What is better - natural childbirth or caesarean section? What is better - to give birth by yourself or by Caesarean: pros and cons, which is safer, tips and reviews.

The closer the due date, the stronger woman overcome by fears. Everyone has their own: some are afraid of pain during natural childbirth, some are worried about the health of the child, and for some, surgery is indicated due to their condition and well-being. Many women begin to panic and make poor decisions due to lack of awareness. In order to be calm and properly prepare for the birth of a child, you need to know how natural childbirth and cesarean section proceed, what complications and indications for each type of delivery may occur. What is better: cesarean or natural childbirth?

Natural childbirth

Nature intended to carry a child for 9 months and give birth naturally through the birth canal. This process is very important for the baby and with the right attitude of the expectant mother, it will pass with minimal painful sensations.

Positive aspects

For 9 months the baby is growing and preparing for birth. He takes the correct physiological position to pass through the mother’s birth canal, his skin is covered with lubricant for better sliding. Why natural childbirth is better for the baby and mother:

  1. A baby is considered full-term if it is born between 38 and 40 weeks. At this time everything functional systems They work quite well and the baby can already live independently outside the mother’s body. Each child chooses his own individual date of birth. And this date depends on the baby’s readiness for birth. And if he is still in no hurry to appear, then there are reasons for this and you need to give him time.
  2. During birth and movement through the birth canal, the baby’s skin and mucous membranes are colonized by the mother’s microorganisms. A child in a woman's womb is absolutely sterile. It is very important that the baby gets the necessary and beneficial bacteria that will colonize the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, it is possible to join less beneficial bacteria, which can lead to skin diseases, digestive disorders, and so on.
  3. No less important is the baby’s adaptation when passing through natural paths. When the water breaks and contractions begin, the child understands on an instinctive level that the difficulties of birth await him and gradually prepares for them. Further progress is not a shock or surprise for him, even with sufficiently strong pressure and contraction of the uterus.
  4. During natural childbirth, a woman’s body produces a huge amount of hormones. They are needed for uterine contraction and pain relief, to stimulate lactation. Some hormones also affect the fetus, which prepares the newborn baby for life separately from the mother’s body.
  5. Early attachment of the emerging baby to the mother's breast is very important. This, as mentioned above, will help him acquire the necessary microflora. But most importantly, early latching will start the lactation process, which will facilitate the establishment of natural feeding in the future. And also the baby will receive the first and most useful milk - colostrum, without getting acquainted with the bottle and formula, which means there will be no difficulties later with improper latching on the mother's nipple.
  6. Colostrum. The first milk is very beneficial for the baby. It contains large number antibodies, vitamins and nutrients. Even a small drop of colostrum can satisfy the baby’s first hunger. Such milk is not only nutritious, but also perfectly prepares the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract for further feeding, which in the future can reduce the likelihood of infantile intestinal colic.
  7. Since childbirth is intended by nature, a woman recovers quite quickly in an uncomplicated process. Under the influence of hormones, rapid tissue regeneration and healing of possible wounds occurs.
  8. After a difficult birth process, a woman receives a well-deserved “reward” - a child. From a psychological point of view, this is the correct and logical conclusion of the gestation process. After a natural birth, under the influence of a huge amount of hormones, the woman begins to experience strong feelings for the baby, the maternal instinct awakens.

Natural childbirth is always the best and priority for both the woman and the child. This is only true if pregnancy and delivery proceed without problems.

Possible complications

Despite the fact that childbirth is a physiological and natural process, a woman and child may encounter certain complications. Most often, during delivery and the passage of the baby through the birth canal, injuries and ruptures of soft tissues can occur. Sometimes episio- or perineotomy is used - surgical dissection of the perineal tissue in case of ineffective attempts and difficulties in the birth of the head. This situation may arise as a result of:

  • Incorrect behavior of a woman during childbirth, when in a panic she does not hear the recommendations of doctors and does not follow the necessary commands.
  • With a large fetus or a large baby's head.
  • If the fetus moves incorrectly along the birth canal, for example, the arm falls out.
  • During rapid labor.

The baby may also experience certain problems at birth. For example, birth injuries or hypoxia. These conditions occur when the baby gets “stuck” in the birth canal and weakens or fades away. labor activity. Then, to save the baby’s life, radical techniques are used that can harm him various injuries. And a prolonged stay of a child in a spasmodic uterus is fraught with serious hypoxia, which will affect the future neurological problems. Often, when problems arise during natural childbirth, doctors, having assessed the risks for the mother and child, still perform an emergency caesarean section.

Childbirth is a difficult and painful process. It is absolutely normal and natural for a person to be afraid of pain. But this is physiology and billions of women have given birth and are giving birth to children. You need to be prepared for an easy birth, but be prepared for severe pain.

It is impossible to predict the occurrence of certain complications during childbirth. If there are no health problems, then you should definitely choose natural delivery.


Caesarean section has been used for a long time. The tactics of its implementation are improved every year. Baby extraction time and volume surgical approach are progressively decreasing. This operation saved millions of lives. But no matter how effective it is, it is still an operation, which carries with it certain difficulties and features.

Positive aspects

Despite the fact that this is a serious cavitary surgery, it is carried out for good. And in some cases it is vital for the birth of a healthy baby and the preservation of a woman’s life. What are the advantages of the operation:

  1. With surgical delivery, there is no risk of the baby getting a birth injury. Compared to in a natural way, surgical delivery is safer for the child.
  2. This emergency operation is indicated for life-threatening complications during childbirth, both on the part of the child and on the part of the mother.
  3. A planned operation will allow a woman who has contraindications for active labor due to health reasons to give birth safely with minimal complications.
  4. A cesarean section significantly increases the chances of having healthy children during multiple pregnancies.
  5. No period of painful contractions and pushing. An “easier” way to have a baby without having to go through a long and painful period of labor. But do not forget about the postoperative period.

