What can cats be fed after castration? What to feed a cat after castration - natural products or industrial food

The nutrition of a castrated cat requires special attention. After operation hormonal background pet changes. The animal moves less, and there is a risk of obesity and urolithiasis. Today we will talk about what to feed a neutered cat to keep him healthy.

Many owners, in order to avoid March serenades, decide to castrate their furry “gentleman”. The pets tolerate the operation easily, and after it they feel good, and absolutely do not pay attention to the furry beauties. Animals become calm and balanced.

Now all interests pet focused on food, because it turns into the only source of joy. If the animal is not given restrictions and proper nutrition is not organized, then it will soon become fat and lazy. After surgery, the cat’s metabolism is disrupted and metabolic processes slow down.

In addition, hormonal levels are disrupted. Now he can no longer be fed as before. Even before surgery, to avoid stress, the old diet must be replaced with a new one. But this does not mean that it is radically changed - simply the portions become smaller, the number of meals increases, and the food becomes less caloric.

Many people wonder how to feed domestic cat after castration. Now your pet will need significantly less food. Be sure to periodically weigh the purr. As soon as you notice that your animal is gaining weight, take action immediately. You should not allow a situation with obesity, as the heart, liver, and kidneys suffer. Diabetes mellitus may also develop.

Video “What to feed a neutered cat”

From this video you will learn what to feed a neutered cat.

What to feed in the first days

Right after surgical intervention The pet begins to experience constant cravings for food. For the first three months, the cat constantly wants to eat. He will not leave the bowl while there is food in it. This does not mean that he is hungry, he just does not feel full and does not understand when to stop eating. Therefore, the portion must be rationed.

You should immediately decide on the type of food. When eating industrial feed Dry food in the diet should be about 70%, the rest should be wet canned food of the same brand. And of course, don't forget about water. During the rehabilitation period there should be a lot of it, and it should stand near sleeping place animal. If your diet is natural, then at first give preference to liquid foods (broths, fermented milk products). Another condition: the food should not be fatty.

Features of feeding with prepared food

Each animal owner decides at his own discretion which method of feeding to choose – natural food or ready-made food. If you decide to give preference to food made in industrial conditions, then you need to choose high-quality professional food of the same brand. In addition, special food must be marked “for neutered cats.”

This diet should be chosen correctly. The pet should have a varied menu. On the cat food market, food is presented in an assortment. But even the label “for neutered cats” does not mean that the food is ideal for your pet. Only after 2-3 weeks you will be able to draw a conclusion.

You can choose food that is marked Light, which means that the diet is light and contains fewer carbohydrates, which means that it will not make your little one fat. When choosing food, be sure to study the composition. Good food must contain a large number of proteins and low carbohydrates. Nutrition, rich in carbohydrates, can lead to illness. Regular food for a castrated cat should contain at least 50% protein.

The food must be of excellent quality. It is worth buying premium, super-premium or holistic cat food.

Be sure to ensure that there is always water in the bowl. Now its rate should be increased 3 times.

Requirements for natural food

There are a number of natural products that are indicated in feeding a neutered cat. His diet should still be dominated by protein food. Choose lean meat. Turkey, chicken and rabbit meat are perfect.

You should also follow a diet to prevent your pet from becoming obese.

You should feed little by little, but often. Once a week you should have a fasting day. You should not succumb to “provocations” when a pet begs for a treat.

The diet must include porridge (rice, buckwheat). Vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, so make sure your menu includes zucchini, carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, and some fruit. Fiber is necessary for normal intestinal motility. If there is not enough of it in the body, then the pet will have problems with stool.

You can and should feed a castrated cat fermented milk products. Feel free to introduce cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt into your diet. They supply the body beneficial bacteria, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

After surgery, cats urinate less frequently, so you should give them liquid and nutritious food, and, of course, there should always be fresh water in the bowl. Small amounts can be added to food special additive“Sulfur” for animals, which is a source of vitamins and microelements.

