Folk remedies for eye pain. Traditional methods of treatment

Thanks to our eyes, we can receive up to 80% of information about the world around us. They are the organ of vision, which plays a disproportionately important role in human life. The ability to see well should be valued and protected from childhood.

Unfortunately, among the world's population, there are few today who can boast of 100% vision and healthy eyes. There are many reasons for this: daily excessive load on visual apparatus, stress, lack of sleep. May affect eye health allergic reaction on external stimuli, hit foreign body, injury, prolonged exposure to drafts and cold, some eye diseases.

Eye diseases can be treated various methods and measures. There are many modern medical supplies, which will relieve swelling of the conjunctiva of the eyelids, inflammation, redness, lacrimation, . Now we will get acquainted with simple but effective folk remedies for treating the eyes, tested over centuries and proven by practice.


A bath with a decoction of chamomile, mint, parsley and tea will help relieve fatigue, redness and pain in the eyes. You can wash them by pouring prepared liquid dosage form, in a saucer. This is also easy to do with a cup. You need to apply it tightly to the eye, tilt your head back and open and close your eyelids several times.

Two teaspoons of cornflower flowers are poured with 250 milliliters of hot boiling water. They insist. Strain after an hour. The eyes are washed with the prepared infusion. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic natural remedy.

Oak bark is poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat. After 5 minutes, remove from the stove. Leave for another hour and make baths for sore eyes.

Half a glass of dried crushed cucumber peel is poured with 100 milliliters of boiling water. When the composition has infused and cooled, add 1/3 teaspoon baking soda. Mix everything and use eye baths as an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent.

They wash sore, inflamed eyes with this remedy. Boil a large onion in water and add a spoonful of honey to the warm broth (you can boric acid). The eyes are washed with this solution. The procedure is carried out three times (or more often) a day. This natural remedy effectively treats cataracts, conjunctivitis and...

Compresses and lotions

For tired, sore eyes, it is useful to make compresses from a decoction of herbs: dill, parsley, mint and calendula. To do this, a cotton swab soaked in a warm extract is applied to the eye sockets for several minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. After this, apply for 15 seconds cold compress or an iced tea bag.

Compresses made from sage decoction will help against swelling of the eyelids. You can do contrasting hot-cold procedures. One teaspoon of dried raw materials is poured into 100 ml of hot boiling water. Then the composition is placed on fire. As soon as the water boils, remove it from the stove. When it cools down a little, strain. They make compresses.

Inflammatory eye diseases can be treated with plantain infusion. Throw two tablespoons of dry leaves and seeds of the plant into a thermos. Pour in a glass of boiling water. The product will be ready for use in four hours. Compresses are made warm. It is recommended to carry out procedures up to four times a day.

For barley, conjunctivitis, and red eyes, you need to prepare an infusion of white bird cherry flowers. A tablespoon of raw material is poured into a thermos and poured with 200 milliliters of hot boiling water. Infuse and use for eye washes and lotions.

An effective remedy for treating eye inflammation is Sophora infusion. Two tablespoons of seeds (pre-crushed) should be poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for at least 7 hours. The strained infusion is used to wash sore eyes and make compresses.

For inflammatory processes in the eyes, conjunctivitis and barley, you need to brew 20 grams of dried calendula flowers, infuse it and make lotions.

A very simple way to relieve redness and swelling of the eyelids and improve vision is tea leaves. Brew tea and wipe your eyes with cotton swabs soaked in it. You can also do rinsing in the form of baths.

For pain in the eyes, redness and tearing, rubbing the eyelids with ice cubes from an infusion of algae will help. Place 3 tablespoons of powdered sea plants in a glass of boiling water. They insist. When cool, pour into ice cube trays and freeze. For three weeks, wipe the eye sockets with this product before going to bed.

Clay has anti-inflammatory and anti-stress properties. It is used in the treatment of eye diseases. It can also improve blood circulation in the tissues of the eye and normalize the metabolic process cellular level. You can use blue, red, yellow or green clay. Make cakes slightly larger in size than the eye sockets, put them on gauze and apply them to the eyelids. It is recommended to keep this compress on your eyes for at least 1 hour.

