What you can and cannot eat during Lent. When can you eat fish during fasting? The joy of successfully overcoming carnal temptations

On February 27, 2017, Great Lent began, which symbolizes the spiritual and physical cleansing of a person and prepares him for the bright holiday of Great Easter. The end of Lent is April 15: Pentecost (the first 40 days) pays tribute to Jesus Christ for the forty-day famine in the desert, and Holy Week (the last week of Lent) is the memory of Christ in the last days of his life, his crucifixion and resurrection.

Remember that not only will you have to give up fasting food, you should also forget about entertainment and bodily pleasures at this time. Otherwise, there is no point in sticking to the ritual.

According to the Church Charter, there are rules for meals

  • During the first and last weeks of Great Lent, a particularly strict fast is observed.
  • Meat and dairy products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, milk), eggs, are excluded. That is, all products of animal origin.
  • You can eat only once a day, in the evening, however, on Saturdays and Sundays you are allowed to eat twice a day, at lunch and in the evening.
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, eat cold food, without vegetable oil. On Tuesdays and Fridays, hot food without oil is allowed.
  • On Saturdays and Sundays it is allowed to add vegetable oil to food, it is also allowed to consume grape wine(except Saturday of Holy Week).
  • IN good friday(this is the last Friday of Lent) you should abstain from food altogether.
  • On Saturday, many who observe fasting also abstain from food until the onset of Great Easter.

If you approach your diet wisely during Lent, then, firstly, you will not have to go hungry, and secondly, even during the period of strict fasting, nutrition can be quite varied and balanced.

Basic products during fasting

Black bread, cereal crispbread.

Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, barley).

Salted and pickled vegetables, berry and fruit jam.

Mushrooms of various preparations.

Legumes (beans, lentils, peas).

Dried fruits, nuts, honey.

Seasonal vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, radishes, etc.).

Fruits in season (apples, bananas, grant, oranges, etc.).

Fish is allowed to be consumed twice during the entire fast. On the holiday of the Annunciation and Palm Sunday.

Lenten menu calendar by day

The first week of fasting (the most strict). It is important to enter the fast correctly on the eve of the start. It is also important to know the personal contraindications, who should not fast.

In the subsequent fifth and sixth weeks of fasting, you can repeat your menu as in the second and third weeks. The seventh (Holy Week) week of Great Lent is as strict as the first. The sixth Sunday of Great Lent falls on the celebration of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem, or it is also called Palm Sunday. On this day you can eat fish, food with butter, and eat a little Cahors.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday – dry eating. On Thursday you can eat warm food, but cooked without oil. On Friday only bread and water. Eating is prohibited on Saturday.

And finally, Sunday - the end of the strictest fast - falls on the celebration of Easter.

According to church canons, during this period all Orthodox believers must exclude a number of foods from their daily diet and devote themselves to cleansing, repentance and the fight against their own sins. Food restrictions in Lent suggest a ban on eggs, meat and dairy foods. The Church also calls for giving up entertainment, vanity and bodily pleasures, thinking about God, devoting time to serving others and visiting church.

In Buryatia, everyone joins in fasting every year more people. And although many are frightened by the thought of such a long-term “gastronomic” abstinence, doctors assure that it has a positive effect on human health. The main thing is to know in moderation and combine foods correctly so as not to harm the body. The priests remind: restriction in food is not the goal of fasting, but only a means. This is necessary so that the body does not interfere with the soul’s internal spiritual work. Therefore, fasting can be regarded as a “diet” and an opportunity to lose weight. excess weight not worth it.

The seven weeks of Lent consist of Pentecost - forty days from February 19 to March 30 and Holy Week - the last week before Easter (from April 2 to 7). It is dedicated to the memories of last days earthly life and the death on the cross of Christ.

Holy Week is preceded by Lazarus Saturday (March 31), when the church remembers the miracle of the resurrection of righteous Lazarus by Jesus Christ, and Palm Sunday (April 1), the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. These days the fast is weakened.


Those who decide to fast should give up “meat food”, that is, products of animal origin - meat, dairy products, eggs, white bread, partly fish, caviar and vegetable oil. In addition, baked goods, chocolate, sweets, fast food and everything are taboo alcoholic drinks- with the exception of red wine. It can be consumed on Saturdays and Sundays throughout Lent, but only in moderate doses.

