Belosalik: ointment and lotion - instructions, application, analogues. Belosalik lotion

Registration number: P N012748/01.

Belosalik® lotion

INN or group name
Betamethasone + Salicylic acid

Dosage form
Solution for external use

1 g of solution for external use contains:

active substance: betamethasone in the form of dipropionate - 0.64 mg (0.064%), which corresponds to 0.500 mg of betamethasone and salicylic acid - 20 mg (2%);
Excipients: disodium edetate – 0.300 mg, hypromellose 4000 cP – 5,000 mg, sodium hydroxide – 5,000 mg, isopropanol – 392,000 mg, water – 577,060 mg.

Transparent, colorless, viscous solution with the odor of isopropanol.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Glucocorticosteroid for local application+ keratolytic agent


Pharmacological properties
Belosalik® lotion has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-edematous, antiallergic, antiproliferative, immunosuppressive, keratolytic, antimicrobial, and antifungal effects.

Betamethasone dipropionate is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid (GCS) that has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor effects. When applied to the surface of the skin, it constricts blood vessels, relieves itching, reduces the release of inflammatory mediators (from eosinophils and mast cells), interleukins 1 and 2, interferon gamma (from lymphocytes and macrophages), inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase and reduces permeability vascular wall. Interacts with specific receptors in the cytoplasm of the cell, stimulates the synthesis of mRNA, inducing the formation of proteins, including lipocortin, mediating cellular effects. Lipocortin inhibits phospholipase A2, blocks the release of arachidonic acid and the biosynthesis of endoperoxides, prostaglandins, leukotrienes (contributing to the development of inflammation, allergies and other pathological processes).

Salicylic acid, due to its keratolytic action, cleanses affected areas of scales, promotes the penetration of betamethasone into the skin, maintains the acidic environment of the skin, preventing the development of bacterial and fungal infections.

Indications for use
Subacute and chronic dermatoses, sensitive to corticosteroid therapy, accompanied by hyperkeratosis and peeling: psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis scalp, lichen asbestos, seborrhea, neurodermatitis, red lichen planus localized on the scalp, eczema, ichthyosis, skin dyshidrosis.

Hypersensitivity to betamethasone, salicylic acid or to any auxiliary component of the drug, viral infections skin, skin post-vaccination reactions, open wounds, trophic ulcers, acne vulgaris, rosacea, chicken pox, skin manifestations of syphilis, skin tuberculosis, childhood up to six months.

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding
Local use of Belosalik® lotion in pregnant women is allowed in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. In such cases, the use of the drug should be short-term and limited to small areas of the skin.
During breastfeeding, the use of Belosalik® lotion is possible according to strict indications, but the drug should not be applied to the skin of the mammary gland before feeding.

Directions for use and doses

Bottle with spray nozzle:
Belosalik lotion is sprayed twice a day onto the affected areas of the scalp with hairline, using a convenient elongated spray nozzle. In some cases, once a day is sufficient.
Before spraying, shake the bottle, place it in a vertical position, then bring the nozzle of the nozzle to the affected area of ​​skin with hair and press the sprayer all the way index finger. Do required amount spray on affected areas of the scalp.
The duration of the course of treatment is individual, and is usually carried out until the main symptoms of the disease disappear, but is usually limited to 3-4 weeks. If a longer course of therapy is necessary, it is recommended to use the drug less frequently, for example, every other day, and consult a specialist.

Dropper bottle:
Belosalik® lotion is used twice a day. A few drops of lotion are evenly distributed with a cotton swab or fingers over the surface of the skin, lightly rubbing. In some cases, one-time use is sufficient.
The duration of treatment is usually limited to 3-4 weeks. If a longer course of therapy is necessary, it is recommended to use the drug less frequently, for example, every other day, or consult a specialist.
Belosalik® lotion can be prescribed to children from six months of age, with caution and for the shortest possible time.

Side effect
Side effects are usually reversible and mild in nature. From the skin: hypersensitivity reaction (itching, burning or redness), acne-like changes, hypopigmentation, stretch marks, skin atrophy, hypertrichosis, secondary skin infections.

With long-term continuous uncontrolled use and when applied to large areas of skin: telangiectasia, systemic manifestations of side effects of corticosteroids or salicylates.