Lotions with a remedy such as eyebright decoction will relieve eye irritation and improve vision. Take two tablespoons of dry crushed grass and pour half a liter of boiling water over it. Next, the composition is boiled at the minimum temperature of the stove for no more than 10 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and one spoon of juice is added. fresh cucumber. Many folk recipes also advise adding a teaspoon of honey. The lotions are contrasting: hot and cold. The procedures are carried out twice a day.

To relieve fatigue, pain and inflammation of the eyes, it is recommended to make lotions from dope tincture or decoction. Two teaspoons of extract are diluted in 100 ml of warm boiled water. A moistened cotton swab is applied to the eye sockets for 4 minutes. Decoction: 18-22 grams of dry leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled.

Fresh honey lotions are also beneficial for the eyes. A teaspoon of bee product is diluted in a glass of warm water. Moisten cotton pads and apply to eyes for several minutes.

This remedy is prepared to relieve inflammation and pain in the eyes. Grind cumin seeds, cornflower petals and plantain. Take 1 spoonful of the mixture (heaped) and pour 300 milliliters of boiling water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Let it brew and cool. Then filter and instill 7-8 drops of extract into each eye. The procedure is carried out 8 times a day.

Celery drops will relieve inflammation in the eyes. To prepare the drops you will need the seeds of the plant. They are crushed and filled with water: a tablespoon of raw material per full glass of cold boiling water. Let the product brew. After four hours, filter. Place a few drops in each eye. Procedures are carried out up to four times a day. It can be done more often. It is also useful to apply warm compresses.

Such wonderful things are also known for their medicinal qualities folk remedy. Red (Tajik) onion juice is mixed 1:1 with warm boiled milk. Place a few drops (maximum 3 drops) of this product into the eyes. Treatment is carried out only once every 4 days. This remedy helps get rid of inflammation and thorns. It is also used to improve vision.

Herbs - folk remedies for the eyes

To improve the outflow of fluid in the eye, reduce and increase vision, take a decoction of the herb meadow lumbago. For two glasses of boiling water, take a tablespoon of raw material and boil the composition to half with low boiling. Then filter and take 1 tablespoon several times a day.

Effective herbal remedy When treating eyes, use a decoction of duckweed. It is taken orally or used as a lotion for glaucoma, barley and conjunctivitis. For 400 milliliters of hot boiling water, take two large spoons of the raw material and heat it on the stove until it boils. Take 150 milliliters orally warm

For chronic conjunctivitis and barley, you need to drink this remedy 5-6 times a day. Take four tansy flowers, grind them into powder and drink them with water.

At eye diseases It is recommended to rinse with an infusion of common anise. (Its second name is anise bered.) The extract has powerful antiseptic properties. In just a couple of days, the inflammation goes away. Take 250 ml of boiling water for one spoon of crushed seeds (fruits) of the plant.

Other folk remedies for maintaining vision

If you have frequent styes, you should wear a piece of sulfur wrapped in cloth on a cord around your neck.

For eye diseases, you should consume spirulina. It improves the condition of the cornea, restores vision, and prevents cataracts. Just two spoons of this algae are diluted in water or juice.

In case of decreased vision or frequent conjunctivitis, it is useful to drink carrot juice 250 milliliters daily. You can add beet juice to it. The ratio is usually 2:1. It is recommended to add honey to the mixture.

For constant visual tension and eye fatigue, it is necessary to use fresh berries and blueberry extracts. Every day you need to eat or drink at least 100 g (ml) of this healthy product.

For eye diseases, frequent conjunctivitis and decreased vigilance, pollen should be consumed. It can be mixed 1:1 with honey. Place a dessert spoon of each product into a cup of warm water and stir thoroughly. They drink the “medicine” at least four times a day.

Popularly used to treat pain in the eyes, inflammatory processes and dryness in the form of remedy morning dew. You need to wash your eyes with it every day for two weeks.

To preserve your vision and eye health, you should not forget about observing the conditions of rest and work. You need to take care of good lighting of the workplace, monitor the time spent working on the computer or watching television. It is beneficial to consume vitamins, vegetables and fresh fruits. It is important not to neglect preventive examinations ophthalmologist. Modern diagnostics will help identify the slightest signs early illness visual apparatus.

