What is the drug ecdysterone and its use in bodybuilding. Ecdysterone (ecdisthene) – the best testosterone booster? Properties and effect of ecdysterone

Beta-Ecdysterone - (20-Hydroxyecdysone, Ecdysterone or 20E) is a natural compound with a steroid structure; it is obtained from plants widely used in folk medicine - Rhaponticum carthamoidis (Wild) Jilin (synonym: Leuzea carthamoidis D.C.) and Turkestan tenacious - Ajuga turkestanica (Rgl.) Brig, growing in Central Asia. Taking natural drugs to increase testosterone stimulates the synthesis of the male sex hormone and restoration of reproductive function.

Ecdysterone has biological effects in humans, but there is still much controversy on this issue. Most modern supplements are made from the plant Cyanotis vega and Leuzea safflower.

Ecdysterone was first studied by Soviet scientists Syrov and Kurmukov in 1976, revealing its anabolic activity and enhancement of protein synthesis. Then, a similar study was conducted by Chermynkh in 1988, comparing the anabolic activity of Methandrostenolone and ecdysterone, the results were surprising: ecdysterone demonstrated higher activity on the synthesis of contractile proteins, compared to the steroid Methandrostenolone.

Animal studies have shown that ecdysterone exhibits pronounced anabolic properties. From which it was assumed that ecdysterone could have a similar effect on people. In 1998, a Russian scientist assessed the effectiveness of ecdysterone in combination with a protein diet. The results were positive, with subjects gaining an average of 6-7% lean muscle mass and reducing body fat by 10%. Researchers also found that ecdysterone helped lower blood glucose levels without affecting insulin levels. Sugar levels decreased when before use they were normal and slightly elevated (up to 16 mmol/l), high level hasn't changed. Thus, this makes it possible to use ecdysterone in sick people diabetes mellitus 2 types.

Effects of ecdysterone.

Increased protein synthesis
increased supply of protein and glycogen to muscles
stabilizes blood sugar levels, improving hypoglycemia in cutting athletes
prevents fat deposition by stabilizing blood sugar and insulin levels
reduces cholesterol levels in the blood
stabilizes cell membranes
has a beneficial effect on heart rate
antioxidant effect
anti-catabolic effect
cleanses the skin
increases strength and endurance
increases "dry" muscle mass
reduces fat mass

Ecdysterone significantly improves the well-being of patients, increases general tone, enhances performance, increases body weight with reduced nutrition as a result of disruption of protein-synthesizing processes of various etiologies. Has a positive effect on the metabolic parameters of the heart muscle. Ecdisthene was found to have a hypoglycemic effect in patients with severe forms of diabetes, which made it possible to reduce the dose of insulin. Good results were observed in the treatment of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenum, hepatitis of various etiologies. Powerlifters recognize the payoff of training.

In all cases of Ecdysterone use, no side effects, there was no negative effect on the functions of the adrenal cortex and other endocrine glands. Studies have noted a fairly pronounced general tonic effect on the body, especially in athletes during intense training loads. Moreover, when tested on athletes, 89% of those examined who received Ecdysterone noted a faster passing of the feeling of fatigue, apathy, improved exercise tolerance in sports such as athletics (jumping, middle-distance running), swimming, figure skating, speed running skating, cross-country skiing. It should be noted that in these sports, a similar effect when using saparal was noted only in 9% of athletes. When there was a need for a significant increase in the dose of Ecdysterone (observation of athletes - throwers and weightlifters, where the drug was used at a dose of up to 100 mg per day), the positive specific effect was not accompanied by any toxic phenomena.

In all cases, the anabolic manifestations of Ecdysterone were confirmed by clinical and laboratory studies (increase in body weight, hemoglobin and red blood cell content, total protein in blood serum, decreased urea concentration). At anthropometric studies in individuals who repeatedly took ecdisten, an increase in muscle mass was observed with slight decrease the amount of total and subcutaneous fat. As a result of testing ecdisten in the practice of clinical and sports medicine, it was found that it is advisable to prescribe it to patients who have neurotic conditions, hypotension, general weakness, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as somatic patients with asthenic and asthenodepressive conditions associated with a weakening of protein-synthesizing processes in the body. The use of ecdisthene for certain disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism has proven promising.

Ecdysterone is intended for athletes specializing in many sports where it is necessary to improve speed and strength qualities and increase functional state muscular system.

Actively influencing metabolic processes in organs and tissues, Ecdysterone is effective means for the prevention and elimination of myocardial overstrain syndrome after intense physical activity, promotes rapid recovery between competitions. It is advisable to use ecdisten practically healthy people for the prevention of excessive mental and physical fatigue, as well as for figure correction, especially in the complex of sports and recreational activities

Studies have also been conducted where ecdysterone showed itself as an antitumor agent, adaptogen and antioxidant.

