What is the best way to feed a kitten for 3 months? What to feed a kitten: creating a complete diet

Typically, breeders give kittens to new owners at the age of 2-3 months. In a new home, it is very important to immediately provide proper feeding kitten Stress from moving combined with poor diet leads to systematic and long-term disorders gastrointestinal tract, as a result of this, the kitten does not receive vitamins, minerals and microelements, loses a lot of fluid and begins to lag behind in growth and development. It is difficult to treat a breakdown in food adaptation: beneficial microflora intestines are formed slowly. Therefore, it is important to avoid errors in the menu, use only suitable products.

Proper nutrition for kittens

In nature, a cat's diet consists of meat from caught birds, rodents and a small amount of cereal, which is in their stomach. This kind of nutrition can be called natural and correct. A mother cat is not able to catch fish for herself or her offspring, and beef is also inaccessible to such a small predator as a cat.

Before one month old The kitten's diet consists only of mother's milk. If she lacks nutrients or does not lactate, the offspring will not survive. Man, having domesticated a cat, solved this problem by starting to feed the pet.

Milk is present in a nursing cat, as a rule, for up to 3 months. There are often “supermothers” whose lactation does not stop from one litter to the next, but most often, when the kittens have reached the age of 4 months, the cat is already waiting for the next offspring, she needs to conserve calcium and other substances, so milk production decreases. By this time, the cat was already able to develop hunting behavior in the babies, first by bringing them rodents and birds, and then by teaching them to hunt on their own.

A three-month-old kitten is almost ready to receive adult food, provided that the transition from mother's milk transition to solid food gradually and correctly.

The cat masters this science on an intuitive level. But the health of the pet depends on how correctly a person transfers his kitten from liquid food to solid food.

The advice of a veterinarian will also be useful. Especially if your growing cat's stool has become loose, light-colored, or foul-smelling.

Selecting the power type

Conventionally, the menu of a kitten, already separated from its mother cat, can be divided into natural nutrition and feeding with ready-made food. The convention is that a person cannot offer natural food (hardly anyone is ready to breed mice for a kitten to eat on them). If the owner buys dry or canned food, then he can be sure that the pet will receive the entire necessary range of vitamins, trace elements and minerals in the amount required. Everyone has famous brands There are separate products for kittens. Tasty and healthy granules help your small pet gain weight faster. Some manufacturers have identified separate breed lines - this is true for premium and super-premium food.

In the case of dry or wet food, find optimal size one serving is not difficult: there is a table on the box or jar, which, depending on the weight and age of the animal, suggests the volume that it can eat per day. Slight deviation It’s completely acceptable from him.

If a person does not want to use ready-made food, then he will have to create a separate menu for the cat. It must contain:

  • meat and offal – at least 80-90%;
  • light cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley) - 7-8%;
  • raw finely grated vegetables – 2-3%.

There is no need to add salt or spices. Leftover food from the human table, soup, borscht, cutlets are not suitable food. Sometimes you may encounter the objection that cats have always been fed what they themselves ate. Veterinarians answer that at that time 11-13 years was considered almost the age limit for a cat, while at proper nutrition the cat will live 15-18 years or more.

The serving size of homemade food for a kitten is determined individually: the baby absorbs food quickly, and the feeling of fullness comes later. To avoid overeating, you need to feed the kitten in small portions (he should remain slightly hungry) and often.

How to tell if a diet is right for a kitten

A well-fed, well-gaining, active and playful pet – clear example animal for which the food is suitable. It happens that a kitten eats a lot, but remains skinny, vomits or diarrhea.

This indicates a number of problems:

  • helminths;
  • unsuitable food;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the baby retains his appetite in this condition, then following the instructions veterinarian will help you quickly correct the situation. It’s worse when the pet itself refuses to eat.

In this case, you will need to learn to provide minimal assistance in the form of force feeding.

Force feeding

Often, a kitten does not eat solid food well or does not understand what is required of it. In this case, you should start force-feeding him. The baby will get used to the taste and smell and after some time (on average, a week) will begin to eat on his own. Pedigree kittens (for example, a Scotsman or Maine Coon) learn a little slower than outbred babies.

There is another reason to force feed - this is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea is the first and most main feature that the food did not suit the kitten. He becomes lethargic and does not eat or drink. At this point, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. During established cause and correctly prescribed treatment is the key quick recovery intestinal and digestive microflora.

