What does a fat young man need to think about his life? To a young man pondering his life - an excerpt from I. Goethe, “Faust

Kyiv University. The recognizable red with black trim of the main building, painted in the colors of the Order of St. Prince Vladimir, whose name the university bore for many years. Here, Saint Luke of Crimea, who is more often called by his surname Voino-Yasenetsky, studied at the medical faculty. True, during his years of study he was neither a bishop nor a monk and did not imagine that he would become a priest. He was an ordinary excellent student Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky.
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Reading the autobiographical books of St. Luke of Crimea (Voino-Yasenetsky) “I fell in love with suffering...” or “My life in Christ”, one involuntarily recalls a line from Vladimir Mayakovsky: “To a young man pondering his life, deciding who to make life with, I will say without hesitation...” . As a continuation of this line from the poem “Good,” I would put the name of St. Luke, who departed to the Lord 49 years ago.
His father was a devout Catholic, and his mother was Orthodox. According to the memoirs of Valentin Feliksovich, parents did not consciously influence the religious life of their children. Likewise, later he himself tried not to impose religiosity on his children. It is not for us to judge how correct this was then, more than a hundred years ago, but the realities of modern life indicate that it is necessary to engage in the religious education of children.
The family of the future saint moved from Kerch, where he was born, to Kyiv. It was no coincidence that the Lord brought him to this city. The religious atmosphere of Kyiv greatly influenced the development of young Valentin. The Kiev Pechersk Lavra, a great many ancient temples and monasteries, lines of pilgrims going to the Kyiv shrines, a mother who could not imagine her life without giving alms to prisons and hospitals - the childhood and youth of the future saint passed under their shadow.
This summer, final exams are completed in schools, and young people are faced with the question: what to devote their lives to. Felix Voino-Yasenetsky, in addition to the gymnasium, also graduated from art school. He dreamed of entering the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts in order to devote himself to his favorite work - creativity, drawing.
Reflecting on the choice of a life path, he did not think about what kind of income his profession would bring, or that doing what he loved would delight him throughout his life, bringing, as they would say now, “moral satisfaction.”
Valentin read the New Testament only after graduating from the gymnasium - it was this book that the director of the gymnasium gave him when presenting his certificate. The Gospel and the works of the holy apostles could not fail to make an indelible impression on the young man. During the entrance exams at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, he asked himself a completely Christian question: does he have the right to do what he loves when there are so many suffering people around who need help?
Saint Luke in his memoirs “I fell in love with suffering...” wrote: “My attraction to painting was so strong that after graduating from high school I decided to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. But during the entrance exam I began to think hard about whether I was choosing the right path in life. A short hesitation ended with me admitting that I do not have the right to do what I like, and am obliged to do what is useful for suffering people. From the Academy I sent a telegram to my mother about my desire to enter the medical faculty, but all the vacancies were already filled, and I was offered to enter the natural sciences faculty in order to later switch to medicine. I refused this, since I had a great dislike for the natural sciences and a pronounced interest in the humanities, especially theology, philosophy, and history. Therefore, I chose to enter the Faculty of Law and for a year I studied with interest the history and philosophy of law, political economy and Roman law.”
“It was possible to enter the medical faculty,” writes Vladyka in the book “I Loved Suffering,” but again I was overcome by populist thoughts, and out of youthful ardor I decided that I needed to get down to work that was practically useful for the common people as soon as possible. Thoughts wandered about becoming a paramedic or a rural teacher, and in this mood I went to the director of public schools in the Kyiv educational district with a request to place me in one of the schools. The director turned out to be an intelligent and insightful person; he highly appreciated my populist aspirations, but very energetically dissuaded me from what I was up to and convinced me to enter the medical faculty. This was consistent with my desire to be useful to the peasants, who were so poorly provided with medical care, but standing in the way was my almost disgust for the natural sciences. I finally overcame this disgust and entered the medical faculty of Kyiv University.”
He completed his studies with honors and, to the considerable surprise of his fellow students and teachers who expected him to have a scientific career, he went to serve as a zemstvo doctor in the village. “I was offended that they did not understand me at all, because I studied medicine with the sole purpose of being a village, peasant doctor all my life, helping poor people,” he later wrote.
“To a young man pondering his life...”, I would like to quote a letter from St. Luke to his son Michael from his first Siberian exile: “I am worried about you. At this age, when you most need my constant educational influence, you have long been torn away from me and almost left to your own devices. Never before has the corrupting influence of the environment been as terrible as it is now; never before have weak young souls been subjected to such temptations. And I, unfortunately, must tell you that of all my children I consider you the least loving of good, the most capable of succumbing to corrupting temptations. I don’t know, maybe what I experienced and am experiencing made a deep impression on you and inspired a reverence for the truth. God grant that this be so. But in one of my grandmother’s letters I read words that were very painful for me: “However, Misha is not very sensitive.” This is what I know, this is how it has always tormented me. Do you understand the horror of this short phrase? After all, this means that untruth does not pierce your heart, that it does not grow cold when you hear something morally terrible, it does not light up with holy indignation against evil, it does not flame with delight when you hear about the beautiful, the good, the sublime. Aren't you still completely absorbed in selfishness? There is a lot of vanity in your letters, and vanity is so close to selfishness. You don’t have the deep seriousness that will inevitably be born in a person who is unselfish, who is not preoccupied with himself, but who deeply feels the suffering of others, the heaviness and hopeless horror of human life... Don’t forget for a minute that you are the son of a bishop, a saint-confessor of Christ, and know that this imposes on you a terrible responsibility before God” (from the book by M. Popovsky “The Life and Life of Voino-Yasenetsky, Archbishop and Surgeon”).

