British tanks will appear in War Thunder. British tanks War Thunder

Friends! Since the start of development War Thunder We strive to diversify the content in the game as much as possible: we are adding new aircraft and new locations, we have introduced ground equipment of the USSR and Germany, and then we have made American tanks available for research. Of course, we don’t stop there, so we are proud to present to you what the development team continues to work hard on throughout last months- British tanks!

Fast and deadly, heavy and protected, beautiful and powerful - these are the tanks of the fourth nation in the game. Tank building in the United Kingdom was distinguished by an unusual approach to the combination of armor and tank armament; vehicles that had no analogues in the world were often created.

In the first Development Diary dedicated to British tanks, we want to introduce players to three outstanding British designs that were used by the tank forces of the United Kingdom during and after the Second World War. Just by looking at these three vehicles, you can see how diverse the British equipment is that will be available to players in War Thunder.

Medium cruiser tank A34 “Comet”

A34 “Comet” was a further development of “Cromwell”. An incredible tank, recognized by the British command as the best in its class: the tank weighed only 33 tons, but its firepower was greater than that of any Allied medium tank of its time. The only analogue in the British tank forces - the Sherman Firefly - was much inferior to the “Comet” in all characteristics except the gun’s armor penetration. The Comet received a 17-pound anti-tank gun, upgraded for placement in the tank, which has already proven its effectiveness as a field gun. In addition, the armor of the tank's turret has been improved. The chassis went to the “Comet” from the “Cromwell”. The tank performs well in the fight against opponents of the 3rd and even 4th rank, however, armor that does not have rational angles of inclination often becomes the reason for the Comet’s poor survivability. Proper use The combination of the moving characteristics of a combat vehicle and its gun can turn the “Comet” into a dangerous hunter of enemy tanks and self-propelled guns behind enemy lines.

Heavy infantry tank Churchill Mk.III

The Churchill tank is a legendary British infantry tank. Thanks to its successful design and excellent armor, further strengthened during modernization, the Churchills successfully fought in various theaters of World War II and even took part in the Battle of Kursk and the Korean War. The tank has extremely low maximum speed movement on highways and over rough terrain, but in return it received good armor protection. The Mk.III modification is armed with a six-pounder (57 mm) anti-tank gun, which is sometimes not enough to combat enemy armored vehicles at medium and long range. But the player controlling the Churchill should adhere to a different tactic: get closer to the enemy and attack him from a short distance. At the same time, if possible, cover the Allied tanks with its massive hull.

Medium tank Centurion Mk.3

War Thunder tanks! - an event that millions of players around the world have been waiting for. An event that has finally happened, an event that will give us many hours of continuous tank battles, which will bring a huge storm of emotions, admiration and will simply allow us to spend a pleasant evening in front of our favorite game.

So, let’s remember what the War Thunder project is. War Thunder is a multiplayer game that allows each player to take part in full-scale battles using vehicles that were used or planned for World War II.

Absolutely every player will be able to choose the role of a pilot, tanker and sailor in the future. Only the player decides how and what to play, and the outcome of the battle depends only on the player. And what’s most interesting is that all this will be implemented on one card, and on this moment the goal is almost achieved.

And now we can finally touch, bite and try out tanks from Gaijin Entertainment. For a long time they fed us with promises for a long time piqued our curiosity and finally, the tanks came out into the world and are ready to receive their players. And not only to accept, but to provide control over the legendary military equipment of those times, which was and is considered the most universal look weapons of each state.

But it’s worth noting that the tanks have just been released and not all features and all models are available for our viewing, but this does not affect us at all, and we will eagerly consider everything that the game has provided us.

Preliminary development branches

At the beginning of the game, 2 development branches are available to us: the USSR and Germany. These branches of combat vehicles included various options modifications of light, medium and heavy tanks. Among the USSR equipment, players will be able to take control of the famous KV and T-34, and German equipment will show off its Tigers and Panthers. But the point is not important, the main thing is that each technique can be pumped up and various modifications can be used to improve it.

Soviet (USSR) tanks British tanks
American tanks Japanese tanks

Remember the aircraft that had various additional equipment that improved the basic potential, this carried over to tanks. Absolutely every tank can be modified with additional elements that relate not only to the structure of the model itself, but also add some capabilities. For example, some tanks have a modification that allows the installation of protective steel sheets on the tracks; they reduce the possibility of the track being knocked down. Another modification allows you to increase the visibility of tanks, their reloading and other elements.

