What to do if a child of three years is poisoned. Poisoning in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

In children - a fairly common complaint from parents. However, in this case do not panic, because this will scare the child even more. Throw all your worries aside and act! All your actions should be aimed at providing the first medical care your child and conclusion toxic substances from his body.

Poisonous foods can cause child poisoning.

Food poisoning is conventionally divided into 2 types. However, from this conditional division the danger to the health of the child is not reduced. So, there are 2 types of food poisoning:

  1. Poisoning a child with poisonous products. Such poisoning can occur due to the child's consumption of poisonous berries, mushrooms or plant seeds.
  2. Poisoning with toxic substances. Such poisoning is understood as poisoning, as a result, containing pathogens and toxic substances.

I don’t even know if it can be said that poisoning with toxic substances is even worse than poisonous products, but the fact that such poisoning can cause intoxication or some kind of pathology is a fact.

Do not confuse poisoning with toxins with food poisoning. It differs from poisoning by a short incubation period. This infection is not contagious, so it is safe to contact with a child with toxoinfection. Most often, food poisoning occurs after ingestion of such foods:

  • Eggs (especially if they have cracked shells as well as raw eggs)
  • Seafood
  • Sweets with cream
  • Greens and roots

Think what to talk about salads and other finished products located on the shelves of supermarkets does not make sense at all, because. this food is a treasure trove for E. coli, salmonella and staphylococcus aureus.

If your child feels normal after eating ready-made products from the supermarket, then you can consider it a miracle.

Definitely, it is difficult to forbid your child to eat either one serving of ice cream in summer heat. And yes, you don't really need to do that. It is enough to simply be more careful when choosing a product.

When buying something for your child in the store, make sure that you are buying quality products, and also pay attention to the expiration date. You can only be calm when you know what your child is eating. quality products, which were manufactured by a reliable company in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The most the best prevention- a child with food prepared at home by oneself.

What symptoms indicate child poisoning?

A fever in a child is a sign of poisoning.

In case of poisoning, the symptoms in a child will appear unexpectedly with an increasing character, i.e. at first there may be nausea, which will be joined, and vomiting will be accompanied by high fever, etc.

With mild poisoning, the child's well-being may be satisfactory, but this does not mean that in the future the signs of food poisoning will not progress. It's just that all the symptoms will appear gradually, depressing the baby's body.

At the same time, with a complex form of poisoning, a child may experience an infectious-toxic shock. In general, the symptoms of food poisoning in a child are as follows:

  1. Profuse vomiting
  2. Upset stomach (it can be 15 or even more times a day)
  3. The presence of blood clots, mucus or green color in the feces
  4. Pale skin
  5. Dry mouth
  6. Rapid heart rate and rapid breathing
  7. Lowering blood pressure
  8. Urine concentrated, i.e. takes on a darker hue

Don't wait for symptoms to add up. After all, this can lead to dehydration of the body. The longer you put off seeing a doctor, the more harm you are doing to your child's health.

How to provide first aid to a child with poisoning?

Each parent at home can provide first aid to their child. Assistance is provided in 4 steps:

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage will help get rid of the remnants of harmful food.

In addition to enterosorbents, you can also give your child activated charcoal. It is noteworthy that it can be given to children not only with food poisoning, but also with infectious disease., especially if it is found in .

Children who are not yet able to drink tablets can grind and dilute activated charcoal. drinking water. This way you will get a suspension. The advantage of a suspension is that it is more effective than tablets and is also absorbed much earlier than a tablet.

To date, a huge number of drugs are provided for babies, which are available in the form of suspensions, powders and granules. All of them are highly soluble in water.

Regarding the dose, it is worth noting that it is calculated based on the weight of the child. Such information can be obtained by carefully studying the instructions attached to the drug. You also need to pay attention to the existing contraindications. Another one useful information contained in the instructions are storage conditions.

In general, always carefully study the instructions, carry out medical procedure strictly according to the instructions and store the medicines according to the storage conditions specified in the instructions.

Since it is black in color, parents should not panic at the sight of black feces in a child.