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With the blessing of Archbishop Ignatius, obligatory public conversations are held in the churches of our diocese before the Sacrament of Baptism. There are those who are dissatisfied with this, as it seems to them, “innovation”. St. Luke in 1948 issued the following episcopal decree: “Some priests baptize teenagers, young men, girls and adults without any announcement, with those being baptized completely unaware of even the most elementary rudiments of Christian teaching. I charge priests with the duty of teaching those wishing to receive the Sacrament of Baptism the Creed with an explanation of it, the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes and the most important prayers. Without such an announcement, those who have reached conscious age cannot be baptized. Under no circumstances should non-believers or those who have unbaptized children be accepted as recipients or successors during baptism.”

In conclusion, I will cite eyewitness accounts of his conversation with the ruthless and merciless head of the Tashkent Cheka, Peters. The security officer asked the professor:
- How is it that you, Voino-Yasenetsky, pray at night and slaughter people during the day?
“I cut people in the name of their salvation,” answered the priest, “and in the name of what are you cutting them?”
- But how can you believe in God? Have you seen Him?
- No, I didn’t see it. But I operated on the brain a lot and, when I opened the skull, I never saw a mind there. And I didn’t find any conscience there either. Does this mean that they don't exist?

Saint Luke departed to the Lord on June 11, 1961. On this day, the Church celebrated the memory of all the saints who shone in the Russian land.

(Website “Our Kamchatka”)

“To a young man pondering his life, deciding who to make his life from, I will say without hesitation - make it from comrade Dzerzhinsky.”

V. Mayakovsky

I’ll make an amendment: today’s radicals, striving to carry out revolutions in order to again try to bring socialism and communism to life, rarely remember Dzerzhinsky, although the Cheka, the shooting of unwanted and unnecessary people attract their imagination with the ease of management methods unattainable in a free America. Therefore, they would have changed Mayakovsky’s phrase by inserting their favorite hero - the killer of tens and hundreds of thousands.

They are more “infected” with Maoism than with Leninism or Stalinism, although sometimes both idols stand together. The fact is that all radicals aged 40-50 years old were “infected” with Maoism in colleges and universities, where in the 60-70s the ideas and the Little Red Book of Comrade Mao were very popular. Obama himself is a follower of Saul Alinsky, a Stalinist and Maoist, and radicals - Stalinists and Maoists - are especially popular in his administration.

