Astrological predictions. Forecast by Pavel Globa

Now many are wondering: what will happen to Russia, Ukraine, and the whole world, which is clearly on the verge of, if not a third world war, then of great upheaval.
I came across an article in the magazine “Steps” about the predictions of astrologers for 2014. Author Alla Nevskaya. I will quote the most interesting passages.

All recent events, including Euromaidan, the separation of Crimea from Ukraine and annexation to Russia, are far from a culmination, not a point of highest tension. The climax immediately precedes the denouement - the moment of resolution of the conflict, the completion of the events associated with it. Any experienced astrologer will confirm: what happened in Ukraine is just one of the phenomena in a series of more global events that we will continue to witness.
In connection with the Ukrainian crisis, Cairo astrologer and numerologist Joy Ayad is now often remembered. Her authority is growing by leaps and bounds - the number of fulfilled forecasts of this lady from Egypt is simply off the charts.
Real fame came to Joy Ayad when she prophesied the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi. Moreover, she did this at a time when Morsi’s positions looked unshakable. Ayyad predicted the terrorist attack in the Al-Qidisin Church in Alexandria and the death of Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman. Some of her predictions surprised her at first. So, for example, it looked like one of the leaders of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood would be humiliated because of a woman, and the other would behave like a woman himself. When she announced this, she herself could not really explain anything. And when, shortly after this, the Brotherhood was overthrown, and their spiritual leader Safuat Higazi tried to flee Egypt in a niqab, half of the prediction became clear. And then the second person in the leadership of the Brotherhood, Khairat Al-Shater, was exposed because of his wife: she was involved in coordination between the Brotherhood and Palestinian Hamas. Then the second part of the prediction became clear.
Joy promised an earthquake in Iran and a hurricane in the United States. Everything has come true!
Then she predicted snow in the center of Cairo - again to the point. In the winter of 2013, snow fell in the capital of the country!

2014, which in East Asia called the “Year of the Horse”, Ayyad called it the “Year of the Talking Sky”. In her opinion, this will be a period of global change. True, the astrologer predicted long-awaited calm for her homeland: “2014 will be a successful year overall - and not only for Egypt, for many countries. Also because the number 2014 adds up to 7 (2+0+1+4=7). According to the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, the number “7” is perfection. The number 7 is the number of victory and triumph. The power of this number is very great. For example, Sir Winston Churchill won many victories in his life thanks to the energy of this figure.” According to her, the seven will have great importance FOR RUSSIA. Our country will experience success in 2014, which will come, as always happens, through overcoming difficulties. By the way, in 2014, according to Ayad’s forecast, Russia and Egypt will become noticeably closer.

But for the residents of the United States, the astrologer is sure, the number seven will not bring peace. On the contrary, it will make you very worried. Firstly, the country is facing serious natural and man-made disasters. In addition, there will be a major split in society, which could be the beginning of the end of the United States to which we are accustomed. In 2014, the world map will change, Joy continues, Russia will gain more influence than America and China.
Many astrologers around the world believe that Ukraine will collapse (in one form or another). If the country remains as it is now, the Ukrainians will never be able to come to an agreement, because the Westerners sleep and see themselves in Europe, and the southeast wants rapprochement with Russia.
But this, some astrologers insist, is far from the end. After all, on the territory of Ukraine, other, more important forces – the West, represented by the European Union, the United States and Russia – clashed to the death. Who will win - this is a question worthy of our William Shakespeare during the entire drama that played out. Oddly enough, many analysts promise the West complete failure. Why? Russia today is not the same as it was twenty years ago - it is a strong power with great potential. And the West, with its desire to dictate its will to all states, can simply overstrain itself. At this time, the East is raising its head - China and India will soon dictate their rules on the world stage. American dominance is collapsing, and even “tame” Europe is slowly trying to get out from under the yoke of its overseas partner. However, this decline is not a lightning-fast process; it may take at least a decade, or even two.

Push. Who Vasily Nemchin is is not known for certain. Mainly Pavel Globa refers to him and his mysterious notes. Some researchers compare him with St. Basil. Others write that a certain Nemchin was the personal physician of Vasily III Ioannovich. In any case, his personality is mysterious and vague, but the predictions are very interesting, although doubts arise: “was there a boy?”

Describing the 20th century, Vasily Nemchin says: “In the first 15th year there will be a great war” (World War I?) “When the years are three times 15, there will be great joy in Rus'.” 1945 is the year of victory in the Great Patriotic War. All his predictions are based on 15 year cycles. He also speaks of the time “four times 15,” describing the great desecration of the sky.” It (the sky) “will be plowed open, and the wicked will dare to argue with the angels of heaven themselves, for which they will receive great punishment.” “Four times 15” is 1960 year. “5 times 15,” that is, in 1975, he says, “great peace will be established throughout Europe and Asia.” Indeed, in 1975 the Helsinki Agreement was concluded about the “tyrant.” that he “will come out of the ground like an unholy grave spirit” and will be “buried twice.” Stalin was indeed buried twice - once in the mausoleum, and the other in the ground. He has both about the troubles and about. “The Indian Kingdom” and about the dynasty that ruled for 300 years (the Romanovs). modern history. “THE MARKED METEOR WILL FLASH INTO THE RUSSIAN SKY, but it will also fall ingloriously.” The predictions are so accurate that doubt arises whether they were written after the events took place? In any case, we will find out about the 44 “black rulers” soon. And here’s another thing (judging by everything about our time): In the middle of the 15th anniversary, “a terrible death will threaten everyone,” all of humanity. He sees some event that will "shock everyone in the middle of the 15th anniversary." (The end of the world, which we seem to have already experienced?) And yet, according to the prophet, humanity will be saved, survive and will only become stronger from such shocks. But in the south a war will rage with “three different sides”, the “blacks” will intervene in it... (Iraq?, Syria?) The war will last 6 years and end with “the victorious march of the Frankish sovereign and two northern leaders.” At the same time, Rus' WILL UNITE WITH TWO OTHER “BRANCHES” ONCE SEPARATE FROM HER. (TC with Kazakhstan and Belarus? Or is this event still to come?) There will be a unification of 15 leaders who will create a new power (re-creation of the USSR?) And more. IN THE FUTURE ENGLAND WILL BE FLOODED AND CRIMEA WILL BECOME AN ISLAND.

