What not to do during a lunar eclipse. What is a lunar eclipse? Avoiding conflict situations

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“An eclipse is a great time for healing because it brings to the surface patterns that are deeply buried within us that are no longer aligned with our highest potential. If you feel that other people and yourself are a little more sensitive and emotional at this time, being gentle with yourself and with them will allow the healing to proceed more smoothly.”
Emmanuel Daguerre

A lunar eclipse is a cosmic event that occurs several times a year. Eclipses, both lunar and solar, affect people in a certain way.

The moon is responsible for physical body, human health and well-being. A lunar eclipse most strongly affects a person psychologically, on his emotional background.

Therefore, it promotes psychological changes. If you have long wanted to change something in yourself, in your character, to get rid of bad habits, then a lunar eclipse is the right time for this.

This phenomenon is always favorable to remove all unnecessary and unnecessary things from your life. This is an opportunity clear space for new things to come in.

Read in the article which rituals for a lunar eclipse will be effective in improving your life.

The energies of eclipses begin to affect people three days before the cosmic event itself and three days after. People these days are experiencing unstable emotional state.

In a short period of time, a completely multipolar flurry of emotions can manifest in a person.

He either reacts aggressively to something insignificant, irritability increases, or falls into an apathetic state when everything loses its significance, and there is no desire to react to anything at all.

Some event causes delight and tenderness to the point of tears, so much so that a person is at a loss as to why he is so deeply affected.

Considering increased excitability, on such days, control your emotions, save calm state, take care of your loved ones, understanding that many of their reactions are caused by the current moment of the eclipse.

Cleansing properties of lunar eclipse energy

An eclipse brings to the surface everything that has become obsolete, which prevents a person from moving forward and slows down his development. It highlights the ballast, which, having thrown it away, makes way for the new.

During the period of a lunar eclipse, there is an intensified cleansing of everything untrue.

During the eclipse, the development of situations can be of two options:

  • The first option is when a person clings to the old, tries to hold on to what needs to leave his life.

If a person does not want to let go of what no longer serves him, he plunges into negative emotions, experiences.

Understand that things that no longer have a place in your life, for which the time has come to leave you, will still go away.

Such things will be forcibly removed from a person’s path through pain and despair. And his indignation about this will only make the situation worse.

  • The second option is when the person himself ready for change, voluntarily lets go of outdated patterns, consciously gets rid of something.

Then the changes that he allows into his life will be for his benefit.

Be as flexible as possible, accept what the moon shows you without resistance, condemnation or claims, without expectations of how everything should happen in your opinion. Be aware in these moments and don't panic.

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  • Don't plan anything big. It is advisable to be alone during such periods, to immerse yourself in yourself.
  • Don't try to hold on to what is leaving your life. Don't be upset about losses. Only the unnecessary goes away, that which no longer serves you, that which destroys you and your life.
  • Control your thoughts, actions, reactions, states. Do not sort things out with anyone.
  • Be attentive to current events, do not get drawn into tense situations. Use . This way you will be able to soberly assess how things are in situations that concern you.
  • Allow yourself to rest more, do not overload physically.
  • Start putting things in order and get rid of what is outdated. This applies to the apartment, workspace, relationships, thoughts, emotions, all areas of life. This way you will make room for something new that will enter your life after the eclipse.

I will describe three rituals for a lunar eclipse, from which you can choose one you like, or you can go through them all. Everything is individual, feel what ritual resonates with you.

When preparing for any ritual, put the room in order and create a pleasant environment. Use candles aroma sticks or aroma lamps. This gives the moment festiveness and mystery.

Invite whoever you consider appropriate for you to take part in your ritual - angels, archangels, mentors, heavenly teachers. Ask to protect you during the ritual and help you realize your intentions.

No. 1. Liberation from what has already become obsolete

Write down on a piece of paper everything you are ready to free your life from.

These could be negative emotions, unconstructive personality traits, bad habits, debts, some kind of problematic situation, physical ailment, illness, excess weight, people who are unpleasant to you.

