A dull conversation is a time of charm for the eyes. Summary of an integrated lesson in preparatory groups Theme “Autumn time - the charm of the eyes...

Lesson 2. Conversation “Sad time! Eyes Charm!...”


Strengthen children's understanding of the golden period of autumn.

Learn to establish connections between changes in inanimate nature and changes in the life of plants and animals.

Develop children's memory, imagination, thinking.

Activate vocabulary (frost, freeze-up).

Develop the ability to see the poetic beauty of golden autumn.


Models of signs of autumn, “What does a tree need leaves for?”, reproductions of paintings, a crossword puzzle for every child.

Preliminary work

Excursion to the park in autumn. Conversations “Why does a tree need leaves?”, “Freeze-up”. Reading works of fiction: I. Sokolov - Mikitov “Falling Leaves”, A. Maikov “Autumn” (excerpt), A. Tvardovsky “Forest in Autumn”. Consideration of a reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn” and book illustrations depicting autumn landscapes. Singing songs, asking riddles, learning poems. Drawing on the theme “In the autumn park.”

Progress of the lesson

Draws children's attention to the beauty of poetic expression. Then he asks what time of year we are talking about.)

TEACHER: Correct, we are talking about autumn here. What time of year is it now? How did you guess? (Listens and clarifies the children’s answers.)

Pedagogist: That’s right, the trees are bare now, it has become very cold, it even snows sometimes, people dress warmly. How did people dress at the beginning of autumn? Why?

Why do people often wear raincoats and carry umbrellas in the fall? (Models.)

What was the forest like at the beginning of autumn?

What is the name of this time of autumn, when all the trees, bushes, grass are painted in yellow, red, orange tones?

Yes, this time is called golden autumn. This is the most beautiful time of autumn. Both adults and children love this time. Poets write poems about autumn, composers write songs, artists write paintings. (Reads poems about autumn by E. Trutneva “It suddenly became brighter...”, A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”).

Educator: How many of you know poems about autumn?

(Children read poetry.)

Educator: Remember what picture about autumn we recently looked at?

(Children's answers).

Educator Who painted the painting “Golden Autumn”? Remember, children, when we were walking in the park one day, the wind suddenly blew and yellow, golden rain poured down on us. We all laughed with joy, jumped up and down, and waved our arms. What were we happy about? What kind of rain was that? (Leaf fall).

2. Physical education session (free formation). Playing with leaves (rhythmoplasty).

3. (At tables)

P a g o g What tree species are especially beautiful in the fall? (Reads the poem “Fall of Leaves” by I. Bunin, “The Patterned Leaf is Swaying” by E. Elagina.) Why do the leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off in the fall? (Models of the autumn sun, day length, “Why does a tree need leaves?”).

4. Educator Both poets and we love autumn for its beauty. But people love autumn not only for its beauty. For what else? How do you think?

(Children's answers.)

P e d a g o g That's right. Autumn is generous with gifts: forests, orchards, and vegetable gardens give people a lot of useful and tasty things. Remember the gifts of the forest, garden, vegetable garden.

(Children's answers and using models.)

Pedagogical And now what do the fields, forests, orchards, vegetable gardens look like?

(Children's answers.)

Pedagogue: Will we hear birds singing in the forest? Why did the birds fly away? (Game "Bird").

5. P a g o g. Each season has its own favorite color. We'll find out what autumn's favorite color is if we solve the crossword puzzle.

(Crossword solution.)

P e d a g o g Yes, autumn’s favorite color is gold! he loved autumn, at this time of year he created a special poetic mood and beautiful poems were born. Let us remember again his poem “Sad time! The charm of the eyes! Why do you think Alexander Sergeevich said that about autumn? Why “Charm of the Eyes!”? Why “Sad Time”?

(Children's answers).

P a g o g. Impressed by the beauty of the golden autumn, he wrote music on the theme of each autumn month. Let's listen to "October".

