Pain in the lower abdomen, pulling down. Several pictures of nagging pain

The fair sex often experiences discomfort in the pelvic area due to physiological characteristics. Added to the discomfort are mood swings, weakness, drowsiness, and dizziness. If the problem bothers you frequently and does not coincide with the monthly cycle, you need to think about why the woman’s lower abdomen and lower back hurt. What to do, what therapeutic measures to use - the doctor will tell you based on the diagnostic results.

If the pain becomes persistent, limits mobility, and reduces the quality of life, you should not delay a visit to the clinic: many causes of discomfort are far from harmless. The doctor will determine why the lower abdomen hurts and provide the woman with the necessary help.

Why does the stomach and lower back hurt in women?

Practice shows that pain in the lower back and abdomen in women is a common problem.

To find out its reasons, the doctor asks the patient clarifying questions:

  • what nature of the unpleasant sensations are (dull, shooting, paroxysmal);
  • how often does discomfort occur;
  • whether the patient’s body temperature rises;
  • where the pain is localized: covers the lower back, center of the abdomen, side;
  • are there any associated symptoms(dizziness, nausea, problems with urination, etc.).

Based on the results of an oral interview, the doctor makes an assumption about why the lower back hurts, which is confirmed or refuted after laboratory tests.

Unpleasant sensations are not always associated with menstruation. They are often caused by serious pathologies of the body, other than gynecological problems.

Intestinal diseases

The cause of discomfort in the pelvic area is intestinal disease.

They cause the following set of symptoms:

  • the patient has a stomach ache;
  • discomfort radiates to the lower back, groin and chest area;
  • increases gas formation in the intestines, which is why a woman feels like her stomach is “bursting” from the inside;
  • nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite occurs;
  • stool is disturbed.

If a patient has intestinal pain, the doctor may suspect the following problems: infection, poisoning, intestinal obstruction, ulcerative colitis, perforation small intestine etc. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, you must definitely consult a doctor: delay or use traditional methods leads to a worsening of the situation and progression of the disease.

Particular attention is required if the pain becomes cramping in nature. You need to call an ambulance: such a symptom indicates the danger of the disease to the woman’s life.


Abdominal pain radiating to the back is a manifestation of the following kidney-related ailments: pyelonephritis, cyst, development malignant neoplasms, kidney failure. They arise due to poor nutrition, hypothermia, hereditary predisposition, other factors.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is complemented by the following characteristic symptoms:

  • discomfort when urinating;
  • blood in the urine;
  • cloudy urine;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • swelling on the legs, face;
  • migraines;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • general fatigue, depression.

If the problem bothers the patient long time, you need to visit a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Aching pain radiating to the lower back is a sign urolithiasis. It affects patients aged 25-50 years. Doctors attribute the problem to the unfavorable influence of poor ecology and poor lifestyle of patients.


Unpleasant sensations appear unexpectedly and rapidly increase. The patient may have a fever, which indicates a purulent form of the disease.

The pain is overwhelming epigastric region, then move on to the stomach and lower back, the right side is especially bothersome. At purulent appendicitis the unpleasant sensations are weaker, which is due to the loss of sensitivity in the nerve endings. Loss of consciousness and bouts of vomiting are possible.

Often a woman feels discomfort on the right side of her leg. This causes her to limp when walking. General weakness, irritability, urination problems and diarrhea are gradually added.

In the absence of medical intervention, acute appendicitis is fatal.. If symptoms appear, you should call ambulance. Before her arrival, the patient should be put to bed and something cold should be placed on the right stomach or under the lower back. Taking painkillers is strictly prohibited.


Video - how to identify an inflamed appendix?


According to statistics, 70% of women experience discomfort in the abdomen and lower back during menstruation. The main cause of discomfort is change hormonal levels. The muscles of the pelvic area and uterus begin to contract, which is irritating nerve endings.

A characteristic symptom appears - a woman’s lower abdomen pulls.

He is accompanied by others unpleasant manifestations:

Practice shows that monthly discomfort occurs mainly nulliparous women. The symptoms are dangerous because they can be explained not only by natural cyclical processes, but also by sexually transmitted diseases, endometriosis, and inflammatory processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Therefore, it is important for a woman to listen to her own body and be able to distinguish the norm from signs of illness.

Pain during pregnancy

Pregnant women often complain that their lower abdomen and lower back are tight. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms are regarded by doctors as normal. On early stages(first and second trimester) they are caused by a shift in the center of gravity of the spine, weight gain, and increased muscle tone in the pelvic area.

