What to use for seduction Levitra or Viagra. Let's compare which is better: Alicaps, Sealex, Viagra, Levitra, Lovelace, Cialis and others? Zidena or Levitra: what to choose

IN modern society Men are faced with many factors that negatively affect their masculinity. Stress, fatigue, lack of daily routine, poor nutrition, deteriorating environment and much more - all this weakens potency, and in some cases can even cause erectile dysfunction. To combat such sensitive issues and were invented to maintain a good erection medications, increasing sexual desire and increasing male potency. The most popular drugs in Russia are Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

But many people are not satisfied with the rather high prices for original drugs and then they turn to their generics. They are called generics medicinal analogues, developed on the basis of a patented medicinal formula of the original medical product.

At the same time, generics should not be confused with counterfeits - dummy tablets that do not contain any declared medicines and best case scenario consisting of chalk, talc and similar fillers. And also with illegal copies - bypassing the law and patent, copying any medicine. Most of these products are produced not only illegally, but also in non-compliance with basic sanitary and epidemiological standards, and their use can lead to serious consequences. negative consequences for the health of the person who took them.

Both Viagra and Cialis have the same effect on the human body. But there are still differences. Among them the main ones can be considered:

  • Price- the cost of Cialis is often several times lower than that of Viagra.
  • Compound- in most cases the composition is similar. The only exception is the active ingredient - tadalafil in Cialis and Viagra. At the same time, manufacturers of generic Cialis often use cheaper dyes, preservatives, additives and fillers, which most often use chalk, talc and soda.
  • Technological process production various forms of these drugs, judging by which one can also evaluate which is better - Viagra or Cialis, can be quite different.
  • Effect on the patient- when taking Cialis, the drug effect may not be much, but it may differ from the results of the initial drug. This may manifest itself in a change in the time of exposure of the drug to the body, as well as its interaction with various products food and drinks, including alcoholic ones.
  • Side effects and interactions with others medicines - it is impossible to say in advance exactly how this medicine will interact with others medicines, which side effects and it can cause allergic reactions.
  • Appearance- the release form, colors and packaging of the drugs differ, but not much. Some tablets are presented in yellow flowers, others - in bluish ones.
  • Release form- the original brand Cialis is available in tablet form, just like Viagra.

Original Cialis is produced in the form of pale orange biconvex oval-shaped tablets in film casing and contains 20 mg. tadalafil - main active substance of this drug.

Cialis and Viagra are recommended to be used directly for the time specified in the accompanying instructions before the intended sexual intercourse. It can be taken (unlike most quality drugs that increase potency) on a full stomach. At the same time, which is important, it is not prohibited to eat fatty and spiced foods, as well as take small amounts of alcohol.

The principle of action of Cialis is based on increasing natural arousal. It should be remembered that the drug is not an aphrodisiac and is not an aphrodisiac, but only enhances the erection and sexual arousal of a man. The principle of action of Viagra is similar.

The instructions for use included with Cialis and Viagra are required to be read.

It is also worth noting that many analogues of both Viagra and Cialis, tested by doctors, only confirmed the opinion of doctors that Viagra and Cialis are completely harmless drugs, which can be used by anyone. And in Lately The female version of the medicine is becoming especially popular.

Levitra and Cialis are popular medications that are used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. From a pharmaceutical point of view, they have virtually no differences. However, many men are trying to understand which drug is better, and therefore constantly compare not only these two drugs, but also the combination of Viagra Cialis.

Active component of this medicine is vardenafil. This substance has the most quick action among all PDE-5 inhibitors. Literally a quarter of an hour after using the product, a man experiences a full erection. Maximum level active ingredient can be achieved in 30 minutes.

The duration of the achieved effect is 8-10 hours. However, every organism can have individual characteristics. Therefore, experts do not advise delaying sexual intercourse for more than 5 hours after using Levitra.

The effect of Levitra does not depend on food or alcohol consumption. It is important to consider that fatty foods can negatively affect the rate of absorption of the drug. Therefore, it is better not to eat such foods before using the product.

Vardenafil should not be used for complex pathologies of the kidneys and liver. Contraindications are also pathologies of the retina, high or low blood pressure. It is better not to combine this product with nitrates. Combination with nitrogen donors is also contraindicated.

Levitra does not have such pronounced side effects as its analogues. In most cases, the drug provokes symptoms such as facial flushing, nasal congestion, and dyspepsia.