What no longer works, prevents you from developing, makes your life worse.

After writing, burn the piece of paper in a candle flame. And scatter the ashes to the wind. Thus, you use two elements in the ritual - fire and air.

At the end of the ritual, do not forget to thank yourself, the elements and all the forces that helped you in this action.

No. 2. Removing a stone from the soul

Find a stone on the street. Size, quality and color don't matter.

Talk to the stone, ask it to remove everything unnecessary from your life, ask it to take everything unnecessary from you and put it inside itself.

Transfer to this stone all the pain, emotional negativity and heaviness that lies in your soul and interferes. It is no coincidence that there is such an expression about a stone in the chest.

Thank you for your help and then throw it away behind your back and leave without looking back. The past has a place in the past, and even more so the unpleasant past, and there is no point in looking back at it.

You can throw a stone into the river, downstream, with the thought that the flow of water takes away all adversities with it.

Important! Perform this ritual in a deserted place where there are no people, so as not to inadvertently harm anyone.

No. 3. Saying goodbye to old items

Surely you have a boring thing at home. It could be some souvenir that you have been wanting to throw away for a long time. You already stopped liking him, got bored with him, but you still didn’t dare to part with him.

Or, perhaps, some annoying decoration that is time to throw away. Find such an item in your home.

Talk to this thing. Tell her how she once made you happy, how much you liked her, but now the time has come to separate, that you now have different paths.

Ask to take with you everything unnecessary from your life, list what exactly does not serve you, what things need to be taken away.

Thank, say goodbye and take this thing out of the house with the words:

"How old thing leaves my house, and everything unnecessary and worn out leaves my life.”

This item can be thrown away, or you can simply leave it somewhere in the yard, as a decoration; if it’s appropriate, let it decorate a flower bed, for example.

Thank the moon for everything it has shown for you! Thank yourself for consciously accepting the moment and enter the new without old ballast.

Moon eclipse Residents of Russia will be able to watch (except for the Far Eastern regions) August 7, 2017 at 21.20 (Moscow time) and this astrological phenomenon will last about 2 hours. This will be the second lunar eclipse in 2017. We remind you that the first one was on February 11th.

Astronomically, a lunar eclipse is associated with the passage of the moon in the shadow of the earth. Since the moon is practically in shadow, it should not be visible at all. However, in in this case the maximum shadow phase will reach 0.25.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that the rays of the sun, passing through the earth's atmosphere, are refracted, giving out orange and red colors. The eclipse on this day will be observed not only in Russian regions, but also residents of Australia, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, and Europe.

Lunar eclipses have always been considered mystical phenomena.

In ancient times, people attached more importance to this, since they did not have accurate knowledge about the nature of this phenomenon. Of course, this inspired various superstitions and even fears about future events. There were even cults associated with sacrifices or offerings to the gods.

At this time, astrologers advised to be most vigilant in their relationships and connections in society. Particularly important events were postponed to another suitable time. The kings canceled meetings and negotiations on this day, and any confrontations and wars were also cancelled.

It was believed that a lot of unnecessary blood would be shed during a lunar eclipse...

If we take modern astrology, then an eclipse plays the role of a kind of indicator of your internal cycles. It is useful during this period of life to complete important and long-term tasks. Special attention worth paying attention to inner world– . You should not attend noisy parties and feasts, and do not drive a car.

Especially strong negative impact will be felt by representatives of the following zodiac signs:

What should you do during a Lunar Eclipse?

Pay attention to relationships with your family and friends. It is useful to solve any problems peacefully, and it is also necessary to make peace and find points for rapprochement.

The best thing here will be to realize your negative personality traits and dependence on bad habits, for example: smoking, alcohol addiction, drug addiction. It is during this period that it is best to get rid of all negative habits that affect your health.

Giving up bad habits will natural process at this period of life. Map out a plan to eradicate these enemies of man. Someone may turn to a psychologist during this period, while others will go to church to seek help from a clergyman.

