What are the benefits of chamomile essential oil and how can it be used for cosmetic purposes? Chamomile oil beneficial properties

Our most beloved, sweet and friendly flower, familiar from childhood, our chamomile, is far from being as simple as it seems. She, or rather her essential oil, was actively used during ancient battles and battles. Thanks to its amazing composition and powerful antiseptic properties, this remedy has saved the lives of more than one person. For the first time, cosmetic chamomile oil for the face began to be obtained from the inflorescences of a lovely plant back in the 15th century. Modern cosmetologists consider this remedy one of the most healing and beneficial for humans.

Benefits for the skin

There is a belief that daisies bloom in the place where a star falls. Maybe that's why natural chamomile essential oil has a dark blue color - the color of the sky. Space has given this flower many secrets, one of them is the secret of youth. Or maybe the secret is in her unique composition, and there is no mysticism here?

  • smooth, silky skin - the result of the action of carotene ();
  • relieving inflammation, allergic manifestations, helping in the treatment of acne - all this is the work of azulene;
  • protection of the epidermis from external influences negative natural conditions– concern for sesquiterpene hydrocarbons;
  • a barrier against attacks by various bacteria, viruses and microbes - caprylic acid stands guard;
  • a barrier from the effects of destructive ultraviolet radiation - flavonoids try;
  • improvement of metabolism, timely delivery of oxygen to skin cells - the work of sitosterols;
  • deep cleansing, moisturizing the dermis, restoring complexion - all on the shoulders of organic acids.

But nature cannot live without secrets; it has endowed the flower with great power. The power of a brilliant doctor and a magical time lord. Chamomile oil has the power to turn back time, to return not just youth to the skin, but also complete health.

Where to go for help

And you don’t need to run anywhere - chamomile oil for the face is quite accessible and quite inexpensive. This is a great tool for... various inflammations, allergic manifestations, prickly heat, burns and wounds is sold in any pharmacy.

When purchasing oil, pay attention to its color. Its shade indicates freshness. During long-term storage, the rich blue color changes first to emerald, and then to dark brown. Chamomile extract begins to change color after 2-3 years.

People who suffer from inflammation should pay attention to cosmetic chamomile oil for the face. subcutaneous tissue(simply cellulite). It removes it very effectively and also smoothes out stretch marks (scars that appear on the skin after sudden weight loss or pregnancy). But of course, greatest benefit brings this extract to the face.

Facial beauty is the care of chamomile

The most effective application chamomile oil – care for sensitive, dry skin. This miracle product perfectly smooths out wrinkles, gives freshness to the face, increases tone and elasticity. Its powerful medicinal properties Perfect for caring for flaky, irritated skin.

For other types of epidermis, chamomile oil will help enhance metabolism, improve blood circulation, calm and smooth the dermis, and also narrow enlarged pores.

The multifaceted, unique aroma of the oil has a beneficial effect on nervous system, this remedy is very healing in relieving fatigue.

Chamomile oil heals not only externally, but also internally! The following essential oils are ideally combined with it: bergamot, rose, bitter orange, lavender, rosewood, geranium, limette, cypress, petitgrain, sage, marjoram and bigardia.

Attention! Chamomile essential oil is absolutely incompatible with any homeopathic remedies. They cannot be taken at the same time.

Effective methods of application

The use of chamomile oil for the face is quite acceptable in pure form. It is applied pointwise to problem areas (in the case of pustular rash, skin diseases, areas of severe peeling).

  • Anti-aging face cream

Mix chamomile cosmetic oil (25 g), beeswax(30 g), borax (2 g), cypress and bergamot essential oils (5 drops each) and distilled water (50 ml). Melt the mixture in a water bath and beat until it becomes a thick, creamy slurry. Keep it in a cool place for 20 minutes and place the finished cream in glass containers. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

Add 5 drops of chamomile essential oil per serving to any cream, tonic, or lotion to get maximum benefit from the care procedure.

  • Applications for acne and more

Soak a cotton pad with cosmetic chamomile oil and apply to problem areas (wrinkles, stretch marks, acne). Keep it for a quarter of an hour. This procedure must be done daily to improve the skin.

