What will not help cure a cold? Treating stuffy nose and runny nose

There is simply no right moment for a cold, but there are inappropriate ones - a dime a dozen - an important meeting, an urgent order, a wedding, a vacation, a session, a matinee at kindergarten… It is impossible to cancel, reschedule, or postpone these events until better times; it would be a shame to miss them. How to be? How to quickly cure a cold and get back to work? What measures should you take when you notice the first symptoms so as not to prolong the disease, but to get out of it as quickly as possible and minimize the likelihood of complications?

How and with what to stop an emerging disease

ARVI, acute respiratory infections or just a cold is a disease that can be caused by more than 200 different viruses, but still the main trigger is hypothermia and weakened immunity. Those symptoms that bother us so much - runny nose, sore and sore throat, fever, headaches and muscle pain - actually indicate that the body is fighting “enemies”. Our task is to support him by all available and reasonable means.

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Methods for quickly treating a cold

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Vitamin C and variations on its theme

At the first symptoms of a cold, we take a loading dose of vitamin C in tablets, dragees or powder form. Preferably with warm milk. Adherents natural vitamins You can safely lean on lemons and honey. A couple of symbolic pieces will clearly not be enough, but a few yellow-sided fruits, the very sight of which makes your mouth sour, will be just right. And don’t skimp on honey! However, emergency lemon cold therapy is suitable only for those who have everything in order with their stomach. There is also a lot of vitamin C in kiwi, tangerines, grapefruits, green peppers, and cabbage.

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Drink plenty of fluids and eat light foods

With any acute respiratory disease, intoxication occurs in the body. Drinking plenty of fluids will help speed up the elimination of toxins. It can be herbal teas, compotes, decoctions, fruit drinks, which have diuretic properties and promote active sweating.

  • Fruit drinks made from rose hips, raspberries, cranberries, currants, blackberries.
  • Lemon decoction: boil a couple of lemons in two to three liters of water, add sugar or honey to taste, drink warm in small sips.
  • Prepare a medicinal Vedic drink: boil milk with a small piece of ginger root, add a little ground black pepper. When the milk becomes warm, add honey. A slight burning sensation should be felt. The drink perfectly warms, relieves sore throat, reduces runny nose and “clears” the mind.
  • Dried fruit compotes: amino acids and iron from dried apricots and dried apples will “correct” the blood composition, raisins with fructose and glucose will add vitality, prunes will have a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract so that all the usefulness is easily and quickly absorbed.
  • Tea with honey or raspberries is an excellent remedy for high fever and for strengthening the immune system.

Having taken natural diaphoretics, we immediately go under the covers to sweat thoroughly. The next day you will feel human again!

It is better to replace heavy foods light soups and salads from fresh vegetables. A salad of fresh tomatoes with green pepper or cabbage with onions, seasoned with olive or sunflower oil. It also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect chicken bouillon, which will also soothe a sore throat and ease breathing with nasal congestion.

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How to relieve a sore and sore throat

There are several ways to quickly relieve a sore throat and sore throat:

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Getting rid of a runny nose

  • Alkaline inhalations will help ease breathing and improve mucus discharge. Bring alkaline solution to a boil mineral water or potato broth. Covering your head with a towel, breathe over the liquid for 15-20 minutes.
  • 3 tbsp. finely chopped onion, pour 50 ml of warm boiled water, add half a teaspoon of sugar or honey, let it brew for 30 minutes and drop it into the nose.
  • Fresh beet juice with honey, aloe or carrot juice will quickly clear your nose: instill 4-6 drops 3-5 times a day.
  • We warm up the nose and forehead using a linen bag with salt or millet heated over a fire, a hot boiled egg or warm sea ​​stone.
  • Cold inhalations with onions, garlic and horseradish are no less effective than steam ones: chop the vegetable you like, pour it into a jar, close it tightly with a lid, let it sit for half an hour, open it and take 5-10 breaths through your nose and mouth, holding your exhalation for a few seconds.
  • Helps clear your nose by reducing swelling and improving blood circulation breathing exercises: We take four short breaths through our nose, and also exhale in four small portions, but not through our nose, but through our mouth. We repeat the exercise 9-12 times.
  • At night, make a warm mustard foot bath for 5-10 minutes. After the bath, thoroughly rub your feet with warming cream or ointment and put on woolen socks.
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Relieving cough and sneezing

