What is best to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner with proper nutrition? Recipes for delicious and healthy food. What is it like - the perfect breakfast, lunch and dinner

Proper nutrition is considered the key good health, wellness and no problems with appearance. It involves giving up certain foods, but ]]> is not a diet and does not require serious restrictions on the foods you eat.


Eating well involves more than just choices. healthy food and its harmless preparation, but also an approximate calculation of the calorie content of foods. The number of calories a person needs every day depends on his gender, age and type of activity. You can calculate it using special calculators.

If there is no desire to change weight, but the calculated number of calories must be divided in the ratio:

  • 65% – carbohydrates;
  • 15% – proteins;
  • 20% – fats.

Proper nutrition does not mean that:

  • you need to eat every 2 or 3 hours;
  • you need to switch to separate meals;
  • will need to be made the basis of the diet raw foods and give up meat.

These rules apply to other diets and nutritional principles. They are not necessary for human health.


If you decide to switch to proper nutrition, you need to eat every day full breakfast. Snacking on strong coffee and buns harms your figure, digestive tract and well-being.

Breakfast is especially important for people who are trying to adjust their weight. Even high-calorie dishes and sweets eaten in the morning are consumed by the body during the day, while a high-calorie dinner slows down the process of weight loss. This feature allows you to avoid diet breakdowns due to complete refusal from your favorite products.

Breakfast should include proteins and carbohydrates. These substances will make you feel good throughout the first half of the day. If during the day it is planned physical activity, you can eat fast carbohydrates:

  • White rice;
  • pancakes;
  • potato;
  • waffles;
  • pizza;
  • toast;
  • semolina;
  • sweets.

If the working day is spent at the computer, it is better to give preference to foods with slow carbohydrates:

  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • unpolished rice;
  • barley grits;
  • pasta and wholemeal bread.

Healthy eating does not require preparing gourmet dishes or buying rare ingredients. Proper breakfast Suitable for people of any age, so it can be prepared for the whole family. Delicious and healthy dishes don't remind strict diets and contain enough nutrients for good health.


Lunch is the main meal. From 12 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon, the body produces the maximum amount of enzymes for the breakdown and absorption of food. A full lunch includes soup, main course and dessert. If you follow the principles of proper nutrition, you should exclude fried and sugary foods and sweet drinks.

Soup is good for digestion, but not everyone can eat it for lunch. Most office workers do not have the opportunity to bring to work liquid products and are limited to main dishes from containers. In this case, you need to leave soup in your diet at least once a week.

The second course should provide the body with vitamins and microelements. Fish and fish are useful for lunch meat dishes, which are prepared without frying. The side dish may include vegetables and cereals. It is useful to add salads without fatty dressings. Most nutritionists believe that if breakfast is full and without vegetables, then during lunch they should take up half the plate.

Suitable desserts for lunch include compotes, tea with lemon, cottage cheese casseroles and not too sweet culinary products. Sometimes the individually calculated calorie intake does not allow adding a third dish. In this case, it should be replaced with an apple, banana or a small handful of nuts for an afternoon snack. Before eating fruit, you need to take a break after the main meal so as not to cause fermentation in the intestines.

Food portions should not be too large, even at lunch. Overeating will lead to heaviness in the stomach and drowsiness, even if the calorie intake has not been exceeded.

You don't have to give up fat completely. It is better to replace mayonnaise with vegetable oil, but avoiding oil will lead to poor absorption of vitamins.


For dinner, it is useful to eat foods that are low in fats and carbohydrates. You can cook stewed vegetables or eat cottage cheese.

There are many rules, such as “do not eat after 18 o’clock”, “eat only before 21 o’clock”, “replace dinner with kefir” and others. If you go to bed after 10 pm, then an early dinner is not suitable. Regular feeling of hunger in the evening can lead to feeling unwell in the morning.

Dinner 2 - 3 hours before bedtime - best option. When you feel hungry, you can drink fermented milk drinks - kefir, bifidok, yoghurt.

To make meals tasty and healthy, you need to plan them in advance. lunch and dinner, so as not to gain excess weight and maintain your figure? The diet must not only comply with the principles healthy eating, but also to personal needs and preferences. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner if you don’t want to gain weight or harm your body?

Setting up a meal plan

Calories aren't the only thing to consider when organizing your meal plan. When choosing ingredients for dishes, what is important is what types of products are included in the menu. Foods high in fat and sugar tend to contain a significant amount of calories. What is the best thing to eat to bring maximum help to your body? The best meal plan includes mostly low-calorie foods rich in... nutrients that your body needs.

