Free trips to the Mother and Child sanatorium: health program at state expense. Mother and child trip

Children's health is an important task for any family. In the sanatorium, you can restore the baby’s health, and the treatment will be especially effective if the child is relaxing with his mother. Not everyone has access to spa procedures at their own expense, but some categories of the population can count on a free trip as part of the Mother and Child program. These include, for example, parents with many children or families with children with chronic diseases.

Vouchers are distributed at the regional level. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own rules, so you should find out about the possibility of traveling to a sanatorium with a child at the clinic at your place of residence or at the district social protection department. Nevertheless, a number of basic conditions will be the same for everyone, including the procedure for obtaining a preferential voucher and the list of required documents.

Who can count on sanatorium treatment at state expense?

Right to Spa treatment together with one of the parents have children with poor health. This category includes children with disabilities and children who are registered at a dispensary for a particular disease. A voucher can also be issued to a frequently ill child if a pediatrician or other doctor considers a course of health measures mandatory.

In most cases, the “Mother and Child” program applies to children over four years of age, but in some cases it is allowed to send a mother and a child under this age to a sanatorium.

Registration of a voucher for a referral from a clinic

To obtain a voucher, you must first contact your doctor and clarify the procedure for obtaining it. Among the main documents are:

  1. certificate of the need for treatment in form No. 070/u-04 (issued by a pediatrician);
  2. application for a travel voucher (a sample can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health);
  3. copies compulsory medical insurance policy and the baby's birth certificate.

Because the we're talking about about traveling with an accompanying person, you will also need documents from the parent. The collected papers are transferred to the Ministry of Health.

It is advisable to submit the application in advance (about six months in advance). Besides, in summer period the number of citizens applying for health-improving holidays at the expense of the state is increasing significantly, so it is better to choose a less “hot” season.

Shortly before departure, you will need to issue health resort cards for an adult and a child. They indicate the results of tests and examinations, ECG and fluorography data.

Where else can they help with free wellness?

You can also participate in the “Mother and Child” program through the management line social protection. IN in this case The application for a trip must be submitted along with the following documents:

  1. birth certificate;
  2. passport of one of the parents;
  3. document confirming the difficult financial situation(income data);
  4. certificate of family composition;
  5. certificate of a parent with many children;
  6. SNILS;
  7. compulsory medical insurance policy;
  8. certificate of death of a serviceman or receipt of survivor benefits (if there are such grounds for benefits);
  9. pediatrician's report;
  10. certificate for issuing a voucher.

All this information is also transferred to the Ministry of Health along with consent to the processing of personal data.

A sanatorium with a suitable treatment profile can be selected from a list provided by specialists. In this case, the institution must work according to the “Mother and Child” system. The health resort card is mandatory; at the end of treatment, the tear-off part is attached to the child’s medical card.

Payment for travel to the place of treatment

The “Mother and Child” tour is provided free of charge. But the trip to the sanatorium itself is usually paid for by the parents. At the same time, low-income families can receive compensation for the cost of tickets. To do this, you need to confirm that the income for each person in the family does not reach the minimum level (available in the form of the regional subsistence level).

To get a refund, you must keep your travel documents. In addition, you may need proof of your stay at the sanatorium. A more accurate list of documents will be provided by the social security authorities. During the recovery of disabled children, travel is paid from the Social Insurance Fund.

Free trips under the “Mother and Child” program, every year thousands of children from all regions of the country are allowed to visit the sanatorium with their mother. Families that are considered to have many children, or where there are children with health problems, may receive this opportunity.

The powers to distribute vouchers since 2010 rest with the constituent entities Russian Federation, and in each region the program is implemented in its own way. This means that the conditions for providing such vouchers in the regions of the country differ, and detailed information should be found out at the clinic or social welfare department at the place of residence.

Each region has its own subordinate sanatoriums or commercial organizations medical profile, with which relevant government contracts have been concluded through the placement of a state order. Many of these organizations work under the “Mother and Child” program - they provide sanatorium and resort services to children in need of treatment and provide the opportunity to be accompanied by their parents. For example, Moscow has about 130 sanatoriums and health camps for children and teenagers. In addition to selling tours on a commercial basis, the city Department of Culture for certain periods of the year offers free trips to these institutions to children on benefits based on Moscow and federal documents.

The general principles of obtaining a free voucher to the Mother and Child sanatorium have been preserved since 2010. These include the procedure for obtaining and a set of documents.

Sanatorium-resort treatment: who can qualify for a free trip

The “Mother and Child” tour can be provided free of charge to children with health problems. These can be both disabled children and children registered at clinics. Sanatorium-resort treatment involves a complex of health-improving activities. Children suffering from chronic diseases and defined as a frequently and long-term ill child can receive a referral for a voucher from a pediatrician or narrow specialist. When drawing up a plan for dispensary observation in clinics, the item “Sanatorium and resort treatment” is usually indicated, according to which you can undergo a free wellness program in any of the sanatoriums of the Russian Federation. Free vouchers to the Mother and Child sanatorium are usually issued to children over 4 years old. However, if the child younger age If a chronic disease is detected, he also has a chance to get a ticket.