Of course, if the balance lies in the balance between the life and health of the baby and the opportunity to give birth herself, then the choice is obvious.

Possible complications

Despite the prevalence and apparent ideality of the method, of course, there are complications, disadvantages and difficulties in the postoperative period. What to expect:

  1. Any surgical intervention is a huge trauma for the body and carries with it all the inherent dangers of surgery and anesthesia. No one can predict the outcome of an operation, just like a natural birth. Complications can be very different, even death. Fortunately, this is very rare. One of the common complications is postoperative anemia, which is corrected with iron supplements.
  2. Effect of anesthesia. At general anesthesia, no matter how quickly the baby is removed, some amount of anesthetic substance still enters his bloodstream. This manifests itself in the child’s lethargy, drowsiness, and lack of a sucking reflex. Fortunately, the depression of the central nervous system is temporary and will disappear as the anesthetic substance is removed from the baby’s body. The effect of anesthesia on a woman’s body is also difficult to predict; nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and disorientation in time are possible. Spinal anesthesia is more preferable and safer for the child, but it also has disadvantages. There may be insufficient loss of sensation, headaches and increased intracranial pressure, back pain and even paralysis lower limbs. Of course they are formidable complications They are not that common, but you need to be aware of them.
  3. Postoperative wound. Even though the stitch after the operation looks small and neat, it will still hurt. In this case, you will need to combine recovery after a cesarean section with caring for the baby, which is quite difficult. To relieve pain, the doctor will prescribe painkillers, which will inevitably enter the child’s body with milk. Very often, after surgery, antibiotics compatible with lactation are prescribed to prevent bacterial infection. Wearing postoperative bandage significantly relieves pain. Possible loss skin sensitivity in the area postoperative wound, such changes are in most cases reversible and restored within six months. Of course, the speed of recovery and pain threshold are different for everyone, but you need to be prepared for difficulties.
  4. Late breastfeeding. With general anesthesia, breastfeeding after surgery is not possible. This is carried out after the woman regains consciousness after 8–10 hours. Before this, the baby is placed on the father's chest and supplemented with artificial milk formula. With regional anesthesia, it is applied to the breast immediately, but the woman still needs more time to recover and have full contact with the child. Lactation usually begins a couple of days later than during natural childbirth.
  5. From a psychological point of view, it is better and more “correct” for a woman to give birth herself. Many mothers feel guilty before their child and are disappointed that they failed to cope with the main female task. It has been noticed that maternal instinct wakes up a little later after a cesarean section.
  6. Recovery after operation in progress much longer than after natural childbirth. Muscles and skin regenerate longer and more slowly. There may be sagging and the formation of a skin fold over the suture. Long time Physical exercises on the abdominal area are contraindicated. Therefore, you can go in for sports only 4–6 months after the approval of the supervising gynecologist.

C-section - major surgery, for which indications are required. Any surgical intervention is dangerous for the body, including birth through cesarean section.

How to choose?

In our country, the law does not provide for the possibility of independently choosing the method of delivery. For everyone healthy women Natural childbirth is recommended. If there are indications for the health of the mother and fetus, the issue of advisability is decided. operative delivery. For acceptance positive decision absolute readings are required. If there are relative indications, the decision on surgery is made at a medical consultation, after assessing all possible complications and the advantages of the method in each specific case.

Natural childbirth is the best physiological way to bring a baby into the world. Therefore, you need to think about this aspect first.

At the same time, if there is a threat to health, then you should not rely on luck. You need to listen to the doctor and choose the most optimal method of delivery, even if it is surgery.

If you know for sure that surgery is coming, then you should not be afraid. It is advisable to meet the surgeon and anesthesiologist before the operation and discuss all the exciting points. The main thing is the result - a healthy mother and baby.

If there are health concerns, but there is a great desire to give birth on your own, then in some cases the woman may be allowed to have a natural birth, but with a ready operating room in case of complications. It should be remembered that elective surgery is always preferable to emergency in terms of the incidence of complications and severity.

In any case, you need to take into account all factors and listen to the recommendations of specialists. Only a doctor can determine whether natural birth or caesarean section is better in each specific case.

Good day, my dear readers! I keep thinking about childbirth. After all, it’s time to give birth naturally not necessarily, and even if there is no indication for a caesarean section, the woman can insist on it. It turns out that the expectant mother has the right to choose. Just what is better – cesarean or natural childbirth?

It is clear that if a cesarean section was prescribed for medical reasons (chronic diseases of the mother, multiple births, narrow pelvis etc.) there is not even a question of choice. But what if there are no contraindications to spontaneous childbirth? I propose to weigh all the pros and cons and understand what is better: giving birth yourself or resorting to the help of a “knife”.

In fact, expectant mothers decide to have a CS for a reason, because such an operation has its advantages:

  • During the process, the woman does not feel pain, because The CS is performed under anesthesia (natural childbirth often takes place without anesthesia, which is much more painful);
  • the possibility of genital rupture is eliminated (the baby does not pass through the birth canal, which means there is no need to put a suture on the perineum, urination after childbirth will be painless);
  • the process of giving birth to a child is much faster (this also happens during natural childbirth, but in the totality of all time - the CS passes more quickly);
  • due to the absence of passage through the birth canal, the likelihood of injury to the child is excluded (cases of asphyxia and other consequences have been observed in children born through spontaneous childbirth);
  • it is possible to set a due date (which is unrealistic with natural childbirth);
  • Caesarean section provides a certain “guarantee” of the result (the course of spontaneous labor is always unpredictable, neither the date of birth nor its duration is known).

