Pregnancy in the first month after laparoscopy. Restoring ovarian function

Planning pregnancy after laparoscopy is an important and responsible moment. The reproductive organs must recover, especially if it was an operation to eliminate a gynecological disease. The procedure can be diagnostic or therapeutic in nature, and in any of these cases there is a time limit for restoring the woman’s reproductive function. So how long after laparoscopy can you get pregnant?

Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive operation that can be used to treat a huge number of diseases, including in the field of gynecology. Doctors in this field often encounter patients who are unable to conceive a child. Often this deviation is caused by a violation of the internal structure of the reproductive organs. Moreover, after laparoscopy, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

Indications for laparoscopic surgery are the following deviations and diseases:

  • neoplasms in the uterine cavity;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polycystic disease;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • endometritis;
  • infertility;
  • pain in the pelvic area of ​​unknown etiology;
  • adhesions in the pelvic organs.

The procedure can also be carried out for diagnostic purposes to determine the diagnosis or establish the cause of a particular disease.

The duration of the operation is about 40 minutes. It is performed under general anesthesia. The essence of this surgical intervention is to perform three small punctures. Wounds, in most cases, are stitched intradermally, after which sterile dressings are applied to them.

A feature of laparoscopy is the absence of scars at the puncture sites and the rapid recovery period after surgery. The patient only has to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days.

Planning pregnancy after laparoscopy

When you can get pregnant after laparoscopic surgery, the doctor decides, guided by indicators of the intensity of restoration of the full functioning of the reproductive system.

Planning a pregnancy after laparoscopy is a crucial period that requires compliance with the doctor’s recommendations regarding the timing of conception. Let's consider the most common cases when this procedure is necessary and the deadlines established by specialists for planning pregnancy.

After an ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg is not attached to the wall of the uterus, but in the fallopian tube or in the appendages. In this case, tissue rupture at the intended site of embryo implantation is possible due to the lack of full development opportunities, which threatens the health, and in some cases, even the life of the woman.

Incorrect attachment of the embryo is corrected by laparoscopic surgery. As for planning, after laparoscopy to remove an ectopic pregnancy, you must wait 6 months. This period is sufficient for complete healing of the wall of the fallopian tube and restoration of its patency.

If an earlier pregnancy occurs, the risk of re-implantation of the embryo in the oviduct and its rupture is very high.

After tubal treatment

If a procedure is performed to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes, it will take at least 3 months to restore normal functioning of the reproductive system. An operation of this kind is almost always accompanied by damage to the tubal tissue and the formation of edema.

Swelling goes away approximately 30 days after the procedure. In about another month, the balance of hormones in the body will be restored. And pregnancy after laparoscopy can be planned only after the first physiological cycle.

After treatment for endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrial cells grow beyond this inner layer of the uterine wall. Laparoscopy is prescribed to remove an endometriotic cyst or eliminate other foci of the disease in order to restore reproductive function.

Is it possible to get pregnant after laparoscopy to remove endometrial lesions? Absolutely yes. After surgery, you must wait 3 months before planning a pregnancy.

In the post-Soviet space and in developed countries, treatment protocols are different: we prescribe the patient hormonal drugs that create an artificial menopause, and progressive medicine recommends pregnancy after 3 months, since it is the best remedy for endometriosis.

After diagnostic laparoscopy

Laparoscopy can also be performed for diagnostic purposes, when the doctor needs to find out the true cause of the disease. You can plan to conceive a child after diagnostic laparoscopy no earlier than 3 months after the procedure. During this time, organs and tissues have time to recover, and hormonal levels are restored.

If the fertilization process occurs immediately after surgery, this can provoke premature termination of pregnancy due to dysfunction of the appendages or the formation of placental insufficiency during surgery on the uterus or uterine canals.

In addition, the onset of pregnancy earlier than the specified period can reduce a woman’s immunity and increase the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, which will lead to disturbances in the development of the fetus and septic processes in the mother.

After uterine fibroids

Planning pregnancy after laparoscopy in the case of uterine fibroids is characterized by the longest recovery period - about 12 months. The walls of the uterus should be completely restored after removal of myomatous nodes. Also, as support, a woman is often prescribed hormone therapy, during which the doctor monitors the patient’s condition to prevent relapses.