The content of the article:

Chamomile is one of the most popular medicinal plants, which is used in folk medicine for many centuries. With its help you can get rid of large quantity a wide variety of diseases - starting with minor ones skin rashes and up to dangerous inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

Chamomile oil is extracted from fresh inflorescences using steam distillation. This method obtaining ether is one of the most popular and helps to preserve maximum beneficial properties and qualities in the finished product.

Beneficial properties of chamomile oil

The inflorescences are used to prepare chamomile essential oil. various types plants. However, the highest quality and useful product obtained from blue chamomile.

The cost of essential oil in a pharmacy for 10 g of product can be about 200 rubles. Enough high price is determined precisely by the mass of useful properties that the product has. To obtain 1 kg of chamomile essential oil, you will need approximately 200 kg of plant inflorescences.

The finished product may be blue or Brown. The shade of the product directly depends on the storage time, as well as the quality of the raw materials used. The product has a rather thick consistency, a light pleasant herbal aroma with subtle fruity notes, tobacco, and spices. Chamomile oil can be stored for 5 years.

Chamomile oil has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, therefore it is recommended for use for the treatment of a variety of work-related diseases digestive system, as well as gynecological ailments. This remedy is used during complex treatment ENT diseases, is a mild sedative, therefore useful for neurosis.

Use of chamomile oil in medicine

  1. Chamomile oil is effective in treating diseases respiratory tract. Inhalations using this product are recommended for laryngitis and bronchitis. These healing procedures will help significantly alleviate the patient's condition and severe cough spasms are eliminated.
  2. To treat burns, wounds and other types of damage to the skin, lotions and compresses are made using this product.
  3. Chamomile oil is used during the treatment of work-related illnesses gastrointestinal tract. It helps to quickly relieve inflammation, has choleretic effect for dyskinesia biliary tract. Normalizes appetite and relieves inflammation in case of poisoning and indigestion.
  4. Recommended for use during the treatment of dental ailments - for example, periodontal disease, gingivitis, etc.
  5. Chamomile oil helps normalize menstrual cycle, used for pathological menopause.
  6. Can be used as prophylactic to increase immunity, as well as develop resistance to various diseases. In this case, it is necessary to conduct full-fledged treatment courses.
  7. With the onset of cold season, chamomile oil can be used to disinfect indoor air by adding a few drops to aroma lamps.
  8. Chamomile oil has pronounced analgesic properties, so it is recommended to be used for rinsing during the treatment of sore throat.
  9. Taking a few drops of this product orally will quickly relieve symptoms. inflammatory processes and pain in the intestines and stomach.
  10. Chamomile oil helps relieve joint and muscle pain and can be used during therapeutic massage.
  11. This remedy is recommended for the treatment of insomnia, relieving nervous tension and irritability.
  12. Chamomile oil helps improve brain function, increases stress resistance, and relieves tension. Can be added to an aroma lamp or taken orally.
Chamomile oil is a very rich and concentrated product, so it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage of the product:
  • When taking chamomile oil internally, you need to add 2 drops to a teaspoon of jam or honey. You should take the product twice a day, you can wash it down with juice, compote or warm tea.
  • If cold or hot inhalation, it is allowed to use no more than 2 drops of chamomile ether, the duration of the procedure is 4–6 minutes.
  • For an aroma lamp, 2-3 drops of chamomile oil are enough, and it can also be combined with other essential oils. The ideal option would be a combination with patchouli, sandalwood, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lavender, rose, cardamom oil.
  • For rinsing oral cavity or throat, it is recommended to prepare the solution as follows - dissolve 1-2 drops of chamomile oil in a glass of water (warm) and mix everything well.
  • To make therapeutic antiseptic compresses, mix 30 drops of St. John's wort ether and 20 drops of chamomile oil. The compress solution should be used warm, heated in a water or steam bath.
  • It is useful to take baths with chamomile oil, which have a calming and relaxing effect - no more than 7 drops of the product dissolve in water.

Chamomile essential oil can be used for inhalation procedures, but only after permission from a doctor.

Using chamomile oil in cosmetology

Blue chamomile oil is often added to cosmetics, including nourishing creams, shampoos and toothpastes. It can be used not only in its pure form, but also used to improve the composition of balms, masks and creams.

