Which promotes estrogen production. How to increase estrogen in women and maintain youth? Estrogen is the main sex hormone in women

Lack of estrogen has a detrimental effect on the female body, and this is manifested by symptoms such as:

    The girls are delayed sexual development, and also there is no menstruation, there may be developmental delay bone tissue

    If a woman is under 40 and has low estrogen levels, early menopause occurs.

    There are complaints of hot flashes, excessive sweating, and a feeling of fatigue

    Forgetfulness progresses

    Absent sexual desire, and sexual intercourse may be accompanied by painful sensations

    Or absent altogether

    Lack of estrogen contributes to the development of infections Bladder and provokes migraines

    Mood changes occur, characterized by tearfulness and irritability

    Symptoms of depression may occur

    Osteoporosis develops

    Inability to get pregnant

How to increase the hormone estrogen

If a woman notices any signs of estrogen deficiency, her first step is to see a doctor. The doctor will write a referral for tests and, after assessing the results, select the correct therapy.

Usually, the lack of the hormone estrogen in women is compensated by oral contraceptives . Can also be assigned vitamin E, otherwise called tocopherol. With small changes hormonal levels sometimes all you have to do is reconsider your lifestyle and stick to it special diet. Nowadays they are also popular estrogen patches, which are stuck on a woman’s body for a month.

Estrogen hormone tablets

Estrogen in tablets has one feature, namely the use of numbering. The numbering is explained by the fact that in different tablets contains different amounts of the hormone, which helps ensure a level close to physiological.

Estrogens in tablets have a number of advantages:

    Rejuvenation effect

Estrogen stimulates collagen formation, which helps maintain good condition hair and skin. Work is also stimulated nervous system.

    Antiatherosclerotic effect

Estrogen is involved in the metabolism of cholesterol, thereby preventing its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.

    Prevention of myocardial infarction

Taking estrogen reduces the risk of developing coronary artery pathology.

    Reduced intensity of manifestation

    Estrogen has a beneficial effect on libido

Estrogen tablets have almost no contraindications, but they should never be used for the development of hormone-dependent tumors. Doctors prescribe the drug with caution to women at risk of thromboembolism.

Drugs and tablets that increase estrogen:





    Menisiston et al.

Foods that increase estrogen

It is not without reason that dieting is prescribed to women suffering from a lack of estrogen. True, the diet is effective only when there are no serious violations.

Phytoestrogen is found in foods such as:

    Soy. Moreover, its use is permitted not only in its original form, but also as part of any products.

    Cereals and legumes, preference should be given to corn, peas, beans, and barley.

    Animal fats present in meat, milk, fish oil and hard cheese.

    Tomatoes, eggplants, sea cabbage, cauliflower, carrots It is necessary to give preference to vegetables.


So, how to make up for the lack of this important female hormone? First of all, it's worth remembering about a number of principles suggesting the use of herbal medicine:

    The properties of herbs are best preserved when cooked in a water bath.

    Do not use hormonal medications and herbs containing estrogen at the same time.

    Herbs are not used during menstruation.

    You should not drink herbs that contain estrogen during pregnancy.

    The level of hormones in the blood must be constantly monitored.

    Herbs cannot be drunk endlessly; they are used in courses.

    Before starting herbal medicine, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take into account individual intolerance.

Herbs contain more phytoestrogen:

Licorice roots;

Clover and alfalfa;

Flax and sweet clover seeds.

How to increase estrogen levels in women using folk remedies

A good remedy for correcting estrogen deficiency is aromatherapy. It is best to use cypress, sage, anise, fennel and basil oils. Aromatherapy helps not only to compensate for the lack of the hormone, but also promotes its production by the body itself.

Another popular way traditional medicine is drinking herbal decoctions containing estrogen. However, doctors do not recommend using herbal tinctures, as this can aggravate the situation.

Arina Volkova, family doctor, especially for the site website

You can increase estrogen different ways: balanced diet, drug therapy, life style change. But only a doctor can choose the most effective method therapy.

How to increase estrogen levels in the blood

Estrogen is the main female hormone. It allows you to maintain youth and maintain a healthy, beautiful appearance. In addition, the hormone is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as for the strength of bones and the distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Its deficiency leads to a woman’s loss of skin elasticity and health, destruction of bone tissue and many others. unpleasant consequences. To maintain the normal state of the body, every woman needs to remember how estrogens are produced, how to increase their level and what factors influence the production of the hormone.

The main organ that produces estrogen is the ovaries. In addition, the adrenal glands also produce it in small quantities. During puberty, estrogen levels increase, causing her to develop secondary sexual characteristics. It prepares the body for conception and childbirth.

