Does autism occur in unvaccinated children? Autism, pneumonia and vaccinations

At the end of the last century, doctors noticed that the incidence of autism had increased markedly: in just 10 years, the number of sick children had more than doubled. Scientists began to look for the reason and put forward various assumptions. One of them is that vaccines are to blame for everything.

An oversight by a reputable scientific journal

In 1998, the work of Dr. Andrew Wakefield and co-authors was published in one of the oldest and most reputable medical journals, The Lancet. They linked autism and gut inflammation in children to the introduction of MMR - the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine ( mumps). The authority of the magazine did its job - soon the media were rushing to warn society that vaccinations could be dangerous for people. mental health children. Many parents have found cause for concern, and anti-vaccination activists have once again become convinced that they are right.

As a result, in different countries The number of refusals to vaccinate began to increase, the consequences of which were not long in coming. Some time later, outbreaks of measles were reported among the unvaccinated population in the United States. IN Northern Ireland such an outbreak resulted in the death of three people. In England and Wales, the number of confirmed cases of measles increased from 56 in 1998 to 1000 in 2007. At the time, many scientists deeply doubted Dr Wakefield's findings. Firstly, only 12 children took part in the study - such a sample is too small. Secondly, a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the vaccine and autism has never been proven. And after some time the scientist was accused of violating ethical principles and cooperation with parents' lawyers who tried to sue the vaccine manufacturer for money.

A few years later, the management of the Lancet journal officially recognized Wakefield's research as fraudulent and withdrew the article from publication. Numerous studies have been conducted that have proven that there is no connection between vaccination and the occurrence of autism. 10 of the 12 co-authors of Wakefield’s study subsequently retracted the article, and the scientist himself admitted that he had violated the principles of medical ethics. However, echoes of the explosion of the information bomb almost twenty years ago can still be heard. “Anti-vaxxers” have another scarecrow that helps dissuade parents from vaccination. And not only parents - the author of this article has heard statements about the dangers of vaccinations even from doctors at clinics.

In 2002, another study was conducted that purportedly proved a link between immunization and autism: Dr. Ullman and his colleagues examined intestinal samples from 91 children with various disabilities, including autism, and 70 healthy children. The measles virus was found in the intestines of 75 sick children. But this study does not prove anything. The scientists did not take into account whether the children had received it before. It is impossible to check where the viruses found in the intestines came from - either from the vaccine, or the infection occurred earlier. There is a high probability of false positive and false negative results - due to errors in the analysis, viruses could be “found” where they are not, and vice versa.

What is autism and why does it actually occur?

Deep disability (if you are lucky enough to survive) also threatens those who get polio... Everyone decides for themselves whether to refuse vaccinations or not, but we must not forget that thanks to the fashion for refusals - due to the fact that mothers are scared - more and more dangerous diseases are returning from the past.

Autism is a disease in which brain development is impaired. The child loses the ability to communicate normally with others and interact with society, his circle of interests narrows, he constantly performs the same actions, loves predictability and does not know how to empathize with other people. The causes of the disease are not yet fully understood. The main role is played, in particular, by those responsible for the formation of connections between nerve cells. The risk of autism in a child increases if a pregnant woman has had the flu, fever, or taken antibiotics. Scientists are considering other possible factors risk. Usually the diagnosis is made before 3 years of age.

Most often, signs of autism increase gradually. But some children develop normally up to a certain age, and then they begin to “move backward.” This type of autism is called regressive. It was he who was associated with the MMR vaccine. What initially made scientists doubt the safety of the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine? One reason is the rising prevalence of autism: the number of affected children has increased dramatically since the 1980s. This is partly due to doctors becoming better at diagnosing the disease. But apparently there are other reasons. Another impetus for Andrew Wakefield's research was his collaboration with lawyers for parents who filed lawsuits against the vaccine manufacturer.

Often autism develops just at the age when the child is vaccinated, but this still does not prove anything. If two things happen at about the same time, one does not necessarily cause the other.

Once in an authoritative scientific journal an article appeared, scientists from different countries very carefully verified this information. The purpose of many serious studies conducted later was not to prove the harmlessness of vaccines, but to test whether they really can affect mental development child. If scientists found convincing evidence that immunization increases the risk of autism, the MMR vaccine would likely be stopped and sought safe analogues. However, no evidence was ever found.

Recent Research

In the spring of 2015, scientists in once again decided to test whether there is a link between immunization and autism. The study followed nearly 100,000 children, 2,000 of whom already had older siblings with the disease.
Once again, the researchers found no link between vaccines and autism: the MMR vaccine did not increase the risk of the disease, even in children who had an affected sibling. Among unvaccinated children, autism developed as often as among vaccinated children, and at the same age.

