for profit is often stronger. Although there are those who were able to emphasize the beauty and stop in time.
The most famous and successful transformation of the simple Norma Jean into a chic Marilyn Monroe.
Demi Moore. According to the most rough estimates, plastic surgery, as well as injection cosmetic procedures, cost Demi Moore at least half a million dollars one-time and several tens of thousands more annually (and this does not take into account additional costs for fitness classes, yoga and the maintenance of a personal nutritionist).
It all started with two operations to correct strabismus, which the actress had done in her youth. This was followed by rhinoplasty, regular liposuction, breast augmentation followed by implant replacement, as well as a brow and knee lift. Jennifer Aniston: “I am against surgical intervention on a person’s appearance.” However, she does not deny that her nose is the result of the work of a plastic surgeon.
Angelina Jolie. The actress herself denies the intervention of surgeons in her standard appearance, but experts believe that she had genioplasty, designed to make the contours of her chin clearer, and rhinoplasty, which removed a slight snub nose.
At 21 Ashlee Simpson changed the shape of the nose: removed the hump and straightened the tip of the nose. The operation was successful. Looking at her result, we can say that Ashley has become more graceful.
According to experts, Megan Fox, had a nose job, lip augmentation and breast implants. In addition, the small scars on her face have disappeared.
Janet Jackson. Many might say that she is, on the contrary, a victim. But I would say that she was the one who was able to stop in time. If you remember the changes of her famous brother and sister Latoya, then Janet is simply a very realistic person. The most notable operation that the singer has done is rhinoplasty. Janet spent her first earnings on plastic surgery. She got this idea from her famous brother.
In 2004, after the incident with Timberlake, she felt unprotected. When a woman feels insecure, she especially wants to be beautiful. The singer went to a plastic surgery clinic and had her breasts enlarged. There she lifted her chin, underwent a course of facial rejuvenation and corrected the contours of her figure. Now Janet says that she has given up plastic surgery.
Among Russian celebrities we highlight Katie Topuria(rhinoplasty and mammoplasty). It's impossible not to notice the improvement.
And forever young Sofia Rotaru. When she was asked about plastic surgery, this is how she answered: “For people whose profession requires external attractiveness and absolute grooming, plastic surgery often becomes an important condition for success. Understand that this is not dictated by fashion. We are talking about the need to realize oneself, to be interesting to the people around us or the public. However, I am convinced that everything is good in moderation, and under no circumstances would I advise anyone to get carried away with this indefinitely, it is dangerous to health.
According to rumors, Rotaru underwent a facelift, blepharoplasty, and had her breasts and abdomen corrected.

To the question “How do you manage to look so good?” celebrities often answer that they drink 8 glasses of water a day and try to get enough sleep... But the most honest of the stars do not hide that behind their well-groomed appearance there is the serious work of cosmetologists and the most modern techniques. RBC and MTV TV presenters Lelya Turubara and Archie Tsvetkov agreed to tell and show what procedure they decided on to tighten their facial contours without surgery.

Commentary by Lelya Turubara before the procedure:

“All of us, girls, today are looking for specialists who will not let us lose our youth, we are looking for the most modern and safe methods to preserve our beauty. Moreover, on television it is important for a woman to look good - it is part of the job. There is nothing surprising in the fact that I do some procedures. Today I'm going to try ultrasonic lifting using the Ulthera System device. Why did I make this choice? This is an innovative device, quite safe: the very word “ultrasound” already implies the absence of surgical intervention, and I am very afraid of radical methods. I think that sooner or later I will resort to this (I won’t even say “I will age naturally!”), but for now, of course, I want to get by with minimal interventions. Before the procedure I was a little worried, but after giving birth I am no longer afraid of pain! And, of course, a lot depends on the doctor: if he explains what exactly he will do now and what sensations I will experience, the fear decreases.”