Scientists who studied ecdysterone came to incredible conclusions: under the influence of ecdysterone, muscle anabolism increases by 190-200%, which is comparable to Methandrostenolone injections. How does ecdysterone act on human muscles? Scientists claim that Ecdysterone stimulates protein synthesis in the cytoplasm of muscle cells by accelerating the synthesis of protein chains from amino acids. It is assumed that ecdysterone increases internally muscle cell the concentration of potassium and calcium ions, and this in turn causes an increase in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein.

As for side effects, ecdysterone is not only safe, but also beneficial! It prevents cortisol from destroying cells and normalizes creatine synthesis. Increases the adaptive abilities of the heart, improves liver function and blood composition! Amazingly, being a powerful anabolic steroid, ecdysterone does not suppress the body’s secretion of testosterone. The same thing happens with growth hormones. Those who have been using steroids for a long time are usually forced to give themselves injections of growth hormone, while even many years of taking ecdysterone not only does not weaken the natural production of somatotropin, but even increases it! Ecdysterone, unlike steroids, sports doctors It is recommended to take 30-50 mg daily, but the dose can be increased to 100 mg without the risk of complications - it all depends on your financial capabilities.

Ecdysterone has been used in sports since 1985, and in former countries In the Eastern Bloc, the study of the effects of ecdysterone was placed on a solid scientific basis. Ecdysterone was often given to elite strength athletes, achieving a powerful “steroidal” effect. Then they learned about ecdysterone in Europe. It began to be widely used in the US weightlifting team. The head coach of the American security forces, Dragomir Charoslan, says: “Our training program is so difficult and serious that there can fundamentally be no place for useless substances in it. As for ecdysterone, it really increases strength, muscle size and speeds up recovery.” Today, ecdysterone is one of the most popular sports supplements in the diet of elite athletes in all countries. “Ecdysterone is simply irreplaceable in strength training,” says the American and world-famous athletic trainer and consultant Jay Schroeder, “it allows athletes to achieve a level of training that we could only dream of before.”

Ecdysterone dosage

Should be paid special attention for doses of Ecdysterone! In all studies where positive results were obtained, Ecdysterone was used in doses equivalent to 500 mg per day for humans. However, most manufacturers and supplements of Ecdysterone contain several tens of times smaller doses (Ecdysterone B - 2.5 mg, Ecdysterone ACE - 2.5 mg, Ecdysterone MEGA - 2.5, Ecdysten from ThermoLife - 15mg and others). If you see that the dose is below 100 mg, then this supplement is completely useless. However, in lately appeared with adequate doses: SyntraEC from Syntrax - 275 mg and others. You can buy from us.

Ecdysterone side effects and harm

Ecdysterone is a natural non-hormonal agent that does not affect the exchange of human sex hormones. Ecdysterone does not cause steroid side effects, as it has a different mechanism of action. Ecdysterone is not harmful to the body even in very large doses, reaching several grams Some use Ecdysterone in doses of more than 1000 mg per day, without any side effects or significant harm, but doctors do not recommend exceeding a dose of 800 mg per day.

Ecdysterone B, Ecdysterone B, 10 mg, 100 tablets Neksportek

A natural compound with a steroid structure, isolated from the roots and rhizomes of Leuzea safflower and enriched with B complex vitamins.

White with a creamy tint crystalline powder. Slightly soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol.

INDICATIONS FOR USE: For people experiencing great physical and mental stress in everyday life, the drug is indicated as a prophylactic agent.

In medicine:
- prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections:
- a tonic for asthenic and asthenodepressive conditions associated with a weakening of protein synthesizing processes.
- for prolonged intoxication, infections, neurasthenia, neuroses, hypotension
- in the postoperative period to accelerate protein synthetic processes and stimulate the immune system.

In sports: for accelerated gain of muscle mass, significant acceleration of recovery after any type of load, increase in muscle strength for increase in speed and strength indicators during intense training in case of dysfunction cardiovascular system with pronounced signs of myocardial overstrain and increased muscle catabolism, the complex of vitamins introduced into the drug complements and more fully realizes the effect of ecdysterones, thereby increasing the return on the minimum working dosage. It does not have hormone-like properties despite the similarity in structure with steroid compounds.

