What do you do at an appointment with a cardiologist? Cardiologist: how the examination is performed and advice

Experienced cardiologist. More than 25 years of medical experience, during which he provided assistance to thousands of patients with various cardiac pathologies. A special place among them was occupied by patients with endocarditis. A detailed study of various aspects of their course and prevention of the development of multiple organ failure are presented in the doctor’s thesis.
Candidate medical sciences.
Doctor of the highest qualification category.
Education: correspondence postgraduate study at the Nizhny Novgorod State University medical academy(2006); internship, specialty – emergency doctor medical care(1987); Chuvash State University them. I.N. Ulyanov, specialty - general medicine (1986).
Certificate of honor from the Chuvash Republic for success achieved in work and many years of conscientious work (2002).
1st place in the competition Best Therapist of the Year (2005).
Annual participant in Russian and international forums on cardiology and other related medical disciplines.
Author 13 scientific works dedicated to pathologies of cardio-vascular system.
Medical experience- 24 years.


What immediately caught my eye was the friendly, welcoming attitude. She listened carefully to my numerous complaints without interrupting, examined me carefully, and what seemed important to me was that she treated me not only as a cardiologist, but also examined other organs. I

I believe that this speaks of a phenomenon that is now rare among doctors - a systematic view of the disease. I consider this a great advantage of Tatyana Kirillovna as a doctor. What amazed me even more was that the next day she called herself and asked about my well-being. This cannot in any way be explained by financial interest; this is a purely human quality of empathy, which is completely absent from most modern doctors. Speaking of treatment. The next day after the appointments, I felt an improvement in my condition and perhaps she prescribed the right treatment. It is obvious that Tatyana Kirillovna is a good diagnostician. And now there are almost none of them left in our country. In general, Pavlova T.K. Good man, an intelligent doctor and a good diagnostician. About the very center. I can't say much. There are nice smiling girls at the reception. There seems to be no queues. I would like to remind the management of the clinic that charity is fashionable now. Still, prices in the center are high. And, perhaps, it would be possible to think about and carry out socially oriented actions without detriment financial activities center.

Cardiologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the heart system and cardiac pathologies.

The doctor has a specialization in this branch of medicine and is proficient in techniques modern diagnostics, which help to deliver correct diagnosis, and also big practical experience working with patients suffering from cardiac diseases.

Cardiology as a science is based on the study of the structure of the cardiovascular system and the characteristics of its work. Accordingly, a cardiologist is a specialist involved in diagnosing, treating and prescribing appropriate preventive measures regarding the prevention various types diseases related to this area.

As you understand, the activities of any of the organs in our body are closely interconnected, this, in turn, gives the right to assert that cardiology is in close connection with other types of branches in medicine. Examples include the influence exerted by hormonal changes(which implies such a section as endocrinology) occurring in the body, directly affecting the functioning of the heart.

What does a cardiologist do?

The cardiologist sees patients who come on their own or through referrals from other specialists to clarify the diagnosis. In this case, the doctor examines the patient, conducts auscultation, or listening to the heart using a phonendoscope, measures and evaluates the nature of the pulse, and also measures arterial pressure. A cardiologist has to devote a lot of time to decoding an electrocardiogram - a recording of the electrical activity of the heart using a special electrocardiograph device.

The responsibilities of a cardiologist include clinical monitoring of patients with chronic heart and vascular diseases, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of therapy. Cardiologists who work in inpatient departments and wards intensive care, provide assistance in acute cardiovascular pathology or during exacerbation chronic processes. If patients deteriorate and the therapy becomes ineffective, the cardiologist refers them to a vascular or cardiac surgeon for surgical treatment.

Appointment with a cardiologist

An appointment with a cardiologist does not require any preparation other than moral. Write down what medications you take and their dosage. Take the results of previous examinations with you. Find out from your relatives whether anyone in the family suffered from diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVS). The doctor will ask what the patient is complaining about. The patient’s task is to explain and list as clearly as possible all the symptoms that bother him.