“The period from January to March inclusive carries the risk of frightening natural, environmental, man-made phenomena, as well as political, international and even armed scandals and incidents,” writes astrologer Natalia Barskaya. “Natural - most likely, phenomena associated with the water element are most likely, although earthquakes are also possible. In this situation, solar flares and magnetic storms are also common.

Exacerbations in hot spots in January-February-March may not be so much in the nature of military operations, but rather a scenario popular unrest. In extreme cases, high-profile resignations or revolutionary (military) coups are possible.2018 is not a calm year at all.

April, May and June will seem eventful and surprising. Further quieter... For Israel I January and February don't seem calm... Russia - from "With the upcoming elections, not everything is as clear as it seems."

“The year 2018 is fundamentally different from the calm 2017 and even calmer 2016,” astrologer Sergei Loginov also believes. “Legal topics on a macro scale in the first half of January 2018 are very pronounced. I’ll be surprised if nothing is accepted, they should accept . It smells like laws, but complicated ones, and on the topic of power and real estate... March 15 is the first peak of the Great Mutiny. You can also use the term “turmoil.” This phenomenon began for a year and a half, but it was very subtle.”

The REN-TV website publishes a selection of predictions, one of which is prescribed to Nostradamus himself. But we note that Nostradamus, with rare exceptions, did not tie his quatrains to specific years. The exception where the year was still mentioned was 1999, but not 2008:

“Nostradamus’ prediction for next year is interesting, which promises to be very difficult and catastrophic. According to Nostradamus, reports the Southern Federal publication, in 2018 some European countries will literally drown due to abnormal rainfall. This disaster will affect the UK, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Italy It will also be difficult for Asian countries, whose residents will suffer from sweltering heat.

Nostradamus also predicted military conflicts and the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population. The astrologer also spotted a new source of war in the Middle East. Due to the use of modern climate weapons, European countries are also expecting abnormal cold weather.

The world in 2018 will also face economic problems. The crisis will also affect the United States. Donald Trump will be forced to abandon some of his plans, and, moreover, as Nostradamus predicted, the American leader will “go to look for help in the East,” meaning he will not be able to cope with the situation himself.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga, reports Southern Federal, predicted the following for Ukraine: the country’s residents will get tired of enduring lies and deceit, the collapse of the economy and hostilities, Ukrainians will rebel against their government. As a result, he will be elected new leader- comes from the middle class. It is he who will bring positive changes into the life of the country: will establish internal and external contacts of Ukraine and resolve the military conflict in Donbass, as well as accept necessary measures to raise the standard of living of the population. ( This is also the first time we have come across such a “Vanga’s prophecy.”, - editor's note)

The blind prophetess Matrona of Moscow predicted the following to the world, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports: “There will be few believers, life will get worse and worse. The people will be as if under hypnosis. The time will come when they will put a cross and bread in front of you and say - choose! There will be many victims. Without war, you will die. You will all lie on the ground. In the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go to the ground. Without war, there will be a war!”

A shaman from Kyzyl, in Tyva, Akim Buyan, predicted that in 2018 a threat would loom over a man whom the whole world knows. The shaman predicted that his death would happen in front of thousands of people, Southern Federal reports.

Even earlier, Vlad Kadoni’s prediction appeared on the Internet. He saw in the coming year a future offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbass against militia positions, but the DPR and LPR fighters would put up such strong resistance that the Ukrainian soldiers “will be driven all the way to Kyiv.”

Ukrainian astrologer Vlad Ross says that “in 2018 you need to be careful with all types of currencies,” reports the website “Uranus, the planet of revolutions, changes and unexpected situations, will enter the zodiac sign of Taurus in May 2018. And Taurus is the theme of finance and money. Therefore, the financial system and banking structure will be in a fever, especially in the fall, especially since numerological years that end in eight are always associated with some kind of financial turmoil. The global economic crisis was 2008. - 1998.

The entry of the planet Uranus into Taurus also suggests that there will be virtually no paper money. But a new age of cryptocurrencies will begin. The previous time Uranus was in Taurus was exactly 84 years ago, in 1934. It was then that almost the only significant collapse of the dollar happened - by 40%. I don’t think that it will collapse in 2018 either, but it will lose some interest against the euro, and especially against the Swiss franc. And the ruble will generally be on its last legs, so you need to get rid of it, invest it in something or switch to another currency. The country will plunge into crisis, into some kind of economic hole. But this will push for some changes in the economy by the end of the year. God forbid that some kind of revolution happens there...

The Russian economy will begin to shake violently. The only salvation is oil and gas; they will not fall in price during the year, and maybe even rise a little. This is the only safety net for the Russian budget. It is also possible that the crisis will worsen due to an increase in the embargo. It will not be easy because of the sanctions that have fallen, which will especially affect the country’s leadership: many of them will not be able to enter any of the countries. There is a possibility that a plan for a palace coup in Russia will mature...