The main components of the menu during this period are vegetables (fresh, salted or pickled), fruits and dried fruits, mushrooms, herbs, water porridge, soups (without meat), pasta, vegetable salads, black bread, honey, various spices, jelly, tea and kvass.

The first two and last two days of fasting impose the strictest restrictions: believers are required to completely abstain from food. Lay people are encouraged to receive a blessing from their confessor in advance. The first and last weeks (except weekends), as well as all Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from the second to the sixth week inclusive (from February 26 to April 1) - dry eating, when the church allows only cold food (not thermally processed): raw vegetables and fruits, unleavened bread (without sugar and butter), fermentations, pickles, nuts and honey.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays from the second to the sixth week of fasting, you can eat hot food without oil - soups and cereal porridges, boiled potatoes, boiled and stewed hot vegetables. On weekends (Saturday and Sunday), it is allowed to include alcohol in the menu, as well as hot food with butter - fried potatoes, cabbage or carrot cutlets, etc.

On Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday you can eat fish dishes, but on Annunciation you will have to give them up, because in 2018 it falls on Holy Saturday(April 7). On this day, for the sake of the holiday, the canons allow hot food with vegetable oil and wine. On Good (or Great) Friday, April 6, people abstain from food until Friday Vespers, the culminating moment of which is the removal of the shroud from the altar to the middle of the temple, where it remains until Saturday night - the Easter Midnight Office.

Who can not fast?

From a medical point of view, a sharp reduction in protein foods during fasting can lead to loss muscle tissue and weakened immunity. This primarily concerns young children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and people with poor health, as well as those who suffer from anemia, stomach and heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and various inflammations.

Dietary restrictions are also dangerous for people with reduced level hemoglobin. The Church treats such situations with loyalty. To receive a blessing for a “softer” fast, it is enough to come to your confessor and explain the situation to him.


According to nutritionists, regular refusal of food of animal origin and an increase in plant foods in the menu during fasting is very beneficial for the body: cholesterol and blood sugar levels are reduced, and blood levels are normalized. arterial pressure and intestinal microflora, liver and gallbladder function improves. But in order to endure fasting, it is important to approach this issue wisely and not rush to extremes. Otherwise, you may face serious complications.

  1. If you decide to fast, consult your doctor: for some diseases Lenten menu strictly contraindicated.
  2. While fasting, try to eat at least 4-5 times a day. Because in food plant origin Much less calories than meat, it will be much more difficult to get enough. It is advisable that the daily caloric intake remains at the usual level. For an adult, the norm is 1600-2000 kcal.
  3. Follow your diet: it is better to sit down at the table at the same time every day.
  4. Include cereals, lentils, beans, peas, nuts, mushrooms and soy products in your daily menu: this will help replenish the protein deficiency in the body.
  5. Monitor your fluid intake. It’s better if it’s freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, mineral water without gas, green tea, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks or homemade compotes. But it’s better to avoid strong coffee or tea: these drinks overload nervous system. Try to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. By the way, the ideal option for quenching thirst is regular drinking water.
  6. Plan your diet: Lent occurs in the spring, when the body already suffers from vitamin deficiency. Therefore, it is important not only to provide it essential vitamins and microelements, but also correctly combine them with each other. Shortage fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D can be replenished by taking the appropriate vitamin complexes. Carbohydrates that give the body energy are found in bread, cereals, vegetables and potatoes. Do not forget about sources of iron and calcium - apples, buckwheat, walnuts and oatmeal.
  7. You can add natural spices to your food that improve digestion: cardamom, anise, cumin, lemon balm, dill, rosemary, thyme, sage, flax seeds, mint, sesame. In between main meals, satisfy your hunger with nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits.
  8. Do not overuse pickles: this can lead to high blood pressure and exacerbation of various gastrointestinal diseases.
  9. On the morning of Easter, you can eat about 200 g of Easter cake, one egg and a small piece of meat. It is recommended to drink a glass of water before starting your meal.
  10. Fasting should not harm your health. If you feel unwell during the first week and your health worsens, you should loosen the restrictions (for example, include fish in your diet) or abandon them altogether. The psychological attitude also plays a big role. To make it easier to survive the days of abstinence, get good sleep, walk more fresh air, and to relax, take baths with pine needles or soothing herbs- mint, oregano, valerian or motherwort.