This means you need to go back to the basics: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy and nutritious proteins. To manage hunger and energy balance, you should eat approximately the same number of calories for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To do this, you need to plan your weekly menu in advance, so you know exactly what to eat at each meal.

Before breakfast

Because the human body consists of more than 70 percent water, the first thing to do after you wake up is to drink a glass warm water, preferably with lemon. It could also be green tea or herbal drink. In order to optimize your metabolism, breakfast should be eaten as early as possible, without waiting until 9 or 10 o'clock. What's better to eat? Best for breakfast protein food: eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt. The main thing is the right balance of carbohydrates and protein. You can go hungry 2-3 hours after eating; you shouldn’t be afraid of this feeling. This good sign, which means your body is burning food efficiently.


What's the best thing to eat for breakfast if you want to stay in shape? This meal not only helps prevent overeating, it also increases concentration, improves mood and memory. Breakfast should be a particular priority, especially for those who want to lose weight.

    Eggs and dishes containing them are perfect. You can keep it to 480 calories by making an omelet stuffed with low-fat cheese and spinach. It is served with two pieces of whole grain toast and low-fat kefir.

    Nutritious and quick breakfast. For example, a piece of whole grain toast and a piece of fruit. If you don’t have time to cook, you can always make a quick and healthy, and most importantly nutritional shake, mixing fruit, yogurt, a handful of oats, a tablespoon of flax seeds and spinach leaves in a blender.


When it comes to weight loss, lunch doesn't get as much attention as breakfast, and for good reason. What's the best thing to eat during the day? This could be a piece of tortilla stuffed with turkey, lettuce, chopped tomato and mustard. This dish is served with vegetable soup, a small apple and low-fat yogurt (485 calories). Or you can try a salad of pasta and beans mixed with cooked vegetables - carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, served with a small orange and weighing in at just 470 calories.

Midday meal

Lunch is a great time to include fish in your diet. Tuna and salmon are excellent sources of omega-3s fatty acids that reduce the risk cardiovascular diseases. The serving can be very varied, however, it should be vegetables - tomatoes with the addition of avocado and low-fat cheese. You can add lettuce, cucumbers and others fresh vegetables. You can also drink a cup of unsweetened yogurt and eat an apple.

Sandwiches are not lunch

You can't take a meal like lunch lightly. What is better to eat during the day so as not to crash in the evening? To achieve this, you need to make sure that the serving includes about 100-150 grams of vegetables and 80-100 grams of protein products ( chicken breast, tuna or salmon).

Regular ham or salads or vegetable soups are all light options and don't contain enough useful substances. Good options There may be meat salads with beans or grain bread, vegetable soup, or a small amount of chicken or minced meat with pasta and vegetables. To avoid sweet tooth cravings after lunch, you can drink unsweetened mint tea to cleanse your palate.


A healthy dinner can be simple or complex. There are a lot of examples: turkey meatballs with steamed vegetables and Parmesan, chicken stir-fry over brown rice, fruit with yogurt for dessert. What's best to eat for dinner? proper nutrition? To make it easier, be sure to keep a stock of healthy foods in your kitchen.

In the evening, you can eat roast chicken, fried with vegetables such as red pepper, green beans and onions. You can add one teaspoon vegetable oil And soy sauce low in sodium and serve with a little brown rice. This one will be only 490 calories.

Delicious and healthy food: recipes

If you want, you can eat tasty and healthy food if you don’t load yourself with empty and useless calories. Here rough plan, which contains 1,600 healthy calories.

    Breakfast. Smoked Salmon Toast: 1 slice toasted whole grain bread, 1/2 tablespoon cream cheese, 2 smoked salmon slices, 1 thick slice red onion, herbs. Total: 360 calories.

  • Lunch. Beet salad with olive oil and sea ​​salt, baked in pita bread. Total: 220 calories.
  • Dinner. Baked roast beef with horseradish: mix 2 tablespoons of 2% Greek yogurt with 1 tablespoon of horseradish and brush the meat, bake in the oven. Serve with lettuce, cherry tomatoes and fresh raspberries. Total: 300 calories.

  • Afternoon snack. Smoothie “Tropical Smoothie”. You will need 1/2 cup coconut water, 1/2 cup frozen mango, 1/2 cup fresh squeezed orange juice(2 fruits), 1/2 cup of kefir. Mix everything in a blender. Total: 210 calories.