  • Boiled milk with a dissolved piece will help soften the cough butter, a pinch of soda and figs.
  • We place mustard plasters on the chest and back. Pharmacy mustard plasters can be replaced with a mixture of dry mustard and honey. You should get a thick plastic mass. Roll it into flat cakes and place them on your chest and back.
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Effective products for colds

Best strategy prevention and treatment of colds - strengthening the body's defenses, which will not leave viruses a single chance. In turn, the inclusion in the diet of a number of foods that have an immunomodulatory effect will help strengthen the immune system:

  • Chilli
  • Dairy products

In the East, all diseases begin to be treated from the gastrointestinal tract. A strong immune system is not possible without a healthy digestive system. Normal operation intestines largely depends on microflora. Dairy products - yoghurt, whey, buttermilk, kefir - are the main sources of lactic acid bacteria necessary for the intestines. Probiotic dairy products are especially useful and valuable.

This spicy seasoning is highly valued in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Contains in ginger essential oils and bitterness activates protective forces body. For the prevention and treatment of colds it is recommended to use fresh root ginger

  • Garlic and onion

The protective properties of garlic are due to the content of such active substance like allicin, which neutralizes viruses and thereby protects humans from various infectious diseases. The substances contained in onions have similar properties.

Sea fishimportant source the most valuable proteins, polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine and selenium, necessary for our immunity.

  • Nuts

Nuts are rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, and they also contain a large number of healthy fats.

  • Berries and fruits

Oranges, lemons, kiwis, mangoes and especially papaya contain a lot of vitamin C, which reliably protects the body from viral infections. And berries such as currants, raspberries and blackberries are rich in valuable bioactive substances. Fresh fruit and berry juices, for example, real vitamin bomb can be considered a super mix of orange and sea buckthorn juice. After such a drink, you won’t be afraid of any colds!

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How not to harm the body when treating ARVI

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What not to do without consulting a doctor

  • reduce the temperature below 38 degrees;
  • take antibiotics;
  • place mustard plasters and jars until the temperature normalizes;
  • hypothermia and overheating;
  • consume cold and too hot food and drinks.

Don't neglect medical help!

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In what cases is compulsory medical care needed?

  • if the high temperature (within 38.5 - 39 degrees) lasts for more than three days, and in children for more than 24 hours;
  • if you experience pain in the chest when you inhale;
  • for severe headaches, pain in eyeballs, abdomen and paranasal sinuses;
  • very difficult to swallow;
  • sputum of a rusty or green color interspersed with blood comes out;
  • cough with wheezing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.

In some cases, by taking emergency measures, you can cure a cold even in a day. If you can only alleviate the symptoms while maintaining efficiency and clarity of mind, this is also a big plus. And yet do not forget that best treatment– this is prevention, so take care of yourself and be healthy!

Drinking plenty of fluids helps me - cranberry juice and water with lemon. Press the cranberries into a container, then pour boiling water over them, adding a little sugar if desired. You should drink two mugs of this fruit drink every hour and alternate it with two mugs of water with lemon (cut the lemon into slices, squeeze out the juice, and pour boiling water along with the peel). Loading dose Vitamin C is what you need to fight the disease! ( Svetlana, 55 years old)

The recipe my mother suggested helps me get back on my feet quickly. You need to drink a glass of dry red wine at night. It is important that the wine is slightly hot. ( Galina, 25 years old)

Black radish juice relieves many cold symptoms (I squeeze it in a juicer along with the peel). A kilogram of radish yields about half a liter of juice. A little salt is added to it so that it does not disappear, and then we put it in the refrigerator. Three times a day, half an hour before meals, you should take a teaspoon, preferably even a tablespoon. Even asthma can be cured with this method. Swelling of the neck and throat is relieved, and the condition of the upper respiratory tract is normalized. I think that the rest of the body is not against such a procedure. But those around you can get the most: some people can’t stand the smell of radish. I usually carry out this procedure when I don’t have to go to work. ( Sergey, 44 years old)

It’s good to massage the feet when a cold begins; at night, thoroughly massage each finger and foot with the “Star” balm. This is a 100% remedy, it will go away in the morning! ( Yana, 29 years old)

Why do Rostovites call their children this way?