Scientists have long had no doubt that vaccines are not involved in the occurrence of autism, but many parents still have these doubts. In Russia, vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps is included in the National Calendar preventive vaccinations and is carried out at the age of 12 months. So to vaccinate or not to vaccinate children? Perhaps the answer will become obvious if you imagine that a sick person is next to your unvaccinated child. These are real, not far-fetched risks. The consequences of such contact can be very serious.

Anti-vaxxers often use pseudoscientific arguments to justify their refusal to vaccinate. Marina Nikolaevna Strekalovskaya, pediatrician, allergist-immunologist network medical clinics“Family”, especially for “Letidor”, will debunk myths about the dangers of vaccination and tell whether vaccinations cause the development of autism.

Myth 1: There are no scientific studies to determine whether vaccines actually prevent disease.

They are. Google to the rescue. In addition, there are certain inspection regulations medicines, research is required to determine the effectiveness of these drugs, dosage levels, adverse reactions and so on. It's not like scientists just come up with a combination of chemicals and say it works.

If we turn to the experience of the United States as a country where medicine is very high level, we will see that there is also national calendar vaccination, and in terms of the coverage of incoming diseases it even surpasses the Russian one. For example, in compulsory vaccination Americans included rotavirus infection, chicken pox, hepatitis A and human papillomavirus. Such a “rich” calendar exists under the careful supervision of an agency of the US Department of Health - the Office of Sanitary Surveillance. food products and medicines (FDA, Food and Drug Administration). One of its functions is to monitor the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

History also shows the effectiveness of vaccination. Take liquidation for example smallpox, highly contagious, with by airborne droplets transfers. Thanks to vaccination, fortunately, I have never encountered a single case of diphtheria. But due to the fact that parents today increasingly refuse to vaccinate their children, perhaps we will see it again. This may happen in a few years, when these children go to kindergartens and schools. Perhaps I'm wrong. Time will show.

And yet, I think that even the most ardent opponents of vaccination will not be against vaccination to prevent rabiesif they themselves or their child are bitten by a wild or suspicious animal, for example, a stray dog ​​or a rat. After all, everyone knows that there is no cure for rabies, and this disease is fatal in 100% of cases, and the terrible outcome is preceded by a painfully difficult course.

Myth 2. Vaccines reduce a child’s immunity

They don't reduce it. A vaccine is an antigen to which a specific antibody must be produced. Due to the fact that there is too little antigen in the vaccine, it is supplemented with an adjuvant, that is, a substance that enhances the immune response to the antigen to produce specific antibody. This is how the vaccine works.

An antigen is, as a rule, a protein that can enter the body from the outside or be formed in it. Therefore, into the body small child During the day, a huge number of antigens can enter from environment: different pollen, new food, tobacco smoke, inhalable household chemicals and so on. And they produce antibodies in the same way.

And if, in addition to them, several more antigens from the vaccine enter the body, this will not reduce immunity. And the temperature reaction, which some take as an indicator of reduced immunity or side effect, is the immune response to the introduced antigen and, in principle, this is not bad. Although, of course, its occurrence must necessarily be considered individually in each specific case.

Myth 3: Vaccine ingredients are poisonous in nature. None of them can be administered without causing harm to the body.

Indeed, most vaccines contain various components, such as preservatives and stabilizers, which are necessary to maintain the structure and immunogenicity of the vaccine throughout its shelf life. Some of them are toxic. Therefore, it is quite fair to say that vaccines contain poisons in small quantities.

But carcinogenic effect toxic substances per person is negligible, since the vaccine is used either once or with rare repetition of two to four injections over a fairly long period time.

If you are still worried about this (which is, of course, right), look at the situation holistically. For example, on what you eat: how much is in your favorite foods food additives, dyes and so on. Or for cosmetics and household chemicals with whom you come into daily contact. How much exhaust gas does your car release into the air?

Myth 4: Babies who are recommended to use only breast milk until they are six months of age or older are given 30 doses, including boosters, of powerful vaccine toxins, which defies all logic and science.

Vaccination in the first year is carried out precisely because some parts of the child’s immune system are quite weak or immature and are not capable of a strong, classic immune response. At the same time, the mechanisms for forming a pool of memory cells are already functioning.

Take the same domestic DTP vaccination with a whole cell pertussis component. It has age limits, it is carried out only up to 4 years of age. This does not mean that a child under 4 years of age can get whooping cough, but after 4 years old no longer. There is a certain immune response to the introduction of a vaccine, and how older child, the stronger and more aggressive he will be. It is also important that the child does not communicate with the outside world as widely as he begins in the second year of life, when he is already actively walking, meeting other children, and putting everything in his mouth. After all, then the risk bacterial infection much higher than before the year when it was “at hand” with the mother.