What contributes to a decrease in estrogen:

All of the above factors lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the ovaries, and as a result, a decrease in estrogen production.

To determine whether your estrogen levels are low, you should consult your doctor. The woman will be prescribed special tests, based on the results of which the doctor will make his opinion. If a low estrogen level is detected, it will be necessary to take measures to normalize it.

You can increase estrogen by: naturally, and as a result of taking various drugs in the form of tablets. Assign similar drugs only a specialist can. But this does not mean that a woman should sit idly by. There are also non-drug methods to increase estrogen levels.

How to increase estrogen with proper nutrition

Before increasing estrogen levels in women, it is determined exactly how low the hormones are. This will allow you to understand what kind of treatment is needed: intensive or gentle, by gradually increasing estrogen levels.

You need to start introducing into your diet foods that include phytoestrogens - various natural substances similar in action to estrogen. These elements can have an effect similar to natural estrogen produced by the body. What foods should you eat:

  • legume family;
  • soybean and derivatives based on it;
  • flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, oils produced from them.

There are many studies that prove that these plants contain large amounts of phytoestrogens. And the isoflavone contained in soy helps normalize the level of sex hormones in women. From plant products preferable:

In addition to the above, it is necessary to enrich the menu with products containing zinc and selenium. Preferred:

  • oysters;
  • walnuts;
  • garlic;
  • mackerel;
  • acne.

It must be remembered that consuming products containing phytoestrogens is completely safe for the female body. They help normalize work endocrine system. But their main disadvantage is that positive effect occurs only as a result of very long and regular use of these products.

Estrogen-lowering foods

You should limit, or better yet completely remove from the menu, foods that lead to a decrease in estrogen levels. This primarily concerns:

  • cabbage;
  • citrus fruits;
  • figs;
  • Luke;
  • green beans;
  • pineapple;
  • pears;
  • melons

You should also limit wheat flour products, caffeine and alcohol.

Women with low estrogen levels should have their body fat percentage checked. After all, subcutaneous fat plays an important role in the production of this hormone. Intensive weight loss should be approached with extreme caution. Excessive weight loss can cause serious harm to the hormonal system.

Regular sex is also effective way how to increase estrogen. That's why adult woman To maintain your health, regular sexual intercourse is required.

To stabilize hormone levels, you can resort to aromatherapy. Proven to help increase estrogen production essential oils plants such as:

  • sage;
  • fennel;
  • cypress;
  • anise;
  • basil.

Plants are able to maintain the balance of hormones:

You should also start doing yoga. Proponents of this health practice, developed in ancient India, claim that many exercises called asanas can stimulate the activity of the adrenal glands. But it is the adrenal glands that provide hormonal support in women.

Stress should be avoided. Indeed, during an emotional outburst, the body begins to produce adrenaline and cortisol. And an increased percentage of these hormones in the blood suppresses the production of estrogen.

Drug raising of estrogen levels

If all previous actions in combination or separately have not helped to achieve a sustainable increase in estrogen levels, then hormone replacement therapy should be started. This method involves taking synthetic estrogen, in the form of various medicines, such as:

  • Premarin;
  • Proginova;
  • Marvelon;
  • Silest;
  • Diana is 35.

Taking such drugs will significantly slow down the aging process. However, it is worth remembering that the medicine should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Nowadays, with the help of such means, women are helped to overcome acute phase menopause. Many scientists claim that by taking such remedies you can preserve youth and beauty for a long time. But you should know that hormone replacement therapy has many disadvantages. These include an increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease. vascular system, especially when long-term use drugs.

The use of artificial estrogens should be under the strict supervision of a physician who knows how to increase estrogen in women correctly and effectively. After all, the slightest deviation from the dosage and timing of administration can lead to the development of cancer. So, you should not allow yourself to take these medications on your own.

To summarize how to increase estrogen levels, it should be noted that a measured lifestyle, a balanced diet and positive attitude promote additional hormone production. We must not forget that each of the above methods has various advantages and disadvantages. To achieve maximum results and increase estrogen in women, you must fully follow all the recommendations of your doctor. And taking vitamins and playing sports will never hurt.

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One of the purposes of a woman is to prolong the race and further raise the child, which brings him to adult life. For pregnancy and normal functioning In the body as a whole, the state of a woman’s hormonal background must be stable. This means that the level of a female sex hormone such as estrogen should be within normal limits.