However, of all the “advantages” of a cesarean section, the fact of painless childbirth is the favorite among expectant mothers. This is why this operation is gaining popularity. Moreover, women tend to worry about their appearance and attractiveness - it is important for them to have a “guarantee” that their physical abilities will not fade away.

In addition, giving birth in “a matter of minutes” is much more tempting than “writhing” in pain for an indefinite amount of time (and some people give birth for days).

2. Disadvantages of cesarean section

Despite the fact that a cesarean section has quite a few positive factors, there is a considerable list of negative aspects:

  • the procedure is accompanied by an anesthetic (such a drug can cause significant damage to the health of the expectant mother and newborn);
  • the adaptation period is noticeably worse (after an independent birth, the young mother “comes to her senses” faster);
  • breastfeeding comes later, the baby has to be supplemented, which affects the lactation of the young mother;
  • the woman needs time to recover, and since the incision on the abdomen prevents free movement, the ability to care for the baby is also difficult;
  • as a result of the operation, greater blood loss occurs than during independent childbirth;
  • At first, the child does not produce protein and hormones, which has an impact on the baby’s psyche;
  • after the operation, a stitch remains on the abdominal part of the body (moreover, the incision will torment the woman for more for a long time, and at first, you may need painkillers in order to at least somehow “dull” the pain);
  • V postoperative period the mother will need to be monitored and regularly visit the attending physician;
  • a scar forms on the uterus, which almost eliminates the possibility of having the same age (usually after a CS, a woman cannot give birth for about two to three years);
  • Physical labor is prohibited (you cannot lift weights, make sudden movements, strain your stomach, let alone ordinary exercises).

And no matter how wonderful and fleeting the process itself may seem, due to the use of anesthesia, there is a high probability of postoperative shock, pneumonia and even brain damage.

3. Benefits of natural childbirth

If you still want to control your body and the birth process, natural childbirth is right for you.

They have many advantages:

  • There are several techniques for natural childbirth, which greatly reduces the risks possible consequences(at a minimum, no penetration required foreign bodies V female body);
  • most women in labor receive satisfaction from independent childbirth, they are pleased to know that the child was born thanks to their efforts, and they experienced the whole process themselves, without the use of a “knife”;
  • during independent childbirth, a woman feels her body, can move and facilitate the birth of a child;
  • the woman in labor does not lose consciousness (during a CS, “cloudness of mind” often occurs; the woman does not understand what is happening around her and cannot control her thoughts);
  • movements are not constrained (unless we are talking about an IV);
  • But the most important— natural birth contributes to the establishment of a close psychological connection between mother and child, and for a baby, natural birth is the least stressful way of being born.

Moreover, childbirth itself can be made easier correct breathing, positive attitude or presence loved one(partner birth). Mothers who gave birth on their own write reviews about how happy they are that they went through the same journey with their newborn - through pain and tears.

4. Disadvantages of natural childbirth

Unfortunately, independent childbirth also has its disadvantages. Sometimes the pain is so unbearable that a woman in labor is forced to resort to painkillers (for example, epidural anesthesia), which does not always have a beneficial effect on the health of the newborn.

There are also cases when, during the process of natural childbirth, a decision is made to immediately “caesarean” the woman. This happens due to too long labor, exhaustion of the female body, a threat to the health of the baby or mother, and also if the fetus is too large and cannot pass through the birth canal.

5. What to choose: cesarean or natural birth

Of course, the decision on how to give birth is made by the woman. However, doctors strongly recommend that the expectant mother opt for independent childbirth.

Psychologists, gynecologists and obstetricians do not understand why a woman insists on surgical intervention if there is no answer good reasons, because the risks of complications during natural childbirth are much lower than with a caesarean section. And we are not talking about pain during or after childbirth, but about the condition and health of the newborn.

6. Feedback from women in labor


I gave birth myself! It’s not for nothing that they say that the pain is quickly forgotten - this is true, but the child is completely healthy and I recovered within a week after giving birth. And my friend had a caesarean section - she has a disgusting scar all over her stomach! You see, they couldn’t get the child out. And this at 23 years old!


And I had a caesarean section after IVF, just to be on the safe side. And the doctors themselves said that after IVF, almost all caesarean births increase the chances of a favorable birth outcome.


I refused to even think about a caesarean section! In my family, everyone always gave birth themselves. And nothing, no one died, as they say. But things happen in life - my baby turned over at the last moment and I had a caesarean section. Girls, never agree to such an operation without medical indications! I writhed in pain for another three months. It's impossible to sleep!


I foolishly chose a caesarean section. There was little joy - I wanted to give birth to my second child myself, but no - due to the consequences of the previous birth, a caesarean section was prescribed. And they were completely forbidden to give birth to a third...

My dear readers, before making a decision, weigh all the pros and cons. This is a very important choice; your future life and the health of your baby may depend on it.

You can watch a video about the pros and cons of a cesarean section here:

And I will say goodbye to you. Subscribe to my updates - we still have something to discuss. Bye bye!