Description of the action of the administered vitamins:
Introduced Vit gr complex IN has a multilateral effect on the user's metabolism: Vitamin B1 is necessary for the oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids (pyruvic and lactic), the synthesis of acetylcholine, it is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and related energy, fat, protein, water-salt metabolism, has a regulatory effect on trophism and activity nervous system.
Thiamine acts as an antioxidant, improves blood circulation and is involved in hematopoiesis. Vitamin B2 intensifies metabolic processes in the body, participating in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Riboflavin necessary for the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, for cell respiration and growth. It facilitates the absorption of oxygen by skin, nail and hair cells. Riboflavin minimizes negative impact various toxins on respiratory tract. One of most valuable qualities Riboflavin is its ability to accelerate the body's conversion of pyridoxine - vitamin B6 - into its active form.
Vitamin B6 necessary for normal functioning central and peripheral nervous system, participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. In phosphorylated form, it provides the processes of decarboxylation, transamination, deamination of amino acids, participates in the synthesis of protein, enzymes, hemoglobin, prostaglandins, the metabolism of serotonin, catecholamines, glutamic acid, GABA, histamine, improves the use of unsaturated fatty acids, reduces cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood, improves myocardial contractility, promotes the conversion folic acid into its active form, stimulates hematopoiesis.
Vitamin PP- Active influence on metabolic processes is due to its inclusion in the composition of niacinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and niacinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), which are cofactors of a number of enzymes. In particular, niacinamide is part of codehydrases, which are hydrogen carriers to flavoprotein enzymes, and thereby regulate redox processes in the body.

Vitamin PP is a component of the B-complex, having crucial to generate energy. It is involved in a number of reactions during which sugar and fat are converted into energy, is necessary for the metabolism of amino acids, and is involved in the conversion of fats into eicosanoids.
Vit B- Folate coenzymes are involved in the biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, nucleic acids, amino acids, and also increase the body's use of glutamic acid and tyrosine.
Folic acid takes an active part in the processes of regulation of the functions of the hematopoietic organs. It also has a positive effect on the functions of the intestines and liver, increases the choline content in the liver and prevents its fatty infiltration.

Recommendations for use: adults: 1 tablet per day 30-40 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks. Shelf life - 2 years. Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, increased nervous excitement, insomnia, hypertension, tendency to hyperkinesis, taken in the evening.

Nutritional value per 1 tablet
Vitamin PP (Niacinamide B3) - 48 mg
Ecdisten - 10 mg
Vitamin B6 - 7.1 mg
Vitamin B1 - 5.3 mg
Folic acid (Vitamin B9) - 930 mcg

Before use, you should consult your doctor. Before taking this drug, be sure to consult your doctor!

Manufactured by: NEKSPORTEK Corp. Canada by LLC "Russport"

Hello, dear readers. In my article today we will talk about steroids and their effects on the human body. To be more precise, we will try to understand in more depth what Ecdysterone is. Asteroid, one of the main drugs in the production of which is based on ecdysteroids, will also come into the focus of our attention.


So let's try in accessible form understand what steroids are, and what is the opinion about the benefits and harms for the human body.

The meaning of the word steroid has a Greek origin and, loosely translated, means solid. Anabolic steroids, which include the asteroid created on the basis of ecdysterone, are an artificially created version of the well-known hormone -.

Testosterone is responsible for two main functions in our body: androgenic, which is also sexual, allowing us to divide humanity into men and women. And the second one, which interests us most, is anabolic. It is the anabolic function that is responsible for the growth and maintenance of human muscles in tone.

There are many supporters and opponents of taking steroid drugs. Without imposing my opinion, I will describe possible advantages and disadvantages of the effects of steroids on the human body.

Benefits and harms


  • Possibility for a more intense training process, due to a significant reduction in the recovery time of the body
  • Muscle mass gains occur in a shorter period of time
  • A significant increase, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the training process
  • Metabolic processes in the body under the influence of steroids are more intense

If we summarize the listed advantages, we can come to the following: taking steroids will allow you to achieve desired result in a shorter period of time. But do not forget that the expected result is possible only against the backdrop of an intensive training process, magically, taking only anabolic steroid, You won't achieve anything.


  • The main problems that are possible when taking steroids include: possible problems with health. First of all, the body receives a significant blow to the liver.
  • Further, it should be noted the violation of sexual functions. This is due to the fact that the body, receiving what it needs from the outside, ceases to produce much-needed male hormones.
  • Possible problems with blood pressure and an increase in cholesterol in the blood.

To summarize our short excursion into the world of anabolic steroids, it should be noted that, like any medicine, steroids help a person in some ways, but in others they can harm the body.


Now let’s try to delve into the topic of one specific steroid substance - ecdysterone.