Prevention of food poisoning in children

Hands must be washed before eating.

To prevent food poisoning in your child, you need to wash your hands more often, keep away anything that can harm your child's health, and give up raw water.

In this case, you need to be not only attentive in relation to the actions of the child, but also in relation to yourself. For example:

  • Give your child only washed vegetables and
  • Wash your hands before preparing food
  • Check the expiration date of purchased products

In fact, this list can be very long, but the most important thing is to follow the rules of hygiene and monitor the proper nutrition of your child.

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Poisoning is a typical pathological condition in a child, caused by intoxication of the body when certain bacteria, viruses, substances and other agents enter it. In this case, it is important not only to contact the pediatrician in time (and in some cases call an ambulance), but also to organize correct procedures first first aid to alleviate the condition of a small patient and minimize the risk of complications.

Symptoms of intoxication in a child

Symptoms of negative conditions in children are generally not specific - certain types manifestations directly depend on the pathological agent affecting the body.

As modern clinical practice shows, most often food poisoning is. Much less often, it is associated with the inadvertent use of potentially hazardous substances or prolonged direct contact with them. What unites all the above cases is a strong characteristic expression of symptoms, which manifest themselves more intensely than in adults.

General clinical picture may include:

What to do in case of child poisoning and severe vomiting what can be given, what medicines are allowed to be taken and how to restore the baby's body, in which case you need to see a doctor - these and others important questions you will find the answers further in our article.

First aid for a child with poisoning

First aid to the child should be given taking into account his condition and the potential pathogen that caused intoxication. So, when swallowing aggressive chemicals, phosphorus compounds and a number of heavy metals, which can react with water, gastric lavage is prohibited.

With explicit respiratory failure, severe symptoms kidney or liver failure, suspected internal bleeding either collapse of cardio-vascular system need to deliver the child to the department as soon as possible intensive care the nearest hospital, including on the transport itself, if the ambulance team is delayed.

The basic course of action includes:

  • Call to the house of the ambulance brigade;
  • . It is better to carry out with a solution of soda (1 tablespoon of the product per 1.5 liters of water). It is necessary to give the child a liquid to drink, and after 1-2 minutes, induce artificial vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Repeat the procedure until clean wash water appears;
  • Sorbents. After gastric lavage, you need to supplement the procedure with an enterosorbent - for example, activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of a child's body weight;
  • Drink. In the presence of profuse vomiting and diarrhea, it is worth giving the child small portions of water every 15-20 minutes to avoid rapid dehydration.

Medicines for poisoning in a child

Modern medicine recommends treatment with drugs for food and other poisoning in a child only under the supervision of a qualified specialist, preferably in a hospital or outpatient clinic. However, if this is not possible, and the poisoning is mild, or average shape, at home, the following groups of drugs can be used:

  • Antiemetics. They are a symptomatic type of drugs intended for stopping severe vomiting(blocking of the reflex) with the threat of dehydration. It should be understood that they do not treat a small patient, but are intended only to reduce the likelihood of a very rapid loss the body of a large amount of fluid. Typical representatives are Cerucal and Atropine;
  • Antispasmodics. Needed to relieve spasms smooth muscle and relief of pain in the epigastric region. Typical representatives are Drotaverin and No-Shpa;
  • Normalizers of gastrointestinal motility. They are used as an addition to therapy, nausea, heartburn, and bloating are eliminated. Typical representatives are Motilium and Espumizan;

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  • Peristalsis retarders. At severe diarrhea sometimes it is rational to use drugs that slow down the process of intestinal motility. They need to be used with extreme caution - a number of toxic agents of a non-infectious nature are excreted only with feces, so taking such drugs delays the process of intoxication of the body. Typical representatives are Loperamide and Enterobene;
  • Antibiotics and antiviral agents . They are prescribed for a confirmed bacterial or viral nature of poisoning, for a specific type of pathological agent identified as a result of bakposev and other tests.