Healthy sparkling eyes give beauty to the face. In middle age, the eye muscles begin to lose their elasticity, and the delicate tissue of the eyelid becomes flabby. To strengthen the eye muscles, you can wash your eyes with a solution of salt or tea. Massage your eyelids with castor oil, but do not press them too hard with your fingers. If the eyes are dull and have an unhealthy appearance, then the reason usually lies in a diseased liver or a lack of salts in the body. In the latter case, you need to take 2-3 pinches every day table salt, but not in food, but just before bed.

If there are bags under the eyes, then you need to drink more cold water between meals and before bed. Then massage with some cream at night. It is useful to place compresses on the eyes, alternating hot and cold.

The following lotions help with eye pain. Prepare a decoction of tea and wine. Rinse your eyes and apply a lotion. Make a decoction of cherry and cherry leaves. Wash your eyes with it and make a lotion from the leaves. Make a rinse and lotion from raw potato juice. Rinsing and lotions made from parsley decoction help a lot. Apply the lotion in the evening and rinse in the morning. Avoid eating spicy, sour and salty foods

If the eyes are red and very inflamed, a grated cloth wrapped in a clean cloth helps a lot. raw potatoes, apple or fresh cucumbers. They are applied to the eyes. Place a very hot, wet rag on your neck below the back of your head.

1. If your eyes begin to fester or secrete a lot of mucus, That they need to be washed with a solution boric acid, and at night put a fresh one on them in a cloth cottage cheese.

2. Infusion of fresh cucumber peels. Pour 1/2 cup of cucumber peel into 1/2 cup of boiling water and add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Use as a lotion.

3. Onion decoction. After boiling the onion in water, add a small amount honey or boric acid. Wash your eyes with this decoction 4-5 times a day. Used for red eyes.

4. Kalanchoe juice feathery Juice is squeezed out of fresh leaves and the green part of the stems. It is used externally to treat inflammation of the eyelids and eye diseases.

5. Infusion of herbs or fragrant dill seeds. Infuse one tablespoon of chopped herbs or seeds in 1.5 cups of boiling water. Used for eye diseases.

1. Infusion of herbs and flowers chamomile 2—3 Pour a glass of boiling water over tablespoons of herbs, leave for 1 hour in a well-sealed container and strain. Used to wash eyes.

2. Cornflower flowers blue - 10 g, toadflax herb - 10 g, black elderberry flowers- 10 g. Leave 15 g of the mixture in 2 cups of boiling water for 8 hours, strain. Use for washing and instillation into the eyes, as well as compresses for conjunctivitis.

Two folk remedies for eye inflammation and watery eyes:

1. Rinse the eyes at night 30-40 minutes before bed with a decoction millet cereal.

2. Infusion blue cornflower flowers. One tablespoon of cornflower flowers per 2 cups of boiling water. Used for lotions.

What to do when your eye is inflamed, how to treat it at home? No one is immune from inflammation. This pathology can be caused various factors. Most often you can fix it yourself unpleasant manifestations You can use herbal lotions, compresses, baths, drops. Although it happens that complete healing requires long time, while doctors must monitor the process.

The eyes should rest periodically. They need relaxation special gymnastics, vitamin complexes. But as soon as certain signs have arisen indicating inflammation of the eyes, you should select the necessary folk remedies that will help remove discomfort.

It's about about a condition that is accompanied by:

  • tearfulness;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness;
  • headache (occasionally).

Folk remedies will always help if you use them correctly. You should definitely talk to your doctor about which herbs are best for home treatment.

Through negligence, a person can harm himself, so consultation with a specialist is necessary. mandatory.

Traditional medicine advises using lotions against inflammation:

  1. It is necessary to mix plantain seeds (1 tbsp) with water (2 tbsp). Strong boiling water (half a glass) is added to the mixture. The infusion should stand covered until it cools. Then, after straining, the plant mass should be squeezed out well. Cotton pads are soaked in the resulting extract and applied to the sore eyelids for 15 minutes. It is enough to do this twice a day.
  2. Cornflower flowers (10 pcs.) are poured with boiling water (250 ml). After an hour, the infusion can be used.
  3. Datura vulgaris will help save sore eyes. To carry out the treatment, pour the raw material (20 g) with hot boiling water for 30 minutes.
  4. You should always have chamomile on hand. At home, it is a fairly effective remedy. Boiling water (200 ml) is poured into the raw materials (1 tsp) and left for half an hour. The strained infusion is used in the form of lotions throughout the day.
  5. If the eye is inflamed, it is recommended to treat it with honey. You need to take 1 tsp. healing agent and dissolve in warm water(1 glass). Cotton swabs are soaked in the resulting solution, and then they are placed on the inflamed eyes for at least 20 minutes.
  6. When you need to treat inflammation, aloe juice comes in handy. Before starting treatment, it should be diluted boiled water (1:8).