The procedure for obtaining a voucher through the clinic

If a child is often sick and needs sanatorium-resort treatment, a ticket to the Mother and Child sanatorium can be requested free of charge through the clinic. To do this you need:

  • obtain the necessary certificate from the pediatrician in form No. 070/u-04
  • fill out an application form (available on the website of the regional health department);
  • then provide a copy of the insurance medical policy and the child's birth certificate.

If the mother is required to accompany her and the selected sanatorium operates under the “Mother and Child” program, then the parent’s documents must be submitted. The clinic itself must submit your documents to the Ministry of Health for inclusion in the program.

It is important to take into account that during popular seasons, when there are many vacationers, there may not be places in the sanatorium. It is best to apply for the fall and winter periods.

There is one more moment. If a child applies for sanatorium-resort treatment on the recommendation of the attending physician, he must receive a sanatorium-resort card, which will indicate the results of examinations, general tests, expert opinions, fluorography, ECG.

When else can they give free trips?

The “Mother and Child” program, which gives the opportunity to go to a sanatorium for free, is provided to children who are under the supervision of social protection authorities.

In this case, the list of documents is more extensive. It includes:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • parent's passport;
  • documents that confirm the difficult situation in the family (certificates of income, certificates of family composition);
  • medical certificates (general tests, certificate from a dermatologist, test results for enterobiasis);
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory medical insurance;
  • certificate of a mother or father of many children (for large families);
  • a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the death of a serviceman (for children of deceased servicemen);
  • pension certificate or certificate of receipt of a survivor's pension;
  • conclusion of the local pediatrician;
  • certificate for obtaining a voucher.

In this case, a package of documents must be submitted to the Ministry of Health and an application must be written for permission to process personal data. The application must be made no later than six months before the desired travel date. As in the previous case, it is better to choose the season in winter or autumn, when the flow of vacationers is not so large. You can look for a sanatorium yourself from the presented list of available establishments working under the “Mother and Child” program. Based on the results, a health resort card must be issued.

The trip is free, but what about the road?

Free trips to the Mother and Child sanatorium do not require payment for travel to your destination. Typically these costs are borne by the child's parents.. However, there are still exceptions. If the child is from a family where the income is below the subsistence level, social protection can compensate for travel costs. Money is issued upon return from the sanatorium. This question should be clarified in advance; you may need to provide any documents to the social security authorities. The Social Insurance Fund can pay for travel for a child with a disability. This question also needs to be clarified in advance.

Many parents sooner or later wonder whether it is possible to send their child for treatment or preventative rest to a sanatorium for benefit program? There is only one answer - perhaps thanks to current laws. And there are many more ways to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a child than parents know.

However, there are some nuances here too. To get such a permit, you need to have the appropriate documents in hand and know where and, most importantly, when to apply. Often these procedures are long and tedious, but there is almost always a chance.

We offer you to get acquainted with the options for obtaining free vouchers to sanatoriums for children.

Obtaining a voucher at the clinic at your place of registration

The easiest and most accessible way for most parents is to contact the local doctor at the local children's clinic. Sometimes pediatricians themselves offer to take advantage of the chance if the child has obvious signs of a particular disease, but this happens less and less often - funding for clinics is only decreasing from year to year - you will have to find out for yourself.

It happens that a list of “free” vouchers is posted on information boards at the reception desk and in front of the offices of pediatricians or other specialized doctors. In some clinics, such information is available at the office of the director, from whom you can find out the conditions for obtaining a voucher and everything Required documents.

To receive a discounted voucher at the clinic, you need to collect the following documents:

    Application on behalf of the parent (samples provided);

    A sanatorium-resort card filled out by a pediatrician or other attending physician according to form No. 076/u-04;

    Certificate from a dermatologist confirming the absence infectious diseases;

    Test results for enterobiasis (taken the day before the child’s departure).

After this, you just need to pick up the voucher and calmly send the child for treatment. However, you can go with him if the sanatorium operates according to the “Mother and Child” system, but do not forget that in any case all transport costs are paid by the parents.

Important: If for some reason the pediatrician begins to refuse the opportunity to provide a voucher, this issue must be resolved immediately with the head of the clinic. There are often cases when preferential vouchers are left “for our own people,” which is strictly suppressed by management.

Obtaining a voucher at the hospital

The method is possible for situations when your child needs rehabilitation after being in a hospital. In the same way, you can get a ticket for children who have been diagnosed serious illness, and for small patients who have undergone surgery varying degrees difficulties.

To do this, you need to contact either your attending physician or the head physician of the hospital. Since such vouchers are financed from the budget medical institution, then in open form information about them cannot be found - the issue of extradition is decided individually. But, if the child really needs specialized treatment, there is a chance to get a ticket.

To do this, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

    Parent's statement;

    Sanatorium-resort card form No. 076/u-04 (to be filled out strictly by the attending physician of the hospital);

    An extract from the medical history;

    Results of all tests taken during hospitalization.