If a hypersensitivity reaction occurs or side effects therapy should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

Symptoms: manifestation of systemic side effects.
Treatment: drug withdrawal and symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs
There are no clinically significant interactions with other drugs. Simultaneous use of cosmetic and dermatological products for external use containing ethanol, or medical soap with a pronounced drying effect can cause skin irritation.

special instructions
Belosalik® lotion is intended for external use only.
Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes, as well as use of the drug in the anogenital area.
It is not recommended to use the drug under occlusive dressings, except when necessary. If fungal or bacterial microflora develops on the skin, additional use of an antibacterial or antifungal agent is necessary.
The drug Belosalik® lotion in the form of a solution for external use is especially convenient for use on the scalp. The solution is easily distributed over the surface of the skin, does not stick or dry out hair, does not leave visible marks, and has a cooling effect on the skin.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery
There are no data on the adverse effects of Belosalik® lotion on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery.

Release form
Solution for external use.
50 ml and 100 ml of the drug in a polyethylene bottle high density with a dropper, sealed with a low-density polyethylene screw cap. The stopper has a ring to control the first opening. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.
20 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml of the drug in a high-density polyethylene bottle with a spray pump mechanism and a protective plastic cap. 1 bottle complete with a plastic spray nozzle and instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions
At a temperature not higher than 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date
2 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Vacation conditions
Over the counter.

Owner registration certificate and manufacturer
BELUPO, medicines and cosmetics d.d., Republic of Croatia, 48000, Koprivnica, st. Danitsa, 5

RepresentationBELUPO company, medicines and cosmetics d.d., Republic of Croatia in Russia
Moscow, 119330, Lomonosovsky prosp., 38, apt. 71-72.

Among all the diseases that contribute to hair loss, dermatosis of the scalp is not the least important. The disease is not only fraught with consequences, in the absence of proper treatment, but also gives the patient a strong feeling of discomfort.

The results of statistical data confirm that last years The number of patients with this disease has increased significantly. The main reason for this picture lies in the use of aggressive and low-quality cosmetics (shampoos, lotions, balms, gels). To eliminate this problem, experts recommend using Belosalik lotion.

Pharmacological action of lotion

Belosalik lotion is recommended for external use. It is characterized by the provision of anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-edematous, antiallergic, antiproliferative, immunosuppressive, keratolytic, antimicrobial, antifungal effects.

Betamethasone dipropionate, which is part of the lotion, is an anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor component, promotes vasoconstriction, eliminates itching, reduces the release of inflammatory mediators, inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase and reduces the permeability of vascular walls. Lipocortin inhibits and blocks the release of elements that contribute to the development of inflammation, allergic reactions and the formation of other pathological phenomena.

The action of salicylic acid, one of the active ingredients, due to thorough cleansing of affected areas from scales, penetration of betamethasone deep into the skin, maximum maintenance acidic environment skin, protecting against the development of bacterial and fungal infections.

Indications for use of lotion

Indications for the use of Belosalik lotion are subacute and chronic dermatoses caused by:

  • psoriasis;
  • seborrhea;
  • seborrheic dermatitis (scalp);
  • asbestos lichen;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • lichen planus, localized on the scalp;
  • eczema;
  • skin dyshidrosis;
  • ichthyosis.

Dosage and method of administration

Lotion with spray nozzle

The lotion is used 2 times a day. It is sprayed on the affected areas of the scalp. Before spraying, shake the bottle, place it in a vertical position, bring it to the affected area of ​​the scalp, and press the sprayer all the way with your index finger. The duration of treatment is individual character and depends on the complete disappearance of symptoms specific disease. However, it is not recommended to use the lotion for more than 3-4 weeks. If additional use of the drug is required, you should consult a specialist.

Lotion dropper

Apply 2 times a day. Using a cotton swab or fingertips, distribute a few drops of lotion evenly and with light movements over the surface of the skin. If the symptoms of the disease are muted, single use of the lotion is allowed. As with the nebulizer, treatment depends on the nature of the disease, but it is recommended to limit it to 3-4 weeks. To continue using the lotion, you need an in-person consultation with a specialist.