Sooner or later, every woman on our planet thinks about becoming a mother. After all, caring for a baby and watching him grow and develop is real happiness for every representative of the fair half of humanity. However, quite often pregnancy is accompanied by a fear of further childbirth, so women begin to actively ask the question: “What is better - to give birth yourself or a cesarean section?” In this article we will try to give the most accurate answer to this question. Before making a choice in favor of one procedure or another, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of their implementation, and also ask what doctors think about this. Please read the information provided carefully in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible.

Every woman wonders what is better - to give birth herself or by caesarean. Both the first and second procedures have their advantages and disadvantages. However, we should not forget that nature has endowed a woman with an incredible gift - to give birth to a child.

This gift is natural, so many experts are inclined to ensure that a woman gives birth to a baby precisely natural method, since it is a reflection of nature itself. However, there are situations when it is simply impossible to give birth on your own. Then artificial methods will come to the rescue.

Pros of natural childbirth

If you are in doubt about whether it is better to give birth yourself or to have a caesarean section, be sure to check out the benefits of natural childbirth. After all, according to experts, they are safer both for the mother and for the health of her unborn baby. So, let's look at what the advantages are natural process birth of a child.

To begin with, do not forget that natural appearance The birth of a baby is the very first and most important test in his life. It’s not for nothing that nature has done everything possible to ensure that the baby begins to adapt to the conditions real life still in the process of his birth. Having passed through the birth canal on its own, the baby will already do a lot important step in his life.

What is better - giving birth yourself or caesarean? Many representatives of the fair sex think that having a caesarean section is less scary and less painful. However, according to experts, it is much easier to recover after a natural birth than after a cesarean birth. After the process of natural childbirth, a woman’s body recovers very quickly. She can already move independently on the second day after the baby is born. The operational method will not allow this. Recovery processes will take much longer. A woman will have to comply bed rest, which means caring for your baby can turn into real agony.

It is also very important to take into account the fact that the process of natural childbirth can provoke the production process much faster. mother's milk, which is very important for children's health and development. The process of natural childbirth is accompanied from beginning to end by the hormonal system. Hormones are responsible for the production breast milk. Artificial childbirth will delay this process.

If you are wondering whether it is better to give birth yourself or by Caesarean, think about the fact that natural childbirth minimizes the likelihood of postpartum depression, since a woman can almost immediately begin to care for her child. After a caesarean section, the body takes a very long time to recover, so taking care of the baby becomes simply a burden. This leads to prolonged postpartum depression.

Why natural birth is so important for your baby

Only after weighing all the pros and cons, can you draw conclusions about how best to give birth - by yourself or with a cesarean. According to psychologists, it is very important for a baby to go through the process of natural childbirth, as this is justified by his physiology and psychology. IN modern world the child is considered as a full-fledged being even when he is in the womb of his mother, therefore, in order for his personality to develop correctly from birth, the child must be born independently.

Inside the mother's belly, the baby is very warm and comfortable. There he is under the complete protection of his mother. However, the beginning of the birth process is stressful situation not only for the woman, but also for the baby himself. As soon as a woman goes into labor and the uterus begins to actively contract, the baby experiences its first pain in its life. And this is an incentive for him to leave the place that was previously so warm and cozy for him. The passage along the birth canal initially makes the baby purposeful and persistent, which will help him always achieve his goals in life.

It is also very important what the baby will feel immediately after it is born. As soon as the baby is born, he is placed on his mother's chest even before the process. So he feels her warmth and heartbeat, which is imprinted in his memory as an image of love.

What is a caesarean section

A caesarean section is a surgical procedure in which doctors deliver a baby from its mother's womb. Of course, such a procedure has both pros and cons, so before carrying it out you need to familiarize yourself with all possible details and only after that make a decision about its feasibility. If you are tormenting yourself with the question of whether it is better to give birth by yourself or with a cesarean section, be sure to consult with professionals. More often this procedure prescribed specifically to women who cannot give birth to a baby naturally. Also keep in mind: if you had a cesarean section for the first time, then if you want to have another child, you will most likely have to have this operation as well.

What are the features of this procedure?

Each patient must make a choice for herself which is better - giving birth herself or a caesarean section. If, however, your birth process involves surgical intervention, it is very important to familiarize yourself with how it will happen.

By its nature, a caesarean section is quite complex operation, thanks to which the baby is born. Typically this type of surgery is performed using local anesthesia. This way, a woman can communicate with doctors, as well as see and hear her baby after he is born.

General anesthesia is performed very rarely. This is usually done in cases where the operation is very urgent or the patient has intolerance local methods pain relief.

There are several methods for performing this operation. It all depends on the method of entering abdominal cavity, as well as how the incision is made on the uterus. However, today the most common procedure is a horizontal incision in the lower abdomen, as well as a caesarean section of the lower segment of the uterus. It is thanks to this method that the suture after the operation will be less noticeable, and at the same time the uterus itself will heal much faster.

How to care for a seam

Many women are faced with the choice of whether it is better to give birth themselves or to have a caesarean section. Both procedures have their advantages and disadvantages. Only after consulting with an experienced gynecologist can you make the most optimal decision, because each case is individual and therefore requires individual approach.

Today, if the birth is successful, a woman and her baby can be discharged from the hospital on the fourth day after surgery. After a natural birth, discharge usually occurs on the third day. However, if not a horizontal incision, but a vertical one was used for the operation, then the woman may be kept in the hospital for some more time in order to observe how the wound healing process occurs. But in any case, now all recovery processes after surgery proceed very quickly, since unique safe sutures are used, and doctors become more and more qualified every year.