Any recommendations from the outside, from unknowing people or animal owners who have had a similar clinical picture, may turn out to be not only useless, but also destructive. Therefore, if your kitten has diarrhea, you should get advice from your veterinarian. And advice on how to dose liquid mixtures and medications diluted in water will make their implementation easier:

  • prepare a syringe without a needle with a volume of 2 ml or 5 ml (the first option is preferable for those who are just learning to force-feed);
  • collect the liquid fraction without solid pieces (it should be warmed to room temperature);
  • if the kitten still has strength, then it will behave aggressively, bite and scratch, so you will need a towel in which to wrap the baby, just like swaddling a baby;
  • put the wrapped kitten on your knees, slightly pull its right ear with your left hand, and with your right hand insert the syringe into the mouth along the left edge and carefully squeeze out its contents in small portions;
  • During feeding you need to give your pet a break.

Pedigree kittens (for example, Scotch or Maine Coon) learn a little slower than outbred kittens.

If the baby is not too active and readily eats from a syringe, then you can not swaddle him, but put him on the table in front of you. Forced feeding does not need to be given constantly. If the pet is not sick, then once a day or two is enough. Flood liquid medicines It is necessary on the recommendation of a doctor (usually 2-4 times a day).

Diet correction options

If the owner has chosen to feed him with ready-made food, then if the kitten has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, he can easily replace the usual granules with medicinal ones. For example, in the Royal Canin line there are dietary offers for animals with liver disease, with overweight or with sensitive digestion. "Akana" offers feed without a grain component. They are suitable if the kitten has food allergy for grain. You can switch from regular food to medicinal food at once. But if the kitten gets homemade food and he has a disorder, then the owner will have to create a dietary menu himself.

Chicken breast broth, finely chopped well-cooked chicken meat, and egg yolk are suitable foods if the kitten has had vomiting or diarrhea. When to start feeding, in what volume and whether to withstand fasting days, it is better to find out from your veterinarian. If the owner has already encountered a reaction digestive tract kitten on food familiar to humans, then it’s time to think about switching to food specially created for cats.

Baby. You should stick to your kitten's usual diet so that he doesn't have any digestive problems. At this age, you cannot suddenly change the feeding schedule due to the fact that the kitten will receive its first vaccination and its immunity will be weakened. Kittens can be fed by choosing from two options: natural food or dry food.

If the kitten eats natural food, you should give it daily balanced menu. You can include meat in your diet: lean beef, veal, rabbit,... All meat should only be fresh and thoroughly washed. It can be boiled, or it can be placed in the freezer for 48 hours, and scalded with boiling water before feeding. Kitten meat is finely chopped and served at room temperature. It must be mixed with vegetables and cereals. Vegetables you can give are boiled carrots, zucchini, and pumpkin. Cereals should be fed with prodel (buckwheat), oatmeal or rice. Cereals must be boiled and mixed with finely chopped vegetables and meat.

But you shouldn’t spoil kittens with fish more than 2 times a month. It can be given only low-fat sea food and only in boiled form.

Milk consumption should be stopped at the age of 3 months. Cats no longer produce the enzyme to digest lactose and may experience indigestion. In the diet you can only leave dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

If the kitten eats natural food, then it needs to be given vitamin and mineral supplements. Your veterinarian will tell you which ones based on the kitten’s health.

The second option for feeding a kitten is dry granular food. This can be given to cats starting from two months of age. At first, the food is soaked in water, gradually transferring to it. The amount is calculated based on the age and weight of the kitten. Such information is indicated on the food packaging. Choose only products from well-known manufacturers and purchase them at pet stores. When feeding dry food, additional vitamin supplements are not needed, since they are already contained in the granules. It is not recommended to give dry food and natural food at the same time. You can only occasionally pamper your pet with boiled meat or wet food in the package. Such complementary foods should be considered a treat.

The kitten is already 3 months old, and he still eats milk porridge and sucks his mother cat? The baby needs a new diet. Find out about it from our article.

The baby is three months old. Features of growth and development

At three months of age, kittens develop and strengthen their skeleton, muscles grow, and teeth change. Kittens are restless, explore their surroundings, play and run around a lot. Babies require a source of energy - an appropriate diet rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Owners reasonably have questions about how to properly feed a kitten at three months and what food to feed it. We will give answers to important questions on feeding three-month-old kittens in this article.