This female sex hormone performs the following role in a woman’s body:

  • ensures the formation of the endometrium during menstrual cycle;
  • guarantees the integrity of the endometrium during pregnancy;
  • ensures normal growth of the uterus during pregnancy;
  • guarantees a healthy pregnancy;
  • ensures lactation and physiological functioning of the mammary gland outside of pregnancy;
  • responsible for the normal course of the menstrual cycle;
  • protects blood vessels from development;
  • ensures normal metabolism, which affects the bones and subcutaneous fat of a woman and prevents the development of obesity;
  • affects the condition of hair, skin and prevents excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

Based on the above, a woman should carefully monitor the state of her hormonal levels, and this will help her prevent the development of many ailments. In our article we will introduce you to the reasons for increased estrogen levels, symptoms of this condition and ways to normalize the level of this sex hormone.


The following diseases can cause an increase in estrogen levels in a woman’s body:

  • ovarian tumors;
  • any other tumors that produce estrogens;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • ovarian cyst.

Provoking factors are:

  • poor nutrition;
  • nervous tension;
  • chronic diseases of the female reproductive system or other systems;
  • endocrine diseases;

In some cases, an increase in estrogen levels is caused by a combination of these factors. In such situations, a woman needs to go through comprehensive examination from other highly specialized specialists who will draw up a plan for it further treatment.


A woman may suspect an increase in estrogen levels based on the following symptoms:

  • stomach ache;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • the appearance of extra pounds;
  • the appearance of rashes in the form of acne;
  • hair loss;
  • hypertension;
  • vomit;
  • digestive disorders;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • irritability;
  • sleep changes.

The severity of symptoms when estrogen levels increase largely depends on general condition woman's health and age.

A long period of increased estrogen levels can lead to the development of the following diseases and conditions:

  • increased blood clotting and blood clot formation;
  • pathology thyroid gland;
  • osteoporosis;
  • obesity;
  • appearance;
  • absence of pregnancies;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • development of mastopathy and;
  • disorders of the nervous system and psyche.

To determine the reason for the increase in estrogen levels, the gynecologist draws up a plan for further examination of the woman and, if necessary, prescribes consultations with other specialized specialists (for example, an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, etc.).



Treatment tactics for increasing estrogen levels are drawn up depending on an analysis of the woman’s life history and data from laboratory and instrumental studies.

To reduce estrogen levels in a woman’s body, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Mastodinon and other herbal products;
  • Tamoxifen;
  • Aromasin, Arimidex, Femara;
  • Faslodex.

If necessary, postmenopausal and premenopausal women may be prescribed drug therapy to suppress the hormonal activity of the ovaries, radiation, or surgery to remove the ovaries.

The following drugs may be prescribed for this:

  • Zoladex;
  • Lupron;
  • Goselerin et al.

For the radiotherapy method of reducing estrogen levels, radiation exclusion of the ovaries may be recommended.

The surgical technique for suppressing the hormonal activity of the ovaries consists of performing operations such as:

  • oophorectomy;
  • ovarian ablation (low-traumatic endoscopic method).

All methods for suppressing excessive estrogen production are equally effective and help to subsequently reduce the risk of developing tumor processes in a woman's body.

Some women are afraid to take hormonal drugs and their fears are completely in vain, because a competent and experienced doctor prescribes them only in cases where his patient needs them. In such cases, the patient’s refusal to take prescribed medications can lead to serious complications.

A high level of estrogen is a condition in which a woman may experience changes in her health of varying severity, and the risk of developing fibroids, endometriosis, and mastopathy increases. On initial stages An increase in the level of this sex hormone can be corrected in more gentle and gentle ways. This is why gynecologists urge women to visit their doctor regularly. Remember this and be healthy!

Which doctor should I contact?

A woman should regularly visit a gynecologist. If she shows signs of hyperestrogenism, the doctor will prescribe additional methods examination, refer the patient for consultation to a gynecologist-endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist (to determine visual fields if a pituitary adenoma is suspected). can often improve quality of life additional treatment from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Update: October 2018

Most women don't know that estrogens, or female sex hormones, affect more than just their reproductive function, but also on mental condition And appearance. These hormones female body has an important role to play. The condition of the skin, nails and hair, balance of character and libido - everything is subject to the actions of these hormones. But it can cause harm to health not only decreased estrogens, but also their excess.

About estrogens and their types

The name of the hormone estrogen comes from two Greek words and translates as liveliness/brightness and gender. In fact, there are three types of estrogens, and although they are considered female hormones, they are also produced in small quantities in males. Conversely, androgens, which are generally recognized as masculine, occur in small quantities in the fair sex.

Estrogens, like androgens, are steroid hormones that are synthesized from cholesterol. In women, they are produced by follicles located in the ovaries in the first half of the menstrual cycle. In men, estrogen production occurs in the testicles. In people of both sexes, these hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and non-adrenal tissues. reproductive system(bones and brain, fatty tissue and skin, hair follicles). In addition, their production increases significantly in women during pregnancy (due to corpus luteum first, and then the placenta).