The doctor will ask questions regarding lifestyle and hereditary diseases in family. The cardiologist will examine the patient, listen to the heartbeat, and measure blood pressure. After this, he will give recommendations for treatment and (or) refer to additional examinations in order to identify the complete picture of the disease.

What types of diagnostics does a cardiologist perform?

  • electrocardiogram;
  • daily heart cardiogram;
  • 24-hour blood pressure monitoring;
  • echocardiography;
  • diagnosis of myocardiopathy;
  • genetic markers of cardiovascular diseases;
  • markers autoimmune lesion myocardium;
  • cardiac risk;
  • angiography.

We are all accustomed to the fact that advice on healthy image life and proper nutrition given by nutritionists, physical therapy specialists and traditional healers. In fact, almost every doctor-specialist can give you many useful recommendations about how to maintain your health.

So, if you want to keep your heart and blood vessels in healthy condition or minimize the risk of disease, make friends with physical education. You should not exhaust yourself with hours of jogging and working out in the gym. Just thirty minutes every other day - and your blood vessels will be very grateful to you. Only these classes should be regular. If you already have heart problems, consult a cardiologist about what kind of exercises are best to fill these thirty minutes.

Table salt is an enemy for people, seeking to maintain their blood vessels and heart. Try to have this product on your table as little as possible or not at all. Using salt can lead to serious illnesses such as stroke or hypertension. It is advisable to calculate the nutritional value of your menu. Don't take this to the point of absurdity and don't go everywhere with a calculator. Just remember the approximate number of calories in those foods that form the basis of your diet. This will make it possible not to gain excess weight.

Fat is the enemy of the heart and blood vessels. Minimize your consumption of fatty meats butter and fatty dairy products. Animal fat is essential for the body to function. But there shouldn't be much of it at all. Moreover, the older you are, the less animal fats you should have in your diet. Excess animal fat leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.

Get your schedule in order. You should not work immoderately, without resting at all and bringing your nervous system into a state of complete disorder. This has a very bad effect on the heart and blood vessels, and on your entire body. Work must be skillfully alternated with pleasant rest. Learn to relax right at work. Sitting in a chair, you can restore your body and relax in three minutes.

Learn relaxation techniques. This is very, very useful and pleasant. Try to get your hands on it emotional condition. This is very difficult, but if you want, you can learn to control emotions and suppress anxiety, fight stressful situations. Calm and only calm! This should be your motto. If your work brings you only finances, but not pleasure, be sure to get yourself a nice hobby which will give you the opportunity to enjoy life.

If you have already transferred serious disease hearts, for example, a heart attack, do not deny yourself small pleasures. For example, many people who have had a heart attack try to avoid sexual relations so as not to overload the cardiovascular system. It's a delusion. According to data obtained by American cardiologists, having sex did not in any way worsen the condition of the cardiovascular system of elderly people who had suffered a heart attack, and in some cases even improved their overall well-being. Some American cardiologists even specifically talk to their patients about this topic.

For what symptoms should you contact a cardiologist?

  • Introduction to the profession of a cardiologist: diagnosis and treatment in a regional hospital - video
  • Cardiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences: complications, risk factors and recommendations for the treatment of atrial fibrillation - video

  • Make an appointment with a cardiologist

    To make an appointment with a doctor or diagnostics, you just need to call single number phone
    +7 495 488-20-52 in Moscow


    +7 812 416-38-96 in St. Petersburg

    The operator will listen to you and redirect the call to the desired clinic, or accept an order for an appointment with the specialist you need.

    Or you can click the green “Register Online” button and leave your phone number. The operator will call you back within 15 minutes and select a specialist who meets your request.

    IN this moment appointments are made with specialists and clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Who is a cardiologist?

    Cardiologist is a doctor specializing in the detection, prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels). A cardiologist is a specialist in a narrow, cardiological profile, since it deals with the identification, prevention and treatment of diseases only of the heart and blood vessels. The pathology of any other organs and systems lies outside the scope professional activity cardiologist.