How to treat poisoning in children: proper nutrition and drinking

The process of intoxication of the child's body deals a serious blow to digestive system child, so for a child in mandatory a special diet is organized:

  • Fractional in small portions. Up to 5-6 times a day;
  • Cooking exclusively by boiling or steaming. Raw and fried foods are prohibited.
  • Calorie restriction. A child in an acute period of toxication needs to limit the calorie content of meals - no more than 1500 Kcal / day;
  • Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Estimated values ​​for these parameters per day - 150 grams of carbohydrates, and 60 grams of protein and fat;
  • Total duration strict diet- from 3 to 5 days, after which relief is possible.

Light poultry broths allowed, mucous soups on rice or semolina, pureed cereals (buckwheat, rice), stale bread. After stabilization of the condition, lean meat, dairy products, potatoes, compotes, etc. are introduced into the diet.

All fried foods, heavy cereals (including oatmeal, pearl barley, eggs), rich borscht and soups, marinades, sauces, pickles, spices, any vegetables and fruits that change the acidity of the stomach, pastries, chocolate, canned food, cheeses, mushrooms are prohibited.

The drinking regime includes the use of at least 2 liters of fluid throughout the day, taken in small portions.

Optimal use clean water, as well as solutions Regidron or Hydrolit. When the condition stabilizes, it can be supplemented with diluted natural juices, compotes, rosehip broth and light tea.

In what cases it is necessary to see a doctor?

Below are the possible situations when calling a doctor or an ambulance in case of poisoning of children must be made without fail:

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers dozens, if hundreds a variety of recipes dealing with symptoms, causes and consequences of poisoning. It should be understood that the vast majority of them are intended for adults, only as an addition to the main therapy and after mandatory agreement with the attending physician.

You can use them outside these strict limits, especially for a child, only at your own peril and risk, clearly realizing potential danger for the child's body.

Recipes for the treatment of poisoning in a child at home:

Recovery of the child's body after poisoning

After the end of the acute period of poisoning, the body of a small patient requires recovery. In the absence of complications of toxication, the following measures are applied:

  • progressive diet. Restriction of calorie intake, eating meals in small portions, but 5-6 times a day. Strict restrictions on food intake are gradually removed from 3-4 days after the onset of poisoning - jelly, crackers, liquid mashed potatoes are introduced, oatmeal porridge, neutral fruits, eggs, milkweed and fermented milk products;
  • Restoration of microflora. It is recommended to take probiotics and prebiotics - the former restore beneficial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, while the latter create the prerequisites for its development and protect against destruction. Typical representatives are Linex, Bifiform, Dufalac, Lactusan;
  • Hepatoprotectors. Almost always, after poisoning, the child's liver also suffers. As additional measures to restore it, you should start taking hepatoprotective agents, such as Essentiale, Heptral, FanDetox.

Food poisoning It can happen to a child at any age and under many circumstances. Learn about the causes, symptoms of intoxication, so that first aid is provided correctly.

Food poisoning (toxic infection)- acute toxic or infection body that occurs after eating poor-quality foods. It is characterized by a complex pathological symptoms(diarrhea, intoxication, vomiting, dehydration).

Children are exposed to poisoning more often than adults. The child's body is not yet strong, so it can hardly resist external "aggressors" that cause intoxication. In addition, children, in the absence of adult control, rarely adhere to the rules of hygiene, especially at a younger age.

How to determine the presence of food poisoning in a child, how to treat it - what should be given from funds in home first aid kit in order to help cope with the disease, is it necessary to feed and water the baby with toxic infection? Let's break it all down! In children, especially in the first two years of life, toxic infection is more difficult than in adults. This is due to an imperfectly developed gastrointestinal tract. If this happens, you need to call a pediatrician at home. Causes include poor quality food, unboiled water, poorly processed foods, infected fruits and vegetables. Read more:.

Symptoms of food poisoning

The disease begins acutely. One of the first symptoms of poisoning is abdominal pain. The onset of the disease is always acute, sudden. Symptoms of poisoning appear several hours after the child has consumed poor-quality food. With a significant contamination of food with microbes, the first symptoms of the disease appear within the first hour after eating. And only with botulism, the latent period is several days (up to 8 days). The shorter the period before the onset of manifestations of poisoning, the higher the severity of the disease.