Commentary by Archie Tsvetkov before the procedure:

“You need to be aware that if you work with your face - and it just so happens that I work with my face and brains - then you need to keep yourself in shape. I’m 37, I already have contour changes to my oval, so I decided to work on them. While I haven’t had a single plastic surgery, I wouldn’t really want surgery in the near future, so the choice fell on Ultherapy.”

Specialist's comment before the procedure:

“Both of our patients have good initial indicators: sufficient volume of the midzone, good skin quality. But there are slight gravitational changes in the lower third of the face, along the oval, contour of the lower part. It’s too early to talk about a surgical facelift, but there is a wonderful procedure that allows you to achieve pronounced lifting and tightening of the skin using focused ultrasound. Focused ultrasound Ultherapy affects three layers: the level of SMAS (muscular-neurotic layer), the level of the superficial fat packet (that is, subcutaneous fat, which can shift due to primary age-related changes) and the skin, if we need it, to stimulate collagenogenesis and make it more elastic. In addition, during the procedure the surface of the skin is not damaged, so after it there is no recovery period required and you can immediately return to your usual lifestyle, and the effect lasts 1.5 years, possibly more. This is an ideal technique for our patients, which allows them to preserve youth and beauty for a long time,”

Says Yana Aleksandrovna Yutskovskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, doctor of the highest category, director of the “Professor Yutskovskaya Clinic”, president of the Association of Gender Medicine Specialists.

After the procedure, both the TV presenters and their doctors were satisfied with the work done and the results obtained.

Review from Lelya Turubara a month and a half after the procedure:

“Despite the fact that little time has passed, I am satisfied with the result. But immediately after the procedure, swelling appeared, which intensified the next day, and I began to panic. Although the doctor said that this was a very good result, it meant that the body was reacting well, this reassured me. The swelling lasted for almost a month, but it was noticeable only to me. Now, after 1.5 months, everything has passed, my friends say that the effect is luxurious, my chin is clearly outlined, my face is tightened. I see myself every day, so I haven’t noticed a dramatic effect, but it’s obvious to others. I am pleased with the result and would definitely recommend this procedure to anyone who wants to look as chic as I do.”

Archie Tsvetkov's review 3 months after the procedure:

“What can I say about the Ultherapy procedure I had? I'll tell you a short story that happened to me a few days ago. I was at business negotiations with one of the pharmaceutical companies. At the end of the meeting, one of the directors asked: “Please forgive me, I’ll still ask this question.” What is your real age?“ This question didn’t bother me, I’m not a girl. So he asked in response: “How much will you give?” He said: “32.” Well, I’m actually 37. What other questions or doubts might there be? Of course I recommend it!”

For several years, Dasha hosted entertainment show programs on Love Radio, Vesna FM and DFM. Then it seemed that this girl was a real energetic person and simply did not know how to be sad. But few people know that for some time it was difficult for her to even smile...

The story began in 2013, when I worked in glossy magazine. I remember we were looking for the heroine of the material with one respected clinic. You could have your breasts, liposuction or nose done. For six months they tried to find someone, but some were afraid to show themselves, others simply did not need to change anything. And while we were postponing the material, I decided to go to the clinic to consult a doctor about the swelling near the bridge of the nose, which worried me.

I end up in the surgeon's office. The doctor assured me that he would help, and on the tablet showed me examples of “before and after” work with the same problem as mine. I was 24 years old then, a stupid girl. There was such euphoria - I ran out of the clinic, called the editor-in-chief and said: I will be the heroine of the material!

SORRY, I'M NOT bomber jacket, Manolo Blahnik shoes

August 22, 2013. The operation lasted about 50 minutes. Seven days later the plaster was removed. Moreover, there were no drastic changes, the nose became a little narrower, but I really like the result.

After a couple of months, a lump appeared on the side of my nose. I didn’t even think that problems would start, and I also didn’t know anything about periodic examinations with a doctor. A year after the operation, I went to see the surgeon. They injected me with Diprospan, and by the evening the lump was gone. But two months later she returned. I didn’t want to inject myself with drugs again (it’s incredibly painful) - I decided to live like this - I did corrective makeup and just gave up.