Contraindications to the use of lotion

Like any other drug, Belosalik lotion has some contraindications for use due to:

  • skin tuberculosis;
  • skin manifestations of syphilis;
  • chicken pox;
  • viral skin infections;
  • skin post-vaccination reactions;
  • open wounds;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • rosacea;
  • acne vulgaris;
  • children up to 6 months of age;
  • hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary components of the drug.

Side effects from use

When using Belosalik lotion, side effects may be observed that are reversible and mild in nature.

Possible side effects such as hypersensitivity reactions ( we're talking about about itching, burning or redness), acne-like changes, hypopigmentation, skin atrophy, hypertrichosis, secondary skin infections, telangiectasia, pale skin, increased fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, hearing impairment, confusion and others.

If one or more of the possible side effects are observed, treatment with Belosalik lotion should be suspended and a specialist should be consulted about the advisability of further use of the drug.

Price for Belosalik lotion

The average cost of Belosalik lotion (50 ml) is 400-460 rubles per bottle.

Belosalik ointment is combination remedy for external use, with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiallergic, antiproliferative effects.

Active ingredients: Betamethasone + Salicylic acid.

Betamethasone has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiproliferative and antipruritic effects. When applied to the surface of the skin, it quickly acts at the site of inflammation, reducing the severity of objective symptoms (erythema, swelling, lichenification) and subjective sensations (itching, irritation, pain).

Salicylic acid, due to its keratolytic action, cleanses affected areas of scales, promotes the penetration of betamethasone into the skin, maintains the acidic environment of the skin, preventing the development of bacterial and fungal infections.

Belosalik has two forms of release - lotion and ointment.

  • The ointment has water-repellent properties and creates a protective film on the skin that protects against external moisture. It has the deepest fat-saturating effect and is suitable for very dry, fragile skin.
  • The lotion is a fat-free solution that leaves no residue, spreads well over the surface of the skin and does not dry out the hair. Has a cooling effect on the skin.

Composition of Belosalik ointment - in 1 gram: betamethasone - 0.5 mg, salicylic acid - 30 mg. Excipients: mineral oil, petroleum jelly.

Indications for use

What does Belosalik help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • neurodermatitis in the acute stage;
  • urticaria, accompanied by severe itching and swelling of the skin;
  • psoriasis;
  • acute and chronic eczema;
  • ichthyosis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • various inflammatory processes skin caused by exposure to endogenous or exogenous factors;
  • lichen planus or verrucous;
  • dermatoses with increased engorgement of the epidermis, accompanied by increased skin pattern;
  • pathological dry skin;
  • peeling and weeping of the skin;
  • poorly healing wound surfaces.

The lotion is used in the treatment of patients with oily skin, and also with pathological changes areas of skin with hair.

Indications for lotion:

  • psoriasis (including scalp);
  • seborrheic dermatitis (including the scalp);
  • neurodermatitis;
  • lichen planus localized on the scalp;
  • ichthyotic, eczematous lesions of the skin under the hair.

Instructions for use Belosalik, dosage

The drug is intended for external use. The use of ointment and lotion is similar.

According to the instructions for use, a small amount of Belosalik ointment is evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, lightly rubbing. Frequency of application – 2 times a day. In mild cases, a single application is sufficient.

If necessary, apply occlusive dressings, which are changed once a day (due to the delay in the evaporation of sweat and skin respiration, a moist chamber is created, which promotes loosening of the stratum corneum and accelerated, deeper penetration of the drug - about 100 times greater than with simple application).

The duration of a continuous course of treatment is usually limited to 3-4 weeks.

If a longer course is necessary, it is recommended to use Belosalik less frequently, for example, every other day. During therapy chronic diseases treatment should be continued for some time after the disappearance of all symptoms, under the supervision of a doctor, to avoid relapse of the disease.

Repeated courses of ointment application are possible throughout the year.

To avoid systemic side effects that may cause active ingredients Belosalic (hypercorticism, secondary adrenal insufficiency, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome), it is not recommended to use the drug for a long time on large areas of skin, especially when used under an occlusive dressing.

special instructions

The drug is intended for use only on the skin and/or scalp.

Belosalik ointment should not be used long time use for facial skin, as acne-type dermatitis, skin atrophy, perioral dermatitis and rosacea.

Avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes or eyes.

