Business plan for a computer equipment store.

Therefore, in similar cities new computer Even the average static resident cannot afford it.

It is for this reason that I propose my business idea, which I implemented independently in my city.

What is needed to create such a business:

  1. computer knowledge,
  2. a small amount of money (to start a business, 10,000 rubles is enough).

The first thing you need to do is look through the newspaper of private advertisements in your city, find the section in which they sell/buy components and take a closer look at the prices, do not forget that the price written in the advertisement is not entirely accurate. Why? Yes, at least for the reason that by calling before purchasing, you can bargain and reduce the price by 30%. Having purchased all the necessary and suitable components, assemble them into a single whole. After this operation (assembly), format the hard drive (if the previous owner did not do this).

Many people buy used computers because they already have: An operating system, the software necessary for operation - don’t neglect this: install the OS, device drivers necessary for the daily operation of the program - the more, the better. Thanks to installed programs, you can increase the price of a computer by 10% - 15%.

After the operations have been completed, submit advertisements in the newspaper, with detailed description components and programs that you installed. It is advisable to calculate the price using this formula: (CC + CC * 10%) * 25%, where CC is the price of all components. You will sell the first computer you assemble with your own hands within a week. And then, you can start all over again: purchase components, assemble, etc.

From the editors of KHOBIZ.RU: Ten options for using an old computer

Many people wonder what to do with their old computers. We offer 10 possible options their applications: from a home server or media center to being sold in parts or turned into an original design element.

Due to the constant reduction in prices for ever more advanced computers, old computers are simply lying around idle. You can't update a computer like this anymore. The scope of its application is limited only by the imagination of the owner.

Experiments with computer networks.

Having two computers at hand, you can connect them into a network. All versions of Windows have built-in networking capabilities, so additional programs will not be needed for this. On the hardware side, you will need a network card for your old computer, and for the new one, if it does not have a network card, network cable and a switch or router.

There are many Windows help files useful information I can't find much information on this topic. This is where guides can come to the rescue, many of which can be found on the Internet.

Multimedia player

Many computers have excellent sound cards surround sound, and, as a rule, even an old computer works quite well with sound files. Try connecting your old computer to your living room audio system and using it as a media player and file storage.

In the simplest case, you can connect a computer to two mid-range speakers. To connect to your home theater, you'll need to make a few purchases. First, buy a wireless mouse and keyboard set so you don't have to be tied to your computer. You can’t do without a video card with a video output to watch movies on a large TV and not on a monitor. If the old computer is connected to your main computer via a network, you can also play files from the main computer on this multimedia center.

Multiplayer games

Once your home network is established, you can introduce your friends to multiplayer games. You can find games that run well on your old computer.

Installing Linux

Even if you haven't been working with computers for long, you've most likely already heard about free operating systems and various Linux distributions. An old computer is a chance to try what it's like to work with Linux without damaging your main Windows PC.

Linux supports older components well. It even seems that the older the hardware components, the better Linux supports them.

Print server, file or web server

For all of the above, your old computer may be very slow. Then it can be used as a home server.

If you have multiple printers connected to different computers, try connecting them to the same old computer. Leave it on all the time and you can print over the network to any printer from any computer.

You can use your computer as a file server, storing information on it that may be needed on other computers on your home network. If you are connected to the Internet via a dedicated line, you can make a web server from an old computer. To do this, you do not need to install a special operating system. A free web server, such as Apache, will do.

Donate your old computer to your local school

If you can't find a use for your old computer, call your local school or county education office. Many schools will be happy with computers with 486 processors. Many well-known companies computers are constantly transmitting educational organizations and children. Among these companies are Dell and Gateway, especially since now the school will be able to receive a free licensed copy of Windows from Microsoft for the computer you donate.

Use an old computer as a visual aid

If you've never seen what a processor looks like, or don't know how to install a hard drive. Why not sort out such issues on an old, no longer needed computer? This the best remedy For practical classes for assembling computers and updating them.

