Back pain what could it be. Why does your back hurt: reasons

Pain in the lower back is a companion of about a quarter of the country's population, it appears once, or becomes a common occurrence and accompanies a person throughout almost his entire life. Lower back pain often bothers men and women over 35-45 years old.

In recent years, due to physical inactivity, poor nutrition, excess weight, and constant stress, lower back pain syndrome is increasingly occurring in adolescents and children. Therefore, many people are increasingly concerned about the question of what to do if their lower back hurts.

Pain in the spine in the lower back can be dull, aching, shooting, and there may also be girdling pain in the lower back. They can appear on the left or right side of the body, disappear without a trace or constantly return, worsening the quality of life and physical activity of a person. Patients complain that their lower back hurts a lot. It is important for the doctor to determine why the lower back hurts, and for the patient to receive quality treatment.

Causes of lower back pain

Sometimes severe lower back pain can be caused by excessive physical activity. Working in the country, overexertion in the gym, carrying heavy loads, and a sedentary lifestyle provoke the process when the lower back hurts. However, the pain usually disappears after a few days. But if relief does not occur, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the causes of lower back pain.

Common reasons

Back pain in the lumbar region can have various causes. Pain can be caused by congenital diseases of the spinal column, malignant or benign tumors of the pelvic organs, and infectious processes. Doctors have a sufficient number of facts explaining why the back hurts in the lumbar region. The following causes of pain are identified:

  1. Acute or chronic spasm of the back muscles.
  2. Protrusions (bulging of the intervertebral disc) and herniated discs.
  3. Osteochondrosis (dystrophic damage to the joints or intervertebral discs), spondylosis (deformation, proliferation of bone tissue of the vertebrae), arthrosis (damage to the joints caused by metabolic disorders).
  4. Ankylosing spondylitis (a chronic disease leading to immobilization of the spinal column).

In men and women, the most common pathology is osteochondrosis, which causes curvature of the spinal column, compression of the spinal cord roots and severe pain in the lumbar spine.

One of the well-known syndromes is lumbago - a lumbago, in which the lower back or sacrum hurts very much.

In the lumbar region, the pain is often pulsating, tearing, lasts several minutes, but sometimes several hours or days, and disappears suddenly.

Dull, aching pain radiating under the ribs, associated with stretching of the renal capsule, is characteristic of kidney disease. This may be acute pyelonephritis (an inflammatory process that affects the tubular system of the kidneys) or blockage of the ureter with calculi (stones).

Nagging pain in the lower back develops with persistent allergic syndrome, hormonal imbalance, and tuberculosis. In this case, destruction of the vertebrae occurs.

Pain in the lower back, radiating to the right, can be symptoms of diseases of the pancreas, duodenum, stomach ulcers, aneurysm (enlargement) of the abdominal aorta. With phlebitis (inflammation of the walls of venous vessels), proctitis (inflammation of the rectum), the lower back also hurts. Appendicitis or cholecystitis is characterized by pain that radiates to the right side of the lower back.

Shingles in the lumbar region can be caused by various types of herpes. Often the virus does not manifest itself as a rash, but rather as aches and pains. To find out what medications and how to treat the pain, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist to advise you on taking antiviral drugs. Girdle pain in the lower back also accompanies inflammation of the peritoneum, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and myositis.

Among women

Lower back pain in women is caused by various reasons. The main ones are pregnancy, menopause, kidney diseases, digestive system disorders, osteochondrosis or hernia of the spinal column. Such pain in the lower back not only causes discomfort, but can also disrupt the monthly cycle and lead to infertility.

Nagging pain in the lower back occurs with gynecological problems. These may be inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, endometriosis (pathological growth of the uterine epithelium), cysts on the ovaries, polyps, fibroids or other formations in the uterine cavity.

Only a specialist can determine what may cause a woman’s lower back pain. Therefore, you do not need to decide on your own what to do if your lower back hurts. First of all, you need to visit a gynecologist.

Often women have lower back pain during menstrual periods. The reasons are a temporary change in hormonal levels, an increase in the amount of estrogens that increase the sensitivity of the body, water retention, an increase in the load on the spinal column, and physiological contractions of the uterine walls.

Low back pain during pregnancy occurs in almost every woman, but often does not require treatment. Pain in the lumbar region is associated with an increase in the pregnant woman’s body weight and pressure on the spine, hormonal changes in the body, a slight shift in the center of gravity, and a weakening of the muscular-ligamentous system of the lower abdomen.

Sometimes women complain that their back hurts even after childbirth. Experts say that postpartum causes of lower back pain appear after microtraumas of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus and joints of the spine.

Spinal instability is another problem for women of any age, even those with mild obesity. Other common causes are damage to the intervertebral discs or joints.

Physical activity and prolonged standing in an upright position cause pain in the spine, pain in the lower back, difficulty straightening the body, and a desire to lie down and rest. Osteoporosis may develop during the postmenopausal period.

In men

The appearance of periodic back pain in men can be caused by professional activities associated with excessive physical activity, uncomfortable body postures, and work in the cold. The culprit of pain radiating to the lumbar region or groin may be epididymitis - inflammation of the testicles, manifested by swelling of the scrotum and fever. With prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder, a man is bothered by dull pain on the left side of the back.

Lower back pain in men over 40 years old is often caused by herniated intervertebral discs. It is characterized by back pain when coughing, sneezing, difficulty bending and straightening the back. Pain in the lower back intensifies when standing upright, so such patients tend to lie down faster. An advanced hernia and pain in the lower back sometimes require surgery.

The listed specific male diseases and other pathologies in which the lower back hurts constantly and severely should not be treated without the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication can lead to aggravation and complication of the pathological process and result in disability. Treatment of the lumbar spine can only be performed by certified specialists.

Diagnosis of diseases

If the exact cause of the pain is not yet known, then diagnostic measures should begin with a visit to the therapist. Treatment of lower back pain should begin after an accurate diagnosis has been established, which is carried out after a complete examination. The examination includes:

  • study of anamnesis (questioning the patient about the disease);
  • visual inspection of painful points;
  • blood and urine tests (general and biochemical);
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • X-ray examination of the spine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • computed tomography (CT).