    9. Ischemic disease hearts:

    • Myocardial infarction;
    • Angina (all forms).
    10. Vascular atherosclerosis.
    11. Heart defects:
    • Mitral valve defect and prolapse;
    • Aortic valve disease;
    • Tricuspid valve defect;
    • Defect of several valves at the same time;
    • Congenital defects hearts.
    12. Functional disorders heart function (myocardial dystrophy, cardiomyopathy, etc.).
    13. Diseases of the pericardium and endocardium of the heart:
    • Pericarditis of any origin (infectious, aseptic, etc.);
    • Endocarditis of any origin (rheumatic, infectious).
    14. Rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias).
    15. Cardiac conduction disorders:
    • Atrioventricular block;
    • Weakness syndrome sinus node and etc.
    16. Heart failure.
    17. Vascular insufficiency.
    18. Circulatory failure.
    19. Damage to the heart and blood vessels due to alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse and radiation sickness.
    20. Damage to the heart and blood vessels endocrine diseases, such as diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, obesity.
    21. Damage to the heart and blood vessels during sports or excessive physical activity.
    22. Heart damage due to systemic diseases, such as amyloidosis and collagenosis (arthritis, systemic vasculitis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, Sjogren's disease, Sharp's syndrome, etc.).
    23. Detection and treatment of heart disease in pregnant women.
    24. Detection and treatment of cor pulmonale.
    25. Injuries and tumors in the heart.
    26. Identification and treatment of emergency, acute cardiac conditions, such as:
    • Collapse;
    • Rupture of the interventricular septum;
    • Syncope (fainting);
    27. Resuscitation measures in people suffering from heart and vascular diseases.
    28. Decision on allowing people suffering from heart and vascular diseases to participate in sports.

    Cardiologist at home

    Private medical centers provide a service to call a cardiologist at home. However, this service, of course, is paid. Government agencies healthcare does not provide outcall services narrow specialists, including cardiologists, at home.

    How to choose a cardiologist? What should the cardiologist find out about the patient? How to determine the level of professionalism of your doctor - video

    What diseases and conditions does a cardiologist work with - video

    Introduction to the profession of a cardiologist: diagnosis and treatment in a regional hospital - video

    Cardiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences: complications, risk factors and recommendations for the treatment of atrial fibrillation - video

    Heart surgery was performed by a robotic cardiologist - video

    Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    The promotion applies to all varieties initial appointment, including appointments with leading doctors, candidates of medical sciences and children's specialists. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to get a profitable consultation from one of the leading medical companies Moscow! .

    A cardiologist is a doctor whose competence includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases, as well as the rehabilitation of patients after cardiovascular accidents.

    If you need cardiology services in Moscow, contact Family Doctor JSC. In our clinics you can undergo diagnostics of the state of the cardiovascular system and receive high-quality cardiac care. You can make an appointment with a cardiologist by phone or using the services of our website.

    About cardiovascular diseases

    Cardiovascular diseases firmly occupy the first position in the ranking of causes of death. Moreover, the problem is relevant not only for the elderly. The frantic rhythm of life chronic stress, poor nutrition, refined foods rich in animal fats and sugars, sedentary lifestyle life and bad habits lead to heart and vascular diseases affecting young people.

    The basis of the most common heart diseases is atherosclerosis - chronic illness vessels, characterized by the formation of inner surface cholesterol plaques, which narrow the lumen and impede blood flow. Atherosclerosis leads to poor circulation and oxygen starvation of tissues various organs, but the heart and brain suffer the most. Cardiac ischemia leads to the development of angina, arrhythmia and myocardial infarction; oxygen starvation brain, aggravated by hypertension - to strokes and other neurological problems, including dementia.

    Diseases treated by a cardiologist

      Congenital heart defects.

      Rheumatic diseases heart disease, and their consequence is acquired valvular heart disease.

      Non-rheumatic acquired heart defects.

      Atherosclerosis, myocardiosclerosis.