In general, it’s impossible to list everything and we shouldn’t forget about the shells that will be qualified according to different categories, ranging from armor-piercing to sub-caliber. It is planned to introduce a full range of projectiles into the game, albeit gradually. But the tanks did not get by with modifications alone; almost all of the aircraft’s functionality moved to combat vehicles. You will also be able to upgrade your tank crew to improve combat conditions and apply various color and graphic designs to the tank hull. And only after full preparation You will be able to go into battle with your battle monster.

An example of improving one of the tanks

But for now, only the normal mode, which has an arcade basis, is available for battles, but the developers assure that other modes will be implemented in the near future.

But before we get into battle, let's take a closer look at the tank branches themselves. As you might have guessed, pumping will be carried out in stages, starting with the earliest models of combat vehicles, ending with experimental tanks that existed in the drawings. But it is worth considering that each technique is special in its own way. Each tank has its own model structure, its own behavior and its own characteristics, some are slow, some are fast, one has power, the other has excellent armor. In general, it will take quite a long time to understand each element and nuance of the technology; it will be much easier to test the tanks in battle.

First impressions of tanks

The first thing that catches your eye is the graphics, they are simply excellent, every bush, every tree and stone is drawn as accurately and with diligence as possible. It’s simply impossible to see enough of the drawing distance in the game, but we didn’t come here to admire the beauty, but to fight, so let’s fight! It’s worth noting right away that the game has an excellent physics engine that accurately calculates the movement of each tank, its speed and landscape. Therefore, don’t be surprised when you fall off a cliff or fly into a ditch on sharp turns, believe me, such fast tanks will also

Projectiles will also be subject to physics; they will fly strictly along a trajectory. For example, a smaller caliber will fly quickly and accurately, while heavy projectiles will fly slowly and with a large spread, but that doesn’t matter. Plus, the tanks will have a strict and realistic damage model, which allows you to destroy the tank with one shot if it hits the ammunition rack. You can also easily knock down a tank’s track, set it on fire, damage modules, and much more. This allows you to think through in detail and effectively fire shots, thinking about the order of damage in advance.

Otherwise, I won’t torture you, but I advise you to watch the video:

Game Features

As for the regime itself. The main task in battle is to destroy opponents and capture certain points. In total, there are from 3 to 5 control points on the map. Capturing them guarantees an influx of points for you, but reduces points for your enemies. Also, by destroying the enemy, you increase the chance of victory.

But it is worth taking into account other facts of the battle, for example, absolutely every player can call for artillery support, which inflicts enormous damage on the enemy. This skill can only be used several times at certain intervals. And you need to use it after thinking about your actions in advance.

But that's not all, the developers continue to implement their plans, and therefore you have the opportunity to go into battle on a tank or on an airplane. But remember, you cannot capture a point by plane, you can only provide support to your allies. Therefore, you should think about everything in advance and not rush into action. On an airplane it will be necessary to destroy enemy aircraft and ground equipment, but there is a nuance here; among the entire composition of ground equipment there are also anti-aircraft units, so you need to be extremely careful.

And finally, it is worth noting that the battles take place in “garage” mode, that is, if you are destroyed, you can choose the next vehicle, and so on until your entire squad is destroyed. As for receiving rewards, they are awarded both for the overall battle and for individual shots and damage to enemies, as was the case in airplanes.

Thus, you will participate in tank battles. What? Did you want more? Believe me, the peak of excitement will be when real game, what is happening there cannot be expressed in words.

Screenshots of tanks

War Thunder vs World of Tanks

But no matter how positive and epic everything sounds, we should not forget that the game will have competitors, and competitors are a direct threat to bite off part of the gaming audience. Let's look at why War Thunder is worse and better than similar projects.

The first and most formidable competitor is World game of Tanks, which has been in the process of development for a long time and has gathered a considerable audience and fans from its origins. The main trump card of this project is fame and a stable position in the market. But, despite all the perfection, this game also has weaknesses.

The first difference between War Thunder and World of Tanks is the graphics, in the first case it is simply excellent and beautiful, and in the second case it is rather soapy, dull and not optimized, but pleasant to the eye. Further, World of Tanks does not have the drive that War Thunder has in abundance, so here our game project is also in the black. The third advantage of War Thunder is the versatility of the battle, in which aircraft and other military equipment are connected, alas, World of Tanks does not have this. But World of Tanks can already offer a huge amount of different equipment and quite exciting gameplay, but War Thunder is not yet a founded and not fully explored game project, so not everyone will immediately start playing it, dooming it to failure and other other reasons.