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Against cough

This is an old but very effective recipe for a wet cough. Take one medium-sized onion, chop it finely, put it in a jar, pour two tablespoons of honey (it is important that the honey is natural). Place the jar in a warm place so that the juice begins to form. Take one tablespoon three times a day. There will be no smell, don't worry! ( Alena, 33 years old)

Cut out the middle of a fresh white radish and add a tablespoon of honey inside. Place in a warm place for several hours, wait until the radish releases its juice. This juice should be taken one tablespoon per day. Helps well with wet cough. (Sergey, 56 years old)

To combat a dry cough, you can rub it at night. chest goat fat or honey, then wrap yourself in cellophane or cling film and sleep until the morning. Another way to prevent complications associated with the respiratory system is to drink a glass of warm milk. A piece of butter, baking soda on the tip of a knife and a teaspoon of honey should be dissolved in milk. The drink does not taste very pleasant, but within two days it relieves cough and its consequences. ( Anna, 26 years old)

Any type of cough can be cured in one day if you drink a mixture of raw egg, a tablespoon of vodka, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of melted butter, a tablespoon of milk, a teaspoon of soda. If it doesn’t help the first time, repeat the procedure again - it will definitely help the second time. ( Ekaterina, 23 years old)

The modern social world requires high productivity and lightning-fast reaction. But diseases that negatively affect all areas of life prevent you from becoming successful and happy.

One of these diseases is the cold, which, despite its apparent simplicity, turns a dynamic life into loss of performance and prolonged deterioration in well-being. The accumulated experience and developed medicine offer effective ways recover at home and regain your health in short term.

Preparation and Precautions

Please note that the flu can easily be confused with a cold and, instead of recovery, you get serious complications. Treatment at home is not recommended for pregnant women and young children. Any infection without qualified medical care may result in death. Some people, instead outpatient treatment, suffer from diseases on their feet, which leads to loss of health and complications. Important at the first sign of a viral or bacterial infection consult a doctor and receive full treatment.

Why do we get colds

Cause respiratory diseases– a pathogenic virus that has entered cells. IN healthy body the infection is quietly destroyed by the immune system, but when weakened, it quickly develops and spreads, causing the well-known cold. The catalysts for the process are hypothermia, decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency and other factors that cause a weakening of protective functions.

Symptoms in adults and children

At the onset of the disease, a person feels general weakness. Symptoms such as runny nose, headache, sweating, sore throat. Sometimes redness appears on the mucous membrane, and herpes appears on the lips and nose. The condition worsens along with an increase in temperature, which sometimes reaches 39.9 °C. Depending on the general condition, symptoms may be combined or not appear at all.

How to cure colds in adults

The number and combinations of drugs vary depending on the health condition, but the principle of treatment is always the same. Drugs are prescribed that act on the virus, support the body, and relieve symptoms.

Traditional methods

  • Tea with lemon, honey, currants or raspberries. Drink freshly prepared throughout the course of the disease.
  • A mixture of grated garlic and honey 1:1. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  • A cocktail of hot milk, honey, vanilla, allspice, cinnamon. The mixture is brought to a boil, left for two hours, and drunk throughout the day.
  • Mulled wine. Add a little cloves, sugar, sweet pepper, honey, chopped apple, lemon slices, nutmeg to 1 liter of sweet red wine. The mixture is brought to a boil, left for 25 minutes, and taken warm until the condition improves.
  • Vodka with red pepper. Eat half a red pod hot pepper and wash it down with 50 ml of warm vodka or make a tincture with pepper.


  • Antiviral - Tamiflu, Relenza, Amiksin, Arbidol.
  • Antipyretics, painkillers - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  • Antiseptics for the throat - “Oralsept”, “Gramidin”, “Septolete”, “Ingalipt”, “Strepsils”.

Video tips

Treatment of children

Treatments for colds in children vary depending on physiological characteristics and age. Sometimes what helps an adult can harm one year old child. You need to be aware of this when using medications.

Folk remedies

  • Diaphoretics - warm tea with honey, viburnum, chamomile, lemon, wild berries, linden or milk with honey (if there is no allergy).
  • Against a runny nose - warming the feet, rinsing the nose saline solution.
  • Inhalation of 0.9% saline solution.

Potions and tablets

  • Antiviral - “Anaferon”, “Aflubin”, “Engistol”.
  • Antipyretics - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  • Multivitamins – vitamins A, B, C, D, E.
  • Antiseptics for the throat - “Orasept”, “Gexoral”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Septolete”.

Is it possible to be cured in 1 day?

