What to feed a one-month-old pug puppy: nutritional rules. What to feed a pug: an example of the diet of a puppy and an adult dog Nutrition of pugs for 2 years

I can’t find a feeding menu for pug puppies, where it is written down what feeding is given. Please help me find it.


A pug is capable of eating anything it finds edible. But you can’t feed your dog human food: pugs have a delicate gastrointestinal tract, after improper nutrition, the dog will easily get sick or die. The breed is prone to obesity. For this reason, your pet should be fed according to a predetermined schedule at the same time. Products are taken into account depending on the age of the pet. If the dog does not want food, you will need to put the bowl in a cold place and not take it out until the next feeding. If the dog has eaten, you should not offer supplements; the portion is enough for the dog to fill up.

IN mandatory added to pug diet clean water(not from the tap) and milk, with which your pet can cope with heartburn. Pay attention to the temperature of the food; scalding or icy foods are not suitable. It is not recommended to offer liquid food; the dog’s gastrointestinal tract is adapted to digest solid food. It doesn’t hurt to include fresh meat in your diet, without adding salt. It is advisable to choose lean varieties (poultry, beef).

It is acceptable to give your dog bird bones; cooking is not recommended - boiled bones will not be digested in the stomach. Stewed vegetables with a little salt are good for your dog. Don’t forget about dry food, which is considered more convenient than regular food. Choose carefully.

Feeding a newborn puppy

If, for independent reasons, the bitch is unable to feed the puppies, care of the offspring passes to the person. For feeding, you need to purchase milk in powder form, sold in pet stores, and prepare a fresh mixture daily. Newborns are supposed to eat 6 times a day. For the feeding procedure you will need to purchase a pacifier and a bottle.

The prepared milk mixture is not made too hot. To check the temperature, use a method suitable for infants: drop a little mixture on your wrist until it feels warm. If there is no milk in stores, it is permissible to use baby formula. Do not use cow or goat milk, their fat content is much less than necessary.

Diet after the first month

From the first month it is allowed to feed the puppy four times a day. Pug is welcome on the menu nutritious foods, food with high content calcium, which promotes maturation.

Feeding a pug puppy from the first to the third month

  1. For breakfast, the pet is given not too fatty cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt. For greater eating pleasure, you can add a little honey to dairy foods.
  2. On the eve of lunch, the puppy should be given lightly stewed vegetables without excess salt; for the sake of variety, the diet can include fruits, dried fruits, buckwheat and rice porridge, black bread, a little butter or with a piece of cheese. It is permissible to dilute food with chicken or quail yolk.
  3. Meat is served for lunch and dinner. The kitten is already allowed to serve bones, previously soaked in milk and beaten.

The number of meals at this age is 5 times a day. Twice a week, no more often, it is allowed to give the pug a garlic clove, which helps prevent diseases.

From 3 to 7 months

During the specified period of time there is active development kitten. The puppy is already able to absorb a large portion at a time, this is the standard. The number of meals reaches up to four times a day. During the first and second meals, offer the puppy: kefir, cottage cheese with honey, vegetables, pieces of dark bread, fruit, quail eggs, herring (if the pet begins to eat).

During the third and fourth feedings, lean meat is prepared. Suitable: beef, hare, poultry, rabbit. The student may like lamb. There is no need to feed your puppy pork due to its high fat content. Meat is allowed to alternate occasionally with boiled fish. Semi one month old puppy gradually transferred to a three-meal schedule, and the volume of food offered should be enough to satiate.

After 7 months

A seven-month-old pug is fed twice a day. During the first meal, the food already mentioned is given, with the exception of meat. At subsequent meals, meat and bones are offered. This schedule continues until one year old, subsequently the pet eats like an adult animal.

What food to buy for a pug

Natural food is healthier for your pet and contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary during the development of the puppy. Stick to a well-planned diet and purchase what you need - in financially expensive business. For obvious reasons, it is easier to purchase dry food. There are canned foods that can be mixed with homemade food. The advantage of dry food is the inclusion of elements required for the successful development of a dog. Be careful when choosing food and purchase products from well-known companies.

To avoid mistakes when feeding dry food, it is not allowed to alternate brands of purchased food, mix or give your pet additional mineral supplements, pour boiling water into the food, throw the cup in an easily accessible place and alternate natural food with dry food.