Disassemble and sell your computer in parts

Many organizations and users still use old computers for their purposes, and they are completely satisfied with them, especially if they were written for their tasks special programs, designed specifically for this class of computers.

Difficulties usually arise when a component fails. Buying a new computer is expensive, and some components of old computers may have been out of production for a long time and become a real rarity. In this regard, many parts of your computer can quickly find buyers.

Turn your computer into an aquarium

A classic example of using an old faulty Apple Macintosh computer is turning it into an aquarium (maquarium). We're talking about an aquarium placed inside a computer case, but you can also make an aquarium out of a computer case. Why install a screen saver with non-living fish on your new computer if you can see real fish on the screen of your old monitor?

Show your own imagination

The previous method of using an old computer or monitor became another proof that, by using your own imagination, you can ensure new life It seemed like an unnecessary thing. If none of the listed ways to use your old computer suit you, before getting rid of it, try using your imagination, maybe you will come up with something original and really needed.

Today, almost everyone wants to open their own business: from schoolchildren to retirees. Many people are looking for original idea in order to get around the competition, to be different from others, to stand out from the crowd. Sometimes these searches turn out to be successful, but sometimes they lead to rather sad mistakes.

Why is the sale of computers and computer equipment one of the most successful businesses third millennium?

In fact, the first thing a new entrepreneur needs to pay attention to is trade. Thousands of years of experience proves that it will always work and be profitable. The scheme is simple. You buy goods in bulk. After that, place it in the store ( modern conditions allow you to open your own “shop” on the Internet) and sell it at retail.

The difference is pocketed. The main questions: what to sell? Who should I sell to? Where to sell? The answer to them determines whether you will become rich or go broke. Obviously, if you start trading products that no one needs, you won’t earn a penny. Therefore, you need to approach the search for your niche with maximum thoughtfulness and responsibility. The right choice is to sell goods that are in demand on the market. In addition, you need to take into account the level of competition.

Why should you choose to trade in computer equipment? On the one hand, it is obvious that this type the product is not something new and yet unknown to the consumer, and similar stores are located literally on every corner. Moreover, large networks are taking over more and more space. We can hardly talk about any kind of equality of opportunity here. It would seem, what is the point for a novice entrepreneur to go here?

In fact, trade in computers and their components remains one of the most promising directions. According to various estimates, the industry is growing annually by 15-20%. Future prospects are literally limitless. And this is not surprising. Gadgets and widgets have become part of our everyday life, without which it is impossible to live. Computers are also needed to work in almost all areas of the economy: production, media, management, accounting and many many others.

Therefore, it is quite possible to occupy your segment in this market, although from year to year it becomes more and more difficult to do so. You need to approach the matter correctly and take into account some aspects that we'll talk in this article.

Business Features

Any business is a special world that exists according to its own rules. This also applies to the sales of computers. These points must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

We will talk in more detail about some other features of starting in the field of computer sales.

Video. How to open a computer business

Organizational plan

Store space

Correctly locate a computer store and determine its area?

A lot will depend on these two factors. In any case, you need to try to find an area that will be located in a crowded place or a place with high traffic levels. Your store should be visible and have a large sign.

In this case, the likelihood that people will buy from you is much higher. It is possible that right now a person does not need a computer or any part for it. But it is important that the name of the store is imprinted in his head. Carefully study the area in which you intend to open a store. It is important to understand how many other retail outlets are located in it. In this case, sooner or later he will come to you for a purchase. Places to pay attention to first:

  • large shopping and office centers;
  • Metro stations;
  • markets.

An important factor is the proximity of the retail area to highways. On initial stage It is recommended to limit yourself to renting and not buying retail space into the property. This will allow you to save a lot at the start.

An equally important aspect is the area.

For a computer store, it is extremely important to arrange the products so that they can be carefully examined. Minimum dimensions computer store – 100-150 m2. But you need to remember that this area will only be enough for you if you sell some special products.

For example, you settled on selling exclusively hard drives or motherboards. A wider range will require much more space. The average area of ​​a computer store is 400-450 square meters. If you are planning to open a large supermarket, then you cannot get by with an area of ​​less than 1000 m2.