Caring for seams at home is easy. Doctors do not recommend lubricating the damaged area with any medications. Skin will quickly recover on their own, but provided that the patient monitors her hygiene and thoroughly cleanses the damaged areas of the skin. However, if you experience these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:

  • The stitches have turned red, and this redness does not go away.
  • The presence of severe pain in the damaged area.
  • The presence of any discharge from the area of ​​the skin where the stitches were placed. Considered especially dangerous purulent discharge. This means that the skin has become infected.

In what cases is a caesarean section mandatory?

Some representatives of the fairer sex simply have no choice about what is better - giving birth themselves or having a caesarean section. Let's consider in what cases doctors will insist on surgical intervention:

  • If a woman has a very narrow pelvis, this simply will not allow the baby to be born on its own. In this case, the process of natural childbirth can end fatally for both the woman herself and her baby.
  • A caesarean section may be prescribed if the baby is very large. In this case, natural childbirth can also end extremely badly.
  • Another reason for artificial childbirth is breech presentation. In this case, natural childbirth is undesirable, since there is a possible risk of enormous blood loss, due to which both mother and her baby may die.
  • If the health of the mother and her baby is at risk, doctors strongly recommend a cesarean section.

Today, even women who were previously prohibited by doctors from giving birth for health reasons can have children. Modern techniques can significantly simplify the process of giving birth to a baby, which means that almost all representatives of the fair sex are allowed to become pregnant. However, please note: each case is individual. Therefore, be sure to consult a qualified gynecologist about the possibility of pregnancy.

Why do women want to give birth by caesarean section?

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity believe that a caesarean section is better than a natural birth. Why do women think this is actually better? Every girl, while still a small child, is programmed to expect that giving birth is very long, painful and scary, so every woman is simply afraid to give birth. Moreover, this fear is present even among non-pregnant representatives of the fairer sex. But, as you know, it is fear that intensifies painful sensations, which is why childbirth seems so painful. That is why a woman thinks that a caesarean section is an absolutely painless procedure for the birth of a baby. However, she does not take into account the presence of a wound at all, as well as the pain of the recovery period. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a woman to judge whether a caesarean section or giving birth herself is better.

Pros of having a caesarean section for women

Of course, the most important advantage of this operation is that it can save the life and health of the mother and her baby. Doctors recommend this procedure to their patients only in cases where there is a risk that the birth will be unsuccessful, or if the woman has certain diseases. Therefore, if you have indications for this procedure for health reasons, you should not wonder about the best way to give birth - naturally or with a cesarean. The answer will be in favor of surgical intervention.

Another very an important advantage for a woman is to preserve the integrity of her genital organs. A caesarean section will protect the fair sex from ruptures and stitches, so both she and her partner will be able to continue to lead a full-fledged life. sex life.

Surgery also prevents damage genitourinary system. The woman will not experience pelvic organ prolapse and hemorrhoids.

Another advantage of surgical intervention is its speed. The patient does not have to wait and endure until the birth canal is completely open. Sometimes contractions last for about a day, which leads to very strong feelings and pain. During the operation, you will not have to think about contractions at all. The entire procedure from start to finish will take no more than a few hours.

Usually this operation is considered planned, since it is appointed at the very close time to the onset of labor.

What are the disadvantages of this procedure for women?

Many patients simply do not know the answer to the question of why it is better to give birth yourself rather than a caesarean section. In order to get it, let’s consider what disadvantages this operation has for the fairer sex.

After a cesarean section, women almost always experience postpartum depression, since their body needs restoration, and a very strong attachment does not arise for the child. Therefore, the mother is at a loss and does not know what to do with her baby.

It is worth considering that the recovery processes after an artificial birth will take a lot of time, because after all, a caesarean section is considered a serious operation. In order for the recovery to occur more quickly and smoothly, many different prohibitions have been established for the woman in labor. So, for the first month after surgery, you will not be able to lift heavy objects, especially while standing. You simply cannot lift your own child, so you cannot do it without outside help.

You will have to forget about doing physical exercises, as well as sex life because you will be tormented painful sensations in the abdominal area. Ignoring this rule can lead to very serious consequences.

Also, many women worry that after the operation they will have a scar. Reviews report that at first it will be very noticeable, but over time it will begin to gradually dissolve. But nevertheless, he will not leave you until the end of your life.

Of course, you will not feel any pain during the operation itself. However, do not forget that the effect of anesthesia is not eternal. Women say that as soon as its effect on the body stops, you will plunge into real pain from the wound you received. According to experienced mothers, this pain is much stronger than the sensations a woman experiences during natural childbirth.

When to expect milk to come

Many women are interested in information about why it is better to give birth yourself than by caesarean section. We have already talked about the fact that natural childbirth is much more beneficial for the health of the baby. This is also natural for female nature. All artificial processes have an impact on the activity of the body.

For a woman who has given birth naturally, milk usually comes in on the second or third day. The appearance of milk is directly related to the occurrence of hormonal processes in the body. After surgery, all hormonal processes in the female body slow down, which is why milk comes in a little later. According to reviews, this usually happens on the fourth or fifth day after surgery. Therefore, answer for yourself what is better - childbirth or cesarean. It seems the answer is obvious.

Expert opinion on what is better: giving birth yourself or having a caesarean section

According to pediatricians, if there are no contraindications to natural childbirth, you should not resort to the cesarean section procedure, as it will worsen the baby’s adaptation process in this world and will also have negative impact on the processes of its development.