For a pug fed dry food, you can soak the granules in kefir or milk and offer fruits or vegetables as treats. This is done gradually over a period of up to two weeks. Mix homemade food and food is not allowed.

Foods prohibited for pugs

It is forbidden to give a pet at any age: sugar, pork, smoked meats, sausage, fatty, salty and fried foods, flour products, sour cream, cream, sweet curd, protein raw egg, white bread, mayonnaise and food from the table.

Pug (Mors) is a popular breed of small decorative dogs, characterized by a square format, compactness and proportionality. A feature of the breed is a predisposition to severe obesity, so you need to very carefully monitor the diet and daily feeding regimen of the pug.

Healthy eating rules

There are only a few basic rules that will need to be followed when developing a diet for feeding a pug, but they are all very important.

Since they affect not only the duration, but also the quality of life pet:

  • Industrial and natural products cannot be mixed. If you decide to feed the animal in the morning with ready-made industrial dry food, and evening hours If you give your dog porridge, then after a while you can get severe upset of the digestive system. In the future, such problems will require expensive treatment and long-term corrective nutrition;
  • any new food product should be introduced into the animal’s diet gradually, and complete replacement takes approximately two weeks. Be sure to carefully read the composition of the finished food. The best option are feeds that do not contain salt, vegetable fats and legumes;
  • high-quality industrial-type feeds cost more than natural nutrition, represented by meat, dairy products, as well as vegetables and various fruits, but such products are completely balanced, and therefore will not require additional costs for the purchase of vitamins and mineral complexes.

Food must be given to your pet warm, strictly at certain hours every day, which will allow you to regulate the feeding schedule and have a positive effect on digestion.

Natural pug nutrition

Natural food is quite acceptable for feeding a pug, regardless of age. Go to category natural feed for pug include:

  • lean meat and beef by-products;
  • boneless sea fish fillet;
  • fruits, herbs and vegetables;
  • milk;
  • fermented milk products.

The main components of a pet's diet must include fermented milk products, including cottage cheese. Their quantity is approximately 75-100g from general diet nutrition. Also necessary to use in hedgehogs daily diet plant foods in the form of rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. It is recommended to give the pug high-quality raw meat in the amount of 100-200g a couple of times a day.

Lean and non-wiry beef is preferred. Boiled porridge with the addition of minced meat, vegetables or fruits, as well as chopped herbs.

A properly selected daily diet for a pug allows natural food to be fully digested and provides a variety of tastes. The calorie content and composition of natural food can be adjusted according to the season, as well as general condition pet health.

When feeding your pet natural food, you must ensure that fish or meat products make up approximately 70% of the total daily diet, and the remaining 30% should come from different cereals, dairy and dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables. The disadvantages of this feeding method include the need to introduce additional vitamin and mineral supplements and the time required for daily preparation.

This is interesting! Your pet must be provided with constant and unhindered access to a bowl filled with clean and fresh water. Water replacement is usually carried out a couple of times a day.

Industrial feed

Dry and canned food industrial production very convenient to store, and also allow you to calculate the daily requirement as accurately as possible. Among other things, such diets completely relieve the pet owner from the need to feed vitamin supplements. Manufacturers produce products that are maximally adapted for pugs of different ages, as well as those suffering from allergic reactions, prone to obesity or having digestive problems.

To the most balanced diets include wet and dry food of the holistic and super-premium classes. Veterinarians and experienced pug owners recommend using the following brands of industrial food to feed pets of this breed:

  • canned Barking Heads, consisting of 60-70% meat or fish, vegetables, seaweed, basil, brown rice, vitamins and minerals;
  • having a balanced composition and hypoallergenic natural ingredients Velcando dry and wet food;
  • food for pugs with intolerance chicken meat Hills Ideal Balance;
  • dry high-quality food with hypoallergenic ingredients and reduced calorie content under the Eukanuba brand;
  • food under the Almo Nature brand, characterized by a wide variety of options, different in composition and taste, with different consistencies and in convenient packaging.

Less popular are dry and wet food Bozita super premium, which is due complete absence in such a diet there are vegetable crops, as well as the presence of chicken and rice - quite strong allergens for the pug.

