What are the consequences of inflammation of the adenoids in children? How to treat adenoids in children - There are several ways.

Let's talk today about how to treat adenoids in a child. Since sometimes poor parents do not even suspect that their child’s health problems arise due to chronic inflammation adenoids.

If you are familiar with frequent snot in your daughter or son, after which the throat becomes inflamed and you have to sit on sick leave for at least a week, if you are familiar with the situation when a child goes to kindergarten for two days and then is sick for two weeks, then it’s time to check the adenoids.

What are adenoids and what are they responsible for?

Adenoids or tonsils are small growths in the throat behind the hanging uvula. They serve as the first barrier to pathogenic viruses and bacteria that can reach us through the air inhaled through the nose. A defect in the adenoid growths occurs after the child has had an infectious disease such as influenza, measles or scarlet fever. Inflammation of the adenoids is a disease childhood from 3 to 10 years, that is, it is during this period that you can permanently get this inflammation, which at an older age will heal and subside for a while. But at the first cold or drinking an excessively cold drink, it resumes.

How does inflammation of the adenoids manifest?

Most often, the child has difficulty breathing through the nose without visible reasons, since it is not always possible to see the inflammation yourself. Only an ENT can recognize early stage onset of the disease.

Parents will notice redness on back wall throat already in critical condition. If viral attacks are very frequent and less than a week passes between them, then the tonsils do not have time to return to their calm stage and remain inflamed for a long time. This causes discomfort and sore throat.

  • The child breathes through his mouth, especially during sleep.
  • Long continuous runny nose.

Unfortunately, many doctors recommend removing adenoids and do not take measures to treat them. It is a mistake to hope that by removing the tonsils, the disease will stop. This will not happen, since the natural immune barrier will be destroyed. Moreover, the absence of glands that secrete interferon in old age can lead to joint destruction and, as a result, their inflammation.

How to treat adenoids in children

First of all, you need the right approach, that is, individual treatment. For some, inflammation occurs due to sudden cooling, for others due to allergic reactions. There are many reasons.

Therefore, the selection of drugs and auxiliary medicinal products must proceed from the determination of the cause. Among other things, you need to remember that after some time after the onset of the disease, the tonsils will begin to shrink and return to normal.

Therefore the most the best remedy in this fight - not the removal of adenoids in children, but regular prevention.

How to treat adenoids in a child in a traditional way

The most important thing to remember is that folk remedies help relieve inflammation – that’s quite long period, and help prevent inflammation. Therefore, it is better to prevent the onset of the disease than to deal with its consequences.

  1. Rinsing the nose and nasopharynx. Today, many rinsing solutions are sold in pharmacies. Read the annotations and choose the simplest one.
  2. Rinse the nasopharynx. The most traditional remedy– a solution of salt, iodine and soda. Half a teaspoon of salt and soda, 10 drops of iodine per glass boiled water room temperature. Teach your child to gargle, throwing his head back, so that the tonsils are washed. This should be done at least 3-4 times a day.
  3. Rinsing the nose with a solution of celandine helps a lot: pour 1 tablespoon of celandine herb with a glass of boiling water. Let it sit, and then rinse your nose, very small child you can simply put a couple of drops in each nostril.
  4. The most pleasant rinsing or washing is horsetail tincture. This is a sweetish plant. Therefore, it does not cause any particular indignation on the part of children.

Try it different ways, wait a while surgical treatment and try to pick individual approach. This is a long journey, but you will know how to treat adenoids in your child.

If a child often suffers from colds, snores in his sleep or breathes through his mouth, you need to take him to an appointment with an ENT specialist, since adenoids may be the cause. It will not be possible to see the problem simply by looking into the baby’s throat; only a doctor can conduct an examination using special means diagnostics, he will also prescribe the necessary treatment, taking into account the degree of neglect of the disease.