If you decide to feed natural food, then you should not give dry industrial food at the same time.

What to exclude from your diet

After castration, you should never feed your cat fish. This product contains a large amount of phosphorus, which will not bring any benefit to the body, but will only harm it. We shouldn't even talk about raw fish.

Foods containing magnesium, phosphorus and calcium should be avoided. Their increased concentration in the body can lead to urolithiasis. After surgery in cats, the urinary canal, and even small stones do not come out naturally. At some point, the furry may need surgery, and after that the animal will have to a long period rehabilitation. Therefore, it is better not to allow it to go to such extremes, and proper feeding will help with this.

Smoked meats, semi-finished products, sweets and flour products are also prohibited. Cat food should be unsalted. You should also not feed dry food unless it is specifically intended for cats after castration.

Some breeds have contraindications for the consumption of certain foods. Carrots and potatoes should be removed from the Persian's menu, the Sphynx should not eat chicken, canned food is contraindicated for the British, and legumes should not be given to the Scottish Fold.

Operated cats cease to be interested in opposite sex, stop yelling and, as a rule, do not feel the urge to mark territory. But to compensate, they often begin to experience an increased interest in the food bowl, constantly demanding more. This is precisely what explains the tendency of castrati to obesity - and after it, passivity and inactivity.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of cat owners is after castration. ensure that the animal does not overeat. Of course, it is very difficult to resist a poor, always hungry cat who looks into his eyes and touchingly begs for food - but if you indulge the cat’s increased appetite in the first weeks after surgery, then you will inevitably have to put the animal on a strict diet. Therefore, it is important from the very moment of the operation not to overfeed the animal and control its weight. If the cat starts to get fat, you will have to either reduce its portion or switch to lower-calorie food.

In addition, cats after castration fall into the “risk group” - obese animals have a tendency to urolithiasis, and any diseases urinary system in castrates can lead to urinary obstruction. Therefore, the second important task when feeding castrated cats is the prevention of such diseases. The diet of such animals should contain foods low in such minerals like magnesium, calcium and phosphorus(they contribute to the formation of stones). Besides, The cat should always drink enough water. This is especially true for those animals that eat dry food - the volume of liquid should be at least three times the volume of food. If the cat does not want to drink, it is better to refuse dry food.

Since neutered cats are especially sensitive to diet, you must strictly adhere to the chosen type of food: either the animal eats food industrial production(dry food or canned food), or natural food. The natural diet can be diversified with canned food, but combining such food with “drying” is not recommended.

It is better to feed castrated cats according to the principle “little but often” - in small portions, but several times a day. If you have problems with weight, you can do one day a week as a fasting day. Cats are predators, and short-term hunger strikes do not harm their health.

Feeding a cat after castration with industrial food

It is not advisable to use food for feeding castrated cats. general purpose– it is better to purchase special complete premium or super premium food with reduced calorie content. In feed lines famous manufacturers(such as Purina, Iams, Royal Canin, Hill's, etc.) provide diets for castrated animals. Some manufacturers produce food for castrated animals taking into account their age - for example, food for young castrated cats is recommended from the moment of surgery until the animal reaches 7 years The recommended age is indicated on the food packaging.

When choosing a brand of dry food for neutered cats, it makes sense to focus on whether the animal likes the food from this manufacturer and how well it feels. With a properly selected diet, the cat is active, his coat is shiny and not disheveled, and there are no problems with digestion.

If you combine dry and canned food in your cat’s diet, it is advisable that they be from the same line. Only in this case will the diet be balanced.

Natural food for casted cats: dietary features

If a cat eats natural “homemade” food, then its menu should include:

  • lean meat(beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken) – raw or lightly boiled,
  • raw or boiled offal(lung, heart, liver, chicken stomachs or hearts),
  • raw or boiled vegetables– 10-15% of general diet, mixed with meat (zucchini, pumpkin, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli),
  • dairy products(kefir, cottage cheese, acidophilus, fermented baked milk, Varenets, yogurt),
  • a small amount of cereal(oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, maybe bran - no more than a spoonful of cereal per day),
  • raw quail egg or half a boiled chicken – 2-3 times a week.