After removal of a cyst, polycystic disease

You can plan a pregnancy after laparoscopy to remove an ovarian cyst and polycystic disease no earlier than 6 months later. During this period, complete restoration of the tissue of the appendages occurs.

Bottom line

Summarizing all of the above, let's make a small conclusion:

  1. Laparoscopic surgery is a highly effective minimally invasive surgical intervention with minimal trauma.
  2. There are a number of diseases and abnormalities in the reproductive system that can be eliminated during laparoscopy.
  3. The recovery period after such surgery is different in all cases - from 3 to 12 months.
  4. Normal pregnancy after laparoscopic surgery is observed in 85% of women during the first year.
  5. The chances of conception increase if you organize full preparation of the body for pregnancy and bearing a child.

For the first 30 days after surgery, unprotected sexual intercourse is prohibited. Otherwise, if pregnancy occurs during this period, the risk of its premature spontaneous termination is very high.

What do you know about this procedure? Perhaps you yourself or someone you know has personally encountered the need for laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is an abdominal operation that is performed without incisions in the abdominal wall. During this procedure, only a few punctures are made, through which special instruments are inserted. The technique is often used in gynecology because it is gentle and rarely causes complications. It is recommended to plan pregnancy after laparoscopy after a few months. Most often, surgery is prescribed for pathology of the uterine tubes and ovaries. Laparoscopy can be both therapeutic and diagnostic.

Fallopian tube laparoscopy

Tubal obstruction is a common pathology leading to infertility. The condition occurs due to adhesions that form as a result of a chronic inflammatory process and previous operations. When the tube is blocked, the egg does not pass through it, fertilization and pregnancy cannot occur. Laparoscopy is one of the most effective ways to solve the problem. Interventions are also carried out for other reasons. Here are the main indications for it:

  • Peritubal adhesions in the pelvis
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Intratubal obstruction
  • Treatment of hydrosalpinx.

Most often, adhesions form around the fallopian tube, pinching its passage, which leads to infertility. Obstruction may be associated with an obstacle located inside the pipe - adhesions, tumor, polyps, etc. hydrosalpinx is a pathology in which fluid accumulates inside the pipe. One of the reasons is inflammation in the presence of adhesions. Laparoscopy is often performed for ectopic pregnancy. Gentle surgery reduces the risk of adhesions and tubal obstruction in the future. After it is performed, women even manage to become pregnant with one tube, since its lumen remains free and adhesions rarely form.

Diagnostic laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes is indicated when obstruction is detected on hysteroscopy. It not only allows you to clarify the diagnosis, but also restore the lumen of the tubes and remove adhesions. Many women manage to get pregnant after such laparoscopy. How is the operation performed? It is performed under general anesthesia. Three punctures are made on the abdomen, air is introduced into the abdominal cavity through one, and surgical instruments and a special camera are inserted through the other two. A picture of the surgical field is displayed on the screen, and all manipulations are carried out under video control. The operation time does not exceed 40-60 minutes.

Chances of getting pregnant after surgery

Laparoscopy does not require a long recovery period. Within a day after the procedure, patients are discharged home. Complications are rare. These are mainly reactions to anesthesia, bleeding in the early postoperative period, thromboembolism, purulent inflammation. To prevent complications from arising, antibiotics, hemostatic agents, and anticoagulants are prescribed after the intervention.

When can you get pregnant after tubal laparoscopy? In the first month after the intervention, it is advised to abstain from sexual intercourse. Although laparoscopy involves minimal soft tissue trauma, it is still an abdominal operation. The body recovers in approximately three months. The menstrual cycle is not disrupted, delays from several days to 1-2 weeks are possible. Immediately after the intervention, slight bleeding appears from the genital opening, and the bleeding continues for several days. If they become intense, consult a doctor.

