Bath line. Baths with a string for bathing a newborn baby

When using turns, remember that the use of such baths has contraindications. The string, like any other medicinal plant, can cause allergies. It is advisable to do this before first use skin test. To this end, moisten a small area of ​​skin with the decoction and wait half an hour. If you do not see redness, itching, or rash, you can bathe your child.

When taking baths with a series of baths, the baby may develop dry areas of skin; in this case, use baby cream. If a child does not have any skin problems, then it is not recommended for him to take special baths.

How to prepare a bath with a string for a baby?

In order for bathing in a series to bring only joy, you need to know how much grass is needed and how to brew it correctly.

To prepare a bath, you can use both an infusion and a decoction. For any chosen option, adhere to the following proportion - we take herbs at a rate of approximately 10 grams. for 10 l. water. At the same time, you should not bathe your child in a series of large baths, since the recommended amount of herb per procedure is no more than 30 grams.

To prepare a decoction of string, you need 15-20 grams dried herb pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. After steeping for 40 minutes, the decoction is ready for use.

To prepare the infusion of the string, you need to brew 15 grams of herb per 0.7 liter. boiling water and leave in a warm place for 12 hours. It is convenient to prepare the infusion in a thermos. It has an advantage over decoction, it contains more useful substances, since during its preparation the ingredients are subjected to shorter heat treatment.

To prepare an infusion or decoction of the herb, it is best to purchase the herb at the pharmacy. This guarantees quality control of raw materials, compliance with storage conditions and expiration dates.

How to bathe a newborn in a bathtub with a string?

Bathing in a line of newborns requires compliance simple rules that will save you from mistakes and negative consequences related to them:

  • You can start bathing only when the child has;
  • be sure to test for allergies by dropping a little decoction of the string on the skin and waiting half an hour;
  • observe the proportions of preparing the decoction; its excessive concentration can cause dry skin and cause allergic reactions;
  • do not bathe your baby in a series more than 1-2 times a week;
  • Do not spend the first bath of a newborn in the broth for more than 5 minutes, in the future you can extend it to 15 minutes;
  • If your baby's reaction after bathing worries you, for example, he is more agitated and restless than usual, do not repeat the procedure in a week. Give longer periods for the child’s body to adapt;
  • do not use additional detergents, when bathing in a series, put foam and soap aside, and then do not rinse your baby in water. This will preserve the healing effect;
  • use the same towel or diaper for bathing in a decoction of herbs, since the coloring pigment of the string does not wash off.

The most convenient way to bathe a baby in a row is to use a small baby bath. The optimal water temperature is from 35 to 37 degrees. Make sure that water does not get into your baby's mouth, but if this happens, don't panic. A small amount of solution swallowed will not harm your baby. After bathing, gently pat your baby's skin dry.


Dear readers, in a family with small children, parents always think about means for bathing their babies. And if we just bathe babies in ordinary water, we often experience discomfort, right? It seems like you always want to add something. One of best grass There is a line for bathing babies. It helps get rid of rashes on the child’s skin, gives a calming effect, and rarely causes allergies.

It is no coincidence that the sequence can be found in many cosmetic products for child care. Today we will talk about bathing newborns in a series, how to brew it correctly and use it. The article was prepared in conjunction with the recommendations of pediatrician Anna Bolshakova.

Did you know that there are more than 200 types of string? Tripartite succession grass is considered a medicinal herb. And this particular herb is used for bathing newborns. After collection, it is dried, crushed and sold, completely ready for use.

The string is valued for its rich composition - these are tannins, essential oil, coumarin, ascorbic acid, mucous substances, vitamins and microelements. I have already told you about the composition of the string, its benefits, and medicinal properties in my article. Let's take a closer look at this miraculous herb and look at how the string is used to bathe newborns.

The benefits of string for bathing babies

Seedling is one of the most popular herbs that many pediatricians recommend using for bathing newborns. It contains manganese, which has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body. Experts recommend bathing a newborn in a series in order to:

  • Accelerate the healing process of wounds and skin rashes;
  • Get rid of germs, diaper rash, cure dermatitis and diathesis;
  • Relieve inflammation, itching;
  • Calm the baby, relieve nervous tension, stabilize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • With a milky crust on the baby's head.