Don't have to do it homemade cosmetics, because chamomile oil is allowed to be added in small quantities to ready-made products in the following proportions - 3 drops of oil are taken per 5 g of base. Thanks to this technique, the composition of cosmetics is significantly improved.

Natural chamomile oil has quite high cost, therefore, most often in industry a synthetic analogue of oil is used. Such cosmetics will have a significant impact less benefit than in the case of adding natural oil into the cream before use.

For facial skin care

Chamomile oil helps soothe sensitive and inflamed skin, ideal for the care of aging and dry skin. Helps quickly relieve inflammation, manifestations allergic reaction and itching.

Chamomile oil is ideal for problem skin, as it helps cure dermatitis, rosacea and pustular rashes. This oil has healing properties, therefore it has a rejuvenating effect and improves the condition of the facial skin, restoring its smoothness and elasticity, giving it a healthy glow.

For facial skin care you can use the following recipes:

  • To care for the skin around the eyes, take jojoba and blue chamomile oil in equal proportions and mix all components. Before use, the oil mixture is heated, then applied to the skin while warm. Such procedures help tighten and moisturize the skin around the eyes.
  • To get rid of acne and to treat herpes, chamomile oil should be applied in its pure form directly to problem areas.
  • To moisturize dry skin and saturate nutrients, it is recommended to use an oil mixture - ether of rose, chamomile, jojoba. All components are taken in equal quantities, mixed and the resulting composition is applied to previously cleansed facial skin.
  • You can use chamomile oil to make a homemade scrub for sensitive skin- mix candied honey (1 tbsp), wheat germ oil (1–2 drops), lavender oil (1–2 drops), blue chamomile oil (1–2 drops). The resulting composition is applied to cleansed facial skin, after 15 minutes you need to wash with warm water.

For hair care

Chamomile essential oil has a mass healing properties, therefore ideal for caring for the scalp and hair, restoring elasticity, health and natural shine. Dried strands are moisturized and restored, and the problem of split ends is solved. With regular use of chamomile oil, there is a slight lightening effect.

For hair care you can use the following recipes:

  • Nourishing mask - Burr oil(1 tbsp) mixed with chamomile essential oil (1-2 drops). The resulting composition is applied to the hair and left for 50–60 minutes, then washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  • For oily hair you should use the following mask - mix sage oil (10 drops), lavender oil (10 drops), chamomile oil (10 drops), add Apple vinegar(50 g), water (250 g). Regular use of this product helps to get rid of the problem of oily hair and hair loss.
  • Mask for accelerating hair growth and strengthening - whip one egg yolk, add warm olive oil (1 tbsp), chamomile oil (1-2 drops). The resulting composition is applied to damp hair and washed off after 35–45 minutes with warm water and shampoo.
  • To care for normal hair type, you need to mix chamomile oil (5-6 drops), almond oil (15 drops), rosemary oil (1-2 drops). This mask helps restore healthy shine to your curls and is suitable for dark hair.
  • Rinse for light and dry hair - dry chamomile flowers (1 tbsp) are poured with boiling water (1 l). After 15 minutes, the infusion is filtered and 1-2 drops of chamomile ether are added. The rinse can be used after each hair wash.

If you don’t have the time or desire to make hair masks, you can add a few drops of chamomile essential oil to your shampoo before washing your hair.

You can also add chamomile oil to the aroma lamp - approximately 5-6 drops of the product per 15 square meters. m.

To add the product to the bath, first draw hot water, then the ether (8-10 drops) is mixed with a small amount of milk or honey. The resulting mixture is poured into warm water. After taking such a bath, you will feel a sense of lightness in your body, a charge of vivacity and energy, fatigue will be relieved, and your skin will return softness and tenderness.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile oil

Chamomile essential oil has a mass useful qualities, but it is not recommended for use on children under 6 years of age. This medicine may be dangerous during pregnancy. You cannot combine the use of chamomile oil with taking homeopathic medicines.

Chamomile essential oil helps maintain beauty and youth, promotes the health of the entire body. To achieve the desired result, this product must be used regularly and not exceed the permitted dosage.