Ecdysterone is the main component of all drugs with similar names (for example, ecdisthene, beta-ecdysone, etc.). The prevailing opinion that it is a purely plant steroid, based on production from Leuzea and Turkestan tenacity, is not entirely true.

Ecdysterone is also present in worms, beetles, and butterflies, but its share is so small that the optimal route of synthesis still remains from the listed plants.

Officially introduced in medicine in the 60s of the 20th century. The authorship belongs to German scientists. Already in beginning of XXI centuries, scientists from a number of countries (USA, Germany, etc.) conducted in-depth research about the effects of ecdysterone on the human body. The main conclusions obtained as a result of the experiments revealed a number of interesting facts.

Ecdysterone significantly reduced the accumulation of fat mass in the body and led to a significant increase in muscle mass, which is what is required for anabolic steroids. A positive effect on bone and cartilage tissue, which is important for people actively involved in sports.

And on the basis of the active substance of ecdysteroids, a non-hormonal herbal preparation was created, called asteroid. The main advantages of this drug are the pronounced anabolic and stimulating effects achieved when taking the asteroid. When making the asteroid, the basis was the synthesis of plants such as Leuzea safflower and Turkestan tenacity, which made it possible to obtain a non-hormonal herbal preparation - an asteroid.

So what is the difference between asteroid and other ecdysterone-containing drugs? Here it should be noted that the asteroid contains such an important, from the point of view modern medicine, a component like turkesterone.

Latest clinical studies showed that the anabolic activity of turkesterone is many times more effective in its effect on the body. It is also worth noting the fairly high dosage of the main substance (turkesterone) in each capsule. Its specific share is 65 mg. per capsule, which significantly increases the effect of taking this substance.

In addition to its effective effect on the body, it is worth paying attention to the absence of side effects. This is achieved due to the fact that, while acting as a powerful anabolic steroid, at the same time the asteroid does not affect the body’s production of its own testosterone.

Contrary to the prevailing misconception that such drugs are only suitable for athletes - security forces, the asteroid is also perfect for representatives of team and cyclic sports, significantly increasing the overall physical endurance of the body.


If you have chosen the drug asteroid, keep in mind that the maximum effect can be obtained with a course of treatment, the optimal duration of which is 30 days. By choosing the drug ecdysterone asteroid, you will solve many problems associated with active sports.

With this I say goodbye to you. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates, share the link to this and my other articles with your friends. I look forward to your comments, see you soon!

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Ecdysteroids are androgenic steroid hormones of insects that regulate the development of larvae and molting. When taken by humans, ecdysteroids can have positive effects on the body and help increase muscle mass. Currently, ecdysteroids and the problems that may arise when taking them have not been studied enough.

Basic information

Ecdysteroids are a class of compounds (polyhydroxylated ketosteroids, with various chains), which are structurally similar to androgens. They are well studied as growth factors in plants and insects, and get their name (ecdy-) from the process of molting in insects (ecdysis). The ecdysteroid category includes the ecdysteroids "ecdysone", "ecdysterone", "turkesterone" and "ecdisthene". These are the four most studied compounds. The listed ecdysteroids have general properties, while varying slightly in effectiveness and efficiency. Turkesterone is considered one of the most anabolic compounds. When administered orally to mammals, ecdysteroids exhibit some biological effects. Research indicates that the substances "act similarly to anabolic steroids without presumably having an androgenic effect." Therefore, their safety profile is much broader than that of anabolic androgenic steroids. In addition, ecdysteroids have a wide range of side effects, which, oddly enough, can have a positive effect on the human body. Ecdysteroids can cause a decrease in cholesterol and blood glucose levels, have a positive effect on the liver and intestines by increasing protein synthesis, and may also have a protective effect on nervous tissue. Research shows that ecdysteroids may have the effect of increasing the rate of muscle tissue growth. Ecdysteroids are also known as: suma extract, suma root extract, Brazilian ginseng extract, beta-ecdysterone, turkesterone, ecdysterone, leuzea extract.

Important to know:

    Ecdysterone is not a stimulant.

    Ecdysterone is a testosterone booster.

Ecdysteroids should not be combined with: phosphoinositol 3-kinase; G-protein coupled receptor and phospholipase C inhibitors (regarding protein synthesis).

Ecdysterone: instructions for use

Hypoglycemic effect of ecdysterone and its plant sources depends on the dosage. An effective and safe dosage is usually 200 mg per day. When administered orally at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight in rats, the drug exhibits anabolic properties; this dose is optimal for starting to increase muscle mass.