You can’t do it at home without anti-inflammatory compresses.

The following will be effective folk recipes:

  1. First, the eyes are washed with a solution of boric acid (1 tsp of powder diluted in 300 ml of water). Fresh cottage cheese is taken directly for the compress. It needs to be wrapped in a bandage and placed on the eye that is inflamed. This treatment should be carried out at night. The compress is removed in the morning.
  2. Fresh potatoes will be beneficial. Before wrapping the product in cheesecloth, it must be crushed. The medicine is applied for a maximum of 5 hours.

Baths and drip solutions

Many folk remedies are suitable for eye baths.

  • Clover juice should be diluted with water (take equal proportions).
  • Treatment with white bird cherry inflorescences will also come in handy. To relieve symptoms, inflorescences (15 g) are poured with boiling water (300 ml). It is recommended to use the product warm after it has infused.
  • Parsley will relieve redness and swelling. Fresh parsley (one handful) is steamed in 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture should sit for 3 hours. You need to use the warm extract to wash your eyes for a week.

  • You will need an onion. It needs to be boiled in 200 ml of water. After the broth has cooled, the onion is removed, and the broth itself is mixed with 1 tsp. honey Use the product to rinse your eyes well. Treatment in the form of lotions is also recommended.
  • Folk remedies such as rosemary, pansies or violets are excellent for removing inflammation from the eyes. The ingredients are used in equal quantities. Afterwards, take the raw materials (2 tsp) and pour boiling water (200 ml). Within half an hour you can treat your eyes.

Inflammatory symptoms can be eliminated using drops prepared from medicinal herbs:

  1. Aloe juice (1 tsp) is diluted with boiled water (1 tsp). A bandage soaked in the solution is applied to the eyes for 5 minutes. For instillation, undiluted juice is used. Every 7 hours you should drop a drop into one eye and the other.
  2. A decoction is made from caraway seeds, cornflower flowers, eyebright, and plantain (a pinch of each ingredient is taken). Caraway seeds should be boiled for about 7 minutes in 200 ml of water, and then the resulting decoction is poured into the rest of the mixture. The product is infused for 14 hours. After filtering, treatment is carried out as follows: 1 drop in the eye 6-7 times a day.

Effective treatment procedures

When problems arise in the form of redness of the organs of vision, burning, edging, or loss of eyelashes, the patient must follow specific rules:

  1. You should refrain from rubbing or scratching your eyes.
  2. Use bactericidal and anti-inflammatory solutions, as well as apply compresses and make baths.

In addition to the above recipes, the following will also come in handy:

  1. Eyebright is an excellent remedy for the disease. Chopped herb (3 tsp) is steamed with boiling water (2 cups). You need to cook it for about 10 minutes, and then let it brew a little. The infusion is useful for both baths and lotions.
  2. Take two eggs and separate the whites. It needs to be filled with boiled water (half a glass), which should be cooled to room temperature. The mixture should sit for about half an hour. It is used to lubricate sore organs of vision before going to bed.
  3. A depression is made in a ripe apple. You need to put honey in it (1 tsp). After the honey is in apple juice dissolves, the product is used as a drop solution (5 drops 5-6 times throughout the day).
  4. A tincture is also prepared from celery. Then you need to put it in each eye 2 times a day to remove inflammation.

It is important to constantly take care of your health, in particular, to protect your visual system from possible diseases. But if a problem appears, you cannot delay treatment. How the situation is more complicated, the more difficult it is to cope with it.

The eyes are an important and at the same time unprotected organ. As a rule, if problems arise with them, it means that we ourselves allowed it to happen. The eyes are constantly in contact with the external unfavorable environment; their condition is affected by weather conditions (heat, cold, dryness, humidity, wind), bright light, chemical substances, prolonged work at the computer. By the way, in Lately number of computer users with high speed is increasing, which is why there are many more visits to the ophthalmologist.