Prohibited Products

It is imperative to completely exclude a number of foods that are harmful to the dog’s body from the pug’s diet:

  • pasta;
  • wheat and semolina porridge;
  • potatoes in any form;
  • legumes;
  • corn and soybeans;
  • chocolate and candies;
  • flour products;
  • sour cream and ice cream;
  • smoked meats;
  • mushrooms;
  • any citrus fruits;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • seasonings;
  • fatty meats;
  • sausages, sausages and sausages;
  • fried foods;
  • tubular and sharp bones.

It is strictly forbidden to use any low-grade and cheap dry or wet food in the pug’s diet, which simply contains a huge amount of meat substitutes and offal, as well as all kinds of dyes and flavor enhancers.

Feeding regimen for an adult pug

As practice shows, many pug owners prefer natural nutrition for their pet based on meat porridge, for the preparation of which we use:

  • lean meat – 33%;
  • vegetables – 33%;
  • cereal crops – 33%;
  • vegetable oil and vitamin supplements – 1%.

This porridge should be fed only fresh and warm.. Remaining portions must be disposed of. Meat products it is necessary to cut into fairly small cubes, and then boil or pour over boiling water. Beef by-products, such as tripe, liver, heart and lung, are an excellent addition to meat, but cannot be a complete replacement.

Vegetable and fruit products can be given raw, as well as stewed and boiled. The animal must be accustomed to such products early age, since it is very difficult for an adult pet to get used to any new tastes. The best option is to prepare the broth using lean meats, adding a spoonful of olive or sunflower oil.

Important! Remember that many adult dogs can easily tolerate and digest any milk, but if after eating such food your pet shows signs of indigestion or general malaise, it is allowed to include exclusively low-fat fermented milk products in the diet.

What to feed a pug puppy 2 months old? The period from 2 months is very important for the health of the puppy; he was recently weaned from his mother and stopped receiving her breast milk. Usually breeders, while the baby is still breastfeeding, begin to introduce other food. And for the health of the pug, it is important to maintain the diet that was compiled in the kennel.

And later, if desired, you can change the diet to another, more acceptable one. So you can switch from dry food to natural food and vice versa (But constantly transferring a puppy from one diet to another, as well as mixing them, is not allowed). Below you will learn more about this.

Original pug dog

The apparent solidity and powerful torso give the impression that pugs never get sick, they are always strong and strong. In fact, these dogs also have their own body characteristics. Chinese breed inherited a slender physique, a wrinkled appearance with a short muzzle, and short strong paws.

Short hair does not mean that it does not require care. The skin of pugs is primarily affected by poor nutrition, irritation, rashes and prickly heat may appear.

It should be noted that pugs have a small stomach, but they are prone to overeating. This is where problems with the gastrointestinal tract arise; pugs are also prone to obesity and get sick more often than others diabetes mellitus. Also, because of the short muzzle, dogs often snore and have difficulty breathing.

And eye loss due to eyelid injuries common problem in pugs, if you haven’t heard about it yet, be sure to study this issue. If all these features make you afraid and unwilling to take care of a dog, it is better not to buy a pug as a pet.

If you are simply in love with the breed, then you will not be able to refuse this cute and attractive creature. On the contrary, caring for a pet will bring a lot of pleasure to such loving owners. Perhaps you will even avoid all the problems that may accompany him throughout life, knowing how to prevent and avoid unforeseen situations.

You must remember that the pug’s stomach does not accept liquid food, and if at first the mother fed the puppy milk, and you bought it when he was two months old, do not rush to remove milk from the diet, do it gradually, but the rest of the food should be a little harder. By the way, milk for pugs helps prevent heartburn, which they suffer from more often than others.

The need to feed a dog dry food arises if the puppy has previously been fed it. Be sure to buy expensive and balanced food for your pug. In this case, vitamins are not needed; the food is completely balanced in all vitamins and minerals. It is important to read on the packaging how many grams are needed for feeding, and of course compare this with the diet that the puppy had previously.

There are also many adherents of natural nutrition. If you choose natural food, you should take care additional vitamins and distribute one feeding in such a way that all vitamins are balanced, and the menu includes vegetables and fruits, meat and cereals, herbs and vegetable oil.

The baby is fed after a walk and sleep; food should be given only from a bowl, and not from hands or from the table. Puppies from 1 to 2 months need food 6 times a day, and sometimes they wake up at night, since the mother fed the baby at night. From 2 months to 4 months, meals are mainly 4 times a day, and the number of servings increases. Up to six months you feed 3 times a day, after 6 months - only 2 times.

