Thyme - the amazing properties of this herb. Can a nursing mother take thyme? Thyme tincture in comprehensive measures for recovery after a stroke

Bright, aromatic, with a spicy and tart taste - tea with thyme cannot but be liked. It is especially good in the morning, for breakfast, and is often drunk after a bath. This tea quickly fills you with strength and vigor, improves your mood and gives you joy, because it is not in vain that the name of the plant means “strength of spirit.” Tea with thyme is used in cosmetology and folk medicine. It helps with colds and in stressful situations.

In a word, it can be called the elixir of youth. Thyme, another name for thyme, has been known for several millennia. Ibn Sina also recommended it to his patients.

For women's and male body it has different effects, and in some conditions it is generally contraindicated.

What are the benefits of thyme tea for women?


Thyme tea is indispensable for women with certain gynecological problems:

At painful menstruation, if there is inflammation of the appendages, ovaries - in addition to tea, warm baths are taken.
baths of thyme infusion help with cystitis and uterine bleeding.
This tea is useful for nursing mothers to drink - thyme improves lactation and enhances milk production. And the soothing properties of thyme itself make milk of better quality. It will make the baby calmer. It is recommended to drink half a glass of weak tea twice a day. It is allowed to add viburnum and linden. Add honey with caution.
to improve well-being during PMS - again, thanks to the calming properties of thyme. Tea relieves lower back pain and reduces depression.
In the same way, it is recommended to drink it during menopause - thyme regulates hormonal background and relieves irritability.

This tea is good for migraines, general weakness, colds.

The tea itself is not a sleeping pill, but it helps with insomnia as it is soothing and relaxing. nervous system.

Those who want to lose weight - because it improves digestion and normalizes the functioning of the whole body, improves water-fat metabolism.


During pregnancy. Thyme can provoke tone smooth muscle uterus. This condition is dangerous premature birth or even a miscarriage. This happens because every woman produces a large number of male hormone testosterone, and thyme stimulates its production. And its increased amount can provoke such undesirable phenomena as uterine tone.

But during labor activity, for the same reason, you can drink in small sips - this will harmlessly stimulate the entire process. And then it will help the uterus quickly get into the desired shape.

What are the benefits of thyme in tea for men?


People call thyme " male grass"Andrologists often recommend thyme for problems with men's health.

It is useful for men with sexual dysfunction, impotence, and early ejaculation. These problems are often associated with a tense psycho-emotional state, and thyme has a calming effect, and at the same time not a sleeping pill. And if a man does not feel stress, a feeling of confidence will appear, and this will strengthen his erection.
Infusions and teas from thyme help with prostatitis. Baths made from it relieve swelling and improve urination. For prevention, drink a course of half a glass a day for 2 weeks. You need 2-3 courses per year.

Thyme is also excellent in treating various genitourinary infections in men. In such cases, tea is also used externally, in the form of baths, for 10-15 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day.

The composition of thyme itself includes microelements such as molybdenum - with its help, enzymes are activated that are responsible for the normalization of male sexual functions. In addition, thyme contains selenium and zinc, which help testosterone production. They are included in almost all drugs that improve the condition of male infertility.

Thyme contains ursolic acid, an essential substance for the prevention of early baldness, weakness and muscle atrophy.

For heavy smokers, this tea will be a salvation from a characteristic cough - thyme has expectorant properties, it will help get rid of it.

A concentrated infusion of thyme can help in the treatment of alcoholism - both male and female. This remedy is also good because it can be carried out in secret from the patient. When thyme is combined with alcohol, the body produces substances that nauseating and subsequently can lead to an aversion to alcohol.


For men special contraindications When drinking this tea there is practically no such thing as drinking buckets of it.

Thyme - medicinal herb, it can be harmful if abused. Its excessive amount causes sleep disturbances and insomnia. You can’t use it for more than 2 weeks in a row, you need to take breaks.

Diseases thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, kidney and liver problems are a direct contraindication.

If you brew it incorrectly and drink it all the time, poisoning may even occur, which will require urgent drug treatment. So moderation is needed in everything... Once a day will be enough.

If you are unsure about using thyme, consult your doctor.