Obstetricians also have their own opinion about what is better - to give birth yourself or to have a caesarean section. According to obstetricians, it is better for a woman to give birth naturally. Based on many years of experience, we can conclude that this way the recovery processes in the body will proceed much faster, and the lactation process itself will not be disrupted. Artificial birth may also complicate the course of the next pregnancy.

Let's sum it up

Each representative of the fair sex has her own opinion about what is better - giving birth or caesarean. Each of these procedures has its own disadvantages and advantages. Of course, giving birth naturally is more scary and painful. However, you should also think about the health of your baby. Thanks to natural childbirth, he will be able to quickly adapt to environmental conditions, and will also begin to grow and develop normally.

Women are also interested in the answer to the question of how best to give birth to twins - on their own or with a cesarean section. It doesn’t matter whether you are giving birth to one baby or two at once. Natural childbirth has more advantages in any case.

Caesarean section is an ideal solution for those women who cannot give birth naturally without endangering their life and the life of their child. This procedure is much less painful, but is fraught with long recovery period, which will be accompanied by severe pain and many restrictions for a long time.

Be sure to consider the doctor's opinion about the choice of birth process. If you have no contraindications to natural childbirth, be sure to give preference to this method. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Let me first tell you about myself.

At the time of the start of pregnancy, I was fully 27 years old. This is the first and long-awaited pregnancy. Previously, for a long time, I struggled with endomentriosis and a cyst in the ovary. The onset of pregnancy was facilitated by treatment with the drug Visanne. Thanks to this drug, endometriosis was minimized and the size of the cyst decreased.

The pregnancy proceeded generally well, with only occasional uterine tone.

Doctors confidently stated that there were no indications for a cesarean section.

Based on reviews from friends and acquaintances, I still chose paid childbirth (more details). Since the stories about the attitude towards free patients in the maternity hospital were not fire.

On the appointed day, I met with the doctor I had chosen at the maternity hospital. After the examination, the doctor confidently announced that I would give birth myself.

At 40 weeks, I went to the maternity hospital waiting for labor to begin.

During the examination on the chair, the doctor announced some not very pleasant news for me - the cervix is ​​very narrow, there is a chance to give birth on my own, but it is very small. The period, according to her, is not critical, we will wait for the start of labor.

There were no warning signs like the neighbors in the department had.

A week passed... nothing happened. I was already ready for a caesarean section, as long as everything was fine with the baby, because... I've heard a lot about the consequences of "walking around".

The doctor announced that cesarean operations are not done “right and left,” and that confirmation is needed that stimulation methods are used to the fullest extent. I signed a consent form for stimulation and received the first mifepristone tablet.

Use of the substance Mifepristone

Medication interruption intrauterine pregnancy on early stages(up to 42 days of amenorrhea), confirmed by a pregnancy test; preparation and induction of labor during full-term pregnancy; emergency (postcoital) contraception within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse or if the method of contraception used cannot be considered reliable (10 mg tablets); treatment of uterine leiomyoma (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy) (50 mg tablets).

The description of the drug was frightening, and even the end working week, but I trusted the doctor and took the first pill.... Nothing... After which, I took the second pill, and again nothing...

In constant expectations and worries, I did not pay attention to the nausea at night. In the morning, during the rounds, during the examination on the chair, my water broke and contractions began. A consultation of doctors was convened, and a decision was made to operate. Because the cervix did not dilate even a millimeter, the baby did not descend.

And as per the law of meanness, all the operating rooms were filled to capacity. I barely survived this unbearable pain during contractions. All this hell continued for an hour and a half. After which it was possible to get one of the operating rooms out of the queue (it was not for nothing that the doctor agreed for 20 thousand). I was already happily “running” to the operation that I was so afraid of earlier, if only the pain would end sooner. I have never experienced anything more painful in my life; contractions came with a small interval of 1-2 minutes.

The operation went well and the environment in the operating room was positive. The anesthesiologist encouraged and joked throughout the operation.

After the anesthesia, I felt great, the pain went away, and now there was a pleasant feeling of relaxation.

After 20-30 minutes I heard my baby crying. These are indescribable sensations, such happiness to become a mother and finally see your little one, your little blood!

The baby was born healthy, thank God, she only swallowed amniotic fluid, which, according to the pediatrician, is not dangerous to the baby’s health.

After the operation was completed, the baby was transferred to the ward intensive care, and I was taken to intensive care.

Many people previously feared unbearable pain after surgery, and long period recovery.

And you know, I realized that a lot depends on the inner mood! I never thought that I had so much confidence in my abilities and desire to get back on my feet as soon as possible. There was no self-pity like there was before.

You know, there were girls in intensive care who could not get out of bed for a long time. I got up very quickly and tried to walk more, as the doctors recommended.

There was pain, but not the same as during contractions. Painkillers were injected constantly, thanks to this, the pain was practically not felt.

The recovery period passed quickly, and a week later I was already running around the house and calmly caring for the child.

Now three months have passed, and I already forget that there is a seam. The seam, by the way, is barely noticeable, cosmetic.


In the field of gynecology and among ordinary people, debates do not subside about what is better: natural childbirth or caesarean section - natural abilities or human intervention. Both methods of delivery have their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, supporters and opponents. If this concerns not philosophical reasoning, but a responsible decision on how to give birth to a healthy baby, you need to approach this very seriously, weigh the pros and cons and choose the so-called golden mean.

Today, the trend is that even those women who are unable to undergo this operation are asked to have a caesarean section. This is an absurd situation: imagine that a person himself insists on having an abdominal incision made for no reason.