Specifically, estrogens are synthesized from androgens with the participation of a special enzyme, aromatase, which is present in the cells of both the ovaries and testicles, as well as in other tissues. The varied action of these hormones is due to the presence in a number of organs (they are called target organs) of special receptors with which they bind. Special estrogen-sensitive receptors are located in:

  • endometrium of the uterus;
  • vaginal mucosa;
  • mammary glands;
  • urethra;
  • brain;
  • in hair and nails;
  • heart and blood vessels;
  • liver;
  • hypothalamus;
  • pituitary gland;
  • bones.

In men, steroids (androgens and estrogens) begin to be produced in utero, and in women (girls), the ovaries begin to work much later. Androgens, from which estrogens are formed, are produced by follicles in girls, starting from 7 to 8 years of age, peak production occurs at puberty and continues until menopause. In postmenopause, estrogens are produced in small quantities by the adrenal cortex and fatty tissue.

Types of estrogens

There are three types of female sex hormones:

  • Estradiol is rightfully the most important of estrogens. It is part of the hormonal birth control pills. Thanks to estradiol, a woman develops female sexual characteristics (hair, mammary glands, female body type), it is also responsible for a high-pitched voice and the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Estrone - stimulates the development of the uterus and the growth of the endometrium in it.
  • Estriol - it is formed due to the first two estrogens and plays a role during pregnancy - fetal growth and placental function.

The role of estrogen in the body

Estrogens are equally necessary for both female and male bodies. Estrogen levels differ between men and women.

The norm of estrogen in the female body:

  • estrone
    • in the first phase 5 – 9 ng%,
    • in the second 3 – 25 ng%,
    • during pregnancy 1500 – 3000 ng%;
  • estradiol
    • in the first phase 15 – 160 ng/l,
    • mid-cycle 34 – 400 ng/l,
    • in the second phase 27 – 246 ng/l,
    • during pregnancy it increases to 17,000 - 18,000,
    • during menopause and postmenopause 5 – 30 ng/l;
  • Estriol is determined mainly during pregnancy (or during planning), the indicators depend on the week of gestation.

Estrogen levels in male body:

  • estrone 3 – 6 ng%;
  • estradiol 5 – 53 ng/l.

Why do women need estrogens?

The functions of female sex hormones are varied and include:

  • ensuring the growth and development of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  • formation of a female-type figure due to special fat deposition: wide pelvis and hips, thin waist;
  • formation and growth of mammary glands during puberty;
  • the appearance of female-type hair growth, special pigmentation of the nipples and external genitalia;
  • regulation of the cycle, ensuring conception;
  • increasing the tone of the uterus and peristalsis of the tubes (for the rapid movement of sperm to the egg);
  • regulation of lipid metabolism (removal of “bad” cholesterol and retention of “good”);
  • prevention of atherosclerosis (inhibits the formation of cholesterol plaques);
  • increased levels of copper and ferrates (iron) in the blood;
  • strengthening bones (preventing osteoporosis);
  • improvement of short-term memory;
  • strengthening the ability to concentrate;
  • effect on skin, hair, nails (skin is smooth and thin, nails are strong, hair is thick and shiny);
  • normal course of pregnancy.

Why do men need estrogens?

Female sex hormones play an equally important role in the body of men. They perform the following functions:

  • maintaining bone strength;
  • support muscle growth and recovery (along with testosterone);
  • protection of the cardiovascular system (in men, heart attacks are diagnosed more often);
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • regulation of the central nervous system (relieves aggression, improves mood);
  • activation of sexual desire.

Causes of estrogen disorders

There are some reasons for an excess of estrogen, as well as for a lack of these hormones, therefore, before trying to cope with the problem, you should determine the factor, and perhaps more than one, that caused the increased or decreased level of female sex hormones.

Causes of estrogen deficiency

Hypoestrogenism is caused by the following factors:

  • hypofunction of the ovaries (menopause or sexual infantility);
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • playing sports (professional, usually strength sports);
  • significant and sudden loss of body weight (lack of adipose tissue, which also produces estrogens);
  • eating disorders (irrational and irregular);
  • lack of vitamins (vitamin C and group B);
  • delay in physical development;
  • surgical interventions on the ovaries;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • infectious lesion of the pituitary gland;
  • ovarian tumors/cysts that produce large amounts of androgens;
  • stress;
  • taking psychotropic drugs;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • chromosomal abnormalities (Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome);
  • ovarian wasting syndrome (early menopause);
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

Causes of increased estrogen

Hyperestrogenism is observed in the following diseases:

  • liver diseases (cirrhosis, liver failure);
  • estrogen-producing tumors and ovarian cysts;
  • hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • chorionepithelioma;
  • pituitary adenoma;
  • premature sexual development;
  • eating disorders;
  • obesity;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • bad habits;
  • pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • constant contact with chemicals(folates, insecticides);
  • taking barbiturates, anti-tuberculosis and hypoglycemic drugs.