What to choose - balanced diet dry food or natural food – it’s up to you to decide; the second is less expensive in terms of money, but more tedious in terms of cooking time. And the first one is more expensive, but with a minimum of effort on your part.

Some dogs are allergic to dry food, but this is mainly due to the presence of a product in it that the dog cannot tolerate. It is almost impossible to identify this product; it is easier to abandon it and switch to another or natural one.

The transition is carried out carefully, this process is long, so as not to affect the gastrointestinal tract. And with natural nutrition there can be such problems; identifying the cause is much easier. It is enough to remove one or two products from the menu and the dog begins to recover.

Basic rules for eating

The pug, as you understand, is particularly sensitive to various innovations and changes. Thus, the introduction of a new menu may affect the dog by deteriorating well-being. To keep everything in order, follow a few rules and facts about your puppy’s nutrition:

  • Mixing natural food and dry food is harmful to the dog’s health. Even if you decide to give porridge with vegetables first, and food in the evening, you cannot do this. These types of foods are digested differently, the stomach suffers, and at the same time the dog suffers. If in at a young age Everything goes more or less well, but it gets worse with age.
  • The introduction of new products should also be very careful; from such sudden changes, the pug can develop heartburn, gastrointestinal upset and nausea.
  • Only super-premium food is suitable for pugs; not all food intended for ornamental breeds, suitable for pug. Moreover, for pug puppies there is a separate menu, for pregnant and older dogs it is different.
  • While on a natural diet, the puppy should receive equal parts meat, vegetables and grains, 1% oil and vitamin supplements.
  • From meat dishes It is better to give preference to such products as beef, rabbit, lamb and chicken. For puppies, it is better to pour boiling water over the meat to avoid helminthic infestation, but if you are confident in the quality of the meat, it is better to slowly accustom it to raw meat– it can be scraped off and finely chopped; it is not advisable to grind it into minced meat.
  • For proper digestion of food, it is better for pugs to take long walks - about 2 hours of walking a day.

Useful components of a healthy diet

What to feed a pug puppy for 2 months if he is sick? Leave the regimen in the same amount - 6 times a day, just consult your veterinarian - perhaps some foods need to be removed from the diet.

They also advise feeding such a little one with formula milk, but removing goat or cow milk from the diet.

It is useful to prevent diseases with garlic - once a week, diversify any dish with this ingredient for the sake of your pet’s health.

During the day, try to provide the tiny body with nutrients, but do not overfeed the baby. Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt will help you - these products are rich in proteins and at the same time beneficial bacteria. Do not ignore this fact, do not replace fermented milk- it is harmful and dangerous.

What else is useful, besides fermented milk, for a pug:

  • Lean meat, raw or steamed;
  • Boiled fish;
  • By-products, but they do not replace meat;
  • Chicken bones, pre-soaked and beaten, not boiled;
  • Food should be warm, not cold or hot;
  • The water must be fresh, not from the tap;
  • Cereals – buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal, wheat;
  • It is useful to eat cartilage from moslov;
  • Vegetable oil, herbs;
  • You can eat everything except potatoes, cabbage, legumes, and corn.

Prohibited foods are what you should avoid when feeding your pug:

  • Chocolate;
  • Sweets and sweeteners, flavorings;
  • Pasta, flour, baked goods;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Semolina;
  • Milk after 4 months;
  • Grapes, raisins, citrus fruits;
  • Potatoes, legumes, corn;
  • Smoked products;
  • Pickled;
  • Too much salt and sugar are harmful;

Being on a natural diet, the pug should be given black bread, egg yolk, a little honey, dried fruits, garlic, and fresh fruit. By the way, fruits in fresh perform many functions for the body - saturate with fluid, satisfy hunger, help digest nutritious food and most importantly, they clean their teeth and sharpen them.

And it is simply necessary to know the peculiarities of its feeding, because... the question “what to feed a pug?” often baffles both beginners and experienced owners. The thing is that this breed has small stomachs, and liquid food is absolutely not suitable for them; pets are prone to obesity. Pugs' food should be concentrated. Violation of these basic nutritional rules leads to digestive problems.

Daily nutritional needs of a pug


The daily protein requirement of adult pugs is approximately 15 grams. per 1 kg of live weight, for puppies and young dogs - twice as much.