Video. Computer store as a business idea

Important details of store design

When setting up a computer equipment store, which is one of the best achievements civilization, it is vital to put the comfort and convenience of the visitor first. This idea must actually turn into an ideology. Many factors play a role: good location, service, a wide range of, low prices, professional, knowledgeable and helpful sales people. In addition, it is important to pay attention to a number of aspects, the use of which increases sales. Among them:

Assortment and sales strategy

There are a huge number of computer-related products today. These are thousands of positions. It is advisable that all of them be present in your assortment. A person wants to find everything he needs in one place, then he is more likely to spend money in your store. Achieving this is, of course, difficult. Especially for a new entrepreneur. But it is certainly necessary to strive for the ideal.

To formulate a policy in the field of assortment formation, you need to know what segments exist in it. It is necessary to constantly monitor trends and study customer needs.

In conclusion, we note that the computer business is profitable and promising. At the same time, starting in it requires significant investments, the right choice suppliers, professionalism, competent selection of assortment and careful monitoring of market trends.

Today, the market segment responsible for computer equipment, peripheral devices and office equipment is oversaturated. Large retail chains cause fierce competition in this market. As practice shows, unprepared newcomers experience many difficulties entering the market. To open own store, you need to have a large budget that will be invested in marketing. Below we propose to discuss the question of how to open a computer hardware store and consider several important features of this business.

Visiting a digital store is actually equivalent to going to grocery store

Computer store: features and nuances of business

Every direction entrepreneurial activity is governed by a set of rules that apply only to a specific market segment. Knowledge of these rules allows you to draw up a competent business plan, containing all the subtleties and nuances associated with the implementation of the idea. In order to open your own computer store, you need to have professional skills. It is very important not only to have general concept about the operation of computers, but also be able to understand various technical nuances. Having professional knowledge allows you to timely notice changes in market trends and adjust the course of development of your own project.

Before you start implementing such a business, you need to get practical experience, having worked for several months in this field.

The main feature of this area is fierce competition. In order to get ahead of his opponents, an entrepreneur needs to think through the smallest details related to the future store. This applies to both the styling of the interior and the range of products presented. The quality of work of sellers deserves special attention in this area. Every person involved in customer service must have technical knowledge in this area. Otherwise, the store will only be able to serve those citizens who do not understand how computers work. Development similar situation may lead to the loss of major clients and lucrative contracts.

In order to enter the market, you will have to put a lot of effort into developing a marketing strategy. In addition to traditional advertising through the media and distributing leaflets, an entrepreneur needs to create an Internet resource to promote products. When filling out product cards, you should focus on technical specifications offered products. You need to understand that the main part of the potential client base spends a lot of time on the Internet. Faced with the need to replace computer parts or upgrade hardware, people look for retail outlets where they can buy everything they need via the Internet. Based on this statement, we can conclude that the main emphasis in business development is on the virtual platform.

One more important nuance is the search for suppliers of product range. In conditions of fierce competition, an entrepreneur who wants to develop the market needs to offer his customers high-quality equipment at a low cost. Finding a supplier is one of the important issues, which needs to be resolved before implementing the business plan.

Only if there is a guarantee of uninterrupted supply of goods can you begin to implement the project and open a store.

Store opening plan When forming a business project, an entrepreneur needs to solve many organizational issues. In order for the chosen direction to generate stable income, it is very important to establish interaction with. The final decision on the choice of product range, personnel and advertising strategy depends on the characteristics of the portrait of potential clients.

Computerization Russian society continues to increase volumes, which means that opening a computer store can potentially bring significant profits

Selection of suitable premises

To begin with, you should carefully analyze the city, highlighting several main points that have high level traffic In order to attract potential customers, you need to order a bright and memorable sign. Similar placement and approach to external design point of sale will increase the number of potential buyers. Before choosing a specific location, you need to study the number of competitors operating in the area. Statistics show that points located close to large markets, metro stations or business centers. In order to reduce costs at the initial stage, you should conclude a lease agreement with the property owner. When drawing up an agreement, a separate clause should stipulate the procedure for purchasing real estate if the business develops successfully.