Fortunately, our tanks have only 1 drawback, which hurts, but can be corrected over time. As for other competitors, there are simply none; single-player games do not count, since this is a completely different gaming area.

However, you can look at a slightly alternative opinion about World comparison of Tanks and War Thunder on video:


Any final words? Play War Thunder, this is a unique game that over time will become a leader in popularity and perhaps move to the level of e-sports. War Thunder tank videos are already gaining a huge number of views and positive feedback, everyone is gradually moving into the game, the popularity and number of players is growing.

By the way, here's another one of the videos gameplay tanks, I advise everyone to watch:

And since popularity is growing, it means there is motivation to develop. Therefore, it’s worth just one glance at the developers’ plans, which talk about expanding the maps, adding new tanks, introducing more than 600 models of combat vehicles into the game, introducing various combat modes and much more. It becomes somehow uneasy and curiosity makes itself felt. Therefore, you should not waste time and go with us to the battlefields, good luck to you!

British equipment is heading to War Thunder in a column. In one of the upcoming updates, British tanks will appear in the game! Today we will share the first information about the line of British tanks. Meet the A13 Mk.II tanks, 17 pdr. M10 65th. Anti-Tank Regt and A43 Black Prince.

British tanks War Thunder- welcome!

A13 Mk.II with additional armor

A unique modification of the tank with mounted armor and an exclusive livery. The original of such a tank was part of the headquarters of squadron "A" of the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment of the 3rd Tank Brigade of the 1st Tank Division. So he took part in the battles for France in May 1940. This tank was the first British cruiser tank to be created using American technology. The A-13 was the first tank to receive the Christie suspension, which became famous and was used on most British tanks, and also became the basis for the BT and T-34 tanks. This vehicle will be at rank 1.

17 pdr. M10 65th. Anti-Tank Regt. M10 “Achilles” of the British 7th Armored Division, 65th Anti-Tank Regiment, Norfolk Yeomanry. (65th Anti-Tank Regt (Armd)(Norfolk Yeomanry)

Sherman IC 2nd “Warsaw” Armored Division. Sherman Firefly Ic “TRZYNIEC” 1st Squadron, 4th Armored Regiment “Scorpion”, 2nd Armored Brigade, 2nd “Warsaw” Armored Division, as of August 14, 1945​.

Sherman Firefly is a true legend of the Western Front, a famous fighter against the German Tigers and Panthers. This tank became famous for its simplicity, reliability and powerful weapon. This modification is one of the most successful modifications of the Sherman tank. In our game, the tank will also resist German "Tigers" and "Panthers" at rank 3.

A43 Black Prince

One of the best modifications of the Churchill tank is the A43. that tank is armed with a 76.2 mm gun (17-pounder anti-tank gun). This tank can push through enemy defenses, but it should be wary of enemy flank attacks.

The creators of the multiplayer simulator of historical military equipment War Thunder constantly delight fans of the game with various additions.

Tanks are a relatively new type of vehicle in War Thunder. The ability to play with ground combat vehicles appeared in the game in 2014. Currently there are about 200 models of tanks and other armored vehicles in the game.

Which countries' tanks are represented in War Thunder?

At first, armored vehicle branches of only two countries were available: the USSR and Germany. Later they were joined by US and British tanks. The main emphasis when creating all types of equipment in War Thunder is on historical accuracy.

Let's take a quick look at all four countries:

Tank classes inWar Thunder

In addition to being divided by country, armored vehicles in War Thunder are divided into 5 ranks, or 5 “eras of development”. They reflect the real process of development of ground combat equipment in the 40s - 50s, when vehicles created with an interval of several years could seriously differ in combat characteristics.

According to their purpose, equipment in War Thunder is divided into:

  • Self-propelled guns (self-propelled guns).
  • Medium tanks.
  • Light tanks.
  • Heavy and assault tanks.
  • Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (ZSU).

There is another type of armored vehicle, “young”, but already considered by some to be a separate class. It's about about vehicles with missile weapons.

Rocket tanks in War Thunder

So far there are only eight cars of this class in the game.

These are 4 tanks with MLRS, equipped with unguided rockets:

BM-8-24- Soviet light tank of the first rank, equipped with a Katyusha rocket launcher. The missiles have a deadly range and high destructive power, but other than them the tank has no weapons. So in close combat and on reload he is very vulnerable.

"Panzerwerfer-42"- a German half-track vehicle, almost unarmored, but with twelve 158 mm rockets. A hit from such ammunition can send even the heaviest tank into the hangar.

T34 "Calliope"- American Sherman tank with an additionally installed MLRS for 60 missiles.

