Unconditional connections. Three Steps to Get into a Flow State

In almost all modern languages ​​there is only one word to describe such a feeling as Love. But the manifestation of this feeling is varied, depending on the object to which we feel it: mother, child, loved one of the opposite sex, boyfriend or girlfriend, homeland, favorite animal, and stands alone love for God.

The Greek language used four different words for this concept: eros, storge, philia, and agape. . Love - This is the emotion that gives us strength and inspiration, fills us with energy and forces us to act and push us to reckless actions. It is not for nothing that people have always searched for Love. Mutual Love inspires, gives the opportunity to move mountains, to reach huge peaks.

"Eros"- sensual love, not subject to human will, generated by the fermentation of hormones in the human body. It finds external expression in a peculiar behavior that we call falling in love, love attraction or love passion. Love aimed at physical possession of an object.

"Storge"- can be translated into Russian as “tenderness”, family love, the love of parents for children and children for parents. This relationship affects our entire life; it is our strongest karmic connection in this life.

Love " Philia" in Russian it can be called "respect". This is love-friendship. Love for a group of people or objects, such as one's collection.

Word "Agape" translates as "feast of love." Agape expresses active, bestowing love, oriented towards the good of one’s neighbor, without the slightest shadow of self-interest or attachment to any quality of the beloved. If a person is ruled by Agape love, he experiences something akin to delight. This is a feeling that fills him to the last cell, turning into dust any attempt at a negative manifestation, although it does not reject it of other types. This is the love of God.

Our relationships with the world are built at the energetic level in the areas of certain chakras. Moreover, in different relationships, different chakras are involved. When contacting a person, we give our energy and receive it from him. How much do we give? How much do we get? How can I check this? Are your connections built correctly and how do they affect your relationships? After all, a person often says that he puts so much effort into someone, but receives practically nothing in return and does not think about whether he is investing in this and whether the other person needs it?

At the training you will be able track the relationships built. You yourself will understand how mutual the feelings of your loved one are or whether these are just words about love, and he wants something else from you. Why does the man he loves sometimes go on the side, what does he lack? Are your friends, colleagues and relatives frank and are there any “vampires” among them? Why, after a conversation with your beloved friend, do you feel as if a car of coal was unloaded?

Learn to regulate energy exchange with your environment. You will try to restore connections that were severed for some reason, which you would like to restore or establish again with someone.

Find out how you can create a positive program for your counterpart to improve relationships and better perceive you.

The practical work carried out during the training will help you use these techniques in life in the future.

During the training:

  • You will feel how your chakras work on the energies of a specific state of love;
  • You will learn to determine what feelings your immediate environment has towards you;
  • What quality of energy comes from them;
  • You will see how chakra energy exchange is built with your loved ones, children, relatives and bosses, for whom you are a donor, and who is for you, who siphons off your energy, not wanting to give anything in return;
  • You will adjust the energy exchange where it needs to be strengthened if we want to restore fading connections, and somewhere, on the contrary, weaken it, so as not to unnecessarily de-energize yourself if a person does not want to live with you on an equal energy basis;
  • Remove vampire ties, which you consider to be unconditional family relationships.

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

Flow is a magical place where you are completely absorbed in what you are doing, where time passes so quickly that it seems as if it does not exist at all. Of course, this model of behavior will not suit everyone, but some may find it quite acceptable! Chris Bailey's thoughts on how to get to this place without radical changes in your own life.

I recently finished reading the book “Flow” ★ by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi; it's a rather boring and dry book, but it contains some brilliant things. These include, for example, the diagram published in the book. But I decided to improve it a little.

Let's add some color, tweak the lines, make the design prettier...

Well, this is much better.

If you don't have the slightest idea what this circuit is, that's okay. Here's a summary of what it shows:

  • Any activity you engage in can find a place in this scheme (depending on how difficult it is (for you) and how many of your skills it uses).
  • The ideal place for it is, you guessed it, in the “flow”. It matches the difficulty of your task perfectly with your skills. Especially if you have the motivation to do something. As Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says, in this flow you will be very happy. For example, writing "Csikszentmihalyi" is quite a difficult task, but it does not require much skill, which moves this activity into the "Anxiety" corner.
In Flow, Mihai uses learning to play tennis as an illustration of how we enter a state of flow. I added four circles to my diagram to help illustrate this example.

"1"- your starting position. This is where you play tennis for the first time. Learn to serve the ball (which is a little difficult, but doable the first time) and try to reach the other side of the court from your seat (or something like that - I admit, I don't know much about tennis). During this stretch, you experience a flow state because your task is equal to your skill and you are having fun.

You're moving towards "2". You improve your skills to the point where it gets boring just throwing the ball over the net. The challenge of the game is now below your skill level and you are no longer in the flow.

You go to "3". And you set yourself a task that forces you to tense up - for example, you decided to play tennis with an athlete friend, and he “made” you. Here the task is higher - that is, more difficult than your skill level, and you no longer experience a sense of flow.

Depending on where you are, there are two ways to return to the streaming channel.