Treatment does not require much time, but sometimes it doesn’t even exist, so a way was invented to be cured in one day. If you adhere to this principle, the virus will be destroyed even at the stage of the first symptoms appearing. As soon as suspicions appear, the first symptoms or there was contact with a sick person, you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Take an antiviral drug. The dosage is selected individually, depending on age and physiological characteristics. You can find out more in the instructions.
  2. Taking multivitamins, antipyretics, antiseptic drugs. Required bed rest, healthy eating, drink plenty of fluids, including warm tea with lemon.

It is advisable to do inhalation saline solution and hot foot baths with the addition of mustard powder. For irrigation therapy, you can use a solution of sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus, but only at body temperatures below 37.3 °C. Hot foot baths are carried out twice a day at a body temperature of up to 37.8 °C. You can add it to water sea ​​salt, listed herbs.

As a result, symptoms will stop developing and the virus will be almost destroyed. But this will only happen when a person has good health. If the body is weakened or there is chronic illness, treatment will not help so quickly.

How to quickly and effectively be treated during pregnancy

Main principle– do not harm the developing fetus, therefore the use of most antiviral drugs and procedures is unacceptable. Before starting treatment, you must consult your doctor! You cannot take medications, steam your feet, or do inhalations. Can be used antiseptic drugs in the form of sprays for the throat and nose.

If the process is acute, antipyretic and multivitamin medications are acceptable. You can drink tea with lemon, honey, currants, raspberries, and use cough drops with natural ingredients. All drugs purchased at the pharmacy must be approved and safe for pregnant women.


Passive prevention is carried out throughout life. For this they adhere healthy image life, playing sports, drinking healthy food, observe the daily routine. Active prevention is carried out during the cold season, when the likelihood of contracting a viral infection increases. For this purpose, seasonal vaccinations are given and taken in prophylactic doses. antiviral drugs, multivitamin complexes, immunomodulators.

Treatment of colds is effective if you follow the rules and follow the doctor's requirements. Any conscious or unconscious deviation from the course leads to the spread of the virus, weakening of the body, and deterioration of health.

Generally accepted rules are based on the experience of recovered people, so they are effective. Self-medication or the use of ineffective remedies leads to complications.

Cold sore on the lip or nose

A decrease in the body's protective functions, under the influence of a viral infection, causes the appearance of herpes on the skin around the lips or on the nose. It can be easily eliminated using antiviral tablets and ointments that target the herpes virus, in combination with methods traditional medicine.

Apply products based on natural ingredients, herbs Honey is often used for this toothpaste, decoctions of chamomile or calendula, oak. Used for cauterization alcohol tinctures medicinal herbs, propolis, even Corvalol.

As soon as we feel that we are starting to get sick, we immediately want to quickly recover from a cold. And this is natural, since no one wants to get sick, and there is no time for illness. Unfortunately, even the wisest pensioner may not know how to properly cure a cold what to do and what not to do under any circumstances.

Today we will look at the main signs of a cold, where to start treating a cold and what helps against a cold. I propose to start with current mistakes that are so often made not only by young people, but also by adults.

Now I will tell you how not to treat a cold and how to make recovery not only quick, but also enjoyable. Errors that occur most often:

  • The first mistake. Houses and walls heal

Curing a cold at home seems like a fun activity. Even though the temperature has been high for two weeks, you still need to sit and wait for recovery. Herbs – good doctor, if you take them not the way you want, but the way you need. Consult with healers or your grandmother - these are the people who probably know more about herbs than the new generation. Try to do your best at home. But if signs of illness and fever do not go away for more than three days, go to the hospital.

  • Error two. The bigger, the better

If you are sure that a wide variety of medications will help you quickly cure a cold, you are not at all on the right track. Some drug interactions can be strictly prohibited and the results can be disastrous. If you are going to combine the use of several medications, be sure to study the instructions for each active drug.

  • Error three. The wolf's feet are fed

Feet not only feed wolves, but also diseases. It is easier to cure a cold when your body is in calm state rather than in constant motion. When a cold comes to you, the body weakens for a short time, since the immune system tries to cope with the virus itself, so it spends a large amount of energy that needs to be replenished. If you are constantly on your feet during such a difficult period for the body, you may not expect a quick recovery.

  • Error four. Do you also take antibiotics at the first sign of a cold?