In later stages, the weight of the fetus reaches three kilograms. For the expectant mother It’s not easy to carry such a heavy weight, so her lower back is constantly bothering her. The load on the genitourinary system increases, swelling occurs, so the lower abdomen ache. Sometimes the discomfort becomes so strong that a woman prefers most of time to sit or lie down.

Painful sensations are regarded as normal if they are not sharp, shooting in nature, and the stomach does not become hard. In these cases, you need to consult a doctor and get examined.

Ectopic pregnancy

Characteristic sign dangerous condition– . Discomfort is often localized in the right or left side - closer to the affected fallopian tube, and intensifies when walking or turning the body. Woman notices spotting from the vagina.

Pain in the lower back and pelvic area gradually increases, becoming unbearable and cramping. An ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening for the patient, so if its first symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.


To make a diagnosis, the doctor conducts an oral conversation with the patient to identify her complaints. He is interested in where the pain is localized: below, on the side, around the abdomen and lower back, etc., what its character is, how often it appears, how additional symptoms accompanied.

To make a correct diagnosis you need laboratory tests:

  • general analysis blood - an increased level of ESR indicates the development inflammatory process in the body;
  • general urinalysis - an increased level of leukocytes indicates kidney disease;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs - allows you to exclude or confirm diseases genitourinary system;
  • X-ray – reveals osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
  • absorption densitometry – diagnoses osteoporosis;
  • irrigoscopy - the doctor examines the large intestine and identifies gastrointestinal problems.

Based on the research results, the doctor draws conclusions about what caused the discomfort in the lower back and what to do in this case.


When the doctor has found out why the patient has pain in both her back and stomach at the same time, he prescribes treatment. Treatment options vary depending on the cause discomfort.

If your back hurts for a reason acute appendicitis, the patient is prescribed surgery in 100% of cases. Refusal surgical intervention leads to death.

If intestinal problems are detected, the patient is prescribed absorbents and (or) antibiotics, substances that normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to adjust your lifestyle and give up bad habits, follow a diet. Ignoring the doctor’s instructions will lead to the problem moving into a chronic stage.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women can have many different causes, related to both female physiology and anatomical structure, as well as those caused by diseases, dysfunctions and pathologies independent of the patient’s gender.

Most often, pain in the lower abdomen occurs due to dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, reproductive organs, however, it can also occur as a result of disruption of the innervation of nerves due to infringement in lumbar region spinal column, systemic disease(for example), overstrain of the peritoneal muscles, increased gas formation or sensitivity during ovulation and the menstrual period. How to determine the cause of pain in the lower abdomen?

Pain in the lower abdomen: organic causes

Pain in the lower peritoneal region, with a clear and vague localization (right, left, lower part, covering the entire lower abdomen) may occur as a consequence organic reasons and physiological processes in women. Pain syndrome can also accompany physiological processes, for example, pain when the intestines are distended by gases formed during the digestion process, or pain when the muscular-ligamentous apparatus adapts to the growing volume of the uterus during the period of bearing a child.
Pain in the lower abdomen due to organic disorders is caused by various diseases and may occur in the following cases:

  • for organ diseases reproductive system(endometritis, endometriosis, ovarian apoplexy and cystic formations in this organ, andexitis, uterine fibroids, etc.);
  • for diseases and pathologies of the urinary system, digestive tract, acute surgical pathologies (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation bladder, intestinal infections, etc.);
  • availability foreign body in the uterine cavity ( intrauterine device, especially in case of non-compliance with the rules of use, terms of replacement, ingrowth of the device into the endometrium);
  • pathologies of the gestation period: ectopic pregnancy, developing miscarriage, process premature detachment placenta, consequences of medical abortions and other surgical interventions.

Painful sensations are determined by the nature of the disease or pathology and can be characterized as sharp, pulling, cramping, aching, spreading, stabbing, sharp, dull, etc.

Pain in the lower abdomen as a symptom of appendicitis

Inflammation of the appendix or, contrary to popular belief, can be accompanied not only by pain in the iliac region on the right. The classic picture of appendicitis starts with pain in the epigastric region, most often shifted to the right, but pain can spread to other parts abdominal cavity and radiate to bottom part backs. The severity and type of sensations can vary from acute, cutting pains to dull and aching, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process. Appendicitis is also accompanied by an increase in body temperature and symptoms of general malaise (nausea, vomiting, chills).

Pain due to intestinal infections

During development intestinal infection painful sensations begin with a dull, non-localized pain, covering most of the peritoneum, further concentrating in the lower abdomen with a return to the lumbar region.