6. Children are invited to go to an exhibition of autumn landscapes (reproductions on the theme of autumn are hung in advance in another room: dressing room, bedroom, etc.) Children look at the paintings, share their impressions, the teacher names the artists, the name of the paintings. Finds out from the children what kind of autumn landscape they would like to depict if they were artists. How would he be depicted, with what colors?

The lesson can be completed at the exhibition “What did autumn give us?” (children’s crafts made from natural materials, vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.)

Crossword "Autumn"

1. This is a phenomenon of inanimate nature, in which the air temperature drops below zero degrees during the warm season. A sure sign of this phenomenon is ice on puddles. Most often this happens in autumn and spring, very, very rarely - rarely in summer. What is this? (Frost).

2. This natural phenomenon occurs more often in autumn. In summer it is called warm, mushroom, and in autumn cold, drizzling. What is this? (Rain)

3. This natural phenomenon occurs only in autumn. The trees dress up in colorful patterns and then shed their leaves. What is this? (Leaf fall).

4. If it is much colder at night than during the day, then water vapor, in contact with cold objects, turns into water droplets. What is this? (Dew).

5. This natural phenomenon looks like a light haze in the air, and sometimes like a white, opaque wall. If the haze clears in the morning, there will definitely be dew on the grass. What is this? (Fog).

6. In autumn, when cold days become more and more frequent, thin, motionless ice-banks form along the banks of rivers in shallow places. The beginning of what period of a river's life does the appearance of banks indicate? (Freeze-up).

7. In autumn, birds are going to fly to warmer climes. They gather in large groups. What are these groups of birds called? (Flock)

Integrated lesson in preparatory groups

Theme: “Autumn time - the charm of the eyes...”

Goal: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn.


    Learn to establish connections between the length of the day, temperature, air and the condition of plants, the availability of food for animals and their adaptation to winter;

    Induce admiration for the colors of autumn nature while listening to literary texts;

    Arouse the desire to express your impressions in figurative words, develop a poetic ear;

    Consolidate knowledge of folk signs;

    Teach children to independently and expressively perform familiar songs and dances.

    Strengthen the ability to depict the characteristic features of plants, animals and birds that make the image expressive;

    To promote respect for plants and animals.

Material and equipment:

Technical equipment: multimedia screen and computer, music center.


Song “Autumn is a sad time” music. O. Devochkina, lyrics. G. Yakunina;

Song "Crane" music. E. Zaritskaya, lyrics. A. Volsky

cards with natural phenomena by season; autumn leaves, cards with birds.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to look at the beautiful autumn landscapes.

Q. Guys, pay attention to what colors the artist Autumn used when decorating the autumn forest?

D. yellow, red, green, crimson, gold….

Q. What is the name of the picture that depicts nature?

D. landscape

Q. What are the names of artists who paint landscapes?

D. landscape painters

Q. What landscape artists do you know?

D. Levitan, Shishkin, Krylov

There is a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin enters.

P. Hello guys. I am the local postman - Pechkin. Receive a letter. Custom.

V. Thank you, Pechkin. Goodbye.

Pechkin leaves.

Q. Guys, look at what a beautiful letter! And everything is decorated with autumn leaves. Who could send us such a letter?

V. (reads) dear guys, I invite you to visit me in the magical musical forest. Autumn.

Would you like to go visit Autumn?

D. I would like to.

But according to the rules of good manners, people go on a visit with a gift. What could we give to Autumn?

Children express their guesses.

Q. The best gift is something you could give yourself. I suggest you make a beautiful panel “Forest, like a painted tower...” and give it to Autumn. Look, the basis of the composition is ready. What plants grow in the forest?

D. trees, spruce, pine, shrubs...

Q. Who would like to make trees for our composition?

Select several people who will decorate the composition with trees

Q. Who lives in the autumn forest?

D. animals

Q. Who wants to introduce animals into our autumn forest?

Several people choose

Q. Who do you think is the decoration of the autumn sky?

D. migratory birds.

Several people are chosen to carve the swans.

Q. I suggest you cut out and place on the panel all the inhabitants of the autumn forest.

Children do the work by gluing trees, animals and birds onto the panels.