It is necessary to avoid using the product in the anogenital area.

Should not be used under an occlusive dressing unless absolutely necessary. If bacterial or fungal microflora develops on the skin, then you need to additionally use antifungal or antibacterial agents.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Belosalik:

  • irritation, burning;
  • local loss of skin pigment (hypopigmentation);
  • dryness and itching;
  • hypertrichosis (increased hair growth);
  • folliculitis;
  • the appearance of telangiectasia;
  • acne.

Occlusive dressings enhance penetration deep into the skin and can lead to the formation of striae, maceration of the skin, atrophy of the skin, secondary infection, and the development of prickly heat. Long-term use of ointment increases the likelihood of developing unwanted effects and aggravates them.

The use of the drug on large surfaces of the skin causes systemic reactions. It can be:

  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • glucosuria;
  • hypokalemia;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • asthenic manifestations;
  • pallor of the integument;
  • confusion;
  • tachypnea;
  • dyspepsia;
  • hearing impairment.

If undesirable effects occur, consult a doctor and temporarily or complete cessation use of the drug.


Belosalik is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • lupus;
  • skin manifestations of syphilis;
  • chicken pox;
  • viral skin infections;
  • skin post-vaccination reactions;
  • open wounds;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • rosacea;
  • acne vulgaris;
  • children up to 6 months (for ointment);
  • increased sensitivity to betamethasone, salicylic acid or any of the auxiliary components of the drug.

Should not be used under bandages or diapers due to increased risk of side effects.

The use of ointment in young children should be done with caution under the strict supervision of a physician.


At long-term use, especially in children, as well as application to damaged skin, large areas or under an occlusive dressing, increased absorption of active components and the occurrence of systemic adverse reactions(hypercortisolism, secondary adrenal insufficiency, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome).

In case of overdose and the appearance of corresponding systemic effects, the drug is discontinued and symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Analogues of Belosalik, price in pharmacies

If necessary, Belosalik can be replaced with an analogue according to active substance- these are drugs:

  1. Betasal,
  2. Betaderm A,
  3. Diprosalik,
  4. Rederm.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Belosalik, price and reviews of the drugs similar action do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Belosalik ointment 15g - from 203 to 228 rubles, ointment 30g - from 406 to 451 rubles, lotion with a spray 20 ml - from 290 rubles, according to 492 pharmacies.

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C. The shelf life of the ointment is 4 years. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - without a prescription.

What do the reviews say?

On the forums you can find different reviews about Belosalik ointment. People who have used the ointment for psoriasis write that with prolonged use there was an effect and no systemic impact. However, most users note that the product should be used for the period indicated in the instructions for use, and not just until the symptoms disappear. Otherwise, a relapse of the disease may occur.

Reviews report the ease of use of the ointment and lotion, which also produces a pleasant cooling effect. Negative reviews They note the appearance of peeling of the skin after applying Belosalik ointment and a not very pleasant smell. Also in the reviews they write about the relatively high cost.

Belosalik lotion is a drug that is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. Designed for treatment dermatological diseases.

Composition and release form

The drug has 2 release forms:

  • lotion;

The solution is poured into bottles equipped with a dropper nozzle or a spray pump mechanism.

The lotion is colorless liquid viscous consistency. The drug has the smell of isopropyl alcohol. Medicine Sold in polyethylene bottles with a capacity of 20, 50 and 100 ml.

Active ingredients of the lotion:

  • salicylic acid;
  • betamethasone.

The composition also includes auxiliary components:

  • disodium edetate;
  • hypromellose;
  • caustic soda;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • water.

Therapeutic effect

The interaction of the auxiliary and active components of the drug with specific receptors in the cytoplasm of cells leads to stimulation of the synthesis of matrix ribonucleic acid.

A synthetic glucocorticosteroid has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions. The drug suppresses fungal microflora and eliminates itching. Under its influence, blood vessels narrow and the permeability of their walls decreases. Belosalik relieves allergy symptoms, has immunosuppressive properties, and also prevents the proliferation of tumor cells. With regular use of the lotion, dead tissue is softened and rejected.

The patient feels a cooling effect in the area of ​​application.

