Fleas in dogs: causes and signs of appearance, removal methods. How to remove fleas from a dog at home using various means How to tell if a dog has fleas

Almost every dog ​​breeder has encountered this problem, but not everyone will be able to recognize it on their own. early stage occurrence. Let's look at the main features:

How to check your dog for fleas?

It is worth taking for granted to constantly inspect the wool and take a closer look at its condition. If you have any suspicions, there are several ways to check your dog for fleas.

White towel test. The dog should stand on a white paper towel or napkin. Need to start scratching pet, iron or comb.

Due to the mechanical action, fleas will fall onto the white floor, and since they are black, they will be clearly visible.

You can try placing the flea trap on an elevated surface or somewhere where your dog can't reach it and drink the water.

How can I prevent fleas in the future?

  • Needs to be washed thoroughly bed sheets pet at least once a month;
  • It is recommended to change the comb periodically, because fleas or their larvae can become attached to it;
  • It is recommended to purchase and put a flea collar on your pet.

Following these simple rules, you can make your pet’s life much more comfortable and happier.


Considering all of the above, we can say that anyone, even the most domestic pet, can become infected with fleas.

Photos of fleas on dogs

The danger of flea bites

Fleas definitely cause discomfort and pain to animals, but this is not their biggest danger. What can you expect from these little bloodsuckers? The main problems that can arise due to fleas are the following:

Owners need to closely monitor their pets and promptly eliminate fleas to avoid complications. And for this you need to know the signs of this phenomenon.

How to tell if your dog has fleas

Quite often, a pet owner discovers an insect infestation only when they have already grown in abundance on the animal and cause significant harm to its health. To prevent this, it is necessary to carefully monitor the pet, and the following behavior should alert the owner:

  • the dog sleeps restlessly and constantly changes its place to rest;
  • pet while in calm state may jump up suddenly;
  • he often arches his back and freezes in this position for several seconds;
  • the animal gnaws its skin, and you can hear the teeth clicking;
  • there is a certain scratching - the dog scratches very quickly and furiously, and this behavior is not similar to normal scratching.

If your dog is prone to allergies or has sensitive skin, a reddish rash may appear against the background of flea bites. Most often it is localized in the abdomen, inside the hips, on the withers, behind ears. Also, if your pet's allergies worsen, it is possible. The bites fester over time.

In severe cases, the dog develops bald spots on the withers, croup and at the base of the tail. If the dog is not treated promptly, it may completely lose its fur, and death due to secondary infection is also possible.

How to remove fleas from a dog

The following actions are extremely important:

  • the animal's bedding must be thrown away, or, if possible, boiled;
  • treat all places in the apartment where the sick animal was located with flea repellents;
  • Vacuum the floor, and, if the vacuum cleaner is bagged, destroy the dust container.

If your pet is prone to allergies, then it is better to consult a veterinarian, who will prescribe safe treatment, which does not cause complications.

Your veterinarian may prescribe the following flea medications:

  • in the form of a spray;
  • drops;
  • washing gels and;
  • insecticidal collars;
  • chewable tablets;
  • folk recipes.

Flea sprays for dogs

The drug is sprayed over the entire coat. In a sense, is not the most convenient means against fleas in dogs, because:

  • may get into the animal's eyes;
  • high risk of licking off the product;
  • do not touch the dog for a day after treatment;
  • if the pet is used to sleeping in the owners’ bed, then after treatment with the spray it should not be allowed there;
  • the procedure should be carried out with gloves in a well-ventilated area, or even better - in the fresh air;
  • This product is very difficult to dose, so it is possible to exceed the required dose.

The most popular are the following flea sprays - Frontline, Bars, Gett, Hartz, Noroclin Extra, Bearhar.

Flea drops for dogs

The products in this group are quite powerful and can completely rid your pet of fleas. Among the most effective brands are the following: Stronghold, Bars, Advantage (for dogs small breeds), Advantix.

The products have a number of contraindications, which should be familiarized with before use.

Special flea shampoos for dogs

Needs to be moistened warm water wool, apply the product and wait the specified time, most often 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, it is recommended to rinse off the shampoo and thoroughly comb the pet’s fur with a fine-toothed brush to remove dead or paralyzed insects.