Food poisoning is especially dangerous for children. younger age. If a low-quality product was consumed by several children, then they may have different duration hidden period and varying degrees the severity of the disease.
In case of poisoning, regardless of the cause of its appearance, the following symptoms may appear:

  • lethargy, general weakness;
  • pain, cramps in the abdomen Small child while pressing the legs), localization of pain is more often in the epigastric or umbilical region, sometimes throughout the abdomen;
  • pallor of the skin, in some cases a bluish tint of the lips and nail phalanges;
  • nausea and repeated vomiting, bringing relief;
  • the temperature may be elevated, with chills (with food poisoning- up to 39 ˚С), or reduced;
  • pulse and respiration are quickened;
  • loose, frequent stools: in some poisonings, stools may be copious, watery (as in a disease caused by Escherichia coli) or scanty, stools may have a different color (yellow-orange - with staph infection, green type of swamp mud - with salmonellosis), an admixture of mucus and blood may appear; dry mucous membranes, thirst;
  • loss of appetite;
  • convulsions and disturbances of consciousness are possible.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea (especially large stools) are dangerous, because they can quickly cause dehydration of the body, development kidney failure. Signs of dehydration are dryness of the mucous membranes, skin, decreased turgor (elasticity) of the skin, a decrease in the frequency of urination and the amount of urine.

Causes of food poisoning

Children's body has high sensitivity Therefore, parents should be careful about what food to give to the child and in what form. Even the most harmless at first glance products (milk, eggs, greens, fruits) can be harmful to health if storage conditions are not followed.

What are the causes of food poisoning?

  • Poisonous food. Mushrooms, plants, berries of unknown origin cause intoxication of the body and can even lead to death. You need to buy such products only from a seller who vouches for quality and confirms it with the necessary certificates.
  • Eating food with toxins and microbes. It may be ordinary food, but its ingredients are processed incorrectly during the cooking process.
  • If you eat meat that is not cooked completely, or cottage cheese that has “overdone” its expiration date, you can catch intestinal infection.
  • The causative agents of diseases of the stomach and entail a sluggish, sleepy state with a list of symptoms. Intestinal infection - this is salmonella, staphylococcus, various strains. They can be in water, sour cream, cottage cheese, drinking yogurt, eggs, fruits, vegetables, meat products, fast food.
  • Intoxication with aggressive chemical compounds.

First aid is very milestone. Properly rendered assistance in case of poisoning will prevent the development of severe stages. The following steps need to be taken: The first step is to provide the child drinking regimen to avoid dehydration. The state of dehydration is very dangerous for the human body, especially the child.

In the first hours it takes a large number of water, as with vomiting and diarrhea after the release of dangerous toxic substances, they come out and useful material, which are very necessary for the body to fight infection. Immediate intake of sorbents.

Strict nutrition during the entire period of poor health. Compliance with the pastel regimen until all symptoms subside. It is necessary to replenish fluid reserves in the body as soon as possible. You can use the drug Regidron (rehydration salts), or make brine at home. It is possible to use decoctions of chamomile, rose hips, green tea. Such a method can only be used for children over 5 years old.

Nutrition is given Special attention. intestinal poisoning requires a certain regimen, which must be observed for several days (weeks) after. It is recommended to cook soups, broths. Liquid, not heavy cereals in the broth. Soufflé from low-fat varieties meat.

It is recommended to reduce the amount of carbohydrates. Treatment of food poisoning in children is the immediate start of treatment and elimination of toxic substances from the body. If a person is poisoned, then at the first sign it is necessary to do a gastric lavage. The rapid elimination of toxins will not provoke the further development of serious consequences. For small children, washing is carried out in hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor.

Under what conditions should you consult a doctor?