Secondary infertility. Laparoscopy. My history

Pregnancy after surgery

Sexual rest after laparoscopy: tips and tricks

Pregnancy planning center. Me after surgery. Fallopian tube laparoscopy

Rehabilitation after laparoscopy

It is recommended to plan pregnancy after tubal laparoscopy after two or three months. There is no need to delay it, as the results of the operation last for approximately six months. After 6-7 months, adhesions form again, and the chances of conceiving a child are gradually reduced to zero. According to statistics, about 30% of women become pregnant 2-5 months after surgery, another 40% - after 5-7 months. A small chance of conceiving a child persists throughout the year; about 15% of women were able to get pregnant after 8-12 months. If pregnancy has not occurred within a year, a repeat laparoscopy is performed, or the patient is referred for IVF.

Laparoscopy for ovarian pathology

Laparoscopy is the operation of choice for many ovarian pathologies. It is performed for the following diseases:

  • Ovarian cysts (functional, dermoid, endometrioid)
  • Benign tumors (cystomas, teratomas)
  • Ovarian apoplexy
  • Twisting of the stalk of a benign tumor or cyst
  • Comprehensive treatment of endometriosis
  • Therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Excision of adhesions
  • Complete or partial removal of an organ
  • Diagnostician.

Diseases leading to infertility, for which ovarian laparoscopy is often performed, are cysts, polycystic disease, and endometriosis. Cysts are removed by complete or partial resection of the ovary; if the tumors are large, the organ must be removed completely. To treat polycystic disease, two methods are used: removal of the ovarian capsule and wedge resection. For endometriosis, part or all of the ovary is removed, depending on the extent of the process. This pathology requires complex treatment. After the operation, hormones are prescribed, pregnancy should occur within a year.

The technique of surgery on female ovaries is the same as for intervention on the fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia; instruments are inserted through punctures in the anterior abdominal wall. The operation time is from twenty minutes to one and a half hours. The duration depends on the pathology for which it was performed. Diagnostic laparoscopy lasts 20-30 minutes. It makes it possible to clarify the preliminary diagnosis, determine the size of the lesion, and carry out therapeutic manipulation. After 1-2 days, if the intervention went without complications, the patient can be sent home.

Pregnancy after ovarian surgery

The rehabilitation period after laparoscopy lasts from two to three months, after its completion the woman returns to normal life. For the first four weeks, sexual activity is not allowed. It is also recommended not to carry heavy objects (more than 3 kg), not to do hard work, and to avoid physical and nervous overload. Menstruation resumes quickly after surgery, the cycle does not shift. Some patients experience a delay of a short time, from 2-3 days to two weeks. Subsequently, the monthly cycle improves.

The likelihood of natural conception after the intervention increases. Especially when it was carried out in connection with a cyst or polycystic disease. Pregnancy after ovarian laparoscopy occurs, as a rule, in the first six months. It is allowed to plan it already two months after the intervention. If it has not occurred within 12 months, a repeat operation is performed (if necessary) or they switch to assisted reproductive technologies.

The prognosis for endometriosis is not very favorable. Pregnancy does not always occur after this laparoscopy. After all, the disease is associated with significant hormonal changes in the body. Large lesions require removal of most of the ovaries. After surgery, hormonal therapy is carried out for 3-6 months. Only after its completion can you plan a pregnancy. If it does not occur within a year, they move on to other methods of fertilization. The trend in recent years is to prescribe IVF to women with endometriosis immediately after completion of treatment, since the likelihood of becoming pregnant naturally is too low.

Laparoscopy surgery is successfully used in both surgery and gynecology. How does it affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant – does it help or create obstacles? How many months after laparoscopy can you try to get pregnant and when does it really work? Pregnancy after laparoscopy is the most optimal timing.

What is laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is a surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity performed using endoscopic equipment. The operation is both diagnostic and therapeutic. Access to the abdominal cavity is a miniature incision, so the cosmetic defect on the skin will be minimal.

In modern medicine, laparoscopic operations are constantly being improved and are beginning to replace classical ones performed through a large laparotomy approach.

Laparoscopy is performed using special equipment

Gynecological indications for surgery

Laparoscopy is also very successfully performed in gynecology. What are the indications for this procedure? In diagnostic terms, laparoscopy is used in the following situations:

  • suspected tubal pregnancy;
  • diagnosis of ovarian cyst or tumor, hydrosalpinx;
  • suspicion of extragenital endometriosis localized in the abdominal cavity;
  • developmental anomalies of the uterus and tubes, leading to primary infertility;
  • chronic pelvic pain not diagnosed by other means, including hysteroscopy;
  • the need to sterilize a woman by tying the fallopian tubes;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • difficult cases of diagnosing uterine fibroids.