The right way out

During fasting, the body gets used to working in “economy” mode. If you don't comply certain rules, getting out of this state will be quite problematic.

The “transition” period is usually 10-14 days, so you should not immediately after the end of Lent pounce on fatty and meat foods. This is fraught with exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers. The fact is that the body, already accustomed to plant products, worse secretes the enzymes necessary for the breakdown of animal proteins. And abuse of fatty foods, cakes and pastries can result in the development of cholecystitis, pancreatitis or excess weight. Introduce such products into daily diet you need to do it little by little.

  1. To begin with, include in your menu fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and microelements, low-fat dairy products(ryazhenka, cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurt), then whole milk (milk, eggs and cottage cheese) and finally fish dishes. Meat products can be eaten on the fifth or sixth day: it is better if it is chicken, lean pork, veal or steamed cutlets.
  2. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions: this will protect your stomach from overload.
  3. As a side dish for meat dishes it is better to use potatoes: they contain simple carbohydrates improve the absorption of animal protein.
  4. At first, give up alcoholic drinks and foods " fast food» - sandwiches, sandwiches, crackers, chips and a variety of crackers.

Fasting in Christianity has great importance. The church calendar is marked with fasts for almost 200 days. Among the latter there are both one-day and multi-day ones. The longest and most important is Lent. Its goal is to prepare not only the body, but also the spirit for the Easter holiday.

What is fasting and how long does it last?

The tradition of fasting has continued in Orthodoxy since the time of Ancient Rus'. And often this time is perceived as observing a special diet, but the purpose of Lent is to cleanse the spirit, put one’s thoughts and spiritual life in order. It is necessary to establish spiritual and moral aspirations over the flesh. Fasting dates back to the times of the Old Testament.

Fasting is considered as a kind of voluntary sacrifice that a person makes to God, thanks to which a person is spiritually and morally transformed. In the form of spiritual preparation, it is customary to pray more, read books on spiritual topics, and renounce sinful actions and behavior. Eating fast food as a means of physical preparation is prohibited.

Lent is a reminder of the fast of Christ the Savior. According to the Bible, he went into the desert at the behest of the spirit, was tempted by the devil for forty days, and did not eat anything during these days. In 2016, the fast will last from March 14 to April 30. In 2017 - from February 27 to April 15.

These seven weeks represent Pentecost (40 days) and Holy Week (the last week before Easter). Also on the sixth Saturday of Lent, Lazarus Saturday is celebrated, and the sixth Sunday is Palm Sunday, or the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Nutrition during Lent

The main foods that should not be eaten during Lent are:

  • meat products and animal foods, including milk and eggs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • buns and White bread.

Let's look at what you can eat during Lent. These products include:

  • fresh and frozen vegetables, fruits, mushrooms. As well as dried fruits and legumes;
  • pickled, salted, pickled homemade products;
  • soy products;
  • greens in any form;
  • cereals;
  • wholemeal bread.

If a person decides to fast for the first time, it is best to do it gradually. For example, animal protein can be replaced with vegetable protein. This could be the inclusion of mushrooms, legumes, nuts and dried fruits in the diet.

Too sharp a refusal to eat can result in the development and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Abstinence within reasonable limits is encouraged. To avoid loading digestive system, it is better to use spices, spicy and too salty, as well as fried foods with caution.

What is possible and what is not allowed in fasting

Since the main purpose of Lent is not nutrition, but the spiritual component, we should not forget about observing other restrictions. Orthodoxy recommends giving up the following habits during Lent:

  • smoking and drinking alcohol (only wine is allowed on certain days in small quantities);
  • entertainment activities, going to theaters, cinema should be reduced to a minimum, you should not over-watch TV, etc.;
  • foul language, bodily pleasures;
  • marital intimacy should be renounced.

In this regard, Orthodoxy does not allow marriage during the days of Lent. In addition, a wedding involves celebrations, feasts and other events, which are not encouraged during Lent. Weddings are strictly prohibited during Lent.