The fat requirement of adult pugs is about 1.32 g per 1 kg of live weight, for young animals - 2.64 g.


The average daily requirement for adult animals is 5–6 g. per 1 kg of live weight, young – 8–10 g.

Feeding pugs prepared food

There is a wide variety of dry food for pugs. Good quality ready meals are balanced and contain everything useful material. It is best to select ready-made food suitable for pugs experimentally, because... One dog will like the food, but the other will turn his nose up at it. Before feeding your pug a specific brand of food, talk to your breeder or veterinarian. Give preference to well-known, well-proven premium and super premium food: Hill's, Eukanuba, Acana, etc. Dry food is much easier to dose - this way the dog will be full and at the same time not overfed.

If your dog eats more than the recommended amount of food and requires supplements, you should not increase the portion; try replacing dry food for pugs with a higher-calorie food.

Mixed feeding is not recommended for pugs. With this type of nutrition, it is difficult to create a correct diet, and an excess of certain substances, which is inevitable with mixed feeding, leads to serious illnesses dogs. That's why natural food When feeding dry food, it is offered only as a treat.

Feeding your pug natural food

Feeding natural products is a responsible decision, and the preparation of a pug’s diet should be taken very seriously.

Before feeding your pug homemade food, make sure that the dog is not allergic to grains or chicken.

Products for natural feeding:

Meat and offal

Rabbit, veal, lamb, poultry, and beef are perfect. Of the by-products, lungs and kidneys are useful. The meat should be lean. Due to the risk of helminth infection, it is not recommended to feed pugs pork.


Boiled low-fat sea fish is given to pugs twice a week. This good source necessary calcium and phosphorus.

Vegetables and greens

A necessary and important component proper diet. Before feeding, vegetables are grated or cut into small pieces. Suitable for pugs: carrots, eggplants, garlic, lettuce, cabbage, parsley, dill, etc.


Apples, bananas, mangoes? offered to pugs in small quantities.


Rice groats, buckwheat, cereals, rarely - semolina.


At natural feeding Low-fat cottage cheese (homemade), yogurt, unsweetened yogurt, cheese, and butter in small quantities are suitable for pugs.


Boiled quail eggs and yolks chicken eggs.
  • Pug food should be at room temperature.
  • Dogs should be given food at the same time every day.
  • The bowl should be flat.
  • It is not advisable to give food in a liquid “soup-like” state.
  • The dog should be given water with clean, filtered water.
  • You can place fresh milk next to the bowl. It helps pugs with heartburn.
  • Is meat offered to natural-fed pugs raw? this way it retains more vitamins.
  • Food and water should be freely available for pugs.

Like other dog breeds should not be given to pugs fried, fatty, salty, smoked, sweet and other food from a person’s table.

Newborn pug babies must be fed by the mother, but if for any reason the puppies are deprived mother's milk, caring for pets falls on the shoulders of humans. Small puppies should be fed at least 6 times a day. It is ideal to purchase a special mixture at a pet store and follow the instructions on the package. You will also need a special bottle with a nipple. It is important that the milk for feeding is freshly prepared and warm. Instead of puppy formula, you can use baby formula. Do not use cow's or cow's milk for feeding newborn puppies. goat milk– it is much lower than the fat content of pug bitch milk.

When a pug puppy appears in the house, care, maintenance, and feeding require a serious approach from the owner.

After about 1 month, puppies can be switched to 4-5 meals a day. Food should be varied and nutritious, containing foods rich in calcium and phosphorus.

Approximate diet for feeding pug puppies

1-3 months:

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir. To make baby food even more nutritious, it is recommended to add a little honey.

Afternoon snack: poached or steamed vegetables with a little salt. At this time, you can offer the puppies rice or buckwheat porridge, small slices of black bread with pieces of cheese or butter, and an yolk.

Dinner and supper must be entirely meat. It is useful to offer puppies raw bones, which are pre-soaked in milk and beaten well.

Several times a week, small pugs can be given a small clove of garlic to prevent diseases.

At the age of 3-7 months the portion of food increases significantly, because... the period is coming active growth and development. The frequency of feeding is reduced to 4 times a day. From this period, food can be mixed using porridges.

Breakfast and afternoon snack: kefir, cottage cheese with honey, curdled milk, vegetables, slices of black bread with pieces of cheese and butter, fruits, dried fruits, yolk.