If you're bored ( "2"), you will need to find a more difficult task, for example, finding a partner to play with skills equal to yours.

If you are concerned ( "3"), you will need to improve your tennis skills to get back into the flow (you can also reduce the difficulty of the task, but this is not so easy to do in practice).

Mihai says this

“explains how a state of flow leads to growth and discovery. A person cannot enjoy doing the same thing and remain at the same level for a long time. We either get bored or frustrated; then the desire to enjoy something pushes us to improve our skills or discover new ways to use existing ones.”

Every activity you engage in is somewhere on this diagram, and according to Csikszentmihalyi's research, those activities that can put you in a flow state are the ones that will make you happiest.

You will then either have to improve your skills or change your tasks to suit yourself so that you experience the flow state more often.

Exists three fundamental types of connections:

    one to one (1:1);

    one to many (1:M);

    many to many (M:M).

These types of connections refer to unconditional forms relationship, since each instance of both entities is required to participate in the relationship.

One-to-one communication (1:1) exists when one instance of one entity is associated with one instance of another entity (3). For example, a husband is married to one wife, a wife is married to one husband.

    One-to-one communication

One-to-many (1:M) communication exists when one instance of some entity is associated with one or more instances of another entity, and each instance of the second entity is associated with only one instance of the first entity (4).

For example, each dog owner owns one or more dogs; each dog belongs to only one owner (see 4).

    One-to-many communication

Many-to-many (M:M) communication exists when one instance of some object is associated with one or more instances of another object, and each instance of the second object is associated with one or more instances of the first (5).

In this picture, the apartment may be the property of one or more owners. At the same time, an apartment owner can own several apartments.

    Many-to-many communication

The multiplicity of connections is denoted graphically: A single arrow at the end of a relationship indicates one instance of the entity participating in the relationship, a double arrow indicates one or more instances.

      1. Conditional forms of communication

IN conditional connection There may be instances of entities that do not participate in the relationship. This is indicated by the letter Y at the end of the relationship, which is not always true (6). In this figure, the R2 connection is conditional on only one side, since not every employee supervises his subordinates, but every subordinate has a supervisory employee.

    Conditional connections

A relationship conditional on both sides is called biconditional . In this case, there may be instances of both entities that are not involved in the relationship. A biconditional connection is indicated by the letter Y on both sides of the connection (see connection R1 on 6).

Taking into account conditional and unconditional connections, there is ten distinct forms of connections (7).

    Ten forms of communication

      1. Formalization of communication

Purpose of communication– establish a relationship between an instance of one entity and an instance of another. This is achieved by placing auxiliary attributes on the corresponding entities. A relationship defined using auxiliary attributes is called a data relationship.

To formalize a one-to-one relationship, auxiliary attributes can be added to either entity (but not both). Auxiliary attributes are marked with a relationship identifier in parentheses (at 8, the auxiliary attribute Husband_Name is added to the Wife entity; this attribute is marked with the relationship identifier R5).

    Formalizing a one-to-one relationship using an auxiliary attribute

To formalize a one-to-many relationship, auxiliary attributes are added to the entity on the many side (9), otherwise the third attribute rule is violated.

    Formalizing a one-to-many relationship using an auxiliary attribute

To formalize a many-to-many relationship, an associative entity is created containing links to the identifiers of each of the instances participating in the connection (Fig. 9.1.). In this figure, an associative entity Ownership has been created, containing auxiliary attributes, for which the identifiers of the Apartment and Apartment_Owner entities are used.

      Formalizing many-to-many relationships using an associative entity

Exists two types of relationships formalized in data: identifying relationship and non-identifying relationship.

Identification link is a relationship in which auxiliary attributes are included as part of the entity identifier.

Non-identifying relationship is a relationship in which auxiliary attributes are not part of the entity identifier.

I just read Magda’s channel “SHINE OF THE ENERGY BODY”, where Archangel Samuel speaks about the Power of Unconditional Love

In the comments people ask:
- How to be filled with Unconditional Love?

And since my cosmic name AmerIna means the absolute dimension of the Absolute, the answer immediately came:

Human consciousness is capable of creating everything!

And a person also creates Unconditional Love with his Consciousness!

We are all beloved children of God the Father and God the Mother!

God the Father continuously sends us his Love in the form of a stream of Golden-colored Energy, which through the crown chakra (crown) is directed into the heart space, from where it fills our entire body.

Our Mother Earth - Mother Goddess, at the same time, sends her Love into our heart space - Golden-colored Energy, which enters through the soles of our feet and the root chakra (tailbone), filling our entire body.

Unconditional Love is the Energy of high vibration that we receive from our Cosmic Parents.

This is a feeling created by our Consciousness!

When this feeling overwhelms us, we feel joy and extraordinary lightness throughout our body, and wings grow behind our backs.

Glowing with Golden Energy, and unable to contain Unconditional Love, we begin to expand. Let's release this feeling in all directions and wish literally everyone Light and Love!

In the flows of our Unconditional - Divine Love, in families and at work, scandals stop; Enemies disappear, vampires disappear, problems are solved by themselves!