Adenoid vegetations in children are a common disease. Most often, problems with adenoids occur in children aged 3 to 7 years. But in recent years Cases of the disease occurring in children under 3 years of age are becoming increasingly common.

What are adenoids?

In the pharyngeal ring of any child there are 6 tonsils, 4 of which are paired and 2 are single? nasopharyngeal and lingual. Adenoids are the overgrown lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which is located on the back wall of the pharynx. The lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal ring is part of the immune system and its purpose is to neutralize harmful microorganisms.

During the period of illness, regardless of its cause, lymphoid tissue begins to increase, thus the body creates more space for destruction pathogenic microorganisms. After recovery, the tonsils gradually return to normal, but if the disease is prolonged or often recurs, the enlarged lymphoid tissue may become inflamed.

The role of adenoids in a baby’s health is significant. Therefore, specialists do not strive to remove enlarged tonsils, but try to solve the problem conservative methods. It is important to preserve and strengthen children's health, and, as experts note, in most cases, after removal of the adenoids in early age(about 3–5 years) children begin to get sick much more often. For this reason, surgery inflamed adenoids It is carried out only as a last resort, when enlarged adenoids pose a threat to the baby’s health.

Adenoid development

U healthy child having a strong immune system, hypertrophy of the adenoids occurs only during periods of colds, flu or infectious diseases affecting the nasopharynx area. At normal development child, the tonsils of the pharyngeal ring begin to shrink at about 8 years of age. By the age of 13–14, when the nasopharynx is rebuilt and acquires an adult structure, the adenoids become practically invisible and do not cause problems in the future.

Children with weak immunity hypertrophy of the adenoids can cause a lot of trouble and lead to the appearance serious illnesses, becoming hazardous to health, causing many complications. It is important to monitor the condition of the adenoids during any disease that leads to their enlargement.

Often various factors lead to the development of adenoids. autoimmune diseases, some types of allergies, and chronic pathologies areas of the nasopharynx and oropharynx, accompanied by severe swelling of the mucous membranes and inflammation.


Modern medicine has a sufficient number of methods for diagnosing a disease such as adenoids in the nose in children of any age.

Diagnosis of adenoids in children occurs as follows:

  1. Collecting anamnesis and studying existing symptoms, namely: the presence of fever, snoring during sleep, nasal breathing disorders, nasal sound, sore throat, hearing loss, purulent discharge, changes in the structure of the face according to the adenoid type (swelling of facial tissues, sagging lower jaw, constantly open mouth).
  2. Carrying out anterior and posterior rhinoscopy using a special mirror.
  3. Visual examination of the oral cavity.
  4. Endoscopic examination of the oropharynx using special probes.
  5. X-ray of the nasopharynx area. The procedure allows not only to study the condition of the adenoids, determine the degree of their development, but also to exclude the presence of sinusitis, which has similar symptoms.
  6. A smear from the surface of enlarged adenoids. Its collection is carried out at protracted current diseases, frequent relapses adenoiditis, as well as in cases where the cause of the disease is an allergy. The analysis makes it possible to determine not only the composition of the microflora, but also its sensitivity to certain drugs.

Adenoid grades

Doctors distinguish three main degrees of adenoids in children:

First degree The diagnosis is made when enlarged adenoids in the nose cover 30% of the child’s nasopharynx The child’s breathing in this state is not difficult, hearing is not impaired, only at night there may sometimes be slight snoring.
Second degree Diagnosed in cases where adenoid hypertrophy covers 50% of the nasopharynx space Signs of adenoids: breathing is significantly difficult, which is especially evident at night, causing the appearance heavy snoring. Eustachian tubes in the nasopharynx, are blocked by overgrown adenoids, hearing problems begin, expressed in its significant decrease
Third degree Characterized by complete closure of the nasopharynx by enlarged adenoids Natural nasal breathing becomes impossible. The child cannot sleep or eat normally. He constantly walks with open mouth, which changes the shape of the face. Due to the lack of oxygen in the body, fatigue, weakness, problems in learning appear, memory and perception of information deteriorate, and serious hearing impairment is observed.