People who want it fast cure a cold , neglected general condition body. The body is a house in which it should be clean, tidy, fresh and everything in place. Now imagine that a thief has broken into this house and is trying to take away only the blinds from the kitchen. You want to kill the thief, causing harm to your home. For example, with murder you will destroy half the kitchen and the entire living room. This is very figurative, but such a comparison makes it clear that antibiotics should only be taken in extreme cases. After all, antibiotics do not act locally, but throughout the body. In particular, on the intestines, stomach, liver and kidneys. Common cold Treated with tablets, powders and tea. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

The most active drugs, which will help you quickly recover from a cold, are near you. I will present to your attention the current products and medications that you should take first as soon as you are planning to treat a cold.

Foods to take when you have a cold:

  1. lemon, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. In general, all citrus fruits should be added to the diet as soon as you realize that you have a cold. And in general, vitamin C should be taken not only during a cold, but throughout the year.
  2. ginger. Add ginger pieces to salad, soup and tea. Ginger is most effective when brewed with tea. Ginger will disperse blood throughout the body, which will provoke a quick recovery.
  3. honey. Honey will help you cure a cold with a bang. Honey is the first assistant for coughs and sore throats. And this is not surprising, because both children and adults love it for its sweet taste and usefulness.

stay home. To quickly cure a cold, try to devote as much time as possible to sleep and bed rest. If your work is busy and you need to keep in touch, do so, only at home. Now it is no longer a problem to work remotely. If you are in a leadership position, entrust your affairs to your deputy and stay online to manage the situation. If you are not the boss yet, take sick leave. Health is always more important than any job.

Who wouldn't want to cure a cold at home? I think each of us first tries to recover at home, and only then goes to the doctor. Or it doesn’t work, depending on your luck. It’s easier to treat a cold at home, because everything is with you. So, what can you do to cure a cold without leaving home?

Inhalations. Any kind thermal effect on respiratory system welcome. Possible options inhalations are a dime a dozen. I will only tell you about those that will help you cure your cold quickly.

  • Inhalation No. 1. Potato.

Potato decoction, or rather steam, helps cure colds at home. To do this, take 3 medium potatoes, add water and cook for 15 minutes. After that, open the lid of the pan and pour out the remaining water - you won’t need it. Then sit in a comfortable position over the potatoes and cover your head tightly (so that there are no gaps) with a towel. You must take at least 70 breaths. For inhalation effectiveness, you can add flavored oil. It is better to add orange or juniper oil.

  • Inhalation No. 2. Mustard.

Boil water and add a tablespoon of mustard. Also make yourself a “house” above your head and breathe deeply. Only the number of inhalations and exhalations should be no more than 50, since it is easy to burn the mucous membrane with mustard.

  • Inhalation No. 3. Garlic.

Garlic inhalation will help treat colds. Take the sprig that holds the garlic clove, dry it and light it carefully. Inhale and exhale this smoke that the garlic will release. Take about 30 breaths.

To cure a cold at home in one day, stay home that day. Or better yet, in your room and on your bed. Don't do anything on this day. You don't even have to make your bed. Take a day off from everything, from your ordinary life. The house will help get rid of colds.

  1. Parte body. Fill the bath with hot water, add flavored oil, cinnamon and orange peels. You can also add bubble bath, but without the strong smell. Any chemical exposure on Airways can have a negative effect and cause your body to become “stuck” in the middle of recovery.
  2. Desk legs. Fill a bowl with hot water and place a kettle with the same amount next to you. hot water. For effectiveness, you can add a spoonful of mustard. As soon as you feel that the water has begun to cool, add hot water from the kettle. Sit like this for at least 20 minutes. Caution - if you have a high temperature, steaming of any kind is prohibited!

An equally effective process that will help cure a cold at home is gargling. If you do not pay attention to redness and wheezing in the throat in time, this can develop not only into a cough, but also into bronchitis and so on. The most important thing is to remove viruses from the entire body at once. So to speak, strike all affected areas of the body.

You need to treat a cold not only with home remedies, but also with pharmaceutical ones. If you to useful products food ( fresh vegetables and fruits, self-prepared compotes and broths) add powdered teas and antiviral tablets, the disease will subside in a matter of hours.

To cure a cold in one day, add sleep to all aspects of treatment (home and medication). Good dream After delicious tea and steaming the whole body or legs, it will give you vigor and health. So, don't be lazy and do your best on the first day. Never delay to such an extent that you cannot do without a hospital.

Let's be honest: quickly curing a cold does not mean forgetting about it forever. The point is that fast safe treatment lingering cold will harm the entire body even more than the cold itself. Firstly, never sit at home until the last minute, until it gets really bad. If you know that you cannot treat a cold at home, immediately call the doctor treating you at home. Or contact your nearest clinic.

