What to do if a child asks for a kitten? Small children and cats: what to do if there is no friendship? The child really asks if it’s worth getting a cat.

If the child asks pet , then a confrontation begins in the house. As a rule, the baby insists, dad resists, and mom tries to serve as a buffer between two fires. To accept correct solution, you need to sit down at the negotiating table and figure out why the baby needs the animal and how he plans to care for it.

Known that the presence of animals at home has beneficial effect on the child's psyche. This is especially noticeable when a kitten appears in the house. Affectionate, playful and kind - they cope well with stress and teach the baby responsibility and correct behavior. However, this is not a reason to run to the store for your first kitten! The main thing is to soberly weigh everything and discuss it before another child appears in the house.

First of all, parents should explain to the baby that you need to not only play with a small pet, but also carefully look after it care. At first he may not be affectionate at all, but even wild, since he is taken away from his familiar atmosphere and placed in new house. You need to be prepared for this.

Secondly, any pet can cause trouble for a family. Broken vases, damaged shoes, torn wallpaper - this is just the tip of the iceberg. In order for a kitten to become gentle and affectionate, you need to raise it correctly. And this will require a lot of strength and patience.

If the family discussed all these issues and decided to have a little fluffy miracle, then Internet sites for buying and selling kittens will help with this. Here you can find both ordinary mongrel cats and representatives of elite blood. But it often happens that a child does not want some abstract kitten, but a very specific individual, which he just cuddled in the yard the other day. In this case, it’s worth reminding your child once again that to tame wild baby may not be easy.

When you finally decide on a pet, the first thing you should do is take him to the doctor. Even if you have all the documents indicating vaccinations and examinations, the veterinarian must examine him and carry out all necessary procedures. Subsequently, this will help you independently control when and in what quantity to give your pet anthelmintic drugs and flea treatment.

After the kitten has been brought into the house, you must close all cracks and gaps so that the frightened baby does not huddle there and suffocate. In addition, it is important to discuss the rules of behavior with a pet in advance with your child, and exactly:

  • Wash your hands after every contact with an animal:
  • Do not eat from the same dish and do not feed your pet wherever you want;
  • Don't let him into your bed;
  • Follow a uniform policy in raising a kitten.

Once we wanted to take someone else’s child into our family, but we didn’t. It was in Tynda, our daughter was three years old, and we were admitted to the hospital with bronchitis. Abandoned children lived in the social ward: two-year-old Natasha, her younger brother(I don’t remember his name) and another nobody’s boy, a three-month-old baby with a flat head from constant lying.
Then for the first time I saw up close that such nobody’s children were like that. Of course, I didn’t live on a rainbow, and I knew that there were abandoned babies in the world. I was amazed that those children did not yell or act up. Babies lie silently in their cribs all day and do not become agitated when someone approaches. (In infancy, mine could not be in a confined space at all, no matter what - a stroller, a playpen, a crib. It required movement and entertainment.) Little ones do not walk, do not grunt, do not yell - at all! Having peed themselves and shit themselves during the day (there were no nannies in the hospital, caring for abandoned children was a “pleasant” addition to the work of the nurse on duty), they obediently lie in their crib. They were not interested in toys or people. An empty gaze, in the field of vision of which there is a crack on the pale green wall and a dim, ever-glowing light bulb under the ceiling.
Two-year-old Natasha, rummaging around the entire hospital, was a charming, although not very neat, blonde. A positive girl: she always smiles at everyone, is happy about everything - new toys, dresses. I saw how the new nurse (who was not yet tired of all this) played with her and how wildly Natasha rejoiced at this: she burst into laughter. I was also amazed at how willingly and indiscriminately she ate - hospital oatmeal, tasteless cookies. She chalked everything herself, holding an aluminum tablespoon tightly in her fist. Whereas feeding my princess always required considerable effort.
Natasha, although sociable, was not clingy and obedient. True, she spoke poorly - reluctantly and inaudibly. We spent a lot of time with her and got used to her. When it was time to be discharged, my husband and I simultaneously asked each other: maybe we should take Natasha? Like, where there is one, there is another. Like, she’s such a sweetheart, and ours is more fun, and all that.
The doctor returned to earth. Natalya's mother is an alcoholic and gives birth every year. Naturally - every year! Every new baby It’s getting worse and worse, like Natashka’s younger brother, for example (he had a lot of pathologies). She gave birth, signed a waiver, and returned to her usual lifestyle. “You are educated people,” the doctor flattered, “you know what heredity is.” And yes, we knew... These are deviations of behavior, mental disorders, somatic diseases. Yes, no one is immune from this, but still...
...When we were discharged, we presented Natasha with dresses, snacks and toys for her little daughter. And from the hospital they took home a kitten - fluffy, gray and white. Someone threw him onto the stairs leading to the attic of the hospital. During three months The kitten never got used to people: it was wild and unkind. Most importantly, I didn’t learn to go to the toilet where I needed to and constantly shit myself. We decided that this could no longer be done and my husband took him to his base to catch mice.
I remember, write and listen to myself. Should I be ashamed? For taking a kitten from the hospital and not a child? But a child is not a kitten! And we got rid of the kitten...
P.S. If suddenly anyone wants to say that we are soulless bastards and assholes: this is not so. We ordinary people- the same as you.