Indications for use

The lotion is prescribed to patients for the treatment of subacute and chronic forms dermatological diseases, provided that the pathogenic microflora causing the disease is sensitive to corticosteroids. The medicine is intended for the treatment of:

  • seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp;
  • neurogenic-allergic diseases (neurodermatitis);
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • diffuse disorders of keratinization (ichthyosis);
  • asbestos and lichen planus;
  • pompholis (dyshidrotic eczema);
  • too rapid division of cells of the stratum corneum, which is accompanied by a violation of their rejection from the skin.


Belosalik is contraindicated in patients who have individual intolerance to the lotion components. The drug is not allowed for use in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • lupus;
  • viral dermatological infections;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • open wound surfaces;
  • skin post-vaccination reactions;
  • acne vulgaris;
  • rosacea;
  • syphilis (with skin manifestation diseases);
  • chicken pox.

The lotion is contraindicated in patients under 6 months of age.

The drug is not recommended for women during pregnancy, but may be prescribed if the benefits of therapy with this drug outweigh the potential risk the drug poses to the fetus.

The lotion is also not recommended for use during breastfeeding, but can be prescribed to the patient if necessary. In this case, it must be used strictly following all the rules of use. The medicine is not applied to the mammary gland area.

During treatment with Belosalik, no control restrictions are imposed on the patient. vehicle or other mechanisms, since there is no confirmed information about negative impact lotion on the speed of human cognitive reactions.

Instructions for use

Belosalik lotion is intended for external treatment of the skin. The solution must not be taken orally. When using a bottle with a spray attachment, shake the container and then bring it to a vertical position. To avoid getting the product into your eyes, it is not recommended to handle it yourself. scalp scalp.

To apply the lotion to the affected skin surface, press the sprayer with your index finger 2 times. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day.

In most cases, the therapeutic course does not exceed 3-4 weeks. During this period of time, the symptoms of the disease disappear. The decision on the need to extend the course of treatment is made by the doctor. At long-term therapy It is recommended to use the lotion every other day.

A medicinal solution for external use in a bottle equipped with a dropper is used in the same way as a lotion in a bottle with a spray: applied to the affected skin using a cotton pad or fingers. Wash your hands before handling the affected area.

For infants over 6 months of age, a minimum course of treatment is required. Its duration is determined by a pediatrician or other specialist.

Side effects

In most cases, treatment with Belosalik lotion occurs without complications, but the possibility of adverse reactions cannot be ruled out. The drug may cause:

If the lotion is used uncontrollably and for a long time, persistent dilatation of small vessels in the epidermis may occur.

When the first signs of adverse reactions appear, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor. The patient will be prescribed another drug. In case of hypersensitivity, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

In case of overdose, adverse reactions may occur. Avoid contact of lotion with mucous membranes.

To reduce the likelihood of side effects, it is not recommended to use the drug if the storage conditions have been violated or the shelf life of the drug has expired. Therefore, after treating the affected areas, the lotion is removed to a place that is protected from direct sunlight. The temperature should not exceed +25°C. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. The date of manufacture of the medicinal product is indicated on the packaging.

Drug interactions

There is no confirmed information about the negative effects of the lotion on the body when interacting with other medications.

When Belosalik is used simultaneously with dermatological products that contain medical soap or ethanol, the patient may experience signs of irritation of epithelial tissue.

Drug price

The price of the medicine is 330-790 rubles. The cost of pharmaceutical products may vary depending on the size of the bottle, pharmacy markup and the region in which it is sold. this remedy.

Lotion analogues


  • Diprosalik;
  • Tridox;
  • Dermabin;
  • Dermokas;
  • Betasalik.

Reviews from customers and doctors

Lyudmila Leonidovna, dermatologist, Yekaterinburg: “I prescribe Belosalik to patients with psoriasis, horny eczema and seborrheic dermatitis. I recommend using the lotion for longer than 10 days only if severe course diseases. The advantage of the drug is that it quickly relieves itching and suppresses the inflammatory process. Allowed for infants.

Belosalik is not suitable for all patients. In some patients the medicine causes unwanted reactions from the epidermis. Most often, side effects occur due to non-compliance with the instructions for use. But there are situations when the body’s reaction is explained individual intolerance solution. Some patients have experienced a painful rash at the sites of use. The acne went away on its own after stopping the lotion. Therapy should not be continued if the patient's condition worsens.