Clinical picture

Symptoms in women depend on the level of estrogen in the body. As already indicated, the level of estrogen in the female body depends on age. That is, their number begins to increase from the age of 7, and then gradually decreases (about 45 - 50).

With normal levels of these hormones (and the absence of other pathologies):

  • a woman is almost always balanced and has an even mood
  • she has no problems with her menstrual cycle, no symptoms premenstrual syndrome, she has no difficulty conceiving
  • Outwardly, such a woman looks “excellent”:
    • hair is of normal thickness and shine,
    • skin is smooth and elastic,
    • nails will not peel off.

But it's worth it to happen hormonal imbalance– lack or increase of estrogen, as external and internal metamorphoses immediately occur.

Estrogen deficiency

In teenage girls

In girls who have not reached puberty, the symptoms of a lack of female sex hormones are as follows:

  • Slowing down of growth and formation of the skeleton – that is, delay in physical development;
  • Delayed development of the external genitalia. Secondary sexual characteristics (pubic hair, armpit hair, breast growth) begin to appear much later or do not appear at all until appropriate treatment is prescribed.
  • Primary amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) occurs, which without further treatment will develop into infertility.
  • The deficiency of these hormones in teenage girls also affects the formation of their figure. Instead of a “female” type, with all the inherent roundness, a figure is formed according to the androgenic (male) body type: broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis.
  • It is also possible to reduce mental activity And sudden changes moods.

In mature women

  • Appearance . In women, estrogen deficiency primarily affects appearance. Dryness and slight trauma to the skin appear, it becomes thin, loses elasticity, and new wrinkles appear. One more characteristic feature serves as the appearance of new skin formations: papillomas, moles and age spots. Hair becomes thin and brittle, splits and begins to actively fall out, and nails peel.
  • Mental condition. Relatives and even the woman herself note causeless mood swings, depression and irritability, constant fatigue and decreased performance. Such patients often suffer from headaches and insomnia.
  • Sexuality. Women lose interest in sex, and sexual intercourse itself does not bring pleasure (frigidity). In addition, vaginal dryness occurs, since estrogens affect the production of “lubrication”, and therefore the woman experiences discomfort and even pain during coitus.
  • Gynecological problems. With a lack of these hormones, menstrual cycle disorders occur, periods disappear or intermenstrual bleeding appears, which leads to anovulation and, as a consequence, infertility. It is possible to reduce the size of the mammary glands and change their shape.
  • Lack of estrogen also causes internal changes. There are problems with blood pressure(vegetative-vascular dystonia), thermoregulation (sometimes hot, sometimes cold), later heart pain occurs, the ability to concentrate decreases and memory deteriorates.
  • Violation calcium metabolism (accelerates the removal of this microelement from the body), which affects the condition of bones and joints. Joint pain appears, and bones lose density, which leads to mild and sometimes causeless (spontaneous) fractures (osteoporosis).

In general, estrogen deficiency is high risk development:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • osteoporosis;
  • prolapse of the genital organs ( complete loss uterus);
  • chronic genitourinary infections;
  • fungal infections skin and nails;
  • breast tumors;
  • infertility.

Excess estrogen

An increased content of estrogen in the body is also considered a pathology and is accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Excess weight

On the one hand, estrogens retain fluid in the body, which leads to hidden swelling and weight gain. On the other hand, excess estrogen increases appetite, a woman begins to eat more than usual, excess calories turn into fat, which is located on the waist and hips. A adipose tissue synthesize estrogens, thus forming a vicious circle.

  • Cycle disorders

Any hormonal disorder, including increased estrogen, leads to cycle disorders. IN in this case this manifests itself in the form of irregular periods, they become prolonged, and blood loss is large, even uterine bleeding.

  • Occurrence of tumors

Hormonal imbalance, in particular hyperestrogenism, contributes to the development of tumor-like formations of the uterus (fibroids, cancer) and ovaries (hormone-producing cysts and tumors). Breast cancer also often develops.

  • Pathology of the thyroid gland

Thyroid hormones and estrogens are interrelated. With thyroid diseases, an imbalance of sex hormones occurs and vice versa. An increase in estrogen provokes the development of hypothyroidism, which is accompanied by coldness of the extremities and unsteadiness, nausea and vomiting, weakness, lethargy and bloating.