On the contrary, it is not prohibited to baptize a child at this time. It is best to do this on weekends or on those days when fasting provides for relaxation.

As for traditions, in Orthodox countries many institutions were closed during Lent. This applied to theaters, gaming establishments, baths; it was impossible to purchase meat, since trade was stopped at this time. During the first and last weeks of Lent, school was canceled. educational institutions, and government employees did not attend work. Historians claim that many people in the first week of Lent left the house only in case of emergency. emergency. And Greece still declares the first day of Lent a holiday.

How to prepare for the holiday in accordance with traditions

The days of Holy Week are usually called Great. This is Maundy Monday, Maundy Tuesday, etc.

Holy Week begins on Holy Monday. On this day, it is customary to prepare the home; painting, washing, cleaning and other important work is expected.

Tuesday is reserved for preparing clothes and linen; everything needs to be washed and ironed.

Great Wednesday is intended for completing household work. On this day, all garbage is taken out of the home, and the house itself is completely cleaned. Prepare the eggs and all the necessary items for painting them.

Maundy Thursday, called Maundy Thursday, includes the observance of many rituals. Baking Easter cakes and painting eggs is scheduled for this day. Before you begin the baking process, you need to pray. Also on this day you need to wash yourself properly, thereby preparing your body for the holiday. In the old days in Maundy Thursday It was customary to cut the hair of young children whose age had reached one year. And in order for their hair to grow better and be thicker, young girls had the custom of cutting the ends of their hair on this day.

The housewives were busy cleaning the house. According to the legend, this ensured purity for the whole year. It was believed that on this day it was necessary to count money, put agricultural equipment in order, and feed and water horses. The hunters fired three times into the air. This helped ensure financial prosperity, success in farming and hunting.

Good Friday is the most strict day of Holy Week. You cannot eat anything, listening to music and singing are prohibited, as well as sewing and washing. You can't cut anything. It was on this day that the crucifixion of Christ took place, so we need to think about his sufferings endured for the sake of the human race.

The most troublesome day before Easter is Holy Saturday. On this day, you need to finish all the preparations, cook and prepare food for the festive table. It is especially strictly forbidden to swear, do laundry, or drink alcohol. You cannot refuse those who ask for help.

What to cook for Easter

The main symbols of Easter are colored eggs. They are symbols of life and rebirth. Since ancient times, it has been generally accepted that eggs are the first food after a long fast.

Previously, eggs were only painted red because red symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ. There are several versions according to which it is customary to paint eggs.

According to one of them, after the resurrection of Jesus, Mary Magdalene came to Tiberius, the Roman emperor, with news of this. She took with her an egg as a gift, it was white. When the emperor doubted her words, he said that the dead could not be resurrected, just as an egg could not turn red. And then the egg turned red.

The everyday explanation for painting eggs is the fact that chickens lay eggs during fasting. A lot of them accumulate during Lent, so to prevent the food from spoiling, they were boiled and colored. This made it possible to distinguish them from raw ones. Later, this household trick became a solemn ritual.

They are also preparing for festive table and Easter. It is a sweet curd dish with a truncated pyramidal shape, which symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher. Easter is decorated with the letters “ХВ” on top.

Another symbol of the end of Lent is Easter cake. He became the personification of how Jesus Christ came after his resurrection and ate food with them.

Celebration traditions

In the old days, this holiday was celebrated by all Christians of Rus' in the temple. The ceremonial services ended in the morning, and parishioners could congratulate each other and exchange colored eggs.

On Easter night, it was customary to light fires, kindle bonfires near the church, and set fire to barrels of tar on the hills. And those coals that remained from the burnt fires were placed under the roof. It was believed that this would protect the home from fires and lightning strikes. In some areas gunfire was fired. Hunters believed that this way they could not only ensure success in the hunt, but also kill the devil.

One of the strictest church calendar, Lent lasts seven weeks. In 2019, fasting should be observed from March 11 to April 27. Sputnik talks about acceptable and prohibited foods in the diet, as well as the rules of eating.