There will be stagnation in real estate, as in the Russian economy. If you have the money and the ability to buy, buy it. Moreover, real estate in Russia has reached its lowest levels. But there will be no quick benefits, this is a long-term perspective: in 10 years, apartment prices will triple.”

“Gordon Scullion left prophecies about changes that could take place in Russia in the new year,” writes svetan-56. - Gordon Scullion is a visionary of our age, comparable only to Edgar Cayce. What, according to Scallion’s prediction, could happen in Russia as early as 2018?

Gordon Scullion presented a map of geographical changes in the world and Russia back in 1996, having seen it in one of his visions. According to this map, as a result of the confluence of the Baltic, Caspian, Red and Black Seas, some countries former USSR will go under water, or rather Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The newly formed sea will be divided only by the Ural Mountains and will flood Siberia and the European part of the Russian Federation. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan will go under water. What will remain of Ukraine is its small North-Eastern part, and only a large eastern piece of land will remain of Belarus.

The territory of the eastern part of the Russian Federation will remain practically untouched, on which there will be a body of water that appeared as a result of the Laptev Sea spilling deep into the continent. Such global changes will entail climate change in Russia in positive side. The eastern part of the Russian Federation will become more suitable for living. According to Gordon Scullion's prediction, it is possible to survive the end of the world in Russia, but the main thing is to believe that everything will be fine. It's also worth noting that the effects may occur gradually rather than all at once."

“The winner of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexey Pokhabov voiced his prediction for 2018,” writes senseisekai. - So, according to him, the world does not expect anything good in the new year. In Russia, Alexey predicts an armed conflict that could escalate into a very tough and large-scale war...

Alexey Pokhabov claims that this war will last a long time, and at the beginning of 2019 it could develop into the Third World War. Many states will be involved in hostilities. The war will end badly for all humanity. The winner of the seventh season is supported by another participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Alypia. According to the clairvoyant, war in Russia is inevitable. And Alypia calls a corpse a signal for the start of hostilities. Thus, the clairvoyant claims that when the corpse of a long-dead person is taken out, bloodshed will begin. The conflict will flare up with renewed vigor, the entire civilization will be on fire. Refugees will rush around in search of shelter, but it will be nowhere to be found.

Whether to believe Alexey Pokhabov and Alypia or not is everyone’s personal choice. You can call these predictions ridiculous, but, as usual, those who are not believed turn out to be right. However, let’s really hope that the winner of the 7th season of the popular show Pokhabov was mistaken and he simply dreamed everything described above.”

"Famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa announced the forecast for Russia, writes - The astrologer called the coming 2018 a good time for creative plans and bright personalities. According to Pavel Globa, New Year will not bring apocalyptic events and will not be revolutionary. This period promises good luck to all those who know how to act... Pavel Globa separately noted that in the year of the Dog those who show their weakness will lose. The year will be marked by strict alignment with the leader and subordination in all established verticals, he noted.

As for the upcoming presidential elections, according to the astrologer, they will be held in traditional mode. New candidates are unlikely to appear in the highest circles of power, but new bright names may appear in the management apparatus itself, who will then become successors to the current leadership.

We welcome those who are not yet familiar with astrology!

For you - who is an astrologer, why turn to astrology, how can an astrologer help other people?

Who is an astrologer and what does he do?

Person who knows the device solar system, at least the basics of astronomy, the laws of motion of celestial bodies. But astrology goes beyond astronomy. Because next you need to learn to see, understand what myths are hidden behind the names of the constellations, how the signs of the Zodiac differ from the constellations, what myths are behind the names of the planets.

An astrologer reads an astrological chart. This map reflects the real position of the planets at any given time (present, past, future). This is “pure science” because astronomical data is used. And then “art” begins, although this definition is conditional. An astrologer does not read a chart on a whim or according to his own imagination. There are clear rules for interpreting a map, because an astrological chart is a kind of “scheme” with a set of “symbols”, and each symbol has its own meaning, its own definition. This is a kind of “language” - the language of the Cosmos, and the astrologer translates it into our native “human” language.

A person who takes the path of interest in astrology studies the astrological significance of the planets of the solar system, what they mean in the chart, what functions they perform; what are the houses of the horoscope and much more... And here the continuity of knowledge and traditions is important - senior, experienced astrologers pass on their knowledge to beginners, training takes place individually or in special groups, "schools".

Therefore, an astrologer is a person who learns a lot (having left school, university, graduate school and everything else behind him). And you have to study for the rest of your life in order to get closer to the “ideal” of understanding the laws of the cosmos, the universe, earthly life, the human soul and the ability to relate one to the other.

What is all this “wisdom” for? It is assumed that knowing what laws govern “visible and invisible” life in space, one can explain many things and phenomena that occur on earth - in nature, in the life of countries, states and in the life of an individual person. Thus, you can navigate in the present, past and future - that is, in time. But in astrology, the geographical location on earth is also taken into account, so it is possible to predict the influence of all celestial influences on people and in space.

What can astrology do for the common man?

Since ancient times, man has adapted all these “wisdoms” for his earthly, completely utilitarian needs - when to plant, sow and harvest, when the ruler of a country should prepare to repel an enemy attack, what awaits the ruler - will he be able to retain power for a long time and who his secret detractors; merchants wanted to know when it was best for them to hit the road in order to bring their valuable goods safely to the place of trade and make a good profit and return back without being robbed by robbers. Parents of brides and grooms wanted to know who would be the best person to marry their children to, and whose marriage would produce quick and healthy offspring. This is how it is in our times - humanity’s concerns for its prosperous life have not changed.