What can be treated at home

If previously, eye problems were most often experienced by elderly people and workers in hazardous industries, today, when a teenager turns to a doctor for help, this no longer surprises anyone. A common complaint is tearing, cutting pains, sensation of the presence of a foreign body, pulsation, “dry eyes”. Treatment with folk remedies in all these cases is possible only after identifying the cause. And there are a lot of them - from infection to foreign objects.

It is important not to treat the eyes with folk remedies until it is established accurate diagnosis and the cause of the disease. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is contact an ophthalmology center, where the doctor, after a thorough examination, will prescribe a course of treatment.

And only when the reason is established, can the possibilities be used in parallel traditional medicine. At home, eye treatment with folk remedies can help in the fight against various ailments:

  • dry eye syndrome;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • redness and swelling.

What causes dry eye syndrome?

U healthy person The tear film evenly covers the cornea of ​​the eye, constantly moistening it. Every 10 seconds, this film breaks, thereby triggering our blink reflex to re-wet the cornea. Such processes are the norm.

Dry eye syndrome occurs when we rarely blink or the film breaks prematurely.

A person produces little in several cases:

  • for congenital defects;
  • consequences of past inflammatory processes;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • when taking tranquilizers and antidepressants and contraceptives.

And the tear fluid evaporates quickly:

  • with an uneven surface of the eye;
  • not closing eyelids;
  • due to exposure to dry air or wind;
  • during long work at the computer or while reading.

Dry eye: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

With the development of this syndrome, a person feels dryness, pain, burning in one or both organs of vision. He has a feeling of a foreign body, glass or sand. In addition, a strong reaction to the wind develops, involuntarily.

  • Take a small amount of bee honey, dilute it in boiled water in a ratio of 1:2 and instill eye drops 2 times a day, 2 drops.
  • Prepare horseradish and onion, grate on a fine grater and mix. Pour boiled water in proportions 1:1. Wait a while for the bitterness to go into the water (about 15 minutes), moisten a cotton pad and apply it to your eyes to stimulate blood flow.
  • If pain appears in the eyes, a decoction of mulberry leaves and bark is made. You need to put 1-2 drops in each eye.
  • An infusion of 2 tablespoons of eyebright poured with boiling water will help relieve the syndrome. It is necessary for the resulting composition to infuse in a warm place for 15 minutes, after which the infusion is strained, the cake is spread on gauze and applied to the eyes. Leave for 30 minutes, take the infusion itself orally 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.

The main task traditional treatment- moisturize your eyes. This means drinking enough fluid, using different moisturizers that the retina needs. Treatment with folk remedies includes a lot of recipes. For example, one of the simplest and most effective is the application of cucumber slices and eye drops. castor oil or lavender oil.

Diet for eye disease

Remember, if you have dry eye syndrome, treatment with folk remedies should only be carried out in combination with drug therapy and under the supervision of a doctor!

Helps with dry eyes special diet. Must be eaten vegetable oil, fruits in large quantities and grapes. For prevention purposes, you need to spend less time in front of a computer monitor and TV screen. Do not abuse alcoholic drinks, coffee and sour foods.

Has proven itself in the treatment of dry eyes linseed oil. This product contains beneficial omega-3s fatty acid which help eliminate the inflammatory process. And one of the best folk remedies is aloe vera gel or the viscous liquid of the named plant. It is applied to the eyelids and significantly reduces the severity of dryness symptoms.

Let us repeat, if a diagnosis of “dry eye syndrome” is made, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies and medications must be supervised by a doctor.

Corneal dystrophy

This disease is most often hereditary and is expressed in clouding of the cornea (the transparent part of the outer layer) of the eye. The pathology usually appears before the age of 40. It is not accompanied by an inflammatory process and progresses rather slowly. Over time, a person's vision deteriorates greatly.

Other factors can lead to the disease:

  • surgical interventions;
  • eye injuries;
  • autoimmune, biochemical and neurotrophic conditions.

Symptoms of corneal dystrophy

The signs of this disease are strong sharp pains in the eye (progressive stage), redness of the mucous membrane appears, the presence of a foreign body is felt. Patients become uncomfortable with sunlight, their lacrimation increases, and their level of vision decreases. Upon examination, the patient is found to have clouding of the cornea.