One of the main issues related to the choice of real estate is the area of ​​the premises. For organization trading floor an area of ​​one hundred to one hundred and fifty will be required square meters. This premises is sufficient to organize a store specializing in a certain product range. In the case where an entrepreneur plans to add laptops, monitors, printers and other devices to the assortment in addition to computer spare parts, significantly more space will be required. To organize such a store, you will need a room measuring five hundred square meters.

Trade equipment

When forming a business plan for a computer store, it is very important to pay Special attention interior design of a retail outlet. All design and decor elements should create a certain level of comfort. It is important to understand that many small details have a direct impact on the overall impression of the store in the eyes of customers.

One such technique is the assortment hierarchy. According to this methodology, all in-demand products should be displayed in the center of the hall or on those display cases that are visible from any part of the store. Another psychological technique that increases trading performance is the visual balance of the products presented. All large items must be placed at human height. This category includes laptops, monitors and printers. Each visitor should be able to reach the “device” of interest in order to carefully examine the product they like. The top shelves of vending cabinets can accommodate laptop stands, special bags and other peripheral devices.

It is very important to carefully observe the correct grouping of goods. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of forming a product group based on the name of the manufacturer. This approach causes chaos on the shelves, which significantly complicates visual perception. It is best to divide the sales area into several separate parts where the following will be displayed:

  • laptops, all-in-one PCs and ready-made “assemblies”;
  • cameras and office equipment;
  • "Iron";
  • peripheral devices and accessories.

When organizing a sales area, special attention is paid to lighting. Properly selected light allows you to highlight best sides offered products. In addition, you need to take care of creating price lists with a list of goods stored in the warehouse.

Portable equipment has become the main product on the market; it is this category that has become popular among ordinary people.


Today, the assortment of the average computer store includes several thousand product items. In order to cover most computer market, it is necessary to create a large assortment that includes the most popular products. This step will allow you to get wholesale customers who will buy several products at the same time. Such a result can only be achieved if you have a large amount of money.

Beginning entrepreneurs with limited investments need to start by studying individual segments of this market. In order to competently compose a product group, you need to carefully study the needs of potential buyers and current trends.

As practice shows, the basis of this business is the sale of laptops and desktop computers. However, in addition to the main products, it will be necessary to introduce additional components into the assortment. This category includes gaming video cards, various hard drives and other computer components.

  1. When creating an assortment, it is very important to take into account the needs of the target audience. All computer store clients can be divided into several separate groups: Corporate buyers and frequent repair companies
  2. - this group of clients buys computer components in large quantities. For this group, you can create individual sales offers based on favorable discounts. Gamers - people who spend a lot of free time computer games
  3. who constantly update their computers. It is this category of buyers that most often purchases various technological innovations. Programmers

- a separate category of buyers requiring competent service. Most people belonging to this group know exactly what they want to buy. In addition to the computer technology itself, it is very important to introduce a number of additional services

. This list can include installing various programs, upgrading equipment, assembling computers according to the wishes of clients and setting up additional gadgets. The introduction of additional services can significantly increase business income.

Personnel for work

Every salesperson working in a computer store must have technical knowledge in this area. One of the seller's tasks is to conduct consultations. It is important to note that quite often computer stores are visited by experienced specialists who are interested in the technical details associated with the chosen equipment.

When opening a computer store, you must initially decide on the target audience.

Marketing campaign

In order to get customers at the time of opening a retail outlet, you need to competently draw up a marketing campaign plan. To advertise the store, you need to organize the distribution of leaflets giving a discount on every purchase. Advertising in the media, advertising banners and billboards, as well as other methods of attracting customers will help build an initial customer base.

In addition to this, it is necessary to mandatory use various social networks. Creation of thematic communities in in social networks will help attract public attention. It is also recommended to register several groups in popular instant messengers, where news about the arrival of a new batch of goods, technical innovations and interesting notes will be published. You should also agree on advertising with the owners of popular thematic communities and the placement of advertising banners.