What awaits us for our birthday wot. World of Tanks Birthday Announcement of live broadcasts

Birthday is an incredibly pleasant and fun party, in whose honor it is customary to receive many prizes and gifts. And the main gift for World of Tanks is you, our players.

For the birthday of World of Tanks, the site team has prepared festive broadcasts and pleasant surprises. Tune in to positivity and good emotions, it will be fun!

  • 19:00 (Moscow time). Festive edition of the “Field Mail” program. The issue will give away three premium IS-6 tanks and three AMX CDC tanks, as well as in-game gold and a premium account.
  • 21:00 (Moscow time). Special edition of the program “In the Dugout”. The guest is community manager Yuri Fedchenok, aka Reytar1979, who will talk about the history of the game.
  • 22:00 (Moscow time). The premiere of the “SoundTEST” program - we will find out who will be the author of the playlist on air.
  • 23:00 (Moscow time). Bonus episode of the “Overnight” program.
  • From the very morning - audio congratulations to listeners on the birthday of World of Tanks.
  • 19:00 (Moscow time). Festive edition of the “Field Mail” program. The issue will give away three premium tank destroyers SU 122-44 and three AT-15A, as well as in-game gold and a premium account.
  • 21:00 (Moscow time). Premiere of the "Story Test" program. The winner will receive a bonus code + 500 units of gold.
  • 22:00 (Moscow time). Program "Tank bikes". The winner will receive a double bonus.
  • From the very morning - audio congratulations to listeners on the birthday of World of Tanks.
  • 19:00 (Moscow time). Festive edition of the “Field Mail” program. The release will give away three premium Löwe tanks and three T-54 model 1 tanks, as well as in-game gold and a premium account.
  • 21:00 (Moscow time). Program "Intelligent Test Site". The winner will receive a triple bonus.
  • 22:00 (Moscow time). “WARparade” program with the hashtag #simplythebest.

Listen and receive all this and much more by tuning into the wave of the site.

Wargaming's birthday is a holiday not only for the developers of the game and those who made efforts to create it, but also for all its avid fans. Players of the HERE universe are looking forward to August, since the 12th of this month is considered the official date of the creation of World of Tank. This year marks 8 years since this tank battle, beloved by millions, was released. It is worth noting that the Wargaming company is much older than its own popular game. This year she will celebrate her 20th anniversary. It was founded on August 2, 1998. Therefore, gifts await not only fans of HERE, but also any parallel projects: WOWS, WOWP.

WOT 2018 birthday is a time of gifts, surprises and promotions from Wargaming. Each player can receive a nice bonus if they fulfill certain conditions. They change every year and what exactly awaits the players in the current season becomes known shortly before the memorable date.

What gifts have you prepared for this year?

Wargaming's birthday this year will be marked special promotion, which will last from August 12 to 15. What exactly will be offered as part of this event is not yet known for certain. The secret will be revealed only in the first days of the month or a little later - immediately before the start of this promotion. But we know exactly what will be offered as a gift - this is a T-45 tank. To get it, you will have to spend personal time. How much depends on the player’s level, his combat arsenal and luck. Since August 12 is Friday, and August 13 and 14, respectively, are the weekend, the number of players involved in this event is expected to be colossal.

It is worth noting that the Wargaming 2018 birthday will be celebrated not only for the 4 days mentioned above. The developers have prepared many other promotions and marathons, most of which fall in August. It turns out that the name day HERE will be celebrated not for 1-2 days, as is usually the case, but for a whole month. So, as part of this holiday, every player will have the opportunity to receive gifts for WOT’s birthday, even if he was unable to participate in the main celebratory events.

World of Tanks birthday gifts are usually standard, but nevertheless desirable for all players in the universe. So, as part of the holiday promotion, you can buy gold and premium accounts cheaper than usual. Or earn a certain number of gold coins for completing specific combat missions. We’ll find out a little later what exactly awaits us this year. In any case, you shouldn’t miss August - take an active part in all ongoing promotions, receive bonuses and earn prizes. And then August will become a truly festive month for you!