Fasting symbolizes a difficult path: in order to get to Easter, believers must overcome its strict restrictions. By the way, fasting is intended to cleanse both the body and the soul, so you will have to abstain from fun.

What not to eat during Lent 2019

It is worth noting that the clergy advise ordinary people take into account your health status, activities and eating habits, avoiding the strictest prohibitions. During Lent, food should be simple, but maintain a person’s physical strength.

Basically, anyone who decides to fast is prohibited from eating food of animal origin on these days. This category includes any meat, milk, eggs and, of course, other products in which they may be found.

Fast food is strictly prohibited, and those with a sweet tooth will have to do without treats and baked goods.

It is also not recommended to use a lot of sugar, salt and spices - if you are not ready to give them up altogether, add them in small quantities. It is also not recommended to fry food - you should prefer other cooking methods.

What can you eat during Lent?

The list of acceptable food products during Lent seems insufficient only at first glance: in fact, you can prepare a variety of dishes from these products every day.

It is acceptable to eat such foods as black bread and cereal crispbreads, various cereals, all legumes, mushrooms in different forms, seasonal vegetables (particularly in the form of pickles), seasonal fruits, dried fruits, berry jam, nuts and honey.

You are allowed to treat yourself to fish twice during the entire fast. It can be eaten on holidays - for example, on Palm Sunday and on the Annunciation.

Among the cooking methods, you should choose stewing, baking, boiling or steaming. Porridge can only be cooked with water and without adding oil. We recommend that you carefully consider the fact that, without wanting to harm the body, you need to replace the animal protein prohibited during fasting with vegetable protein - it is found in acceptable legumes, peanuts, soybeans and eggplants. At this time, soups are cooked exclusively in vegetable broth.

Nutrition rules for Lent 2019 by day

On most days of Lent, you are allowed to eat only one meal a day. The only exceptions are weekends - on Saturday and Sunday you can eat twice a day. The most stringent restrictions will have to be adhered to in the first four days and in its last week - Holy Week right before Easter.

You will have to completely give up food on Clean Monday, as well as on Good Friday. Another strict day is the first Friday of Lent, which allows the consumption of only wheat with sugar or honey.

By the way, each day has its own rules: on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you should stick to dry eating (drink water and compotes, eat bread, as well as raw fruits and vegetables). On Tuesday and Thursday you can eat hot food, but without oil. On weekends, you can add vegetable oil and wine to this list of products.

What to drink during Lent 2019

Drinking alcohol during Lent is prohibited (except on weekends when wine is permitted). Despite the fact that drinking tea and coffee is not prohibited for a strict seven weeks, it is recommended to significantly reduce their consumption and prefer drinks based on fruits and herbs.

By the way, coffee fans should think about the fact that fasting involves the renunciation of pleasures: this restriction will probably be a real humility of the flesh for you.

Fasting is abstinence from certain types of food in order to reunite with God, therefore at such a time it is assumed not only to limit food, but also to renounce external impressions and pleasures.

Proper nutrition during fasting: essence and features ^

The essence of fasting is to abstain from everything that can bring pleasure: festivities, festive gatherings and, of course, certain products. When people are just getting ready to fast, they are often interested in the question: what can’t be eaten during fasting?

  • First of all, under strict ban are proteins of animal origin, which are found in meat and meat products, fish, poultry, eggs.
  • You should not consume cheeses, sour cream, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products, as well as milk chocolate, pasta, white bread and alcohol.

In fact, nutrition on fasting days completely excludes any protein food, however, on non-strict days it is allowed to eat fish and vegetable oils, which contain mainly fats.

Now let’s learn more about what you can eat during Lent:

  • Any vegetables and fruits;
  • Legumes;
  • Porridge;
  • Confectionery and bakery products, prepared without eggs and dairy products;
  • Nuts;

Nutrition rules during fasting

It’s not enough to just find out what you can eat during Lent; it’s also important to follow some food rules:

  • You cannot overeat, even if it is permitted foods, otherwise the whole essence of fasting is lost;
  • It is necessary to give up all carnal pleasures, because... spiritual limitations are of great importance;
  • The first and last weeks of the Great Orthodox Lent when you can eat crackers, kutya, and drink water. On the first day - only water.

What you can and cannot eat: sample menu ^

What is possible during a strict fast?