  • Dinner. Spaghetti with pepper. To prepare: 1 cup chopped pepper, 1/2 cup chopped red onion, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 cup cooked durum wheat spaghetti. Fry the peppers and onions in oil until the onions become translucent. Toss with pasta and add sauce to taste. Total: 420 calories. What's the best thing to eat for dinner if you're eating right? Let it be vegetables + meat, or vegetables + carbohydrates.

Visualize good health

Before placing a dish on a plate, it is worth imagining what an ideal dish should look like. Visually divide your plate in half and fill one side with fruits and vegetables. The remaining two quarters should be filled with grains and lean protein.

Be sure to have a portion of dairy products (kefir or yogurt) nearby. You should include beans and fish in your diet at least twice a week. But the consumption of solid fats, such as butter, as well as sugar and salt, should be reduced to a minimum.

Why do you crave sweets so much in the evening?

As a rule, you don’t want to eat after a well-balanced lunch, but what can you do about the attacking cravings for sweets in the evenings? This is easily explained from a physiological point of view. Late evening is the time when blood sugar levels drop and huge cravings for sweet foods occur.

The best solution to the problem is the right protein snack. Try a protein shake or bar that will quickly help you restore the ideal balance between small amounts of carbs and protein.

What's the best thing to eat before training?

Research shows that consuming carbohydrates before exercise helps reduce fatigue and improves endurance and performance. An hour and a half before physical activity you can eat oatmeal, vegetables, potatoes, but not chocolate and cookies.

A typical pre-workout meal might include the following:

  • cottage cheese with fruit;
  • chicken breast with potatoes and broccoli;
  • turkey cabbage rolls;

What's the best thing to eat before a workout that doesn't require a lot of cooking? The best choice- This is a protein shake.

Continuing the topic, it is important to raise the question “What does it consist of? balanced menu? What to eat at every meal? What laws must be followed so that our health increases and the result does not disappoint us?

As we already know, to maintain strength and energy in our body, we need the optimal amount of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Let's look at what an ideal breakfast, lunch and dinner should be so that we can call our diet healthy.

More articles on the topic:

Proper nutrition: what to eat for breakfast?

It is very important to start your day with healthy breakfast, especially if you want to normalize your weight. Let's start with the fact that breakfast should never be skipped. At this time we are charged with strength and energy for the whole day. Eliminate fatty and high-calorie foods, baked goods, sausages, and smoked foods from your diet. Breakfast should consist of protein and large quantity fiber. This combination allows you to satisfy your hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness until next appointment food. An ideal source of protein would be chicken breast, low-fat dairy products, nuts, and eggs (protein). Fruits, vegetables and grains contain a lot of fiber. Replace bread with crispbread, sugar with honey.

Breakfast examples

  • porridge with water (skimmed milk) without sugar
  • low-fat yogurt (cottage cheese) + fruits, vegetables or nuts
  • chicken breast + vegetables
  • egg + kefir + fruits or nuts

The perfect lunch with proper nutrition

Lunch should be filling. At this meal you can indulge yourself complex carbohydrates, such as potatoes, pasta, cereals. Protein is an essential component of lunch, and don’t forget about fiber (vegetables, fruits). It is advisable to avoid eating both the first and second courses together.

Lunch menu

  • meat (fish) + pasta (potatoes, cereals) + vegetable salad
  • fish (meat) + vegetables
  • soups made from meat (fish) with vegetables or cereals

Proper nutrition: what to eat for dinner?

Proper dinner consists of proteins and vegetables (fruits). Boiled or stewed meat and fish are ideal. The addition will be vegetable salad and fruit.

Everything is much simpler. It could be any vegetable, fruit, yogurt, low-calorie dessert, nuts.

From drinks it is better to choose green tea, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed juices, natural fruit drinks without sugar. If you love coffee, drink it, but not more than one cup a day.

Proper nutrition scheme

I also recommend watching a video about proper nutrition by the wonderful girl Tanya, who leads healthy image life and shares with us very useful information on your channel.

As you can see, in planning correct menu there is nothing complicated. Dishes contain a minimum of fat and high-calorie foods. If you don’t have the strength to give up sweet buns with butter, full fat cheese, then it’s still better to eat them before noon, but not for dinner and especially not at night. And the main thing is to know when to stop.
I hope the article was interesting and useful for you. Bye everyone, bye!