  • Cardiovascular pathology

Estrogens cause blood thickening, which in turn leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels, varicose veins veins and other pathologies, up to the occurrence of myocardial infarction. Arterial hypertension also develops.

  • Headaches, dizziness
  • Mastodynia - pain in the mammary glands occurs due to fluid retention and swelling.
  • Chloasma - yellow spots appear on the skin.
  • Emotional disorders - excess estrogen leads to irritability, sudden mood swings and depression. Insomnia also develops, ability to work decreases and memory deteriorates.

Estrogen analysis

If you suspect an increased or decreased level of female sex hormones, the doctor will definitely prescribe an estrogen test.

For this purpose they take venous blood. Blood is drawn in the morning on an empty stomach. Last meal at least 8 hours before blood donation. The day before, it is recommended to avoid heavy physical activity and stress, do not drink alcohol and smoke. Also, the day before donating blood, you should not have sex and follow a diet (exclude fatty and spicy foods).

Cycle day

You should donate blood for estrogen on a certain day of your cycle:

  • with a 28-day cycle – on days 2–5;
  • with a cycle longer than 28 days – on days 5–7;
  • with a cycle less than 28 - on days 2-3.


The analysis is prescribed for the following indications:

  • menstrual disorders;
  • infertility;
  • presence of hormone-producing tumors;
  • osteoporosis;
  • sexual infantilism;
  • acne;
  • obesity or underweight;
  • feminization (applies to men);
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

Correction of estrogen levels

Treatment for estrogen imbalance varies, and of course depends on the levels of these hormones (high numbers or low). Before starting treatment for estrogen deficiency or excess, the cause that led to this or that disorder should be established. General recommendations for women, regardless of estrogen levels:

  • normalization of the daily routine and sleep (sleep should be complete, and the daily routine should be orderly and constant);
  • normalization of nutrition (food should be varied, regular and rich in vitamins, if possible, adhere to a healthy diet);
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • taking medications only when necessary and after consulting a doctor;
  • maintaining regular sex life;
  • correction of common chronic diseases;
  • aromatherapy (cypress oil, rose geranium, basil, sage);
  • normalization emotional state(avoid stress, do yoga and auto-training).

Increasing estrogens

Before starting treatment with estrogen drugs, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, give up heavy physical work and weight loss diets, and introduce certain foods into your diet.

What foods contain estrogens:

  1. Fruits:
    • melon;
    • grapes (any);
    • tangerines;
    • apricots.
  2. Vegetables:
    • cabbage (especially cauliflower and broccoli);
    • eggplant;
    • pumpkin;
    • tomatoes;
    • carrots (preferably fresh).

What other foods contain estrogens? The list is extensive:

  • coffee;
  • chocolate (but only black);
  • high-fat milk and all fermented milk products;
  • nuts and seeds (flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower) are rich in vitamin E, which is necessary for the formation of estrogens;
  • soybeans and products made from it;
  • fish, meat fatty varieties;
  • seafood;
  • beer;
  • red wine;
  • dried fruits;
  • cereal crops (wheat, oats, barley, rye);
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans, lentils).

In addition, they contain estrogens and a number of medicinal plants, teas and decoctions of which must be consumed with a reduced content of these hormones:

  • Linden;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • sage;
  • arnica;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • hop cones;
  • sagebrush;
  • mint;
  • ginseng root.

IN Lately treatment became popular hormonal disorders herbs such as hog queen and a red brush. Undoubtedly, these herbs are rich in phytoestrogens, but they should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor in compliance with a specific regimen (the regimen is different for each disease).

How else to increase estrogen in women? In addition to consuming the listed products and medicinal plants, the doctor, if necessary, will prescribe drug treatment. As a rule, this is estrogen in tablets. These include:

  • oral contraceptives (Regulon, Silest, Lindinet and others) - contain not only an estrogen component, but also progestins;
  • pure estrogens (microfollin, estradiol, tefestrol, menopur, presomen);
  • hormone replacement therapy (estrogens prescribed for menopause): proginova, premarin, klimen, ovestine - vaginal tablets, klimonorm).

Reducing estrogens

If there is a high content of “female hormones” in the body, treatment is also necessary. To normalize estrogen levels, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • normalization of work digestive tract(fighting constipation, consuming large amounts of plant fiber);
  • weight loss (fat fiber is involved in the synthesis of estrogen);
  • the use of phytoestrogens (they replace their own estrogens and reduce their synthesis): flax and sesame seeds, greens;
  • refusal of canned food, fatty meats, sausages, coffee, beer;
  • consumption of pomegranates and mushrooms (prevent the formation of estrogens from androgens);
  • consumption of green tea (reduces the production of “female hormones”);
  • giving up alcohol;
  • eating foods high in sulfur, which normalizes liver function and removes toxins from the body: citrus fruits, garlic, onions and egg yolk;
  • reception folic acid and B vitamins helps remove “female hormones” from the body;
  • refusal of cow's milk and dairy products (replace with rice or coconut), as in cow's milk contains a large amount of natural estrogens due to its collection from pregnant cows;
  • playing sports.