IN official medicine There is no concept of fourth degree adenoids. The third degree of adenoids is characterized full filling The area of ​​the nasopharynx is overgrown with lymphoid tissue and there is nowhere for it to grow further; the enlarged adenoids cannot go beyond this space.

Methods of conservative treatment of adenoids are different, but specific therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after a full examination.

The doctor may prescribe the following medications and procedures:

  • nasal drops in the nose for adenoids, sprays;
  • solutions for rinsing the nose and oropharynx, the purpose of which is to provide additional hydration of the mucous membranes, eliminate existing tissue swelling and relieve inflammation of the adenoids;
  • carrying out inhalations using medicinal solutions and essential oils;
  • physiotherapy for adenoids in children;
  • special breathing exercises which will help your baby learn to breathe easier and provide the body with a full volume of oxygen;
  • lubrication of the nasal cavity special ointments and solutions, for example, sea ​​buckthorn oil or propolis tincture, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

IN lately More and more often, doctors prescribe Avamis nasal spray for adenoids in children. Thanks to its special composition, the drug is able to quickly eliminate inflammation of the adenoids and swelling of the nasal mucosa, but is a hormonal agent.

Doctors claim that the use of Avamis in the treatment of adenoids in children is completely safe, but they do not always explain the importance correct application means. Improper use, as well as non-compliance with the dosage of Avamis, can lead to many unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

Another popular drug is Derinat for adenoids in children. It is absolutely safe and approved for use even by newborns.

Many are sure that adenoids in a child can be cured using gentle and safe methods homeopathy, but this is not always the case. In most cases, homeopathic drugs can provide significant assistance only if the child has first-degree adenoids. You should not get carried away with homeopathy methods without the prescription and supervision of doctors, because self-treatment may interfere with drug therapy.

Inflammation of the adenoids traditional medicine recommends treatment: thuja oil, natural honey, medicinal herbs, propolis, lemon and other citrus oils, aloe-based preparations, rosehip and sea buckthorn oils. Natural drops for adenoids should be used with caution, as an allergic reaction may occur.

Periodic gargling and rinsing the nasal cavity with saline and soda solutions and herbal decoctions give excellent results in alleviating the condition. Essential oils can be lubricated sore tonsils and carry out inhalations based on them.

You can use folk remedies only after consulting a doctor, since many of them can cause allergies.

In exceptional cases, when conservative treatment adenoids did not produce the necessary results and the disease continues to progress, surgery is performed.

It is worth remembering that the treatment regimen for adenoids should be selected exclusively by a doctor.

Consequences of late treatment

Lack of timely treatment of adenoids is fraught with the appearance of many complications, which include:

  1. Progression of the disease, increase in its degree.
  2. Deterioration or loss of hearing.
  3. Frequent colds.
  4. Transition of the disease to chronic form adenoiditis.
  5. Memory impairment due to insufficient income oxygen to the brain.
  6. Speech disturbances, changes in voice and timbre.
  7. Frequent occurrence of otitis media.
  8. Periodic occurrence inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, which can quickly become chronic.
  9. The appearance of adenoid cough.


Inflammation of the adenoids is much easier to prevent than to treat. Preventive measures include timely treatment colds and infectious diseases, hardening procedures, daily walks on fresh air, playing sports. It is important to strengthen the baby’s immunity, provide him with complete and proper nutrition containing everything essential vitamins and microelements.

And of course, you should avoid contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, colds or flu, as well as any other infectious or viral diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract.

The nasopharyngeal tonsil must protect the body from the invasion of viruses and bacteria. But what to do if your child gets sick?How to treat adenoiditis in children?

If your child still has a cold and the inflammation of the adenoids has worsened, then it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the most severe severe symptoms adenoiditis in children: use drugs that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and thin the mucus, in combination with antibacterial therapy.