Pain due to urinary tract infections

Most often, with cystitis, pyelonephritis, the lower abdomen hurts in women; male patients with diseases urinary tract note different symptoms due to different anatomical structure bodies.
Pain due to infectious diseases of this type accompanied frequent urges to urination, there may be bloody inclusions in the urine. With pyelonephritis, there is also pain in the lumbar region, often – body hyperthermia, signs of general intoxication (decreased appetite, nausea, headaches, etc.).


The proliferation of endometrial cells, characteristic of the uterine cavity, in the intrauterine space and outside its limits, is most often expressed by nagging pain that increases during the premenstrual and menstrual periods. Pain sensations vary depending on the stage of the disease and location: pain in the lower abdomen middle region with the growth of the endometrium in the uterine cavity, with the retrocervical form of endometriosis and the growth of tissue in the appendages, it may hurt below the abdomen, in the groin or pubic region.

Pain as a symptom of ovarian apoplexy

Ovarian apoplexy develops due to the rupture of a mature follicle during the ovulatory period. The condition is accompanied by damage to the ovarian vessels and hemorrhage into the peritoneal cavity. Provoking factors include intense physical activity, sexual intercourse, etc.
Sharp pain on the right or left (depending on the location of the damaged ovary) in a woman during the period of ovulation, accompanied by a fall blood pressure, fainting, pallor of the skin is a reason to urgently call a specialist. Ovarian apoplexy is a condition life-threatening and requiring emergency surgical intervention.

Pain due to uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen when a formation of significant size is formed, exerting pressure on the surrounding tissues and neighboring organs (aching, pulling pain), as well as when the formation is removed: a rejected myomatous node is accompanied by cramping pain and bleeding from the vagina. Treatment is exclusively surgical.

Ovarian cyst: pain when torsion of the leg

Ovarian cyst is a formation consisting of a body and a “leg” containing blood vessels. With physical effort, a fall, sudden movements of the body, or gymnastic exercises, the leg of the cystic formation is prone to twisting due to a shift in the position of the body of the cyst. With partial torsion, outflow is disrupted venous blood from the body of the cyst, which is accompanied by nagging, aching pain from the affected ovary.
Complete torsion of the leg stops the flow arterial blood, causing tissue necrosis. This process accompanied by a clinical picture " acute abdomen": severe, cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left, hyperthermia, signs of poisoning of the body. Urgent surgical intervention is required.

Inflammation of the appendages, uterine cavity

Andexitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis, inflammation of the uterus and its appendages of various etiologies, depending on the form of the disease, may be accompanied by aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and groin area, and pronounced painful sensations that increase with palpation of the inflamed organ.

Pain during ectopic pregnancy

Implantation of the egg after fertilization outside the uterine cavity (most often in one of the fallopian tubes, less often inside the ovary, in the peritoneum) is accompanied by a pulling, aching pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region.

As the embryo grows, it begins high blood pressure on surrounding tissues, in tubal pregnancy without surgical intervention, accompanied by rupture of the fallopian tube, sharp, severe pain, internal hemorrhage. Treatment is emergency, surgical.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women during pregnancy?

The first trimester of gestation is often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Pain below the abdomen, in the groin area in the first months can occur with a threatening miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, accompanying gestation and aggravating diseases against its background.

However, most often such pulling, aching pain are called “uterine tone” and mean physiological process adaptation of muscle tissue and ligamentous apparatus to changes reproductive organ. In the absence of additional symptoms, such pain does not require therapy or anesthesia. In some cases, antispasmodic drugs (Papaverine, No-Shpa) may be prescribed.

Pain below the abdomen in the second and third trimester can also be due to an increasing load on the ligamentous apparatus, accompanied by softening of the ligament tissue, lack of calcium, and pressure on the cervix. Normally, physiological pain does not require treatment and goes away with relaxation, changing body position, and moderate physical activity.
A sharp, pronounced pain syndrome localized in the lower abdomen with a low location of the placenta may be a sign of its premature detachment and require urgent medical intervention. Cramping pain and periodic tension of the uterus can be both a sign of the onset of Braxton-Hicks “training contractions,” a physiologically normal phenomenon, and a symptom of a threatened miscarriage. When any new pain specialist consultation is required.


This diagnosis is most common at the age of puberty and the formation of the organs of the reproductive system. Algodismenorrhea is accompanied by pain before menstruation. Requires differentiation from premenstrual syndrome, endometritis, endometriosis, stagnation associated with the bending of the uterus, intrauterine inflammatory diseases etc.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in the middle of the menstrual cycle?