First aid at home is essential. But see a doctor to avoid severe manifestations, and subsequent home bed rest it's still worth it. A number of signs that indicate that the child needs emergency medical care:

  • Poisoning in a child (food) up to three years. Children of this age, especially those who are a year old or less, should be under the close supervision of the attending physicians. Since even a mild form and stage of poisoning can turn into severe consequences which will be much more difficult to deal with.
  • The child does not improve within 24 hours after the assistance provided. If the baby's well-being has not improved, it means that the body is not able to fight on its own. Often the symptoms are due to other factors.
  • The child refuses to drink. If profuse vomiting interferes or the child refuses to drink, this happens more often in children aged one year or less, and this is a huge problem for parents. If the child does not want to drink and all attempts have not led to an active “drinking regime”, then medical assistance is required.
  • Signs of dehydration. In case of poisoning, the child may not have the urge to urinate. If the process has occurred and the urine is dark yellow and a sharp ammonia smell - the disease goes into a serious stage. Also, the tongue and the entire oral cavity becomes dry.
  • Heat. At increased sweating the fluid comes out even faster. The skin and eyes have acquired a yellowish tint. These symptoms may indicate the presence of toxins.
  • Rash. Any manifestations of a rash on the body of a child must be examined by a specialist.
  • Presence of blood in feces and vomit. The manifestation of such a symptom is an urgent reason to visit a doctor.
  • Hallucinations, confusion of speech, decreased visual acuity. Difficulty breathing. Possible death. In such cases, urgent hospitalization is carried out for close supervision.
  • Poisoning in children's institutions, schools. In case of mass infections, a check is carried out. Adults have the right to apply to the sanitary and epidemiological station. You also need to see a pediatrician. The doctor has special instruction. A special set of documents is filled in, subsequently transferred to the station. After that, the inspection of the institution and its employees begins.
  • family infection. In case of family poisoning, all family members should be examined. It is possible that all the relatives of the child will also catch the infection and no one will be able to treat it. In this case, constant monitoring by the attending physician is simply necessary.

It is important to teach the child to observe hygiene. Unpasteurized milk, raw water, undercooked meat, fish can all lead to poisoning. Chemical substances, household chemicals, medications should be kept in safe places. On a walk, parents should ensure that the child does not accidentally eat poisonous mushrooms, berries and plants.

Every person is capable of preventing any kind of poisoning. It is enough to observe simple rules instilled in everyone since childhood. Protecting yourself and your family from such terrible and hard-tolerated infections is quite simple. Taking care of your health and the health of your loved ones is an integral part of everyone's life.

Video about poisoning in a child:

Food poisoning in children can be diagnosed at any age. There are many reasons for this, but different occasions need to act differently. If a anxiety symptoms let them know that the child has been poisoned, the correct first aid is required: this will make it possible not to bring to disastrous consequences. What to give a child with poisoning?

Causes of food poisoning

The child's body is highly sensitive, so parents should be attentive to what their child uses and in what form. Even the most harmless at first glance products (milk, eggs, greens, fruits) can be harmful to health if storage conditions are not followed. What are the causes of food poisoning?

  1. Poisonous food. Mushrooms, plants, berries of unknown origin cause intoxication of the body and can even lead to death. You need to buy such products only from a seller who vouches for quality and confirms it with the necessary certificates.
  2. Eating food with toxins and microbes. It may be ordinary food, but its ingredients are processed incorrectly during the cooking process. If you eat meat that is not cooked completely, or cottage cheese that has “overdone” its expiration date, you can catch an intestinal infection. The causative agents of diseases of the stomach and entail a sluggish, sleepy state with a list of symptoms. Intestinal infection - this is salmonella, staphylococcus, various strains. They can be in water, sour cream, cottage cheese, drinking yogurt, eggs, fruits, vegetables, meat products, fast food.
  3. Intoxication with aggressive chemical compounds.

Signs of food poisoning

The first symptoms of food poisoning are persistent vomiting and diarrhea. If the disease is actively developing, other signs are also connected. How long does it take to get poisoned in the body? How to "recognize" him? Food poisoning in a child is diagnosed in two hours, maximum - in a day. If for a short period of time vomiting has already been several times, the temperature is rising rapidly, then this indicates an intestinal infection and the action of toxins in the body.