Since pain in the lumbar region is caused not only by neurological, but also by somatic causes, the patient should be examined by a neurologist, vertebrologist, therapist, and nephrologist. Women, if they have pain in the lower back, should definitely be examined by a gynecologist, and men should visit a urologist.

Treatment of lower back pain

After a correct diagnosis of lower back pain is made, the specialist prescribes treatment specific to this pathology, which is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.

If your back hurts, you should not look for the answer to the question of how to relieve lower back pain from your neighbors, acquaintances, or on the Internet. Lower back pain has different causes, so the treatment for each disease is individual. Only a doctor knows how to cure a patient and how to relieve pain.

To relieve lower back pain, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac) are prescribed. These medications have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, so they must be taken simultaneously with Almagel and Gastral, which reduce acidity and protect the stomach walls from damage. For pain, you can use appropriate ointments or gels as prescribed by your doctor.

Since pain in the spine and lower back is caused by various reasons, only specialists can prescribe appropriate treatment for the lower back. Therefore, at the first opportunity you need to consult a doctor and not self-medicate. Only a doctor can determine why the lower back hurts and how to get rid of lower back pain.

At home, treatment for lower back pain can be carried out only after examination and medical examination, otherwise incurable complications may arise.

If your lower back hurts, then treatment can be complex, that is, you can use both traditional and folk methods.


It is better to prevent pain in the spine, then you will not have to look for the answer to the question of how to treat lower back pain. The rules of prevention are simple but effective. The main thing is not to forget to fulfill them.

According to statistics, more than 25-30% of people have experienced this condition when their back hurts. Preventive planned monitoring of health status and timely consultation with a doctor allows you to identify incipient pathology, diagnose why the spine hurts in the lumbar region, why the lower back is pulled.

Morning exercises, jogging, brisk walks, gym classes, swimming are the main physical activities necessary for the muscles of the spine and back. At least 20-30 minutes a day, without strong tension or overload, will help strengthen muscle tissue.

To reduce the load on the spinal column, you need to adjust your body weight. Excess weight and physical inactivity are the enemies of the spinal column.

To properly reduce body weight, you should not get carried away with diets found on the Internet. It is better to consult a nutritionist or your doctor to receive competent recommendations on nutrition and maintaining water-salt balance.

Routine medical examinations are important to prevent back pain in the lumbar region. Women must visit a gynecologist every year, men - a urologist. Many spinal diseases begin in childhood.

Parents need to closely monitor the child’s health, teach him to exercise, active children’s games, and correct posture. School-age children must undergo a routine medical examination every year before the start of the school year.

If your lower back hurts, a positive attitude, faith in success, compliance with all the instructions of specialists makes it possible to reduce or completely get rid of pain and lead a full life.

Lower back pain in English-language sources is called pain in the lower back (low back pain). Pain is often caused by tension in the lumbar spine, limited movement, and antalgic scoliosis.
Acute lower back pain can last from several days to several weeks.

Causes, frequency and risk factors for low back pain

Low back pain occurs in almost every person at least once in their life.
It should be noted that pain can be in any part of your back, but, however, pain in the lumbar spine occurs most often. This is due to the fact that the lumbar vertebrae bear the maximum load from the weight of your body.
Lower back pain ranks second in the number of visits to the doctor, right after viral infections.
You may feel pain in the lower back after lifting something heavy, making a sudden movement, staying in one position for a long time, or after a spinal injury.
Acute pain in the lumbar spine is most often caused by a slipped disc and spinal injury.

Causes of lower back pain:

Symptoms of low back pain (lower back pain)

The pain can be varied: sharp, dull, pulling, burning, and may be accompanied by tingling and goosebumps, numbness.
The intensity of lower back pain can vary significantly - from mild to unbearable pain that prevents you from making even small movements. The pain can be combined with hip pain, shin pain, and foot pain.

Diagnosis of lower back pain

First you need to see a neurologist. The doctor will ask you questions about the nature of your pain, its frequency, and recurrence. The doctor will try to determine the cause of the pain and begin treatment with simple methods (ice, mild painkillers, physical therapy and necessary exercises).

In most cases, these treatments lead to a reduction in back pain.
During the examination, the doctor will determine the exact location of the pain, its irradiation, and neurological reflexes.
Most people with low back pain recover within 4 to 6 weeks.
Diagnostics includes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine, computed tomography of the lumbosacral spine, and x-ray of the spine.
Since the most common cause of lower back pain is intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine, first of all you need to do an MRI of the lumbar spine. This study will also help exclude most causes of pain, such as a tumor in the lumen of the spinal canal, spinal tuberculosis, spinal fracture, myeloma, anatomically narrow spinal canal, sponlilolisthesis, various types of spinal curvature, spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis. If your neurologist has not prescribed an MRI for you, then do it yourself. The power of the MRI machine must be 1 Tesla or more.
You should not start diagnostics with x-rays and computed tomography; these methods are unsafe. They can be done first only if a spinal fracture is suspected.

  • Reduce physical activity in the first two days after the attack begins. This will help reduce symptoms of the disease and swelling in the pain area.
  • Do not sit forward until the pain has completely subsided.
  • Take painkillers only if the pain is intolerable. It is better to give an intramuscular injection than to take a painkiller. This will protect the wall of your stomach from direct contact with the anti-inflammatory drug. Try to avoid taking unnecessary medications. Do not use hormonal medications for treatment unless your lower back pain is related to an autoimmune disease.
  • Sleep in the fetal position with a pillow between your legs. If you usually sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees
  • A common misconception is that you have to limit physical activity for a long time. Bed rest is not recommended!!! Unless you have a fever, weight loss, or involuntary urination or bowel movements, you should remain active for as long as you can stand it. You can only reduce your activity in the first two days after the pain occurs. Start doing light aerobic exercise. Walking on a machine and swimming will help improve blood flow to your back muscles. Consult your doctor to select exercises so as not to increase pain.