Q. What a beautiful panel we created! Now you can go on a visit.

Children follow the leaves to the music room.

Children are greeted by Autumn in the musical autumn forest.

Autumn (singing): Good morning!

Children: Good morning!

Autumn: I am very glad that you responded to my invitation to visit my magical forest. I'm bored without you, no one sings songs.

D. And we are coming to you with a gift.

Autumn. Thank you. What a beautiful panel. I'll hang it. Let it decorate my magical forest. Take your seats, dear guests.

Do you know poems about me?

Children read poems about autumn.

V. A. S. Pushkin wrote many poems about autumn. What poem by A.S. Pushkin do you know?

D. “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

Q. Who will read this poem?

Children read autumn poems. A.S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn.”

Q: What poem is this? Happy, sad, sad or anxious?

Children: Beautiful, a little sad.

Q: Why is this poem sad?

Children: The sun is shining less often, the days are getting shorter, birds are flying to warmer climes.

Q: But now we will find out whether autumn is really a sad time.

Children sing the song “Autumn is a sad time”

Q: Guys, what seasons of the year do you know?


Q: Now we will play the game “Seasons” with you. I will show you the cards, and you tell me what time of year this phenomenon corresponds.

The didactic game “Seasons” is being held 3-4 min.

Q: Please tell me, girls and boys, how many months are there in a year?


Q: That’s right, they all live together and each come in their own time. What autumn months come to visit us?


Q: September is the first autumn month. This is the velvet month, the blush of autumn. What is it also called by people?

Children: Goldenflower, fieldfare, flock of birds.

Q: What kind of work do people do in September in the garden, field, or vegetable garden?

Children: Harvest vegetables, plow fields, plant winter crops.

Q: We are all excited about autumn – harvest time!

Children perform a round dance “Hello Autumn”

Q. What do animals do in September?

Children. Minks are preparing for winter. They stock up.

Q: September has gone, and after it what month came?


Q: What do people call October?

Children: Deciduous.

Girls perform the dance "Falling Leaves"

Q: October is a capricious month. During the day, the weather can change several times: either the sun is shining, or the annoying rain is drizzling. All the signs of autumn were once noticed by people based on constant observations of the life of nature. Let's remember folk signs.

Children: Late leaf fall means a harsh, long winter.

The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn means a mild winter.

If dry leaves rustle on the trees, it means a warm winter.

Q: If birds are preparing to fly away in September, then they begin to fly away in October. Which birds fly away first? Why?

Children: Swallows and swifts. Because they feed on mosquitoes and midges, and they hide early

Q: Which ones will come a little later?

D: Cranes, rooks, cuckoos. Because they can eat not only insects, but also grains and berries

Q: Which birds are the last to fly away?

Children: Geese, ducks, swans.

Q: All birds fly away differently. How do ducks fly?

Children: One after another.

Q: What about geese?

Children: A joint.

Q: How do cranes fly away?

Children: Wedge.

Q: Let’s say goodbye to them and thank them for their beautiful and joyful songs, for protecting the trees from pests, for rising into the sky and helping us dream of flight.

Children perform the song “Crane” by A. Zaritskaya.

Q: What do you call birds that fly to warmer climes?

Children: Migratory.

Q: What are the names of the birds that spend the winter with us?

Children: Wintering.

Q: Tell me, how can we take care of wintering birds?

Children: Make feeders and feed them.

Q: What do people do in October?

Children: Pick mushrooms, insulate houses, pickle cabbage...

B. Correct. People say that in September it smells like apples, and in October it smells like cabbage.

Finger gymnastics “Pickle the cabbage”

Q: November is the last month of autumn. A thoughtful, sad month. His mission is to connect autumn with winter. What do people call November?

Children:….pre-winter road, gate of winter.

Q: What do our forest dwellers do in November?

Children: They hid in their holes and eat supplies, hares change their coats from gray to white and tremble with fear, bears and hedgehogs hibernate.

Q: What jobs do people have in November?

Children: They gather for gatherings, drink tea, sing songs, women knit warm clothes, grandmothers tell fairy tales.