Features of the diet and feeding rules for three-month-old kittens

When feeding three-month-old kittens, follow these rules:

  • Feed 5-6 times a day
  • Decide on the type of feeding (natural or industrial food)
  • Introduce new products gradually
  • Do not overfeed your pet, feed often, but little by little
  • Give food at room temperature
  • Add vitamins to food
  • The kitten should have a separate bowl of clean water

The best way to feed three month old kitten? Next, we will talk about the types of feeding kittens. This will help you decide on the choice of diet for small pet. Attention! Do not mix two feeding methods: feed the kitten or industrial feed, or natural products. If you give both industrial food and natural food at the same time, the baby will develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural products in a kitten's diet

From natural products choose:

  • Lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal)
  • By-products (liver, heart)
  • Porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice)
  • Raw and boiled vegetables(carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower)
  • Low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese)

It is recommended to give boiled fish to kittens no more than once a week. Choose sea fish fillets. For example, cod, haddock, pink salmon. Also when natural diet add vitamins and minerals.

Ready-made feed

When choosing ready-made food, pay attention to the class of food. Give preference to premium or super premium food. These foods contain the optimal amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your baby needs. Also, the proportion of meat ingredients in them is higher, and there are practically no preservatives or flavor enhancers.

Ready-made food comes in wet and dry varieties. Wet food is presented in the form of canned food in jars or bags. note that wet food There are complete meals, they are used as the main diet for a kitten. And in the form of a treat, you can only pamper your little pet with them.

When choosing food, pay attention to its cost and availability. You should not frequently change the food in your pet's diet. This is stress for the baby, which will lead to health problems.

What should you not feed a kitten at 3 months old?

The basis of a three-month-old kitten’s diet is meat and meat products. However, some owners treat their charges with foods that cannot be included in the baby’s menu under any circumstances. This type of food leads to chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

Never give your kitten the following foods:

  • Fried, salty and fatty foods
  • Meat with bones
  • Sweets and chocolate
  • Whole cow's milk
  • Raisins and grapes
  • Sausage and canned food from your table, smoked meats
  • Baking
  • Legumes
  • Potato
  • river fish

Pet feeding schedule

How many times a day should I feed my kitten? Experts recommend feeding a three-month-old baby 5-6 times a day. At natural nutrition The daily serving size should be 200 grams per 1 kg of pet’s body weight. The entire amount of food must be divided into parts and the baby must be fed hourly.

To feed a small pet, use quality products. Remember that the basis of the diet should be meat and meat products (approximately 80%). Before feeding, the meat is frozen, and then doused with boiling water or boiled, cut into small pieces and offered to the pet. Add pureed vegetables or porridge cooked in milk or water without sugar and salt to the meat. It is recommended to give low-fat milk and dairy products every day, once or twice a week - sea ​​fish. Also, do not forget to add vitamin and mineral supplements intended for kittens to the menu. Another important point when feeding natural products: put the bowl with leftover food in the refrigerator. Since natural food tends to spoil quickly.

When feeding animals with industrial diets, everything is much simpler. The package indicates the daily amount of food that should be given to the kitten. If you choose food High Quality, then it contains everything essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Therefore, there is no need to introduce additional feeding into the pet’s menu.

How to protect a kitten from helminth infection

To protect your pet from helminth infection, treat it regularly. anthelmintic drugs. Read the article to the end: we’ll tell you which drug is suitable for three-month-old babies.

Helminths most often parasitize in the intestines of a kitten. However, sometimes they also affect other organs: heart, liver, lungs, gallbladder. Parasites feed on blood and tissue fluid, rob the baby’s body and take away nutrients, vitamins and minerals. During their life, parasitic worms release toxins, causing intoxication and the development of allergies in the pet. At large quantities helminths, they cause intestinal blockage and rupture of the wall. This leads to the death of the kitten.

