What should you do before getting vaccinated with DPT? Preparing for vaccination of children of different ages

Preparation for vaccination can improve the patient’s well-being after vaccination, as well as increase the strength and durability of the developing immune system. Before the procedure, you need to be confident in your own health or the health of your child. To do this, it is better to undergo a series of tests and visit specialists a few days before vaccination.

Contraindications to vaccination

Absolute contraindications: when should you not get vaccinated?

Today there are not so many categorical objections to vaccination. In the past, there were many more contraindications, but due to increased knowledge about the consequences of vaccinations and improved quality of administered drugs, their number has steadily decreased over time. To absolute bends modern doctors include:

  • Previous bad reaction to this vaccine(severe fever, allergies, anaphylactic shock).
  • Immunodeficiencies. These conditions will not allow the formation of immunity at the proper level, and when vaccinated with live microorganisms, infection becomes possible.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Pregnancy (for some vaccines).
  • Allergy on the compounds included in the vaccine.
  • The patient has an infection, against which the vaccination is directed.

Relative contraindications

Such withdrawals presuppose some condition incompatible with vaccination in this moment time, but allowing it in the near future. Of course, this includes pregnancy along with cancer diseases, but due to long period their flows are traditionally considered in the previous group.

  • ARVI, acute respiratory infection, other inflammatory or colds. If there are no complications, the vaccination is postponed for 1-4 weeks.
  • Blood transfusion or intravenous injection of antibodies. In this case, the time before vaccination is extended by 3 months.
  • Low birth weight, prematurity. The vaccination schedule is drawn up individually depending on body weight gain.
  • Active dermatitis- presence of spots or rashes that appeared within 3 weeks before vaccination. The waiting period is determined by a dermatologist or allergist.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage. Vaccination is carried out after the patient’s condition has normalized.

Which doctors should you see before vaccination?

The main specialist who should evaluate general state the patient is a therapist or pediatrician, if we're talking about about the child. It is he who needs to be informed about all doubts (for example, the child slept restlessly at night), symptoms and past illnesses. If you have chronic illnesses, you should definitely visit specialized specialist.

Traditionally, before the first vaccination at the clinic, children visit additionally a neurologist, orthopedist (or surgeon), since its timing coincides with a routine medical examination. Also, it is necessary see a neurologist before each complex vaccination, for example, DTP. Although problems with nervous and musculoskeletal systems of a non-inflammatory nature are not contraindications for vaccination; if they are detected, a medical specialist may first recommend solving these problems and postponing vaccination, despite the pediatrician’s approval for vaccination.

Tests before vaccination

Before vaccination (especially such a complex one as DTP), you need to undergo tests, which your pediatrician should warn you about. The recommended ones include the following:

  1. General blood analysis. It will show the presence in the body inflammatory processes, allergies, metabolic disorders, will allow the doctor to assess the general condition of the patient. An increase or decrease in certain cells (white blood cells) in the blood may indicate low immune status patient. Possibility of vaccination in in this case determined by the doctor.
  2. Blood test for antibodies To infectious agent, against which the vaccination is directed. These compounds can be formed as a result of the patient's past exposure to the antigen (as a result of illness or vaccination) or from current infection of the body. If antibodies are present, the vaccine is not given.
  3. Blood test for immune status (immunogram). Allows you to see the full picture of the child’s developed immunity. This important point, since any vaccination is a blow primarily to immune system, and if it is weakened, then the question of vaccination remains open. If any disturbances in the immune state are detected, the doctor makes an appropriate decision.

Some medical centers offer their patients to undergo the following types research:

  • stool analysis for worm eggs;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • determination of the level of immunoglobulins class A, E, M to obtain a detailed picture of the patient’s immune status;
  • test to identify allergies to this vaccine;
  • detection of antibodies to viruses in the blood herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr, chlamydia, lamblia.

Actions before vaccination, preparation

A few days before the intended vaccination, it is necessary limit communication and visiting crowded places. Walking is allowed, but it is important to avoid overheating. You should avoid active games and sports 2-3 days before vaccination. You should not get vaccinated if there is a real chance of getting sick.- someone close to you got sick.

1-2 weeks before vaccination You cannot introduce a new product to your child to avoid unnecessary stress on the child’s immune system caused by possible allergies.