For lunch and dinner Usually lean meat is fed: poultry, beef, lamb, rabbit. It is useful for puppies to give bird wings and necks, previously beaten with a hammer.

By 7 months puppies are transferred to 3 meals a day, and after the 7th month? for 2 times.

For breakfast give all products except meat, and for dinner they offer meat pieces, bones, sometimes boiled fish. This feeding regime for pugs lasts for about a year.

To the question “what to feed a pug puppy?” You can take a simpler approach: immediately accustom your baby to good quality dry food, taking into account the recommendations of a veterinarian or breeder. No matter what age your pug is, proper care and feeding must be done to keep the dog healthy for many years to come.

Pugs can be fed not only dry food, but also natural products. The main thing is that they are all fresh. The owner must be able to properly prepare the diet. Then, receiving a full set of vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and proteins, the pug will delight you with excellent health, good mood and tireless energy. Talking about beneficial properties different products, features of “dry” nutrition and vitamin supplements, we will tell you in detail what to feed your pug in at different ages and physical condition.

Let's start with organizing the nutrition of pug puppies. A baby aged two months should be fed five to six times a day. Be sure to ask the breeder what he ate before so that the transition is not abrupt.

Remember that both undernutrition and overeating are harmful to your pet. Make sure there is nothing left in the puppy's cup after dinner. Remove any leftovers immediately. If you haven’t finished it, it means you had too much and you should reduce the portion. And if he licked the bowl, then increase the amount of food at the next feeding. This way, you will determine the desired portion, which you will increase as your growing puppy needs.

When choosing natural products, remember that in order to form bones, your little pug needs to be provided with calcium. Cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt are the main suppliers of this element.

To supplement with protein, use prepared raw ground beef or finely chopped pieces of meat (chicken, rabbit, lamb). Pugs love raw meat very much and quickly get used to it. Boiled meat and sea ​​fish should also be on the menu.

There will be no benefit from smoked meats

It is not recommended to give pug puppies liquid soups; it is better to prepare crumbly buckwheat or rice porridge. You can cook it with milk or beef broth. Use sunflower or olive oil. It is not necessary to add salt.

From plant food For puppies and teenagers up to one year old the following will be useful:

  • grated carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • steamed vegetables - carrots, cabbage, eggplants, tomatoes;
  • chopped greens (as an addition to the main menu);
  • dried fruits (as a treat);
  • bananas (if there are no allergies);
  • fresh fruit (according to individual taste);
  • Bulgarian Bell pepper(not for everyone).

The daily protein requirement for puppies is 30 g per 1 kg of animal weight, fat – 2.64 g per 1 kg, carbohydrates – 8-10 g. These are the norms for a growing organism, and for adult pugs they are half as much.

Now remember what you absolutely cannot feed a pug puppy: pork, smoked products (sausage, meat, fish), pasta, semolina, cakes, chocolates and other sweets, spicy and fatty dishes from your table.

Calculating the norm

To calculate the approximate amount natural products to feed a pug older than a year, you need a coefficient of 0.04 multiplied by the dog’s weight. As a result, you will get the necessary daily norm. For example, a pug weighing seven kilograms will need 280 grams of food for one day. Which ones exactly, see the table:

In the daily diet proposed for feeding a pug, you should alternate meat with offal. You can give raw or boiled liver, heart, tripe, chicken stomachs. The lung is consumed only in boiled form. Egg yolk once a week is quite enough quail egg. It will be useful to add garlic to cooked dishes, but not more than one clove per week. To replenish energy levels with carbohydrates, include boiled potatoes in your pug's diet. But be aware that excess starch causes diabetes.

Say a word about vitamins

During the period of mating, pregnancy, childbirth and for a lactating bitch, the owner must increase the amount of vitamins she consumes.

Milk, liver, fish oil, carrots, tomatoes and greens are foods rich in vitamin A, which is necessary for offspring growing in the belly. For the development of muscles, good skin and coat, you need vitamin B, which is found in brewer's yeast, cottage cheese, kefir, and potatoes. Vitamin C supports immunity during this stressful period for a female pug. It enters the body with vegetables and fruits.

Most vitamin D, which strengthens bones and tendons, is found in fish oil and liver. And salads made from carrots and beets with herbs will compensate for the lack of vitamin E, which is responsible for the body’s reproduction and the smooth course of pregnancy.