The myth about the absence of painful sensations during this method led to this state of affairs in gynecology. In fact, the question of which is more painful: cesarean or natural childbirth is very ambiguous. In the first case pain syndrome in the suture area occurs after surgery and lasts about 2-3 weeks, or even longer. When you give birth to a baby on your own, the pain is stronger, but it is short-lived. All this can be understood if you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.


  • It is the only solution in the presence of a number of medical indications: it helps the birth of a child with a narrow pelvis in a woman, a large fetus, placenta previa, etc.;
  • pain relief makes the process of childbirth comfortable, it goes easier: after all, most young mothers are afraid of not being able to withstand painful contractions;
  • absence of perineal tears, which means a faster return of one’s sexual attractiveness and sex life;
  • proceeds faster in time: the operation usually lasts about half an hour (from 25 to 45 minutes) depending on the condition of the woman in labor and her individual characteristics, while natural childbirth sometimes takes up to 12 hours;
  • possibility of planning an operation on convenient time, choosing the optimal day of the week and even the date;
  • predictable outcome, unlike natural childbirth;
  • the risk of hemorrhoids is minimal;
  • absence of birth injuries during pushing and contractions - both for the mother and the child.

Plus or minus? Often among the advantages of a cesarean section is the absence of birth injuries and damage to the woman and her baby during pushing and contractions, however, according to statistics, newborns with injuries cervical spine or suffering from postnatal encephalopathy after such an operation more than after natural, independent childbirth. So there is no clear answer as to which procedure is safer in this regard.


  • Serious complications for the health and well-being of a young mother as a result of a cesarean section occur 12 times more often than during natural childbirth;
  • Anesthesia and other types of pain relief (spinal or epidural) used during caesarean section do not pass without a trace;
  • difficult and long recovery period;
  • excessive blood loss, which can subsequently lead to anemia;
  • the need for bed rest for some time (up to several months) after a cesarean section, which greatly interferes with caring for the newborn;
  • soreness of the suture, which forces you to take medicinal painkillers;
  • difficulties in establishing lactation: in terms of breastfeeding Caesarean section is worse than natural childbirth, since in the first days after the operation the baby has to be fed with formula, and in some cases the mother may not produce milk;
  • a ban on playing sports after a cesarean section for 3-6 months, which means it is impossible to quickly;
  • ugly, unaesthetic seam on the stomach;
  • after a cesarean section, natural childbirth may not be allowed in the future (read more about this);
  • a scar on the surface of the uterus, complicating the next pregnancy and childbirth;
  • adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • inability to get pregnant in the next 2 years ( best option- 3 years), since pregnancy and new births will pose a serious danger, and for the health and life of not only the young mother, but also the baby;
  • the need for constant medical supervision during the postoperative period;
  • harmful effects of anesthesia on the baby;
  • the child does not produce special substances (proteins and hormones) that affect his further adaptation to environment and mental activity.

Keep in mind that...

General anesthesia in some cases ends in shock, pneumonia, circulatory arrest, and serious damage to brain cells; spinal and epidural often entail inflammation at the puncture site, inflammation of the meninges, spinal injuries, nerve cells. Natural childbirth eliminates such complications.

Today there is a lot of talk about harmful effects anesthesia during cesarean section on both the mother and baby. And yet, if there is even slightest danger for the health or life of one of the participants in the birth (mother or baby), and the only option is a caesarean section, you need to listen to the recommendations of doctors and use this technique. In other cases, the question of which birth is better is decided unambiguously: preference should be given to the natural course of this process.

Natural childbirth: pros and cons

The answer to the question why natural childbirth is better than cesarean section is obvious: because in the absence of medical indications, surgical intervention in human body is not the norm. This leads to various complications And negative consequences. If you look at the pros and cons of independent childbirth, their ratio in quantitative terms will speak for itself.


  • the birth of a child is a normal process provided for by nature: the female body is designed so that the baby at birth acquires everything he needs for normal life - this is why a caesarean section is worse than a natural birth;
  • the child gains experience in overcoming difficulties, difficulties and obstacles, which helps him in later life;
  • there is a gradual but completely natural adaptation of the newborn to new conditions;
  • the baby’s body is being hardened;
  • immediately after birth, it is better for the child if he is placed on the mother’s breast, which contributes to their inextricable connection and the rapid establishment of lactation;
  • the postpartum recovery process for the female body as a result of natural childbirth is much faster than after a traumatic caesarean section;
  • Accordingly, the young mother in this case can independently care for the baby immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Scientific fact! Today, all kinds of studies are being conducted about the effect of cesarean section on the baby. It is discussed not only by doctors, but also by teachers, pediatricians, and psychologists. According to the latest scientific findings, children who were born in this way adapt less well, often lag behind in development, and when growing up, they often demonstrate low resistance to stress and infantilism, in contrast to those who were born during natural childbirth.


  • natural childbirth involves severe pain during contractions and pushing;
  • painful sensations in the perineum;
  • the risk of ruptures in the perineum, which entails the need.

It is obvious that a caesarean section differs from a natural birth both in the methods of influencing the female body, in the course of the entire process, and in its consequences. You need to be especially careful when complex, ambiguous situations arise.

Which is better: cesarean or natural birth for certain problems?

The question of which is better: cesarean or natural childbirth arises in certain cases when there are deviations from normal development fetus and the course of pregnancy. If any problems arise, doctors analyze the situation and offer the woman two options - agree to the operation or give birth at her own peril and risk. What should a expectant mother do in such an exciting and ambiguous situation? First of all, you need to listen to the doctor’s opinion, but also understand at least a little about the problem that has arisen in order to make the right decision.