It is important to closely monitor own health or the health of the child. Signs of an incipient disease may include:

  • restless sleep;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy, unmotivated whims;
  • bowel dysfunction, constipation

These symptoms should be reported to your doctor.

A few days before vaccination it is worth reduce the load on digestive system . Adults and children over 1 year of age need to reduce the volume and calorie content of meals taken. It is better for “artificial” babies to be given low-concentration milk formulas. Babies feeding breast milk, you can stick to your normal feeding schedule. A few days before vaccination, you should stop taking vitamin D.

At the pharmacy you need to purchase analgesics, antipyretics and antihistamines in advance. They will help with headaches, fever, or an allergic reaction to the vaccine. As an anti-allergy remedy It is better not to use suprastin, as it has a stimulating effect.

  • Before leaving home take your child's temperature.
  • Preferably at least an hour before the child’s vaccination don't feed.
  • If possible, definitely Ask an adult to accompany you to your vaccination appointment. It is necessary to protect the child from contracting any infections, and the queue at the vaccination office, and in general, the children's clinic is high risk catch ARVI, therefore, the best option is if someone close to you sits in line, and the mother and child wait outside.
  • Important, do not overheat the child before vaccination. If, nevertheless, the baby is sweating a lot, change his clothes and give him something to drink.

It is better to discuss the upcoming procedure with your child in advance and calmly and briefly talk about its goals. You cannot scare children with an injection, even in extreme cases, they will begin to perceive the upcoming vaccination as a punishment and will resist it in every possible way. You can take your child’s favorite toy or book with you to the clinic to keep him occupied while waiting in front of the office. . It also makes sense for adults to calm down before the procedure., have a positive attitude.

What to take with you to the clinic

  • just in case, have cotton wool and adhesive tape with you
  • vaccination certificate
  • drink for baby
  • favorite toy

How parents should behave at the time of injection, actions of medical staff

Normally, there should be two specialists in the office - a nurse and a doctor. The doctor is obliged to examine and assess the child’s condition. If you have any doubts about your child's health (for example, the child has not pooped for a day or his appetite has decreased), do not hesitate to tell the doctor about your concerns, no one better than mom, cannot feel the baby’s condition.

In accordance with Art. 5 Federal Law dated September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases”: “When carrying out immunoprophylaxis, citizens have the right to: receive complete and objective information from medical workers about the need for preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, possible post-vaccination complications." It means that VThe doctor must tell you in detail about the possible consequences of the vaccination and actions in case of complications: the appearance of a rash, swelling, fever.

Anyone can actually give the injection medical worker, but ideally the doctor should monitor the process and provide appropriate assistance if necessary, this is especially important when administering BCG - most local complications are caused precisely by the incorrect technique of administering the vaccine.

Show the doctor your vaccination certificate.

All details of vaccination and its possible consequences It’s better to ask your doctor before the injection so as not to prolong your stay in the office.

It is necessary to ensure that The vaccine ampoule was removed from the refrigerator. This is very important, since the storage conditions of the vaccine affect its quality, and accordingly, the risk of complications after its administration.

The child needs to be calmed at the time of the injection; it is better to pick up small children. You should not forbid a child to cry; the best psychological protection for him will be the empathy and sympathy of his mother. But there is also no need to allow excessive sentimentality, as this can reveal the parents’ anxiety and cause the baby even more stress.

Stay at the clinic after vaccination

It is advisable to stay in the medical facility for 30-40 minutes after the vaccine is administered.. This will enable medical staff to provide medical assistance for a patient who develops an acute allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock. But it is better to refrain from contact with sick people in order to prevent infection, therefore, the best option for the child, he will take a walk on the street near the clinic.

It makes sense to consult a doctor immediately after vaccination if:

  • there is a feeling of heat, burning in the body;
  • swelling has developed at the injection site;
  • the body becomes covered with a rash;
  • difficulty breathing.

Parents should closely monitor their child and ask the doctor to examine him if the baby:

  • itches;
  • suffocates;
  • looks too lethargic or, conversely, overexcited;
  • he is concerned about the injection site.

Proper preparation for vaccination can somewhat reduce the stress placed on the body by the administration of the vaccine, but it is not able to have a serious impact on the presence or absence of complications. The leading role here is played physiological characteristics body, predisposition to allergies. It is not easy to influence these processes, so even subject to all necessary measures you need to be prepared for possible consequences.