Of course, with correction higher level female sex hormones, drug treatment with estrogens is contraindicated. The doctor will select and prescribe a specific drug with an anti-estrogenic effect:

  • tamoxifen - the drug binds to estrogen receptors in target organs, thereby blocking the action of its own estrogens (prescribed for uterine or ovarian cancer, in case of anovulatory infertility);
  • letrozole - suppresses the action of aromatase, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of estrogen (prescribed for breast cancer);
  • Arimidex – aromatase inhibitor (antitumor drug);
  • Femara – also inhibits the action of aromatase (an antitumor drug);
  • clomed - binds to estrogen receptors, preventing their connection with their own estrogens.

Question answer

I am 5 – 6 weeks pregnant. The doctor ordered me to test for estriol, it turned out to be below normal. Why is it dangerous and does it need to be treated?

Estriol is an important hormone during pregnancy; its low content can lead to the threat of miscarriage, premature birth, fetoplacental insufficiency and the development of Down syndrome in the baby. Of course, treatment is necessary, but appropriate hormonal drug and only your attending physician will select its dosage.

My husband has gynecomastia (so the doctor said). What does this mean, why is it dangerous and is treatment necessary?

Gynecomastia is the growth of mammary glands in men due to glandular tissue and is one of the signs of increased estrogen. In men of childbearing age, it can be observed when taking certain medications and with a number of diseases (thyrotoxicosis, hyperprolactinemia, and others). High content estrogen threatens the development of impotence and infertility. If necessary, the doctor will select treatment. If high level estrogen is caused by taking medications, it is enough to stop treatment with them.

I am 40 years old, six months ago I had my breasts removed due to breast cancer. The doctor prescribed tamoxifen. For what purpose and for how long should it be taken?

Breast cancer is an estrogen-producing tumor, which is why the doctor prescribed you tamoxifen (anti-estrogenic effect). The drug should be taken for a long time, at least 5 years.

My daughter is 14 years old. Not only does she not have periods, but her breasts are not growing and her hair is... armpits and on the pubis. What should we do?

Most likely, your daughter has delayed sexual development. You need to contact a gynecologist - endocrinologist as soon as possible, who will prescribe an examination (hormone tests), pelvic ultrasound, etc. Based on the examination results, the doctor will prescribe hormonal treatment. Don’t delay, otherwise your daughter will not be able to have children in the future.

I am 17 years old. I am unhappy with the size of my breasts (too small). Menstruation occurs regularly. Should I take some hormonal pills like estrogen to make my breasts grow?

What for? Not all women have large breasts. Here's the reception hormonal pills without certain indications, it can not only lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle, but also be complicated by infertility in the future.

Estrogen is the female sex hormone. It is produced in the ovaries and adrenal cortex during puberty and is necessary for the female body to prepare it for childbirth and to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

But the role of estrogen in the body does not end there. This hormone is an important protector of the cardiovascular system of the female body. Estrogen also regulates water-salt balance in organism. Normal condition skin this is one of the merits of this female hormone.

3 types of estrogens in a woman’s body

There are three types of estrogens:

  • Estrone (E1)
  • Estrol (E3)
  • Estradiol (E2)

The level of each of these hormones depends on genetic predisposition, on the density and amount of fat deposits, as well as on age characteristics body. The level is indirectly affected by lifestyle and nutrition.

The most important of this trio is estradiol. Its decrease or increase compared to the other two hormones can cause various problems in the female body:

  • Weight gain
  • Swelling
  • Gastrointestinal tract disorders
  • Sweat gland disorders
  • Seizures
  • Breast pain

Deviation of the level of this hormone from the norm can be a symptom of serious diseases.

IMPORTANT: Estradiol is the most important hormone of this group. His " work time“begins during the first menstruation and ends at the beginning of menopause. Estradiol controls over 400 functions in the body.

Normal level of estrogen in a woman’s body

The level of this hormone in the body is not constant. It changes with age and during different phases pregnancy. For girls in childhood the norm is 5-22 pg/ml. When a woman reaches childbearing age, the estrogen level is in the range of 11-191 pg/ml. During menopause, the norm of this hormone is 5-90 pg/ml.

What does a lack of the female hormone estrogen lead to?