Such an intervention can help resolve the issue of why a woman cannot get pregnant.

Laparoscopy can be converted into a therapeutic procedure if such a need arises during a diagnostic examination. What therapeutic procedures can be performed during gynecological laparoscopy:

  • dissection of adhesions between tubes, ovaries, uterus;
  • elimination of ectopic pregnancy;
  • if necessary, removal of the fallopian tube;
  • removal of an ovarian cyst or tumor;
  • removal of endometriotic lesions;
  • removal of superficial myomatous nodes.

During laparoscopy, various manipulations can be performed

Laparoscopic operations can be planned - for diagnosis or to eliminate diseases that are not life-threatening. In case of tubal pregnancy or ovarian apoplexy, emergency laparoscopy is performed.


Laparoscopic surgery is an examination and performance of certain manipulations in the abdominal cavity using endoscopic equipment. Gynecological laparoscopy is an examination of the pelvic cavity. To perform the operation you will need the following:

  • trocars for puncture of the abdominal wall;
  • a laparoscopic apparatus consisting of instrumental channels, a miniature camera and a lighting source;
  • needle and surgical suture material for suturing punctures.

Laparoscopy is performed in an operating room, in compliance with antiseptic rules. Trocars are used to make punctures in the abdominal cavity through which instruments are inserted. The camera transmits the image to a screen located above the operating table. Thanks to this, the surgeon can perform all manipulations with great precision.

During endoscopic surgery, the risk of infection of internal organs is minimized, since they come into contact only with medical instruments. During an open operation, air enters the wound, dressing material and gloves touch the organs.

Cosmetic defects after laparoscopy are minimal

Blood loss is also minimized, since the surgical approaches are very small. The wound practically does not hurt in the postoperative period. The duration of the postoperative period is significantly shortened compared to open surgery.

What does laparoscopy affect?

Laparoscopy and pregnancy - how are these concepts related? With the help of this operation, many diseases and conditions that prevent the occurrence of physiological pregnancy can be eliminated. However, laparoscopy itself can cause secondary infertility. No matter how minimally invasive this operation is, it still leads to tissue damage. As a result, adhesions can form that change the correct position of the uterus and tubes.

Laparoscopy is sometimes performed during pregnancy - this is indicated for certain diseases of the abdominal organs, for example, stomach ulcers or inflammation of the appendix. In this case, the surgeon will need to be extremely careful when performing manipulations so as not to damage the pregnant uterus.

There are a number of contraindications to laparoscopic surgery. They are mainly taken into account when prescribing planned surgical intervention:

  • decompensated pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • hematomas in the brain;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system;
  • renal and hepatic failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • tumor processes in the pelvis with metastasis;
  • severe shock, coma;
  • the presence of acute infectious processes in the pelvic cavity;
  • unsatisfactory laboratory test results;
  • the degree of vaginal cleanliness is higher than third.

When is pregnancy possible?

Is it possible to get pregnant after laparoscopy and after what time is it best to do this? You can plan a pregnancy immediately after laparoscopy. The concept of planning means preparing the female body for conceiving and bearing a child. What does it consist of:

  • elimination of chronic foci of infection from the body;
  • taking special vitamins with a high content of folic acid;
  • loss of excess weight, if any.

You can get pregnant immediately after surgery, but it is better for the woman’s body to fully recover. The timing of pregnancy after laparoscopy depends on several factors and can be different:

  • the nature of the disease for which laparoscopy was performed;
  • the volume of manipulations performed;
  • the condition of the female body after surgery;
  • hormonal status;
  • the presence of complications after the operation.

After eliminating gynecological diseases surgically, a course of hormonal therapy is usually required to restore reproductive ability. After laparoscopy, you can begin preparing for pregnancy while taking hormonal medications.

The operation can eliminate various gynecological diseases

What are the timing of pregnancy after different types of laparoscopic surgery?