Most people feel significantly better after the first week of treatment.
After 4-6 weeks, in a significant proportion of patients the pain disappears completely.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor:

  1. Low back pain combined with shin pain and foot pain
  2. Pain does not allow you to care for yourself
  3. Pain associated with urinary and fecal incontinence
  4. Combination of pain in the lower back with numbness in the buttock, thigh, leg, foot, groin area
  5. If you have had back pain before
  6. If the pain lasts more than 3 days
  7. If you are taking hormones
  8. If lower back pain occurs after an injury
  9. Previously diagnosed with cancer
  10. If you have recently lost weight for unknown reasons

Text added to Yandex Webmaster 01/25/2012, 15:38
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Back pain, according to statistics, about 80% of people of different age categories experience this unpleasant and frightening symptom at least once in their lives. At the same time, it is important to be able to distinguish between situations in which painful sensations should be of concern and when there is no need to worry.

Of course, if the onset of pain was preceded by physical activity or a minor blow, it will dissipate within 2-3 days, there is no cause for concern. But if your back hurts severely, for a long time and the pain is not similar to muscle pain, rush to see a doctor.

The causes of back pain are varied, from minor external factors to the development of various pathological processes, of which there are also many. However, doctors still identify 3 common causes that occur most often:

  1. Nonspecific pain - combines a number of factors, among which the most common are muscle pain caused by incorrect posture, prolonged stay in one position (uncomfortable), overstrain due to excessive physical stress on the spine and back. This point can also include painful sensations that arise after hypothermia; in such cases they say “”.
  2. Radiating pains are somewhat less common, but they cannot be excluded. This includes diseases of internal organs located in other parts of the body. For example, the formation of tumors and pulmonary tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and others. In each of these cases, pain can radiate (give) to the back in its various areas.
  3. Mechanical damage and pathologies of the spine - pain in the spine also occurs due to a huge number of factors, we are talking about pathological processes. These include any diseases of the spinal column, from injuries (bruises, fractures, etc.) to radiculitis, hernias and other pathologies of the spinal region affecting the spine.

These are the main causes of back pain, if we identify them in general terms. All of the problems mentioned threaten serious problems with the functioning of the spine and require mandatory consultation with a doctor.

In some cases, without receiving adequate treatment, there is a risk of developing serious problems that can lead to serious complications. If the tissue of the spinal column or spinal cord is affected, there is a risk of paralysis of the limbs or even the entire body.


In order to consult a doctor in a timely manner and correctly describe your complaints to him, you need to have an idea of ​​the symptoms. At the same time, the symptoms of back pain may differ somewhat, and if we take into account the fact that pain itself is a symptom, we should highlight its main manifestations, which vary in nature and location:

  • By nature, painful sensations can be: sharp, dull, stabbing, cutting, aching, pulling, burning, etc.
  • Painful sensations can be strong, moderate and weak; these indicators are individual for each person. However, they must be taken into account, for example, when determining treatments for chronic back pain.
  • Back pain along the entire spine is quite rare. More often, painful sensations are either point-like or are assigned to a specific part of the spinal column (cervical, thoracic, lumbar).
  • However, it also happens that pain in the upper part of the spine (or any other part) radiates. In this case, the pain syndrome affects other areas of the back; it is often called wandering.
  • As a rule, acute pain in the spine brings the most discomfort and has the greatest impact on everyday life, but it often comes in waves and is easier to treat. At the same time, dull pain is less intense, but is constantly present, persists for a longer period and responds worse to therapy.

These are the general provisions regarding painful sensations in different parts of the back. But in addition to understanding the general symptoms of pain, it is also important to know that depending on the disease, the clinical picture may vary. So in one case, pain is felt between the vertebrae of the cervical spine, in another case it is localized in the lumbar region and has a different character.

For this reason, it is worth considering the symptoms of various pathological processes accompanied by back pain separately.


If your back hurts in the spinal area, the most likely diagnosis will be osteochondrosis, since this disease is more common than others. It is also important to understand that doctors distinguish three types of osteochondrosis: cervical, thoracic and lumbar.

In each of these cases, pain between the vertebrae is associated with different parts of the spinal column. The disease itself involves the destruction of cartilage tissue in the intervertebral discs, while the pathological process also occurs in the vertebrae, because due to the reduction of the space between them, they are erased.

The main symptom of the disease is pain, but clinical signs from the nervous system may also be present, since the spinal cord is most likely affected and its roots are pinched.


A rare disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the muscle tissues of the body, including the back. More often it is accompanied by aching pain, but sharp pain or so-called lumbago in the back is also possible.

The pain syndrome is localized directly in the place where the muscle tissue is inflamed, but the pain can radiate to nearby areas.


If your spine hurts, one of the likely causes may be spondylosis. This pathology is characterized by proliferation of bone tissue of the vertebrae, as well as their degenerative changes. In this case, painful sensations appear during physical activity due to prolonged stay in one position, for example, during sedentary work.


The term denotes with its further inflammation. The pathological process is accompanied by cutting, stabbing, sharp pains. With sciatica, pain is not felt constantly, it occurs suddenly and comes in waves.

With sciatica, there is severe pain directly in the place where the pinching or inflammation occurred. However, due to the fact that the sciatic nerve is very long, pain is present in different areas, most often the legs hurt.


The disease develops due to calcium deficiency in the body. As a result, bone tissue along the entire spinal column loses its elasticity and rigidity, and microtraumas and cracks form everywhere.

With this pathological process, the entire spine hurts, especially in the later stages of the disease.

Herniated disc

Acute and severe pain in the spine may be evidence. In this case, the pain syndrome is constant, but intensifies with physical activity, bending over, coughing, sudden or careless movements.

In most cases, a hernia forms in the lumbar spine, which is explained by the vulnerability of this area to excessive loads and heavy lifting. A hernia often occurs as a complication of osteochondrosis, which is due to the peculiarities of the course of this pathology.

In this case, a hernia is dangerous not only due to pain, there is a risk of pinching the nerve branches of the spinal cord and the development of neurological symptoms.

Excessive mobility of the spine

Otherwise, this problem is called vertebral hypermobility or. A clear sign of pathology is pain, which intensifies with intense physical activity and lifting weights. Painful sensations in the back are fickle; they either subside or suddenly reappear.