Pain during the ovulation period occurs in approximately 10% of women of reproductive age. They are most often characterized as stabbing, localized on the side of one of the ovaries (lower right or left), or pulling, accompanied by a sensation of a “tight lump” in the lower abdomen.

As a rule, such sensations last no more than 24-48 hours, ending with the release of the egg from the ovary. If you pay attention to the vaginal discharge, then on this day it will be more mucous, thick, “vitreous”, and minor bloody inclusions are possible.

Such pain, not accompanied by additional symptoms, does not require treatment. Possible single dose antispasmodics or painkillers as prescribed by a doctor.

Pain after intercourse

Most often, pain at the end of sexual intercourse, which is not accompanied by orgasmic contractions, is associated with swelling of the tissues, a rush of blood to the organs during the process of arousal. There may also be pain associated with tissue trauma during excessively intense sexual intercourse, and pain as a symptom of diseases of the pelvic organs: adhesive disease, endometriosis, endometritis or andexitis in chronic form, cervicitis, tumor neoplasms of the genital organs.

Pain is most often a sign of disorders, dysfunctions, and painful processes in organs and tissues. The physiological causes of pain in the female reproductive system are limited by the menstrual cycle, ovulation, gestation period and are usually manifested by nagging, aching pain, limited in time and occurring on certain days and periods.

All other manifestations should be a reason for examination by a specialist and a course of treatment.

Often, the activity of any woman is reflected in her health: she spent so much time on the move, spent so much time fresh air, I waited so long in the cold, I sat there in a draft - nothing passes without a trace.

Age is also of great importance, although lately women's diseases Mostly young girls began to get sick.

The latter is associated with the environment or with the careless attitude of young people towards their health. Despite age and reasons, at the first manifestation of any painful symptoms, it is worth thinking about their causes, because often this may not necessarily mean the onset of the disease.

But if you suddenly have nagging pain in the lower abdomen, you should definitely pay attention to this, and do not dismiss it as “it will go away on its own,” especially if you are in a position - this special case, you should consider it only with your supervising doctor.

What are the reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight?

Let's start with the simplest thing - the onset of menstruation. Many girls bravely endure this very painful period. The pain may surround the abdomen and lower back, and in addition to this, headaches may also be present.

Girls and women find a way out by taking analgesics or antispasmodics if they are unable to leave work, and those who are luckier will rest at home. Why does the lower abdomen feel tight during menstruation?

This mainly happens because a woman's uterus begins to contract rhythmically during her period.

If the body has sensitive receptors, then every contraction of the uterus will produce pain. It should be remembered that at the beginning of painful menstruation it is worth stopping physical activity to prevent heavy bleeding, and if the pain is unbearable, then you should visit your doctor.

Analyzing many women's forums, the exchange of opinions of ladies different ages and constitutions, can be drawn up sample list ailments that cause pain in the lower abdomen:


Most women believe that ovulatory syndrome can be the cause of pain in the groin area of ​​the abdomen and pulling sensations. And gynecological specialists absolutely agree with them. The physiology of this process is as follows: the maturing egg develops inside the follicle, which is located on the ovary; at the peak of maturation (middle of the menstrual cycle), when released, the egg breaks the walls of the follicle.

A little blood flows into the gap formed along with the egg. It is at this moment that nagging pain appears, sometimes accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Therefore, if your lower abdomen feels tight after sex, this may indicate ovulation.

Premenstrual syndrome

One of the causes of pain in the lower abdomen is premenstrual syndrome. Many women experience a tightening in the lower abdomen after menstruation. And it's all my fault individual feature every woman.

Let us clarify: if the released egg is not fertilized, then the lining that is inside the uterus is going to peel off and leave it along with blood discharge.

This separation may be accompanied by severe spasms of the uterine muscles, very closely resembling labor contractions.

You can only stop such pain medicines and rest.

During this period, brew tea or decoction, make an infusion of herbs that normalize the balance of sex hormones (estrogens, gestagens).

At this time, you can eat and make decoctions from licorice, alfalfa, oregano, hops, grapes, mantle, sage, and lemon balm.


The reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight include inflammation of the appendix. This
appendix small intestine, which can always, usually at the wrong time, become inflamed. In this case, you won’t be able to get by with pills, as it can be life-threatening. If you are not sure that such pain is not related to female physiology, consult a doctor immediately. There is no need to delay, the consequences can be irreversible and fatal!

Inflammation of the appendages

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries is accompanied by a familiar set of sensations: pain in the groin area, increased body temperature. Such inflammations can be avoided if you do not overcool, always keep your feet warm and follow the prescriptions and recommendations of your doctor.