Q: What would a get-together be without fun Cossack games...?

The outdoor game “Blue Ribbons” is being played

Q: If early autumn was called “golden,” then late autumn was called “silver.” Why?

Children: In November, ice appears on puddles, tree branches ring in the wind, and branches are often covered with thin silver frost.

Q: When the geese leave their native land, the forest freezes in captivity to the cold,

November will hit the icy harp, welcoming the Empress - Winter.

Autumn. and I have prepared a treat for you guys. The harvest has been rich: receive all the gifts and remember the autumn.

D. Thank you, autumn, for the treat. Goodbye.




Prepared by the teacher

Preschool nursery - garden No. 395

Masalab N.G.

Subject:“Sad time, charm of the eyes”

Goals: Reveal children's ideas about the signs of autumn.

To clarify the understanding of the connection between the increase in cold and the condition

plants, disappearance of insects, flight of birds, preparation

animals for winter.

Foster independence in judgment and thinking, listening skills

each other without interrupting.

Foster interest and respect for nature.

Materials: audio recordings: “Birds singing”, waltz from the film “My affectionate and gentle”

beast"; Waldorf doll-autumn; basket with leaves from different trees

layouts; den with a bear, a hedgehog in dry leaves; squirrel on a stump with

nuts; bunny; illustrations: “Harvest”, “Early autumn”, “Golden

Autumn", "Late Autumn", "Autumn Forest".


Listening to birdsong (audio recording).

Q: - Are the birds singing so happily now?

Q: - Why?

(Because it’s autumn, it’s cold and the birds have flown to warmer lands).

Q: - What birds flew to warm countries? (Children's answers)

Q: - Which birds remained for the winter? (Children's answers)

Game motivation: a Waldorf Autumn doll appears with a basket. In which


IN. (reads a riddle about autumn)

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

But I don't touch the pine trees

And Christmas trees. I - … (Autumn).

Q: - Autumn, listen to how much children know about you.

(Fixing autumn periods, months).

Game “When does this happen?”(with illustrations).

Autumn (makes a riddle about a leaf): -

Sits - turns green,

It flies and turns yellow,

It falls and turns black.

Game “Which tree is the leaf from?”.

The teacher distributes the leaves to the children.

Psycho-gymnastics “I am a leaf”(to music).

Game “Find yourself a match.”

Autumn invites you to go on a trip to the autumn forest.

Q: - How can we get to the forest? (Children's answer options).

Autumn: - No problem. I am a sorceress - Autumn. Close your eyes. (Music sounds).

One, two, three, take the kids to the forest.

The teacher displays layouts in boxes: den with a bear, hedgehog in dry clothes

leaves, a squirrel on a stump, a pantry with nuts, a bunny.

Autumn: - Children, do you know how to behave in the forest? (Children's answers)

Why? (Children's answers).

IN. (Make riddles about animals):- Whose riddle is this?

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In the forest on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel).

Q: - What does a squirrel do in the fall?

Q: - Whose riddle is this?

In summer he walks without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost. (Bear).

Autumn: - Children, animals live in the forest, which are called “dormouse”. Who is this?

Why? (Children's answers).

Q: - Whose riddle is this?

Long ears

Short tail

In summer - gray,

In winter - white. (Bunny).

Q: - Why is the bunny gray in summer and white in winter?

Q: - Who else changes their fur coat for winter? (Children's answers).

Q: - What do bunnies like to eat? (Children's answers). In the autumn the harvest was gathered, the fields

They are standing naked. What about bunnies? What should they eat?

(Leads children to the conclusion that hares in late autumn feed on bark and twigs

roots of young trees and bushes).

You can hear the growl of a bear. The Bear asks Autumn to allow him before winter

While hibernating, play with the children.

P/i “A bear walked through the forest.”

Autumn: - Oh, children, I don’t see my insect friends. Do you know where they are


(Children’s answers from the preliminary conversation. The answers should say:

that with the onset of cold weather, all insects hide under the bark of trees, bushes,

in crevices, cracks in trees, under dry leaves).