How to use chamomile oil and what properties it has, you will learn from this video:

It is known that chamomile flowers are endowed with a whole range of medicinal properties. Preparations based on chamomile have a positive effect on the functioning of the body and can preserve feminine beauty. Chamomile has wide application V traditional medicine, folk recipes and in the field of cosmetology. Essential oil is produced from this plant, with which you can organize facial care at home.

Benefits of chamomile oil for facial skin

It is worth paying attention to the potent natural preparation- chamomile essential oil. For the face, use it little by little, separating just a few drops of the concentrated aromatic product. This wonderful essential preparation is made by steam distilling plants. The raw materials are blue and pharmaceutical chamomile. It is known that pharmacy aroma oil from chamomile has antibacterial potential and provides an anti-inflammatory effect. The oil can be used as a tonic and well-healing external remedy. We will also indicate a pronounced calming and softening effect.

Due to the presence of healing properties, we can use essential oil to powerfully attack facial skin imperfections. Dry and hypersensitive skin, which is in a problematic state, gets the opportunity to recover. Home remedies with the addition of chamomile essential oil help to cope with rosacea, visibly even out skin tone and correct the situation with dilated blood vessels. Definitely worth using this pharmaceutical product for the care of mature skin. By regularly treating the skin with masks, the age-related changes, cell renewal proceeds in the best way.

Chamomile oil: used at home for facial care, changes skin condition for the better

Recipes for face with chamomile oil

It is important to know

If you have favorite masks, then you can safely enrich them with chamomile essential oil. For one application, 4 drops are enough. This dosage is relevant for ready-made or homemade cosmetics. All the following recipes also include chamomile essential oil; they should be used with caution on the face, that is, it is necessary to test the masks on a small area of ​​the skin of the hands in advance. If after some time it does not appear negative changes on the skin, which means a new mask can be applied to the face. Before homemade masks, it is good to cleanse your facial skin; a light scrub made from natural products. The exposure time of each mask with essential oil is 20 minutes.

Fragrant cucumber

Mask components:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
  • chamomile oil - 4 drops.

Grind the cucumber by rubbing it through a grater and add essential oil. This natural remedy Can be used when you need intensive hydration of the skin. Proper use of this mask will help restore your face to a pleasant, healthy color.

Cottage cheese, honey and butter

Mask components:

  • natural cottage cheese - 1 spoon;
  • high-quality honey - 1 spoon;
  • chamomile oil - 4 drops.

Thanks to regular use of this healthy mixture The skin is significantly softened and smoothed out quickly. Woman's face becomes younger due to saturation with essential vitamins.

Jojoba and chamomile

Mask components:

  • jojoba oil;
  • chamomile oil

Add a small amount of chamomile oil to jojoba oil and use it on the area around the eyes. It is advisable to dilute jojoba oil by adding a double portion of the selected light oil. For example, kernel oils or rosehip oil are suitable.

Jojoba, chamomile and rose

Mask components:

  • jojoba oil;
  • chamomile oil;
  • rose oil

To moisturize and nourish the skin, it is necessary to regularly apply thin layer this oil mixture on your face.

Peeling with chamomile oil

Peeling components:

  • wheat germ oil;
  • candied honey or other suitable abrasive;
  • chamomile oil;
  • lavender oil.

When these ingredients are combined, a mixture is obtained that helps cleanse the skin of the face. The product is used as a traditional scrub and is suitable for problematic skin prone to extreme dryness.

Chamomile oil dots


  • Chamomile oil is a concentrated preparation in undiluted form.

With extreme caution, problematic areas on the skin of the face - acne or herpes - are treated with an essential remedy. When applying oil to a spot, it is important not to involve healthy adjacent areas of the skin.

Cabbage with butter


  • fresh cabbage;
  • chamomile oil - 4 drops;
  • olive oil.

Chop fresh cabbage thoroughly and season with chamomile oil. To visibly moisturize and intensively soften the skin, lubricate your face olive oil and apply a layer of cabbage with the essential preparation.

No matter how beneficial chamomile oil is for the face, we recommend using masks sparingly and not too often. 2 procedures per week are enough. Don't limit yourself to just chamomile oil. At the pharmacy you can purchase a number of other useful essential preparations that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

Chamomile is amazing plant, whose modesty hides incredible healing power. And this power has been known to people for a very long time. Ever since Ancient Greece and Rome, chamomile was actively used in medical purposes. They treated with decoctions based on it genitourinary system, stomach, liver, women's ailments. Later they began to obtain essential oil from it, which has proven itself not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. With its help, young ladies tidied up their facial skin. Over time, the oil has not lost its popularity and is still highly valued by adherents of natural cosmetics and is still used for healing skin faces.