Ovarian apoplexy (hemorrhage)

Hemorrhage can occur due to the rupture of a mature follicle containing an egg, usually after sex or physical overload.

The symptoms resemble those of an ectopic pregnancy, only without a delay in menstruation.

Symptoms begin with a sharp pain in the lower back, girdling the lower back, continue to radiate into the rectum, nausea and pulling in the lower abdomen, dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness and all the signs of internal hemorrhage appear.

Attention - can only be treated with surgery!

Pain after sex

It happens that there is a tug in the lower abdomen after sex, due to pathology in the pelvic organs. In this case, only a gynecologist can help. There is no point in starting pathology, timely treatment will eliminate complications and fatal consequences.

It happens that there is a pulling in the lower abdomen after sex due to inflammation of the ovaries. An ovarian cyst (a benign growth that forms due to a dysfunction) causes pain in the groin area either on one side or the other.

In such cases, the girl will have to regulate the depth of penetration herself; the most optimal position will be the girl on top.

Almost every woman has experienced painful pulling sensations that are localized in the lower abdomen. Sometimes pain can be a consequence of increased physical activity, rough sexual intercourse, heavy lifting. Very often this symptom occurs in the middle menstrual cycle and also during menstruation.

All these situations are physiological and do not require treatment, but in some cases, pain in the lower abdomen may be a worrying sign, pointing to possible pathologies and diseases. Statistically, uterine cancer is the second most common cancer cancer in women after breast cancer, so seeing a doctor if you experience frequently recurring pain in the lower abdomen is mandatory for women of any age.

Almost 60% of cases of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen in women are associated with gynecological problems. To determine what exactly caused unpleasant symptom, you need to contact a gynecologist. During the examination using a medical mirror and palpation, the doctor will be able to assess the size of the uterus, the density of the cervix, the presence of erosions, polyps and other formations. To clarify the diagnosis, they may be prescribed additional research, For example:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, uterus and appendages using a transvaginal sensor;
  • smear on the bacterial flora of the vagina;
  • colposcopy (examination of the vagina and its walls using a special device - a binocular);
  • biopsy (if malignant pathologies are suspected).

In some cases, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs may be required, as well as consultation with specialized specialists, since the causes of pain can be many diseases.


The inside of the uterus (its walls) is covered with a layer epithelial tissue, which is called the endometrium. Normally, the endometrium is found only in the organ cavity, but with endometriosis, parts of the epithelium extend beyond the uterus. Clinically, this is manifested by nagging pain, which can be of moderate or quite high intensity - the severity of the syndrome depends on the degree of damage and the individual pain threshold.

Another sign to suspect endometriosis is the appearance dark brown discharge on the first and last day of menstruation. Discharge from endometriosis does not have a specific odor, does not contain pus or other impurities, and differs from normal blood discharge only in color. Other symptoms of the disease include:

  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse (when the partner is on top);
  • absence of pregnancy for a long period of time during unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • severe pain when defecating or urinating;
  • pain in the pelvis and lower back;
  • menorrhagia (long and heavy periods).

Endometriosis must be treated with initial stages, since untimely treatment increases the risk of severe complications, for example, uterine bleeding.

Problems with appendages

One of the frequently diagnosed “female” diseases is salpingoophoritis. This is an inflammatory process of the uterine appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes), which has infectious nature. Pathogenic microorganisms enter one or both fallopian tubes and move further, reaching the ovaries.

Pain during inflammation of the appendages is most often acute and intense, but with a chronic course, a woman may notice the appearance of regular pulling sensations. Pain may be accompanied by an increase in volume vaginal discharge and the appearance of a small amount of pus, which is the result of bacterial activity.

When collecting anamnesis, the doctor may suspect inflammation of the appendages based on the following complaints:

  • body temperature 38° and above;
  • weakness and general malaise (the result of intoxication);
  • chills;
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • increased work of the sweat glands.

Treatment of salpingoophoritis. Part 3

During palpation of the abdomen, the doctor may detect muscle tension and pain on the side where the inflammatory process is localized.

In some cases, discomfort and pain may occur as a result of torsion of the appendages. The pathology is a revolution of the ligaments that hold the ovary, as a result of which the blood supply to the pelvic organs is disrupted. Clinically, this is manifested by nagging pain of high intensity, frequent attacks of nausea, and possible vomiting. Distinctive feature pathology is a decrease or increase in the severity of symptoms after a change in body position.

Torsion of the appendages can be suspected during a medical examination and palpation of the abdomen: a painful lump will be detected at the site of the pathology.