You can make baths from a series both for the treatment of diathesis, diaper rash and other skin rashes, and for their prevention, or to calm the baby and relieve excitability. But even taking into account all the benefits that a baby can receive from the bathing procedure, we should not forget that sometimes the expected effect may not follow. Moreover, the baby’s skin will be overdried, and existing problems will worsen. To prevent this from happening, I suggest discussing the intricacies of bathing newborns.

Before using a series to bathe your newborn, consult your pediatrician.

When can you bathe your baby in a line?

Do not rush to bathe your baby in a line immediately after being discharged from the hospital. Wait for it to heal umbilical wound(usually this happens within 2 weeks). And you shouldn’t overdo it with water treatments, because you can dry out the delicate skin, and this will not benefit the baby.

How often should I bathe?

If your baby has skin problems that we talked about earlier (diathesis, rash, allergies), then you can bathe him in a series no more than 2 times a week. If there are no problems, then it can also be used, but for preventive purposes(no more than once a week).

The first bath should not last more than 5 minutes, and all subsequent baths should not last more than 15-20 minutes. This time is quite enough for the baby. The procedure will be both useful and enjoyable.

Allergy test

Before the first bath, make sure that your baby is not allergic to the string. Most parents know how to do this. But let me remind you once again that this information will not be superfluous.

You can check the skin for sensitivity using a test - soak a cotton pad in the prepared decoction or infusion, and apply it to your baby’s skin on the wrist or in the area of ​​the elbow. If after half an hour or an hour the treated area of ​​skin remains unchanged (no redness, rash), then you can safely proceed to water procedures.

  • Do not use herbal mixtures. It is better to bathe in some kind of herb (this way we can understand what the baby may be allergic to);
  • Don't use extra cosmetical tools. The use of shampoo, foam and soap can reduce therapeutic effect herbs. For the same reason, do not rinse your newborn with plain water after a bath;
  • It is better to bathe your child in the evening;
  • The optimal water temperature for bathing babies is 36.6 C° - 37 C°;
  • Do not overuse herbal baths;
  • Dry your baby with a towel that you don’t mind getting dirty. The herbal decoction can leave stains on the fabric that are difficult to remove later.

If after bathing in a series the baby becomes overexcited and changes in his behavior are observed, then the use of the herbal mixture should be postponed until consultation with a pediatrician.

I'll share my experience. Our twin daughters always got very excited after swimming. They had a surge of strength and energy. There was no talk of any dream. But pediatricians often called us “bouncy babies” ☺. There was vigor both day and night. Yes, when this cheerfulness comes one after another, you yourself understand what it is. Therefore, we bathed them 2-3 hours before bed. And this time was perfect for us. And some bathe their babies just before bed, and the children immediately fall asleep sweetly. Everything here is very individual.

How to properly brew a series for bathing a newborn

A series for bathing babies can be brewed in two ways. Let's discuss both methods. Let's determine which one will be the most useful.

Infusion of string for bathing

The easiest way to brew a series is to prepare an infusion. It should sit for at least 8–12 hours. It’s most convenient to do it in the morning and just use it for bathing in the evening.

To prepare the infusion, pour 30 grams of dry collection into a container and fill it with 1 liter of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave. If the baby is bathing in a small bath, then it is enough to use half of the prepared infusion, mixing it with water, and if in a large bath, with a volume of water used of about 30 liters, the entire volume (1 liter) will be needed. Before diluting the mixture in water, you need to strain it through a strainer or gauze.

I suggest watching the video. In it, Dr. Komarovsky tells how to properly make an infusion from the string for a baby.

Decoction of string

In order to prepare the decoction, take the same proportions as for the infusion (30 grams of dry collection per 1 liter of water). The method of preparation differs from a decoction to an infusion. In order to prepare the decoction you need to pour herbal tea into a container, fill it with water, and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Leave for 40 minutes, strain and use for bathing.

For water procedures in a large bathroom, use the entire volume of the prepared broth. Half is enough for a small bath. Prepare before every swim fresh decoction, since the one that was made a few days ago loses its beneficial features.

Both recipes are good. But you can give preference to infusion.