Light form disease is characterized by weakness in the body, allergic rashes on skin, increased swelling, rapid breathing and pulse. Signs of poisoning in a child, in addition to diarrhea, vomiting, are pain in the stomach heat, which is hard to bring down, abdominal pain, the process of dehydration, pressure reduction, dry mouth begins. Maximum dangerous symptom- this is vomiting and diarrhea without stopping, this is a signal that the body is severely dehydrated. In order to prevent a difficult state, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance.

Vomiting in case of poisoning

Household intoxication(through water, food) is a violation of the digestive tract. If a child vomits during poisoning, but there is no diarrhea, this indicates damage to the wall upper divisions GIT. If chemical compounds that destroy epithelial cells enter the stomach, then the receptors are stimulated reflexively and the urge to vomit appears. Poisoning can be acute and chronic. Acute period characterized rapid development illness. Chronic form activates new symptoms gradually, as toxicity increases (occurs with narcotic or alcohol intoxication).

Temperature in case of poisoning in a child

Fever during intoxication is not uncommon. The temperature during poisoning in a child is a protective reaction of the body against "evil" microbes and toxins. It is impossible to understand only by fever what type of infection (infectious or non-infectious) has occurred, only tests can show this. What is the benefit of raising the temperature? Blood circulation improves, metabolism is faster, perspiration is accelerated, and harmful substances are gradually eliminated from the body. In such an environment, many bacteria die due to adverse conditions for development.

Temperature is dangerous when:

  • vomiting does not stop, but only intensifies;
  • diarrhea more than 10 times a day;
  • in loose stool streaks of blood appear;
  • convulsions and other signs of damage are observed nervous system;
  • she does not go astray for several hours with any drugs or goes astray for a short time;
  • dehydration occurs.

What to do in case of poisoning

What to do in case of food poisoning:

  • prevention of subsequent intoxication with toxins;
  • increased excretion of pathogenic substances from the body;
  • food poisoning in a child requires immediate bowel cleansing;
  • medical therapy to combat the pathogen;
  • treatment of symptoms obtained during intoxication.

Food poisoning - treatment

How to treat poisoning, what first aid to provide yourself:

  1. Rinse the stomach. To do this, use a solution of soda, potassium permanganate, salt.
  2. Induce a gag reflex. If the child is under five years old, then drugs that cause vomiting should not be used. It is allowed to use the method of pressing on the root of the tongue with the fingertips.
  3. Apply a sorbent (white or black coal, enterosgel).
  4. Give a laxative to speed up elimination toxic substances or give an enema.

The cure for poisoning

What kind medicines, tablets for poisoning can be used:

  1. Activated carbon(1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight).
  2. White coal(maximum 4 grams per day).
  3. Smecta (powder for solution, helps to cleanse the intestines).
  4. Nifuroxazide. An antibiotic used for diarrhea.

All of these drugs are approved for use in childhood. If the child is small, then it is harder to give him a pill. In this case, smecta is ideal: the prepared solution has a sweet taste (orange or vanilla), children easily take it. Can be used regardless of when the child was eating, and daily dose calculated based on the age of the child (from 1 to 3 sachets per day). The daily volume is divided into several doses and can be added to liquid foods and drinks.

Diet for poisoning in a child

Urgent Action carried out, the treatment process is carried out successfully. It is not enough to cure a child from intoxication with drugs alone, the recovery process does not end there. Be sure to follow the correct power supply system. What to feed a child with poisoning? The first day is better not to eat, the digestion process is disturbed, you can provoke increased vomiting and diarrhea. It is better to give more to drink clean liquids.

From the second day after poisoning, fatty foods are excluded from the diet. You can not use dairy products to make cereals and eat food that irritates the digestive tract ( raw vegetables, fruits, berries, sweets, canned food, smoked meats). All subsequent days, you can take broth, tea without sugar, crackers, vegetable casseroles, boiled or steamed fish, meat, rice broth, light soups, cereals (oatmeal, rice). In order to prevent in the first week, do not give the child eggs, yogurt, milk.