Benefits of chamomile oil for the face

Chamomile essential oil is obtained by processing the inflorescences. In order to extract just one liter of this product, about 200 kilograms of raw materials are needed. As a result, a saturated liquid is formed blue color with herbal notes. It contains a huge variety active ingredients. It contains bioflavonoids, tannins, polysaccharides, organic acids, vitamins, carotenoids, macro- and microelements, chamazulene and other powerful bioactive compounds. All this makes chamomile oil a real boon for facial skin.

  • Chamomile essential oil improves metabolic processes occurring in the layers of the epidermis and promptly supplies skin cells with oxygen.
  • Creation protective barrier on the skin from pathogenic microorganisms, ultraviolet rays and others negative influences from the outside world - another ability of chamomile oil.
  • This natural product also has antioxidant effects. He eliminates free radicals, destroying the integrity of skin cells, and accelerates regeneration processes, which is why the epidermis retains youth and beauty longer.
  • Another benefit of chamomile essential oil is that it has anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties. This allows you to use it to eliminate rashes on the epidermis and even to care for sensitive skin.
  • Chamomile essential oil can strengthen the lipid layer, which in turn prevents moisture loss. In addition, it additionally moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • The advantages of this oil also include the fact that it cleanses the skin and narrows the sebaceous ducts, thus eliminating blackheads; makes the skin smooth.
  • Chamomile oil is famous for its whitening effect, that is, thanks to it, you can remove blemishes such as congestive spots and freckles from your facial skin. As a result, the skin color becomes more even.
  • Last but not least important property Chamomile oils help relax facial muscles. Relieving tension from muscle fibers helps smooth out wrinkles.

Instructions for using chamomile oil for the face

  • If you have not used chamomile essential oil before, you need to do skin test. This procedure will help identify individual intolerance to the product. Place a small amount of oil on your skin inside wrists and observe her reaction for 60 minutes. If there are no negative changes such as itching and irritation, there is no allergy.
  • Any essential oils in their pure form are used only for spot application. In other cases, they should be diluted in a ratio of 4 drops per tablespoon. If the proportions are violated, you can get burns to the skin, as well as cause dizziness, nausea and headaches.
  • A cosmetic product with chamomile oil must be prepared before it is applied to the skin of the face. Moreover, to do this, be sure to use glass or ceramic dishes so that the ingredients of the healing mixture do not oxidize.
  • To get the maximum benefits for your face from formulations with chamomile oil, first cleanse it of impurities and steam it. This way you will make your skin more receptive to the components of the mask.
  • Positive changes on the skin of the face can be noticed after just a few sessions, but it is still advisable to use masks with chamomile essential oil for 1.5 months and at least once a week.
  • The use of chamomile ether should be avoided when carrying a child and while taking homeopathic medicines. In the first case, it can cause a miscarriage, as it causes contractions of the uterus, and in the second, it will suppress the effect of medications.


Nourishing mask

What do you need:

  • small cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • chamomile ether – 3-4 drops.

How to cook:

  • Grind the vegetable to a paste using a fine grater.
  • Then add essential oil to the cucumber puree. Mix everything well.

Spread the cucumber-oil mixture over your face in an even layer. After a third of an hour, remove the mask with warm water. With the help of this product, the epidermis is saturated with nutrients and moisture, as a result of which it becomes more delicate and acquires a healthy color.

Anti-acne mask

What do you need:

  • almond oil, lemon juice, sour cream - a teaspoon;
  • chamomile essential oil, geranium essential oil – 2 drops each.

How to cook:

  • Heat almond oil in a water bath before mixing with other ingredients.
  • When the vegetable oil becomes slightly warm, add lemon juice, sour cream with 20% fat content and essential oils. Stir the mixture until completely homogeneous.

Lubricate the skin of your face with the resulting mixture. After 25–30 minutes, wash your face and then moisturize your skin with cream. This mask has an excellent anti-inflammatory and drying effect, therefore it is effective in the fight against acne and post-acne.