Accordingly, we can work on the level mental processes, physical cleansing, and spiritual restructuring of our consciousness. Communication with others can lead to scandals, disputes, misunderstandings and nervous breakdowns. There is a possibility of mental instability, inappropriate actions, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

During the lunar eclipse, the culmination of interaction with and internal processes. Therefore, astrologers recommend engaging in the practices of solitude and. Useful as well various kinds cleansing, as in mentally, and in working with the body.

Find your cleansing method and follow it!

Preparing for a lunar eclipse: The Moon in any person’s horoscope is connected with the subconscious, emotions, and soul. Practices and ways to cleanse the “soul” and everything that is around you will be good.

Therefore, today do the following:

  • Make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel or misunderstanding of each other. But don’t try to sort things out, just ask for forgiveness.
  • Make sure you pay off all your debts, both material and moral. Still have questions? Ask them in the comments at the bottom of this page

On the days of Full Moons and solar eclipses, it is important to be careful and listen to the advice of astrologers so that the day goes well. January 21, 2019 can become a landmark day for many if you don’t give up and take care of your well-being.

The full moon on January 21 will take place in the constellation Leo and will affect the sphere of feelings. On this day, the influence of celestial bodies will be especially strong, so astrologers recommend restraining emotions and abandoning rudeness. On this day, any actions will have a response in the future, so you need to act wisely and trust your heart.

Features of the January Full Moon and solar eclipse

The fire element of the constellation Leo will influence feelings and emotions. These days there is resonance lunar energy and constellations can cause conflicts and disagreements, so site experts recommend monitoring your well-being in the morning and not indulging in bad thoughts.

On Monday, disagreements with people around you are possible, which will sometimes be difficult to avoid due to strong emotions. Deception due to excessive gullibility, as well as irritability inherent in especially sensitive people, are also possible.

What you can do during the Lunar Eclipse on January 21, 2019

Privacy. Find time to collect your thoughts or just take a break from the hustle and bustle. Even a few minutes spent in silence will help maintain inner balance. During such a pause, you can reflect on plans, find answers to pressing questions and reduce the level of anxiety caused by the Full Moon and solar eclipse.

Reconciliation. Under the influence of the Sign of Leo, there will be an opportunity to resolve conflicts, apologize for inappropriate behavior and restore harmony in family relationships. Giving up anger and aggression will return positive mood, and the desire to change in better side will allow you to avoid making mistakes in the future when communicating with people dear to your heart.

Getting rid of fears. Internal barriers that interfere happy life, it is best to overcome on the days of the Full Moon. On the 21st, you can find a way to get rid of anxiety and understand what personal fears are in order to defeat them forever.

Help. Mutual assistance and revenue, based on a gratuitous basis, not only help fight bad mood, anxiety and aggression, but also allow you to attract good luck into life. Provide support to those who need it, and your nobility will definitely return to you.

Exercises. On the day of the Full Moon, the easiest way is to keep the body in good shape with the help of any physical activity. These could be simple walks fresh air, gymnastics and even hardening. Consider your physical state to eliminate fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms.

New beginnings. The Full Moon is a great time to bring bold ideas to life. This Monday, thanks to the strong energy of the constellation Leo, your plans can become a reality. This Sign will give you the desire to create, which means there is no need to put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

What not to do on a Full Moon

Conflicts. The Full Moon affects emotions, so small quarrels can develop into major conflicts. During these knocks, it is important to monitor your mood and not allow sad thoughts to disrupt your positive mood.

Money issues. In a day solar eclipse under the influence of Leo, there may be a desire to spend a large amount on unnecessary items this moment time things or face deception. In this regard, astrologers recommend refusing loans and even transactions if there is no confidence in the honesty of the seller. Esotericists believe that on the day of the Full Moon you can engage in rites and rituals that attract financial well-being in order to eliminate financial problems.