Read about actions after vaccination and what you should not do after vaccination.

Vaccination has many benefits to society. Thanks to preventive vaccinations Around 3 million deaths from whooping cough, diphtheria, measles and tetanus have been prevented worldwide. In Russia, since 1991, deaths from polio have ceased to be registered. Such successes have occurred due to mass vaccination throughout the world. And let the debate continue about whether vaccination is necessary, the number of post-vaccination reactions is nothing compared to the number of human deaths during epidemics. Without vaccination, entire cities of people died out.

Yes, vaccinations are somewhat dangerous, but they are necessary. In many cases, vaccine reactions can be reduced or even prevented. You just need to know how to do it. Today we will talk about patient preparation of different ages to vaccination, including children.

What is the key to safe vaccination?

The success of safe vaccination of people of all ages is associated with a number of factors, the main ones being the following.

  1. Preparing for vaccination.
  2. Vaccine quality. There is not a single vaccine registered in Russia that would cause an allergic reaction due to poor quality.
  3. Conditions for vaccination. Vaccination is recommended to be carried out in rooms equipped with anti-shock therapy. If there is a reaction, the patient is taken to the hospital.

People cannot influence all factors, but preparing yourself or your child for vaccination is actually doable and required condition safe vaccination.

How long does it take to prepare?

It takes 2 weeks to prepare for vaccination. For people of any age with weakened immune systems, allergies or chronic diseases, you need to consult an immunologist. It may take time for examination before routine vaccination.

You should visit doctors before vaccination 2-4 days before vaccination, since during queues to see specialists you have to come into contact with patients with acute respiratory infections and other diseases. If a person has become infected, it will be clear in 2–3 days - this incubation period Acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, then vaccination must be postponed.

In case of a prolonged runny nose without fever, a doctor's examination is necessary. Clinical analysis blood will give the doctor information about your health status. Additionally, perform an analysis of platelet levels and blood clotting time, which is important for vaccination. This will serve as an additional safety net before vaccination. The question of which vaccine to use is also discussed with the doctor.

The day before vaccination, it is useful to prepare children psychologically. A conversation with your child about how it will hurt a little, like a mosquito bite, will be beneficial. Watching a cartoon on the topic will also help useful preparation.

Nutritional Features

It is recommended to use it 2 weeks before vaccination. hypoallergenic diet. This will help the immune system respond correctly to the vaccine. During the period of preparation for vaccination, it is not recommended to consume citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines and lemons. Honey is also not harmless before vaccination.

Important! Chips and French fries are a source of allergens and carcinogens to the immediate and distant period life.

Adults should not drink alcohol 2-3 days before vaccination, as it suppresses the immune system and provokes an allergy to the vaccine. It is recommended to limit the amount of food for adults 3-4 days before the injection. At the same time fasting diet will be beneficial for weight loss and cholesterol reduction.

Child nutrition

Now let's talk about how to feed children 4-5 days before vaccination. The essence proper feeding- limiting the volume and concentration of food.

On the day of vaccination, do not feed your child until he is hungry. After vaccination on the way home, do not buy at point of sale any food to comfort the baby. Give semi-sweet compote and water, which you took with you in advance.

Bowel preparation

Both adults and children will tolerate the vaccine more easily if they have had a bowel movement. An adult should take a laxative the day before. Give your child an enema.

Attention! You cannot vaccinate if the baby has not had a bowel movement in the last 24 hours. TO general information- constipation increases the risk of developing adverse reactions vaccines.

For regular constipation, children are given Lactulose syrup to normalize intestinal function. In summer, salads and fruits help improve peristalsis. In winter they give dried figs, prunes and simple salads from carrots and beets with cabbage. In winter, these same vegetables are used to make juices with pulp in a blender, which will regulate intestinal motility.

Medication preparation

How to prepare your child for vaccination medicines? Not all people need medication before every vaccine. Healthy children who do not have rashes, diathesis or allergic reactions, no prior medication preparation is needed.

Antihistamines are used before vaccination for people prone to allergies or if they have had increased reaction after the previous vaccination. In such cases, 3 days before vaccination, it is recommended that adults and children be given antiallergic drugs.