Important! When the ligaments flip, the blood vessels close and the blood supply to the ovary stops. This can lead to acute ischemia of organ tissue and death of individual areas, so you should not delay visiting a doctor if any signs of pathology are detected.

Uterine and ovarian cancer

Malignant diseases in the initial stages occur without severe symptoms, so the pain is usually moderate and does not bother the woman much. This is the main insidiousness of the disease, since most patients turn to the doctor when the process is in an advanced stage and metastases are actively forming.

Statistics cancer diseases in women of reproductive age

Important! Recognize cancer by early stage very difficult, so experts recommend taking preventive examination gynecologist and mammologist at least once a year. After the onset of menopause, the likelihood of cancer pathologies remains quite high, so you should not neglect this advice after 45 years. An extraordinary examination is required if symptoms appear that may indicate a malignant lesion of the uterus or appendages. These include nagging pain in the lower abdomen, the appearance of leucorrhoea with pus, and periodic bleeding.

Consequences after scraping

Curettage of the uterine cavity (removal of the endometrium) can be used for the following purposes:

  • abortion (removal of the fetus from the uterine cavity);
  • stopping uterine bleeding in the absence of effect from drug therapy;
  • diagnosis of diseases (examination of the endometrium for hormonal levels and possible availability malignant process).

If the procedure was performed correctly, complications usually do not arise after it. A slight nagging pain for three days after curettage is considered normal and should not bother the woman if there is no increase in temperature, purulent discharge and others pathological symptoms. To prevent complications, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to the patient. wide range(for example, Metronidazole).

Important! Curettage can be performed using a sharp surgical knife (curette) and a vacuum aspirator. The second method is preferable, as it is considered less traumatic and less likely to cause complications. Moderate pain may appear after using any method, but if its intensity increases, or the pain does not go away after 3-4 days, you should consult the doctor who performed the operation.

Other reasons

Not always the causes nagging pain in the lower abdomen are of gynecological nature. Such symptoms very often bother women with inflammatory processes in the kidneys or bladder. At acute cystitis the pain usually wears sharp character, but if the process accepted chronic course, pulling sensations may appear. The pain syndrome is quite pronounced and can intensify under the influence of unfavorable factors (hypothermia, heavy lifting, rough sexual intercourse, etc.).

Important! Distinctive feature Cystitis is a burning sensation and pain when emptying the bladder, but these signs can also occur with sexually transmitted infections, so it is almost impossible to independently diagnose the cause of pain at home.

Infectious diseases of the genital organs are another common cause of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Most frequent infections diagnosed in women aged 20 to 45 years, doctors believe:

  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia.

Infections of the genital tract are accompanied by quite severe symptoms. In addition to pain, a woman may be bothered by vaginal discharge with unpleasant smell and pus. Consistency, color and amount of discharge when infectious diseases changes, a burning sensation appears in the groin area and anus and itching on the mucous membranes.

Video - Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women?

Digestive system diseases

In 20% of cases, pain in lower sections stomach can be caused by diseases of the digestive tract. The most common of them are gastritis and pancreatitis. In most patients, the pain in these diseases is acute, but in cases of severe neglect and chronicity of the process, the painful sensations can be a nagging pain of moderate intensity, turning into a slight tingling sensation.

Another pathology in which abdominal pain may occur is inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). The hallmark of the disease is itchy skin, the intensity of which can vary throughout the day. In case of obstruction bile ducts and stagnation bile acids yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes is possible.

If the painful syndrome is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the woman may also be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • chills;
  • increase in temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting mixed with undigested particles, gastric contents and bile acids;
  • increased pain after eating;
  • change in stool;
  • confusion (with severe intoxication).

Important! In some cases, nagging pain may appear in the initial stages of peritonitis. The disease is an inflammation of the peritoneum, often accompanied by the release of purulent contents into the space of the organ. If a woman is not provided with timely medical care, possible development of sepsis and death.

What information might you need when visiting a doctor?

So that the doctor can make the most accurate clinical picture diseases and put correct diagnosis, he needs to collect a medical history. The description of pain is of great importance, since pain is the main symptom that allows the classification of pathologies. Before going to the doctor, it is better to write down the answers to the following questions on a piece of paper:

  1. At what time of day does the pain appear or intensify?
  2. What precedes its appearance (eating, physical activity, going to the toilet, etc.)?
  3. What is the nature of the pain (pulling, sharp, cutting, dull, stabbing, etc.)?
  4. When did the first painful sensations appear?
  5. Where does the pain syndrome appear?
  6. How long does the pain last?
  7. What other symptoms occur besides pain?