Myth 5: Mercury, aluminum and live viruses in vaccines may have caused the autism pandemic (1 in 100 people worldwide - according to doctors in the US, 1 in 37 - according to a private study of doctors in New Delhi)

No one denies that in some cases, vaccination could cause autism or any other neurological or neuropsychiatric abnormalities. But then it is necessary to indicate the patient’s entire medical history, the features of his personal and family history. Often the whole picture is not revealed: was the child healthy initially, and so on. Only the outcome is shown. It is possible that vaccination is an activator of the condition leading to the development of autism. Again, I can't say for sure.

In our country, the mechanism for fixing the post-vaccination reaction has not been fully established. And, therefore, statistics on the types and cases of post-vaccination reactions and complications is incomplete. Doctors rely mainly on their own experience and the experience of their colleagues.

Therefore, I would like to note the importance of the activities preceding vaccination. For example, holding laboratory tests, additional consultations with specialists if the child suffers chronic disease or there are developmental and health problems. In the first year, examinations by a neurologist are especially important. And only then, if something raises concerns, it is necessary to collectively make a decision about vaccinating the child.

Myth 6: DPT also causes developmental regression in children, which suggests that multi-component live virus vaccines are the most important cause of autism

This is very difficult question and I find it difficult to answer. One thing I can say: if this fact were proven, it would become generally known and would influence the vaccination of the population. I focus on the official ones clinical guidelines, which come from joint decisions of highly qualified, generally recognized specialists in various medical fields from the leading institutes and centers of the country. Another source is messages and reports from official domestic and international conferences, supported by scientific research.

Myth 7: By stimulating only humoral immunity, vaccines cause an imbalance in the entire immune system, leading to an alarming increase in autoimmune disorders.

Vaccination stimulates the development of cellular immunity and the formation of memory cells. In general, all parts of the immune system are involved, including the humoral one.

Table of contents

The burning topic of “autism and vaccinations” affects both parents and doctors. In both “camps” there are many supporters of vaccinations who claim that they are harmless and useful. Opponents of vaccinations are no less confident in their correctness - they believe that the substances included in the vaccine cause neurological and mental disorders in children and lead to the development of autism. Let's try to consider both points of view on childhood vaccination objectively.

The Science Linking Vaccines and Autism

Official medicine today categorically denies the vaccine-autism connection . The argumentation of doctors is entirely based on statistical studies of the ratio of the incidence of autism in vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

According to doctors, there is no evidence that autism and vaccinations are related to each other by anything other than a common time period. Vaccination is given in the first 3 years of life, and autism is usually diagnosed during this period.

In 2015, a large-scale study of one hundred thousand children was conducted, and two thousand children had relatives with autism in their families. It turned out that the risk of the disease in vaccinated children, even in such families, is no higher than the incidence of the disease in the usual group of unvaccinated children.

The key to protection from neurological, mental and cognitive complications after vaccination is compliance with the rules of vaccination:

  • You can only vaccinate healthy child. The slightest discomfort is a contraindication to immunization.
  • Several vaccines should not be administered at the same time. Between different vaccinations should take at least 3 months.
  • Injections should be subcutaneous so that the vaccine enters the bloodstream gradually and not in a loading dose.

Pay attention! Not all medical practitioners agree with the official health care position.

Moreover, it is not even possible to unequivocally state the absence of such a connection. official medicine. The most ardent supporters of universal immunization do not deny potential opportunity psychoneurological disorders in the post-vaccination period.

Why is autism linked to vaccines?

Due to sharp growth incidence of autism in the 80-90s of the last century (an increase of 210% over 11 years), medicine around the world began to look for the reason for this jump. Several versions were proposed, but none provided convincing explanations. The diagnosis of autism coincides with a large number vaccinations that a child receives under the age of 3 years. Researchers began to work in this direction, to look for the relationship between “autism and vaccinations.”

Pay attention! IN possible complications After vaccination, neurological disorders are officially indicated in vaccine preparations.

Scientific journal gaffe

A heated debate on the topic “can vaccines cause autism” began in 1998, after the publication of The Lancet. The article presented arguments in favor of the theory of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between a simultaneous triple vaccination of measles-rubella-mumps (MMR) and the development of a regressive form of autism in a child. The author was pediatric gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield. The study involved 12 children and made a big splash in the medical world.