There are cases when the hospital cannot provide a trip at the expense of budget funds, but can give a recommendation and conclusion about the need for treatment or rehabilitation of the child. The head physician will explain where you need to go with this package of documents. Most often, we are talking about the social security service or the social insurance fund.

Obtaining a voucher from the Social Insurance Fund

You can apply to the Social Insurance Fund without a recommendation from the hospital. You only need to remember one thing - this organization primarily works with beneficiaries - parents of disabled children, large families, and other categories of citizens.

Still, if your child has a registered disability, then here, except health resort card and applications will need to submit a document confirming the status of a disabled person. The same applies to certificates of a mother of many children and other things. In addition, you will need to provide the child’s birth certificate and his passport, if he has already received one upon reaching 14 years of age.

The key advantage of this method of obtaining a voucher will be the opportunity to accompany the child and reimbursement of travel costs. Most often this is a partial subsidy for the purchase of train tickets, but if the sanatorium is located in a neighboring region, and not several thousand kilometers away, then there is a chance full refund costs. But we must remember that this scheme only works for disabled children.

The advantage of applying to the Social Insurance Fund will be the time it takes to consider the application. As a rule, they do not exceed 20 days, so you do not have to wait for approval or refusal for several months.

Obtaining a voucher from the Department of Social Protection of the Population

Alternative option– contact your local social security office. This option will take much longer in terms of collecting documents, but is much more effective in the long run. Although here you will have to know your nuances.

The first thing you will need to do is come to an appointment with a specialist, whose main task is to determine not only the authenticity of the documents, but also to get in touch with the parent. The parent’s task is to make a good impression on the inspector, not demand too much, and be as polite as possible. If everything goes well, the matter will remain only with the documentary part.

In addition to the health resort card and application, you will need:

    Copies of both parents' passports;

    A copy of the child’s birth certificate and passport (if over 14 years old);

    Document confirming disability (if available);

    Document confirming adoption (for adopted children).

The work of the social security inspector with the family, if the voucher is approved, will continue until the child reaches adulthood. If the family is considered successful, the parents will be periodically called and set up meetings at which they will offer new travel directions.

Obtaining a permit from the district administration

But not only disabled children and orphans can receive preferential vouchers in Russia - almost every child has a chance to receive one if their parents apply in time to the district administration at their place of registration.

The peculiarity of such vouchers is that these are not therapeutic, but preventive visits to sanatoriums and orphanages. Groups meet every few months and are divided into two types: for children from 4 to 7 years old, accompanied by one parent, or for children over 8 years old without an accompanying person.

Important: Free vouchers are given by the district government only for beneficiaries, and they are different in each region. In addition to disabled children and orphans, this often includes children who have lost one of their parents, victims of natural disasters and catastrophes, etc. Partially paid vouchers are available to everyone.

In this case, a package of documents is compiled individually for each child.

Free trips to a sanatorium - what to worry about? (opinion)

From time to time, on the forums of young parents, information appears that all discounted vouchers should be treated with caution, that not all children are satisfied with the time spent in health centers. There are several reasons for such opinions.

Firstly, many parents are not satisfied with the food. Unfortunately, many sanatoriums have kept their menus according to the standards of 20-30 years ago, without taking into account individual characteristics children's metabolism, insistence of nutritionists and other things. If your child needs special food– this issue should be resolved long before sending for treatment.

Secondly, if you send your child to a sanatorium in winter or in the off-season, you need to take care of the right amount of warm clothes. Heating interruptions are one of the main complaints of parents who are outraged by the state of most Russian sanatoriums. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this, but you can still protect the health of your child.

Thirdly, it is worth asking about the specifics of the sanatorium, and what groups of children are usually sent there. If your child has physical problems, low mobility and other diseases that set him apart from the group of apparently healthy children, parents are advised to think about whether he will be comfortable in such a company?

Otherwise, parent forums assure that there is nothing to be afraid of. There have long been no problems with theft of personal belongings, as in the 90s, and the staff of sanatoriums treat children much better, taking into account their age and developmental characteristics.

Things to remember

    Vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment are issued to children and adolescents from 4 to 17 years old inclusive. In some cases, when neurological diseases It is possible to treat children from 2 years of age.

    A parent has the right to accompany a child for treatment in another city, but not every sanatorium operates according to the “Mother and Child” system. In this case, all living expenses fall on the shoulders of the parent.

    For some trips there are subsidies that partially cover the cost of travel. You need to ask about them yourself, since by default parents undertake to cover the entire travel costs.

    Before sending your child for treatment to another city, it is worth learning more about the sanatorium itself. Alas, most of them were built during the Soviet years, and overhaul They haven't been there for at least 20 years.

    It is a myth that free vouchers are not issued in the summer. Despite the great demand, many parents refuse vouchers due to high cost train tickets. It’s possible to take their place; all you have to do is submit an application as early as possible and wait.

    WITH full list sanatoriums that offer discounted vouchers can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health and in other open sources.