One need only name the “kings”:

* recently exiled Marxist and communist Van Jones;

* Director of the Department of Science and Technology John Holdren, advocating the establishment of a “planetary” regime with forced abortion, sterilization and a “permitted” number of children;

* Head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) Cass Sunstein, a Chicago law professor, former adviser and longtime friend of Obama, who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Human Rights are an obstacle to the seizure of power by the Democratic Party and the establishment of totalitarianism. It calls for measures to limit freedom of speech and Internet regulation (including the courts) to control free thought;

* Georgetown University public policy professor Mark Lloyd, appointed by Obama as Director of Diversity at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to stifle conservative radio and TV, as was Van Jones, who worked for Soros at the Center for American Progress (CAP). ). Lloyd, a fan of Paul Robeson, recently went to learn from the experience of the “revolution” with the dictator Chavez and there he praised him, regretting that in America it is impossible to do what Chavez is doing in Venezuela;

* “manufacturing czar”, former consultant and representative of the SEIU mafia that has America by the throat, Ron Bloom, in a speech at the Investment Forum on February 28, 2008, said: “We generally agree with Mao: there is only power at the barrel of a gun.”

Mao as a favorite philosopher

Obama's upper echelon, larger than that of all US presidents, contains many very colorful figures. This whole “fifth column” worked for radical organizations, Jimmy Carter and Soros. From time to time, one of these figures comes into the limelight, and we see another troglodyte with precisely developed plans for the introduction of some kind of totalitarianism. Glen Beck, who hosts interesting programs on FOX News, has long been an eyesore for the radical brethren. The war against FOX News has been going on for many years, but with the advent of Obama it has taken on a new character. FOX News is the only major independent channel. On January 12, 2009, White House communications director and former Obama adviser Anita Dunn, speaking at a conference in the Dominican Republic, boasted that presidential candidate Obama's campaign had almost complete control over everything published about Obama: "We provided the media with videos Obama or Plouffe (his manager) without an interview.”

And today the White House controls the media (with rare exceptions) against which the war is being waged. Dunn, on behalf of Obama, is leading the war against FOX News: "FOX News is not a channel, but a branch of the Republican Party that disguises itself as a news station."

Dunn, a longtime Democratic consultant who started out under Carter, worked for years for disgraced health care reform lobbyist and former Senate Majority Leader Democrat Tom Daschle, who swore his $1.9 million estate in the District of Columbia was his primary residence, even though he Voted and elected in South Dakota. For years he did not pay taxes on an expensive car and driver “lent” to him by his friend L. Hindery. Anita's connection with the Soros ATS and with people who worked there previously and are now working for Obama: CIA Director John Podesta, Mark Lloyd, Obama's press secretary R. Gibbs. She also managed to work in a law firm associated with labor unions, radicals and Rod Blagojevich, who was trying to sell Obama’s seat in the Senate. Her husband, R. Bauer, was questioned in the Blagojevich case. Bauer, a corporate lawyer who was Obama's general counsel, sought an investigation of the American Issues Project (AIP), an independent group that advertised Obama's connection to Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayres. Bauer intimidated TV that dared to publish these advertisements. Of course, the husband and wife, like all "progressive elements", campaigned for the release of bin Laden's driver Hamdan.

Speaking in June 2009 at the St. Andrews Episcopal School at the Washington National Cathedral, Dunn stated, “The third lesson and advice comes from two of my favorite philosophers: Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa...You have to figure out how to do things you haven't done before. In 1947, members of Mao Zedong's party disputed his chances of conquering all of China. Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese Nationalists held the cities and had the army, they had the air force, everything was on their side. And the people said to Mao: “How can you win, since everyone is against you?” But Mao answered them: “You fight your war, and I will fight mine”... It's about your choice. You forge your own path. You do what you think is right."