You can add a little to the meat and vegetable mixture vegetable oil– it has a good effect on digestion.

And here fish is contraindicated for castrated cats- due to the high phosphorus content. It is also strictly forbidden to pamper your pet with smoked, salted and canned food from the owner’s table.

Adjusting the diet is not an easy task; owners need to monitor the animal’s reaction to certain products (if increased gas formation, diarrhea or constipation, make adjustments). At the same time, the cat’s diet after castration should be varied. If a cat is too picky and refuses everything except meat, it is necessary to either “educate” it or transfer it to a complete industrial food.

When a British cat is restless, marks, breaks furniture, and persistently asks for a cat, the best solution is to castrate the animal. This procedure will save him from suffering, and the owner from unnecessary troubles. After surgery, your pet may develop new problems: obesity, urolithiasis, constipation, heart disease. Properly selected balanced food, suitable for the homely Brit.

Body changes

The animal’s body undergoes serious changes: metabolism, hormonal levels are disrupted, urethra. A neutered pet becomes apathetic, lazy, inactive, eats a lot, and constantly begs for more. Caring owner must choose the right diet and carry out simple rules regarding feeding. After the operation, the British are fed natural or purchased food. Make sure that water is always available to the animal; your pet should drink more to prevent urolithiasis. If your cat doesn't drink well, try soaking the food in water.

Natural food at home

Correct homemade diet half consists of meat. The cat is a carnivore, so meat forms the basis of its menu. Choose lean meat: turkey, chicken, beef, veal. Be sure to add meat products plant foods. Porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), legumes, mashed are healthy fresh vegetables, add chopped fruit. It is optimal to include liver in the menu once a week.

To ensure that your four-legged pet receives more vitamins, let him eat fresh grass. Constipation is typical for British operated cats and cats, so you need to give them cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, and vegetables. Your pet needs to cook separately and always make sure the food is fresh. Cooking homemade food is a rather labor-intensive task that requires time, effort, and discipline. Therefore, think carefully, maybe you should use industrial food.

What not to feed a British cat

You can't feed a castrated British dog at home homemade food containing spices, salt, sugar. List of products prohibited for operated animals:

    fish, seafood;

    smoked, salted, fried, spicy dishes;

    fat meat;


    semi-finished products;

Sweets, baked goods, and flour foods lead to diabetes and obesity; other foods cause kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

Magnesium, which is contained in fish and seafood, leads to the formation of stones, so fish is contraindicated for neutered British cats.

Rules for feeding at home

To help the British body cope with stress, transfer your pet to new food in advance, gradually accustoming to a new diet. Avoid overeating in your pet.

Feed your pet strictly according to the clock, do not allow snacks between meals

Cats often start begging for food or try to steal it, so be persistent. Watch your caloric intake. After the operation, the animal becomes lazy, moves little, needs less energy, and the habit of eating a lot remains. Approximate portion of a five-kilogram british cat should be 160 - 300 g of natural food.

Store-bought food

When preparing individual meals for your pet at home is too labor-intensive, it is better to use ready-made food, which was developed together with leading veterinarians, is balanced, and contains all the important nutrients. The right diet will provide the pet good condition health, smooth, shiny wool, healthy teeth.

There are five classes of cat food:

    Economy class. Such food suppresses the feeling of hunger, having a low nutritional value, are absorbed by less than half. They contain many dyes, flavors, and preservatives. The basis of the composition is processed plant fibers, meat is replaced by offal. Can I feed this? There is no money for quality food - choose natural food for a pet;