Shampoos like Doctor Zoo, Leonardo, Celandine, and Beafar have a good effect.

Insecticidal collars

Does not apply to medicines. Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • They are toxic.
  • Some cannot be used for puppies under six months old and older animals.
  • Contraindicated for pets with kidney, liver, and neurological pathologies.
  • Can provoke dermatological diseases and allergic reactions.

You need to choose carefully. There are special collars that can be used for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches. There is such a line among the Beaphar brand products.

The collar is placed around the dog's neck and the protection lasts from three to six months. This is not only a treatment for fleas, but also a preventative. Preparations that have proven themselves: Beaphar, Doctor Zoo, Celandine, Bolfo, Bars.

Chewable flea tablets for dogs

This is the least popular remedy, although very easy to use. The pet is treated to a tablet, which tastes like a real treat, and after a while the procedure is repeated. Can be used from 2 months of age.

These drugs are produced well-known manufacturers: Frontline, Capstar, Bravecto, Comfortis. Except pharmaceuticals, there are also home ways to get rid of fleas using folk recipes.

Traditional methods of eliminating fleas

Of course, it is easier to prevent infection than to fight it later, so you should keep your home clean and regularly carry out wet cleaning.

It is recommended to examine the dog, especially in the spring and summer. At the same time, it is better to use a special flea collar. Care should be taken to ensure that the animal does not have contact with unfamiliar dogs.

It is unrealistic to completely protect your dog from fleas, but it is quite possible to reduce the risk of infection.

How to remove fleas from dogs at home? Will help A complex approach: use of special collars, use of shampoos, drops, holding hygiene procedures will save your pet from annoying “neighbors”.

  • constant source of food: fleas feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals;
  • It’s easy to hide among the thick fur;
  • The high body temperature of the dog provides a comfortable existence for harmful insects.

How to remove midges from an apartment? Effective chemicals and folk recipes are described on the page.

How to recognize

Flea shampoos for dogs are sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. Puppies and adult dogs have no problems with bathing: pets love water, they do not need to be held in mittens, or to fight off sharp claws, as when trying to apply flea shampoo for cats. The procedure takes place in a calm atmosphere; most often, the animals sit with their fur lathered as required. If the room is cool, be sure to cover the dog with a towel.

Price special means suits most owners: depending on the brand and volume of the bottle, the cost of the compositions ranges from 75 to 500 rubles. A bottle is often enough for more than one use.

Popular formulations:

  • Mr. Bruno.
  • Rolf Club.
  • Celandine.
  • Bio Groom.
  • Green Fort.


Features of application:

  • It is unacceptable for the spray to get into the animal’s eyes;
  • After treatment, you need to make sure that the pet does not lick off droplets of the product;
  • Before the procedure, you must open the windows;
  • After treatment, it is prohibited to bathe your four-legged friend for two hours.

Effective sprays:

  • Beafar.
  • Bolfo.
  • Leopard.
  • Mr. Bruno.
  • Rolf Club.

Important! Sometimes the effect of the spray causes negative reactions: irritation skin, itching, redness. If the dog is prone to allergies, the owner will have to choose a more delicate composition. What to choose: shampoo, drops or folk remedy- the veterinarian will tell you.


Popular brands of flea collars for dogs:

  • Rolf Club.
  • Hartz.
  • Beafar.
  • Foresta.
  • Leopard.
  • Mr. Bruno.

The average cost of products is from 180 to 400 rubles. Elite brands are much more expensive, but many mid-priced collars are no less effective. One of the advantages of expensive products is their long validity period (up to six months).

After certain period indicated on the package, the owner must buy a new collar. An expired product should not be placed around the neck of a pet.

Strip impregnated toxic substance, does not cause harm to your pet. During pregnancy, illness, allergic reactions in the dog, if the puppy has not reached a certain age, wear safety collar forbidden.


Many veterinarians consider this form of flea treatment to be the most effective:

Effective flea drops for dogs:

  • Leopard.
  • Beafar.
  • Rolf Club.
  • Inspector.
  • Celandine.
  • Advantix.
  • Dana.

The cost of drugs varies depending on the brand, brand popularity, and the volume of the bottle. Approximate price– from 140 to 680 rubles.