After each infection, it is necessary to use cauterizing agents: oak bark or protargol. Herbal medicine and reflexology are also successfully used today for treatment of adenoiditis.

About prevention and how to treat adenoids in children- our expert Ekaterina Uspenskaya, pediatrician, Ph.D.

To treat adenoids in a child, the most important thing is to reduce the number of acute respiratory viral infections that lead to exacerbations.

If you want your child to get sick less, simple steps will help. preventive measures: reducing the number of contacts with patients, frequent washing hands, nose lubrication oxolinic ointment in the midst of an epidemic of influenza and ARVI, as well as strengthening the child’s immunity with the help vitamin complexes and herbal tinctures (schisandra, eleutherococcus).

For the prevention of ARVI in children, special medicines. Naturopathic drugs from French manufacturers that have undergone the necessary research are best suited.

Symptoms of adenoiditis in children

Inflammation adenoids in a child leaves an imprint on the functioning of other body systems.

  • In addition to difficult nasal breathing, enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsils are characterized by nasal discharge. Impaired nasal breathing leads to inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and further to prolonged rhinitis and sinusitis.
  • Does the child seem to have a change in the timbre of their voice? And this happens! The pharynx forms the timbre coloring of the voice, and adenoids become an obstacle to the path of the resonant wave.
  • Hearing impairment is another consequence of inflammation adenoids in a child. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, pressure of lymphoid tissue on the mouth auditory tubes do not allow the middle ear to function normally and... manifest as hearing loss and frequent otitis media.
  • The child began to suffer from bronchitis more often. This is a natural phenomenon caused by mouth breathing, as well as the constant presence of infection in the nasopharynx.
  • Being an obstacle to the air stream, adenoids cause a child to snore during sleep.
  • Mucus from the nasopharynx flows down the inflamed lining of the pharynx, causing a cough.
  • Lack of oxygen due to constant congestion nose - the cause of irritability and fatigue child.
  • Over time, overgrown adenoids can lead to deformation of the facial skull (a constantly half-open mouth, a reduced size and a sunken lower jaw).

The doctor determines the degree of growth based on how severe the disturbances manifest themselves. adenoids in a child.

II- III degree– the child constantly breathes through his mouth.
I degree - the child does not breathe through his nose only during sleep.

Examinations for the treatment of adenoids in children

Previously from increased adenoids in a child, which were constantly inflamed, were recommended to get rid of surgically. Today, such measures are resorted to only in extreme cases. Does the doctor insist on removing the adenoids? Don't rush to agree with this decision. First of all, find out how strong the specialist’s arguments are. Sometimes the doctor is misled by the same main symptom– the child constantly breathes through his mouth. Although the reasons mouth breathing may not be related to the functioning of the adenoids (deviated nasal septum, tumor).

So before you agree to surgery to remove adenoids in a child, it is worth undergoing examinations (nhinopharyngoscopy, x-ray of the nasopharynx, computed tomography). Results laboratory tests will allow the doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

How to treat adenoids in a child: folk remedies

Often it is possible to restore the function of the adenoids without surgery. And in parallel with the treatment regimen, which will be prescribed by highly specialized specialists, you can use aromatherapy, physiotherapeutic methods (Ural irradiation, UHF on the nose area), and homeopathic remedies. They will help relieve the inflammatory process faster.

However, remember: along with treatment of adenoids in a child It is necessary to constantly ensure that the nose breathes well. At first glance, it seems that it is almost impossible to achieve this. But that's not true!

Restoring nasal breathing during inflammation of the adenoids is simple, thanks to the procedure of rinsing the nose.

How to treat adenoids in a child: nasal rinsing

Fill a syringe (without a needle!) with the prepared water-salt solution and inject it little by little into each nostril of the patient. Don't have a disposable syringe at home? Try the same manipulation with a small syringe (make sure that the stream is not too strong).