All of the above vitamins are important not only for the puppy bitch, but also for pugs of any age and condition. These products contain: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, iodine and other elements. They are needed for the coordinated functioning of all the dog’s organs, which directly affects its health.

We use the trial method

Despite the many advantages of natural food, it is difficult to independently determine the quantitative set useful microelements and you won’t be able to take vitamins. You won’t even know what you can replace them with. Consequently, a diet made from natural products will always be only approximately balanced. An excellent way out of the situation is ready-made dry food for your pug, where specialists have already calculated everything for you.

The amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other components is indicated on the packaging. It also gives recommendations on how to feed a pug correctly, that is, how much food should be given at one time, depending on its weight. All you have to do is follow the proposed scheme. However, not all so simple.

The fact is that the pug is a breed prone to allergies, obesity, and digestive system His is not very stable. Therefore, in practice, until you find the food that is suitable for your pug, you may have to try more than one brand. We advise you to choose ready meals no less than premium.

For example, the well-known Royal Canin can attract many pug owners with its relatively low cost. It is cooked on plant based with the addition of chicken by-products. But whether it is suitable for your pug is a moot point. To determine this, you first need to buy very little food and see how the dog and his body react to such food. This advice applies to any brand and manufacturer. This food for pugs comes in the following types:

  • Brit (hypoallergenic, with lamb and rice);
  • Organix (for sensitive dogs);
  • Acana (for puppies, lactating and pregnant bitches);
  • Bosh (for older dogs);
  • Orijen (due to high content squirrel is suitable for very active pugs and puppy dogs);
  • Wolfsblut (does not cause allergies);
  • Go Natural Holistic (grain-free, suitable for dogs of all ages);
  • Eukanuba Adult ( high quality sources proteins and low fiber content);
  • First Mate (grain-free fish and potato based puppy diet);
  • Arden Grange (high meat content).

May also be suitable for pugs American food Canidae All Life Stages, where the protein content is not too high. Or Hill's Science Plan, which is produced in the Netherlands. His dignity is reduced quantity proteins, and convenience - in the small size of the granules.

As you can see, the modern assortment is quite wide. It remains to add that wet ready-made feed It is not recommended to give to a pug. But a special canned meat mixture mixed with crushed biscuits is quite acceptable. These products contain required amount nutrients and minerals.

It's not worth saving

In all brands, products are differentiated by purpose and age of dogs - for puppies, adults or aging animals (after 7 years). There are clearer instructions, especially in the period up to a year. For example, the indication on the package “For dogs prone to obesity” or “For puppies from 1 to 3 months” will leave no doubt about the use of the food.

Remember that you should not skimp on food, as it will not be of high quality. In cheap food, the main ingredients are corn and soy. We are not talking about meat. This means there will be no biological value in it. And it is digested much worse by a dog’s stomach.

To recover from illness or during the vitamin-depleted winter season, the pug needs enhanced nutrition. For the bitch, this is the period of pregnancy and feeding puppies. At such moments in life, you need to add special vitamin supplements to your pug’s food, which you can purchase at a veterinary pharmacy. Proper care and feeding of your pug, in accordance with its age, health and needs, will definitely affect appearance and behavior.

General nutrition rules for pugs of any age

Train your dog to eat at the same time every day. It is enough to feed an adult pug twice a day. In this case, half of the food should be protein, that is, meat and fish. Never give your pet frozen food or food that is too hot. All natural food should be at room temperature.

In the morning feeding, use more light food– cottage cheese, buckwheat or rice porridge, vegetables and herbs. Heavy foods, meat and fish, are best given in the evening. Allergic reactions most often caused by poultry and fish, in in rare cases- vegetables and dairy products. At the slightest sign of allergy, exclude junk food from the diet. Your constant attention to your pet will help determine what to feed your pug is safe and healthy.

Never mix dry and natural food. It disrupts activities internal organs dogs.

Do not buy dry food in bulk or take multi-colored granules, as this will not impress your pet and will not bring any benefit. However, he may receive a certain dose of “chemistry”.

Always, regardless of whether you keep your pug on dry or natural food, he should have Free access to the water.

When summer comes, dogs' appetite decreases. The heat has a very strong effect on them. But there’s nothing scary about it. Get used to the fact that your dog will react to the weather in this way.

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