Creeping thyme has a multifaceted effect on humans. The use of the herb in the form of a decoction orally and as a spice in dishes increases potency in men. The plant reduces the likelihood of ulcers and prostatitis. The antiseptic properties and antioxidant effect on the skin are of value for cosmetology. The benefit also lies in increasing stress resistance and performance. According to experts, potential harm explained by the specific composition of thyme.

Thyme is pleasing to God and people. On unique properties fragrant herbs attracted the attention of ancient peoples. They considered thyme pleasing to God, and their smell was called “incense.” During pagan times, the Slavs, with the knowledge of the priests, burned thyme on a sacrificial fire. The Russian name “Bogorodskaya grass” appeared already at the time of the use of the plant in Orthodox services.

People have long believed that thyme is especially useful for men as a natural remedy for enhancing potency. It is a natural aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire. There is an assumption that Latin name

of the genus “thymos” means “male strength”, and is explained by its stimulating effect. Many representatives of the botanical genus Thyme bring undoubted benefits, but three species are especially valued - creeping, common, and Marshall.
Raw materials components:
1. Phenolic compounds and terpenes, including thymol (60%), carvacrol (40%);
2. Carboxylic acids.
3. Tannins.
4. Flavonoids
5. Vitamins.

6. Saponins.

Reviews of thyme treatment often mention the lemon aroma of some forms. These are new varieties of thyme with light, pleasant odors. The effect of preparations made from such raw materials on the skin of the face is softer and more comfortable. To enhance potency in men, thyme with a traditional aroma is preferable.

The value of the active substances of thyme The components bring benefit or harm to the patient, depending on the dosage. essential oil containing dozens of ingredients. Ingestion of thyme decoction for alcoholism is based on the reaction of thymol with alcohol-containing substances. Components included useful for eliminating unwanted processes in the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the condition respiratory tract, skin.

Thyme contains organic pigments - flavonoids - with antioxidant and P-vitamin activity. Antioxidants together with vitamins provide benefits for hormonal imbalance, which leads to irregular periods and acne on the face of girls and women. Tannins have a bactericidal effect and destroy pathogenic fungi. These components are responsible for the astringent and anti-inflammatory effects often mentioned in positive reviews about the use of thyme.

The acids in thyme will eliminate inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract in patients with ulcers, pancreatitis, and colitis. Thanks to the laxative effect, natural bowel movements occur. Bitters and saponins improve bile secretion and kidney function. There are more nutrients in herbs growing higher above sea level. Droughts that harm plants also reduce the concentration of active ingredients in them. You can grow raw materials in your own garden, on your balcony, or on a window in a city apartment.

The benefits of thyme for various diseases

It is recommended to drink thyme in the form of an infusion or decoction for stomach hyposecretion, intestinal atony, flatulence; thyme is also used for alcoholism. The product stops putrefactive fermentation of food components in the intestines. This is the main cause of bloating, flatulence, colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Thyme has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, improves the condition of sore throat, laryngitis, and tracheitis. The treatment will benefit the sick person suffering from seizures bronchial asthma, cough due to tuberculosis.

The effect of using thyme (tincture, decoction or infusion):

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • restorative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • analgesic;
  • expectorant;
  • tonic.

For rheumatism and skin diseases, baths with thyme are recommended for sick children and adults. In dermatology and cosmetology Special attention pay attention to ability herbal remedy eliminate acne, tone dull facial skin. There is a wide choice of ways to use thyme: homemade lotions, masks with infusion, oils, scrubs, ointments.

Thyme for men - good remedy to enhance potency. It is recommended to take together with oregano, mint, elecampane, St. John's wort, and rosehip.

This set of plants helps cope with infections genitourinary system in men and women.

For alcoholism, it is recommended to take 50–150 ml of decoction 5–10 times a day. Then the patient is given a sip of alcohol to provoke a reaction with thymol. Vomiting occurs after 20 minutes. Such procedures must be carried out over two weeks. As a result, the person feels sick and develops an aversion to alcohol.

As to whether it is possible to treat cravings for alcohol without the knowledge of the patient, opinions are divided. It’s hard not to feel the bitter taste and specific smell of thyme if you drink the decoction. Its components can cause Quincke's edema, toxicosis, anaphylactic shock. Giving a decoction without the patient's knowledge of its composition is an inhumane method of treatment.