Everyone has their own path! Mao, the greatest murderer of the twentieth century, who killed 70 million, emphasized the importance of murder for the “cause of the revolution.” Torture and mass executions gave Mao sadistic pleasure. Mao's red quotation book misled people. The same tactics were used in the fall 2008 presidential election, described in Zig Ziegler's book "Secrets of Closing the Sale." The White House also “sells” its ideology to the masses. True, unlike Mao, who imposed it at gunpoint, Obama uses soothing rhetoric and spectacle to disguise his radical agenda.

Of course, Mao's answer to such questions would be a bullet. But Dunn elevated him to philosophy. What would Mao have done in the place of Obama and Dunn if for some reason he had not been able to destroy and send millions to correctional camps? This is exactly what Obama and Dunn are doing - he would establish control over the media, strangle all independent radio and TV, with the help of the media, Hollywood and government agencies, he would conduct propaganda and organize a “cultural revolution”. He would certainly have renamed September 11th as the Day of Service and Volunteers, as Obama did - after all, Mao was very fond of cleanup days! According to Dunn and Obama, the media should serve as the “drive belt” of the revolution and simply, without any criticism, tell the people everything the White House says. How dare FOX news monitor Obama? Would anyone dare to control Mao?

When senior White House officials with close ties to President Obama express radical Marxist views, when the White House Communications Director unabashedly advises children "who to make a life of" and chooses a twentieth-century murderer to do so, it is clear that that for the first time in American history, Marxists came to the White House.

The Question Nobody Asked Dunn: Mao is your favorite philosopher. Maybe he is also your favorite killer?

What you need to know before taking a wife

08.12.2016 | 09:03

What you need to know before taking a wife.

Think before you take a wife!

The author of this poem is not exactly known. Someone writes that it is more than a thousand years old, and was written by Yusuf Khas Khajib Balasaguni in 1070. Someone writes that the author is Abai Kunanbaev and he is already more than 100 years old.... But! Despite this, it has not become less relevant!

Think before you take a wife,

What kind of wife should you look for?

Look for one so that there is one

Smart, and homely, and modest.

So that the look of both the young man and the old man

I was captivated by her only from afar.

So that death is inevitable for her

You were the only one, which means you were the best.

Also think about what family is like,

Where was your chosen one born?

You shouldn't chase a big name

After all, you can’t be called by your wife’s name.

Listen to the word of the wise and do

As he says, experienced and mature:

“Look for a bride whose hair is smooth

Not so much the sides and cheeks as the habits,

So that not facial features, soul features

The bride's were good."

What can be a temptation for a man?

Some are captivated by the beautiful appearance,

Others choose nobles as wives,

Still others are inclined to marry rich people.

The fourth want a wife

She was sincere and modest.

Do you want to know who is right and who is wrong?

Listen, I will give you advice:

The one who found a rich wife,

Until his death he will be in captivity with his wife.

Rich for a poor husband

You will be looked down upon all the time.

He will scold, reproach out of malice,

I feel sorry for the husbands who have to

Bow before your wife's name.

Highborn proud wife

Always cold with a rootless husband.

All his life he will be gloomy, his fate is

To be more humble than a slave with your wife.

The husband of his beautiful wife is unhappy -

He is yellow-faced, his years are black.

He is not the only connoisseur of beauty,

After all, other men have eyes too.

He will be, poor thing, until the end of days

Not a husband to his wife, but a guard over her.

He will be happy with his wife

Who will find honesty and kindness in her?

Let her not be famous for her beauty -

Your wife is beautiful at heart.

You didn’t please your arrogant relatives,

I didn’t look for nobility in a wife.

But her honor and virtues

They will exalt your humble name.

I didn’t chase a rich wife,

You didn't bargain with her relatives,

And yet wealth can be:

Your wife will help you save up.

And if you are rich with such a wife,

Consider that you found four in one.

Valeria Verkhorubova

To a young man pondering his life,

deciding who to make life from,

I’ll say without hesitation - do it

from Comrade Dzerzhinsky...