To prepare for vaccination, Fenistil is suitable, which is used at any age. For kids infancy Give Fenistil in drops according to age and weight (from 3 to 10 drops). Children from 1 one year old give 5 drops of Zyrtec 1-2 times a day. Younger children starting from 2 summer age, give Clarin syrup 1 teaspoon once a day. "Erius" is indicated for children after reaching 1 year of age.

After vaccination, you may need an antipyretic drug, so purchase suppositories with paracetamol in advance. Avoid buying syrups because flavorings can cause an allergic reaction. Don't buy homeopathic remedies, if you don’t want to experiment on yourself and your children.

Preparing infants

If the child is breastfeeding, mom should not introduce new dishes into her diet 4-5 days before vaccination. The day before the vaccination, do not feed your baby a lot - feed him to the breast only when he is hungry. Breastfed babies usually tolerate vaccination well because antibodies in the mother's milk protect the baby from allergies to the vaccine.

But a problem is possible if, after vaccination, the child is often put to the breast to calm him down. As a result, the baby overeats and abdominal pain appears. Infants should not be introduced to new complementary foods 2 weeks before vaccination. For babies on artificial feeding 3 days before vaccination, mixtures are prepared with a smaller amount of powder than always for each feeding.

For infants sensitive to vaccination or suffering from diathesis, 3 days before vaccination, give Fenistil in drops according to age and weight.

Another very important point when preparing a baby for vaccination. To prevent an allergy to vaccination in infants who receive vitamin D, it is necessary to stop taking it 4-5 days before vaccination and for the same amount after it. Vitamin D regulates the level of calcium in the blood, which affects the degree of allergic reactions. The slightest overdose of calcium can provoke an allergy to the vaccine.

What to do on the day of vaccination

To be safe, vaccinations are given on a day when the body is healthy. This is explained by the fact that during illness the immune system is weakened, and vaccination is an additional burden on the immune system.

Assessing the baby’s health is important, first of all, from the mother’s point of view. In other words, the criteria for assessing health are the baby’s usual behavior, appetite and mood. The very first signs of the disease are detected by the mother. On the day of vaccination, make sure your child is healthy. In doubtful cases, it is better to postpone vaccination for 1-2 days than to be tormented by doubts after the fact.

When you come to the clinic, consult your child before vaccination and measure the temperature. An increase in temperature is a contraindication. Discuss with your doctor which vaccine to use. Ask to talk about possible reaction for vaccination.

Before going to the clinic, do not forget to take your vaccination card and diaper with you. Take your child’s favorite toy, this will give the child a sense of self-confidence, and in the clinic it will relieve the feeling of anxiety when seeing people in white coats.

When not to vaccinate

On the day of vaccination, a temporary contraindication is elevated temperature, ARVI or exacerbation of a chronic disease. In such cases, vaccination is postponed for 1 month until recovery. After suffering from hepatitis or meningococcal infection The vaccine is given six months after recovery. When allergic dermatitis

- no earlier than 3 weeks after the end of the rash. The doctor draws up a medical exemption based on contraindications to vaccination. In 1997, Order No. 375 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was published, which contains a list.

true contraindications To summarize, let us remind you that to prevent post-vaccination reactions, it is recommended to prepare 2 weeks before vaccination. Preparing a child for vaccination involves examination by a doctor, who, if necessary, prescribes additional examination . Children and adults suffering, the doctor refers you to an immunologist or allergist for consultation. 4–5 days before vaccination, a diet is used with limited volume and concentration of food. People prone to allergies are given antihistamines 3-4 days in advance. On the day of vaccination, the patient is examined by a doctor after taking the temperature.

DPT vaccines are among the most reactogenic (i.e., capable of causing adverse reactions) drugs. This is explained both by the high content of antigens and their properties - the most reactogenic components of DTP vaccines are pertussis and, to a lesser extent, diphtheria. For this reason, DTP vaccine is recommended before vaccination. medicinal preparation child.

Without exception, all (whole cell) DPT vaccines should be administered against the background of antipyretics (antipyretics). This allows, on the one hand, to prevent a possible uncontrolled increase in temperature, on the other hand, to eliminate the risk of febrile (temperature) seizures in young children that occur against the background high temperature, regardless of what caused it.