Pershing M26 T99- a British tank with two additional missile launchers on the sides of the turret. The tank is equipped with a powerful weapon, so missiles are just an addition to its firepower.

And after the release of the recent addition "Fire Arrows" 4 tanks with ATGMs appeared in the game:

  • "Raketenyagdpanzer-22"- a German self-propelled gun armed with the same ATGMs as the previous tank.
  • IT-1- Soviet tank destroyer based on the T-54, the world's first and only purely missile tank with ATGM.
  • STRV-81- British Centurion-3, additionally equipped with SS-11 missiles.
  • "Sheridan"- a light and very mobile American tank from the Vietnam War. It is equipped with a 152 mm cannon that fires both conventional shells and guided missiles.

ComparisonWar Thunder andWorld of Tanks

Massive multiplayer tank battles are present in both games, but this does not mean that they repeat each other.

World of Tanks is primarily an arcade shooter with historical elements, and War Thunder is a military simulator. When creating technology in the latter, the main attention is paid to historical accuracy. Therefore, while WoT developers can often afford to change the actual characteristics of tanks in favor of balance, this is not welcome in War Thunder. Even the models for dealing damage in the games are very different: if in “Tanks” health is simply taken away when armor is penetrated, then in War Thunder everything is much more complicated - when calculating the consequences of a hit, the speed of the projectile, the affected area and other parameters are taken into account.

And finally, the WoT engine is somewhat older than the War Thunder engine - therefore both the physics and graphics in Tanks are less realistic.

However, it is impossible to say for sure whose model of tank battles is better. It all depends on the player's goals. If you want realistic control of steel monsters, then War Thunder is better. If you consider multiplayer tank battles as an eSport, choose World of Tanks.

One thing is clear - with the advent armored vehicles in War Thunder The “tank monopoly” of WoT has come to an end. Now there are two serious online games on the market dedicated to multiplayer tank battles.

German tank development tree(The German ground vehicle development branch includes lines of light, medium, heavy panzers, closed and open self-propelled guns and self-propelled guns). As an exception, there are two "paper" tanks that were never built in iron: Panther II and Tiger II (105 mm).
Playing on the Germans is very comfortable, there are a lot of great cars. The best BR for a tank arcade are 2.0, 3.7, 4.3 (grooves-4), 6.7, 8.0. The top-end Leopard 2A4 is also good.

German tanks
Flakpanzer I ausf. A
Sdkfz 6/2 Flak36
Aufklarungspanzer 38(t)
PzKpfw 35(t) , PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf.A , PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf.F
PzKpfw II Ausf.C, Ausf.F, Ausf.H
PzKpfw III Ausf.B , Ausf.E , Ausf.F , Ausf.J (L/60) , Ausf.L , Ausf.M , Ausf.N
PzKpfw IV Ausf.C, Ausf.F, IV Ausf.F2, Ausf.G, Ausf.H, IV Ausf.J
PzKpfw V Panther Ausf.D, Ausf.A, Ausf.G, Ausf.F
Panther II
PzKpfw VI Ausf.H Tiger
PzKpfw VI Ausf.B Tiger II (Porsche turm)
PzKpfw VI Ausf.B Tiger II (Henshel turm)
PzKpfw VI Ausf.B Tiger II mit KwK46
PzKpfw VI Ausf.B Tiger II Sla.16
Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. A
Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. F
Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. G
Sturmhaubitze 42 Ausf. G
Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar
Pz.Sfl.IVa Dicker Max
Sd.Kfz.164 Nashorn (Hornisse)
Selbstfahrlafette auf VK3001(H) Sturer Emil
Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer
Jagdpanzer IV L48
Panzer IV/70
Panzerbefelhswagen Jagdpanther, Panzerjager Panther
Panzerjager Tiger, Panzerjager Tiger (P) Ferdinand
PzKpfw 748/2(a) (captured М4А2 Sherman), Kpfpz Churchill (trophy)
Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind, Flakpanzer IV Ostwind
Flakpanzer IV Kugelblitz, Flakpanzer V Coelian
Marder III
KV-1 mit KwK-40 , KV-II 754(r) , T-34-747(r) (trophies)
Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus, E-100
Leopard 1, Leopard 2
Panzerwerfer 42
Raketenjagdpanzer RJpz-2
Begleitpanzer 57
Kampfpanzer KPz-70

US land development tree(the development branch of American tanks consists of the LT, ST, PT, TT, ZU lines).
Americans are not recommended for leveling. The armored vehicles are not bad, but the combat ratings are too high, which makes the game a misery. BR 4.7 (M6A1 + M18) and 6.7 (T29 + T34) are relatively good. Only Abrams in the top bends.