The cervical spine suffers the most; if the disease progresses, it becomes difficult for a person to hold his head up.


Oddly enough, but curvature of the spine is the direct cause of pain. One of the most common problems is scoliosis. Pain with scoliosis is more of a muscular nature. This is due to increased load on certain back muscles, while others are relaxed.

With scoliosis, due to the curvature of the spinal column, individual spinal discs are compressed and cartilage tissue is deformed. Painful sensations with scoliosis are constant, aching or pulling, their intensity is low, in rare cases the pain is severe and acute.

Spinal injuries

Of course, any mechanical damage, even minor, is painful. In this case, the more severe the damage, the more severe the pain, and sometimes even with a seemingly insignificant bruise, acute pain is felt, which may indicate severe internal damage. In this case, blows, bruises, sprains, and dislocations are taken into account, but the most severe type of injury is fractures.

It is noteworthy that old, long-healed injuries make themselves felt decades later. So back and neck pain can remind you of how you fell on the ice as a child.

Ankylosing spondylitis

This dangerous disease is also called ankylosing spondylitis. The pathology is characterized by a chronic inflammatory process in the joints, in other words – inflammation of the spine.

Ankylosing spondylitis is accompanied by severe pain, and the intensity of the pain syndrome is high from the very beginning of the pathological process and only intensifies in the future. In this case, the pain intensifies after rest and depending on weather changes, but it is well relieved with NSAID drugs and physiotherapy.

Oncological diseases

Cancer is the most dangerous pathology, the obvious sign of which is pain. In this case, pain syndrome appears in both benign and malignant neoplasms, if they are localized not far from the spinal column and put pressure on it.

An even more dangerous manifestation of oncology is metastases. In this case, the pain is constant and severe; it haunts the person always and everywhere, regardless of body position or any actions. The back hurts just as much even in a lying position.

Kidney diseases

The causes of pain in the lumbar region do not always lie in back problems. Due to the anatomical location of the kidneys, pathologies affecting them also cause severe pain in the lumbar region. The pain can be dull and drawing or sharp stabbing, the intensity varies depending on the disease and the degree of its progression.

It is important to understand here that pain can be on both sides or only on one, which indicates which kidney is involved in the pathological process.

Cardiovascular pathology

The opinion that in diseases of the cardiovascular system pain occurs exclusively in the thoracic region is erroneous. For example, with coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, the painful sensations are girdling and radiate to the back in the thoracic region. They are characterized as sharp, stabbing, and occur abruptly.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system include aneurysms of the aorta, in which acute sharp pain occurs near the spinal column in the thoracic region.

Pathology of the digestive tract

Diseases of the digestive tract also often provoke back pain, however, in such cases there are always a number of distinctive clinical signs. In addition to pain, there are stomach upsets, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or diarrhea, as well as general malaise.


Among infectious diseases accompanied by back pain, the most severe and dangerous is bone tuberculosis. The disease is accompanied by severe pathological processes in the bone tissues, the entire spinal column hurts. The pain is different in nature, sometimes nagging, sometimes stabbing, but always constant.

Respiratory diseases

The lungs occupy most of the thoracic region of the body, so pulmonary pathologies are often accompanied by back pain. Among such ailments are pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, etc.

With such pathologies, pain intensifies during coughing, sneezing, deep breaths, and yawning. In addition, the clinical picture is enriched by cough, shortness of breath, and other similar symptoms.

Congenital pathologies

The factor of congenital anomalies is extremely rare, but still occurs. In this case, the main suspicions fall on a congenital excess or insufficient number of vertebrae in the spinal column. This affects the muscles and ligaments, the structure of the body, and threatens protrusion of the spine or compression, which is invariably accompanied by pain.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy is also one of the causes of painful back symptoms. Pain in the spine and other problems of a similar nature appear more often by the third trimester, which completely depends on the growth of the fetus and the increased load on the spine.

In such cases, the pain is usually dull and nagging; it subsides or temporarily disappears after a short rest when the expectant mother lies down.

Inflammatory processes

A lot of different inflammatory processes lead to the development of pain, some of which we have already talked about. Take, for example, spondyloarthritis (Bechterew's disease). This pathology originates in the lumbosacral region, then inflammation, and with it aching pain in the back, rises up the spinal column.

Pain radiating to the spine

As mentioned at the very beginning, there is a class of pain called radiating pain. This means that back pain “radiates” to the spine from other parts or organs in which the disease has flared up. Let's talk about such pain in more detail.

Pathologies of the heart and great vessels

The most likely diseases of the cardiovascular system accompanied by back pain were mentioned earlier. It is only important to understand that in addition to pain, such pathologies are accompanied by blood pressure disorders, arrhythmia and pallor of the skin; this is their distinctive feature.

Gallbladder diseases

The clearest example of such pathological processes is cholecystitis, which leads to irradiation of pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade and the central part of the spine in the thoracic region.

The acute form of the disease is accompanied by severe pain, while the chronic form is more difficult to diagnose, since the pain is inconsistent and of low intensity.

Pancreatic lesions

The most common disease of the pancreas is pancreatitis. The clinical sign of this condition is pain in the abdomen, but it can also be girdling and is characterized as sharp, stabbing. However, in addition to pain, the patient suffers from nausea, vomiting, and painful sensations appear after eating fatty, sweet, or fried foods.

Pathologies of the kidneys and upper urinary tract

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract are also accompanied by pain, and it is usually intense. Severe pain occurs during urolithiasis, but it is felt not only in the lumbar region. Severe discomfort is present in the lower abdomen and groin area.


As can be seen from the huge list of possible problems, in order to eliminate pain in the spine, it is necessary to identify the main causes of its occurrence. To do this, you must consult a doctor and conduct a full diagnosis, which includes:

  • – a simple and effective way to determine the condition of the spine, detect deformities and various pathologies.
  • – computed tomography more accurately identifies pathologies of intervertebral discs and vertebrae.
  • – magnetic resonance imaging is an even more advanced and most effective diagnostic method, which will show not only problems in the structure of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, but will also make it possible to identify or exclude involvement of nerves and the spinal cord in the pathological process.