V.V. Mayakovsky.

Dude! Do not worry! There’s no point in looking at the faces of great people, there’s no point in tearing Richard Gere’s nose at your own face, there’s no point in trying to imitate some Nobel laureate or some other laureate! And to dream, smearing snot on your cheeks, of becoming a Rockefeller or at least Abramovich - this is completely rubbish!

Don't give a damn about all the greats - you won't be one! Only they can be them, and all these moral teachings of parents and schools - in general, of the whole society like “look at that uncle! Do like him!” - these are generally bullshit scams.

You can be fat like an earthworm or thin like a fallen branch in winter, crooked like a horseshoe or slender like that same cypress that no one has seen - all this is rotten! Nobody needs you at all - kill it off your nose. Everyone wants to be someone, some person who has already been before them, and no one ever becomes them. This is all crap! Everyone becomes only themselves!

Be yourself. And not someone, be someone. If you are fat or thin, if you are crooked or pimply, don’t worry. They won't notice it if you're a cool guy, if you have goodness in you. At least a little bit. But a lot is better. Good things will be noticed. And the acne will be forgotten.

And if you outdo Alain Delon with your profile or Arnie cries in impotent anger, looking at your torso, you will be noticed immediately. But if you are angry, they will notice and... quickly pass by.

Here you are Rockefeller... well, maybe not the eldest, but one of the Rockefeller small fry. OOO! They applaud you - you are rich! Maybe the very best. And they immediately hate it - why? Out of envy? Ha! From your greed. A greedy person is necessarily evil. That means you're evil. And an evil person only generates evil in return.

Do you remember, when you were still a completely snotty little sucker, you shuddered when your mother divided such delicious candies equally with your brother. And you wanted everything. That's it, soaring, you got it! Greed was born in you. And you began to invent all sorts of evil things, how to deceive your brother so that the candy would be ALL yours! Oh how you got there, dude! Now your greed will only grow and increase the evil in you. And to hell now you have Schwartz’s muscles and Delon’s mug - you’re greedy! You can go to all the gyms in the world and pump up all the muscles right down to the levator musculus penis, you can do all the cosmetic surgeries known in the world and become the most handsome and brutal dude - but no one will need you! You're greedy! Well, except for greedy people like you who dream that your candies will become theirs - remember your brother?

Greed breeds evil. Evil creates a void around the evil one. Emptiness, man, it's emptiness, it's nothing, it's a vacuum. And nothing will help you: not Delon’s mug, not Arnie’s muscles, not Rockefeller’s brains, if there is emptiness around you.

Stop being greedy, dude. From childhood, from early childhood - as soon as you learn to piss in a potty - push! Smear it on the wall like woodlice. Because greed will destroy you - all your life you will be surrounded by a dense ring of the same greedy woodlice. For the time being - until they devour you or you devour them.

Also, women don’t like greedy people. Even if you are Jason Statham.

To those who decide who to make their life from, I will say, without hesitation - make it from... the Hero of Russia, yes.

Actually, this is how meanings are devalued, “words and objects lose their meaning.”
Heroism is a thing associated with self-sacrifice and contempt for death, with placing certain meanings and values ​​above one’s own life. The willingness to give one's life is a key component of heroism. Well, I mean - for real heroism, real.

But this farce is a mockery and mockery of the very idea of ​​heroism. Did you want to reward? What was it for? I don’t believe it, but I admit it - in the end, I, as a Christian, am supposed to believe that people are capable of improving and, in general, can strive for what is good and useful. Even people like this character. Let us suppose. So give it “For services to the Fatherland” - that’s just the thing for such cases. And the reward is high, and there is no devaluation.

But no.
I definitely had to spit here.
Well done, tho.

Don’t they understand that by doing this, they are actually destroying the foundations of the state? Because a state where meanings are devalued never lasts long. We must understand, we must. Therefore, the only version is, apparently, this is what we are counting on.
What other versions could there be?..