The most strict fasting considered Great: its duration is 40 days, during which a person must refrain from viewing entertainment programs and attending such events, and also comply with the following rules:

  • On the first day of fasting and on Friday, any food is prohibited;
  • In the first and last week you can eat vegetables, fruits and bread, and drink water;
  • The rest of the time you are allowed to eat honey, nuts, marmalade and any food of plant origin.

Fasting on Wednesday and Friday: what you can eat

Many people prefer to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year: on these days, small indulgences in food are allowed if they do not fall during other fasts.

What you can eat during fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays:

  • Fish;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Fruits and vegetables.

Is it possible to eat sugar during fasting?

Despite the fact that sugar contains albumin, its use during Lent is not prohibited by the church. What other sweets are allowed:

  • Bitter (dark) chocolate is one that does not contain milk and is filled with prohibited ingredients. Many goodies are made based on dark chocolate - including almonds. chocolate glaze, and pasta using soy milk, and glazed cookies;
  • Dried fruits - all without exception. The abundance of offers can satisfy any gastronomic taste. Want even sweeter? Prunes in dark chocolate - for real gourmets;
  • Kozinaki are any nuts pressed using molasses, sugar or honey. Homemade kozinaki should be prepared without butter;
  • Marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, pectin jelly. Gelatin is made from animal collagen, which is found in bones, cartilage, tendons, and pectin is of plant origin. The most popular pectin is apple pectin;
  • Honey is considered lean product, because it is a product produced by insects and does not contain animal proteins or fats. For some, honey becomes the only consolation in this difficult time of spiritual and physical restrictions.

When can you eat fish during Lent?

Fish is on the list of prohibited foods, except for the following cases:

  • Petrov fast: Tuesday, Thursday and weekends;
  • Dormition Fast: only on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord;
  • Nativity fast: on weekends, i.e. on Saturday and Sunday;
  • Lent: on the Feast of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God and on Palm Sunday.

Is it possible to eat vegetable oil during fasting?

Vegetable oil is one of the main products included in the list of permitted products: it is added to prepare vegetable dishes, mushrooms and baked goods. There are only a few days when it is prohibited:

  • Monday: dry eating is observed in honor of angelic powers;
  • Wednesday: in memory of the betrayal of the Savior;
  • Friday: as a sign of sorrow over the crucifixion of Christ.

Is it possible to eat honey during fasting?

Honey is not a plant product, but the modern church allows it for consumption. Only Old Believers and some monks are against this, but in most cases clergy do not exclude it from their diet. Which honey is better to choose:

  • Buckwheat: contains many amino acids and vitamins;
  • Acacia or linden.

Is it possible to eat bread during Lent?

  • During fasting, use of this product is permitted only if it does not contain vegetable oils, eggs and milk.
  • In this case, white bread and any other varieties of it are prohibited if ingredients included in the list of restrictions were used in their preparation.

Is it possible to eat sweets during Lent?

  • Sweets are allowed during fasting, but they should be eaten in moderation.
  • Lean chocolate, candied fruits, dried fruits, chocolate-covered nuts, caramel, lollipops, and chocolate grilled vegetables are allowed for consumption.

Orthodox fasting: how to eat for the laity

Calendar proper nutrition during Lent it looks like this:

  • Good Friday: nothing can be eaten until the shroud is taken out;
  • Lazarus Saturday: you can eat some fish caviar;
  • Palm Sunday: fish is allowed to be added to caviar;
  • Annunciation: all permitted products, as well as fish.

Sample menu for strict fasting days:

  • We have breakfast with tea with a slice of black bread, eat a portion of porridge;
  • Let's have lunch vegetable salad and lean soup;
  • For an afternoon snack we drink compote and eat fruit;
  • We have dinner with stewed vegetables.

What role does nutrition play during fasting?

According to church clergy, observing all food prohibitions during fasting is secondary: first of all, a person needs to cleanse himself spiritually and try to find the path to God.

That is why you need to fast not for the sake of fashion trends or the cleansing of the body that occurs thanks to fasting, but in order to receive spiritual enlightenment. Without true faith in God and keeping the Commandments, the whole essence of fasting is lost.

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