Pediatricians recommend using an infusion of string for bathing newborns. Indeed, in the process of preparing the decoction, the string loses some beneficial properties.

A series in bags

We have figured out how to prepare a decoction or infusion from dry collection. How to brew a series for bathing newborns in bags? This question should not mislead you, dear readers. The bagged string is used very often, and this is due to one of its advantages. It consists in the fact that after brewing medicinal herb The decoction or infusion does not need to be filtered, but simply squeeze out the bag and take it out of the jar or mug for brewing.

In order to prepare a decoction or infusion from a packeted string, you need to know how many bags to use for a certain volume of water. Let's look at the following list, which you can take note in order not to get confused in proportions:

  • 10 grams of string is 3 tablespoons of dry collection or 6 sachets (for a bath of 10 liters of water);
  • 20 grams of string is 6 tablespoons of dry collection or 12 sachets (for a bath of 20 liters of water);
  • 30 grams of string is 9 tablespoons of dry collection or 18 sachets (for a bath of 30 liters of water).

After swimming

After bathing your baby, pat dry with a clean towel. Next, use baby cream or oil to soften and moisturize the baby's skin. I highly recommend paying attention to it. It does not cause irritation or allergies.


The sequence for bathing newborns is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. This may affect general condition baby's body and skin. Therefore, if you notice that after water procedures your child appears weak, or is overexcited, or that the skin has become dry and begins to peel, it is better to stop using it.

The article will tell you why the string is useful, why infants are bathed in this herb, and how to properly plant the string to prepare a bath for a child.

Caring for a newborn is associated with special concern and trepidation, and if it is also the first-born in the family, young parents are literally shaking over the baby. In the first months, one of the main concerns of parents is properly organized bathing.

In the recent past, while still pregnant, a woman knew for sure: the child should be bathed in a solution of potassium permanganate. It is currently used, but less and less often, since if the solution is not prepared correctly, potassium permanganate crystals can lead to eye burns in a child.

As an alternative to this there is no time an indispensable tool came for a swim, no less famous for its healing properties succession of grass.

Herb succession, medicinal properties

succession flower

Using the gifts of nature in medicinal purposes Due to its natural origin, it is almost always a person’s priority. Therefore, herbal decoctions and tinctures have never lost their relevance.

The series, like many representatives of the flora, has a number of unique properties, which allowed her to take place of honor V traditional medicine and earn trust in pediatrics.

IMPORTANT: There are several types of sequence, and only one of them is used in medical practice- This is a three-part series.

Before turning to the list of merits of the series, you should look into its composition:

  • flavonoids
  • coumarins
  • tannins
  • polysaccharides
  • carotenoids
  • minerals: manganese, zinc, potassium, boron, magnesium
  • vitamins: A and C

Thanks to these components, the sequence:

  • has a diuretic effect
  • anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, healing effect
  • sedative properties
  • restores metabolic processes
  • promotes digestion
  • normalizes blood clotting
  • lowers blood pressure
  • belongs to the category of antihistamines

IMPORTANT: In case of overdose positive properties the sequences act in the opposite direction, which can lead to increased blood pressure and overexcitation of the nervous system.

string, tea

The series can be used both internally and externally for medicinal purposes. For young children, only external use is practiced for preparing baths or lotions. In this form, the series can completely relieve or significantly alleviate the symptoms:

  • eczema
  • pyoderma
  • psoriasis
  • diaper rash
  • pimples, blackheads, boils
  • seborrhea
  • allergies

IMPORTANT: Since ancient times, there has been a belief that the series prevents possible consequences severe fright in children.

Series, contraindications

  • Like any medicinal plant, the string is not without the disadvantage of causing individual allergic reactions. In other words, the series can perform the function of eliminating the symptoms of an existing allergy, or, on the contrary, it can replenish the ranks of the child’s individual allergens. Therefore, before use, you should conduct an appropriate test (check the effect of a small amount of infusion on the child’s wrist)

IMPORTANT: Children prone to allergies should use the series only after consulting a doctor with extreme caution.