Game “Wishes to Animal Friends”(which forest dweller would you like

give a smile and wish you a good winter?).

The squirrel treats all the children with nuts.

Return to kindergarten: children close their eyes and the sorceress - Autumn

transfers them to the kindergarten group.

Rauza Takhtasheva
Conversation with children of the senior group “Sad time! Ouch charm! ..."

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about the golden period of autumn; develop the ability to establish connections between changes in inanimate nature and changes in the life of plants and animals; develop memory, imagination, communication speech: cultivate love and caring attitude towards nature.

Material: models of signs of autumn, “What does a tree need a leaf for?”, reproductions of paintings, a crossword puzzle for every child.

Progress of the conversation

Educator: Guys, now I’ll read you a beautiful poem, can you tell me what time of year we’re talking about?

(Reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin: « It's a sad time! Eyes charm)

Children: About autumn.

Educator: Right. What time of year is it now? How did you guess?

Educator: It has become very cold, the trees and bushes are bare, and sometimes it even snows. How did people dress at the beginning of autumn? How do they dress now? Why do people carry umbrellas with them? (Models).

What was the forest like at the beginning of autumn? What can you call the period when all the trees and bushes are painted red, yellow, and orange? (Listens and clarifies children’s answers).

Educator: Yes, this time is called golden autumn. This is the most beautiful it's time. Everyone loves this time, both adults and children. Composers write songs about autumn, poets write poems, artists write paintings.

Educator: Who knows a poem about this wonderful time?

(Children read poetry)

Educator: Children, remember, one day we were walking in the park, suddenly the wind blew and golden rain poured down on us. We all rejoiced and waved our hands. What kind of rain was that? (Leaf fall).

Physical education minute "Game with leaves".

Educator: Guys, what tree species are especially beautiful in the fall? (Reads a poem by E. Blaginina “The leaf is swaying patterned”, I. Bunina "Leaf Fall").

Educator: Why do the leaves on trees turn yellow and fall off? ( Models: length of day, autumn sun, “What does a tree need leaves for?”)

Educator: Children, people love autumn not only for its beauty, but for what else?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Autumn is very generous with its gifts: vegetable gardens, orchards, and fields give us a lot of tasty and healthy things. Let's remember what gifts autumn gives us?

(Children's answers using models).

Educator: What do the fields and forests look like now? Can you hear birds singing in the forest? Why did they fly away? (Game "Bird")

Educator: Each season has its own color. We will find out what autumn's favorite color is if we solve the crossword puzzle.

(Crossword solution)

Educator: Guys, we learned that the color of autumn is golden. A.S. Pushkin loved autumn very much; at this time of year, beautiful poems were born to him.

P. And Tchaikovsky, impressed by the beauty of golden autumn, wrote music on the theme of each autumn month. Let's listen with you "October".

Children are invited to visit the autumn landscape exhibition (reproductions on the theme of autumn were hung in the locker room in advance). Children look at the pictures, share their impressions, the teacher names the names of the pictures and who painted them. Finds out what kind of picture the children would like to draw if they were artists.

Reading competition script

Autumn time, the charm of the eyes! (1 slide)

I. – Hello, dear friends! Today we will all be participants in the poetry festival.

(say in unison)

The fields are empty, the ground is getting wet, the rain is falling... When does this happen? (autumn)
We called our competition “ Autumn time, the charm of the eyes!” We will admire the wonderful autumn pictures, learn to see the beauty in what surrounds us, listen to the poems that you have prepared for this day. The theme of autumn is heard in the works of many writers, for example A.S. Pushkin. The teacher reads
"It's a sad time! The charm of the eyes! Alexander Pushkin (2 slide)
It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold, in their canopies the sound of the wind and fresh breath, and the skies are covered with wavy darkness, and the rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, and the distant threats of gray winter.
And now I will introduce the jury members of our competition: They will listen carefully, evaluate your performances, and enter the results into a table.
-Our recitation competition opens: 1st grade student Elena Atroshkina, poem “The Rain is Flying”
II. -Guys, I suggest we play. I say a sentence, and you clap if everything is correct and stomp if it is incorrect. * in the fall, children wear panama hats, shorts, sandals * in the fall, birds fly south * autumn months: February, March, June. * autumn the weather is clear, sunny and warm - Autumn is different. The most beautiful is golden autumn. Why do they say “golden autumn”? Many poets admired the golden autumn.
“Falling Leaves” Ivan Bunin (slide 3)
The forest, like a painted tower, purple, golden, crimson, stands like a cheerful, motley wall above a bright clearing.
Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, fir trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there in the through foliage Clearances in the sky, like windows. The forest smells of oak and pine, Over the summer it has dried up from the sun, And Autumn, a quiet widow, Enters its motley mansion...