In addition, all antipyretic drugs have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The latter is especially important in preventing pain at the injection site, which can be quite severe, and on the other hand, to protect the child from severe swelling at the injection site.

If a child has allergic disorders (most often this is atopic dermatitis, i.e. diathesis), the use of antiallergic drugs is also recommended.

Neither antipyretics nor antihistamines affect the development of immunity, i.e. effectiveness of vaccination.

The general principles of using the listed drugs in preparation for vaccination are as follows:
– when purchasing medications, pay attention to the fact that this form of release is suitable for the child’s age, ask the pharmacist if this medicine is suitable for the age of your child,
– when choosing forms of release of antipyretic drugs, you should make a choice in favor of rectal suppositories, since flavorings in syrups can provoke allergic reactions,
– do not wait for the temperature to rise after vaccination, administer antipyretics in advance, since the temperature may rise too quickly to be controlled later,
- Aspirin should never be used in children ( acetylsalicylic acid), if the maximum permissible dosage antipyretic is exceeded, but the effect is not achieved, then switch to a drug with another active substance(for example, from paracetamol to ibuprofen), if the child had no reactions to the previous vaccination, this does not mean that preparing the child for vaccination should be neglected - adverse reactions are more common after repeated vaccine administrations,
– in any doubtful cases, consult a doctor. Feel free to call " ambulance“- they may not come if the situation is not critical, but they will definitely advise you by phone. If the vaccination was done at a paid vaccination center, do not hesitate to take the doctor’s contact information in case of adverse reactions. best centers Vaccination doctors leave contact information themselves, or call back themselves to find out about the child’s condition.

Approximate scheme* of preparing a child for vaccination with DTP vaccines:
Day -2, -1. if the child has diathesis or other allergic disorders, give antihistamines in a maintenance dosage
Day 0. Immediately after returning home, administer a suppository containing an antipyretic. This will prevent some reactions that develop in the first hours after vaccination (prolonged crying, swelling at the injection site, etc.). If the temperature rises during the day, introduce another suppository. A candle at night is a must. If the baby wakes up at night for feedings, check the temperature and if it rises, introduce another suppository. Continue taking your antihistamine.
Day 1. If the temperature is elevated in the morning, introduce the first suppository. If the temperature rises during the day, introduce another suppository. You may need to introduce another suppository at night. Continue taking your antihistamine.
Day 2. Antipyretics are administered only when there is a fever. If its increase is insignificant, you can refuse antipyretics. Continue taking your antihistamine.
Day 3. The appearance on the 3rd day (and later) of an increase in body temperature and reactions at the vaccination site is not typical for inactivated vaccines. If the temperature does rise, you should look for another reason (teething, acute respiratory infections, etc.).

* – This diagram is provided as a guideline and reflects general approaches that may not take into account the specific health conditions of your child. Exact dosages, dosage regimens, list and names of specific drugs can and should be recommended only by the treating pediatrician who directly examined your child.

From time to time, children are vaccinated - newborns, infants, schoolchildren, and adolescents. How to properly prepare your child for vaccination to avoid negative reactions? What can and cannot be done before vaccination? We'll tell you in detail!

In order for the vaccination to be not only effective, but also safe, the baby should be prepared for the vaccination procedure. So, what exactly can and cannot be done for a child before vaccination?

What are the vaccinations for children?

Conventionally, vaccinations can be divided into 2 important groups - emergency and planned.

Emergency vaccinations include vaccinations caused by negative events. For example, a child with polio has been identified in your neighborhood, or an outbreak has occurred at a school in your neighborhood, or an animal with signs of rabies has been found in the village. In this case, emergency vaccination is carried out among the population.

Routine vaccinations are given according to the vaccination plan - against certain diseases.

Routine vaccination is never urgent. Any vaccination included in the plan can be rescheduled if there are reasons for this.

In other words, if the time for the next vaccination has arrived, but a child, for example, is sick or another, or his older brother or sister has been quarantined at school - in these and similar cases The vaccine is usually tolerated.

There is nothing catastrophic in this - the main thing is, after all the unfavorable circumstances, without delay, in urgently vaccinate and gradually return to the general plan.

Vaccination for one, two, three...

Almost all modern vaccines are introduced in stages and “work” on a cumulative basis. It means that required amount The vaccine (which is required for the production of antibodies) is not introduced into the child’s body all at once, but gradually, in parts - after a certain time interval.