If these examinations do not produce results, contact specialists in other fields. Perhaps the problem lies in diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, pelvic organs, etc.

How to treat back pain

Treatment of acute back pain requires a comprehensive and systematic approach. The methods of control become clear after a full examination and an accurate diagnosis. It is also important to understand that in case of problems of this nature, only a doctor can take care of it; self-medication is unacceptable.

The attending physician will determine a treatment regimen, which will most likely include drug therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and a course of massages.


It is one of the main methods of combating pathologies affecting the spine. Treatment of back pain involves the following procedures:

Treatment is carried out in a course consisting of 7-10 procedures or more, the intervals between procedures are 3-5 days.


Therapeutic exercise and gymnastics are also included in the treatment of pain syndrome, however, these techniques are used primarily for recovery when there is no longer severe pain. Gymnastics is needed to restore muscle elasticity, mobility, keep them in good shape, and accelerate recovery from back injuries.

It is important to conduct the first classes with a physiotherapist, who will adjust the technique, distribute the loads, and teach you how to exercise correctly. In the future, classes are performed at home, and most importantly, the requirements are a systematic approach.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy is the core of all treatment. Each drug is prescribed by a doctor based on the diagnostic data obtained. The technique depends on the intensity of the pain syndrome and the stage of disease progression.

The following medications are needed for pain in the spine:

  • (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - prescribed in the form of ointments, tablets, injections, sometimes in the form of suppositories. NSAIDs have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and reduce local temperature.
  • Analgesics are painkillers that block the nerve centers responsible for recognizing pain.
  • Muscle relaxants are administered in cases where muscle spasm needs to be eliminated.
  • Vitamin complexes, including B vitamins. Their effect helps restore nerve fiber and improve metabolic processes. A good option would be the injection Neuromultivit, which includes a complex of B vitamins.

The duration of drug therapy, frequency of drug use and dosage are determined by the doctor.


A course of massages is another effective method to get rid of pain. Prescribed when the pain subsides, carried out exclusively by a specialist.

Massage therapy can stimulate blood circulation, relieve pain, restore nose and muscle elasticity, etc. To achieve a noticeable effect, a course of massages consisting of at least 10 sessions is required.


To minimize the risk of developing pathologies in which pain is felt in the spine or reduce the risk of recurrence of diseases, you need to follow simple preventive recommendations:

  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Eat right, eat less junk food, switch to a fractional nutrition system.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, play sports, preferably swimming or some type of gymnastics.

Folk remedies for back pain can be used to eliminate symptoms with an integrated approach. Back pain can be related to the bony lumbar spine, intervertebral discs, ligaments around the spine, spinal cord and nerves, muscles of the lower back, abdominal and pelvic internal organs, and even the skin around the lumbar spine. Upper back pain may be associated with aortic disorders, tumors in the chest, and inflammation of the spine. How to cure a sore back, read the article!

Indications and contraindications for the use of home remedies

Typically, low back pain is divided into two types:

  • Acute back pain occurs suddenly and persists for a maximum of three months;
  • Chronic – pain develops gradually over a longer period, lasting more than three months and causing long-term problems.

Expert opinion

Astafiev Igor Valentinovich

Neurologist - Pokrovsk City Hospital. Education: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd. Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. HM. Berbekova, Nalchik.

In the vast majority of cases, back pain is relieved without medical attention.

The pain can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. Applying a hot compress or ice pack to the painful area may also help relieve pain.

A significant percentage of patients with back pain experience both periodic attacks of more severe pain and more or less constant mild back pain, making it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. When using home remedies, improvement should occur almost immediately - on the second or third day of therapy; if home treatments do not give the desired results, the patient is advised to seek medical help.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Overview of the tools used

Only a doctor can tell you how to treat sharp pain that intensifies when walking, piercing or acute pain.

Self-medication in this case is contraindicated.

Most physical exercises designed to treat low back pain and some radicular pain (pain that travels down the leg) will include a combination of traditional techniques of the following types:

  • Stretching. Proper muscle stretching along with vigorous exercise will help maintain a normal range of motion and provide relief to muscles that often suffer from atrophy (muscle shortening from underuse) or spasms from poor posture or nerve irritation. For many patients, it is best to follow a stretching routine that has been individualized for them by a physical therapist or spine specialist. In general, patients with low back pain should focus on stretching the muscles of the lower back, abdominal muscles, hips and legs. The patient should never bounce while stretching, and all stretches should be slow and gradual;
  • Dynamic Stabilization Exercises. These exercises may include the use of exercise balls, balance machines, or specific stabilization exercises. The goal of dynamic stabilization is to strengthen the secondary spinal muscles and support the spine through various ranges of motion;
  • Core Strengthening Exercises. These are specific exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and lower back muscles (erectal vertebrae) to provide support to the aforementioned band of muscles around the spine.

Some specialists may also offer the patient aquatic physical therapy.

Water supports the body and minimizes the effects of gravity, making it easier for patients to work on themselves in the initial stages. Aquatic therapy can be very beneficial for elderly and disabled patients who may not have the strength to perform some exercises outside of a water pool.

If your spine hurts after exercise, it is important to stop and consult your doctor!

Examples of exercises to get rid of back pain

  1. Exercise cat. Get on all fours, legs bent at the knees, arch your back as you exhale, as you inhale, inhale and draw in your stomach, imitating cat movements. Repeat the exercise up to 10 times.
  2. Knee to chest stretch. Lie on the floor, legs straight, alternately press your knees to your chest, first the left, then the right, repeat the exercise up to 20 times.
  3. "Bridge". Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hands on the floor, lift your pelvis, simulating a bridge, repeat the exercise up to 7 times.

Also, be sure to watch the video with one useful exercise

Traditional medicine recipes


When your back hurts, “what to do at home” is the main question. Treatment compresses for back pain should be warming or, conversely, sharply cooling to achieve a relaxing effect.

Ice pack

Freeze ice cubes in the freezer, take an aloe leaf and one ice cube, wrap with a cosmetic napkin, apply to painful areas for 5-7 seconds for 2-3 minutes.