Secondly, if you are allergic to certain substances, under no circumstances buy medications for treatment yourself. Be sure to consult your doctor. Doctors, as a rule, know more about the composition of medications and will be able to prescribe the correct treatment for you.

So that you can get rid of a cold relatively quickly, time the time you take your pills and tea. Take the tablets strictly according to the schedule, and drink the tea once every hour. This is how you deal the absolute blow to your illness.

What an adult can take for a cold is not always allowed for children. Thus, well-known drugs for treating children over 12 years of age have their own analogues for children. For example, in preparations for adults it is used large quantity paracetamol, which is not suitable for children.

Hit with vitamins. How can you cure a cold in a child without harming the baby? The best thing, of course, is all home remedies. It’s a good idea to make teas from raspberry, blueberry and currant jam. You can add a thin slice of fresh lemon to this tea. This collection is an excellent combination of vitamin C, which is so necessary for colds.

Useful amulet. Buy your child a Kinder surprise to cheer him up and take a yellow box for a future amulet. Place a few chopped garlic cloves in it. Make two holes opposite each other in the yellow box, thread it and hang it on the child. The child will find it both interesting and useful - he won’t even notice how he breathes garlic smell which will help quickly cure a cold in a child.

Fresh air can treat colds in children. One hundred percent information, which, by the way, also applies to adults. The air that accumulates in the room where you stay during illness is saturated with viruses and germs. By inhaling them, they remain in the child’s body, which negatively affects the immune system. Ventilate the room in the morning and before bed for 20-30 minutes in warm seasons and 10 minutes in frosty seasons and rest assured about the baby’s health.

Milk will help cure colds quickly. You can drink it both at night and throughout the day. To make milk medicinal, bring it to a boil, add fat (butter will do) and sugar. Also, when the milk has cooled, you can add a little honey. You need to drink this solution before you are going to lie in bed for two hours. If you are going to run to the pharmacy for medications, postpone taking warm milk until later.

Wine as a first aid for colds. Warm wine helps cure a cold in one evening. When you first feel that you are starting to get sick, immediately warm up the red wine. I advise you not to waste money and not buy cheap wine, since powder is not what you need now. Mulled wine is the first drink taken when you have a cold. There are many recipes delicious cooking. I will share some of them, the most delicious ones, with you right now.

  • Coffee mulled wine. For 6 servings: 2 cups of espresso, a third of a glass of cognac or brandy, a glass of sugar and half a liter of red wine. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and place over low heat. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove.
  • Mulled wine with orange. One orange, a carton of orange juice, a bottle of red wine, a glass of sugar. This is a very vitamin and sugar-rich drink that will help you perk up. By the way, I didn't add Orange juice I liked it more too. I think this is due to the increased acid concentration found in juices.
  • Mulled wine "Christmas". Based on the name, you might think that this is an exclusively festive drink. Not at all, on the contrary, this is the most healthy and fortified cocktail. Why - you will now understand for yourself.

Ingredients: 300 ml. water, 300 ml. red wine, cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey, half a glass of sugar, two apples, two oranges, half a grapefruit, star anise, cloves, black tea and hibiscus - a tablespoon each.

You need to start with water. It needs to be brought to a boil, add fruit. Immediately turn the heat down, pour in the wine and add the spices. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove the pan from the stove. Let the mulled wine brew for about ten minutes, after which you can enjoy the excellent taste of the drink.

If you prefer soft drinks, replace the wine with pomegranate or cherry juice. But remember that blood-boosting wine will help quickly cure a cold.

To quickly get rid of a cold, take everything you need, except people. People can serve as carriers of infection and unnecessary viruses without knowing it. When hosting people as a guest, tie yourself gauze bandage and offer to purchase the same headband for your guest. This way, you will protect both yourself and your friend from a viral infection.

To cure a cold, take vitamins. Ask at the pharmacy effective complex a vitamin that will strengthen your immune system and help the body cope with the disease faster.