No less effective and ready-made pharmaceutical drugs based on sea ​​water. They are more convenient to use because the bottle has a special dispenser.

A special anti-inflammatory collection also cleanses the nose well.

How to treat adenoids in a child: anti-inflammatory preparation

Brew a mixture of herbs (chamomile, oak bark, sage) in a proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of water. Strain and rinse the baby’s nose with the broth.

Time has passed, but normal breathing through the nose has not resumed? More injections, rinsing or... drops will be required for the child Kalanchoe juice(dilute it in a 1:1 ratio with water), this will help remove mucus from the nose.

Removing adenoids from a child

Rapid parallel growth of adenoids and palatine tonsils, III degree of adenoid proliferation (when they actually cover the entire nasopharynx), persistent otitis media that can lead to hearing loss, unproductive conservative treatment - these are not all indications for removal adenoids in children. There are others too. However, each case must be considered individually, taking into account age, frequency of colds, complications and other factors.

Have you contacted several specialists and all agreed on one thing: is adenoid surgery inevitable? Don't be upset! After all, after this the child will get rid of constant infection. So calm down and try to help him.

Adenotomy (removal of adenoids) is one of the shortest operations.

As a rule, it is carried out under general or local anesthesia in the morning, on an empty stomach. Lasts only 2-3 minutes. Then the baby is admitted to the hospital. True, at first (two or three days) you will have to make sure that he is not too “active” and does not overheat - after the operation, the body temperature rises.

Diet after surgery

It is very important to follow a special diet: food should not be hard, hot or irritating to the mucous membranes. Liquid purees, porridges, and creamy soups are suitable. All these measures are needed only for the first time, and then the baby will recover.

Inflammation of the adenoids: breathing exercises

Restore proper nasal breathing, strengthen the respiratory muscles and eliminate bad habit breathing through the mouth, which often remains even after adenotomy, will be helped by a special set of exercises. Do it daily. Before classes, clear your child's nose of mucus.

  1. Let the child close the right, then the left nostril and take about 5-6 deep breaths in each.
  2. Now it’s time for quick shallow breathing (like a hedgehog) through the nose with two nostrils at the same time.
  3. Invite the child to put water in his mouth and... hum a little (pronounce the long sound “mm-mm-mm”).

Inflammation of the adenoids in a child: causes

Adenoids They are small lymphoid formations - a kind of filters in the nasopharynx. They hold the first line of defense against germs, viruses and bacteria trying to take over the body. The powerful weapons of the adenoids are the special cells they produce - lymphocytes, which neutralize the enemy. Sometimes the adenoids lose in this fight. Due to the fact that they become inflamed and grow, and, consequently, they themselves become a source of infection.

The main reason for this is physiological characteristics child. And the trigger becomes frequent colds, bacterial infections, allergies, immune problems and even poor environmental conditions.

What are adenoids? These are two tonsils consisting of lymphoid tissue (like lymph nodes). Together with the palatine tonsils (tonsils), as well as the lingual and laryngeal tonsils, the adenoids form a lymphoepithelial ring, a closed line of defense against infection.

As a rule, 1.5-2 year old children with adenoids do not have problems. They begin to grow and reach a maximum at 3 - 7 years, when the child goes to kindergarten or to school, meets with a large number new viruses and begins to get sick often. And during illness, the lymphoid tissue that makes up the tonsils increases in size to perform its role more effectively protective barrier on the path of infection spread.

If a child, not having time to recover, picks up new infection, the adenoids are constantly in an inflamed state, grow greatly and are already chronic lesion infections. Growing and gradually descending, the adenoids block the posterior nasal openings, making breathing difficult.

Consequences of rapid growth

Doctors distinguish three degrees of growth.