Features of Cialis

The active component of this drug is tadanafil. Characteristic feature A substance is considered to have a long-term effect on the human body. That is why many people, when choosing between Levitra and Cialis, prefer the latter. This tool valid for a full 36 hours. Thanks to this feature, the process of planning sexual intercourse is greatly facilitated.

Since there are no time restrictions on having sex, a man can get rid of emotional stress and achieve a harmonious relationship.

You can take 20 mg of Cialis at a time. It is best to do this 30-60 minutes before sex. Since Cialis, like Levitra, is absorbed quite quickly, an erection can occur literally 20 minutes after using the drug. However, the most predictable result is achieved after half an hour.

Another undoubted advantage of this product is its excellent compatibility with food and alcohol. At the same time, eating fatty foods does not affect the absorption of the drug in any way.

Cialis has approximately the same contraindications as Levitra. At the same time, the likelihood of side effects after using this drug is low - this is explained by minimal penetration of the drug into the blood. At the same time, there is a risk of operational disruptions digestive system And pain in the lower back.

The main differences between the drugs

Despite a detailed analysis of all the listed drugs, many people cannot decide which is better - Cialis or Viagra. Some even prefer Levitra.

To answer this question unambiguously, you need to analyze the differences between these medicines:

  1. The main indicator of the effectiveness of a drug is the duration of its action. Yes, Viagra provides desired effect for 6 hours, Levitra can last 10 hours, while Cialis gives a stable erection for 36 hours. That is why last drug considered the most convenient to use. A man need not fear that his action will end at an unexpected moment.
  2. The length of time you take the drug also plays an important role. In this regard, Levitra holds a leading position. Its action begins literally after a quarter of an hour. Viagra allows you to get an erection in 30-45 minutes. In this case, it is recommended to take Cialis half an hour before sex.
  3. For many men, the dependence of the effectiveness of the product on food and alcoholic beverages is important. The effect of Viagra is noticeably reduced after eating fatty foods or large quantity food. That is why doctors advise drinking it on an empty stomach. The addition of alcohol also weakens the effect of this remedy. But these factors have almost no effect on the effect of Cialis or Levitra.
  4. For people who have kidney, heart or vascular diseases, such an indicator as the half-life is very important. It is better not to combine these drugs with nitroglycerin preparations. This combination represents real danger for life.

The most short period Viagra has a half-life. This indicator is 3-5 hours. Therefore, this drug is indicated for people with heart disease. However, in any case, it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Levitra has a half-life of 6 hours, while Cialis has a half-life of 18 hours. That is why the latter remedy is completely contraindicated for people who take nitroglycerin.

  1. Another feature is the effect on the perception of colors. Changes in vision are caused exclusively by Viagra. However, other agents do not have a similar effect. If a person is engaged in work that requires increased attention, it is better for him to stop taking Viagra.
  2. Diabetes mellitus is always accompanied by metabolic disorders. This reduces absorption medications. Levitra has the greatest potency, which is why it has the highest effect on diabetics. At the same time, Cialis is considered safer for this category of people, since it has a weaker effect on their body.
  3. If Viagra Cialis is not effective enough, they can easily be replaced with Levitra.
  4. As for the dosage, Viagra contains 50 or 100 mg active component. The remaining drugs include 20 mg of active ingredient.
  5. Side effects for all drugs are approximately the same. It is better not to use Levitra in case of penis deformation. Cialis is more harmless in this regard. If sexual intercourse does not take place, Cialis does not cause much discomfort.

To choose the right drug, you need to consider many factors. Thus, elderly patients to a greater extent Cialis will do. If erectile dysfunction is psychogenic in nature, it is advisable to use Viagra. If a person has problems with metabolism, you should pay attention to Levitra.


If Viagra Cialis and other drugs do not give desired results, you can choose analogues.

These include the following drugs:

  • impaza;
  • zidena;
  • humisil;
  • Sealex;
  • viprogra.

Prices for analogues are in a fairly wide range. Thus, homeopathic tablets are much cheaper than PDE inhibitors. In any case, before making a specific choice, it is better to consult a doctor.

If a man has erectile dysfunction, it is not so important which drug is better. It is quite possible to choose any of these remedies, since they all normalize sexual activity. However, people who have chronic diseases should still consult a doctor who will select best option taking into account the existing clinical picture.