  • The instructions for the raw materials of the series state that there is no data on the safety of use during pregnancy, period breastfeeding and in children under 12 years of age. However, the speech in to a greater extent is about the internal rather than external use of the string for medicinal purposes
  • Contraindications to internal administration of the infusion of the series are diseases of the heart and kidneys, in which the amount of fluid entering the body should be controlled
  • The series is characterized by the property of drying the skin, so in case of increased dryness skin the use of string grass should be limited because dermatological problems can only get worse

Bathing line for babies

bathing baby
  • The epidermis of a newborn baby is vulnerable to external influence and demands additional care and protection. In addition, in the first weeks of life, there is a potential object for the development of infection on the baby’s body - the umbilical wound.
  • For these reasons important has compliance with regular hygiene procedures and prevention by treatment with bactericidal agents. The herb, as mentioned above, contains manganese and is characterized by a pronounced antiseptic effect
  • In addition, the infusion of the string perfectly relieves redness and itching, eliminates diaper rash, and helps with any skin irritation, which makes it an excellent remedy for bathing a child
  • The sequence is used both in the presence of these symptoms and in the absence of any visible problems with the skin of a child as a prophylaxis, in particular in newborns

swimming in a row
  • add the succession solution to the baby bath during the first or second month
  • do not bathe your child with herbs more than once or twice a week
  • Offer your child a bath before bedtime
  • Do not use gels, shampoos and other soaps together with the herbal infusion
  • do not leave the baby in the bath for more than 10-15 minutes
  • observe the dosage, avoid excessive use of highly concentrated infusion
  • After bathing, moisturize the baby’s skin well with cream or oil

A series of diathesis

  • Exudative diathesis is one of the indications for the use of the herb. Thanks to its antimicrobial and healing action, the string is famous for its good results in the fight against skin manifestations allergies that infants so often suffer from
  • Take a course of medicinal baths in succession - this advice can be heard in any case of a rash in a baby. Nevertheless, said herb will not cope with the treatment of allergies on its own and can only be used as a additional remedy in eliminating external symptoms effects of allergies on the baby's body

  • Moreover, string grass is often used in treatment atopic dermatitis. However, it should be remembered that dermatitis is often accompanied by dry skin in an infant. The string, like many herbs, dries out, which means it can lead to the opposite result.
  • We should also not forget about the possible intolerance of this representative of the flora by the vulnerable organism of a particular child, which will complicate the process of getting rid of the existing allergic diathesis

How to brew a series for a newborn?

There are at least two options for preparing a preventative bath with herbal infusion for a newborn baby:

  1. use of ready-made concentrate
  2. making your own decoction or infusion from raw materials

The first solution will be the simplest and fastest, since it only requires measuring required amount caps of the solution according to the instructions on the package and add it to the baby’s bath with water.

But regular use of the string for bathing can cost a pretty penny, since the finished concentrate is significantly more expensive than dry grass, and the consumption of the product is high, especially if the child is literally immediately allowed to swim in a large bathtub.

In this case, it is advisable to buy crushed string raw materials at the pharmacy (in bulk or in bags). You will need a lot of grass, but it is significantly cheaper. One bathing session in a baby bath will take more than half of a standard pack.

strings of grass

Method No. 1

  • 3 tbsp. or place 4 sachets in a saucepan
  • pour a glass of water
  • heat in a water bath for 15 minutes
  • cool down
  • strain
  • bring boiled water up to 1 glass volume

When preparing a series in this way, the broth can be added to the bath immediately. Consumption – 1 glass per 10 liters of bath.

IMPORTANT: A standard bath holds an average of 30-40 liters of water, a large bath – 140 liters.

Method No. 2

  • 1 cup dry raw materials
  • pour 1 liter of boiling water
  • leave for 10-12 hours
  • strain (through cheesecloth)
  • add to baby's bath water

This method is easier to implement, but takes time, so evening ritual Bathing should be taken care of in advance. The infusion prepared in the early morning will be just ready for evening water procedures.

sequence during pregnancy
  • One of the contraindications for using the series is pregnancy and the subsequent lactation period. This is largely due to insufficient data to suggest otherwise.
  • But there is still a certain risk of real negative consequences when using the sequence while carrying a baby
  • In general, it is unwise to experiment with any herbs during the first trimester, when the baby’s main organs are forming.