  • 1st degree- when the adenoids cover a third of the nasopharynx space. During the day, the child breathes freely, but during sleep, when the volume of the tonsils increases (due to the influx venous blood V horizontal position) and breathing becomes more difficult, the baby often sleeps with his mouth open. Do not neglect this symptom; be sure to show your child to an otolaryngologist.
  • 2nd degree- when two thirds of the nasopharynx are closed.
  • 3rd degree- when the nasopharynx is completely closed by the adenoids.

With grade 2-3 adenoids, children often sniffle, snore, and even cough as if choking in their sleep. They are forced to breathe through their mouths around the clock.

What other symptoms indicate enlarged tonsils?

Is it periodic or persistent runny nose, frequent colds, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, ARVI and others. Otitis and hearing loss.

Changes in the child’s behavior: due to a constant lack of oxygen, the child does not sleep well, is capricious, develops worse, and often complains of headaches.

Change appearance: pale, puffy face with a meaningless, apathetic expression; the eyes are slightly protruding, the mouth is open, the nasolabial folds are smoothed, the lips are dry and cracked. Over time, the growth of the bones of the facial skeleton may be disrupted: it suffers the most alveolar ridge upper jaw, it becomes narrow and elongated, the incisors stick out at odd angles and protrude forward, like those of a rabbit. The sky becomes high and narrow. All this has a bad effect on the formation of speech.

If they are inflamed

When the adenoids are inflamed, body temperature can rise to 39 °C or higher, and symptoms appear in the nasopharynx. discomfort burning, stuffy nose, sometimes ear pain. The disease lasts 3-5 days and is often complicated by ear diseases. Very often, especially against the background of recurring acute respiratory viral infections, acute adenoiditis becomes chronic. The child shows signs chronic intoxication: fatigue, headache, bad dream, loss of appetite, persists slightly for a long time elevated temperature(37.2-37.4° C), submandibular, cervical and occipital lymph nodes enlarge.

At night, such children cough heavily, as mucopurulent discharge from the nasopharynx enters their respiratory tract.

Chronic inflammation is an excellent background for changes in blood composition, allergies, kidney disease, inflammation and proliferation of the tonsils, and even purulent conjunctivitis.

Let's get treatment!

Phytotherapy: inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx will decrease, and air will become easier to pass through the nose if you breathe over the steam of a decoction of ivy bud 3-4 times a day for one to two weeks. Pour 15 g of herb into a glass cold water for 1-2 hours, then simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Prepare the decoction daily.

For recurrent adenoiditis for 1-2 weeks, 3 times a day, a child of 5-6 years old can rinse the nasopharynx with a special solution, provided that he does not swallow it, but spits it all out - watch this! Dissolve 0.25 teaspoon in a glass of warm boiled water baking soda and 20 drops of 10% alcohol solution propolis.

General strengthening agents: vitamins, homeopathy, ultraviolet irradiation (you can buy a quantum therapy device).

Washing. It must be carried out using special equipment. Independent attempts to rinse a child’s nose using a yoga technique can result in acute otitis media!

But drops, rinses and other conservative treatments help at first, when breathing is difficult only during sleep. In more complex cases, the doctor may suggest surgery - removal of the adenoids.

Indications for it are: increase nasopharyngeal tonsils up to 3rd degree; the child constantly catches colds; his nasal breathing is impaired and his facial features are distorted; constantly inflamed paranasal sinuses nose; bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia often recur; there are signs bronchial asthma; hearing loss; inflammation of the middle ear occurs periodically - otitis media; a nasal voice formed; there are psychoneurological and other disorders (enuresis, convulsions).

The longer you delay the operation, the higher the risk of neurosis in the child, seizures, asthma, obsessive cough, tendency to spasms glottis, bedwetting.

True, in some children the adenoids undergo reverse development, but this occurs only in adolescence(by the age of 12) - you can’t always wait that long!