And then I met and became friends with Lena, who had my nose done by my surgeon, and, by the way, successfully. In the fall of 2016, the two of us went to see Alexey Gennadievich. Back then I couldn’t even imagine what kind of hell awaited me! The surgeon suggested a mini-operation “for 15 minutes” to cut out the lump.

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November 19, 2016. “15 minutes” turned into two hours. And when the plaster was removed, in the mirror I saw a sickly-looking bird: the bridge of the nose was thin, the back was uneven, high, with a large washer at the tip. I look and try to recognize myself. The eyes became smaller, there was just a different person in profile, as if she had betrayed mom and dad. When I asked why they built a second floor to my nose and raised the back, I received the answer: “I made a nose that fits your face.” Super!

By the end of December, I realized that the tip of my nose was completely missing, as if it had been cut off with a cleaver. And in January I saw an implant in my nostril - it cut through the mucous membrane and tore the skin. Let's run to the clinic again. The surgeon spent 40 minutes stitching everything up for me! I felt like cattle then. Did you hear a pig squeal at the beginning of 2017? It was me.

Two weeks later I asked my cosmetologist to remove the stitches; I didn’t want to endure the pain any longer and go to the clinic. And then it turned out that he had not sewn it up... The implant was still sticking out.

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There is a rule in rhinoplasty: it is better not to touch the nose for six months after the operation. Therefore, I couldn’t change anything right away. In April, I came to the surgeon angry and said that I can’t live like this anymore, I don’t want to work, I don’t like myself and I’m scared when they come close to me on the right side and look at the protruding implant, which looks like dried snot!

On April 19, 2017, the third operation occurred. I woke up an hour later, without plaster - my nose was perfect, the tip and a beautiful nasolabial angle appeared. But, as it turned out, it was just swelling. After a couple of weeks, the result “arrived”: the tip became so sharp that it could cut bread, it looked to the left, and something plastic was visible through the skin - a new implant.

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Almost all summer I didn’t leave the house, I refused filming and projects. I looked at old photographs and cried. My cosmetologist Masha supported me as best she could. Although it was already clear - I was facing another operation - a fourth!

Why did I keep returning to the same surgeon? Because I was sure: the one who got into my nose must bring the matter to the end. At the next appointment, the doctor indifferently asked when I was ready to come again. I chose August 2. Everyone was against me going to the same clinic again. And my cosmetologist Masha even sent me to her colleague, a doctor. But she looked at me and refused: “I won’t take on you, it’s not clear what’s wrong with the septum, what kind of implants.”

2 days before the operation, my sister called me, who joined hands with Masha and asked me to wake up, stop stepping on the same rake and wait for a miracle. She found another surgeon herself and scheduled me for a consultation on August 13th. I didn’t understand how to look in the mirror and wait for another 2.5 weeks. But in the end I quietly canceled the operation and went to a new doctor.

He turned out to be not just a surgeon, but also an ENT specialist. He spent an hour and a half with me and told me in detail what was what. He explained that he works with costal cartilage - he uses the patient’s own graft, and reconstructs noses. He took a photograph, promised to send a simulation and warned that the operation would be complicated (about 6 hours) and it was possible that a correction would be required in a year.

Nose modeling

Two weeks before the operation, I took tests, Googled the doctor, went to his Instagram 100 times, read reviews. I packed my suitcases with money (the operation then cost him 310 thousand rubles). And on August 27, I again found myself on the surgical table. Turned off at 15:00, turned on at 22:30. I'm waking up! The severed rib under my chest ached as if a reinforced concrete beam had stuck into me, my arms and legs couldn’t move, the back of my head was falling off, everything hurt except my nose, but, thank God, I’m alive! The surgeon came in and said that he had erected the nose from scratch, since it fell onto the cheeks as soon as he took out all the implants.