Answers to these questions, prepared in advance, will help simplify diagnosis and exclude a number of pathologies at the preliminary diagnosis stage. After examination and examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the woman, which may differ depending on the diagnosis.

Video - Where does pain in the lower abdomen come from in women?

Treatment of nagging pain in women

Under no circumstances should you self-diagnose or try to prescribe treatment. The symptoms of many diseases are similar, therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, an examination by a specialist (with palpation of the abdomen) and other diagnostic measures. If the nagging pain is of a physiological nature (that is, it appeared after rough sexual intercourse or increased physical activity), discomfort can be reduced by resting and taking analgesic medications. Paracetamol-based medications are considered the safest. For severe pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used, for example:

  • "Nurofen";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Ibufen."

Important! Some women, when such sensations appear, use a heating pad with hot water. This method cannot be used until the cause of the pain is determined, since during inflammatory processes, heating can aggravate the course of the disease.

To treat sexually transmitted infections, cystitis and pyelonephritis, the doctor will prescribe the woman antibacterial therapy using antibiotics. The drug of choice in most cases is Amoxicillin and drugs based on it, which can be enhanced with clavulanic acid. These include:

  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Flemoxin";
  • "Amosin".

Pay attention! For stomach problems and peptic ulcer clavulanic acid is contraindicated as it may worsen the patient's condition.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics from the macrolide group (for example, Clarithromycin). They are more effective, but side effect in drugs of this group it is more pronounced.

For bladder spasms, it is recommended to take antispasmodics. These drugs relax smooth muscle muscles, eliminate spasms and reduce the severity of pain. To the very popular means The group of antispasmodic drugs includes:

  • "No-shpa";
  • "Papaverine" (recommended in the form of rectal suppositories);
  • "Drotaverine".

Treatment of sexually transmitted infections is also carried out using antibacterial therapy aimed at destroying pathogenic flora and pathogens. Usually a woman is prescribed local remedies, which are applied to the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals and vaginal tract, and vaginal suppositories, but sometimes systemic therapy may be required.

The list of drugs used in gynecological and dermatovenerological practice to treat women with sexually transmitted infections includes:

  • "Hexicon";
  • "McMirror";
  • "Pimafucin";
  • "Gynoflor";
  • "Terzhinan";
  • "Lomexin".

Important! Some of these drugs have a limited spectrum of action, so before using them you must consult a doctor and take a flora smear to determine the type of pathogen.

If nagging pain is the result of diseases digestive system, complex therapy usually consists of the following medications:

  • digestive enzymes (“Creon”, “Pancreatin”);
  • blockers proton pump(“Omeprazole”, “Omez”);
  • drugs for neutralization hydrochloric acid(“Rennie”, “Maalox”, “Gaviscon”);
  • enveloping agents to protect the mucous membrane (“Almagel”).

Nagging pain in the abdomen - common symptom in women of reproductive age. Diseases that contribute to the appearance of this characteristic, a lot, so there is no need to engage in treatment. If the pain does not go away after taking analgesics and lasts more than one day, you should consult a doctor.

Common cause feeling unwell, bad mood in females there is pain in abdominal area. For what reason does the lower abdomen hurt, pull, or ache in women and how to treat it?

Such pain can occur as a result of various pathological conditions occurring in the pelvis. The uterus and ovaries are usually involved. The cause is sometimes physiological phenomena occurring in the female body. To establish accurate diagnosis pathological condition, as a result of which the following symptoms appear: nagging, aching pain, you need to understand where exactly it is located, its intensity and regularity.

The main causes of abdominal pain

There are two types of reasons: organic and functional.

Organic ones include:

  • Various diseases of the uterus and ovaries. Cyst, fibroid and other diseases;
  • Infections of the genital organs;
  • The presence of a vaginal device;
  • The presence of scars due to surgical interventions;
  • Inflammatory processes or infection in the kidneys, bladder, intestines;
  • Pathological conditions during pregnancy.

All these causes of pain are a serious reason to seek a doctor’s consultation and further treatment.

Functional reasons:

  • Algodismenorrhea. This phenomenon is associated with pathology in the position of the uterus. It is also possible following reasons: the uterus is not developed, has high sensitivity, bleeding in the uterus, other menstrual disorders.
  • Ovulatory syndrome. During the period of ovulation, women often experience a similar condition, characterized by pain in the pelvic area and lower abdomen. The pain may be on the left or right, depending on which ovary the follicle ruptured. This condition normally goes away after a few hours, or at most within a day.
  • The uterus is bent. Blood stagnates during menstruation, and the girl feels severe pain in the lower abdomen.

These pains appear due to disorders and poor functioning of the genital organs.