Exercise caution

Pregnant women regarding the use of thyme and possible harm For the fetus, it is better to consult a doctor. The product is not recommended for a number of gastrointestinal diseases ulcerative in nature. Phenolic plant substances can cause allergic reactions, negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas, liver, and thyroid gland.
Contraindications for treating children with thyme preparations are also associated with individual intolerance.
Although the drug is a strong antiseptic and its benefits for acute respiratory viral infections have been proven, an overdose harms the functions of the growing body. When starting treatment at home, you need to consult with a specialist - ENT doctor, pediatrician, or therapist.

  • The famous medieval philosopher, doctor and scientist Avicenna mentioned thyme in his works on medicine. He believed that the plant was capable of eliminating headache, itching from insect bites, expel from the body excess water, save a person from rotting and kill lice. Modern doctors The medicinal properties of the plant are more widely used and they are aware of the contraindications.

    Photo of thyme

    Useful substances included in the composition

    Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property the plant is used in complex therapy diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract. The herb helps with flatulence and intestinal atony.

    Thyme is widely used to strengthen the immune system, increase vitality with asthenia (powerlessness, weakness of the body). Medications are used to improve performance and vital activity and are prescribed during rehabilitation period after transferred operations and diseases.

    Medicinal properties include the ability of this plant to fight dermatoses and various skin diseases due to its wound-healing effect. Externally with medicinal plant used in the form of lotions, compresses and baths.

    Contraindications for use

    Despite the large number medicinal properties thyme, there are contraindications, so before starting to take this plant, you should consult your doctor. Potent substances, included in its composition, can adversely affect human health. In what cases should you stop using the herb? remedy, and in which cases should it be used with caution?

    Creeping thyme is contraindicated in the following diseases of cardio-vascular system:

    • acute heart failure;
    • atrial fibrillation;
    • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
    • myocardiosclerosis (formation of scars that reduce the contractile function of the heart muscle);
    • heart attack and post-infarction state.

    Important! People suffering from stomach ulcers and duodenum If you have chronic constipation, the use of thyme is contraindicated. This is due to the ability of the plant to increase secretion gastric juice, which is dangerous in such diseases, especially with high acidity.

    The active substances that make up creeping thyme can cause allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance. At the first sign of an allergy, you should stop taking the herb. In some cases, medications containing this plant can cause attacks of bronchial asthma, so they should be taken under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Diabetics should also avoid using the plant in medicinal purposes.

    For men, thyme is an indispensable tool in the treatment of prostatitis, impotence, premature ejaculation. The plant effectively fights sexual dysfunction and early ejaculation thanks to the minerals it contains - selenium and molybdenum. These substances are involved in the synthesis of testosterone, normalize the sexual functions of the stronger sex, and improve sperm quality.

    For prostatitis, the herb stimulates the functioning of the genitourinary system in men, improves blood flow, and effectively relieves inflammatory processes, ensures unhindered outflow of urine. Baths with thyme help reduce painful sensations, arising when . IN

    complex therapy, taking products containing creeping thyme can achieve positive results.

    The problem of baldness is especially acute for representatives strong half humanity. Essential oil from the herb helps to cope with this problem thanks to the ursolic acid it contains. This substance has a positive effect on hair follicles, restores their functions, activates hair growth. To achieve the desired effect, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of vodka with 3 drops of thyme essential oil and rub into the scalp.

    Alcoholism - serious disease, which destroys not only a man’s body, but also negatively affects his ability to work, moral values ​​and well-being. Thyme contains thymol, which, when interacting with alcohol, causes a gag reflex that persists for a long time. This property is used when removing a person from binge drinking.

    Benefits for women

    For female body grass is effective means from aging. The vitamins and minerals it contains provide

    a rejuvenating effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body. During menopause, the use of thyme in various herbal preparations helps relieve symptoms such as neuroses and hot flashes. This plant contains substances that have a sedative effect, so creeping thyme can be used as a mild sleeping pill.