Each Full Moon affects representatives of the Zodiac Signs differently, so each person chooses his own line of behavior. Plan things for Monday in advance, and to prevent your luck from running out, use positive attitudes that will help you maintain your luck throughout the day. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.01.2019 06:12

Each lunar phase has its own energy potential, which since ancient times people have been trying to use for...


It is reported that this will be the longest eclipse at 103 minutes - there will not be a longer lunar eclipse this century. So, Lunar Eclipse July 27, 2018: years will pass on Friday, at 23:22 Kyiv time (20:22 GMT). Residents of the Middle East, southern and East Africa, as well as central and southern Asia. True, Ukrainians will not be able to see it. Residents of Europe South America And West Africa will be able to observe the eclipse at moonrise, and East Asia and Australia - when it sets. The penumbral eclipse can be seen from almost anywhere on Earth.

This time, the Moon will pass through the dark region of Earth's shadow known as the Umbra, which will give the planet's moon a reddish "blood moon" glow. As for the sign, the Lunar Eclipse on July 27 will be in the sign of Capricorn, where Mars is also retrograde now (about Mercury retrograde we wrote earlier).

Experts say that the Lunar Eclipse will not pass without a trace for anyone, so it is worth adhering to certain prohibitions so as not to aggravate the situation.

In the period of several days before and after the eclipse, the following are not excluded: bad feeling, increased aggressiveness, nervous breakdowns etc. A unique astronomical phenomenon will affect everyone (we’re not just talking about magnetic storms). To survive the Lunar Eclipse as losslessly as possible, it is recommended:

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The lunar eclipse on July 27, according to astrologers, will be fateful for every zodiac sign.

According to Santé+, this will be the longest eclipse in 100 years - 103 minutes.

This period always occurs during a full moon, so it will bring dramatic changes to the life of every zodiac sign. The lunar eclipse will coincide in time with the great opposition of Mars. Astrologers say that every sign is destined to go through trials.

The July full moon is also called the Blood Moon, and the eclipse occurs at 4 degrees Aquarius, when full moon opposes the Sun in Leo. Its main themes are personal relationships, creativity, as well as home and family.

Negative aspects of the Moon and Mars with Uranus in Taurus highlight the instability of the current moment. Many of us are overwhelmed desire free yourself from restrictions and rebel against the established order of things. There is a tendency to act rashly, without paying attention to the consequences, which can create big problems.

The influence of the Moon conjunct Mars gives rise to complex emotions and they are not easy to control. As a result, tension in relationships cannot be ruled out, as well as anxiety caused by fears hidden in the subconscious.

Mars is retrograde, so you need to think twice before doing anything. It is better to postpone radical changes to another time, since the July lunar eclipse does not support drastic changes, especially in relationships with loved ones.

The Full Moon and Mars may encourage reckless action due to the intense aspect with Uranus. Staying calm is especially important.

If you feel irritable, this is a signal that you need to step back and try to relax. Otherwise, you will lose your temper and behave irrationally.

If you can't calm down, try to implement yourself in some active activity - for example, cleaning the house or going for a walk.

It is not recommended to plan anything important (negotiations, important events, trips, etc.); it is better to do ordinary things. It is good to devote time to meditation to comprehend the events of the past and determine plans for the future.

Experts say that the Lunar Eclipse will not pass without a trace for anyone, so you should adhere to certain prohibitions so as not to aggravate the situation:

  • It is undesirable to be outside directly during the eclipse;
  • during the eclipse, you should not swear and sort things out, otherwise you can completely ruin them;
  • you should refrain from making important decisions and concluding deals;
  • you cannot go on long trips;
  • It is not recommended to drive.

How to survive the changes that the Blood Moon brings?

  • Use relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation.
  • Watch your diet and eat foods rich in magnesium (bananas, nuts, avocados) because they promote relaxation.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep to reduce stress.
  • Do not make hasty decisions for two weeks after the eclipse.
  • Listen to calming music and cleanse the atmosphere in your home with essential oils.

Are you ready for astrological changes?