There are few children who would not want their pet to be a cat or a dog. However, it has been found that approximately ninety percent of children ask their parents for a kitten. If parents agree, then they need to know that it is better for children under five years of age not to have any animals.

It is known that animals have a very beneficial effect on the baby’s psyche, especially cats. They relieve stress and know how to be excellent educators (cats stand up for their rights). A child in whose house a cat lives is less irritable and less capricious, his psychological condition always normal.

Only the mother must decide whether they need a kitten in the house or not, since fathers are more indifferent to this event, because they understand that it is not for them to care for this animal.

First, you need to check with your child whether he really needs a kitten. Parents must also make decisions with full responsibility, so that later it does not turn out that the animal is unnecessary to anyone and only brings trouble.

Do not forget that any pet can threaten the health of any family member. After all, the kitten most often gets sick infectious disease, which is called “Toxoplasmosis,” and this disease is very dangerous for women. And not only do cats suffer from this disease, they also develop worms, fleas, rabies, and ringworm. But an adult may not yet be affected by any of these misfortunes, but a child runs a very high risk of catching something, because his body is still very weak.

But there are situations when a cat appeared in the family even before the baby was born. In this case, you should not throw it away anywhere. However, take care of the safety of the baby. The child needs to be taught proper handling with animals. It is wrong for a child to kiss an animal, eat with it, or go to bed taking it with him under the blanket. The child should know that after touching the cat, he must wash his hands.

Among other peoples, for its mysterious properties, it was revered mythical creature. The ancient Egyptians revered her as the goddess of joy and love. A cat was considered the most valuable gift for the pharaoh.

The advantages of a cat are countless. An excellent doctor, she will diagnose you better than any computer and immediately begin to treat, warming the diseased organ with her miraculous warmth, lulling the pain with her purring. And if you have a wound, she will immediately lick it with her tongue with a natural antiseptic. There are legends about the healing gift of our Murok and Vasek; one could compile an entire encyclopedia.

In addition, in the person of a kitten, your son or daughter will find a true friend: loyal, affectionate, playful. A kitten is a savior from loneliness. Your child will tell him all his grievances and will not be shy to show his tears. And, stroking the kitten, you will feel with relief how the grievances and tears go away on their own. Friendship with a kitten will enrich the child with new knowledge, introduce him to the world of our smaller brothers, their subtlest natural virtues, characters and habits. A kitten will teach a child many invaluable qualities: commitment, accuracy, sensitivity. It will relieve him of capriciousness and aggressiveness. And playing with a kitten will fill your home with laughter and joy.

In a word, it is not for nothing that in our world today - sick, broken, evil - the cat has become a favorite animal. In the US and Europe alone, statistics count 80 million domestic cats. And in our Russia - with its compassion, gentleness, warmth - these dear home friends simply cannot be counted.

What-oh? And you still doubt: to give or not to give?!

Ah, that's the thing! Not only does your neighbor’s cat look nothing like the creature described, not only does it not evoke your sympathy, but even the opposite? An aggressive, demanding, disgusting dirty woman who has ruined the entire apartment with her marks, and since the beginning of spring has been keeping the whole house awake with her annoying screams about Vaska - does she terrify you?

Well, there is such an option. But it's easy to avoid.

You will start looking for a cat for your child... with yourself. After talking, for example, with an eccentric psychologist you know who knows everything about everything, you will discover an interesting thing. It lies in the fact that there is a strange - but very clear connection - between the character of a person and the character of a cat.

For example. If you are a sociable, easy-going person, your kind of guy, this will suit you black and white cat. She will be like you: friendly, cheerful, and will immediately and forever love you, your mother-in-law, your children, and your neighbors.

The tabby cat, on the contrary, is cautious, reserved, independent, and non-communicative. And it is best suited for a lonely person or a hard-working artist who is immersed in creativity.

The blonde cat is touchy and capricious. She needs a neat owner who cannot tolerate even a speck of dust on a cleaned carpet.

A black cat is sensitive, mysterious, generous, curious and will most easily become attached to some dreamer or visionary.

And the red-haired lady loves peace, comfort, sofas with pillows. And, being both aggressive and phlegmatic, she is able to bring peace and comfort into the soul of the owner, who always lacks support and understanding in this world.

Having understood this issue, it will be easier for you to look not just for any cat, but only for “your” cat.

Choose and read good book about cats. She will tell you that there is a wide variety of cats in the world. 37 species. And each is not only its own breed, appearance, color, baldness or fluffiness, tailedness or taillessness. This is, first of all, character. And the main thing about it is independence.