Video: what to do with food poisoning at home

Food poisoning- this is intoxication of the body 1. She can be called harmful substances, which directly enter the stomach, for example, if the child swallowed something inedible. If you understand that this is your case, induce vomiting in the child and call an ambulance.

But most often, parents are dealing with a situation in which substances harmful to the body are released by pathogenic microbes that have entered the body with food. To do this, it is enough not to wash your hands before eating or buy a suspicious cake in a street cafe.

How to recognize food poisoning?

There are 3 main symptoms of food poisoning in a child:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea, aka diarrhoea.

These symptoms may appear within 48 hours after ingestion of poor quality food, sometimes accompanied by a rise in temperature 2 .

The child must be seen by a doctor immediately 3:

  • if temperature is added to these symptoms;
  • if the child is less than 3 years old;
  • if relief does not come within 2 days;
  • if in emetic and feces there are streaks of blood;
  • if symptoms recur in family members.

What to do and what to feed?

Firstly, prevent dehydration and remove toxins. Give your child water, saline, or glucose-salt solutions to drink. To remove toxins from the intestines and alleviate the manifestations of diarrhea, use enterosorbents 4 .

Secondly, observe a sparing food regimen. Feed fractionally, only at the request of the child, with neutral foods - soft rice porridge, mashed potatoes. Dairy products are banned.

Thirdly, restore the intestinal microflora and immunity after the disappearance of symptoms of poisoning. To do this, use probiotics and prebiotics. Remember that after poisoning, a child can be given a probiotic only as directed by a doctor, otherwise diarrhea and nausea may return. According to pediatricians, it is preferable for children to use prebiotics as the most safe way normalization of bowel function 5 .

How to choose a prebiotic?

The requirements for a baby prebiotic are simple. First, it must be allowed to long-term use, because the recovery intestinal microflora may take some time. And secondly, it should be designed specifically for children. Otherwise, you risk spending part of your time every day persuading your baby to open his mouth and take a prebiotic.

From you only one thing is required - to offer the child a healthy gummy bear and explain that by eating it, the baby takes care of the health of his tummy. Everything else will be done by your child and DufaMishki in one team. The first will remind you daily that you need to take care of your tummy, and the second will help restore the beneficial intestinal microflora, the ranks of which can noticeably thin out after poisoning. You can give DufaMishek to your child for as long as you like - they do not contain any additional pharmacological components, such as vitamins, which limit the duration of intake.

Prevention of poisoning

  1. You will minimize the risk of food poisoning if you play ahead of the curve.
  2. Teach your child the rules of hygiene from an early age.
  3. Maintain hygiene in food preparation.
  4. Make sure the child does not have access to poisonous plants and household chemicals at home and in the country; do not give mushrooms to a child under 5 years old.
  5. And most importantly - take care of the inhabitants of the intestines of the baby. And then a healthy and strong microflora will cope with any uninvited guests. You can normalize the work of the child's intestines with the help of DufaMishek. One lozenge per day promotes the development of healthy microflora, thereby supporting immune system gastrointestinal tract.

The material was developed with the support of Abbott to increase patient awareness of the state of health. The information in this material does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Contact your doctor.

  1. Baranov A.A., Bagnenko S.F., and others. Clinical guidelines for the provision of emergency medical care acute poisoning in children // Pediatric pharmacology, 2015 V.12 No. 6. Ss. 657–667.
  2. Zabolotskikh T.V., Grigorenko G.V. and others. Poisoning in childhood. Methodical manual for pediatricians. - Blagoveshchensk. - 2003.
  3. Karaseva O. V. Acute abdomen in the practice of a pediatrician // Pediatric pharmacology, 2011 T. 8 No. 5. Ss. 21–26.
  4. Panfilova V. N., Taranushenko T. E. The use of enterosorbents in clinical practice// Pediatric pharmacology, 2012 V.9 No. 6. Ss. 34–39.
  5. Kornienko E. A. Problematic issues of correction of intestinal biocenosis in children // Questions modern pediatrics, 2005 V.4 No. 1. S. 74.