Sources and structure

Sources of ecdysteroids

Ecdysteroids are present in many plants (approximately 6% of all existing plants), although often in such low levels that their extraction is impossible and their biological activity is negligible. Plants with increased content biologically active ecdysteroids:

Ecdysterones are so named due to the presence of a steroid chain (sterone) and is associated with the process of molting (ecdysis). In plants they perform protective function, protecting plants from unadapted insects, thus being phytoalexins.


Ecdysteroids are hormonal compounds that are involved in sexual behavior insects, as well as in the processes of molting and metamorphism. Ecdysteroids are structurally similar to testosterone and are considered testosterone-like compounds that are most active in insects. They also perform a protective function in plants, scaring away predators from them. Although there are more than 200 species of ecdysteroids, as well as up to 463 unregistered species, most of them are not bioactive when used. oral administration. Studies have been conducted on ecdysteroids such as:

  • Ecdysterone and Beta-ecdysterone




    24 (28) - dehydromakisterone

    Viticosterone E

    Silenoside A and C



Pharmacology and metabolism

Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics

In a study using ecdysteroids (such as ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone) at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg body weight, ecdysone demonstrated a half-life in humans of 4 hours and 20-hydroxyecdysone a half-life of 9 hours. Active period half-life in humans is unknown. However, studies in mice show that the half-life of 20-hydroxyecdysone is 8.15 minutes when a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight is administered into the tail vein, and similar results when administered at other sites. The ecdysteroid ponasterone A has a half-life of 48 minutes when administered at a dose of 750 mcg.

Cellular and receptor interactions

The cytoplasmic receptor, cloned from Drosophila, was named DopER. DopER binds to ecdysterone and dopamine. It is assumed that some mechanisms of action of ecdysteroids are mediated by this receptor and are non-genomic in nature (do not affect the cell nucleus). Possible non-genomic effects include an influx of ions, which induces phosphorylation of protein kinase B. Unknown nuclear receptors are also thought to exist within the mammalian nuclear receptor superfamily. The ecdystyrone receptor dimerizes with USP receptors in insects to influence genes, but in humans it must dimerize with RXR receptors. Although the USP protein can dimerize with a wide range of nuclear receptors in insects, the EcR:RXR complex must form in mammals to exert its effects. EcR binding to non-RXR receptors leads to genetic effects in vertebrates. It has been noted, however, that RXR is an “antagonizing” partner for EcR. Genetic signaling through EcR:RXR requires a relative excess of RXR. Ecdysteroids, particularly 20-hydroxyecdysone and pinnatosterone, are considered inhibitors of the P-gp efflux pump, and may interact with other drugs that are extensively metabolized by P-gp, such as berberine or horny weed (epipedium).

Excretion and metabolites

In mice (and humans), ecdysteroids are eliminated from the body through feces and urine. Research suggests that fecal excretion is thought to be preferential because ecdysteroids pass through the liver and are then excreted into bile acids. By at least, one study notes that both routes are equally effective. However, the latter study used ecdysteroid injections at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. When examining fecal metabolites, 4-deoxyecdysone was identified, as well as compounds with a fully reduced B-chain. One review notes that this metabolism "resembles the hepatic reduction of 4-en3-one on chain A in vertebrate steroid hormones." When the side chain junction between C20 and C22 is released, the metabolites poststerone and 12-deoxypoststerone (from 20-hydroxyecdysone) can be formed. A new metabolite, 2β, 3β, 6α, 22R, 25-pentahydroxyn-5β-cholest-8(14)-ene, was also observed in rats. Finally, the metabolite 14-deoxy-20-ecdysone (which is reported as a major metabolite in human urine) may interact with intestinal microflora, and microflora are known to cause dehydroxylation of steroid compounds. In humans, ecdysterone is excreted in the urine, usually in the form of one of three compounds: ecdysterone, unchanged; 2-deoxyecdysterone; or deoxyecdysone. The main metabolite in urine consists of 99.34% deoxyecdysone and is released 21 hours after taking 20 mg of ecdysterone. When conducting urinary analysis, after 68 hours, biphasic excretion of the parent compound was observed. These metabolites were also detected in rat urine. Currently there is really not much information available on this topic. There is a wide variety of metabolites that have not yet been fully studied. In humans, 20-HE either lasts longer than in mice (4.1 hours versus 8.15 minutes) or exhibits a dose-dependent response. There is no confirmation yet regarding any of the claims.

Impact on the body

Effect on the nervous system

Ecdysterone may increase the enzymatic induction of acetylcholinesterose and glutamine decarboxylase. Ecdysteroids increase protein synthesis (by increasing the efficiency of mRNA) in protein tissue (skeletal muscle and organ proteins) and enzymes. In vivo, a 25-30% increase in glutamate decarboxylase has been reported at 2.5-50 µg/kg body weight, although dose dependence is not clear. These compounds also show some protective effect against neurological toxins.