Anti-aging homemade cream

What do you need:

  • filtered water – 5.5 tablespoons;
  • beeswax - 4 tablespoons;
  • borax - teaspoon;
  • chamomile ether – 6 drops;
  • lavender essential oil – drop.

How to cook:

  • Melt the beeswax. Heat it in a water bath and don’t forget to stir occasionally. It is important to prevent the wax from boiling.
  • Next, mix the wax with borax, water and essential oils.
  • Place the resulting mixture in a water bath again and heat it for 2 minutes.
  • Afterwards, beat the mixture with a whisk and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Apply homemade cream to your face daily along the massage lines. It is also suitable for the neck and décolleté area. The active compounds contained in this product inhibit the process of withering of skin cells, as a result of which smoothness and elasticity return to the skin.

Scrub mask

What do you need:

  • wheat germ oil – 2 teaspoons;
  • honey - teaspoon;
  • chamomile and lavender esters - drop by drop.

How to cook:

  • Heat the vegetable oil slightly in a water bath.
  • Then add candied honey and esters to the oil. Mix the composition until its consistency becomes homogeneous.

Apply the prepared product to your face. Then, for 3-5 minutes, drive it into the skin with your fingertips, following the direction of the massage lines. Then wash your face. The scrub mask, penetrating deeply into the skin, cleanses, moisturizes and nourishes it; in addition, it launches regeneration processes, under the influence of which wrinkles are eliminated. Please note that peeling is stressful for the epidermis, so such masks should be used no more than 2-3 times a month.

With chamomile essential oil you can easily get healthy, young and beautiful skin. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Sunny chamomile, growing in fields and meadows almost everywhere, gives us its amazing healing properties.
One of the most effective compositions from chamomile is oil.

Under the phrase "chamomile oil" hides two healing products - pure essential oil and oil infusion on flower baskets - macerate.

Let's figure out what the differences are between these products, how they are obtained, what are the medicinal characteristics and practical ways applications. Both elixirs have a powerful therapeutic effect on the body and are successfully used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, folk medicine, and perfumery.

Naturally, chamomile ether has the maximum concentration of biologically active compounds of the plant and therefore has more powerful healing characteristics. Used in medical practice and aromatherapy. In addition, by adding ether to basic vegetable oils, you can get a product that has amazing properties for caring for the face, body, and skin appendages.

Oil infusion is prepared both industrially and at home. Vegetable oil infused in a certain way is saturated with valuable phytonutrients from chamomile and acquires additional medicinal properties. Chamomile macerate is significantly weaker than pure ether, and is used mainly as a home cosmetic product.

By steam distillation from fresh chamomile flowers into industrial conditions pure ether is obtained. The product has a fluid consistency, a bluish transparent tint, and a light aroma. meadow grass, hay, spices, floral honey interspersed with tobacco notes. To obtain 1 kg of finished elixir, 2 quintals of plant materials are required. Essential oil is a concentrated extract that contains the very essence of a medicinal plant.

Properties of chamomile essential oil

Ether has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, exhibiting calming, relaxing, sedative qualities. By inhaling phytoncides, chamomile relieves insomnia, irritation, neurosis, the effects of stress, irritability, anger and envy.

According to reviews of esotericists and psychologists, chamomile carries a positive charge that gives an impetus to a person in optimizing a particular area of ​​activity. Using chamomile essential oil helps in finding answers to difficult questions and promotes a constructive approach to conflict resolution.

Medicinal properties of chamomile ether:

  • antispasmodic;
  • antioxidant;
  • choleretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • wound healing;
  • cleansing;
  • soothing;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic;
  • deodorizing;
  • antihistamine;
  • bactericidal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anthelmintic.

Aromatherapists and traditional healers It is recommended to use chamomile oil for the following pathologies: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, arthritis, arthrosis, burns and damage to the skin, acne, long-term non-healing wounds, insect bites, migraine, insomnia, pain of various origins, neuralgia, mennorrhagia ( heavy bleeding during menstruation), menopausal disorders, allergic reactions.