Time to buy premium tanks

Since we are also ardent fans of the WOT universe, we have timed various promotions and special offers to coincide with WOT’s birthday. Throughout the month, all kinds of discounts on premium products will be available on our website. Thanks to this, you can buy gold, a variety of premium equipment, and premium accounts at a big discount. For Wargaming's Birthday 2018 we have prepared play sets. They include the most popular paid products HERE: several tanks, tank + gold, tank + gold + several days of premium accounts. You will find an interesting offer for every taste. Choose any, pay with a discount of up to 50% and enjoy gaming benefits today.

This year, on August 12, on the eighth birthday of World of Tanks, each player will receive a gift premium TKS tank.

In addition, players will enjoy discounts on equipment and gear, and five times the experience for their first victory of the day. Also during the holiday promotion there will be an opportunity to upgrade existing equipment or buy new equipment at a discount. The World of Tanks birthday promotion will start on August 10th and will last until the 13th. During this time you will find:

Discounts on other WOT promotions

For pumpable tanks (except Italian tanks):

  • from 4 to 5 levels - 50%;
  • from 6 to 7 levels - 30%;
  • from 8 to 10 level - 20%.

For equipment:

  • Regular - 50%;

Transferring experience from tanks to free:

  • It will be according to the formula 35/1. That is, for every unit of gold spent you will receive 35 units free experience.

Camouflage for the 8th anniversary of World of Tanks

You can get twenty-seven at once various types camouflage on tanks for completing 2 combat missions in the period from August 10 to 20. The camouflage is suitable for tanks from levels 4 to 10 inclusive. Here, as an example, are two camouflage options that can be obtained during the promotion period:



Tank emblems

There will be 2 types of emblems in total.

20 emblems, specially dedicated to the birthday of the game, can be obtained for damaging twenty enemy tanks. You need to play on vehicles from levels 4 to 10. Hurry up before the promotion ends on other WOT.

Also for completing the sixth part of the combat mission “Eight Years!” you will receive this holiday emblem:

Combat missions for World of Tanks birthday

A total of 8 combat missions have been prepared, each of which gives its own reward for completion. Here they are:

Combat mission "Eight years!" Reward for completion How to complete a combat mission
1st part +100% credits per battle Get any epic achievement in battle
2nd part 50% more experience for 2 hours. 8 pcs. personal reserves. Be among the top 8 players on your team based on experience. Do this in 8 battles.
Part 3 50% more credits for 2 hours. 8 pcs. personal reserves. Being in the top 8 players on your team has experience in destroying 8 enemy tanks in several battles.
Part 4 300% more experience for the crew for 2 hours. 8 pcs. personal reserves. Being in the top 8 players on your team has experience damaging 8 enemy tanks in several battles.
Part 5 300% more free experience for 2 hours. 8 pcs. personal reserves. Being in the top 8 players on your team has experience damaging 8 enemy modules or tankers in several battles.
Part 6 , as well as 8 pcs. all additional food portions for each nation in World of Tanks. Being in the top 8 players of your team with experience, you have won 8 times.
7th part Additional beds in the barracks, 8 pcs. Be in the top 8 players on your team in terms of damage dealt.
Part 9 300% more experience for the crew for this battle. Be in the top 8 players on your team based on experience gained.

The principle of performing combat missions is the same as for Wargaming’s birthday.

TKS gift tank for WOT birthday

The main bonus for players will be the Polish tank TKS. More precisely, it’s not even a tank, but a wedge heel. Due to light armor and the lack of heavy weapons, the developers of this combat vehicle were unable to reach the level of a tank. The TKS was supposed to appear in World of Tanks 2 years ago and become the first Polish tank in the game.

Technical characteristics of TKS can be viewed. To get a tank you need to enter the game during the promotion period on the birthday of World of Tanks. Some of the gifts will be available after you play one battle on August 12.

By the way, on one of the previous birthdays, World of Tanks gave out Soviet tank T-45. And on the 5th anniversary of WOT, the developers distributed bonus codes that could be used to get Type-59.

Holiday Hangar

Already on August 10, players will have the opportunity to use the “World of Tanks 2018 Birthday” hangar. The release of the hangar is timed specifically for the holiday. He has two different types: day and night. Each option has its own unique features, including fireworks, spotlights, and a festival area with musical accompaniment.