A student reads a poem 1st class Skorikova Ksenia III. -What signs of autumn do you know? -I say a sentence, and you choose words that are opposite in meaning. * the sun shines brightly (dimly) * it rarely rains (often) * the leaves bloom (fall) * the days have become longer (shorter) * a warm wind blows (cold)
A student reads a poem 1st class Mashentsev Vitya
IV. -Guys, I will read the quatrain, and you will say the last word in chorus.

I bring in the harvests, I re-sow the fields,

I send the birds south, I strip the trees.

But I don't touch the pine trees

And my name is…….. (autumn)

Oh, what a wonderful time there is in the early autumn. “Autumn” by M. Geller (slide4) Autumn gives miracles, and what miracles! The forests are decked out in golden hats. Red honey mushrooms are sitting in a crowd on a stump, And the spider is such a trickster! - The network is pulling somewhere. Rain and withered grass In the sleepy thicket at night Incomprehensible words are muttered until the morning.
2nd grade student – ​​Irina Vlasova
V. –You named one of the first signs of autumn as the phenomenon when leaves fall from the trees and cover the ground with a beautiful carpet. What is this phenomenon called? (leaf fall) Parade of flying leaves We call the word autumn...... (leaf fall) I invite the student 3 A class – Sergei Leskov “Autumn”
VII. -Guys, what trees don’t shed their modified foliage? (coniferous)

Only the needles of the pine trees are green.

He’s afraid to paint them……. (autumn)

Kozhushny Alexey, student of class 3A
VIII. -What autumn month are they talking about in the riddles?

The garden in the village is empty,

Cobwebs fly into the distance.

And to the southern edge of the earth

The cranes arrived.

School doors opened.

What month has it come to us? (September)

Nature's face is getting darker and darker:

The gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare,

The bear fell into hibernation.

What month did he come to us? (October)

The field became black and white:

It rains and snows.

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

The winter rye is freezing in the field.

What month is it, tell me? (november)

I invite a student of grade 3B - Berezina Vera

X. –One of the signs of autumn is the birds flying away. What birds fly away? I will read poetry to you, and you listen carefully and, if you hear an “extra” word, you begin to clap your hands. The birds flew away:
Pigeons, martens. The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts. The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Mosquitoes, cuckoos. Birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts
Lapwings, hedgehogs. The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
Swans and ducks
And thanks for the joke. Savchak Dmitry (3b)

-Poets have dedicated many poems to autumn. They praised this time of year. Autumn is so different, cheerful and sad, early, golden and late. "Autumn" Konstantin Balmont
The lingonberries are ripening, the days have become colder, and the bird's cry makes my heart sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away, beyond the blue sea. All the trees shine in a multi-colored dress.
The sun laughs less often, There is no incense in the flowers. Soon Autumn will wake up and cry awake.

He will read his poem 4th grade student Olya Vinnik.
A. S. Pushkin
The sky was breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter, the mysterious canopy of the forest was revealed with a sad noise. Fog lay over the fields, a caravan of noisy geese stretched to the south: a rather boring time was approaching; It was already November outside the yard.
4th grade student Andrey Semernin
So, this concludes our competition. Let's thank everyone for their wonderful performances with unanimous applause. Thank you!!!
Video "Autumn"
The jury's word. Summing up. Presentation of certificates.

Jury table