However, if you missed the next vaccination (in fact, you postponed it), this does not mean that the previous parts were in vain. No - no vaccinations are started all over again if the time for the next vaccination is missed. No matter how much time you miss, it makes sense to get another vaccination and try to return to the vaccination plan as soon as possible.

A child before vaccination: the main strategy is no strategy

Most main secret preparing a child for vaccination is that... no special program preparation... no preparation at all! The only important thing is that before vaccination the child feels well, does not suffer and does not come into contact with potential infectious patients.

This means that on the day of vaccination it is advisable not to sit in line at the clinic, “collecting” everything possible infections, and having placed one of the relatives in this line, wait for the “signal” in a park nearby.

If a mother has no one to delegate the waiting in line, and has to deal with her three-month-old baby, who does not yet have protection from infectious diseases, “walk” around the clinic and come into contact with, she should stock up on so-called physiological saline solution in advance.

Isotonic sodium chloride solution (in other words, saline solution) can be bought at any pharmacy. It is best used as a spray. It is enough to spray this liquid into your baby’s nose every 15-20 minutes to significantly reduce the likelihood of a viral infection.

And if you have the opportunity to invite health workers to vaccinate directly at your baby’s home, this would be an ideal option.

Strictly speaking, there is no special preparation for vaccinations. If the baby is healthy, does not demonstrate symptoms and there are no infectious patients in his environment, any vaccination can be carried out without any “preludes”. However, if you cannot live without instructions, here you go rough plan actions that will help prepare your child for any vaccination.

Before vaccination: 5 simple rules

  • 1 Able to most adequately assess the child’s health pediatrician. Therefore, the first rule of preparing for vaccinations is show the baby to the pediatrician. If upon examination he does not find any negative symptoms, he will simply assign you a vaccination day and give you directions.
  • 2 If the doctor “suspects” a child has some disease or some “bad” symptoms, then in 99 cases out of 100 he will prescribe certain tests or tests. And then this will be the second step in preparing for vaccination.
  • 3 To make it easier for the body to tolerate vaccination, it is necessary empty your baby's bowels. For this you can use special laxative suppositories or give an enema.
  • 4 If, when administering one part of the vaccine, the baby experienced sharp increase temperature, then when introducing the remaining parts it makes sense Give your baby an antipyretic drug first(eg Paracetamol or Ibuprofen).
  • 5 And finally, the most important rule that will help you avoid a lot of troubles associated with vaccinations: 2-3 days before vaccination and 2-3 days after it is highly desirable have as little contact with other people as possible.

Children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky: “In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is not at all because vaccination in any way “undermined” their immunity. But because, sitting in line in front of the laboratory waiting for vaccination, the baby manages to come into contact with a dozen snotty children.

Vaccination for allergic dermatitis

Everyone knows that during an allergic attack no vaccinations are given. What should those parents do if their child is suffering? That is, in essence, he has a constant chronic allergy, which is expressed by a rash on the skin.

In this case, vaccinations are given only during the remission stage. That is, at a time when there is no exacerbation of the disease for 2-3 weeks - and, accordingly, there are no new, fresh rashes on the skin.

Child before vaccination: summary

Every year, about 14 million children die from infectious diseases around the world. A third of whom die precisely because these children were not vaccinated in a timely manner.

So, successful vaccination depends on 3 most important conditions:

  • The child’s health status (before the day of vaccination, the child must be absolutely healthy for at least 2 weeks);
  • Vaccine quality;
  • Conditions under which vaccination is carried out;

On the quality of vaccines (with mandatory vaccination) you can hardly influence, this is the area of ​​responsibility of the state.

The most important nuance of the conditions under which vaccination takes place is the least contact with potentially sick people. This means that a couple of days before the vaccination, and for a couple of days after it, it is better for you and your baby to lead a relatively secluded lifestyle - not to receive guests and not to go out “into society” yourself. And during vaccination, it is advisable not to sit for hours at the laboratory office - let someone else sit in line, and you will approach the vaccination “on signal.”

And finally, to make sure that the baby is absolutely healthy at the time of vaccination, he needs to be shown to a pediatrician before vaccination. That's all the wisdom on how to prepare a child for vaccinations!