Large fruit

If an ultrasound showed that a woman has large fruit(a hero weighing 4 kg or more is considered such), the doctor must correctly assess her physical indicators, body features and figure. Natural childbirth in such a situation is quite possible if:

  • expectant mother she herself is far from small;
  • examination shows that the bones of her pelvis will easily separate during childbirth;
  • Her previous children were also all large and born naturally.

However, not all women have such physical characteristics. If the expectant mother has a narrow pelvis, and the baby’s head, according to ultrasound readings, does not match her size pelvic ring, it is better to agree to a caesarean section. It will help avoid complex tissue ruptures and make it easier for the baby to be born. Otherwise, natural childbirth can end tragically for both: the baby will injure himself and cause serious damage to the mother.

After IVF

Today, the attitude of doctors towards childbirth after IVF (in vitro fertilization procedure) has changed. If 10 years ago it was only possible to have a caesarean section without any other options, today a woman in such a situation can give birth on her own without any problems. The following factors are indications for cesarean section after IVF:

  • the desire of the woman herself;
  • age over 35 years;
  • multiple births;
  • chronic diseases;
  • if infertility has lasted for 5 years or more;
  • gestosis;

If the expectant mother who has gone through IVF is young, healthy, feels great, and the cause of infertility was the man, she can, if she wishes, give birth naturally. Moreover, all stages of independent childbirth in this case - contractions, pushing, passage of the birth canal by the child, separation of the placenta - proceed in the same way as after natural conception.


If the ultrasound showed that it will happen, monitoring the condition of the mother and babies becomes more thorough and attentive on the part of doctors. There may even be questions about whether a woman can give birth to them on her own. Indications for caesarean section in in this case The age of the woman in labor is over 35 years and the presentation of both fetuses is:

  • if one baby is positioned with the butt down and the other with the head down, the doctor will not recommend a natural birth, since there is a risk that their heads may catch on each other and be seriously injured;
  • with their transverse presentation, cesarean section is also performed.

In all other cases, if the expectant mother is healthy, twins are born on their own.

Birth of monochorionic twins

If the birth of monochorionic twins, who are nourished from the same placenta, is expected, they rarely occur naturally and without complications. There are too many risks in this case: premature birth of babies, they often become entangled in the umbilical cord, the birth itself lasts much longer than usual, which can lead to a weakening of labor. Therefore, in most cases today, mothers of monochorionic twins are offered a caesarean section. This will avoid unforeseen situations and complications. Although in gynecological practice There are cases when monochorionic twins were born naturally and without any problems.

Breech presentation of the fetus

If in the last weeks of pregnancy a breech presentation of the fetus is diagnosed, the woman in labor is hospitalized to determine the method of delivery. Natural childbirth is possible in the following cases:

  • if the mother’s age is under 35 years;
  • if she is healthy, she has no chronic diseases and at the time of birth she feels excellent;
  • if she herself is eager to give birth on her own;
  • if there are no abnormalities in the development of the fetus;
  • if the ratio of the size of the child and the mother’s pelvis allows him to pass through the birth canal without problems and complications;
  • breech presentation;
  • normal head position.

All these factors together can allow a woman to give birth on her own, even with a breech presentation. But this only happens in 10% similar situations. Most often, the decision is made to have a caesarean section. When the baby is born in a breech position, the risk of an unfavorable outcome is too great: the umbilical cord loops fall out, the child’s condition suffocates, etc. Excessive extension of the head is also considered dangerous, which can lead to such birth injuries, such as damage to the cervical spine or cerebellum.


Bronchial asthma is not absolute indication for a caesarean section. Everything will depend on the degree and stage of exacerbation of the disease. During natural childbirth, there is a risk that the woman will begin to choke and her rhythm will be lost, which means so much at the birth of a baby.

But modern obstetricians know how to get out of this situation and minimize the risks for both mother and baby. Therefore, if you have asthma of any kind, you need to consult several specialists 2-3 months before giving birth, who will determine the degree of possible risks and advise what would be better in such a situation - a caesarean section or natural birth.

For rheumatoid arthritis

Will a woman be able to give birth naturally? rheumatoid arthritis, only a doctor can decide after examining the features of this disease in each specific case. On the one hand, rheumatologists and gynecologists often decide to have a cesarean section for the following reasons:

  • the load on the knees during the birth of a baby is very large;
  • With rheumatoid arthritis, the pelvic bones can diverge so much that the woman in labor will then have to be on bed rest for a month, as she simply will not be able to get up;
  • The disease belongs to the category of autoimmune, and they all have an unforeseen and unpredictable outcome.

At the same time, AR is not an absolute and unshakable indicator for cesarean section. Everything will depend on the woman’s condition and the nature of the disease. Many natural births in such a situation ended quite happily.

Polycystic kidney disease

A fairly serious disease is polycystic kidney disease, when multiple cysts. In the absence of exacerbation of this disease and feeling good mothers may allow her to give birth naturally, although in most cases, in order to avoid complications and unforeseen situations, doctors advise having a cesarean section.

If you don't know what to choose, it is better to rely on your doctor's opinion rather than take independent decisions, focusing on fashion trends from the West, where surgery The extraction (not the birth!) of a child from the mother’s womb has become a common occurrence. Weigh the pros and cons: if there is a threat to the health and especially the life of the unborn baby, do not hesitate to trust the doctors and agree to a caesarean section. If medical indications are not available for this operation, give birth yourself: let the baby be born naturally.