The background is this. In his practice, the doctor encountered unexplained intestinal inflammation in children. While taking his medical history, he noticed that all the children had been vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. During a clinical examination, measles viruses were found in the intestines of the sick people. Over time, children began to show symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. Based on this, Dr. Wakefield concluded that the measles vaccine has a direct connection with autism.

Pay attention! Andrew Wakefield did not say that vaccinations should be stopped. The purpose of his work was to prove the harm from the introduction of a complex vaccine. He also suggested vaccinating against each disease separately.

Later, the publication was recognized as hasty, the conclusions were unreliable, and the research was careless and carried out in violation of medical ethics.

However, it must be admitted that there was no convincing refutation of Dr. Wakefield's conclusions. The doctor was accused of violating ethical standards, is that the sample is too small and autism after vaccination is unlikely. The article managed to convince parents of the dangers of vaccination. The number of refusing parents has increased. The incidence of measles has increased accordingly.


There is a concept - post-vaccination complication. And there are children in whom a post-vaccination complication led to psycho-neurological regression. To put it simply, there are children, quite a lot of them, who began to show symptoms of autism after vaccination. Some families have official documents, where a post-vaccination complication was diagnosed, resulting in psycho-neurological regression. Often accompanied by symptoms of intestinal inflammation and disturbances in the digestive system.

Parents of such children openly claim that vaccinations lead to autism. However, their attempts to do this publicly, to warn families with children against a frivolous attitude towards vaccination, cause aggression among doctors. Such parents are accused of obscurantism, ignorance, and fanning hysteria.

The truth, as usual, lies in the middle. Scientists around the world are trying to establish it. Millions of dollars are allocated annually for research biochemical mechanism development of possible post-vaccination complications, hypothetically leading to regressive autism.

Autism, pneumonia and vaccinations

Can people with autism be vaccinated? The opinion of doctors is again divided. Some advise abstaining, some insist on their mandatory implementation.

Let's look at the situation using an example. A young mother refuses to vaccinate her child with autism. Motivates this decision because the additional load on the baby’s immunity will be harmful. In addition, there is a fear that the vaccine will worsen autism.

The baby begins to visit kindergarten, catches ARVI, which is later “superimposed” by chickenpox. The result of two infections is pneumonia. Staying in a hospital becomes a real test for a little autistic person.

We learned about this case from a letter from the mother herself to Dr. Komarovsky. In it, she regrets that she did not get vaccinated against chickenpox and pneumococcus on time. After all, this would allow us to avoid so many problems.

Vaccinations and autism, developmental delay or why vaccinations are harmful

Lev Isaakovich Levit, doctor with 30 years of experience, head rehabilitation center in Israel argues that there is a direct link between childhood vaccinations and development oncological processes, neurological pathologies, metabolic diseases, autism spectrum disorders, autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Levit says that vaccines, in addition to viral content, contain heavy metals, animal DNA, remnants of virus culture medium. All of these “vaccine ingredients” are toxic to the baby.

Thimerosal (also known as thimerosal, merthiolate), a mercury-based preservative, is considered the most toxic element in the vaccine, which causes autism. Official medicine denies the existence of such a connection, but this preservative was still removed from vaccines.

Pay attention! Not a single doctor can openly say that he is against vaccinations. However, practicing neurologists, psychiatrists, and rehabilitation specialists often advise parents to delay vaccination.

Lev Levit doubts (and speaks directly about it) the advisability of vaccinating newborns against hepatitis. This virus is transmitted through blood or sexually, and children a priori have no transmission routes for hepatitis B. But studies showing that boys after such vaccination develop autism 3 times more often than unvaccinated children have been officially registered.

A powerful argument for opponents of vaccinations is the cases won in the courts of America and Italy. It was officially recognized that the vaccine causing autism MMR caused the disease of Ryan Mojabi, Keenan Freeman, Hannah Pauling, Valentino Bocca, Julia Grimes, Bailey Banks, Emily Moller, Misty Hyatt.

So to vaccinate or not to vaccinate children?

Can vaccines cause autism? More likely yes than no. Today no one will give a definite answer to this question. On the one hand, the number of children who fall ill during the period after vaccination is growing. On the other hand, official medicine increasingly continues to deny that vaccinations lead to autism.

Pay attention! It's impossible to ignore the fact that unvaccinated child is at risk of contracting a serious infection that can lead to disability or death.

The argument of supporters of universal immunization is that it is not known for certain whether vaccination can cause autism, and parents are depriving the child of necessary protection from terrible diseases. And here they are certainly right. The polio vaccine will not cause autism, but will protect against disability.

September 24th, 2016

Original taken from sibved in Vaccination and autism

Couldn't get past this new one documentary film, because I have been interested in and studying this topic for ten years now.