Ginger compress

Mix 2 teaspoons of ginger in a bowl. turmeric and 2 drops of olive oil. Heat the mixture in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, wrap the warm mixture in gauze, apply to the sore spot, secure with a scarf or bandage, and leave for 25-35 minutes.

Expert opinion

Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city clinic, Moscow. Education: Russian State Medical University, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

Remove the mixture with baby soap or shower gel.

Compress with basil

Brew 10 basil leaves with 250 ml of water, boil the mixture for 15 minutes over low heat, place a piece of gauze in the resulting solution, squeeze out the gauze, place the basil leaves on top of the gauze, and apply to the sore spot. A compress with basil should be used every day for 2-2.5 weeks.

Garlic compress

Grind 250 grams of garlic, pour the resulting mixture with a glass of vodka, leave in a dark place for 1-2 weeks, put the finished compress on gauze, apply to the affected area no more than 2 times a week for half an hour for 3 weeks.


The use of decoctions for back pain at home has an antioxidant and local tonic effect, and has a mild analgesic effect.

Decoction with milk

Grind several sea buckthorn leaves, pour the resulting powder with milk (3.2%), place the broth on low heat and boil for 5-7 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, drink the milk drink every day 3 to 4 times a day for a week.

In this recipe, regular milk can be replaced with almond milk.

Milk is an important part of the daily diet and is an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for healthy bones. Milk contains protein, which helps repair muscles. It reduces cholesterol production in the liver and can act as an antacid. Vitamins A and B in milk may help improve vision and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Wheat decoction

Pour 1 tablespoon of wheat bran into one glass of water (350 ml), boil the decoction for 30 minutes, take the tincture warm, 50-70 ml 2-3 times a day.

Chamomile decoction

Stress can worsen low back and back pain. Chamomile helps relieve it by soothing and relaxing muscle tissue, thereby reducing pain.

Brew (use 250 ml of water) two bags of chamomile tea/drink, cover the glass with a lid or saucer, wait 25-30 minutes, take chamomile infusion 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 3 weeks.


Rub based on herbal oils

Add a handful of any herb to 1 teaspoon of olive oil (rosemary, lavender, St. John's wort, thyme are suitable), mix the mixture thoroughly, place the container with it in the sun for 3 weeks, shake the solution daily. Strain the finished oil through cheesecloth or a strainer.

Rub the resulting mixture onto painful areas of your back at any time.

Herbs such as mint, lavender, thyme relieve pain and have a slight cooling effect; for severe back pain, it is best to use them.


Vacuum massage

Nothing other than cupping massage is a very effective and safe treatment for back pain. This massage can relax “stiff” muscles, unblock nerve knots and “untie” myofascial adhesions. The vacuum is created in special jars that are placed on the patient's back, shoulders, hips or legs. The cup instantly draws muscles and tissue into itself, this suction “pulls” blood to the surface of the skin and helps relax tight muscle tissue. Cupping is often used in conjunction with acupuncture and massage to increase muscle relaxation and reduce pain. When used together, these three treatment therapies provide powerful pain relief and relaxation of muscle tissue that can cause pain and throw the spine out of balance.

Vacuum massage tends to leave circular bruises after cupping, these bruises disappear within 3-5 days. The procedure is not painful.

Vacuum massage removes toxins from tissues through the skin. The procedure improves lymphatic drainage and helps the body get rid of viral and bacterial infections. When the cup is placed on the upper back and shoulders at the beginning of the chest, it can help draw out pathogens and tone your immune system.


For back pain, self-massage is no less effective than all the methods. In a lying position, clench your hand into a fist and massage your lower back and spine in gentle circular movements for 5-15 minutes.

Physio equipment

Physiotherapeutic devices for home use are used as additional therapy in.

Below are the most popular devices.

Name Application area Price
Physiotherapeutic device “DETOX SPA”Used as a device for muscle detoxification, improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, relieves painFrom 19900 rub.
Electronic apparatus “Sun”The quartz lamp is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, and is especially good at treating neuralgic and muscle painFrom 2700 rub.
Apparatus “FAIRY” UTL-01Electrode device restores the body's protective properties, reduces painFrom 3000 rub.

Portable massagers

Designed for daily massaging of painful areas, they are safe, budget-friendly analogues of physiotherapeutic devices.

Name Application area Price
Handheld infrared massager “Dolphin”Used to relieve fatigue in the muscles of the back, legs, arms, infrared heating mode reduces pain, relaxes, fights arthritis/arthrosis, osteochondrosis, relieves tension in jointsFrom 1200 rub.
Massager “Laponka”Improves the condition of arthrosis/arthritis, radiculitis, improves blood circulation, restores metabolismFrom 200 rub.


There are many over-the-counter medications/ointments that can be helpful in relieving pain and symptoms. Drugs are divided into three groups:

  • quickly eliminate symptoms of pain;
  • Ointments/creams. Apply to the skin and are intended to relieve localized pain, such as pain in a sore muscle or arthritic joint. Most are available without a prescription;
  • Compresses - anti-inflammatory drugs can be applied directly to the source of pain.


Name Description/application Price
Fastum-gelRelieves pain, tension, muscle stiffness. Apply a thin layer to the affected areaFrom 200 to 500 rub.
Nise-gelUsed as a local treatment of inflammatory processes in arthritis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis. Apply a thin layer to the skin areaFrom 180 rub.
KetonalNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Has a rapid analgesic effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal systemFrom 180 rub.


Medicinal compresses

Name Description/application
Compress with dimexideEffective for treating joint pain, arthritis, osteochondrosis. Dilute Dimexide with water in a ratio of 1 to 1, soak a swab/gauze in the resulting solution, apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day
Compress with dimexide and novocaineUsed for acute pain. Dimexide and novocaine are mixed in an amount of 50 ml with water (100 ml), the resulting solution is moistened with gauze and applied to painful areas 3-4 times a day
Compress with medical bileEffective for eliminating back pain. Mix 250 mg of bile with 150 mg of camphor alcohol, leave for a week, soak gauze in the resulting solution, apply to the affected area no more than 2 times a week

First aid and prevention

In most cases, back pain is caused by simple muscle tension and can be relieved with normal self-care techniques.