To reduce the likelihood of side effects, I recommend starting treatment on a small area of ​​affected skin. If after a day there are signs of an allergic reaction or other negative symptoms will be absent, full therapy can be carried out.

The disadvantages of the lotion include it high cost and the likelihood of exacerbation of the disease after discontinuation of Belosalik.”

Irina Vasilievna, cosmetologist, Voronezh: « Good drug, which allows you to quickly neutralize the symptoms of dermatological diseases. I recommend purchasing a product with a spray bottle, as this form of release is convenient to use. Except pharmacological properties, it is important that Belosalik is well absorbed (does not spread), this reduces the likelihood of the solution getting on healthy areas of the epidermis and mucous membranes. After use, there are no visible marks left on the scalp (the hair does not get dirty).

The drug is over-the-counter, but I do not recommend using it without first consulting a dermatologist or other specialist. Belosalik is a hormonal drug that, if used incorrectly, can cause additional problems with health".

Valentina Ivanovna, 36 years old, Volgograd: “Belosalik in the form of a lotion, which was prescribed in combination with other drugs for seborrheic dermatitis, did not live up to expectations. I am inclined to believe that the reason for this is an incorrect diagnosis, since it was made immediately after examining the scalp, i.e., the location of the plaques. I didn’t take any other tests. The doctor assured that there were no hormonal drugs on the list of prescribed medications. There was no choice, so I had to follow the specialist’s recommendations.

I bought a lotion with a dropper (inconvenient). I found out about the bottle with a spray nozzle too late. After reading the instructions, I realized that the lotion is hormonal drug. At this stage, doubts about the doctor’s competence intensified, but she began the recommended therapeutic course. Apply the drug to the affected area with light massaging movements for 2 weeks. When the drug came into contact with damaged areas of the skin, where crusts had come off during washing or were scratched, it caused a burning sensation.

After 2 weeks of using the lotion, the number of plaques decreased. Itchy skin disappeared only after applying the solution, but resumed after 40-50 minutes. After stopping the drug, the disease continued to progress.”

Margarita Petrovna, 54 years old, Noyabrsk: “My husband has psoriasis, which was inherited from his father. In childhood, the disease actively manifested itself, but the parents managed to cure the skin disease. For many years, psoriasis did not manifest itself in any way, but a few months ago plaques began to appear on the body. There were few of them, but they were increasing in size.

I was tired of self-medicating, so I persuaded my husband to consult a dermatologist. After consultation and a series of tests, the doctor prescribed complex treatment. It consisted of the use of drugs that normalize liver function and antidepressants. For local treatment manifestations of psoriasis, Belosalik lotion was prescribed.

The price of the drug corresponds to the quality. For 50 ml of solution I paid 376 rubles. The lotion is liquid and has an alcohol smell. My husband treated the spots 2 times a day. Sometimes he cursed that it stung, but he did not refuse treatment. In 2 weeks complex therapy the skin was completely cleared. 3 months have passed since using the lotion. Psoriasis has receded. The doctor warned about the likelihood of adverse reactions and the risk of exacerbation of the disease after discontinuation of Belosalik, but no negative consequences My husband didn’t have it.”

Irina Petrovna, 39 years old, Moscow: “After 10 years of calm, seborrheic dermatitis decided to make itself known. I went to a dermatologist who prescribed Belosalik solution. It can be applied to the skin after washing your hair, but it was more convenient to use the lotion on dry hair. I rubbed the product in with my fingers and treated my ear. cotton swab. Additionally, I purchased shampoo at the pharmacy intended for the prevention of seborrhea. I refused the balm. After washing, I rinsed my hair with a decoction of chamomile and nettle. After 1.5 weeks of treatment, the plaques disappeared. I continue to wash my hair pharmacy shampoo, because I’m afraid of a recurrence of seborrhea.”

Belosalik lotion is a product that actively and successfully fights various kinds an infection that affects skin. This drug has gained a positive reputation among many people, as evidenced by numerous reviews written by satisfied people. Belosalik is dispensed in a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription; it is in the form of a lotion, which is in a special container in bottles with a sprayer of 50 ml and 100 ml.