- This effective method protecting the child from infectious diseases that can be dangerous to the life and health of the child, for example, whooping cough, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, measles and others. At the same time, the vaccination itself is also not entirely safe and carries a risk of complications and side effects. If you are a supporter of vaccination and understand the importance of these procedures, then let's talk about how to properly prepare a child for vaccination so that it does not cause a severe reaction or complications.

How to prepare your child for vaccination - 10 simple rules:

1. At the time of vaccination, the child must be absolutely, for several days the child should not have contact with big amount people, change the child’s environment and diet. 2-3 days before vaccination and the same number of days after it, do not go with your baby to visit, concerts, etc. events where a large number of of people. The baby can catch an infection there, the incubation period of which is also 2-3 days, i.e. On the day of vaccination or the next day, the baby may already get sick, and in combination with the vaccine, the disease can take a complex form, for example, ARVI will develop into pneumonia. The same can be said about the daily routine, the baby should not be hungry, but not overfed, he should be well-rested and not overexcited. A few days before vaccination, do not let your baby try new complementary foods; he should receive only food that is familiar to him. A new product may cause an allergic reaction, which may be exacerbated by vaccination. If your baby has recently gone to kindergarten, and is still often sick, then it would be optimal to pick him up a few days before vaccination, for example, do not take him to the kindergarten from Wednesday, and get the vaccination on Friday, until Monday you can monitor the child’s reaction.

2. If a child is allergic, then at the time of vaccination the allergy should be in remission(no rash for 3 weeks). If your doctor insists on taking antihistamines before and after vaccination, do not give your child suprastin and tavegil, as they dry out the mucous membranes too much, which is undesirable when the temperature rises, which often occurs after vaccination. But in principle, these drugs are not needed, and a panacea for post-vaccination complications are not. To prevent allergic reactions, it is better to stop giving your child vitamin D, which can intensify the reaction, 3 days before vaccination, and vice versa, give your baby a calcium supplement to reduce the risk of allergies.

3. On the day of vaccination, the baby must definitely go to the toilet in a big way.. increases the risk of complications. Even if the child is breastfed and poops once every 2-3 days, then on the day of vaccination, give him lactulose syrup in the morning or give him a cleansing enema so that the baby’s intestines are emptied by the time of vaccination.

4. On the day of vaccination, be sure to monitor the child’s health and mood, if you notice something strange, be sure to tell your doctor. The doctor may not know that the child refused to eat this morning, but instead nap cried hysterically. In such cases, it is better to postpone vaccination for a couple of days to be sure of the child’s health. If there are any relatives in the house who are sick with ARVI or another contagious disease, then it is also better to postpone vaccinations. After vaccination, the body is weakened and can easily catch any infection.

5. At the clinic, try to minimize contact with other children.. It is best if, while waiting in line to see a doctor or to the vaccination office, you walk with your baby on the street, and dad or grandma will stand in line and call you when it comes to the end. If you can't go to the hospital with someone, take a salt water spray with you and spray your child's nose every 15 minutes. After all, it often happens that after vaccination a child falls ill and suffers from ARVI or influenza with severe complications, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. You must understand that the vaccine has nothing to do with it, it is to blame viral infection, which the baby picked up in the hospital.

6. After vaccination, do not go home immediately, but you don’t need to stand in the clinic either, go outside and walk with your baby for 30 minutes to 1 hour after vaccination near the hospital. Monitor your baby closely, and if there are any signs of unusual behavior, consult a doctor immediately.

7. Do not vaccinate in cold weather or during an epidemic..

8. At home, maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels for your child. Don't overstimulate him. If the child is older and already understands everything, prepare him mentally for the manipulation, explain why this injection is needed.

9. At the clinic, be sure to ask the doctor what drug will be used for vaccination, and what drugs he has. side effects and complications, remember that familiar means armed. IN vaccination room check whether the nurse has taken the vaccine out of the refrigerator, ask whether the rules for its storage and transportation have been followed, you have the right to ask to read the instructions for the drug. On the day of vaccination, do not bathe your baby.

10. If a child’s temperature begins to rise (even at 37.1), give him an antipyretic. If hardening occurs at the injection site, make an iodine mesh. For all sorts of other complications and reactions, call a doctor or an ambulance.

So normal healthy image life of a child before and after vaccination - this is the most The best way prepare your child for vaccination.