Note to owners! Apply the drops strictly to the withers so that the animal cannot lick them off. The components of the drug should not enter the pet's stomach.



  • Bravecto.
  • Frontline NexGuard.
  • Comfortis.

Look at the review of effective ones in the apartment and find out the rules for their use.

Cockroach bait recipes with boric acid and how to use them are described on the page.

Note to owners:

Some owners don't trust modern drugs, prefer homemade formulations based on natural ingredients. Non-toxic products are suitable for treating the hair and skin of dogs when the use of insecticides is prohibited.

Popular flea repellent compounds:

Prevention measures

Helpful Tips:

What to do if you four-legged pet wound up? What types are there and how to deal with them?

Unfortunately, no dog owner is immune from the appearance of fleas on their beloved pet.

In dogs, first you need to identify their variety.

    Short description

    Have Brown color and reach sizes up to three millimeters in length. They differ from other varieties by their excessive jumping ability.

    Dog fleas, photo below:

    IMPORTANT! Fleas have the ability to jump at a distance of more than 30 centimeters, both in length and height, so they can move onto the skin of a pet even when the animals sniff each other. An infected animal, shaking itself off, can shed flea eggs or larvae from its fur anywhere.

    Insect larvae can be anywhere: in leaves, on grass and even on bare ground and a dog can pick them up simply by walking on a leash in the yard or in the park.

    Larvae and flea eggs can stick to the soles of shoes and thus then directly onto the animal. A previously ill animal may become infected again after a course of treatment..

    Signs of fleas on a dog:

    • visible bites on the skin;
    • The dog started to itch frequently;
    • premature shedding;
    • hair loss on certain places skins;
    • accumulation of white larvae on the fur;
    • uncharacteristic behavior for a dog(irritability, loss of appetite, allergies).

    ATTENTION! Late treatment or inaction in this situation can lead to more serious illnesses and infections. Typhoid fever, tick-borne encephalitis, tuberculosis, salmonellosis is an incomplete list of diseases caused by fleas and that can easily be transmitted to humans. The bites of such insects are quite painful. Fleas can carry larvae on their bodies various types susceptible helminths human body.

    How do they reproduce?

    directly depends on their habitat. average temperature dog body varies from 37 to 39 ° C, and fleas, in turn, are heat-loving insects. Reproduction can occur on the animal itself or in some other secluded place: in upholstered furniture, on carpets, etc.

    Often after complete treatment (and pathogens various infections in percentage terms is much higher and more dangerous.

    Flea saliva enzymes can cause severe pain in the puppy allergic reaction and subsequent infection with worms.

    Because of helminthic infestation puppies lose their bowel movements, their fur becomes dull, their eyes become watery, and their body may become exhausted.

    Treatment of a puppy should not be delayed under any circumstances. after all, untimely treatment can cause anemia in a still fragile body with subsequent disastrous consequences.

    The puppy can become infected with fleas from its mother or during its first walks on the street.

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Of course, a cat flea is more comfortable on a cat, but it will not disdain a dog. And he will eat human blood. Thus, the species specificity of these insects is very conditional: fleas in dogs are transmitted to humans, and a person can infect a dog or cat with fleas. Fortunately, it doesn’t matter what type of flea you encounter: they are all destroyed in the same way and cause similar symptoms, and the differences are of interest only to entomologists.

The size of the flea rarely exceeds 0.5 cm, the color is reddish, brown or almost black. Translucent gray, yellowish or almost white fleas on dogs are not fleas at all, but lice or lice. And they are flattened “horizontally”, in width, and the fleas are flat on the sides. In addition, fleas have well-developed hind limbs, with the help of which these bloodsuckers can cover enormous (compared to their size) distances in one jump.

Since fleas reproduce in dogs in a very clever way, the population of bloodsuckers grows very quickly and continuously. Cunning fleas do not stick eggs to the fur, but scatter them everywhere: the female crawls in the fur and “shoots” several eggs in different directions. Eggs get into the carpet pile, floor crevices, behind baseboards, etc. Some of the larvae will certainly survive, pupate, turn into adult insects and return to the dog, even if a person thoroughly bathes and combs the pet.