    Creeping thyme is used in for cosmetic purposes, for improvement appearance skin, hair. Herbal infusions and essential oils are used as home remedies to combat acne, dandruff, skin irritations.

    In gynecology, the plant is used to treat certain women's diseases. The antifungal substances it contains help cope with thrush (urogenital candidiasis).

    What are the benefits for children

    IN childhood the herb serves as an indispensable remedy for skin problems that most babies face. These are prickly heat, minor allergic rashes, inflammation. To eliminate these problems, children from childhood are bathed in water with the addition of a herbal decoction. Such baths help with restless child behavior. Thyme has a sedative effect, so after water procedures good dream secured. As an easy sleeping pills You can use small bags of dry grass, which should be placed under the child’s pillow.

    Thyme is included in many medicinal children's syrups, which are used for colds and coughs to alleviate the condition. Thanks to the bronchodilator property of creeping thyme, sputum begins to separate better, the cough goes away, and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract decreases. Gargling the throat and mouth with a decoction of the herb is prescribed for children with stomatitis and sore throat.

    Important! Children under 2 years of age are only recommended for external use in the form of compresses and baths. Treatment with creeping thyme internal use can be carried out after the child reaches two years of age.

    Use during pregnancy

    It is strictly forbidden to use products containing herbs when renal failure, liver diseases, thyroid dysfunction. Only a gynecologist and therapist can give good advice for use during pregnancy.

    Tea with thyme: beneficial properties

    Storehouse useful vitamins and microelements, which, in addition to amazing medicinal properties, has an indescribable aroma and taste. Herbal tea will help you warm up on cold winter days, and in the summer it will refresh you and give you a rush. vitality. This drink effectively copes with spring fatigue syndrome associated with a lack of necessary substances. In winter, people consume less fresh vegetables and fruits, and the lack of sunlight affects health during the cold season.

    Hot tea with thyme will help cope with colds, sore throats, coughs, increase immunity, protect the body from negative impact various viruses and bacteria. In addition, the vitamins included in the tea will provide preventive positive action on visual apparatus person.

    Tea with creeping thyme will help relieve pain during menstruation and regulate the cycle. For neuroses and insomnia, tea acts as a sedative.

    To prepare healthy and delicious drink you need to take 5 grams of herbs (1 teaspoon without top), pour a glass of boiling water over them. The tea is infused for 10-15 minutes, filtered and consumed warm. You can drink no more than 3 glasses of thyme tea per day. For improvement taste qualities you can add a little honey or sweet jam.

    You can prepare tea in a thermos. To do this, add 2 tbsp. spoons of thyme per 1 liter of boiling water. The thermos is hermetically sealed and medicinal tea It is infused for half an hour, after which it can be consumed.

    The best folk remedies recipes

    In folk medicine, thyme is widely used to treat a number of diseases. There are several most popular recipes, which have proven themselves in the treatment of various diseases:

    1. A universal remedy for oral administration for many diseases is an infusion of thyme, which is prepared as follows: pour 1 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. spoon of dry herb, close the container with a lid for 30 minutes. Use 2 tbsp. spoons morning, afternoon and evening.
    2. Means. Mix creeping thyme and wormwood in a ratio of 4:1. For cooking medicine you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of cooked herbal collection and 300 ml of water. All components are mixed, heated in a water bath to a boil, and infused for 20–25 minutes. The resulting decoction should be given to a person suffering from alcoholism to drink throughout the day in small doses.
    3. Remedy for dysbacteriosis. To prepare it you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of thyme herb and 2 glasses of water. The ingredients are mixed in a saucepan, which should then be put on fire. When the first bubbles appear, turn off the fire, close the container with a lid and leave for 30–40 minutes. The prepared decoction is taken 150 ml in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals.
    4. Remedy for radiculitis and neuritis. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. spoon of thyme herb, cover with a lid, let brew for 2 hours. The prepared product is used 1 tbsp. spoon up to 3 times a day.
    5. . To return male power It is necessary to consume thyme infusion 3 times a day, 100 ml. To prepare the infusion you will need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry creeping thyme herb and half a liter of boiling water. All components are mixed and infused for 2–3 hours.
    6. For the treatment of diseases such as radiculitis, arthrosis, and neuralgia, taking baths with the addition of thyme essential oil (no more than 10 drops) has a positive effect.