The twentieth century enriched astrology with the desire to understand the structure of the human soul on the basis of the development of the science of psychology. Astrologers began to describe in great detail the character of an individual, and how this character is revealed in external realities and influences a person’s life as a whole. Someone began to specialize in studying the purpose of a person, looking for “traces of past incarnations” and investigating the interweaving of relationships with the current incarnation - what he needs to repeat, but “finish”, correct, what new experience to gain and develop.

Someone uses astrological knowledge to transform their lives and to help other people transform.

Also, the twentieth century opened the way to predictions of exchange rates, securities, decline/rise in demand and supply - this is for those whose native environment is business.

With the help of astrological knowledge, you can choose the optimal time for your endeavors - we want success, who wants to make a mistake or step on their “favorite rake”?

We can predict the likely time of occurrence of an event that we suspect is “around the corner.”

A separate area of ​​astrology is the study of human interaction. Why does the same person fall in love with someone, live soul to soul, be friends, share “their shirtsleeves,” successfully collaborate in a common cause, but just can’t find someone with them? common language, quarrels, is afraid, does not love, “goes a mile away”, suffers betrayal, suffers financial losses. Synastry astrology talks about this; the astrologer draws conclusions based on a comparison of the birth charts of two different people.

You can try to research, predict how an individual person will fit into a particular city or country; or how a country or city will affect the life and affairs of a person when moving from his “native” to a “foreign land”.

Someone, thinking globally, tries to understand the political vicissitudes and makes predictions for the future of the state and its ruler.

And, perhaps, the classic of astrology, passing from century to century, is horary astrology, the resolution of a wide variety of people’s questions according to the time the question arose in a person’s mind and “fell from the lips.”

What does information from an astrologer give a person?

The most important thing in coming into contact with astrological knowledge is the understanding that “something from above” comes to your aid, as a hint. From here, the astrologer feels his special measure responsibility and commitment to certain ethical and moral values ​​- it is unknown how the astrological information “issued” by him will respond to another person.

For his part, a person, after contacting an astrologer, having received a “forecast” and any other information, must understand that this is not a “sentence” and he is not doomed to “lifelong success” or “temporary failure” (according to the principle “there is nothing more permanent than temporary"). This is just INFORMATION, on the one hand. How it can be disposed of, how it can be used - the Man himself also plays a big role in this.

The natal chart is “issued” for life, and it is impossible to avoid the main events destined individual destiny, it is impossible to avoid the people given to us as “fellow travelers”. It is impossible to escape “adversity” by simply moving to another city.

Someone says, why then know what will happen to you - it’s an extra “cargo.” If you know everything in advance, it means knowing that you have no freedom, everything is predetermined, everything is clearly marked in your life. “This thing smells” like depression :-)

The natal chart is “issued” for life, and it is impossible to avoid the main events destined by individual fate.

A person has a powerful tool - his own awareness of what is happening. As they say, the meaning of life is in life itself. For example, an actor is given a script - his role is “predestined” by the screenwriter, director; an actor can play it lazily, falsely, somehow, indifferently, mechanically, without including his feelings and without opening up his soul. And you can even play the “second or third” role with genius, so that it will leave a bright mark on the viewer and give an outlet to the creative spark of the actor himself - the “resident” of the role. That is, having a “script” in hand, you can realize how to live your life better, brighter, and creatively.

You can learn to get along with a person with whom your relationship has been damaged, based on information from an astrologer - on the basis of which common affairs you both will have a positive relationship with, and in which matters it is better not to enter into joint ventures.

Why do you need to contact an astrologer to choose a “lucky” date? There are people who intuitively choose the time for their undertakings, and as they say, thanks to their instinct, they find themselves “in the right place at the right time”; they don’t even need an astrologer. But there are other cases. People start something and fail, gain negative experience, and are afraid to continue to act in the desired direction. Here the astrologer can identify the reasons for actions leading to negative experiences (at the wrong time, in the wrong way, or the person doesn’t need it at all, it’s “not his thing”). You can get recommendations about successful/unsuccessful, suitable/unsuitable days for a particular task. But there are also cases when a person needs to go through a “difficult experience” in a certain area of ​​life, and there is no need to talk about a “favorable time” for starting. Then the astrologer can warn the person about possible difficulties, and the person enters this area with awareness, with understanding. Then the person starts inner work to find options - how to cope with the task, and turn “difficulties” into experience (into luggage, into a personal piggy bank).

In a similar way, a consultation with an astrologer can help if a person is confused, does not dare to make a choice, does not see obvious ways to solve the problem that has arisen (does not see an alternative), and does not understand the motives for the actions of the people around him. The astrologer draws an impartial conclusion from the map of the issue - this is, as it were, an outside view of a person’s situation and a vision of the trend in the development of his situation. No less valuable - you can predict the dates of key events in the chain of this unique story. You can behave not “at random”, but in accordance with the symbolism of the astrological horary chart - this is contribution to awareness of what is happening in your own life.

So, ASTROLOGY is interesting to study in any sense and with different goals, and without a goal at all - for its own sake... if your life has begun to seem too prosaic to you...

You can contact an astrologer, it is useful and informative... A consultation with an astrologer is an opportunity for you to look at yourself from the outside, change your perspective, the angle of view of yourself and your actions. This is an opportunity to look a little ahead - if you are now behaving in one way or another, what might come out of it later.

It’s up to you to make decisions and act! An astrologer's conclusions are information, a recommendation, a probable forecast, a reflection of yourself, which you cannot always see for yourself. An astrologer can help you coordinate your intentions and actions with the external current reality in which you find yourself.