How to treat

Only after a thorough examination and drug therapy prescribed by a doctor, if there is no serious damage to the tissues of the retina, treatment with folk remedies can be allowed as a supplement. In such cases it can help aqueous extract propolis, which is sold in every pharmacy. It should be taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

To reduce the severity of symptoms of corneal dystrophy, eye treatment with folk remedies, for example, honey and other bee products, has worked well. To do this you need to mix royal jelly And Bee Honey in proportions 1:1 and pour the mixture with boiled cooled water. The resulting composition is mixed and placed under the eyelid 2 times a day. In this case, it may appear slight burning sensation and tearfulness.

It is important to include in the patient’s menu foods rich in complete animal proteins:

  • lean beef;
  • chicken meat;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken eggs and seafood.

If you don't start in a timely manner correct treatment eye dystrophy using folk remedies and traditional medicine, then the disease can lead to complete blindness, since advanced pathological processes are irreversible.

Helps well goat milk. It needs to be boiled and diluted with cold boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to your eyes once a day for a week. Immediately after instillation, a dark, tight bandage is applied. You need to lie down in this state for 30 minutes.

Unfortunately, when hereditary form diseases, as a rule, the prognosis for cure is not very favorable. Therefore, when making a diagnosis of retinal dystrophy, treatment with folk remedies should be very careful and coordinated.

How to treat eye inflammation

Various factors can cause eye inflammation:

  • overvoltage;
  • ingress of foreign particles;
  • inflammation of blood vessels;
  • infections;
  • eye injuries;
  • allergy;
  • exposure to aggressive substances.

The mentioned condition is a protective reaction to a pathogenic stimulus of any origin. Any treatment must be comprehensive, so you should immediately consult a doctor for recommendations and examination. And only then can you help drug treatment folk remedies.

To make the disease go away faster, use quite effective remedy- plantain decoction. You will need 10 g of plant seeds, filled with two tablespoons of cold water. The composition is mixed and another half glass of boiling water is poured into it. The cooled broth is filtered and used for both internal and external use. The medicine is taken orally before meals 3 times a day.

If you have an eye inflammation, treatment with folk remedies may include lotions from medicinal chamomile. They give a good effect:

  • 20 g of herb is poured with boiling water;
  • the decoction is infused for an hour;
  • filtered.

The resulting mixture is used to wash the eyes several times a day. Chamomile can be used in for preventive purposes and when swimming. It has a sedative property.

and pain syndrome

Grated raw potatoes helps relieve swelling from the eyes. All you need is one small potato, grated on a coarse grater, wrapped in gauze and applied to the eye for 20 minutes.

Helps relieve redness onion broth. The peeled onion is boiled in water with a few drops of boric acid. The resulting mixture is used to wash the eyes 2 times a day.

Take off pain syndrome helps herbal tea from elderberry, and All herbs are taken in equal parts, mixed, and poured with boiling water. For 2 glasses of water 3 tsp. mixtures. The decoction is infused for 8-9 hours in a warm place, preferably in a thermos. The eyes are washed with the strained infusion.

Forms of the disease

Inflammation of the eye is an acute disease caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses, and chronic form, which developed as a result improper treatment acute infection and decreased immunity.

With inflammation, a person feels a burning sensation, itching, and a fear of light appears and lacrimation increases. All symptoms worsen in the evening. Depending on the cause of the disease, discharge from the eye may be observed, which is purulent or catarrhal in nature.

Proper eye treatment with folk remedies involves eliminating the root cause that caused the problem.

Medication and home treatment in any case will include local antiseptic treatment. The doctor prescribes hormonal eye medications, antibacterial agents and ointments.

If the eyes of newborns are inflamed, they should never be washed. breast milk, saliva or water. Thus, pathological process It's only getting worse.

A complex approach

At the first symptoms inflammatory process in the eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor. Maybe, serious treatment and will not be needed, but the doctor after the examination will find out the reason that caused pathological condition, and will give recommendations for treatment.

Old and modern traditional medicine recipes make it possible to effectively treat eye diseases, including conjunctivitis, decreased visual acuity, inflammatory and other processes. However, treatment must be comprehensive, including drug therapy, the use of improvised means and special exercises for the eyes.