      Coronary heart disease (CHD): angina and myocardial infarction.

      Hypertonic disease, or essential hypertension.

      Secondary arterial hypertension.

      Arterial hypotension.

      Cardiac arrhythmias: various forms of tachyarrhythmia, bradycardia and other rhythm disturbances.

      Inflammatory diseases heart: endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis, carditis.


      Various shapes pulmonary heart failure.

      Aneurysms of blood vessels.

      Vegetative-vascular dystonia, vascular crises, cardialgia.

      Heart failure.

      Circulatory failure.

      Vascular aneurysms, including aortic aneurysm.

      Thrombosis, thromboembolism.

      Varicose veins veins and others.

    JSC "Family Doctor" provides advisory, therapeutic and diagnostic assistance for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor will help diagnose the pathology in a timely manner, the treatment provided will reduce dependence on medications and improve the quality of life. If necessary surgical care cardiac patients are sent to the hospital center of JSC “Family Doctor” or other specialized institutions.

    When to see a cardiologist

    In most cases, a general practitioner refers you to a cardiologist for consultation.

    It is advisable to make an appointment with a cardiologist yourself if you have the following symptoms:

      any pain in the heart area: stabbing, piercing, pulling, squeezing, short-term and long-term, localized behind the sternum or radiating to the shoulder blade, neck, teeth or arm;

      sensations of lack of air, attacks of weakness, lightheadedness and dizziness;

      interruptions in heart function;

      rare pulse (less than 50 beats per minute);

      three times recorded high or low blood pressure;

      attacks of palpitations not associated with emotional and physical stress;

      headaches and heaviness in the back of the head, a feeling of pressure on the eyes, intensifying towards the end of the day;

      swelling of the legs, abdomen, sudden weight gain;

      shortness of breath, inadequate physical activity or not related to it;

      Availability diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, increased level cholesterol and HDL according to the results biochemical analysis blood.

    Clinics of JSC "Family Doctor" are equipped with the latest cardiological equipment, which allows diagnosing heart and vascular diseases in the early stages of their development, when the treatment is most effective.

    Special methods for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases

    Stress (load) tests allow you to assess the reserve capabilities of the heart and detect pathology that manifests itself during exercise: bicycle ergometry and providing exercise using a treadmill.

    To diagnose sleep apnea syndrome and assess the risk of sudden coronary death polysomnography and cardiorespiratory monitoring are used during sleep.

    Allows you to diagnose angina, heart attack, heart defects and other diseases. Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels, supplemented by Doppler ultrasound, allows the doctor to evaluate the position of the myocardium, the walls of blood vessels and the functioning of the heart valves, and to hear the sound they make during the movement of blood. Angiography and coronary angiography are used to detect vascular diseases. If more is needed full information, can be assigned CT scan(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

    What treatment methods are used in cardiology

    In their practice, cardiologists mainly use conservative (therapeutic) treatment methods. Most heart diseases require restriction physical activity to reduce the load on the diseased organ. However, prolonged physical inactivity leads to deterioration of the heart muscle. Having objectively assessed the capabilities of the heart, the doctor draws up an individual therapy program, including compliance with a certain regime of physical and mental stress.

    Treatment uses drug therapy, physiotherapy, including physical therapy and psychological training that increases resistance to stress. If necessary surgical intervention the cardiologist refers the patient to the hospital, to a cardiac surgeon or endovascular surgeon.

    An important role in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases is played by their rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction. Individual program rehabilitation plan is compiled taking into account the nature of the underlying disease, the patient’s age and his condition. The goal is to restore health, increase the capabilities of the cardiovascular system, optimize drug therapy, reducing the risk of recurrent heart attack, physical and psychological adaptation of the patient to his condition, improving quality of life and returning to work.

    Timely consultation with a cardiologist will help improve your health and sometimes even save your life. We should not forget about this, especially for residents of Moscow, where finding cardiology services is not difficult. Take care of yourself - make an appointment with a cardiologist right now.

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