Ecdysteroids and life expectancy

Ecdysteroids are one of the paired insect hormones (the other is juvenile hormone). It is possible that these hormones influence the lifespan of insects, with ecdysterones influencing an increase in lifespan. Transfection of Drosophila with ecdysone receptors increases the lifespan of the insect. However, it has not yet been carried out medical research ecdysteroids in humans, and animal studies are in preliminary stages.

Effect on carbohydrate metabolism

Ecdysterone (20-hydroxyecdysterone or 20-HE) can inhibit hepatic glucose production and thus lower blood sugar levels, independent of insulin secretion and serum levels. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase inhibit glucose metabolism and also induce phosphorylation of protein kinase B in liver cells. When administered to rats at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight, 20-hydroxyecdysone can exhibit antidiabetic effects and act as an anti-obesity agent. There are suggestions that it may have the same effect in humans. Other subjects observed similar anti-diabetic properties of the substance, regardless of the route of administration/injection.

Effect on lipid (fat) metabolism

Phytoecdysone (to which ecdysterone belongs) may be used as a cholesterol-lowering agent, probably by increasing the conversion of cholesterol into bile acid. These effects were observed at 2.5 mg/kg body weight. Ecdysterol also has a protective effect against lipid peroxidation from free radicals, and is thus an antioxidant. This effect was observed at a very low dose of 0.1 mg/kg body weight, and was more potent than the effect of vitamin D.

Ecdysterone in bodybuilding

Protein synthesis

When taken at a dose of approximately 5 mg/kg body weight, ecdysterone can induce protein synthesis in animal organs. This effect is most likely due to an increase in the efficiency of mRNA translation, but not to an increase in mRNA synthesis (transcription). In addition, ecdysteroids can increase the incorporation of leucine into cells at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight. In vitro studies in mouse cells (using 20-hydroxyecdysone and turkesterone) demonstrated a statistically significant dose-dependent improvement in protein synthesis starting at 0.08 nM and peaking at 0.1 nM. Protein synthesis was 110-120% higher than at concentrations of 1 and 10 nM. The mechanism of action may be mediated by PI3K, as a PI3K inhibitor inhibits gains in muscle mass and grip strength (in mice). The 20-hydroxysteroid metabolite, rubosterone, appears to be equally effective in the liver of mice. In head-to-head comparison studies, ecdysteroid ("turkesterone") is more potent than other ecdysteroids, followed by cisterone, then 20-hydroxysterone. Compared with the control group, turkesterone increases the growth of rats (in mg/day) by 63.5%, ecdysterone by 51.9%, 2-deoxy ecdysterone by 21.2%, and alpha-ecdysterone by 19.2 %. In the present study, Methylendrostenedol (51.9%) and Nerobol (57.7%) were used as comparative compounds. The effects of Nerabol were localized in skeletal muscle, and ecdysteroids caused an increase in systemic protein synthesis (in organs and muscles). Studies with ecdysteroids show that these substances do not affect prostate development or changes in the seminal vesicles, and do not exhibit uterotropic effects in female rats; weight also increased by 23-35%, while with Nerobol a weight reduction of 20% was observed. The doses used in this study were 5 mg/kg body weight for all ecdysteroids and 10 mg/kg body weight for methylendrostenedol. Regarding the mechanism of action, ecdysteroids can cause a rapid influx of Ca2+ into myocytes, which leads to phosphorylation of protein kinase B and thus protein synthesis. This effect is observed after 10 seconds of incubation, and is suppressed by PI3K inhibitors, as shown in other studies, also by GPRC and PLC inhibitors. With intracellular deficiency in cells, protein kinase B is not phosphorylated, protein synthesis decreases from 16% to 8%. itself may be an important mediator of protein kinase B and protein synthesis, and ecdysteroids may act indirectly through Ca2+ and protein kinase B. This influx increases phosphorylation of protein kinase B by more than 3-fold, at a concentration of 0.1 µM, with a dose reduction of 5-fold to 1-10 µM. The effect of 1 µM 20-hydroxyecdysterone is achieved within 2-4 hours, and maintains levels above baseline for up to 24 hours. Additionally, one paper indicates that the ecdysteroid "chain" (γ-hydroxy-γ-methylpentanoic acid), when separated from the steroid chain, resembles the anabolic leucine metabolite HMB (beta-hydroxy methyl butyrate). When ecdysteroids enter cells, they increase protein synthesis. They do this quickly, powerfully, and for quite a long time.