IN Everyday life people often misuse their vision. First of all, they often perform prolonged fixation of the eyes at close distances. The main reason for this is the rapid introduction of computer technology into our lives.

Today, the bulk of the population uses laptops, mobile phones with the functions of a pocket computer. Even children preschool age understand the names smartphone, iPhone, iPad and skillfully use these electronic devices for entertainment with various computer games, and for a long time. Unfortunately, this is precisely what breaks correct abbreviation very “capricious” and still weak muscles of the eyeball.

The result of such “pleasures” is myopia, astigmatism and other visual deviations from the norm. These changes are aggravated by the environmental situation, lack of control and medical and preventive illiteracy of parents, and other factors.

Folk remedies for eye health

Blueberries are the perfect natural eye healer

Nature is incredibly generous and gives people everything they need. Exploring plants, microorganisms, minerals, relying on folk experience and observations, scientists have discovered the presence in nature of bioactive compounds that affect human health, and the use of which can help prevent and cure many diseases. For example, vision problems (myopia, farsightedness, strabismus, fatigue, cataracts).

Researchers different countries claim that important reason eye pathology is the lack of necessary nutritional support. In particular, people with low levels of antioxidants in the blood (vitamins E and B) are at significant risk of eye diseases.

In Europe, the No. 1 dietary supplement for the eyes is blueberries. In the 2nd world war British pilots flew out to bomb the enemy at night. Blueberries were constantly included in their nutritious diet (especially before departure), as they improved vision. 30 years of research in this area have proven a significant increase in the adaptive abilities of the eyes (especially to darkness and light) from taking blueberry extract.

This is especially important in old age. Blueberries increase flexibility cell membranes. It helps increase blood flow to the retina. The optimal amount for consumption of blueberry extract is contained in the supplements “Blueberry Forte”, “Bilberry” and others. However, the prices for these drugs are high, and natural blueberries are more effective.

Treatment of vision with dew

Since ancient times, visual impairment has been eliminated with morning dew; traditional healers still offer treatment with it today. Dew is collected in environmentally friendly places from healthy plants and herbs early in the morning. It is used immediately after collection. The dosage is not critical. Usually drop a few drops up to 3 times within five hours after collection.

Storage in a tightly closed bottle in a cold place is allowed, but it is undesirable - the healing properties are lost. It is better to use fresh product daily. Healers and those treated say that pain and discomfort in the eyes go away, all eye processes are stabilized, and vision improves.

Recipe based on dill seeds

If your eyes start to hurt, put 15 g of dill seeds in a thermos in the evening and pour in a glass of boiling water. In the morning, strain, take daily four times before meals (30 minutes before) with a dose of 50 ml. Lotions are also made with the same tincture.

Treatment with potatoes

This method effectively eliminates the effects of strong light exposure on the eyes ( welding work, sun glare, prolonged television viewing). After this, the eyes water, they burn as if from sand, the eyelids swell and turn red, and the head hurts.

Wash a small potato, peel it, then cut it in half and place it on the eyes. Bandage with a bandage, avoiding compression. By morning the soreness is usually almost gone. If necessary, repeat the procedure.


Many people have tears flowing from their eyes in the cold and strong winds. Doctors call this a natural reaction of the eyes to cold and wind, and in old age - senile changes in the eyes. However, lacrimation is sometimes so profuse and incessant that a person loses orientation and the ability to move.

In these cases they are treated apple cider vinegar homemade(its strength does not exceed 5%, and the strength of synthetic vinegar sold in stores is 9%). Add homemade vinegar and honey (10 g each) to heated water (glass). Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Gradually, tearfulness will pass (more precisely, it will go into normal condition). During treatment, your well-being will noticeably improve. Vinegar can be made only from apples, but it is allowed to add black currant leaves, tarragon, and others medicinal herbs. This improves the healing properties of the drug.

By the way, treatment with homemade vinegar - a whole science. Oh his wonderful healing properties Russian scientist V. Karavaev, American scientist D. Jarvis and other famous experts responded.

Treatment of conjunctivitis with cottage cheese

It should be applied for about 20 minutes three times a day on closed eyelids.

