What can I do with you? What can you do with a guy in your free time, at home, in the evening, alone? What can you do at home when you are very bored?

Sometimes it is necessary not only for children, but also for adults to be childish. In fact, a little childishness can make a relationship happier and stronger. To fool around with your boyfriend, don't be afraid to be sincere and funny. Start throwing food or start a tickle war. Play the fool by taking crazy selfies, playfully teasing each other, and coming up with funny nicknames for each other.


Tune in to childishness

    Embrace your unique personality. To fool around with your boyfriend, stop worrying about what he thinks. Decide to be yourself instead of trying to fit in with a guy. If he doesn't value your authentic personality, he's definitely not worth your time.

    Live in the moment. Part of being a child is being completely immersed in the present moment. Instead of worrying about being funny or saying the right things, focus on having a great time with your guy.

    Be more spontaneous. If you just have to do something stupid, do it now. After all, childishness involves letting things take their course. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to hold back. Bring out your funny inner child who doesn't care what others think.

    • If you're sitting by a lake, start splashing around!
    • Offer an impromptu game of hide and seek or tag.
  1. Don't take everything too seriously. Of course, there are times when you need to be serious, but sometimes you can laugh and fool around. Not every conversation with a guy needs to be deep and emotional. Silly and light-hearted interactions are also important for a strong relationship.

    • Also, don't take yourself too seriously. It's okay to act stupid sometimes. In fact, it can actually be quite fun!

    Play games

    1. Have a wrestling competition. Challenge your boyfriend or surprise him from behind! Have fun, but keep the fight under control. You don't want to really hurt each other.

      • Pretend you are fighting in a specific fighting style such as boxing, martial arts or sumo. Take turns declaring the fight.
      • If your guy is much stronger than you, set some rules to even out the odds. For example, he can "fight" with one hand behind his back.
    2. Plan a surprise pillow fight. Next time you're lounging on the bed or couch with your boyfriend, grab a pillow and hit him. Before you know it, a full-scale pillow fight will begin.

      Have a dance party. Turn on your favorite songs and rock out! You can start a childish couple dance or have a dance duel. Don't be afraid to show off your class with all your hilarious dance moves.

      • Try playing a dance video game together, such as Dance Dance Revolution or Just Dance.
      • Watch videos of professional dancers and try to copy their crazy moves. Put your own spin on Dancing with the Stars and let the fun begin!
    3. Play with your food. When you're baking cookies in the kitchen with your boyfriend, blow some flour on his nose. After he blows flour back, throw a couple of chocolate chips at him. And let the food fight begin!

      • Play catching food: you throw a few jelly beans or grapes to the guy and he has to catch them in his mouth.
    4. Start a tickle war. Suddenly provoke a guy in the middle of the movie and start a tickle war! Within seconds you'll both be doubled over with laughter.

      • Find his most vulnerable spots. Try the ribs, abdomen, armpits and even feet.

    Play the fool

    1. Give him a funny nickname. The options are endless. You can choose a nickname that reflects his funny habit, or one that doesn't suit him at all.

      • If your guy is obsessed with Star Wars, call him Chewbacca.
      • If your boyfriend is very tall, call him Tiny.
    2. Tease him a little. Playful banter is flirtatious and fun. Laugh at one of his quirks, make a kind parody of him, or give him a backhanded compliment. Keep teasing casual and fun. His insecurities should not be the butt of your jokes. Stop immediately if he seems upset or asks you to stop. Getting feelings hurt is definitely not funny.

      • Say something like, "Wow, for someone who lives on instant noodles, you're a pretty good cook."
      • If he laughs madly, parody him.
    3. Take stupid selfies. Make the weirdest faces and take lots of selfies. Try recreating famous photographs or paintings, or use Snapchat filters to make your photos look even weirder. Then look through them together and evaluate your stupidity.

      • Send your boyfriend one of these funny photos in a few weeks with the caption: "We're so attractive, aren't we?"
    4. Act out a scene from your favorite movie. Turn on the scene, turn down the volume and create your own version of the dialogue. Don't be afraid to be funny, because the dumber the better.