Drawing conclusions

Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side.

And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health

Now answer the question: ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THIS? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree?

We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that the drug is 100% working without any side effects- this is Predstanol. This drug consists of natural components, completely eliminating chemicals.

ATTENTION! PROMOTION! You can try the drug for free, place your order using the link or filling out the form below.

A man always wants to be on top everywhere, and in sexually especially. Insufficient erection can affect a man as early as 40 years of age. According to statistics, chronic erectile dysfunction can occur in 5% of men over 40 years of age, and already at the age of 65 it reaches 15-25%. Even transitional erectile dysfunction occurs in 50% of men aged 40-70 years. They come to the rescue medications that will give men confidence in their sexual life.

There are two popular effective drugs: Viagra (Sildenafil) and Levitra (Vardenafil). They both belong to a single class of drugs called phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, which block an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5).

Viagra, manufactured by Pfizer, was the first to appear on the market and was approved as effective medicine for erectile dysfunction March 27, 1998.

The second to appear on the market was Levitra, which was approved on August 19, 2003. Levitra is manufactured by the famous pharmaceutical corporation Bayer.

The most important advantage of these drugs is that the man will feel normal during usual time transmission, the induction of an erection occurs only at the moment sexual intimacy(sexual stimulation). No stimulation, no erection. The drug is taken orally in advance of sexual stimulation; the main task is to increase the flow of blood to the penis.

PDE 5 inhibitors cannot directly cause penile erection. They affect the body during sexual arousal through the influence of nitric oxide. With the help of nitric oxide, the muscles in the penis relax, which allows for increased blood flow to the penis.

The effectiveness of both drugs is around 80-84%, which indicates their productivity. However, according to surveys of men, Viagra is still slightly ahead in quality, the penis becomes stiffer and more erect after it.

By dosage: Viagra 100 mg / 1 tablet and Levitra 20 mg / 1 tablet. If taking for the first time, it is recommended to try half a dose. It is not recommended to take more than once a day.

Administration and onset of action: Levitra begins to act a little faster after 25 minutes, while Viagra takes 30 minutes. The difference is 5 minutes, everyone decides for themselves how important it is for him. There is a small caveat: if you take the drug with food, the effect may be slightly delayed. In this regard, drugs can be taken on empty stomach. The feeling that a man experiences is that he wants to have sex. The effect of Viagra lasts 4-5 hours, Levitar 5-12 hours.

Compatibility with alcohol is possible, but with Viagra you need to take a tablet 1 hour before drinking drinks, while Levitra is absolutely compatible with alcoholic drinks.

Side effects are possible, but they vary from person to person; the most common are redness on the face (neck), nasal congestion, and dizziness. Levitra only 3% of men experienced side effects, while Viagra had 9%.

None of the drugs are addictive and do not affect hormonal levels.

There are restrictions under which drugs are contraindicated:

  • Men taking organic nitrates is strictly prohibited
  • People who have had a stroke or heart attack in the past 6 months
  • Suffering from high or low blood pressure, angina pectoris (take with caution)
  • Dosage is limited for those suffering from kidney or liver diseases

To summarize we can say:

  • Levitra works faster than Viagra
  • Viagra is not much better in terms of “quality”
  • Viagra has slightly more side effects than Levitra.
  • Levitra lasts longer

Today, the most common problem in men is sexual dysfunction. It lies in the fact that men do not have sufficient erection to perform sexual intercourse.

This problem puts psychological pressure on the male half of the population, but it must be remembered that in 95% of cases this problem is still solvable and treatable. What is best to use in the treatment of insufficient erection?

Which potency drug is better: Viagra or Levitra?

To such a question as “Viagra or Levitra – which is better?” There is no definite answer, even among doctors, because both of these drugs have many similarities.

Levitra is valid for up to 10 hours and the better that it must be taken just 20 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse, and Viagra is valid for up to 4 hours and must be taken before a whole hour before sexual intercourse. At the same time, you need to drink them with a very small amount of water.

The recommended dose of Levitra is no more than 20 mg per day, that is, no more than one tablet. This drug can also be taken with an unlimited amount of food. Levitra is also better in comparison with Viagra because it can be used together with alcohol.


Viagra was the first drug that was specifically designed to combat male impotence and erectile dysfunction. It contains sildenafil citrate, which increases blood flow to the penis, which causes an erection.