Contrast baths against allergic conjunctivitis

May is the peak of tree dusting, then the meadow grasses will bloom. For people with pollen allergies this is - bad time. It is necessary to protect not only the nose and mouth, but also the eyes, because allergic conjunctivitis– an obligatory companion of hay fever. Doctors advise wearing glasses during this season, even for those who have good vision. You just need to take them without diopters.

Never rub your eyes with your hands - pollen from them can get onto the mucous membrane and quickly cause an allergy. Whenever possible, wash your eyes with clean water. There is no need to use any herbs unless you are absolutely sure that you are not allergic to them.

Also good for the eyes contrast baths. They are done at the specified time every day, so inflammation can be avoided. This is both cleansing and strengthening of the mucous membrane. Pour water (clean!) into two bowls: cool into the first, you can even throw in a few ice cubes, and warm into the second. First, they dip their face into warm water, blinking their eyes directly under the water, then into cold water. Repeat three times.

If it is not possible to make baths, apply compresses to the eyes, wetting cotton pads alternately in cold and warm water. This procedure, by the way, is good for the eyes and facial skin, which is tightened and rejuvenated.

Cataract and cataract

Cataract - clouding eye lens. Unlike a cataract, a cataract (or leukoma) is a clouding of the eye cornea. Previously, doctors did not separate these diseases and considered them one.

Treatment of cataracts with apples and honey

An apple is picked from a tree. Cut off the top, carefully cut out the core, and pour honey inside. Cover the apple with a cut-off “lid” and leave for 2 days. Pour the resulting juice into a sterile vial. In the morning and evening, drop two drops into each eye. Course – 12 days. The course can be repeated after a month.

Treatment of cataracts with cabbage juice and blueberries

Previously, cataracts were often cured this way. Whole year passed fresh cabbage through a meat grinder. We squeezed the juice and drank 1.5 glasses daily in two or three doses. In the summer we ate a lot of blueberries. Within a year, my vision was restored.

Treatment of cataract with beef liver

Warm boiled liver (always beef and fresh!) wrapped in a thin cloth is applied to the eyes overnight. They tie a scarf over it to fix the “medicine” and keep it warm longer. As a rule, the thorn disappears quickly.

Treating cataracts with bread drops

IN rye bread fresh baked goods, make a hole around the circumference of the glass and insert it tightly upside down. Droplets will appear inside it. They are collected and dripped into the eye daily. Clearing the cornea lasts several months.

Use of earthworms

Professor of Medicine V.V. Korpachev in the famous book “Healing Fauna” wrote that earthworms have long been used and are used today in medicinal purposes. To do this, they need to be collected in a glass container, tightly closed, and the container placed in the sun. The worms will burst and release fat. This fat is collected, settled, cleaned, and dripped into the eyes.
In the Moscow region, a healing remedy from worms is made differently: they are put in a bottle and sprinkled with salt. Waiting for them to freeze. Afterwards, the brine is filtered and dripped into the eyes.

This is often how eyesores in pets are cured.
In other countries, they have known about the healing properties of earthworms since ancient times. The peoples of the Caucasus killed them with rock salt and treated them deep wounds with damaged tendons. Chinese healers used them against ear pain, for the treatment of atherosclerosis, epilepsy.

When treating diseases with these individuals, it is important to strictly observe the timing of their collection. The most favorable months are May and July, when worm organisms are saturated with active biological substances. Later in July, the healing power of underground inhabitants decreases, but those collected in August and September also heal well. But during reproduction (in June) they are not healing and can even be poisonous!

Recipe based on earthworms for the treatment of cataracts and cataracts

A glass of collected specimens is washed, mixed with sugar, and simmered in an enamel bowl for low temperature. They do this too: put everything in a plate, cover it with glass, and place it in the sun. The released liquid is cooled, filtered (should become transparent), and stored in the cold. Every day (three times) drop a drop into each eye. Treatment - until the result. However, when strong burning sensation(happens quite rarely) treatment of diseases is stopped. Ancient healers considered this method the best against clouding of the eye.


Eye treatment with folk remedies is used quite often, especially in the long term. rural areas. Traditional healers claim that their methods, which have achieved high perfection in the process for long years applications, actively influence many eye diseases and defeat them. However, any treatment (if possible) should be agreed with an ophthalmologist.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with usual treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

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