      • For a fun contrast, create silly dialogue for a very intense romantic scene.
      • Use foreign accents to add flavor to the scene.
    5. Steal some of his things and make him chase you. Take off his hat, take off his shoe, or steal cookies from his plate. Give him a playful smile and dash away. Use furniture for cover as you maneuver.

The secret to maintaining the cherished spark in the relationship between a guy and a girl is incredibly simple - you need to never stop caring for her and seducing him. Don't think that dating and traveling should only happen at the beginning of a relationship. But if you don’t have money or time for such a pastime, this does not mean that the relationship will soon fade away. There are a lot of fun things to do with your boyfriend at home.

Video games: If your boyfriend loves computer games and often hangs out with friends in online games, try to join his hobby. You don’t have to bother and delve into the gameplay of tanks. You can compete in racing or any other simple games. It’s great if the game is played together, then the spirit of competition will make your evening unusual and fun.

Possibility of camping: Build an imaginary camping tent in the room. What a reason to light candles and cook delicious food. It is better if it is camp food, for example, sandwiches or hot dogs. If you have a sleeping bag, you can do something interesting in it.

Spa treatments: Create a kind of spa at home. Find spa treatments online that you can do at home and go for it. Don't forget about massage with various oils. It will be an unforgettable evening!

Night games: When you’re bored, you can play with your boyfriend games such as twister, hide and seek (hide and seek should not be ordinary children’s, but you will need to come up with something adult for this game), strip card games.

Things to do with a guy in the kitchen: You can cook some new dish together or organize a cooking competition. For example, who can cook pizza faster/tastier/more original. There are many options, you just have to use your imagination.

YouTube: It turns out that in front of this service you can not only sit and stare at the screen, but also do something fun. For example, karaoke! If you don't like singing, try finding couples dance lessons. Why not? It will be fun!

Memories: Open a bottle of wine and start sharing good memories from your childhood with each other. Or perhaps you have something to remember from the beginning of your relationship that you never talked about.

DIY night: Take up art or making some objects. You can learn to draw, make some kind of home accessory, or make a souvenir magnet so that you can hang it on the refrigerator and remember this happily spent evening.


1. Classics of the genre. Light candles, prepare aromatic tea and talk about everything in the world. In the cycle of life, there is so little time left for sincere conversations with your loved one.

2. Romantic astronomy. Admire the stars with a constellation map or telescope. Get creative by creating your own original star combinations.

3. Themed dinner. Try preparing a dish from French or, and then eat a culinary masterpiece together, washed down with a glass of good wine.

4. Evening for soul and body. Find a spa experience for two. Aroma massage with essential oils, body wrap with honey, sauna with vanilla aroma and delicious tea... What could be better?

5. Photo story. Arrange a creative home photo shoot. You will need a camera (or a smartphone with a good camera), a tripod and a creative mood!

6. Back to the past. Review your wedding video and photos together. These beautiful, bonding moments will remind you how much you love each other and how wonderful it is to be one family.

7. First date again. Imagine that you are two strangers who really liked each other and decided to go to a cafe together. Try not to step out of character for a while. You will be able to rediscover each other.

8. Family portrait. Both pleasant and useful. Such a canvas can encourage the study of genealogy and the compilation of a family history book for future generations.

9. Transformation. In every person lives a personality unfamiliar and unexpected to us. Try to reincarnate into that personality that you have always wanted to try on. Changing clothes, changing your behavior, and even creating a new biography will help you with this.

10. Renewal of feelings. Rent a hotel room for the newlyweds, dress festively, hire an elite taxi and spend time as newlyweds. Let there be only you, love and happiness in the whole world!

For game lovers


1. Evening in an anti-cafe. A great way to change the environment, play a lot, have fun and meet interesting people.

2. Game night. Fight on the gaming console for the title of the best gamer or form a strong team of two fighters. Completing exciting levels will color the evening with bright emotions.

3. Board games. Start with the classic ones (chess, checkers, backgammon), and then move on to Monopoly, Tower, Battle of the Sexes and hundreds more funny, mystical, serious, logical ones.

4. Dungeons and Dragons. This is an amazing tabletop fantasy role-playing game that you can lose yourself in for hours. You can search for D&D organizers in your city and just join the team. Playing on your own will require reading the manual, having character sheets and a set of dice with a given number of sides.