Many of us read and sometimes even love to read. astrological forecasts on oneself, relatives and friends, trying to learn from them something about the prospects for the future. This reason for the craving for knowledge of the future - the inaccessible future - is quite understandable from the point of view of human psychology. This desire has always followed man throughout his entire history.

But desire is desire, and reality gives us something completely different and not what astrologers predict. What is the reason that astrologers have been believed for several millennia? What are their secrets and what are they based on that allow them to continue to conduct a successful deception or, if you like, a policy of fooling the masses even in our time? modern times when we look at the world from the perspective of all the latest scientific achievements and knowledge?

Let's try to understand all these issues down to the smallest detail.

Astrology, as one of the most ancient sciences, inevitably followed along with astronomy, but only until astronomy got its hands on a telescope and then became convinced of the need to separate the “wheat from the chaff.”

Astrology first appeared in ancient times among the Chaldeans, in the city of Ur, where, according to legend, it was brought into the world by the forefather Abraham. Afterwards it became widespread in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece

and other civilizations of the ancient world.

In ancient times, when all people were unaware of the principles of the true structure of the world and considered the Earth to be the center of the Universe, such movements of the planets, which were easily predicted in advance by astronomers and astrologers, were passed off by them as a prediction of the future. For example, an ancient predictor determines from his azimuthal instruments and star charts that Jupiter and Venus will enter into conjunction in 3 months. Based on this information and comparisons with the calendar, he can, for example, declare that the long-awaited rain will come when Jupiter connects with Venus.

And naive ordinary people will peer into the sky every day to see how Venus gradually connects with Jupiter. In order for this connection to occur, they will make sacrifices to the gods. And now, a “miracle” - finally this connection has come! And it started to rain, which, of course, as you understand, was not a miracle, but the usual one of the annual dates for the start of the rainy season. But only priests and astrologers who knew the secrets of these “fortune-telling” knew about these dates.

The inhabitants and even the rulers believed that all this happened only thanks to the predictions of astrologers.


Well, okay with this antiquity, you say, now astrology is based, probably, on accurate scientific knowledge about the movements of the planets?

Do you want to laugh?

Then laugh: not only has all this rubbish remained as it was, but new ones have also been added here.

If the reader remembers, I have already mentioned that astrology was initially based on the movements of seven celestial bodies: the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Saturn.

So now Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have been added to them, which naturally ancient astrologers had never even heard of. What a problem! This means that all the ancient predictions of astrologers, and even not so ancient ones until 1781, when William Herschel accidentally discovered Uranus, were erroneous! Yes, they are erroneous, since these three planets have never been taken into account in calculations before.

But facts are stubborn things!

The predictions of ancient astrologers were sometimes superior in accuracy to modern ones!

There were other astrologers whose predictions came true successfully. But their names are not worth mentioning, since they are not as well known to everyone as this famous Nostradamus, who “predicted” much of his era and past events in world history, including Hitler, World Wars and other events.

But was he only an astrologer?

We will not discuss this - this is a separate conversation on a different topic.

What did modern astrologers predict? However, more on that later.

We'd better move on because it's not all funny.

If anyone knows how great the influence of other planets is on the Earth and its inhabitants (you and me), then he understands that the word “insignificant” is not even appropriate in this case.

The Moon and the Sun have the strongest influence on us, causing ebbs and flows with their attraction. This influence is really strong and it is quite obvious that it can influence all forms of life, including humans.

Next in terms of influence on the Earth are Jupiter and Venus. But due to their distance from the Earth, their influence is thousands of times less than the influence of the Moon and the Sun. That is, if, for example, a lunar tide occurs and the sea level in some bay rises by 0.5 meters, then the influence of the same Jupiter on the same bay will be 1000 times less - it will cause a tide of 0.5 mm.

This is about the same as feeling a hair falling from your head, which, while falling, does not touch our face and we cannot feel its fall in any way, except through the sensation that we have lost one hair’s weight. Can any of us feel it? Jupiter and Venus also influence us.

Mercury, Mars and Saturn are even 10 or more times weaker in their influence on the Earth. This means that you need to already feel their influence by detecting the fall of 1/10 of your own hair.

But the funniest thing that modern astrologers have come up with is yet to come.

Uranus is about 2 times farther from the Sun than Saturn. At the same time, in terms of mass, it is almost 7 times inferior to it. It is not difficult to estimate that its influence on Earth will be hundreds of times less than that of Saturn. And Neptune is 1.6 times farther from the Sun than Uranus and at the same time almost equal to it in mass. This means that its influence on Earth is still hundreds of times less than the influence of Uranus. In other words, Neptune's influence is equal to the feeling of germs falling from our clothes. Here we can also say about this influence that it is insignificant, but further...

Pluto is the latest - the 9th planet of the solar system, which is considered a planet purely conditionally. Its mass and size are inferior to the Moon, and its distance of almost 6 billion km from the Sun reduces its influence on Earth to zero.

It is easier to take into account the influence of the four satellites of Jupiter - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, as well as the satellite of Saturn - Titan, which are larger than Pluto in size and mass. Even the influence of any large asteroid in orbit between Mars and Jupiter will be stronger than the influence of Pluto. And even the influence of Neptune’s satellite, Triton, will stronger influence Pluto. All of them will have an influence that can still be called “negligible,” although from the point of view of sound logic it is also zero.

In short, based on accurate calculations and knowledge, we can confidently say that only the Moon and the Sun significantly influence our planet. Everything else is just smoke and dust in our eyes, powder in our brains and noodles in our ears.

Ancient astrologers can be understood.