    The middle class of feed contains less soy and by-products, and more meat. Due to its high nutritional value, your pet eats a smaller portion. The composition indicates the specific type of meat and vegetables used in production. The packaging bears the AAFCO mark (American Association Approved). The share of meat products is more than 25%. Does not contain chemical dyes or bone meal;

    premium class is created on the basis of meat, which makes up half of the components, in combination with vegetables, fruits, and cereals. This balanced diet, which is easily digestible and is comparable in composition to a healthy natural diet. High price justified, this the best choice, combining convenience and benefit;

    super-premium is purchased for show and breeding animals. Contains meat, vegetables, digestibility is more than 90%. There are no by-products, soy, dyes, flavors, or flavor enhancers;

    Holistic food preserves beneficial features ingredients that contain only natural ingredients with the addition of vitamins and useful substances. Already contains all the necessary microelements and vitamins, so do not use any additional supplements without the recommendation of a veterinarian. So-called medicinal food should also not be given without special indications.

Choose certified products, refuse cheap food, which is a dummy. The food must be appropriate for the age of the pet. Dosage portions according to the weight of the animal and the recommendations on the package.

It is useful to weigh yourself once a week and monitor your pet’s weight. Obesity is the most common problem pets of the British breed.

Once you have chosen a brand of food, try to buy it regularly. Unnecessary experiments with nutrition will not benefit the animal. Stick to the selected feeding times, twice a day: morning and evening. Once a week, have a “fasting day.” Don’t give in to the cat’s provocations, the mustachioed beggar will tolerate a 12-hour hunger strike just fine, it will only benefit him. Provide your pet with 24-hour access to water, especially if your choice is dry food. Fill the bowl often and replace the water with fresh water. To increase fluid intake, try moving the water bowl; cats don't like to drink where they eat.

Try to keep your cat active. Pay attention to him more often, play, encourage active games. Buy a plush mouse, a bird, or build one yourself, most importantly, stimulate motor activity so that the pet does not turn into a lazy bumpkin. If possible, let your cat go for a walk. fresh air. Owners of private houses have no problems with walks, but for residents of a metropolis it is more difficult to provide their animals with walks. Sometimes take your cat out of the house, remembering to wear a special leash/harness.

The advantages of the castration procedure outweigh the disadvantages: the life expectancy of operated pets is longer

Making life rich, happy, and healthy is the direct responsibility of the owner of a furry pet. Keep an eye on your cat, take care of it, feed it properly, take care of it, and don’t forget to check its health with a specialist.

Hormonal changes that usually occur after castration surgery require a thorough review of the diet. From proper nutrition The future health and life expectancy of the pet largely depends.

The owner needs to know what to feed a neutered cat in order to avoid problems with his well-being. You will have to constantly monitor what is in the cat's bowl.

Nutritional features of a castrated cat

The behavior of such an animal is characterized by passivity. The loss of one of the most important components of his life, which is the hunt for the opposite sex, usually leads to the cat filling the empty niche with food. He begins to eat a lot and often, which in combination with in a sedentary manner life quickly leads to obesity. Therefore, the main task of the owner is to ensure that his pet does not overeat.

Increased appetite is observed especially in the first two months after surgery. During this period, you need to weigh the cat more often so that at the first signs of weight gain, you can adjust the diet by reducing the amount of food and the frequency of feedings. To ensure that food restrictions do not cause stress to your pet, it is recommended to divide the daily portion into 5-6 parts, giving one at a time when he asks for food.

After castration, the animal becomes at risk - the likelihood of developing urolithiasis increases. The second task facing the owner is to create a menu in such a way as to reduce the number of products with increased content magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, which contribute to the formation of stones.

It is necessary to ensure the animal's constant access to drinking water.

Natural nutrition

Food from the owner's table should not be present in the animal's diet. For a neutered cat, it is necessary to create a separate menu.

It should include the following products:

  • Lean meat (in addition to beef, it can be chicken, rabbit). It should form the bulk of the diet.
  • Boiled by-products.
  • Vegetables (both raw and cooked).
  • Porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat). It is recommended to mix them with meat.
  • Fermented milk products, such as kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, are enough to be given 3 times a week. They are necessary to maintain in good condition intestinal microflora.
  • To improve metabolism in cats, fresh grass is recommended. You can grow it yourself or purchase it at a pet store.