5. Game store. This is a paradise for gamers. Here you will not only be able to try out many new games that have just appeared on sale, but also add to your home collection.

6. Puzzles and games on paper. Forgotten, but not losing their relevance, “Tic-tac-toe on an endless field”, “Labyrinth”, “Battleship”, “Dots”, “Bulda”, “Football 8x12”.

7. Intellectual battles. Discover, for example, the deep strategic logic game Go, one of the five core disciplines of the World Mind Games.

8. Puzzles. Instead of classic puzzles with thousands of elements, you can try to assemble spherical or shaped puzzles.

9. Fun games. Create a selection of fun games in advance to help you have fun. For example, the popular pantomime game “Crocodile” will charge you with a positive mood for the whole evening.

10. Completing quests. Original stories, surroundings, interesting tasks, riddles, puzzles and the opportunity to be anyone. Choose any quest you like.

Active and restless


1. Sports event. Go to any sporting event in your city and cheer for any team of your choice.

2. Step forward. Playing sports is indescribable. Be sure to go for a trial workout at the gym, swim in the pool, or try yourself in martial arts.

3. Shopping. As you know, you can walk several kilometers through the shopping center. Both useful and pleasant. At the same time, look for gifts for your family and friends.

4. Dance lesson. Passionate bachata, classic waltz, fiery salsa, rumba, foxtrot or tango - communicate through body language and have fun.

5. Trying new things. An excellent date option is to attend a class together in a new type of physical activity, such as yoga or stretching.

6. Fitness for two. An evening jog, warming up on exercise equipment, doing stretching exercises and cooking a light dinner together is the ideal plan for an active, healthy and enjoyable evening.

7. Ahead with the wind. Go for a bike ride, rollerblade, or try out a skateboard. Along the way you can fly a kite and admire the beautiful scenery. Discover new horizons of possibilities.

8. Dance simulator. If you don’t want to leave the house at all, then you can plunge into the world of movements with animated dancers to popular music tracks. Move with your partner, learning dance elements and earning points.

9. Alone with nature. Create an interesting city walking route. Visit places you have never been before.

10. Picnic. Arrange a camping trip with an overnight stay in a tent under the starry expanses and long conversations around the fire. Even if it only takes one day, it will remain in your memory for many years.

For lovers of peace and tranquility


1. Rustling of pages. Read your favorite books, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and make hot berry tea.

2. At the peak of calm. Take a thermos, sandwiches, warm blankets and spend the evening on the roof of a high-rise building, watching the bustle of life far below.

3. Library evening. Spend time in the library with a cup of coffee. Perhaps you will be able to attend an evening of poetry or bard song.

4. Movie night. Find out in advance which cafe will host the movie night. This is a great opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and travel through fictional worlds.

5. A trip out of town. Autumn forest, a secluded house with a fireplace and the two of you. You can walk, fish, take pictures, warm your feet by the fire and enjoy the slow flow of life.

6. Horse riding lesson. Communication with horses relaxes, relieves stress and brings real happiness. It’s not for nothing that hippotherapy works wonders.

7. Swimming with dolphins. An evening with these fantastic creatures will give you real childhood joy and an excellent memory.

8. Feeding the birds. Stock up on bird treats and head to the nearest park. And take a walk, breathe some air, and do something nice for the birds.

9. Cultural program. An excellent solution for everyone who does not like fuss would be to attend a play, opera, or ballet.

10. Live music. You can reserve a table at a jazz club or blues club. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed.

For the curious


1. Lead us, Susanin. Make a map of the attractions in your city or area. Find out as much information as you can about them in advance and take a walking tour in the evening, telling each other what you learned.

2. We explore the microworld. Borrow a microscope from friends or acquaintances for the evening. You can make at least fifty discoveries at a time.

3. Be a scientist. Conducting chemical experiments or creating your own watercolors at home will be a lot of fun.

4. Handmade gifts. This can include creating your own, designer candles or a family recipe for one amazing dessert. And the resulting masterpiece can be given to your loved ones.

