What is “bad” and “good” cholesterol? HDL is lowered: what does this mean and what are the norms of the indicator?

Human blood contains a large number of components. One of them is LDL cholesterol. He plays a significant role in fat metabolism, building cell membranes and producing hormones. Therefore, its deviation from normal concentration can be fraught with health problems.

What is LDL cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a substance found in the blood. It has a fat-like structure. Its synthesis occurs in the liver. In addition, it can enter the body through food of animal origin.

There are three main types of this substance: general, LDL and. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is commonly called “bad” cholesterol. Its concentration in the blood will be determined by the cholesterol content in the plasma.

The particle size is very small, so they can easily penetrate through the walls of blood vessels. At increased concentration particles can be deposited on the walls, forming plaques. It is difficult to remove them from the body.

Main Functions of LDL Cholesterol

Having learned what it is, it is necessary to understand the functional tasks of such a substance. It has several purposes at the same time:

  1. Participates in the construction of cell membranes and affects their permeability.
  2. Without it, full formation is impossible steroid hormones, such as estrogen, cortisol and others.
  3. Takes part in the formation of bile acids.

Low and high cholesterol levels negatively affect the health of the entire body as a whole. Therefore, experts recommend regular blood tests.

Standard indicators

In order to estimate the concentration of LDL cholesterol in the blood, you need to know the indicators healthy person. The norm is different for men and women. This is due to the features hormonal levels. The content of this substance may vary by age. Even a person’s place of residence can affect the indicator.

For women, it is customary to use the following normative values:

  1. Under the age of 20 years - 60-150 mg/l.
  2. In the range from 20 to 30 years, a value of 59-160 mg/l is considered normal.
  3. From 30 to 40 years - 70-175 ml/l.
  4. In women aged 40 to 50 years, the normal value is in the range of 80-189 ml/l.
  5. Women over 50 have nothing to worry about if their indicator falls within the range of 90-232 mg/l.

Deviations from the above indicators are a reason to think about your health. Must pass medical examination and consult your doctor.

For men, LDL cholesterol levels are as follows:

  1. Under the age of 20 years - 60-140 mg/l.
  2. From 20 to 30 years - 59-174 mg/l.
  3. If a man’s age is from 30 to 40 years, then the norm is 80-180 mg/l.
  4. At 40-50 years old - 90-200 mg/l.
  5. For men over 50 years of age, a level from 90 to 210 mg/l is considered normal.

To determine the exact amount of cholesterol in the blood, a test is carried out. This is a blood test that helps determine the concentration of all lipoproteins in the blood.

What causes elevated LDL cholesterol?

The causes of high cholesterol can be different. A person’s diet and lifestyle play a role in many ways. Often all kinds of pathologies lead to this phenomenon. Among the main factors are:

  1. Obesity. Increased level bad cholesterol most often speaks of eating large amounts of carbohydrates and animal fats, which causes weight gain.
  2. Hereditary factor. In some cases, such a deviation can be inherited. People whose relatives have had heart attacks or strokes are at risk.
  3. Diseases of the heart and vascular system.
  4. Pancreatic diseases. Most often the influence is diabetes, pancreatitis and malignant tumors.
  5. Deviations in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  6. Hormonal changes in the body caused by pregnancy.
  7. Alcohol abuse and smoking.
  8. Sedentary image life.

If you have such problems, you should regularly take a blood test to determine your cholesterol level. If its increased concentration is detected, measures must be taken immediately.

What measures to take if you have high cholesterol?

If your LDL cholesterol is elevated, you need to take immediate action. Otherwise, it will lead to the formation of vascular plaques, heart disease and other health problems. There are several ways to reduce the concentration of this substance:

  • First of all, you need to reconsider your diet. You cannot completely give up fatty foods. But it must be consumed in small quantities. Introduce more cholesterol-lowering foods into your menu.
  • Eat foods containing Omega-3. Such fatty acid present in marine fish.
  • Lead active image life. Start playing sports, go for walks more fresh air, sign up for the pool. Do gymnastics every morning. Physical activity will not only help remove low-density lipoproteins, but also prevent the development of many diseases.
  • If the level of bad cholesterol is significantly elevated, it is possible to use specialized medications. The most commonly used drugs are stanins, which block the enzyme responsible for the production of bad cholesterol. Fibrates also appear to be effective. They help break down LDL in the blood. Selection of specific drugs and required dosage can only be done in conjunction with your doctor.

Reducing low-density lipoprotein levels will help solve health problems and significantly improve your quality of life.

Principles of dietary nutrition

The basis for successfully lowering blood cholesterol levels is balanced diet. First of all, review your menu. Remove the following products from it:

  1. Lard.
  2. Hard fatty cheeses.
  3. Mayonnaise and sauces based on it.
  4. Any semi-finished industrial products.
  5. Sausages.
  6. Flour products, confectionery.
  7. Fat meat.
  8. Sour cream.
  9. Cream.

Try to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Must be present in the diet sea ​​fish. It's best if it's salmon or sardines. At the same time, eat fish boiled or baked. The ideal option would be steaming.

  1. Green tea. It contains flavonoids, which have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Tomatoes. They contain lycopene, a substance that is excellent for lowering cholesterol. Drinking two glasses is enough tomato juice in a day.
  3. Nuts. Since, despite all their benefits, they are too high in calories, you can consume them in quantities not exceeding 10 pieces per day.
  4. Carrot. To get rid of the problem, it is enough to eat two small carrots a day.
  5. Garlic. This product is especially effective when combined with lemon. To prepare the healing remedy, you need to grind lemon and garlic through a meat grinder. Eating prepared pasta helps lower LDL levels and cleanse the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Eggs. They are best eaten boiled or cooked as a steam omelet.
  7. Celery. Before use, it must be kept in boiling water for no more than 7 minutes and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

What does low cholesterol mean?