As expected, mostly Stuarts and Shermans, a branch of turret-mounted tanks: M8, M18 Black cat, M10 Wolverine, M36 Slugger, and AT based on half-track armored personnel carriers, starting with the Diamond T (Autocar) M3 75 mm GMC. The top heavyweights will be the Super Heavy Tank T28 and Gun Motor Carriage T95.

It is interesting to trace the transformation of American STs from M2 through M3 to M4 Sherman. The only 37mm cannon turned out to be not even funny for the average peasant, so the redundant machine guns were replaced with a 75mm cannon in the sponson. This decision was also unsuccessful, and the 75mm gun was moved to a new turret, replacing the unnecessary 37mm. As a result, we got a decent middle peasant - Sherman. Then in the ST branch there are Pershings (including M26E1 and T26E4 Super Pershing), Pattons and M60.
Rank 6 - Main Battle Tank MBT-70 and Abrams.

At the same time, the LT design immediately turned out to be successful, and the Stuart M5 differs from the M3 and M2 mainly in the strengthening of its armor. The line is crowned with the LT M41 Walker Bulldog, T92 and Gun Launcher AR/AAV M551 Sheridan.

There are T34 Sherman Calliope and M26 T99 multiple launch rocket systems.
Anti-aircraft guns: M13, M16, M15, M19, M42 Duster, M163 Vulcan; amphibian LVT(A)-1.
M50 Ontos.

Great Britain land development branch
The British are not recommended for leveling up, since most tanks only have solid AP shells (with low armor protection). The only good arcade setup is on BR 3.0, but it is often balanced against 3.7, popular among the Soviets and Germans.

British tanks and armored cars
A1E1 Independent
A13 Mk.1, A13 Mk.2
A12 Matilda Mk.II
Valentine Mk.I, Mk.XI, Mk.IX
Tetrarch Mk.I
A34 Comet I
A30 Challenger
Crusader AA Mk I, AA Mk II
Crusader Mk.II, Mk.III
Churchill Mk.III, Mk.VII
Cromwell I, Mk.V RP3, Mk V
Centurion Mk.1, Mk.3, Mk.10
Conqueror Mk.2
AC IV Thunderbolt
3inch Gun Carrier
Avenger, Archer
A39 Tortoise
Charioteer Mk.VII
Armored Car Mk.II AA
Sherman VC Firefly
Falcon AAS
FV4004 Conway
Strv 81
FV102 Striker
Chieftain, Challenger

Japanese land development branch(Japanese ground tree)
Lack of Japanese low levels- turret rotation is slow, and top tanks do not have good armor. In addition, due to the small amount of equipment, it is difficult to assemble a full-fledged setup for an arcade game. Currently available good set only for BR 2.0: Ho-I + Chi-Ha Kai + Ta-Se.

Japanese tanks and armored cars
Type 95 Ha-Go, Ha-Go commander (premium)
Type 98 Ke-Ni, Type 2 Ka-Mi
M24 Chafee, M4A3(76)W, M41 Walker Bulldog
Type 60 SPRG
Type 89 I-Go Ko
Type 97 Chi-Ha, Chi-Ha Naval Short Gun (prem), Type 1 Chi-He
Chi-Ha KAI
Type 2 Ho-I
Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 4 Chi-To, Type 5 Chi Ri II
ST-A1, ST-A2, ST-B1
Type 61, Type 74, Type 90
Type 94 SPAA
Ta-Se, So-Ki
M42 Duster
Type 87
Type 4 Ho-Ro
Type 1 Ho-Ni I, Type 3 Ho-Ni III
Type 5 Na-To II
Heavy tank No. 6 (Tiger) (premium)

China's upgrade branches are mainly foreign models of armored vehicles (Soviet, British and American supplies, Japanese trophies, clones of USSR tanks). The Chinese land development tree is only available on Chinese servers that have no connection with the rest of the world. There is also an aviation tree there. Although you can register and play there, the high ping (long response time) and incomprehensible hieroglyphs interfere. Fights with players from the RU (Russia), EU (Europe), US (USA) clusters are impossible.

How many tanks are there in Warthunder? Development branches of WT armored vehicles 2018-2019 with BR (all ranks of all countries with indication of combat rating)
In the future, more new tanks, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles will be added to “Tundra”, including independent ground research trees for other nations. The best armored vehicles.

Correctly “Vor Thunder”, not “Var Thunder” (Vorthander and not Varthander varsander) ;-)