5. Taste it. Go to a cafe you've never been to and order a dish from Indian, Japanese, Korean or any other cuisine.

6. Industrial tourism. If you want to learn how real chocolate is produced, wine or Coca-Cola drinks are created, take a tour of the corresponding enterprise. It will be really educational and interesting.

7. Focuses. Spend an evening of wonders and try some unusual magic tricks or math tricks. You can learn the secrets of magic the day before the evening together.

8. Let's study together. Finally, start learning the foreign language you like. Doing this together is much more fun and productive.

9. Lectures. An excellent find for the curious would be to attend open popular science lectures, which are often held in higher educational institutions. This also includes intimate meetings with interesting creative people.

10. Origami. The art of origami is the folding of unusual paper figures. For example, around Halloween, you could try making a spooky hand with claws or a gravestone.

For extreme people


1. Getting a tattoo. A romantic adventure soaked in adrenaline. The tattoo will become your little, original secret.

2. Change of image. Change your style, hairstyles and hair color in the beauty salon. Look at life in a new way.

3. Rock climbing. The first lesson at the climbing wall can turn into a shared passion with subsequent trips to overcome real rock terrain.

4. Ghostbusters. Spend the night in a place that is saturated with terrible legends and has mystical glory. Try to film otherworldly inhabitants and feel the true nature.

5. Two warriors. Play paintball or laser tag - high-tech games that take place in real time and space. Modern weapons, well-equipped training grounds, scenarios of famous computer games and movies will help you have a great time unwinding and feel like a team.

6. Jailoo tourism. This is a completely new type of tourism, which involves relaxation in complete isolation from civilization in places where mobile communications do not work and there is no electricity. A good opportunity to test your resourcefulness, endurance and patience.

7. Parkour. Parkour is urban acrobatics. Try to overcome city obstacles by running, flying over fences and steps, climbing walls and crossing roofs. If you are not an avid tracer, familiarize yourself with the style in advance and be extremely careful.

8. Overexposure for the animal. Adopt a cat or dog by contacting animal rescue groups. If you don't have a permanent pet in your home, this will most likely be an extremely stressful time for you, and an opportunity for your animal to feel loved and cared for.

9. Ticket to anywhere. Buy tickets for the first train you come across and go to a new city. Stay there for at least a few hours, soak up new impressions and come back.

10. Go for it. Spontaneously decide to take part together in a competition or competition that you have always been afraid of. Get over yourself and get support from your loved one.

How do you spend your evenings together?

Are you leafing through magazines looking for an answer to the question of what interesting things you can do with a guy? We will talk about this without the magazine! Sign up soon! Or “knock it off”, as they say... - remember!

Take a walk

Choose and offer! Are there not enough places to walk? You can make a huge list! Look, for example: street, park, alley, avenue, shore, beach, unknown places, favorite places, attractions.

Watch a movie or show

The choice is great! The main thing is that it matches yours. Well, after watching you can discuss what you liked and what you didn’t like. Such a discussion can also take on anecdotal coloring.


This has already been discussed slightly in the previous paragraph. But you don’t need a special reason to laugh. Humor can awaken on its own. But then it will be very difficult to stop him. There will hardly be any need to stop the humor in the process!

Have some fun

Annoy your neighbors: turn on karaoke, play musical instruments, fight with pillows. Know: a man will approve of such a pastime! Refuses? So he is shy, “breaking down”.

View photos

Open the paper albums or turn on the computer. Many girls and boys store photographs in ordinary albums, the old fashioned way. And if you’ve already “moved away” from such pictures, attract the guy’s attention to the vastness of the monitor!

Go to a party

Nobody invites? Invite yourself! Organize it properly and invite your best friends. Everything will go great if you together (as the organizers) think through everything down to the smallest detail!

Go visit

To his friends - girlfriends, to your friends - girlfriends... Not that important! What's more important? Have a great time.


In the club, at home, on the street, on the landing…. Where romance will visit you! Improvise without being shy about each other! The rhythm of movement is captured by your bodies.

Have fun with a guy

Color yourself, draw on wallpaper or paper, play hide and seek or blind man's buff... Both smile and laughter will be nearby! Feel like little kids, and don’t be embarrassed by what you feel.