  1. Surgery to restore patency of the fallopian tubes will require a recovery period of at least three months. This is due to inevitable damage to the wall of the fallopian tubes during manipulation and the formation of edema. It takes about a month for it to disappear. The same amount will be required to restore normal hormonal levels. After the first physiological cycle, a woman can become pregnant.
  2. Removal of ovarian cyst and polycystic ovary syndrome. Here, the pregnancy period can be extended to six months. It takes time to restore normal ovarian tissue, then the woman undergoes a course of hormone therapy using oral contraceptives. This allows the ovaries to fully recover and begin to produce hormones at a physiological rhythm.
  3. After elimination of tubal pregnancy The next one can be planned no earlier than in six months. During approximately this period, complete healing of the wall of the fallopian tube occurs and its patency is restored. If pregnancy occurs earlier, there is a high risk of re-fixation of the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube and its rupture.
  4. Removal of endometriotic lesions will require a woman to wait approximately three months before she is allowed to become pregnant. This is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the disease and control the growth of new lesions.
  5. Uterine fibroids have the longest recovery period. It is approximately a year. The uterine wall after removal of myomatous nodes should completely restore its elasticity and extensibility. In addition, the woman must undergo a course of hormone therapy and be regularly monitored by a gynecologist to monitor the recurrence of the disease.

In general, the most optimal period of pregnancy after laparoscopy is the first six months after surgery. During this period, the probability of pregnancy is observed in 85% of women. The chances increase with full preparation of the female body. When a woman becomes pregnant after laparoscopy, she requires regular monitoring by a gynecologist and prevention of complications. If there is any threat of premature birth, inpatient treatment is prescribed, aimed at preserving the pregnancy.

We talked a lot about after any medications, contraceptives or IUDs. In this matter, it became clear that the approach to planning a child will be individual, and there cannot be a universal period for all women; each time it is necessary to proceed from what drugs were needed and for what indications. But what to do if there were operations in the reproductive sphere - after all, this is not appendicitis or a boil, the intervention is carried out directly on those organs that in the future should take part in conception?

How long should you wait after genital surgery?

One of the persistent myths in matters of reproduction is the possibility of pregnancy after surgery on the gynecological organs no earlier than four to five years after it was performed. This myth has its roots in the past of medicine, but it can still be heard quite often from modern women. The thing is that such a myth was formed at a time when gynecological and obstetric operations were carried out using “old technologies”. These were precisely the waiting periods that were recommended by doctors after uterine surgery, and especially during caesarean section, several decades ago. Such an impressive period of time was required between the surgical intervention and pregnancy planning for the reasons that a long time was necessary for the complete resorption of the suture materials used at that time, as well as for the formation of substantial scars at the incision sites. It was also necessary to have a long-term recovery of the woman’s body from the moment of a rather severe and traumatic operation.

But now is the twenty-first century, and technology in medicine has stepped far forward compared to the last century. Today, both medicine itself and the techniques of surgical interventions on the uterus and genitals have changed for the better. They have become much less traumatic; for example, today a cesarean section with vertical incisions along the entire abdominal line is used extremely rarely. In addition, modern suture materials can dissolve within several weeks, and postoperative scars have become much thinner and more elastic because of this. This significantly reduces the risk of developing uterine rupture along the scar during subsequent pregnancies and during childbirth. Therefore, today it is believed that the formation of a completely stable scar after surgery on the uterus occurs completely approximately one year after the operation.

Also today, many urological or gynecological operations are performed in a special way - endoscopically, through the uterine cavity, or through the vagina; intravascular operations (endovascular) or laparoscopic operations, through micro-incisions (punctures), can also be performed. Such techniques make it possible to minimize traumatic damage to the body, which significantly reduces the time required to fully restore health before planning conception. Therefore, today, on the issue of possible timing of pregnancy planning after a cesarean section, doctors talk about a period of approximately two years. After performing some special operations on the female or male genitals, which are carried out in order to increase the chance of successful conception, sometimes it takes a couple of months, or even the next cycle after discharge.