They did not know how large and distant other planets were from us in order to determine their mass and estimate its influence on us. But it is impossible to forgive modern astrologers such ignorance and stupidity. They already use computers and grandiose programs to calculate the movements of the planets for their forecasts, but they still haven’t bothered to listen to sound logic and compare their theories with real facts. Even the Vatican has long recognized that the Earth is round and that it revolves around the Sun, and apologized for the persecution of Galileo and the teachings of Copernicus.

But modern astrologers have completely lost their heads and began to believe that the influence of the planets occurs not through disturbances, but through their positions, and that each planet has its own character and its own influences.

The 5 planets known since ancient times received their names not by their character, but by their movement. For example, Mercury got its name due to the speed of its movements across the sky. Mercury is the fast god of trade in Roman mythology, who announced events (messenger). In Ancient Greek mythology, he is analogous to Hermes. Venus got its name for its brightest brilliance and beauty. Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, and the brightest planet could well bear this name. Mars gets its name from its reddish hue. The blood-colored planet naturally received the name of the god of war. Jupiter – supreme god

Roman mythology. The planet of the same name received this name due to the brightness and majesty (smoothness) of its movements across the sky, as if it were the ruler’s planet moving. Saturn moves even more slowly, but it is dim in its brightness and cannot outshine Jupiter, which means it cannot receive the name of ruler.

Therefore, he received the name of the patron god of agriculture. The calm and precision in his movements across the sky corresponded to the spirit of agriculture.

That is, in ancient times, people named the planets for their brightness, color and speed of movement.

Three relatively new planets received their names only for their color. Uranus - for the color of the ocean (bluish) and meaning the name of the most ancient of the gods, was so named at the suggestion of the German astronomer Johann Bode. The name “Neptune” - for the color of the sea (greenish) was proposed by Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier himself, who made the most significant effort to its discovery, and he proposed it only after the name of the planet in his own honor was rejected by scientists. Well, the name of the planet Pluto was actually invented in 1930 by an 11-year-old girl, the daughter of one of the astronomy professors.


The essence of this is as follows. Ancient astrology was based only on information about the movement of 5 planets, the Sun and the Moon through the zodiacal constellations. That's all! Modern would-be astrologers have added to this not only three new planets, but also Chinese horoscope, who predicts fate not by the Sun and zodiacs, but by the Moon and

According to legend, on New Year's Eve, Buddha invited all the animals to his holiday.

And only 12 of these animals came to him. And to thank them for their loyalty and devotion, Buddha gave each one a gift, naming a year in his honor. And the order of the year of this or that animal corresponds to the order in which the animals came to bow to Buddha (the first was the Rat, and the last was the Pig).

Chinese astrology assigns each year its own character, which corresponds to the character of the animal from the 12 whose year follows according to the calendar. And a person born in a certain year will have the character of this animal.

As a result, there is now such confusion and such a mess that it’s time to laugh. But for some reason no one laughs, but rather reads all this.

For example, on one page of the yellow press they immediately give predictions based on both the zodiac signs and the Chinese horoscope. Some manage to combine them into one table, where the columns are the signs of the zodiac, and the rows are the signs of the years of the Chinese horoscope.

And this despite the fact that these horoscopes are in no way connected with each other. Modern astrologers have linked them to give more popularity to their predictions.

But it's not just about popularity. Using additional horoscopes is unique opportunity

justify unfulfilled forecasts. For example, Capricorn is predicted to have a long trip next week, and according to Chinese, those born in the year of the Goat are predicted to do household chores. And it turns out that if Capricorn does not go anywhere, it is only because he is also a Goat, whose household affairs did not allow him to go on travels.

That's how easy it is for them to get away with deception.

Can you even imagine how all the Capricorns on the planet will get into cars, trains and travel far, far away?.. Or that all Taurus, without exception, will be given a salary increase?

There will be inflation in the country!

Why do we read them at all and thereby feed the army of charlatan astrologers?

For example, this year Aries is predicted to either purchase a new home or renovate an apartment or house in the second half of the year. That's great! A Klondike for real estate firms and sellers of construction and finishing materials! If they knew that demand for apartments and renovations would increase by 1/12 in the second half of the year, they would immediately raise prices. But for some reason these companies, “stupid” by the standards of astrologers, do not use this very “valuable” information.

And in the second half of the year, Taurus will see “the receipt of money from a variety of sources.” Probably, Taurus will just sell apartments, houses and building materials to Aries.

Where does the money come from?..

In general, all signs predict income growth next year. What is this information based on? Maybe on forecasts of economic growth, and as a consequence of this - an increase in wages? So what kind of astrology is this?

What if there is no wage growth? Then what should poor astrologers do? And everything is thought out! On the same page, a forecast is given for the Chinese calendar, where all horses, goats, pigs, tigers and other eight signs, without exception, are foreshadowed by a lack of money, increased

extra labor

and health problems.

And it turns out that if the forecast according to the zodiac fails, then the forecast according to the Chinese horoscope will be exactly correct, since it is the opposite of it. And contradictions in these forecasts follow constantly. Well, of course, the forecast that comes true will be remembered. But let’s talk about this in detail a little further...

Better guess - what's the most interesting thing in all this?

Well, of course, the names of the astrologers who compiled these horoscopes. But... for some reason it’s always the same last name. That is, the same astrologer prepares two different opposite forecasts at once - according to the zodiacs and according to the Chinese horoscope.

I won't name names. There are many of them and there is no point in disparaging one of them and forgetting about the others. In any case, they all operate according to the same above-mentioned scheme. There are also “discrepancies” when neither one nor the other forecast comes true, and then the arguments of various additions based on a person’s date of birth come to the rescue. For this, astrologers came up with four “formative elements,” as they call them. These are “fire”, “air”, “earth” and “water”, which, according to astrologers, also influence the character and behavior of a person. And if the forecast does not come true, then you can refer to the fact that your sign does not correspond

the required element

Yes, very simple. Do you remember, for example, how many astrologers’ predictions came true according to your personal sign when they predicted, say, long trips for you?