Scientists say that a cat's independence has deep roots. Cats have never lived in a pack, like dogs, for example. The cat is an individualist, always and in everything “on its own.” And, no matter how much you love her, and no matter how much she loves you, it is impossible to subjugate her. Don't even try. Moreover, by force. No matter how the cat is guilty, God forbid you punish it or wave your hand in the heat of the moment. Consider that at this moment you have made an enemy in your home. And an enemy so insidious that the neighbor’s cat with all its shortcomings will seem like an angel to you.

You can explain a cat’s offense with your own intonation: change your gentle voice to a stern one. And the cat will instantly understand that you are unhappy. She will even ask for forgiveness by rubbing herself against your leg and purring an apology in her own language. Of course, you will immediately forgive her by patting her on the back. And the peace between you will not even tremble.

Finally, inspired by the knowledge of the goal, you go to the veterinarian for a consultation. And he will tell you everything you need: how to feed, how to teach cleanliness, how to maintain a cat’s diet required amount vitamins and minerals, how to accustom her to a leash and walks - best in the garden, in the forest, in the village, in the country, as the cat loves freedom and silence. And, probably, the most important thing that he will offer is to buy a cat not at the market, not purebred, but with a pedigree. Ask why? Yes, because a breed is a breed!

You don’t want empty worries, hassle and bad odors in the house. Do you want - like the ancient Egyptians - the goddess of joy and love? Then there’s no need to skimp!

And may God grant you and your Murka a long happy summer!

Olga Prokhorchenko |

01/21/2015 | 395

Olga Prokhorchenko 01/21/2015 395

When a child asks for a kitten, parents often prefer to pay off with a “bribe” in the form of a tablet or other gadget. Meanwhile, a cat can be an excellent assistant in raising children.

The story about Ira and her furry dream Our neighbor Tamara has a daughter, Ira. She recently turned 15 years old. Since we have been living on the same landing for a long time, I often end up visiting them. It happens: you walk onto the floor, and then such crazy aromas are coming from behind the neighbor’s door! “They probably offer ambrosia there,” I decide and press the bell. Tamara likes to feed not only street cats

, but also hungry neighbors.

No, I won’t tease you, especially if you haven’t even had a drop of poppy dew in your mouth yet. My story has no gastronomic interest. It’s just that during one of these “raids” into someone else’s kitchen, I watched as Ira developed an “insidious” plan to introduce a kitten into their apartment. Tamara, although she fed homeless animals, did not want to have a cat at home. The girl told me for a long time that she dreams of having a pet. When she's in Once again

started this topic (I was a witness and at that time I was devouring both cheeks), her mother took out a battery-powered toy squeaking kitten from her bag...

I had already forgotten about this story, but a month later a friend with a charming red face appeared in my friend feed. It was Ira! More precisely, her pet. When I asked how she managed it, Ira shared her secrets.

She began to clean more often, demonstrating that she could take care of not only the apartment, but also the kitten. She stopped being late from walks in the evenings and courageously completed all her “homework” to the end to prove that she was capable of being responsible for a living being.

Ira also periodically slipped her mother photos of herself with her friends’ cats (“Look how great we look together!”) And finally, she persuaded her mother to go on an excursion to the shelter where stray animals were kept. Tamara's heart was completely melted! And Peach, an inhabitant of the shelter, from that moment became a member of the family.

4 reasons to get a cat for your child

  1. The child will be able to learn care and responsibility. A baby kitten not only causes endless affection, but also requires constant care. He needs to be fed, groomed, played with, and his litter box cleaned. If before the arrival of a pet in the house, your child preferred to lie on the sofa while you did the cleaning, now he will have his own responsibilities, with which - like it or not! - we have to cope. This will help him look at everyday household chores with new eyes, and soon he will probably offer his help to you.
  2. The child will be distracted from the computer more often. Cats need attention. These are playful and affectionate animals that love to spend time with their owner. When a fluffy miracle invites you to play with its paw or stretches out at full length on the keyboard and purrs, demanding affection, all the child’s gadgets fade into the background.
  3. The child will no longer be afraid of loneliness. Many children do not like being alone. It can be scary at home alone, but with a cat there are already two of you, and will you really get bored with this prankster? It also happens that all friends are busy, even in in social networks they don’t write... Green melancholy! And at such a moment, a little friend appears from under the bed, who is always ready to play or just lie next to him while the owner watches his favorite movie.
  4. The child will not be mopey. If your child is prone to melancholy and is prone to seizures bad mood, the cat will become a real doctor for him. The purr of a cat, its charming habits, affectionate disposition - this is the best means from the blues!

A cat is not a toy for children!

If you are ready to give in to requests for a pet, be sure to talk to your child. Explain to him that a cat is not a toy that you can throw away when you get tired of it. This is a new family member, a living creature with its own character and needs, which will live with you for many years. AND most of Responsibility for his well-being and mood will henceforth rest with the child. If you see that he is serious and ready to become the kitten’s owner and friend, go choose a pet.