The main dangers posed by the series when used during pregnancy include:

  • development of an allergic predisposition in the unborn child

sequence, bathing

The use of string for bathing babies is approved by both pediatricians and experienced parents, who share their advice and impressions regarding this medicinal plant.

Olga, Sochi:

  • “I bathe my son once a week; I don’t need to bathe him more often – it will dry out his skin. The effect is noticeable immediately - any redness quickly disappears"

Vladimir, Ekaterinburg:

  • “The turn didn’t suit us. The child has a strong diathesis, they advised to buy string in a decoction. As a result, the face and body became even redder - a reaction arose. Be careful"

Veronica, Saratov:

  • “On the advice of the pediatrician, at first I bathed the child with string or chamomile. I brewed 3 packets an hour before swimming. But they didn’t bathe in the baby bath for long - 1.5 months, and I didn’t add a series to the big bath.”

Thus, the series has earned the devotion of more than one generation who raised children. But, like any medicinal plant, the series requires careful attention to dosage, doctor’s recommendations and individual reaction child's body.

Video: Is it necessary to bathe a child in a line? – Doctor Komarovsky

Video: Series - properties, contraindications

Bathing a newborn is a very responsible procedure for parents. For this, mothers use various cosmetics, which are presented in a wide variety on the market today, but some parents prefer to bathe their baby the old fashioned way - with the addition of folk remedies. More often, mothers prefer chamomile, dandelion, burdock, and sometimes they use a series of everything. Is the sequence good and healthy for babies? How to bathe a baby with useful decoction from the series according to all the rules and eliminate side effects?

Do not thoughtlessly prescribe your child baths from medicinal plants. If parents decide to do this, they should carefully monitor the baby’s reaction and cancel the series if an allergy occurs.

Pros and cons of the plant

Since ancient times, the string has been valued by our ancestors as a healing folk remedy, getting rid of skin diseases. IN folk medicine and pharmacology this medicinal herb known for high content contains manganese, which is perfectly absorbed into the child’s skin, providing an antimicrobial and wound-healing effect.

The benefits of the sequence when bathing newborns:

  • eliminates diaper rash on the thin and delicate skin of a newborn;
  • fights the manifestations of diathesis and dermatitis;
  • reduces skin itching;
  • disinfects and soothes the skin;
  • eliminates skin inflammation, rashes, pimples, seborrhea;
  • stabilizes nervous system.

Like any remedy, the sequence can have by-effect associated with improper use of the herb.

Negative effects of the sequence when bathing newborns:

  • the grass has a drying effect, making it thin;
  • the plant can cause allergic reactions if the child has individual intolerance this plant;
  • The baby may feel weak after bathing in the healing solution.

Despite the popularity of the string, do not forget that it is a vegetable medicine which can cause allergic reactions

Rules for preparing a bath with a series

For the bathing procedure medicinal bath You must first make an infusion or decoction of the string. If you wash your baby in the evening, then prepare the decoction during the day, but no later than 1 hour before the procedure. Don’t be afraid to brew the herb in the morning: the broth will not spoil until the evening - on the contrary, it will become even more saturated.

Recipe for infusion from a series

  • Pour 15 grams of dry plant with three glasses of boiling water.
  • Wrap the container with the brewed herb in a warm towel and leave it in this state for as long as 12 hours in some shaded place. For this for a long time the series will give the water all its beneficial properties, and the infusion will be rich, ready for use.

How to prepare a decoction?

  • Prepare a porcelain or enamel container for the decoction. Put 15 grams of dry herb in it and pour two glasses of boiling water.
  • Cover the container with a lid and place in a water bath. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes and then let it cool for 40 minutes.

These proportions are suitable for bathing in a small bath. If you need a larger volume, then proceed from the following calculation: 10 grams of string per 10 liters of water.

In pharmacies you can find string (like chamomile) in bags, which is also perfect for bathing your baby (we recommend reading:). In this case, you can dilute it like this: 6 packets per 10 liters of water.

The infusion turns out to be more concentrated in contrast to the decoction: it retains most of useful substances, but must be prepared in advance. With a decoction, everything is much simpler: it can be brewed literally an hour before bathing, however, the benefits will be slightly less - due to prolonged boiling, a smaller proportion of healing substances will be retained in the decoction.