I think you will remember one or two such incidents in your life. What about the unfulfilled ones? I don’t think you remember a single one, although there were 10 times more of them. Why don't you remember? Yes, because our consciousness and thinking are focused on remembering only those events that we have heard or seen repeatedly. For example, you are reading an astrologer’s forecast, which says that you will have a meeting with an old acquaintance this week. If you don’t meet an old acquaintance this week, you are unlikely to remember the forecast, because you simply read it once and your brain erased this information from your memory. But if by chance the astrologer guessed just for you and you actually meet an old acquaintance, then you will immediately remember that the astrologer predicted this for you. That is, your information about the forecast read in the newspaper was confirmed real facts

from practice (life) and your brain immediately retrieved from memory information about the prediction you read, since it is compared with real events. And when this comparison does not exist, then we do not remember those predictions.

And it doesn’t even matter whether you think about how many other people of your sign have met old acquaintances or not, you will think that the forecast has come true. And those other people of your sign, for most of whom the forecast did not come true, will simply forget about this forecast and will eagerly read the next one.

If you want to be 100% sure of this, then simply save these predictions and keep a diary, where you note what was predicted came true and what did not. I believe that a month will be enough for you. The maximum that you will catch is 3-5 coincidences of facts with forecasts, while the remaining 25-27 predictions for these days of the month will be erroneous. This is quite consistent with the theory of probability. Check it out for yourself... But to increase the likelihood of predictions, astrologers use information obtained from our lives. For example, they do not hesitate to analyze the economic forecasts of specialists to assess the situation with finances and the market for the future, statistics from doctors to assess the incidence of the population, data from meteorologists to assess climate change

etc. But horoscopes also contain something that really depends and influences our lives. In particular, the birth of a person in years really influences the formation of his character. This tendency can be noticed, the pattern of manifestation of emotional upsurge for each specific sign can be tracked and followed.

And then use this information to increase the percentage of successful forecasts.

HOW CAN WE EXPLAIN THIS INFLUENCE OF BIRTH DATE ON OUR CHARACTER? The influence of zodiac signs on a person’s character is explained simply. Everyone who is born in a certain month of the year will grow up in certain starting conditions from infancy. For example, a person born in November or December will initially receive the maximum vitamins in the womb during the summer and autumn, when the harvest ripens. And once born, from infancy it will withstand the winter cold (harden).

All this will subsequently affect his character and health. These signs (Scorpio and Sagittarius) are attributed

physical health , endurance and the ability to withstand difficulties. These are energetic people. Conversely, a person born at the end of winter - the beginning of spring (Pisces) has very poor health throughout his life. This is due to the fact that even in the womb, 3 months before his birth, he experiences stress associated with the winter period, cold and lack of vitamins in the body of a pregnant woman. Lack of sunlight also takes its toll. And when a person is born, his infant health is attacked by spring flu and cold viruses. In this way the character and health of people born under

different signs

zodiac And the zodiac signs themselves and the planets under which a person was born have nothing to do with it.

It is also noteworthy that European astrology (

Everyone knows the 11-year cycle of solar activity. This cycle is not constant and sometimes spills out into the 12-year-old. Since ancient times and among all peoples, the number 12 has been identified as divine and magical. All legends and tales mentioned 12 heroes, 12 animals or 12 things, or twelve other things. The number 11 is somehow not very good.

Noting the pattern of people being born in certain years, Chinese civilization, which is one of the oldest in the world, compiled its own horoscope based on the lunar calendar.

And unlike Europeans, Chinese astrology predicts a person’s character better, since it focuses on our most influential luminaries - the Moon and the Sun. The calendar is maintained according to months of the moon, and the noted 11-year cycle of solar activity, which undoubtedly affects not only us, but also all life on the planet, was perceived as a cycle of 12 lunar years.

Chinese astrologers correctly noted that a person’s strength and weakness, his intelligence or stupidity, kindness or cruelty, depend and are predetermined by a particular year of birth. According to them, it is the magical animal that rules a given year that determines a person’s character.

Naturally, differences will prevail in the destinies and character of people born in the same year, depending on family, upbringing and external conditions. But they will have a certain character stereotype in common, and it is given to them by the nature and influence of the Sun, and possibly the Moon.

Therefore, the Chinese horoscope more clearly describes the character criteria inherent in a particular person born in a certain year. This horoscope gives both more generalized and less specific predictions, which can always be perceived in two ways. So from this point of view, it “comes true” more often.


Everyone has probably already forgotten, but I’ll remind you that the astrologers who appeared with the beginning of Gorbachev’s Perestroika (most of them at least exactly) they were blowing all the trumpets that there would be prosperity in Russia, first in 1993, then in 1996, then in 2001, then in 2003. Those who made these predictions have long since retired or no longer make predictions themselves.

Why couldn’t the once popular astrologer spouses Pavel and Tamara Globa foresee their divorce? And in general, they and all other astrologers were able to foresee 1/10 of what they predicted. Any person can give such an “accurate” forecast, even without having astrological skills.


And it's very simple. Some event of extreme importance has happened (catastrophe, default or tragedy). And then, out of the entire mass of thousands of astrologers, 2-3 “geniuses” are announced, in whose previous forecasts one can find words that are interpreted in favor of this prediction of an emergency situation. And they shout at all the media and into all the pipes - “We predicted a disaster! That's how great we are!”