In vitro studies and general growth

In vivo studies have noted an increase in anabolism in a wide variety of animals, such as rats and mice, pigs and quail. The effects on strength gains appear to be independent of activity, as demonstrated by forced swim tests in rats without sequential training. Some studies from past years (before 2000) suggest that the substance may have the effect of increasing protein synthesis in the human body. Increased performance in rats was also noted. In sheep, an oral dose of 0.02 µg/kg ecdysteroids per day caused an increase in the rate of weight and wool growth. Similarly, small doses of 0.4 mg/kg body weight increased nitrogen retention and preserved muscle mass (up to 112-116% compared to controls), while reducing food intake by 11-17%.

Effects on bone metabolism

The increase in alkaline phosphatase activity induced by ecdysterone passes through the estrogen receptor. Through this receptor, the activity of the estrogen reporter gene is increased by ecdysterone. The increased activity is reflected in the expression of type 1 collagen, osteocalcin.

Interactions with hormones

Testosterone metabolism

On at the moment There has only been one human study of ecdysterone. At doses of 200 mg per day in men, no effects were observed on changes in total and free testosterone levels during resistance training. When tested for androgen receptor binding, 20-hydroxyecdysterone did not bind and therefore did not activate the androgen receptor. On the other hand, although it has no effect on testosterone, ecdysterone may affect testosterone through signal transduction pathways (although the exact mechanism is not yet known); this action ultimately has the same effect biological significance, as testosterone. There is not much data, other than in vitro studies, to conclude that ecdysterone may be effective in promoting muscle protein synthesis or increasing strength.

Impact on various organs


Ecdysterone, at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight, can restore normal speed glomerular filtration and suppress albuminuria in rats treated with nephrotoxic mixtures, and may also improve symptoms of uremia associated with liver damage. Ecdysterone is able to increase the level of bile secretion, as well as improve liver regeneration after damage caused by exposure to toxins.


Ecdysterone affects the differentiation of keratinocytes and accelerates the healing of small wounds and burns.

Safety threshold

Ecdysteroids are generally quite safe to use. Visible benefits are observed at doses of approximately 10 mg/kg body weight, while toxicity in mammals (rodents) occurs at doses of 6400 mg/kg body weight, when administered by injection, and > 9000 mg/kg body weight, when administered orally.


List of used literature:

Gorelick-Feldman J, Cohick W, Raskin I. Ecdysteroids elicit a rapid Ca2+ flux leading to Akt activation and increased protein synthesis in skeletal muscle cells. Steroids. (2010)

Wu JJ, et al. Steroidal saponins and ecdysterone from Asparagus filicinus and their cytotoxic activities. Steroids. (2010)

Comparative experimental investigation of the anabolic activity of phytoecdysteroids and steranabols

Rapid, Nongenomic Responses to Ecdysteroids and Catecholamines Mediated by a Novel Drosophila G-Protein-Coupled Receptor

Schlattner U, et al. Non-genomic ecdysone effects and the invertebrate nuclear steroid hormone receptor EcR–new role for an “old” receptor. Mol Cell Endocrinol. (2006)

Laudet V. Evolution of the nuclear receptor superfamily: early diversification from an ancestral orphan receptor. J Mol Endocrinol. (1997)

Yao TP, et al. Drosophila ultraspiracle modulates ecdysone receptor function via heterodimer formation. Cell. (1992)

Many athletes who engage in strength sports or bodybuilding sooner or later stop increasing strength and mass, or significant reduction the speed of these processes. Everything is connected with genetic limitations that are embedded in each of us from birth and limit our real potential.

To circumvent these limitations, professional athletes use pharmacology - anabolic steroids, growth hormones, peptides. But we all know how harmful they are and what consequences they can have for our health. Fortunately, there are herbal preparations that can also help build muscle mass and strength, but without side effects. We will talk about one of them today.

Ecdysterone asteroid is a drug based on plant steroids that increases the strength performance and muscle mass of an athlete for short term. Of course, ecdysteroids are present in the bodies of some living beings, in particular insects, but their percentage is very small. Therefore, plants continue to be used to this day as the main source of plant steroids. For example, Turkestan tenacious or Leuzea. It should be noted that this drug belongs to the category non-hormonal agents designed to improve athletic performance, as well as better recovery after grueling workouts.

Ecdysterone is found in herbs such as leuzea and cyanotis. Thus, the drug is a natural phytochemical compound. And the best part is that ecdysterone is safe and effective for men, women and even teenagers

Ecdysterone mega

Ecdysterone MEGA is a natural hormone-like substance obtained from the roots of Leuzea safflower and contains a complex of vitamins

Ecdysterone mega contains a full spectrum of vitamins that work together with ecdysteroids and have a synergistic effect, that is, they enhance each other’s effects. Each tablet of this drug contains:

  • Vitamins: A, D3, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, C;
  • Nicotinic and folic acid;
  • Ecdisten;
  • Auxiliary components: lactose, MCC, calcium stearate.