Industrial feed

Dry food is in many ways preferable for castrated animals. It is produced taking into account all veterinary recommendations and has a completely balanced composition.

It is not advisable to include general purpose food in the menu of a castrated cat. Many well-known companies They produce special product lines for cats who have undergone castration. They are lower in calories and contain minimal amounts mineral salts. It is recommended to select premium category food or super premium. Cheap products (Whiskas, Kitty Kat) contain too many vegetable proteins and fats.

Some companies produce food taking into account the age of the animals - for example, for young cats from the moment of surgery until they reach 7 years of age. This is indicated on the packaging in the form of signs “+7”, “+12”, etc. You can add wet food to the diet of castrated animals. It should be borne in mind that it is only an additive, and not the main food.

Determine how suitable one or another is for your pet ready-made food, you can according to your well-being and appearance animal. If the coat is shiny, the cat is active and has no digestive problems, then the choice was made correctly.

Super premium food

This is the highest price segment. The composition of premium class feeds will provide the most good nutrition cat The following brands enjoy an excellent reputation among them:

  • Innova EVO (Innova Evo). The line of these feeds can be considered an alternative natural nutrition, such high-quality components are included in its composition. Innova Evo has been produced by the American company Natura Pet Products for many years and has always held the bar as the most complete food for pets.
  • Eagle Pack is a food with a particularly rich composition. It includes lamb fillet, fish, chicken fat, lingonberries, blueberries, and fruits. Due to this, the pet receives required amount protein, fiber and various vitamins.
  • Eukanuba (Eukanuba). This food includes L-carnitine, a fat-burning substance. The antioxidants included in its composition provide sustainable immune protection. Due to the low magnesium content, the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system is reduced.

Premium food

Obesity prevention

Kit excess weight- This is the most common problem in neutered animals. The loss of sexual instinct leads to the fact that the cat switches all its interests to food. He begins to use it in much large quantities than before the operation. This quickly leads to obesity.

Therefore, there are certain requirements for how to feed neutered cats:

  1. Food should be at room temperature.
  2. You should not feed your cat stale food.
  3. Do not overfeed under any circumstances.
  4. Provide access to clean water.
  5. Give food often, but in small portions.
  6. Once a week you can have a fasting day.
  7. If you notice a cat's weight gain, you should immediately switch to a low-calorie diet.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to increase physical activity for your pet, involving him in active games more often.


In contact with

Your pet must prepare for the fact that after the removal of the testes, the animal will need special care and attention from the owner. Moreover, after surgical intervention Careful monitoring of your pet's diet will be required. Few people understand what to feed a cat after castration and what food is best for him. But the health of the animal greatly depends on whether the diet is correctly composed or not.

After surgery, the level of testosterone in the animal’s body decreases, physiological changes that affect the condition and behavior of the pet:

  • In neutered cats, the metabolism becomes slower, and the character changes to a more flexible one, the animals become lethargic, sleep more, but at the same time their appetite becomes larger, so they often suffer from obesity.
  • Cats are at risk for having a too narrow and tortuous urogenital canal, since this shape and diameter contribute to the urethra becoming clogged with salts from the urine.
  • When removing the testes in early age the growth and development of the body changes. The animal's skeleton begins to develop female type: bones become thinner and longer due to slower ossification.

All these changes indicate that it is necessary to carefully select the animal’s nutrition, which reduce the level of salts in the diet, and the amount of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium in the blood. All this reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis. In addition, one of the predisposing factors is obesity, so the amount of calories also needs to be controlled.

Feeding with natural food

You should follow some rules that pets can generally eat in nature. It is necessary to understand that a cat is a predator whose main source of food is meat. Many people mistakenly believe that the animal should sometimes be given boiled cucumbers and tomatoes to increase the variety of vitamins and minerals in the diet. It is not right. None useful vitamins and mineral predators from plant food do not receive, moreover, such food products are not completely digested.