Prevention and first aid methods include:

  • A short period of rest, limited to one or two days, in which strenuous activity is kept to a minimum. Sitting in a reclined, supported and elevated position (such as in a chair or bed supported by pillows) minimizes stress in the lower back;
  • As first aid, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever, including (such as ibuprofen or aspirin) or;
  • Applying ice or a cold pack will reduce the local inflammation that often accompanies lower back pain in response to injury. Ice is usually recommended for the first 48 hours after the pain begins. Important! Avoid applying ice directly to the skin (to avoid burns);
  • Applying heat to relieve muscle tension, relieve muscle spasms, and increase oxygenated blood flow to the painful area to facilitate healing.


Constant pain can be detrimental to your normal lifestyle. Home remedies for back pain will most often bring relief - massage, traditional medicine, and over-the-counter pain relievers will most likely help you in your fight against the source of the discomfort.

But it is very important to understand that if symptoms worsen or any complications arise, you must seek professional help.

Lower back pain occur quite often and appear under different circumstances.

Often patients go to the doctor and ask: if their lower back hurts, what could it be, what is causing severe pain.

Back pain in the lumbar region can develop with a variety of pathologies of both the spine and internal organs. Also, periodic pain develops in people with systemic diseases. The location of such pain can be different: many people complain that it hurts more on the right or left, below or above the lower back, and ask what is in this area. Often this condition develops with, and this is possible both in the early and late stages. If the pain is acute and there is also a fever, you must call emergency help.

If there is constant pain, but no temperature, then a specialist will help to understand the cause of this phenomenon. Initially, you should contact a therapist, who will assess the patient’s condition and advise which specialists should be contacted next.

To find out whether the spine hurts, or whether there are other reasons for this condition, it will be necessary to conduct a number of studies, including ultrasound, MRI, etc.

Causes of back pain in the lumbar region

If your back hurts in the lumbar region, the causes of this phenomenon are most often associated with the development and sciatica . These conditions are a consequence of damage to the lumbar spine. Also, such pain can be associated with intervertebral hernias and protrusions. It hurts a lot if a vertebra has shifted. Whether there can be a temperature with osteochondrosis depends on the woman’s condition, but in this case you should immediately consult a doctor.

If persistent lower back pain develops, the causes in women and men may be associated with irritation of the nerves of the spinal column, irritation or muscles and ligaments. The answer to the question of why there may be pain in the lower back may lie in the fact that the patient develops a certain disease of the internal organs, and the pain radiates to the lumbar region. In this case, pain may be felt lower and higher, left, right.

If we are talking about why lower back pain in women, the reasons may be,. Sometimes the causes of lower back pain in women are associated with diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular inflammation of the uterine appendages . But even if there is periodic pain and aching in the lumbar region, a specialist should definitely find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

Why lower back pain in men also depends on the disease, which must be diagnosed. If lower back pain occurs in men, the causes may be related to diseases prostate gland .

In addition, there is a possibility that pain in the lumbar spine may develop as a result of problems with the intestines, and the pain may also radiate when the lungs are affected.

But no matter why severe lower back pain develops, the reasons for this phenomenon must be determined immediately and adequate treatment provided.

According to statistics, up to 60% of city residents in developed countries periodically complain that their lower back hurts. The causes of this phenomenon are associated with pathologies of the spine. In most cases, people aged 30 to 60 years complain about such violations.

60% of cases of such pain are a consequence of osteochondrosis, when one of the roots of the first sacral, 4, 5 lumbar vertebrae is damaged. This phenomenon is called monoradicular syndrome . When two roots are affected, it develops biradicular syndrome (in approximately 33% of patients). The defeat of three roots is called triradicular syndrome , it is rarely diagnosed.

Tests for lumbosacral osteochondrosis

These tests are used as a way to make a preliminary diagnosis and are named after the doctors who suggested them.

Dejerine's symptom If you tense your abdominals and listen to your lower back, the pain will become stronger. In this case, there is a high probability that the patient has osteochondrosis.
Neri's symptom If, when sharply bending your head forward before touching your chest, there is pain in the lower back, this also indicates problems with the spine.
Lasègue's symptom This can be felt after the following actions: lying on your back, you need to lift each leg in turn. If after this the lower back begins to twist, and the pain radiates along the sciatic nerve to the leg, this is evidence of spinal pathology.
Lerrey's symptom If pain occurs in a person along the sciatic nerve, after he rises forward, without bending his knees, from a lying position, we are talking about manifestations of chondrosis.

Types of pain

Back pain is a nonspecific symptom, and the causes of its occurrence can be very diverse. There are very different types of pain in the spine in the lower back. And by how exactly the spine hurts in the lumbar region - severely or a nagging pain or heaviness manifests itself - the cause of this condition is determined. It is also important to understand where the pain manifests itself - at the top or bottom of the spine; it develops periodically or continuously.

Causes of acute pain:

  • osteochondrosis ;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs ;
  • spondyloarthritis ;
  • acute intervertebral hernia ;
  • spinal epiduritis ;
  • vertebral fractures ;
  • acute sprain ;
  • pathologies of the hip joint ;
  • sciatica, lumbago ;
  • acute spinal circulatory disorders ;
  • acute pyelonephritis ;
  • acute – atypical course ;

Causes of chronic pain:

  • urolithiasis disease ;
  • , osteomalacia ;
  • tumor of the spinal cord, retroperitoneal space, vertebrae – primary, ;
  • lesions of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs of an infectious nature (, epidural abscess , );
  • non-infectious inflammations ( Reiter's syndrome , ankylosing );
  • kidney tumors .

Causes of radiating pain:

  • diseases of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder ;
  • abdominal part of the aorta and branches of the aorta;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs ;
  • women's diseases - inflammation of the uterine appendages , uterine cancer , venereal diseases ;
  • male diseases - prostate cancer , ;
  • kidney diseases - stones in the kidneys , ;
  • intestinal diseases - ulcerative colitis , inflammation of the diverticulum , nonspecific intestinal tumor ;

Why does back pain occur above the lower back?