If you don’t want to brew the herb, you can do it simpler: buy ready-made string extract at the pharmacy - it’s quick, practical and will appeal to those mothers who don’t have enough time to prepare infusions or decoctions.

This extract is already ready for use, and there is no need to calculate the proportions, since it contains the necessary concentration acceptable for bathing the baby. Pharmacies offer similar extracts from other herbs, including chamomile.

In addition, there are ready-made baby bath products on sale with the addition of a string, among them:

  • Our mother “Natural complex of string extracts”;
  • Country Zdravlandiya “Terring extract for bathing babies”;
  • Magic Herbs “Extracts for bathing a baby” with blackberry, burdock and birch.

How to use a string when bathing newborns?

The bathing technique is quite simple:

  1. Strain the decoction (infusion). Add the prepared infusion, decoction or string extract to a bath of water at the desired temperature. Attention: do not allow any grains or foreign bodies to get into the water!
  2. Place your baby in the bath and gently bathe him in healing water with a sequence of no more than 15 minutes (we recommend reading:). If you are doing this for the first time, then 5 minutes will be enough for the baby.
  3. Upon completion of the procedure, do not use your usual detergents, even baby soap or shampoo.
  4. Before removing the baby, do not rinse it with plain water, otherwise the effect of using the medicinal product will decrease.
  5. After drying, lubricate your baby's delicate skin with baby cream or special oil to prevent flaking and dryness.

You shouldn’t wipe your baby after bathing so that the herb can continue to “work” with the skin - provided that this herb suits the baby

It is best to perform the “ablution” procedure in the evening before bed: this will calm him down and relax him. After such a bath, the baby will sleep well.

Next, we will give some tips aimed at competently carrying out the procedure of bathing a baby with the addition of a series. Do not neglect them, because a child is the most important thing in your life. Here extra advice It never hurts from professionals:

  • To carry out the procedure, use herbs (including herbs) purchased at the pharmacy.
  • You should not bathe your baby in healing water often. One or two procedures per week is enough.
  • It is known that in the first days you cannot bathe a newborn at all until the umbilical wound dries out (we recommend reading:). Moreover, in the first days of birth it is impossible to do this in water with a string. Start healing “ablutions” after about two weeks from the day the baby is born.
  • To avoid allergic reaction, you need to conduct a preliminary test for the tolerance of the herb. To do this, lubricate the baby with the extract or prepared infusion. inner part forearms, watch the reaction. If the skin color has not changed, there is no redness, this means that the decoction will not cause any side effects.
  • You should not combine the series with other herbs, even chamomile. Use only one herb when bathing.
  • Keep in mind that the plant includes a coloring pigment. Use a special towel to dry the child, preferably a dark one, since it will not be possible to wash it to its original condition.

How many useful things have you learned about bathing babies in a healing series! Be sure to follow these recommendations, and then your baby will be healthy, calm and happy.

When my eldest daughter was born, my grandmother talked and gave advice on how to bathe her. At first, the advice seemed very old-fashioned to me and far from the recommendations of doctors, but after applying a couple of them (in particular, I began to use a series for bathing a newborn), I was able to evaluate the effect.

The baby's skin remained clean and soft. Heat rash, allergies, and newborn rashes bypassed my daughter, while her peers were covered from head to toe and experienced severe itching.

How is succession grass useful for infants?

A newborn has a fragile nervous system and delicate skin. And the series seems to have been created by nature to help the baby. This plant contains many useful components, such as:

  • ascorbic acid (relieves irritation on children's skin and soothes it);
  • mucous substances (to improve digestion when taken orally by an adult);
  • tannins (natural antiseptic);
  • essential oil (nourishes baby’s skin and helps moisturize it, also removes rough areas, removing peeling on the body and crusts on the baby’s head);
  • coumarin (lowers blood pressure).

In addition to the main set valuable properties, this plant contains many macro- and microelements (magnesium, calcium, manganese, potassium). That is, the infusion of the string heals, dries problem areas on the skin and gives an antifungal effect.