However, fiber must still enter the predator’s body. Even in wildlife if a tiger kills a deer, he eats not only the meat, but also internal organs, including semi-digested rumen grass. Fiber in predators serves to improve intestinal motility so that there is active peristalsis.

Read also: How does a cat's behavior change after sterilization?

That's why vegetables should be given, but minimum quantities . For example, one slice of cucumber once a day and no more. This is quite enough to improve the digestion process, but the main diet should be meat. But you can’t give potatoes, beets, cabbage as vegetables; you can have any fruit except bananas and citrus fruits.

note, that by “meat” we do not mean delicacy tenderloin, but any product of animal origin.

This includes offal: liver, kidneys, bones, lungs and other tripe. However, liver should not be present too often in the diet, as this can cause an imbalance in the vitamin balance. All these products should be low-fat, so it is recommended to exclude pork from the diet, since pig meat and offal contain a lot of fat.

Since castration at the age of three months is becoming more and more common, this period should also be examined. The first mistake is feeding the kitten milk. Of course, small pets even at 3 months often suck it from their mother, but this is special cat milk, the composition of which is very different from the pasteurized store-bought product. The closest to a natural diet would be kefir or cottage cheese, but not cow's milk. The fat content of the product should not exceed 5%. You should not give cheese, cream, sour cream, all this has a detrimental effect on the liver of kittens.

From the age of two months you should start feeding the kitten in small portions. adult food, and you need to completely switch to a new diet by 4-5 months of life. Please note that the chicken is Lately has become very allergenic, many animals develop allergic reaction. In general, it is advisable not to castrate kittens before 7 months and not to take them away from the cat until they finally stop sucking milk from their mother.

Meat is the main food product, and its amount should be calculated based on the weight of the pet:

  • From 2 to 6 months – 8% of body weight.
  • From six months to a year the rate decreases to 6%.
  • After one year old – 4%.

Of course, one must take into account individual characteristics. For example, if an animal is suffering, then the diet should be reduced until the pet loses weight. It often happens that after feeding the pet remains hungry and begs for more food. In this case, even an adult cat can be fed low-fat fermented milk products for the rest of the day; they can be given in abundance.

note that cats in the wild do not eat fish, they simply do not know how to catch them and swim too.

Therefore, you can’t give it to your family. In addition, it increases the amount of phosphorus in the blood, which increases the risk of urolithiasis.

Read also: How does castration affect cats and should you worry?

You can give porridge: rice and buckwheat. But this should be an exception or a small addition to the diet. You can feed a castrated cat eggs, they are good for the coat, but again eggs should not be the basis of the diet.

Number of feedings:

  • up to 2 months – 5-6 feedings;
  • from 2 to 6 months – 3-4 feedings;
  • after six months - 2 feedings.

note, that in a cat’s diet it will be better if meat products and offal are raw.

Eggs can be boiled before feeding, since raw protein can cause rejection due to its consistency (it simply cannot be swallowed, it is too slippery). Of the eggs, the yolk is more suitable for a cat, but obese castrated pets should, on the contrary, be given only the white. It is better to buy quail eggs, which can be given whole, along with the shell.

Feeding with industrial feed

Remember that the cat can only be fed food for cats and cats. Dog food should not be given to a cat! It has a completely different ratio nutrients and is absorbed an order of magnitude worse.

The basic principle is that if you feed with industrial feed, then no natural food cannot be given to an animal.

It often happens that the cat is fed ready-made canned food, but sometimes they are given bones from the table (do not throw it away). It is not right. If you feel sorry for throwing away scraps from the table, then give them to homeless animals, they also want to eat, but you need to feed your pet only industrial or only natural products.

Differences between dry and wet food there is none other than the moisture content in it. Remember that cats drink very little; they physiologically need less fluid, since there are almost no sweat glands. Therefore, when using wet food, do not be surprised if your cat does not approach the water bowl. But if you feed dry food, then he definitely needs to drink water. Feed dry and wet food This is only possible if they are products from the same company.