    Thyme - miraculous natural medicine, which has a lot of useful properties. However, it should be remembered that any use of it is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

    Thyme is a herb-shrub that densely covers the ground with creeping stems up to 30 cm long. The leaves of the plant, depending on the growth zone, can be round or slightly elongated. In spring, the shrub is covered with dense inflorescences of a delicate lilac color. spherical. Thyme (both stems and leaves with flowers) has an incredible spicy aroma.

    A little history

    According to historical information, already many centuries ago, the Greeks highly revered tea with thyme: its beneficial properties were used by healers in the treatment of female diseases, asthma, to restore memory and for fainting. Thyme boiled in vinegar was also applied to the head for meningitis. IN postpartum period black was prescribed to women to restore strength (which also had a beneficial effect on the immune system of infants). In general, judging by the chronicles of Avicenna and Theophrastus, thyme was equated with a gift from God, sent to cure many ailments and prolong life. What can we say, the smoke of thyme even coped with cleansing houses from plague and leprosy. Today, the importance of thyme for people is not lost: on the day of the Dormition of the Holy Virgin, churches and houses are decorated with this herb, protecting the house from negativity.

    What does thyme contain?

    Thanks to unique composition, thyme has found its application in many areas: cosmetology, dietetics, medicine and cooking. But they are most clearly expressed in tea. It is thanks to the brewing technique that the esters included in its composition are released and bring maximum benefits. In addition to essential oils, thyme contains vitamins A and B, folic and ascorbic acid, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper and manganese. And, of course, phenolic compounds: thymol and carvacrol.

    The effect of thyme on the human body

    Tea, which is difficult to overestimate, has an exceptional effect on the human body positive effects. There is probably not a single system in our body that does not require preventive or therapeutic measures, where the main role would be given to the grass in question. As for external use for treatment skin diseases, infections, loss of integrity skin, because it has strong disinfectant and bactericidal effects. Bronchitis, colds, pneumonia and other pathologies respiratory system tea with thyme heals. Beneficial features it consists of liquefying and removing accumulated mucus. The expectorant effect is due to the high concentration of essential oils. The benefits of tea with thyme are obvious and colds: being natural antiseptic, the herb treats sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, as well as sinusitis and runny nose.

    Thyme for immunity

    To strengthen immune system It is also recommended to drink freshly brewed thyme tea. The beneficial properties of this herb can be enhanced by adding other equally beneficial components. To prepare the drink, you will need dry or fresh raw materials: thyme, lingonberries and St. John's wort in equal quantities. All components need to be placed in a teapot and pour boiling water, close the lid and cover with a towel. After 15 minutes, the tea is ready: you can drink it with honey, which makes it healing qualities will only improve.

    Thyme for men's health

    Due to poor lifestyle, fatigue and stress, even fairly young men face problems such as early ejaculation, sexual weakness, prostatitis and even impotence. Regular use tea with thyme, of course, will not solve serious problems, but to return interest to intimate life, and may also normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system. To do this, you need to drink unsweetened tea (infusion) twice a day, prepared with two tablespoons of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water.

    Thyme for the treatment of alcoholism

    Thyme has also found its use in the treatment of alcoholism. A decoction of wormwood (10 g) and thyme (50 g) should be taken one tablespoon each day. This method is effective in combination with endurance and willpower, since the infusion must be consumed for at least a year.

    Slimming Tea

    Thyme activates lymph flow, promoting elimination excess liquid from the body, thereby reducing volume and weight. To prepare such a miracle tea, you need to pour one spoonful of mint and thyme into 250 ml of boiling water and simmer on the fire under the lid for another 15 minutes. You need to drink this drink without sugar, you can sweeten it slightly with honey. And, of course, you should adhere to proper nutrition, lead active image life. By the way, this tea is distinguished by its ability to reduce appetite, which is important when low calorie diets.

    with thyme

    The brewing process is no different. To prepare this drink you will need a teapot, boiling water and thyme itself. It is better to take a ceramic teapot with thick walls. You need to pour boiling water over it so that it heats up from the inside. Then put black tea leaves or thyme (fresh or dry) into it and pour boiling water over it. Cover the teapot with a towel or put a knitted hat on it and leave for 15 minutes. The result is incredibly aromatic and with excellent taste. healthy tea. It is not recommended to add sugar or a substitute to it: enhance the taste and healing properties such a drink is possible natural honey. Thyme goes well with other herbs and berries, such as chamomile, mint and oregano, raspberries, cranberries and viburnum. As for compatibility with thyme, it can be brewed with both green and black products. IN summer time You can drink thyme tea cold, adding a slice of lemon to it: it perfectly tones and quenches thirst.