Thanks to the availability wide range vitamins of the B group, this product shows itself excellently when engaging in strength and speed-strength sports, as it enhances protein synthesis in the body. This makes the drug an excellent aid for bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters, sprinters and swimmers.

Beta-Ecdysterone is plant extract, widely used in bodybuilding to build muscle mass

Ecdysterone beta is a drug with a powerful anabolic effect. This phytochemical can be found in plants and their roots, such as Cyanotis Vaga. Studies on athletes have shown that during training with free weights This remedy helps to increase muscle without the growth of subcutaneous fat.

The difference in muscle growth over 4 weeks in the group taking ecdysterone compared to the group of athletes taking placebo averaged 20-30%. At the same time, strength indicators increased by an average of 15% in the “ecdysterone” group, and by 6% in the group taking placebo.

Ecdysterone ACE is excellent for those sports where strength endurance is important. For example, for long-distance running, swimming, biathlon, cycling, football, hockey, martial arts. It is especially important to take the drug during periods of unusually high physical and psychological stress (preparing for competitions, flying across time zones, stress).

To maximize your potential active substance ecdisthene, the developers of the drug added vitamins A and C in high dosages, which have a direct effect on the production of testosterone and other steroid hormones by the human body. Retinol (vitamin C) also improves immunity and normalizes vascular permeability, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ecdysterone gold

The uniqueness of phytoecdysterones Ecdysterone GOLD lies in its steroid structure and the absence of harmful side effects

Ecdysterone Gold is the most effective drug of plant nature to increase mass, strength and speed from those that are commercially available. A powerful effect on the body is provided by the combination of all currently known forms of phytoecdysterone. Additional substances in the drug include:

  • B vitamins;
  • DAA (D-aspartic acid);
  • Magnesium and zinc.

Within 1 month of taking the drug, as studies show, the lean muscle mass of athletes, subject to regular training and proper nutrition, increases by 2-3 kg. In this case, there are no quantitative changes in fat mass. The strength and speed performance of athletes also increases. In particular, in the bench press, weight gain on the bar among representatives of strength sports averages 9.5% per month.

The effect of ecdysterone is very diverse, which is why it has found application not only in sports, but also in medicine. This drug is used in medical practice For:

  • prevention of colds;
  • as a tonic during periods of increased fatigue and drowsiness;
  • to accelerate protein synthesis in the postoperative period.

In sports, the use of ecdysterone is as follows:

  • gaining muscle mass;
  • accelerated recovery from physical and psychological stress associated with training, work or stress;
  • improvement of strength indicators;
  • increase in speed characteristics;
  • when training with disturbances in the functioning of the heart or vascular system;
  • with obvious symptoms of cardiac overstrain and muscle catabolism.

Consequently, ecdysterone can be useful even for those people who are far from sports and do not connect their lives with strength or speed-strength training.

Ecdysterone instructions for use

The best option for using ecdysterone-based drugs is combination. On the day of training, use Ecdysterone GOLD or Ecdysterone MEGA at your discretion, on rest days - Ecdysterone B. The drugs should be taken in monthly courses, with a break of 7-14 days between them. The standard dosage for men is 10-15 tablets per day (25-37.5 mg of ecdisthene per day). You should take the tablets half an hour before meals with plenty of water. For girls, the dosage should be reduced by one and a half times compared to men.

Ecdysterone side effects

Since ecdysterone is a non-hormonal drug, it has no side effects. If, of course, you use it in courses, as stated in the instructions for use, and do not exceed the recommended dosages.

In general, ecdysterone-based drugs receive positive reviews on the Internet. A certain part of athletes complain that they were unable to gain significant muscle mass. But you need to remember that an increase in body weight due to muscles, even by 1-2 kg per month, is an excellent indicator for a person who does not use anabolic steroids. But regarding the increase in endurance and strength, the reviews are clear - here ecdysterone works very effectively, and no one doubts this fact.

Video: Ecdysterone, which one to choose?


With a well-designed training plan and diet, the effect of ecdysterone drugs will be noticeable. Especially if you are into powerlifting or bodybuilding. Of course, the effect of ecdysterone cannot be compared with the effect that anabolic steroids provide, but at the same time you do not risk your health and do not incur significant financial costs. And at the end of the course, all the gained weight and strength indicators do not go anywhere, as is the case with the use of pharmacology.

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