What can you do together when you're bored?

Go on a trip

Do you have any money in your pockets? Then pick up a map or a globe and choose a route. Which will help you on your journey. By the way, you can hitchhike and “rush” somewhere if both you and he are brave enough. All sorts of drivers and car enthusiasts meet on the road... Moreover, in the long term.

Cook something delicious

Take up this task even if you are not going to complete special culinary courses. But the yummy food can turn out awesome as a result!


On any topic! But not those that only interest you. Otherwise the whole conversation will end very quickly. Some of you will definitely not like this “speed”.

Put together a mosaic (puzzle)

By the way, you can order a puzzle - a photograph (of your local). It will be three times more interesting! And the surprise will be cool. He definitely won’t expect this!

Take a shower (bath)

Dreaming of a jacuzzi? Of course she is better! But not everyone can reach it financially. But a bathroom with a shower or bath does not lose its romance at all.

Listen to music

Which one do you like? Ask if he loves the same one, so that the joint audition doesn’t get screwed up.

Go to a pizzeria

Take a closer look at what pizzerias are in your area. Well, if you want to walk for a long time, choose a pizzeria, which is located on the outskirts of the city. This way you will kill several bunnies at once: you can take a walk and eat to your heart’s content!

Arrange a photo session

How are you Do you like to be photographed? Take someone for your company so you don’t get too bored. Or take one person who agrees to be your photographer.

Go to a concert

Not all guys (men) like to go to concerts. You ask how your beloved feels about such an event. Don't turn going to a concert into a surprise!

Ride a bike

You can do it on roller skates if both he and you like them better. How you will want to return to childhood when you get on roller skates or ride a two-wheeled bicycle!

Attend the football

Don't like football? So go for his sake (for company). At least laugh looking at the crazy football fans. Will remember that.

Freeze in games

Console, computer, tablet, laptop, electronic games…. Decide on the choice and the gaming environment!

Talk on the phone

A very serious occupation! In reality, of course, it is better to talk, but it happens that circumstances do not allow it.

Get stuck in an elevator

Do you want to do this on purpose? You know the method, and you know it for sure! All that remains is to implement it. I’ve never tried to do this - ask the guy. Maybe he knows more about this?

Walk around the city

You can go for a run if walking gets boring! Both are beneficial because you are breathing fresh air.


Look at the starry sky, or just at the sky. And your dreams will come at you like a hurricane! And dreams can turn into plans if you dream about what is feasible.

Drink beer, champagne, wine

You can always find a reason. In general, if you dig deep into the holiday calendar, your eyes will fill with surprise: there is a holiday every day! If you don’t find a holiday for a certain date, take a closer look!

Go on the rides

If a guy is afraid to ride, go for a ride yourself, and let him admire your courage while skating. His presence is more important to you, right? Just don’t forget to ask him to take a photo as a souvenir.

What else is very interesting to do with a guy?

Hug, kiss, have sex...

This idea could have been written at the beginning, but I wanted to preserve the intrigue and leave the “tastier piece” for last. You would do it too, if you think about it! But don’t waste your thoughts on this, but run to your loved one to enjoy both the feelings (overwhelming hearts and bodies) and each other!

What should a girl and a guy do? -

Intimate information.

1. go to the movies (especially horror movies: you’ll hug and be afraid together)
2. play snowballs and make a woman
3. go to the skating rink
4. teach how to play billiards
5. karting (take a ride - get adrenaline)
6. city quests
7. walk in the center, in parks (not a button accordion, but a classic)
8. make a horn in some bar, club
9. cottage/walk through the forest (fireplace, bathhouse, barbecue, guitar...)
10. bowling (exciting and fun)
11. horseback ride
12. skydive
13. tea ceremony (you can paint yourself like the Japanese and have a tea party at home)
14. arrange the shooting of an amateur film (a lot of entertainment at once - writing a script, filming, editing, uploading to YouTube, spamming the contact sheet in Ace, flooding the forums with the ceremonial presentation of a link to the film, a trip to Cannes for a prize for the best amateur video (or “golden member” competition, depending on the genre of the film)
15. water park
16. exhibitions and museums (there are very unusual ones)
17. trip to another city
18. handcuffs, whip
19. leave the girl (extreme)
20. study of the Schrödinger equation
21. sign up together for aikido, Latin dance, Chinese language courses
22. go to a commie rally
23. play tic-tac-toe
24. bring a lady and show a shadow theater
25. go to the zoo
26. to the library (in a quiet, distant corner...)
27. curling
28. pub with darts
29. trash band concert
30. go boating/kayaking