Such operations may include treating areas of varicose veins or hydrocele in men, or blowing out the fallopian tubes or removing endometrioid areas in women (foci of endometrial growth not inside the uterus). Naturally, it is worth remembering that each case of surgery will be unique and recommendations for the couple will be given very individually. The specific type of intervention and indications for it, the scope of the operation and the characteristics of its course, and the recovery period after the operation will all play a role. Also, everything will largely depend on the age and general condition of the parents who underwent surgery.

If you have undergone laparoscopic surgery

Today, laparoscopic operations are quite widely used in emergency or planned surgery, including for diseases and pathological conditions in the pelvic organs. But how can they influence further fertility and the further course of pregnancy? Can such operations cause complications and problems with conception? Laparoscopic operations are types of modern surgical treatment that have a number of important differences from conventional operations. First of all, access to the abdominal cavity or pelvic organs is made through two or three very small incisions. Usually, a special optic is inserted into one of the incisions near the navel so that the doctor can see the cavity from the inside, and a special micromanipulator is inserted into the other incision in the suprapubic area, which replaces the surgeon’s hands. Sometimes it is possible to insert a manipulator through the vagina, then only one thin scar will remain on the abdomen. During surgery, the doctor sees the surgical field on a monitor screen, and carbon dioxide is injected into the cavity to improve visibility and reduce damage to neighboring organs. After such an operation, the time for the body to recover is significantly reduced.

The effect of laparoscopy on conception

For whatever purpose doctors perform surgery on a woman’s pelvic organs, one of its primary goals is to preserve or completely restore the ability to bear children. Due to its low trauma and rapid tightening of sutures, minimal deformation of organs and the formation of adhesions during its implementation, this technique has become leading in the treatment of infertility. In addition, such operations are often directly indicated for eliminating infertility and restoring the ability to become pregnant. The doctor can dissect adhesions even from past operations and performs various types of operations to treat infertility - removing foci of endometriosis inside the abdominal cavity, removing nodes of fibroids, puncturing or removing cysts on the ovaries, checking the patency of the fallopian tubes. Also, with the help of laparoscopy, an ectopic pregnancy in the abdominal cavity or in the tube is accurately confirmed and it is terminated in the most minimally traumatic manner. You should not be afraid of such operations - this is the most gentle of all surgical treatment methods, helping you to delay the conception of a baby as little as possible.

Typically, the period for abstinence from pregnancy is from three months to one year, and this will be decided by the doctor, based on the reasons that led to the laparoscopic operation. Thus, when diagnosing the patency of the fallopian tubes, when removing an ovarian cyst or eliminating foci of endometriosis, the period of abstinence from pregnancy is three months, when removing appendicitis or fibroids - about six months, when dissecting massive adhesions up to a year. Sometimes after some operations it takes less time for the sutures to heal and the cycle to restore. And in the future, the course of pregnancy after laparoscopic surgery will not affect the course of pregnancy in any way. If you follow all the recommendations given by the doctor after the operation and meet the deadlines for conception, no unpleasant consequences of the operation will affect you.

Very thin scars after surgery will be able to fully heal without the formation of adhesions, and there will be no pain. Organs and tissues have time to recover after surgery and hormonal balance is completely restored. If pregnancy occurs earlier than three months after laparoscopic surgery, the likelihood of a threat of early termination of pregnancy due to dysfunction of the ovaries (during ovarian surgery) or the formation of placental insufficiency during surgery on the uterus or tubes may significantly increase. Also, conceiving earlier can reduce the mother’s immunity and increases the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, which can lead to disturbances in the development of the fetus and septic processes in the mother.

After laparoscopic operations, childbirth proceeds quite naturally, and the operation does not affect the recovery period after it. Often, problems during childbirth can be caused by those diagnoses against which laparoscopic surgery was directed. Therefore, if the patient has any operations, she is observed under a special regime during pregnancy.

To treat problems of the reproductive female genital organs, gynecologists use a common method - laparoscopy. It is the most gentle of those currently existing. We will consider later in the article whether pregnancy is possible after such manipulations.

Laparoscopy is performed, including in the presence of diseases, pathologies of the reproductive system that prevent pregnancy.

Laparoscopy is an operation during which several punctures are performed on the patient in the abdominal area. The average dimensions are no more than 7 mm. The doctor then inserts a device called a laparoscope, which is a flexible tube with a video camera and a large system lens.