    Thyme is one of those herbs that have no contraindications even with frequent use. Children's medicines are made on its basis; tea with thyme is recommended for pregnant and lactating women to drink; it is extremely useful for weakened bodies after illnesses. Thyme does not affect the central nervous system and therefore is not prohibited for people working in production and driving transport. Even for the youngest children, tea with thyme will only be beneficial.

    The healing properties of thyme were known to our ancestors back in ancient times. Thanks to the substances that make up this plant, it has a positive effect on human body. The plant is often included in many medical fees or acts as an individual fighter against many health problems. But with all of it useful qualities, many doctors also note the harm of thyme for women. You can learn about all this from our article.

    What are the benefits of thyme herb?

    Most often, the plant is used as a mucolytic agent. It helps the release of sticky mucus.

    Thanks to the various resins, flavonoids, and vitamins that make up this plant, tea with thyme can both warm you up in the cold and quench your thirst in scorching heat.

    There are other very useful properties of thyme in tea:

    • treats throat
    • calms the nervous system,
    • overcomes colds,
    • relieves depression,
    • treats cystitis and prostatitis,
    • tones the body,
    • cleans up bad smell from mouth,
    • removes stones and sand from the kidneys.

    This drink is very useful, but it also has some contraindications for use, namely:

    • pregnancy,
    • cardiovascular diseases,
    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract,
    • atherosclerosis, heart attack.

    Uses of thyme for women

    The benefits of tea with thyme for women lie in the ability of such a drink to normalize the nervous system, as well as reduce irritability during PMS time. The plant copes well with cystitis and other inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.

    Thyme decoction has long been used as a means of increasing milk production in nursing mothers.

    We present to your attention several good folk recipes from thyme.

    Recipe 1

    • Place a couple of sprigs of herbs in boiling water.
    • Let it brew and cool slightly.
    • If desired, add a little honey.
    • Drink this drink in small portions throughout the day.

    Recipe 2

    • Mix mint, St. John's wort, thyme, currant leaves, valerian root, rose hips.
    • Pour boiling water over this entire vitamin mixture.
    • Let it sit for about an hour and drink as you would regular tea throughout the day.

    Recipe 3

    • Place a teaspoon of herb in a saucepan.
    • Pour in a quarter glass of water.
    • Boil and let stand for about 15 minutes.
    • After the time has passed, strain and drink.

    Recipe 4

    • Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs and 3 tablespoons of black tea into a container.
    • Pour boiling water over it all.
    • Let stand for 5 minutes.
    • Drink as normal tea. Share in small portions throughout the day.

    Recipe 5

    • Mix thyme, lingonberries, St. John's wort in a 1:1:1 ratio.
    • Pour a glass of boiling water over everything.
    • Leave for 15 minutes.

    Properties of essential oil

    The oil of this plant is widely used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Valuable properties Thyme essential oil helps rejuvenate the skin. Funds based medicinal oil prevent hair fragility and restore damaged hair. The use of oil after perm or coloring is especially effective.

    The remedy is also used to regulate appetite. If you have a decreased appetite, you should take aroma baths with the addition of 3-5 drops of oil; if it is elevated, do cold inhalations for 1 minute, dropping 1 drop of oil onto a napkin before eating.

    Internal administration of the drug is indicated for insomnia, spasmodic cough, pulmonary diseases, hypotension, anemia, etc. To do this, the oil must be mixed with the base oil in a ratio of 1:3, and then added to food; a drop of the mixture can be mixed with honey or jam. The mixture of oils can be washed down with any drinks, and even wine, but in no case should it be consumed on an empty stomach.