31. karaoke
32. cafe with hookah
33. sit with a bottle of wine on the roof of a high-rise building
34. play the fool (preference, stripping)
35. get married
36. dinner by candlelight
37. fighting with laser swords
38. rent bicycles and ride (rollerblades, skis)
39. sauna
40. anti-shopping (wander around the shops and not buy anything)
41. buy lottery tickets
42. circus (you can organize it yourself)
43. start installing Linux (patch kde2 for fryukha)
44. opera, ballet, theater
45. digging (climbing through the sewer)
46. ​​quiet evening watching TV
47. plant a tree together
48. look at the moons of Jupiter, but you will need a telescope (if your girl’s eyes light up like stars, then it’s time to uncover the telescope)
49. ride on the children's railway
50. go on an excursion with a girl to any city
51. invite the girl to devote the day to photography
52. have sex
53. and then one more time
54. offer to have sex with 2 of her girlfriends, if she starts beating you, then say that she was joking
55. buy a puzzle and put it together
56. read books out loud to each other
57. get offended, go to different rooms, and start exchanging text messages
58. do something occult - for example, tell fortunes on cards, runes. For extreme sports enthusiasts - tying spirits at midnight
59. play trust: one person is blindfolded or black opaque glasses are put on, and the second must take him “to the bus stop/home/through the park” or simply lead him to a beautiful place
60. give a massage and put the bed to bed

Not only for sex, of course, you can have sex, but this is far from the only thing two people can do in an empty apartment. If you want to impress your friend with your extraordinary culinary talents, you can prepare a mind-blowingly delicious dinner in advance. Going to a restaurant is not always the best option for a date. If a woman knows how to cook deliciously and set the table beautifully, anyone, even the most fastidious man, will appreciate it. In addition, during dinner you will have time to socialize and will not have to frantically figure out what to do with yourself.

When a snowstorm is blowing outside, and any romantic walks inevitably end in frostbite, it’s simply impossible to find a better place than home. It’s so nice to warm up here under a soft warm blanket or sit in the kitchen sipping hot tea with honey and raspberry jam. It is not at all necessary to invent something extraordinary. The simple warmth of communication and the comfort of your apartment will always play only in your favor. A man appreciates a woman who is able to preserve and maintain an internal fire and create a feeling of home even for those who come to visit.

If you invite your friend to your home, it is better to think through the entertainment program in advance. You can watch a romantic movie on a soft sofa or play backgammon. Or maybe you both are chess connoisseurs or prefer entertaining board games? If you are sure that this will not ruin your evening, show some of your photographs or even children's albums. But don’t get carried away - not everyone is capable of looking at other people’s photos for hours, so know when to stop.

What to do if a guy invites you to visit? Don't worry or be embarrassed. Yes, a man’s territory is a place where you have to play by his rules, but you don’t have to think that he will definitely drag you into bed or make you dance naked on the table. If you don't want sex, you need to discuss it in advance. After all, a man, inviting a girl to his place, of course, means exactly this. Do not be embarrassed or afraid to refuse, because if you are applying for a serious relationship, your unpreparedness will not cause a violent reaction. If a man begins to be indignant, draw conclusions.

Don’t think that going on a visit is an event designed to amuse and entertain. If you don’t know each other well enough yet, this is a great opportunity to get to know each other better. If your relationship has already moved beyond the frivolous, by visiting each other, you can simply enjoy the time spent together and not think about anything else.

Have you been dating a guy for several months, but haven’t dared to invite him home? Something inside resists and interferes with the natural course of events. And the guy hints from time to time that he doesn’t mind seeing how you live. How to invite guy To to myself V guests?