This product was approved by the American Medical Association and today is in a wonderful way for the treatment of male impotence.

This drug gives men a greater opportunity to have sexual intercourse for 6 hours after taking it. It is available in the form of tablets with various dosages of 25, 50 and 100 mg. In addition to this medicine, you can find other drugs on the market with the same purpose, only the name of which is completely different.


If a man experiences sexual dysfunction, then effective method Levitra is the solution to solve this problem. This product was developed by a British pharmaceutical company.

The drug makes it possible not only to give a man the desired result, but also helps to cure erectile dysfunction. In practice, it has been proven that it helps in 99% of cases. You can find other drugs on the market that are cheaper, but their work is less effective.

What's in common between Viagra and Levitra?

The advantage of these two drugs is that they have very few side effects. The most common side effects may be:

  • headache;
  • facial redness;
  • dizziness;
  • stuffy nose.

According to statistics, these side effects occurred in 10% of patients who took one of these drugs. Each person is individual, and it is necessary to remember that it is better to take one of the remedies.

Viagra has been thoroughly studied by doctors and has proven that it is a very powerful drug, but its duration of action is very short.

Levitra has also proven itself on the good side and has shown that it is absolutely safe medicine, which has the least number of side effects. Another great advantage is that the consumption of water and food does not affect its effectiveness in any way.

Looking at the benefits of these drugs, we can say that there is no better or worse. Each of them has a different effect on a person, because each male body individual, one would be better suited Viagra, others - Levitra.

But it is necessary to remember that a doctor should prescribe them according to the individual tolerance of each man.

Is there dependence on the use of Levitra and Viagra?

These drugs act exclusively in the vascular tissue of the penis and cause almost no harm. If you use Viagra and Levitra for a long time, this will not cause any negative consequences.

Also, no erection addiction to taking the drugs develops. The same cannot be said about male psychological dependence.

Because after trying a pill at least once and feeling a surge of incredible passion and excitement, a man does not want to give up this wonderful feeling and begins to use the drugs more and more often. This is the same as if a man gets behind the wheel of a foreign car even once, he will never want to drive a Zhiguli again.

Until recently, a man with erectile dysfunction lost all hope of continuing a full and regular sex life. But with the advent of Viagra and Levitra, their lives become better and there is hope for a bright future.

If you compare these two drugs, you cannot find a specific leader, because both of them are good. The reception of each of them depends on certain individual qualities of each; the choice remains only with the man.

It is also necessary to remember that drinking alcohol and having such bad habit like smoking, they negatively affect a man’s erection, thereby impairing potency.

Poor erection is undoubtedly a psychological trauma for a man, but there is no need to be upset in advance, because in 97% of cases this disease is treatable, thanks to the discoveries of pharmaceuticals today. The choice is yours - Viagra or Levitra?

Viagra 100 mg

Sildenafil citrate 100 mg


Each tablet contains: 100 mg Sildenafil
Action time: up to 4 hours
Onset of action: after 30-40 minutes
Active ingredient: Sildenafil (Sildenafil)

Cialis 20 mg

Tadalafil 20 mg


Each tablet contains: 20 mg Tadalafil
Action time: up to 36 hours
Onset of action: after 20-40 minutes
Active ingredient: Tadalafil (Tadalafil)

As you know, a man’s self-esteem and peace of mind are directly related to his potency, i.e. his ability to perform an act of sexual intimacy with a loved one. Unfortunately, by the age of forty, 5% of young people feel a decrease in sexual activity, but are inclined to explain its occurrence external reasons. And by the age of 65, up to twenty percent of men suffer from impotence.

In the event of any violations or failures, a man begins to get nervous, which leads to even more irreparable consequences in relationships with family and friends, in terms of career growth. After all, only in a small number of those who sought help, the decrease in potency is associated with medical indicators (diabetes, diseases hematopoietic organs, neurological diseases), and other causes are absent sexual partner or mentally and emotional state. There are several recommendations that will help restore strength: reducing the dose of nicotine and alcohol, healthy eating, weight loss, refusal of anabolic steroids. But if a problem arises, you need not to isolate yourself, admit its existence and consult a doctor. Currently, many people hear the names Viagra and Cialis, which will help solve the problem of impotence.

Cialis, the main component of which is tadalafin, which has the property of dilating blood vessels and thereby filling with blood and increasing the size of the penis. This drug is prescribed as a medicine to treat erectile dysfunction since the end of 2003. Developed by American biotechnology firm ICOS and approved by the FDA.