Every wise mother and every pediatrician will say that if a newborn behaves restlessly at night or has developed heat rash, a bath with a series for the newborn at night will help. Bathing a child in a decoction of string is useful because:

  1. Herbal decoction relieves itching on the skin and heals small wounds;
  2. It is good to use bathing in a series for miliaria, seborrhea, allergenic rashes and various furunculosis;
  3. After taking a bath, the newborn calms down and falls asleep calmly;
  4. Bathing in a series helps to heal the child’s body and strengthen its immune system;

Important! The series is unique in its properties, but despite this, before you start using it, you need to check with your pediatrician whether it is possible to bathe your child in the infusion of the series.

Also remember: too frequent bathing with constant use of the decoction can also lead to allergy symptoms!

How to properly prepare a series for bathing

It is important to follow the recipe for preparing the decoction correctly, since an excess of it can cause allergies. So how much string does it take to bathe a newborn?

If a newborn sweats often, irritation appears on his skin (sweating rash), or he sleeps restlessly, you need to prepare a decoction in advance and bathe him in the evening. You can buy herbs from a herbalist or a pharmacy chain. I’ll tell you how to brew a series for bathing a newborn.

There are two methods of preparation: infusion and herbal decoction:

  • Infusion. In the morning, pour 1 liter of boiling water over 30 grams of dry collection, cover tightly with a lid and leave until evening. In the evening, use half a liter of decoction in a small bath, or pour the entire infusion into a large bath. How to choose the right bath, read the article: Bath for a newborn >>>
  • Decoction. Using a small enamel vessel, make a decoction in a water bath. Boil 1 liter of water, add 30 grams of string to it, cover and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After this, leave it to brew and cool.

The decoction can be used within 40 minutes after it begins to cool. If a newborn is bathing in a small bath, pour one half of the broth. If bathing is in a large bath, pour out the entire broth.

Please note that the decoction is less useful than the infusion. Since during boiling the string in a water bath, part useful microelements gets lost. Also remember that the old broth gradually loses its properties.

Interesting to know! A decoction is prepared from the roots, hard leaves and stems of the plant, and an infusion is made from inflorescences and young leaves. Also, we boil the decoction, and infuse the infusion. This is the main difference between two similar concepts.

When buying a string at the pharmacy, it is impossible to understand which part of the plant is included. Therefore, we see the difference in recipes only in preparation.

How to properly bathe a child in a herbal bath?

Bathing a child should not be done every day; it is better to use it only two or three times a week on demand (after consulting with a pediatrician), or just once a week for the prevention and healing of the child’s body.

Herbal collections for frequent use, dry out baby's skin and the newborn may experience discomfort and dryness. From what moment and how to bathe a child in a series:

  1. Before swimming, do an allergy test. Dip a cotton swab into the string and apply it to the child's hand in the elbow area. After half an hour, check: if there is no irritation on the hand and the newborn behaves calmly, bathing can be done;
  2. Bathing a baby in herbs can begin 2 weeks after birth, when the umbilical cord has healed and dried;
  3. After bathing in the herbal infusion, you don’t have to rinse your child clean water. It is enough to blot his skin with a soft towel. After such a bath, the newborn will fall asleep sweetly. Find out from the article how much should a baby sleep at 1 month?>>>
  4. You should not mix herbal infusion and bubble bath if you want bathing to be beneficial for your baby’s skin - limit yourself to just a series. The newborn will be able to take a bath in a bubble bath another day. Read about whether it is possible to wash a newborn with soap?>>>
  5. A newborn will receive maximum benefit if bathing lasts no more than 25 minutes. For very young children, the pediatrician recommends 10-15 minutes;
  6. Dosage the bath correctly. Series - useful plant, but in correct quantities. Also, you should not bathe very often, so as not to dry out the baby’s delicate skin.

You need to remember that a newborn has delicate skin, so bathe taking into account these rules and you will not harm your baby. The string is sold ground or in special bags. It can only be drunk by an adult, since a newborn receives enough vitamins and microelements by taking baths.

Important! There is no need to panic too much if, while bathing, your newborn swallows a little water with herbal infusion. If the recipe was prepared correctly, the series will not harm the baby.

Now we know how often you can bathe a newborn in the string and in what cases you need to use its decoction.