The disease, which is called adenoids, often strikes at the most tender and vulnerable age - between 3 and 7 years. In fact, adenoids are a simplified version of the name of the problem, since this term refers to the pharyngeal tonsil, located on the roof of the nasopharynx and in in good condition every person has. The disease begins when this tonsil undergoes an inflammatory process, which leads to problems with breathing and hearing. Treatment of a child with such a diagnosis can be very diverse; depending on the stage of the disease, they can be used as medicinal methods, so surgical procedures. tissue growth without necessary treatment– this is a direct threat to the functioning of the brain, speech functions, concentration and the condition of the child’s middle ear. The disease can be treated, but it is not the most pleasant for the baby, so it is better to devote time and attention to preventing the problem and avoiding it altogether.

The diagnosis of “inflammation of the adenoids” can be made by an otolaryngologist based on the data diagnostic studies and patient complaints. You can suspect the presence of a problem if your child develops snoring, coughing, or nasal discharge, or worsening auditory functions, changes in the baby’s voice and difficulty in nasal breathing. This disease is the result of diseases that provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx (this could be measles, scarlet fever or influenza). Is it possible to confront this problem and prevent it? Definitely yes, for this, parents must introduce certain conditions and rules into the child’s life, which will become preventive measures:

  • The first step is to take all possible measures to increase the level of the body's immune defense. First of all, we're talking about about hardening the body and taking vitamin complexes. Hardening for young children begins with simple air baths, which are arranged in the same room where the baby is, gradually introducing water procedures;
  • Proper nutrition and consuming enough food is important fresh vegetables and fruits to get all the vitamins and minerals, necessary for the child for the development of all systems;
  • If it happens that your baby catches an upper respiratory tract infection, you cannot hesitate - you must immediately consult a doctor and follow all his treatment recommendations. Otherwise negative consequences for health are simply inevitable;
  • You can train your immune defense through regular walks in the fresh air and constant physical activity(activities in the pool, gymnastics, cycling, running, dancing and other sports have a good effect on the child’s health);
  • It is necessary to dress according to the weather - neither overheating nor hypothermia will benefit the baby;
  • You also need to monitor the microclimate in the house where the baby lives - the air should not be too dry or, on the contrary, too humid.

Doctor's note: following the recommendations described above will not only help prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the adenoids, but will also have a general beneficial effect, protecting the child from other diseases.

As you can see, the success of prevention depends entirely on how attentive parents are to their child and his health. It is important not to neglect periodic examinations in the hospital and tests - such activities often help to identify an asymptomatic disease in time.

Prevention of adenoids with folk remedies

Traditional medicine can offer its own methods in almost any matter, and adenoids in children are no exception. Guarantees for complete cure against disease when used exclusively unconventional means no one can give, but as a preventative measure, such measures work just fine.

Doctor's advice: if in addition general recommendations You decided to use recipes alternative medicine, then you must first inform your doctor about this. Only a specialist can answer the question of whether it will harm specific remedy child's health.

So, traditional medicine offers the following recipes for the prevention of adenoids:

  • infusion horsetail for rinsing the nasopharynx (take a glass of water for two tablespoons of herb and boil for 7 minutes, then cool and leave for several hours). Duration of daily procedures – up to 1 week;

Preparing the infusion of field cartilage will take you no more than 10 minutes

  • V equal proportions take black currant leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers, crushed rose hips and viburnum flowers. Using the traditional proportion of “a tablespoon – 200 ml of water,” leave it in a thermos for a third of a day and rinse your nose with the resulting infusion for three days;
  • a collection of doom bark, peppermint and St. John's wort is used to rinse the nasopharynx;
  • for 2 weeks, you need to instill a few drops of thuja oil into each nostril of the baby;
  • inhalation over the vapor of brewed ivy budra;
  • ointment from the herb St. John's wort in combination with celandine juice is used as a nasal instillation;
  • rinsing the nose with a solution of 100 ml clean water and 10 drops of orange juice.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky about the prevention of adenoids in children