Belosalik lotion: instructions for use, price

Belosalik is contained in a bottle with a spray nozzle and is used externally. The instructions say that the lotion should be sprayed onto the affected areas of the body. 2 times a day. If you need to quickly eliminate any unpleasant symptoms diseases then you need to spray the lotion only once a day.

It is important to shake the bottle with the product itself thoroughly before spraying and then place it in vertical position and press the sprayer. As for the duration of treatment, its duration is determined individually. Typically, pharmaceutical experts advise using the drug until the main symptoms of the disease disappear. On average, treatment covers a period of 3-4 weeks. If there is a need to take the lotion for more than 4 weeks, then it is recommended to use it every other day, or even two.

Belosalik lotion is also available for sale in a dropper bottle. The lotion in this form must be applied 2 times a day. To do this, you need to drop a few drops onto the affected areas of the skin and distribute the product using a cotton swab or your fingers. After the lotion is distributed over the affected area, you need to gently rub it into the skin itself. skin with lungs massaging movements. If the diseases are not complex, then you can use the drug once a day. Duration of treatment is about 3-4 weeks.

Regarding the price of Belosalik lotion, we can say that it is very affordable and amounts to approximately 178-300 rubles, it all depends on the pharmacy chosen.

Composition of Belosalik lotion, indications for use, contraindications

Belosalik lotion contains: active ingredient, like betamethasone, additional accompanying substances are:

  • isopropanol;
  • hypromellose;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • water.

It is advisable to use Belosalik for diseases such as:

  1. dermatitis
  2. psoriasis
  3. seborrhea
  4. ichthyosis
  5. eczema

Majority Instructions medicines contain contraindications regarding the use of certain drugs. Belosalik is no exception and also has a number of significant contraindications. These include the following:

  1. hypersensitivity to salicylic acid and other components of the drug
  2. viral infections
  3. open wounds
  4. acne
  5. rosacea
  6. chicken pox
  7. cutaneous tuberculosis
  8. cannot be used on children under 6 months of age

Side effects when using Belosalik lotion they are extremely rare, but they still have a place to be. If side effects do appear, they are always reversible and it is not difficult to get rid of them. Side effects may appear as:

Belosalik during pregnancy

In general, it is not recommended to use Belosalik during pregnancy, as well as for nursing young mothers. A doctor can prescribe this drug only when he is 100% sure that the risk of negative consequences caused by the disease is higher than the risk of fetal loss. Then you can use the lotion in small quantities, but you can’t apply the product to the mammary glands area.

Analogues of the drug

Belosalik has more than one worthy analogue, which is almost identical in effectiveness to this lotion. Among the analogues of the drug are the following:

  • Diprosalik
  • Betasal
  • Rederm
  • Betaderm A

Before using these analogues, you must consult your doctor. There are also several drugs that act in a similar way on the human body. Take a closer look at each of the presented analogues.

Diprosalik, like Belosalik, is a lotion and is used for the same indications. But this drug has more contraindications than Belosalik has. renal failure, pregnancy, not for children under 2 years of age, not for venous insufficiency. Diprosalik also has a high cost - from 360 rubles.

Betasal should not be used in children under 1 year of age. The price of this product is closer to Belosalik and in Russian pharmacies it is approximately 330 rubles. The contraindications of the drug coincide with the contraindications of Belosalik lotion. But this product has practically no side effects. These include only symptoms caused by individual intolerance to the components of the drug and the manifestation of hypercortisolism.

Unlike other analogues, Akriderm SK is hormonal agent . At the moment it is quite popular. This remedy is used to treat inflammatory processes and allergic reactions skin. TO side effects may include: itching, burning, depigmentation, hypertrichosis, acne and folliculitis. The cost of Akriderm SK is from 300 rubles in Russia.

The drug Rederm is very similar in its action to the drug Belosalik. Its contraindications include the age of children under 1 year, pregnancy, lactation, open wounds on the skin, inflammatory processes and viral, infectious diseases. The cost of the drug is 280 rubles.

The drug Betaderm A has wide range applications. In its form it is an ointment for external use. Contraindications to the drug include the age of children under 2 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, and hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug. Side effects of the ointment appear in the same form as other analogues of Belosalik. Price of the drug in Russia is 200-370 rubles.