If pain appears above the back on the sides, it is quite possible that we are talking about liver disease - liver failure , hepatitis , the consequences of taking toxic medications, resulting in liver pain. As a rule, in this case, the back hurts on the right, above the lower back - in the hypochondrium.

Why does it hurt on the right and left just above the lower back? Most likely, in this case, acute kidney disease develops. Often when polycystic disease , pyelonephritis in a chronic form, kidney tumors mild symptoms are observed. After all, stretching of the renal capsule occurs gradually. How to determine what hurts - the kidneys or the lower back? This question can be answered accurately only after a full diagnosis.

If acute pyelonephritis develops, or the patient has a blocked ureter, then the pain is intense, but dull, often aching. But such sensations appear constantly, for a long time, often radiating to the navel area and lower abdomen. Also, discomfort and pain may appear in the hypochondrium on the left or right.

In chronic kidney diseases, pain sometimes occurs as a result of taking certain medications. When treatment is stopped, these sensations go away.

Sometimes muscle pain develops, which can manifest itself not only in the lower back, but also in the sternum, etc. In this case, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Pain below the waist

Drawing and aching pain in the lower back develops with a number of spinal diseases. In addition, women experience pain in the lumbar region during menstruation. In this case, your stomach and back may hurt at the same time. This symptom also manifests itself in diseases of the genital area (, salpingo-oophoritis , oophoritis ), pelvic peritoneum. Sometimes the lower back hurts and aches when the cause is the intestines, as well as inflammation of the appendix. As a rule, it does not subside even in the lying position.

In men, aching or sharp pain in the lower back can develop with prostate disease.

Sharp pain in the lower back is possible with bladder ailments. A doctor will help you find out the exact diagnosis.

Pain on the left and right

If the lower back hurts on the right and left at the same time, this may indicate the development of hepatitis A , pyelonephritis , cholecystitis . Pain in the lower back on the right also manifests itself with inflammation of the uterine appendages and prostate. Pain on the right back in the hypochondrium area can develop when pleurisy , pneumonia . If the pain is radiating and is felt above or below the lower back on the right side, it is likely atypical , and intestinal obstruction . In general, the causes of pain in the lumbar region on the right and lower left can be associated with various diseases, both of the spine and internal organs.

Pain in the buttock on the right in women occurs both with osteochondrosis and with damage to the ligaments and muscles in this area.

Thus, if the lower back hurts on the left or right, you can suspect that the following ailments are developing:

Spinal diseases

If your back hurts in the lumbar region on the left, the causes of this condition may be associated with acquired diseases - tumors, degenerative pathologies, inflammatory processes. Also, unpleasant sensations on the right and left lower back can be associated with traumatic injuries, intervertebral hernias. Pain in the lower back on the left above and below is also possible with congenital pathologies - spondylosis, sacralization, spondylolisthesis, lubularization.

Diseases of internal organs

It hurts on the right and left sides due to diseases of the pelvic organs (bladder, parametrial tissue, uterus and appendages, prostate gland). Sometimes the lower back hurts very badly due to pathologies of the intestines and kidneys. Symptoms of intestinal inflammation in women and men can include severe pain in this area.

Diseases of the nervous system in the lumbosacral region

It hurts in the sacral area if the following problems occur: compression of the roots, neurological diseases (neuritis, neurasthenia, hysteria), metabolic disorders, and etc.

Pain with lumbago and pinched sciatic nerve

If the lower back is pulled, the reasons for this may be related to pinched sciatic nerve . In case of pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, as well as with radiculitis, the pain varies. The patient sometimes feels a lumbago when at rest and when moving, sometimes there is a stabbing, burning, burning, burning sensation in the back. There may be a feeling of numbness. In this case, pain can be both moderate and very strong, unbearable.

Sciatic nerve - the longest in the body. When it is pinched, pain appears only on one side. Where exactly depends on the gender of the patient: as a rule, on the right for girls and on the left for men. Most often, the feeling of a sharp lumbago appears when you get up from a lying position, when you stand and change the position of your body. The most painful place when this nerve is inflamed is under the knee, as well as where the bone protrudes at the bottom of the buttock. Sometimes nodules appear on the back of the thigh and on the muscles of the lower leg. This lump is especially sensitive if you touch it. This disease can bother you both day and night.

Lumbago – This disease is popularly called radiculitis. Sudden lumbago, which manifests itself after heavy exertion, sudden movement, prolonged stay in one position, or during hypothermia or a cold. If your back hurts, attacks force you to take a position in which the pain subsides. It is better to ask your doctor what treatment methods to take. As a rule, massage and warming agents help. But it is still important to consult with a specialist, since lumbago indicates disorders in the lumbosacral spine.

Many women ask about what to do if their lower back hurts during the period. It is difficult to understand what to do when many medications cannot be used, in particular, and how to treat such a condition.

The causes of burning and pain during pregnancy are associated with the fact that at this time the woman’s body is subjected to increased stress. As the fetus grows, the center of gravity changes, and often expectant mothers complain of pain in the lower back when bending forward, and later of constant pain and burning in the back. In addition, during pregnancy, in the process of physiological changes, other manifestations are noted - headache and chest pain, hair loss.

During pregnancy, the femoral-sacral joints relax as the body prepares for childbirth. This also causes spinal tension and back pain.

Every woman who is expecting a child should definitely consult a doctor. It is especially important to do this if you have had back problems before. It is important to contact a specialist whose field of activity is broader than gynecology and determine how to act to prevent negative manifestations.

Most often during pregnancy, back pain occurs in the area of ​​the kidneys in women who have previously suffered from osteochondrosis , curvature of the spine , muscle pain . However, it should be borne in mind that pain in the kidney area is sometimes a symptom of diseases of the internal organs. Thus, pain in the kidney on the left may indicate inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. Therefore, if such manifestations occur during pregnancy, it is important to inform your doctor in a timely manner and undergo an examination. He will tell you what to do if your lower back hurts and determine the cause of this phenomenon.

If the sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy, manual therapy and special exercises are practiced. Any medications are prescribed only by a specialist. It is very important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations exactly. Only in this case can all negative manifestations be minimized.