Viagra, the main component of which is sildenafil, was developed by Pfizer in the USA, tested and put into serial production as a medicine for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in the spring of 1998. This drug has been on the medical market longer, has been better studied and is popular among 16 million people in the world. At the same time, it showed itself as a good stimulant, due to the relaxation of the muscles of the penis, increasing the flow of blood in the penis, which leads to an improvement in erection and increases the time of sexual intercourse.

That is, the principle of action of Cialis and Viagra is almost the same.

Cialis tablets are orange in dosage of 5 ml, 10 ml, and 20 ml, used regardless of food intake half an hour before intimacy. Viagra is a blue tablet resembling a diamond crystal, with a dosage of 25 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml, they must be taken before meals, half an hour before sexual intercourse. If Cialis is used on average in the amount of 10 ml per day, regardless of food intake (even alcohol is allowed in small doses), then the Viagra figure is 50, preferably before meals and drinking alcohol is unacceptable, which confuses lovers of traditions. Maximum permissible norm Cialis 20 ml, Viagra 100 ml.

There are cases of reducing the dosage of Cialis to 5 ml, Viagra to 25 ml of the active substance. Soft action the first is blurred, creating a feeling of naturalness, physiological processes in the human body are not violated, there is no need to force events, the duration of action is up to 36 hours. Viagra acts almost instantly, starting from a quarter of an hour, which is why its duration suffers up to 5-6 hours. There is an effect of rapid necessity and short-term action.

What is behind the concept of erection?

It occurs at a certain point in sexual development young man and fades away in old age. From a moral point of view, an erection should accompany the tender feelings experienced by a man in an intimate setting with the woman he loves. From the point of view of medical science, it appears only when in a man’s body the vessels responsible for filling the penis with blood are relaxed and dilated, allowing the maximum amount of blood to pass through. And the vessels through which blood leaves the genital organ are compressed and do not allow blood back through. This is how an erection occurs.

The mechanism operates in the production and release of nitric oxide in the penis, catalyzing the formation of auxiliary enzymes, which gives impetus to the accumulation of the enzyme cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), which is responsible for the increase and decrease in diameter blood vessels. The more this enzyme accumulates and the longer it is active, the better the man’s penis is filled and the longer the erection lasts. Talanadine, which Cialis consists of, prevents the rapid destruction of cGMP, which determines its duration of action.

The effect of sildenafil, which dominates in Viagra, is slightly inferior to the components of Cialis, which speaks in favor of a more modern drug. But sildenafil reduces blood pressure pulmonary artery with her arterial hypertension. And since sexual intercourse implies an increase physical activity on the body, this often leads to increased blood pressure. In case of existing vascular and heart diseases, it is imperative to consult your doctor before using stimulants. There should be no place for false embarrassment or other personal inconveniences.

Like any other dosage forms, stimulants have their own characteristics. Viagra users note a gradual, but not time-consuming, restoration of the penis to its natural size. Cialis lovers notice erections certain time after intimacy, which leads to some inconvenience.

In a relationship adverse reactions the effects of Viagra and Cialis are also similar: headache, redness of the face, upset stomach, dizziness. Viagra slightly blurs your vision. But the symptoms stop over time, so patients do not give up their favorite medications. No addiction was observed in patients to these tablets. IN modern world the problem is very serious allergic reactions for any drug: skin rash, itching, difficulty breathing, sneezing and coughing, swelling.

If they occur, you should stop taking the medicine. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before starting use. These drugs should not be combined with grapefruit, a list of certain drugs containing nitrates in itself similar drugs; It is better to reduce the consumption of nicotine and alcohol-containing products. In this regard, it wins modern drug Cialis.

According to statistics, treatment in the case of the use of Viagra over the past years has cured up to 80% of those who sought help. However, currently in the American and European markets dosage forms Viagra gives way to first place to its rival: doctors prescribe Cialis to half of the patients and only twenty percent - the popular Viagra, considering it a temporary stimulant that needs replenishment from the outside. This - natural process: medical science does not stand still, new drugs are already replacing modern Cialis. And although the old, proven drug still wins in terms of price, many people immediately think about the price-quality ratio.

I would like to remind you once again that stimulants are medications, so you should start taking them only after consulting a doctor.