Think about what is stopping you from inviting guy home? Sometimes the cause may be various fears. Many girls are embarrassed by their home environment and their parents. Or do you think that inviting guy home, are you hinting at sex? Don't worry about the situation. Especially if the apartment you live in belongs to your parents or is rented. You don't want the guy to fall in love with the house and the fortune, do you? A young man, first of all, values ​​you as a person. And if something is wrong in the apartment, perhaps guy there will be an opportunity to show your masculine abilities and fix or fix something. It often happens that you want to look more wealthy in front of a young man. Think about how long you can maintain an “inflated” image? Sooner or later, the guy will find out everything anyway. You shouldn’t worry about your parents, because they are not chosen. Your or his parents are who they are. Find something to be proud of as a family. Be grateful to your dad and mom, because they gave birth to you. Invitation to guests doesn't mean you have to have sex. Everything is just according to your wishes. The rules of good manners and friendly relationships include inviting each other for a cup of tea or coffee, lunch, or a conversation. There is nothing reprehensible in this.

Prepare for the young man's arrival in advance. Clean your apartment or your room: wipe off the dust, wash the floor. You don't want to shock guy? Buy something tasty for tea. A hearty lunch is good, but not necessary. After all, the young man did not come to eat, but guests. It’s good to cook something yourself, because this is an opportunity to show your culinary skills and prove yourself as a housewife. Think about what you will do. As you know, pauses in words are replaced by

It's dangerous to be bored with a girl, because she may decide that you are boring and uninteresting. Representatives of the fair sex quickly get bored with monotony, so it is important to prevent a monotonous development of events. We have selected the most interesting entertainment that will allow you to have a good time and get to know each other better.

If you are just about to meet each other or don’t know each other well, invite the girl for a walk. You can choose a park or an embankment. Walking in the fresh air will allow you to have a good conversation without feeling any discomfort. On the way, it would be nice to stop at a coffee shop and continue communication there.

By inviting her to a dance club, you won’t really surprise a girl, and maybe even push her away. But if she loves to dance, invite her to a club with a specific theme, such as music from bygone times or Latin American dancing. If you two don't know how to dance, take a master class. This way no one will be embarrassed and you can have a lot of fun.

If a girl knows how to ride a bike, invite her to ride together. Come up with an interesting route with stops. An alternative is ice skating, roller skating, skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding, etc. If you two don’t know how to ride, this is a great opportunity to learn new skills. Try rope jumping or skydiving. Extreme sports bring people together very much.

You can come up with a lot of entertainment at home. Prepare a meal together. Choose an interesting recipe and buy the necessary products. Even if things don't work out, you can laugh and have fun. You can also buy some “goodies” and watch an interesting movie. If you have a board game at home, play together. If not, be sure to buy it with your girl. Competition will keep you busy, and light banter with each other will bring you joy. You can also play interesting computer games together, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with it.

In the summer season you can go on a picnic. Bring snacks, books, music, tennis or a ball. You will be able to communicate productively and spend time usefully.

If your girlfriend likes to play sports, invite her to go running or visit the gym together. Common hobbies will unite you and put you on the same wavelength.

If you and your girlfriend have many common interests, sign up for some courses, for example, business training, learning foreign languages, dancing, etc. Joint development will definitely not make you bored.

As you can see, there is a lot of fun to be had together. As soon as you tune in to the same wavelength, you will immediately understand what needs to be done next and how to develop communication and relationships.

Are you leafing through magazines looking for an answer to the question of what interesting things you can do with a guy? We will talk about this without the magazine! Sign up soon! Or “knock it off”, as they say... - remember!


Take a walk

Choose and offer! Are there not enough places to walk? You can make a huge list! Look, for example: street, park, alley, avenue, shore, beach, unknown places, favorite places, attractions.

Watch a movie or show

The choice is great! The main thing is that it matches yours. Well, after watching you can discuss what you liked and what you didn’t like. Such a discussion can also take on anecdotal coloring.


This has already been discussed slightly in the previous paragraph. But you don’t need a special reason to laugh. Humor can awaken on its own. But then it will be very difficult to stop him. There will hardly be any need to stop the humor in the process!