Unconditional Love is a huge Power that can even stop wars!

We, you and I, all send Unconditional Love and fill the Hearts of the warring parties with it. With our Consciousness we envelop the territory of combat operations with Golden Energy. We send Divine Energy to the politicians of the warring states.
We don't interfere in politics! We are conductors of Divine Love! We contribute to the triumph of the harmony of Energies, and therefore the establishment of Peace!

Energy is Consciousness, which means it is living, thinking! This is the Divine Energy of the Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters - the Forces of Light!

We, beloved children, directing Energy up and down, gratefully send our Unconditional Love to our beloved Cosmic Parents - Father God and Mother Goddess!

We triumph, and with us, the entire Universe triumphs!

Miracles? Yes! With Our Consciousness We create Miracles!!!

When, at what time, at what phase of the moon is it best to perform these miracles?

We live in a state of Unconditional Love day and night, all our lives! And that means we create Miracles without ceasing!!!

Light and Love to everyone!!! Master of Magic and Mistress of Amerina.

Enter a meditative state and express your intention with an affirmation:

“I ask the Light Divine Forces to tune me into the energy of Unconditional Love right now.”

You can rephrase it as you prefer, for example:

“Father, I ask you to place Unconditional Love in my heart.”

The main thing is that the request comes from the heart.

When used regularly, the energy fully opens the heart chakra.

A feeling of celebration appears in your soul.

Energy can be sent by intention (simply thinking about a person, a situation), as well as through the palm chakras.

As long as the energy of Unconditional Love flows in you, you are completely protected - from an accident, from theft, from an attack, from an evil word. It’s as if you are shrouded in a radiant magical cloud that protects you from all manifestations of negativity. In an unpleasant situation, feel free to use this energy: instead of being scared or irritated, invoke Unconditional Love. It will immediately eliminate fear and anger, not only in you, but also in the people around you, harmonizing the situation.

A constantly open heart chakra will fill your life with happiness and joy. People will feel sympathy for you, and you will forget what a “difficult relationship” is. For according to the cosmic law “as is inside, so is without,” if there is Love in you, then Love reigns around you.

Unconditional Love has powerful healing properties. Being a high-frequency energy, it perfectly dissolves negative energies and blocks.
The healing technique is common: contact session, remote session, working with desires, working with situations, relationships, etc.

Contact session

You place your hands on the problem area or keep it at some distance from it. You can also do a full session with all hand positions accepted in Reiki.

Remote session

Call up the energy and think about the person (or his illness, his problem) for a while. Just don’t force yourself: if you are “tired” of thinking, end the session. You can, as some do, place the image of a person between your palms - energy flows through the palm chakras.

Working with relationships (situations)

Call up the energy and think about the relationship (situation). For example, if your relationship with someone is not going well, be sure to think about this person, turning on Unconditional Love, for at least a few minutes every day. It will not be difficult for you to do this, since Love will overwhelm you. It is very possible that after the first “session” your enemy will forget all his complaints and will be filled - without knowing why - with sympathy for you. Well, in the event of extreme hostility, he will at least become indifferent to you.

Working with the past and future

Call up the energy and remember an unpleasant situation or illness in the past; gradually the past will begin to change for the better. If you are going to take an exam or go to a conversation with your boss or something else related to the future, call up the energy and think about the situation, imagine that everything turned out well.

Working with desires

Create with Love what you want.

It's very easy to do, the technique is perfect.

Just open your heart and start radiating love, and then imagine what you want to create, see it in your mind and feel it with your emotions as if you already have it, and then just send a huge amount of love into that picture.

Repeat this every other day until it manifests itself in your physical reality.

Some things will appear immediately, others will take longer.

And what is found in reality will be more than expected, and will be filled with love...

Unconditional Love can be sent to any living being without asking his permission.
Invoke Unconditional Love as often as possible. Each time your heart chakra will open wider and wider. Your affairs will go better and better, you will simply be “lucky” in all respects.

A person whose heart chakra is constantly and wide open gradually gets rid of bad karma.

There are 12 stages (the energy increases in intensity).

Each one should be tuned to separately.

You can tune in to the next level only if you reach the highest point of the previous one. In other words, if you are not “worthy” yet (the heart chakra is not yet sufficiently opened, and this is achieved by daily practice), a new level will simply not be given to you.

Anyone can attune, without prior initiation into Reiki.

So that Unconditional Love flows in you continuously, always find the opportunity to rejoice - enjoy every moment of your life, every nonsense, every little thing: enjoy the morning sun, the aroma in the air after rain, the chirping of sparrows, the laughter of children in the yard, a delicious dinner, snowflakes on the window... There’s no need to list them – anyone who wants to will find a reason to rejoice.

At the same time, the heart chakra will readily open, Unconditional Love will flow in a powerful stream.

Learn to ignore problems.

Better yet, rejoice at them too - and they will disappear in fear.

Unconditional Love is the greatest power, and it creates simply unimaginable things, you will see this for yourself.

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