The film is a thorough scientific investigation of the blatant fraud committed by the US Centers for Disease Control - CDC (in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies), as a result of which doctors around the world were deceived and millions of children were and continue to be injured and subsequently diagnosed with autism . But doctors don't link vaccinations to the surge in autism cases in children. In the 70s of the 20th century. cases of autism in the USA were extremely rare, approximately 1 in 10 thousand. Now it is almost 1 in 50 vaccinated children. The number of vaccinations according to schedule has increased 3 times.

I couldn’t find any statistics for Russia. Autism is most likely called cerebral palsy.

The film well conveys the fact of falsification of statistics and concealment of the real negative impact MMR vaccine, which leads to autism, especially in black boys (a racial predisposition that is also hidden). But the mechanism of this has not been revealed harmful influence on nervous system child. To understand, just look at what is included in vaccines as preservatives (preservative cultures of bacilli against which immunity is supposed to be developed). The film said that the introduction of one vaccine into the vaccination schedule brings tens of billions of dollars in income to the pharmaceutical company. And where such money is involved - the health of the population fades into the background and real genocide is hidden behind plausible motives.

Basic list of preservative components:

Merthiolate or Thimerosal - “an organomercury compound (mercury salt), otherwise called sodium ethyl mercury thiosalate, is a pesticide.”

Formalin is a potent mutagen and allergen. Allergenic properties include: angioedema, urticaria, rhinopathy ( chronic runny nose), asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, allergic gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, erythema and skin cracks, etc.

Phenol - Also known as carbolic acid, is considered one of the strongest cellular (protoplasmic) poisons. Phenol is known to suppress immune reactions by blocking the phagocytic response. In toxic doses, it can cause convulsions, cardiac and renal failure.

Tween-80, aka polyoxyethylene sorbitol monooleate, aka polysorbate-80. One study reported that it has estrogenic activity—when administered by intraperitoneal injection to newborn female rats on days 4–7, it produced estrogenic effects.

Aluminum hydroxide Wide Application aluminum hydroxides have been assessed as a disaster in the past. The toxicity of aluminum came to light only after the toxic effects of aluminum hydroxide became apparent.

Very sound thoughts and information in this video.

Even in microdoses, these substances can cause irreparable damage to a growing organism, especially mercury salts.

Perhaps the most common and annual vaccination(not a vaccine) is the Mantoux test. It is obtained from the filtrate of tuberculous mycobacteria, which, when unfavorable conditions themselves can serve as a trigger for the development of tuberculosis.

In addition, according to the manufacturer's annotation from Aventis Pasteur, tuberculin (biological product Tuberosol) contains Tween-80 (0.0005%) as a stabilizer and phenol (0.28%) as a preservative. Phenol, also known as carbolic acid, is considered one of the strongest cellular poisons, and all the talk about its supposed “harmlessness in such a low concentration” is nothing more than fortune telling on coffee grounds, because no one has ever conducted relevant research. But phenol’s ability to suppress immune reactions by blocking the phagocytic response is well known, and in toxic doses it can cause convulsions, heart and kidney failure. About the stabilizer with the modest name “Tween-80”, also known as polyoxyethylene sorbitol monooleate, it is reported that it has estrogenic, i.e. hormonal activity, and therefore can influence early puberty.
Naturally, the drug “Tuberosol”, like almost all vaccines, was not tested for either carcinogenic or mutagenic potential.

At its core, the Mantoux test is nothing more than a chemical reaction using pesticides, and this reaction is carried out not in a test tube, but inside the child’s body!
But in the world there are already fundamentally new tests for detecting tuberculosis - in vitro, i.e. in vitro.

In June 2004, European countries approved a new, incomparably more accurate test for the presence of tuberculosis, based on the study of T-cell response in blood serum. However, this is probably unacceptably expensive for our country, and we still use “advanced” technologies of the 19th century in tuberculin diagnostics! The Mantoux result itself is measured, as they say, “on your knees,” using a ruler, in millimeters. This is the modern “diagnosis” of tuberculosis! For example, the Invitro chain of clinics has long been making inexpensive PCR analysis for tuberculosis by blood. But modern Russian medicine does not accept them, making excuses with ridiculous and illogical reasons (personally verified by responses from pediatricians and heads of clinics).

So, personally, I believe that vaccines cause much more harm than unproven benefits. And this is just my opinion, based on information and life experience (I won’t write details, but these are not empty words).

Complications after vaccinations

MU 3.3.1879-04. 3.3. Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. Investigation of post-vaccination complications. Guidelines

Just the table from there:

Those. The Ministry of Health officially admits, for example, that within a month a vaccinated child can die after ANY vaccine!

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