The birth of kittens is always a long-awaited and exciting event for owners. Watching squeaking fluffy balls sucking their mother's milk causes tenderness and joy. Kittens suckle only 3-4 hours a day, and devote the rest of the time to sleeping and playing. However, we should not forget that soon the burden of responsibility for feeding the babies will fall on the owners, because without harm to own health the cat feeds the kittens for only 1.5-2 months.

photo: A cat can feed kittens for up to 2 months

Correctly selected and good balanced diet early in a kitten's life lays the foundation for its future health. Depending on the age of the baby, he needs different food, which, in any case, should include only high-quality products.
When the kitten is 3-4 weeks old, you can start feeding the baby with other foods. During this period, kittens gradually wean from their mother and are ready to try something other than mother's milk.

photo: Milk is the basis for the transition to normal feeding of a kitten at 1 - 3 months

In order to switch to adult food did not affect the pet’s health and did not lead to unnecessary stress; complementary feeding begins with soft or liquid food rich in protein and vitamins. Children's meat and semi-meat purees are ideal for this. From 1.5 months, it is already possible to introduce more solid foods into the diet, for example, minced raw lean meat with vegetables. From 2 months, the kitten can be given meat cut into small pieces. On initial stage Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream or kefir are added to almost all food, since it is easiest for kittens to switch from mother’s milk to fermented milk products. Dairy products that are so necessary for babies full development, continue to be given until the kitten reaches 4 months of age.

photo: New foods should be introduced gradually into the diet of a 2-3 month old kitten

At natural feeding In addition to dairy products, chopped meat, fish, vegetables and cereals are added to the kitten’s diet. All new foods should be introduced gradually and given separately from other foods.

The most harmful foods for kittens are pork, fats, fresh meat, sugar, salt and smoked meats. Giving such products to children is strictly not recommended.

photo: A carefully selected diet is the basis of your cat’s health!

If further feeding is planned with ready-made industrial food, complementary feeding also begins at one month of age with the addition of several dry food granules soaked in milk or specialized canned food for kittens from 1 to 3 months. The composition of ready-made food includes almost the same ingredients as in natural feeding. The proportion of a particular product in the feed depends on the class ready-made feed. Daily dose feeding the kitten in accordance with its age and weight indicated on the package. When feeding dry food, the kitten should always have unlimited access to fresh water.

By 2.5-3 months the kitten has already completely switched to adult food. The only difference is in the frequency of feedings and portion size.

photo: The kitten’s transition to adult food should be completed by the 3rd month of life

A balanced diet for a kitten in the first months of life is a fundamental factor in its harmonious development And good health. By following the tips described above, you can ensure proper diet to your little pet.

Feeding kittens is a fairly pressing issue, since a kitten’s health depends on the correct diet. Undoubtedly, small pets require varied feeding. And regardless of the age of the kitten, the food should contain high-quality and nutritious foods. So, what to feed a 3 month old kitten?

From 3 months of age, the kitten begins the period active growth, therefore, the baby should be fed 4 times a day, the daily norm is 180-240g, the daily portion of meat is at least 35-40g.

So, first you need to decide what you will feed him: regular homemade food or dry food. It is impossible to feed the kitten natural food and food at the same time, as digestive problems may arise and subsequently the cat will develop gastrointestinal diseases. You should also not combine wet food with dry food. It is necessary to stick to one brand of food. Dry food should be premium, these are: Royal Kanin, Hills, Lams Ralston Purina.

Cheap feeds are usually of low quality and can become the root cause. various diseases and baldness.

Remember, no matter how tasty the cat food is, it is necessary to gradually accustom the kitten to dry and canned food. A rapid transition within two days from natural products to industrial food and from high-quality food to low-quality food can provoke gastrointestinal disorders. The pet owner must choose a type of feeding that would constantly maintain appetite and be the key to successful physical fitness and provided the pet with a luxurious coat.

As for natural food, there are no restrictions on this issue. Natural food You can feed kittens of any age.

A kitten's diet should include: soft chicken breast, fish, chicken stomachs, necks, liver, minced through a meat grinder.

You can give low-fat kefir and fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without additives, cottage cheese with low percentage fat content, boiled vegetables without salt. All food for kittens should be boiled, without adding salt or sugar. Meat and fish should not be given raw. Everything needs to be boiled thoroughly.

We think that now the owners of furballs will not have a question about what to feed a kitten at three months.

Try to change the water more often, preferably to keep it fresh and filtered.

Do not feed your kitten only meat and fish.

The cat's diet should contain plant foods.

After eating, play with the kitten, as passivity is the main reason for regurgitation in kittens (another reason may be the presence of worms).

Access to water must be constant and free.