Have some fun

Annoy your neighbors: turn on karaoke, play musical instruments, fight with pillows. Know: a man will approve of such a pastime! Refuses? So he is shy, “breaking down”.

View photos

Open the paper albums or turn on the computer. Many girls and boys store photographs in ordinary albums, the old fashioned way. And if you’ve already “moved away” from such pictures, attract the guy’s attention to the vastness of the monitor!

Go to a party

Nobody invites? Invite yourself! Organize it properly and invite your best friends. Everything will go great if you together (as the organizers) think through everything down to the smallest detail!

Go visit

To his friends - girlfriends, to your friends - girlfriends... Not that important! What's more important? Have a great time.


In the club, at home, on the street, on the landing…. Where romance will visit you! Improvise without being shy about each other! The rhythm of movement is captured by your bodies.

Have fun with a guy

Color yourself, draw on wallpaper or paper, play hide and seek or blind man's buff... Both smile and laughter will be nearby! Feel like little kids, and don’t be embarrassed by what you feel.

What can you do together when you're bored?

Go on a trip

Do you have any money in your pockets? Then pick up a map or a globe and choose a route. Which will help you on your journey. By the way, you can hitchhike and “rush” somewhere if both you and he are brave enough. All sorts of drivers and car enthusiasts meet on the road... Moreover, in the long term.

Cook something delicious

Take up this task even if you are not going to complete special culinary courses. But the yummy food can turn out awesome as a result!


On any topic! But not those that only interest you. Otherwise the whole conversation will end very quickly. Some of you will definitely not like this “speed”.

Put together a mosaic (puzzle)

By the way, you can order a puzzle - a photograph (of your local). It will be three times more interesting! And the surprise will be cool. He definitely won’t expect this!

Take a shower (bath)

Dreaming of a jacuzzi? Of course she is better! But not everyone can reach it financially. But a bathroom with a shower or bath does not lose its romance at all.

Listen to music

Which one do you like? Ask if he loves the same one, so that the joint audition doesn’t get screwed up.

Go to a pizzeria

Take a closer look at what pizzerias are in your area. Well, if you want to walk for a long time, choose a pizzeria, which is located on the outskirts of the city. This way you will kill several bunnies at once: you can take a walk and eat to your heart’s content!

Arrange a photo session

How are you Do you like to be photographed? Take someone for your company so you don’t get too bored. Or take one person who agrees to be your photographer.

Go to a concert

Not all guys (men) like to go to concerts. You ask how your beloved feels about such an event. Don't turn going to a concert into a surprise!

Ride a bike

You can do it on roller skates if both he and you like them better. How you will want to return to childhood when you get on roller skates or ride a two-wheeled bicycle!

Attend the football

Don't like football? So go for his sake (for company). At least laugh looking at the crazy football fans. Will remember that.

Freeze in games

Console, computer, tablet, laptop, electronic games…. Decide on the choice and the gaming environment!

Talk on the phone

A very serious occupation! In reality, of course, it is better to talk, but it happens that circumstances do not allow it.

Get stuck in an elevator

Do you want to do this on purpose? You know the method, and you know it for sure! All that remains is to implement it. I’ve never tried to do this - ask the guy. Maybe he knows more about this?

Walk around the city

You can go for a run if walking gets boring! Both are beneficial because you are breathing fresh air.


Look at the starry sky, or just at the sky. And your dreams will come at you like a hurricane! And dreams can turn into plans if you dream about what is feasible.

Drink beer, champagne, wine

You can always find a reason. In general, if you dig deep into the holiday calendar, your eyes will fill with surprise: there is a holiday every day! If you don’t find a holiday for a certain date, take a closer look!

Go on the rides

If a guy is afraid to ride, go for a ride yourself, and let him admire your courage while skating. His presence is more important to you, right? Just don’t forget to ask him to take a photo as a souvenir.

What else is very interesting to do with a guy?

Hug, kiss, have sex...

This idea could have been written at the beginning, but I wanted to preserve the intrigue and leave the “tastier piece” for last. You would do it too, if you think about it! But don’t waste your thoughts on this, but run to your loved one to enjoy both the feelings (overwhelming hearts and bodies) and each other!

What should a girl and a guy do? -

Intimate information.