  • Estrogens are steroid hormones. This means they are responsible for growth. In this case, the growth of secondary sexual characteristics. It is estrogens that are responsible for the beauty of the female figure. These sex hormones are distributed fat cells to different parts of the body. Thanks to them, the piquant roundness of the figure is formed exactly where it should be.
  • Estrogens are extremely important for the female body. It is these hormones that are responsible for the frequency of menstruation and their regularity. A lack of these hormones can lead to severe consequences. Estrogens determine women's health.
  • If a girl has a lack of sex hormones, this can cause the child to develop slowly. In adulthood, this can affect psychological imbalance, periodic sensations of pain in the lower abdomen, insomnia, low performance and even frigidity.
  • After the age of 40 in women, a lack of estrogen can affect heart health, rapid aging of the body, frequent headaches and depletion of bone tissue. Which can cause osteoporosis over time.

Symptoms of estrogen deficiency in women

Symptoms of estrogen deficiency include:

  • Lack of menstruation and delayed puberty in girls
  • Forgetfulness
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Headache
  • Bladder infections
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Inability to get pregnant at a young age

How to increase estrogen in the female body?

Weight is influenced by several hormones in a woman’s body. Estrogen one of them. It is this hormone that is the main “conductor” in the distribution of fat deposits. In the female body, such deposits are usually located below the waist. This is due to the hormone being described.

About 10 years before menopause, estrogen levels in a woman's body begin to decline. The body “doesn’t like this” and begins to synthesize the missing hormone from fat deposits.

  • But you should not think that this will reduce the number of such deposits. On the contrary, our body begins to store fat deposits with redoubled energy. After all, the need for them is growing. This is why losing excess weight after 40 is very difficult.
  • Also, a supply of fat cells occurs during pregnancy. The body needs another source of estrogen.
  • Therefore, to reduce excess weight It is important to keep the level of “female hormone” normal.

Testosterone and estrogen in the female body

Testosterone ( male hormone) and estrogen (female hormone) greatly influence not only a woman’s appearance and internal processes in the body, but also on the psychological background. The more testosterone, the stronger the manifestation of the “masculine” principle.

Testosterone levels in women:

  • Up to 20 years – 0.13 – 3.09 pg/ml
  • from 20 to 39 years – 0.13 – 3.09 pg/ml
  • from 40 to 59 years – 0.13 – 2.6 pg/ml
  • from 60 and older – 0.13 – 1.8 pg/ml

Excess testosterone manifests itself in aggression and risk-taking. The predominance of the female hormone over testosterone is manifested in frequent fears, compassion for other people, a desire for settledness and comfort.

Estrogens in Foods and Herbs

Phytoestrogens are found in various products plant origin. You can “charge yourself” with such hormones if you drink green tea and various herbal infusions.

There is a lot of estrogen in beans and other legumes, pumpkin, nuts, spinach, oats, bran, dried apricots, sunflower seeds and cabbage.

RECIPE FOR TEA WITH “ESTROGEN”. At reduced level tea made from herbs such as sage, linden, chamomile, hops and arnica is indicated for estrogen. You can supplement this collection with crushed licorice and ginseng roots. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts and brewed with boiling water. For greater effect, it is best to brew this tea before each dose.

Animal products such as full-fat milk, ice cream, yogurt, hard cheeses and meat also contain large amounts of estrogens.

There is estrogen in beer too. And many associate its presence in this popular foamy drink with changes in the male figure due to beer abuse. But, growing up beer belly has more to do with that alcohol suppresses testosterone production. A hormone that distributes fat cells in the male body. In addition, we should not forget about the beer snack, which lovers of this drink consume without any control.

IMPORTANT: Do not underestimate medicinal herbs and other foods in their effect on estrogen. They can do it just as well pharmaceutical drugs. That is why they should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor. Otherwise, you can greatly harm the body.

Estrogens in tablets: reviews

Olesya. Very good drug"Estravel." Helps a lot with hot flashes. I also noticed this “ side effect"How to improve the condition of nails. They are naturally brittle for me. And “Estrovel” makes them beautiful and healthy. I have been taking this drug for the 5th time now, intermittently. Depending on the condition.

"Estrovel". This drug contains plant extracts soybean, nettle, black cohosh, isoflavones and wild yam root extract. In addition, this drug contains indole-3-carbinol, boron, vitamins and amino acids. It is taken 1-2 tablets per day with meals. Course duration is up to 2 months.

Tatiana. And I took Premarin. When I started treatment, it was not sold here. Friends brought them from abroad. At the age of 60, during an ultrasound, the doctor said that my body younger than years by twenty. This drug does not lead to weight gain, hairiness or other side effects.

"Premarin." This drug contains seven equine estrogens. It is taken based on the prescribed course of treatment.

Video. Hormone analysis, estradiol and estrogen