  1. Silvered. Oddly enough, silverware helps get rid of colds. Silver kills germs – fact. You can use silver everywhere. For example, sit down to eat soup - eat the soup with a silver spoon. Stir tea with a silver spoon, and eat salads with a silver fork. If possible, purchase a silver knife to cut food with. Be careful: citrus fruits cannot be cut with a silver knife - oxidation occurs and the silver will not be able to kill microbes. By the way, silver can turn black due to the influence of acid.
  2. Mustard plasters and ointments. Ointments smell unpleasant, but they have an effect and help treat colds. So, if you are not going to work tomorrow, apply warming ointment to your chest, feet, the area behind your ears and the wings of your nose. The ointment can be mixed with a few drops of flavored oil. Place mustard plasters overnight if you do not have a fever. They will help get rid of cough and wheezing in the throat.
  3. Nasal rinsing. A runny nose is the “first friend” of a cold. He always comes with her. To make a runny nose go away quickly, rinse your nose with a solution or regular warm water. Make a solution from soda and salt (half a teaspoon of soda + a teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water). This kind of solution will clean your nose well. After this procedure, wait 30 minutes and apply drops or spray to your nose.
  4. Gargle. Gargle with the same solution throughout the day. Especially remember to rinse before and after meals. Before eating, you need to rinse so that the viruses that are in the food do not get inside. oral cavity. After eating, you need to gargle to clear your sore throat of food debris.

Water rescuer. If you want to cure a cold at home, don't forget about plain...water! Water is the source healthy life. It is best to drink melt water. When you drink water, always think about pleasant things and say to yourself “I’m healthy, I’m the best.” healthy man" This is not self-deception, but self-suggestion, that in Lately practiced in all seminars and lectures around the world.

Warm yourself up. Don't let your body freeze. Constantly monitor the air temperature in the room where you are. The body is weak and sensitive to any kind of changes in the air. If you get even a little cold, your cold may come back.

My voice has disappeared. A common occurrence during colds, which for some reason frightens patients. Vocal cords weaken with the mildest illness. The tonsils may become inflamed and become larger - do not be alarmed, this is the body’s reaction to viral infection. Wear a warm scarf not only outside, but also in your apartment. Don't neglect the hat. The hat will protect your ears and head from the cold wind.

In this article we looked at the most effective methods complex treatment, looked at all the mistakes that people so often make, which hinders the full speedy recovery. The most important rule for any disease: do not lose heart. All illnesses go away.

It is very important to remain calm and sober. Do not forget that more important than health nothing happens, especially work. If you can't work right now full force, work at ten percent. During a cold, the body spends energy fighting the virus. So, take a rest and get better!

The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed when various diseases. Characteristic symptoms– congestion, it becomes difficult to breathe, discharge forms. To quickly cure a runny nose, it is necessary to determine its cause and type. A timely and correct diagnosis will help to avoid undesirable consequences, the course of the disease will be less severe.

What is a runny nose

As a rule, you have to think about treating a runny nose (rhinitis) when the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract swells.

Often the cause is the penetration of mechanical or chemical irritants. Some people have a stuffy nose and want to sneeze when exposed to dust, in a draft, or in too bright light.

A runny nose caused by the reasons listed above does not go away for several days in adults and children and does not require treatment.

The runny nose itself is not contagious; its causative agent is unknown.

But the symptoms of a runny nose are characteristic of many diseases - for example, the initial period of ARVI, influenza.

IN Everyday life Some associate the need to cure a runny nose with nasal congestion. Others consider heavy discharge a mandatory symptom. Still others are looking for a cure for a runny nose when they start sneezing.

For many, the mucous membrane swells when the temperature changes, under the influence of alcohol, a strong odor, or for other reasons.

Types of runny nose

The vasomotor variety is associated with watery compartments. Congestion appears alternately in one or the other nostril. I want to sneeze, tears flow, my head hurts.

The reason becomes tobacco smoke, hormonal disorders, emotional experiences. This type of runny nose is correctly considered a disease of a neuro-reflex nature.

The condition is accompanied by weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, insomnia.

The allergic variety manifests itself seasonally or as a reaction to certain foods, dust, animal hair, or substances contained in detergents or cosmetics.

I want to sneeze, my nose itches and tingles.

To avoid bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis must be treated, and not relieve symptoms with medications or ointments.

With vasomotor and allergic rhinitis the nasal cavity is not inflamed.

The infectious type occurs when colds. The cause is viruses, bacteria, fungus. Symptoms are burning and dryness in the nasopharynx. It is advisable to begin treatment immediately so that the virus does not penetrate the throat and bronchi.

Acute runny nose manifests itself independently or as a symptom of acute respiratory diseases.

The nose is slightly itchy, there is a feeling of dryness, general lethargy and weakness. It’s hard to breathe through both nostrils, you want to sneeze, tears flow.