And all the media together begin to hire these 2-3 “geniuses” to make new forecasts. And these “geniuses” live very well. But time passes, and new predictions of geniuses do not come true. And then the geniuses are forgotten, and they go aside and in their old age show their grandchildren the wall where a framed newspaper clipping hangs of their only prediction that came true.

But then a new cataclysm happens, and again new “geniuses” of predictions are found who replace the previous astrologer-predictors who have retired. And this circle of events is endless and long. It will continue until we ourselves open our eyes to their obvious deception and stop believing their tales from the “crypt” of pseudoscience - Astrology.

Recently I was on the program “About Love” and met one of the finalists of the “Battle of Psychics” project, my colleague in the workshop and just interesting girl– Nicole Kuznetsova. She was the heroine of this talk show, and I, as an astrologer, had to comment on some of her life situations. And I really liked it when she immediately, literally from the doorstep, said: “Dear friends, many turn to psychics for help, but, firstly, they don’t want to do anything themselves, and secondly, they come with strange expectations of the incomprehensible miracle."

Let's be honest - neither an astrologer, nor a psychic, nor a fortune-teller can suddenly bring you from a state of poor and sick to a state of rich and healthy. Moreover, all the well-known proverbs and sayings, as well as the life experience of the people, boil down to the fact that a horseshoe will never bring you happiness and good luck until you nail it to your hoof and start plowing like a horse.

I also liked the second moment. If you are seriously ill, if you have serious illnesses, then you don’t need to go to psychics for treatment. You need to go to the doctors for treatment. Nicole said: “I am the daughter of a doctor myself and I know that diseases such as cancer, cerebral palsy, stroke and many others can be cured serious illnesses impossible through witchcraft. We need to see a doctor."

And here then a reasonable question arises: why then are we all needed? And this is exactly what I would like to talk about, but from the point of view of an astrologer and astrology.

Dear friends, I want there to be no illusion that you will come to the astrologer poor and sick, and leave rich and healthy. So let's figure out what an astrologer can do for you and what not? What can and should you expect when you contact an astrologer, and what miracles should you not expect?

So, what can an astrologer do for you:

1. An astrologer can determine the current state of your affairs.

When you come to me, you save time on the story. When you come to a psychologist, you must tell him in detail about your problem. The astrologer should tell you in detail about what is happening in your life (especially in your inner world) no need. I can immediately see from your natal chart what your priority issue is. As a rule, we are all interested in the same issues: work and career, health and beauty, personal life. But usually at the current moment of appeal there is some priority area out of these three. And what worries you most is always visible from your natal chart. Naturally, the priority issue must be resolved first. There is no need to try to hide information and say: “No, no, what are you talking about, everything is fine with my husband,” when in fact you are being devoured from the inside, that your husband is cheating on you, and you yourself cannot really eat or sleep. Therefore, we must start from where the most subtle and painful moment is.

2. An astrologer can help you understand not only the current situation, but also the likely ways to solve it.

For example, an astrologer can clearly say: should you change your job or stay there? Are there prospects for you in this marriage or in a relationship with this young man or not? What is your partner like in a relationship, and in general, as a person, what is his potential? Should you continue to move on or should you separate or improve your relationship? An astrologer can help you make a decision, but not make it for you. I share responsibility with the person who turned to me, but I do not take full responsibility for his fate.

3. An astrologer can determine the time frame of events.

An astrologer can help you answer the question: what is worth doing now and what is not worth doing? For example: “Should I move now?”, “Should I change jobs now?”, “When is the right time to get married?” etc.

4. An astrologer can help you make decisions in life.

For example, answer the questions: “Do I occupy the right place?”, “Do I work there?”, “Is this my line of work?”, “Should I combine several things at once?”, “Do I need to change my profession? " etc.

In addition to answering direct questions, an astrologer can help you understand yourself, reveal your potential, talents and abilities, describe your strengths and weak sides, including in personal relationships. Explain cause and effect relationships. Talk to you about future prospects. Predict you the future. But to predict the future only in this way: how great is the probability? No one will ever tell you 100% about the future, because the future as such does not exist, but there are probabilistic lines. And on some of these lines there may be such unpleasant points in the horoscope as life interruption points. These are the so-called "thresholds" on your life path. Here you can stumble and fall, or you can know where this threshold is and step over it. This will require effort on your part, but is it better than hitting the obstacle with all your might?

Let's summarize. What an astrologer can do for you: help you decide on the current situation; find optimal options exit from the current situation; suggest favorable and unfavorable periods for any event; help you make decisions in life and identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Even when you ask about a disease, an astrologer can accurately tell you which treatment methods are right for you. Suitable for someone conservative methods treatment, for some - radical (operations), for others, hypnosis, homeopathy or Alternative medicine. All this is clearly visible from your horoscope. But you will still be treated by a doctor, not an astrologer or psychic. Indeed, an astrologer can tell whether there are strong external energetic influences on you at the present moment (evil eye, damage, etc.). Unfortunately, all this exists, and I can even tell how much you are susceptible to such influences. I can tell you what is happening to you and your health now. It often happens that there is no witchcraft or damage to you, but there is an attitude towards it in your head. In your personal life, I can help you decide what kind of man you need and where you are likely to meet him. But don't forget about Dear friends, what if I say that you have a chance of getting married in three years, but at the same time you sit at home on the couch and do nothing, then this is unlikely to happen.

Astrology is best described by the anecdote about Moishe and the lottery ticket. I can tell you which lottery is best for you to play, I can tell you the optimal period for winning, but I cannot go out and buy a lottery ticket for you. You still have to do this yourself.