Organic factors

Aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen can occur due to inflammation, infection, various processes occurring as a result of the deformed state of the genital organs, and improper blood circulation.

Diseases of the genital organs of an organic nature that cause pain:

  1. Adnexitis. An inflammatory process that occurs due to the presence of infection in the uterus and tubes. The pain syndrome begins to manifest itself only in chronic stage diseases. Soreness may be felt on the left side or the right. There are disturbances in the work and functioning of the ovaries. The menstrual cycle is disrupted. Possible bleeding. There is a possibility of ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Endometritis. Menstrual irregularities, pain in the center of the abdomen and below occurs due to inflammatory processes in the endometrium. There are cases of spread of the inflammatory process to the appendage area.
  3. Endometriosis. With disease, the endometrium grows into the uterine tubes and ovaries. Occurs due to hormonal imbalances. It is characterized by painful periods and their instability. Maybe complete cessation menstruation, formation of adhesions.
  4. Apoplexy of the ovaries. Hemorrhage occurs in the ovarian area. Reasons: unsuccessful sexual intercourse, excessive physical activity. Elimination of bleeding is possible with surgical intervention.
  5. Colpitis. Inflammation occurs in the vaginal mucosa. Causes: streptococcus, fungus, gonococcus, others infectious diseases. There may be itching inside the vagina.
  6. Myoma. A benign tumor. Characterized by the appearance of nodes inside or outside the uterus. Blood circulation is impaired. For these reasons, the lower abdomen and lower back begin to hurt. There is a possibility of bleeding in the uterus. The disease can be cured through surgery or hormone therapy.

Do not delay treatment if you suspect a disease.

Pathologies of other organs

Other factors and pathologies can cause discomfort in the abdomen.

  • Appendicitis. With the disease, aching and nagging pain may occur. May be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, general malaise, elevated temperature bodies. It is necessary to perform the operation quickly to avoid peritonitis.
  • Urolithiasis. The resulting conglomerates prevent urine from passing freely. Appear pain syndromes in the stomach. It is recommended to combat the disease promptly.
  • Cystitis. The bladder becomes inflamed. The pain is characterized by varying intensity, usually nagging, occurring in the lower abdomen. There may be a burning sensation in the bladder area. During bowel movements, the bladder feels like a pain.

Similar pains also occur due to diseases of the digestive system. This is the area of ​​the intestines and bladder. An example of a disease is cholecystitis.

Nagging and aching pain in the abdomen as a result of a woman’s pregnancy

If such painful sensations occur together with a delay in menstruation, this may be pregnancy. Along with all the symptoms, the girl does not feel the same as before. Irritability appears, at times weakness and fatigue. The woman feels sleep-deprived and her mood often changes. May occur increased sensitivity, breast tenderness.

Any woman experiencing such symptoms should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will confirm or deny possible pregnancy, will determine whether the symptoms in this case are normal.

Functional reasons

TO functional reasons These include cases where a woman feels pain associated with menstruation.

If pain occurs immediately before the onset of menstruation, it is called premenstrual syndrome. May occur due to underdeveloped organs of the reproductive system and disturbances in the uterus.

During the period of ovulation, when a follicle ruptures in the female body, the girl feels severe discomfort. The lower abdomen feels tight, aches, and there may be bleeding. This condition is considered normal. It goes away on its own without treatment after a day.

The meaning of additional symptoms

To determine the cause of pain, it is necessary to understand the importance of the symptoms that accompany the disease.

  • Discharge in the form of blood that does not occur during the approach of menstruation, it is not associated with menstruation. This symptom gives reason to think about diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Discharge that has an unnatural odor. Accompanied by a rise in temperature and pain in the lower abdomen. Perhaps these are infectious diseases. Gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.
  • A cutting sensation, possibly a burning sensation. If at the same time there is frequent urination, and the lower abdomen hurts, this is a disorder of the genitourinary system.
  • Nausea, bloating, possible vomiting along with abdominal pain is an infection in the intestines.

If these symptoms appear, you should go to the hospital immediately.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the cause of such pain, the doctor prescribes various types examinations:

  1. Blood test to detect inflammation;
  2. Urine tests;
  3. Ultrasound of the pelvic area;
  4. Blood test for infections in the genitals;
  5. Blood test for biochemistry.

Treatment with medications can be prescribed based on the diagnosis. Usually prescribed:

  • Antibacterial drugs;
  • Hormonal agents;
  • Various antispasmodics that relieve pain;
  • Surgical intervention if necessary. This could be curettage of the uterus. Cauterization of the cervix, cutting out tumors and cysts are used.