The condition is accompanied by a deterioration in the sense of smell, copious mucopurulent discharge from the nose, which, if the blood vessels are damaged, becomes bloody (bloody snot).

A severe runny nose lasts a week or longer. Maybe 37C or higher.

Chronic runny nose in a simple form is manifested by copious discharge, often unilateral congestion. It often develops as a complication of the acute form in case of impaired blood circulation in the mucous membrane or diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

If a simple chronic runny nose is not treated, as well as under the influence of sudden climate change, development inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses, the adenoid, it turns into a hypertrophic form.

Headache, nose stuffy, constant discharge, deteriorated sense of smell.

Chronic atrophic runny nose develops when the nose is weakened, after infectious diseases with acute runny nose as a consequence of surgical intervention in nasal cavity, as a result of the effects of unfavorable climatic conditions, harmful substances.

The nasal cavity is dry, the sense of smell is reduced, it is difficult to blow your nose completely, and there are periodic nosebleeds.

If you don't get rid of a runny nose, over time it turns into chronic form which can lead to inflammation maxillary sinuses– . Complications may be associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear.

Treatment of acute runny nose

The disease begins with a dry nose and a feeling of heat. After 1-2 hours, the nose gets stuffy, the head hurts, heavy discharge begins, you have to sneeze often, and the temperature rises. After a week, the discharge becomes thick and purulent.

Acute runny nose is treated by observing bed rest. You can put mustard plasters on your calves, warm your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon per 8 liters of water).

It is instilled into the nose or washed with a collection from coltsfoot, or a collection from eucalyptus.

  • Mix plant materials in equal quantities. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour.
  • Grind 5g of propolis, add a little butter, up to 50g sunflower oil, to stir thoroughly.

After soaking the cotton swabs, place them in each nostril in the morning and evening for 10 minutes.

Soak tampons in propolis ointment and insert into the nostrils. Lie without a pillow for 5 minutes on your left side, 5 minutes on your right side.

Onions, garlic, horseradish - cures for the runny nose

Cut the onion, rub the wings of the nose with it, put small pieces through gauze into the ear canals. The product allows you to quickly get relief. Some people manage to get rid of a runny nose for three days using this method.

Juices for a runny nose

Place 5 drops of fresh beet juice in each nostril for children. Can be mixed with honey at the rate of 1 tsp. honey for 2.5 tsp. juice

When thick discharge rinse your nose with boiled juice.

Moisturize beet juice cotton swabs and place them in the nose for 10 minutes, repeat 3-4 times a day.

Helps get rid of a runny nose quickly Kalanchoe juice. Lubricate the nostrils 1-2 times a day fresh juice, causing mucus to begin to separate intensively.

Instill aloe juice 2-4 drops 4 times a day.

Place tampons moistened with radish juice into the nostrils.

For treatment chronic runny nose mix 50g of grated and juice. Take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach.

Mix fresh ginger juice with the same amount of water and instill in children three times a day and before bedtime.

At constant runny nose instill juice from coltsfoot leaves, as well as yarrow juice.

Oils for runny nose

For quick disposal for congestion, instill 2-3 drops of oil or. You can place gauze swabs soaked in one or another oil in your nostrils.

Eucalyptus oil helps cure a runny nose:

  • Heat 100 ml vegetable oil, add 0.5 tsp. dry eucalyptus leaves, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 5 hours, strain.

Instill warmly up to 6 times a day.

  • chop the leaves, add a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, let cool. Add 1 tsp. salt and 0.5 tsp honey, mix.

Instilling a weak starch solution helps to cope with sneezing during a runny nose.

In Tibet, when you have a runny nose, you tickle your nose with a match with cotton wool at the end. Causes sneezing copious discharge mucus.

How to cure a runny nose

At the beginning of the disease, some people are helped by instilling a 3% solution (3-6 drops per 1 tablespoon of warm water). After copious mucus discharge, the congestion goes away.

After half an hour, sniff ammonia through each nostril alternately.

Heat rye bread or crackers in a frying pan until smoke appears, inhale through the nose. Treat a runny nose several times a day.

At prolonged runny nose sniff oregano herb powder.

Treat allergic rhinitis. Knead green leaf, inhale the aroma for 3 minutes several times a day.

Warm up the body in a bathhouse or bath, rub the sacrum with grated radish, mixed with the same amount of grated horseradish, add a little honey and table salt. Afterwards, drink tea with raspberries and mint. The next morning I manage to get rid of my runny nose.

Modified: 02/11/2019