Thus, the doctor, through the monitor, has the opportunity to observe organs that are inaccessible during a systemic gynecological examination. The procedure allows you not only to detect the problem, but also to quickly resolve it.

After the examination, sutures are placed on the puncture sites, which heal very quickly, practically without changing the woman’s previous lifestyle.

Is it possible to get pregnant

Some women consider the operation to be the cause of infertility. This procedure does not affect the reproductive organs in any way if it was performed correctly and the patient herself complied with the specialist’s instructions. Difficulties with conception usually arise when a woman has some pathology with the functioning of the reproductive organs.

According to statistical data, after laparoscopy, out of 100 women, pregnancy occurred in 20, literally in the first and second cycles. 65 girls out of 100 conceived a child within 9-12 months, but the reason for this was not the procedure performed, but the presence of certain diseases.

After tubal laparoscopy

Laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes, among other things, restores their structure and partially eliminates some adhesions. Doctors say that pregnancy after surgery occurs within the first seven months, subject to certain additional procedures:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy.

We can talk about planning motherhood after surgery if the operation has eliminated the source of the problems and the body has fully recovered. If the procedure was performed to remove sutures from the fallopian tubes, conception is possible after 5 months.

After diagnostic laparoscopy

If there is no specific indication for surgery, diagnostic laparoscopy is often performed. Indications for performance are suspicion of the following pathologies:

  • tubal pregnancy;
  • extragenital endometriosis;
  • primary infertility (due to abnormal development of the uterus and tubes);
  • infertility of unknown (no reason) origin;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

The operation is also performed to diagnose the following ailments:

  • cyst;
  • ovarian tumor;
  • chronic pain;
  • uterine fibroids.

After the manipulation, it is possible to answer one of the main questions of women experiencing difficulties in conceiving: for what reason they were unable to get pregnant.

In addition, if during the procedure the doctor discovers the presence of pathology, he has the opportunity to immediately resolve the problem and perform treatment.

Chances of getting pregnant

There are chances of fertilization after the procedure, and they are significant. The main thing is to follow all the instructions of specialists. More than half of the women who have had the procedure become pregnant within the first year after the procedure.


It is not possible to get pregnant immediately after the procedure; the body needs time to rehabilitate. Two to three days after surgery, the woman is discharged home. A week later, her stitches are removed. The girl is bothered by bursting pains in the lower abdomen, but they do not last long.

For three weeks you should not lift weights or play sports. You should abstain from sex for a month. Within the time specified by the doctor, you should see a gynecologist, take the necessary tests, and undergo examinations. Only after this can you plan a pregnancy.

After some time with one pipe

There is a chance of pregnancy after the manipulation, even if there is only one fallopian tube. It is necessary to see a doctor and follow his instructions.

You should plan a pregnancy after tube removal no earlier than six months later and strictly under the supervision of a doctor. This is how long it takes for the walls of the fallopian tube to heal and patency to be restored. If pregnancy occurs earlier, there is a high probability of fetal fixation in the fallopian tube with further rupture.

When is pregnancy most likely to occur?

To restore a woman’s reproductive ability after laparoscopy, a course of hormonal therapy is necessary. At the end of it, the body needs at least three months to restore its reproductive organs. You can become pregnant on the recommendation of a doctor, and after fertilization follow the following regimen:

  • Healthy food;
  • to walk outside;
  • consume enough vegetables and fruits;
  • do not lift more than 5 kg of weight;
  • avoid stress.

Does it help you get pregnant?

During laparoscopy, the gynecologist removes pathological formations that prevent conception. Performing the manipulation does not mean that a woman will 100% become pregnant in the first cycle; she needs time for rehabilitation. However, if the doctor did everything correctly, and the main cause of difficulties in conception has been eliminated, the likelihood of pregnancy is high.

After laparoscopy, pregnancy occurs immediately as soon as the body recovers, unless there are other reasons that prevent conception.

The operation is absolutely not dangerous to health. During manipulation, there is no chance of harming healthy organs. The recovery period takes a short time. Women who want to have a baby should definitely see a gynecologist regularly.