Ways to use chamomile essential oil:

  1. Aroma makers: 8k. for 15 sq. m of the room add to aroma lamps.
  2. Aroma pendants/aroma medallions: 2k. into the cavity of the decoration.
  3. Hot inhalations: add 2k to 1.5 liters of water (85°C). ether, cover your head with a towel and inhale the fumes, closing your eyes, for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse: 3k. add ether to 1 teaspoon of salt, dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water, use for gargling for sore throat, stomatitis, toothache and inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  5. Nasal drops: dilute 4k sea buckthorn, St. John's wort or rosehip vegetable oil in a dessert spoon. chamomile ether. The product is administered in 2k doses. in each nasal passage for adults and 1k. children.
  6. Aroma baths: 5k. for 30 grams of base (honey, bran, salt, cream, sour cream, bath foam).
  7. Enrichment of cosmetics: 3-5k. per 15 ml of emulsifier (cream, lotion, moisturizer, shower gel, liquid soap, shampoo, conditioner, balm, ready-made masks for hair and face, etc.).
  8. Massage Oil: 6-7k. for 20 ml base oil or mixtures vegetable oils(olive, almond, apricot, peach, grape seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, jojoba, avocado, walnut etc.).
  9. Applications and compresses: 2-3k. per 5-7 ml of the base composition, which is soaked into gauze and applied to the affected areas of the body.

Chamomile essential oil for skin

The product is used to care for problematic, dry, aging, sagging skin. Compositions with chamomile ether relieve swelling, smooth out scar tissue, and treat rosacea ( vascular network and stars), juvenile acne. It is best to use jojoba, macadamia, and almond as a transport oil. To increase the effectiveness of finished neutral cosmetics (night or day cream), ether is added to a single portion of the product, according to the dosage.

Recipes for using chamomile essential oil
  1. For acne: Add pure essential oils to 10 ml of grape seed or jojoba oil: chamomile - 2k, geranium - 2k, clove - 1k.
  2. For aging, thinning and dry skin: in 10 ml of cocoa butter (dissolve the butter in a water sauna) add 2k. etherols rosewood, chamomile and sandalwood.
Oil infusion of chamomile flowers

Chamomile macerate can be purchased at the pharmacy chain or prepared yourself. Read the product label carefully to determine whether you are looking at a pure essential oil or an oil concentrate.

The use of chamomile macerate in cosmetology
  • eliminates irritation, peeling, inflammation of the skin;
  • treats purulent pimples, boils, rash, abscesses, abscesses;
  • added to home skin and hair care products;
  • heals jams;
  • heals diaper rash, prickly heat, excessive sweating;
  • helps against fungi of the skin and nail plates;
  • saturates the hair shafts with nourishing and moisturizing components;
  • relieves stretch marks (striae);
  • smoothes wrinkles, softens the epidermis, moisturizes and regenerates the skin.

Chamomile oil is used as a separate remedy or in combination with other herbal elixirs. The product is included in homemade masks, creams, soaps self made, ointments, rubbing, toothpastes, massage compositions.

How to make chamomile oil at home?

The best raw materials for oil extraction are freshly harvested. It should be understood that plants need to be collected in an ecologically safe area, away from highways and highways, industrial enterprises and city limits.

Cold prepared butter

Fill a liter jar halfway with chamomile inflorescences, fill to the top with rustic sunflower oil(unrefined, cold pressed) or high-quality olive oil, seal the container tightly, and place in a shaded place for 15 days. The product must be shaken periodically. The finished oil is filtered through several layers of gauze, and the flowers are squeezed out thoroughly. Chamomile oil can be stored for up to 1 year in a cool, dark place.

Hot oil

The first stage is as in the previous recipe. Cover the jar with color and oil with a tin or glass lid (not tightly), place it in a water sauna for 20 minutes, cool without removing it from the water, and leave for 12-14 days in a dark place.

Chamomile oil contraindications

Like any herbal medicine, chamomile macerate and etherol have a number of contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy (the product stimulates uterine contractions, which can lead to involuntary miscarriage), taking homeopathic medicines (in in this case chamomile oil neutralizes the effects of many components).

Buy pure chamomile essential oil or prepare a macerate from the inflorescences at home, and enjoy the gifts of nature, complete skin care, excellent health and radiant beauty!