Sometimes a blood test reveals that LDL cholesterol is low. This is possible in following cases:

  1. After a long fast.
  2. Being in a stressful situation.
  3. The presence of anemia in chronic form.
  4. Cystic fibrosis.
  5. Hyperthyroidism.
  6. Use of hormonal drugs.
  7. Oncological diseases bone marrow.
  8. Deviations in liver function.
  9. Infectious diseases in acute form.

In order to restore normal concentration cholesterol, you must first find out the causes of the problem and eliminate them. To do this you will need to undergo a medical examination.

How the analysis is carried out and its decoding

The most common method for determining LDL levels is the Friedwald calculation. It is a precise formula that defines low-density lipoprotein as the difference between total cholesterol and triglycerides divided by 5.

The blood test should only be performed on an empty stomach. Small amounts are allowed clean water . No less than 12, but no more than 14 hours should pass since the last meal.

Several weeks before the test, you must stop taking any medications. If this is not possible, you must list all the medications you are taking and indicate their dosage to the specialist.

Recent consumption of fatty and fried foods and alcoholic beverages can also provoke an incorrect display of LDL cholesterol levels in a blood test. You should not engage in heavy physical labor immediately before the test.

Severely elevated LDL levels indicate that a person is suffering from atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts. A slight deviation from the norm indicates initial stage development of such diseases.

LDL cholesterol is important indicator which must be constantly monitored. Measures should be taken even at the slightest deviations from the norm.

High-density lipoproteins, or HDL - often called good cholesterol - contain more protein molecules than other lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are special substances that transport fats and lipids through the blood that are poorly soluble in water. In particular, lipoproteins transport cholesterol from the liver to its destination and back.

High-density lipoproteins are considered "good cholesterol" because, unlike low-density lipoproteins or LDL, they do not settle on the walls of blood vessels and do not contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Moreover, they have the ability to transport cholesterol already deposited on the walls of blood vessels back to the liver, cleansing the blood vessels and preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

The normal level of HDL cholesterol in the blood. Explanation of the result (table)

Why is it necessary to determine the level of high-density lipoprotein concentration? As already mentioned, HDL helps cleanse blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques and reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular disease. In other words, the higher the content of HDL in the patient’s blood, the better protected he is from developing dangerous diseases, such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke. When HDL levels only double, the likelihood of a heart attack decreases by as much as 8 times.

Knowing the concentration of HDL in the patient’s body, it is easy to calculate an indicator called the atherogenic coefficient.

K xc = Total cholesterol – HDL-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol

This coefficient shows the ratio of the content of bad cholesterol - low-density lipoproteins to the content of good cholesterol. In addition, HDL testing can help diagnose various diseases, causing change their concentrations and deviation from the norm in both directions.

An HDL test is prescribed in the following cases:

  • for the diagnosis of atherosclerosis and related diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • at various diseases liver,
  • at preventive examinations patient, to assess his health and the likelihood of him developing certain diseases.

Blood is drawn from a vein, strictly on an empty stomach, in the morning. It is recommended not to eat food 12-14 hours before the test.

The level of HDL cholesterol in the blood depends on the age and gender of the person. As a rule, this figure is higher in women.

If HDL is elevated, what does that mean?

An increase in HDL levels is usually considered good sign and is regarded as an antiatherogenic factor, that is, a factor that prevents the development of atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. However, there are also certain pathological conditions, which can also lead to increased HDL levels. This:

An increase in HDL levels is caused by a decrease in body weight in overweight people, various stressful conditions, and also alcoholism. This is why the deviation of HDL from the norm even in positive side, requires additional study of the reasons that led to this phenomenon.

If HDL is low, what does that mean?

As you probably already realized, reduced level HDL significantly increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Not so long ago it was believed that it was all about excess consumption"bad" cholesterol from food. But at the beginning of this century it was found out that food has nothing to do with it, it’s all about reduced function thyroid gland or hypothyroidism. It is this that helps reduce the production of HDL and. on the contrary, an increase in LDL levels.

Other diseases that can cause the HDL cholesterol level in the blood to deviate downward:

  • Primary hypo-alpha-lipoproteinemia is a hereditary disease,
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus,
  • nephrotic syndrome,
  • cholestasis,
  • hypertriglyceridemia,
  • chronic renal failure,
  • acute infectious inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

The same result can be achieved by taking certain medicines– diuretics, beta blockers, progestin-based drugs or danazol.

In the process of analyzing the state of a person’s cardiovascular system, a biochemical blood test is necessarily prescribed, among the parameters of which HDL cholesterol is examined. Let's try to figure out what HDL is, why it is called good cholesterol, and how it affects the human body?


Often, when it comes to cholesterol, people believe that this substance adversely affects the functioning of the body. We try to avoid foods containing cholesterol and give up fatty foods. Therefore, a doctor’s advice that you should raise the level of alpha cholesterol in the body often causes bewilderment. And the whole point is that cholesterol itself is a very important substance, moreover, vital for the proper functioning of the body.

In addition, it is divided into various factions, some of which are called “good” and others called “bad”. Although, without “bad” fractions, new cells will not form and function in our body. Cholesterol is a fat produced mainly in the liver (and partly in the intestines), which forms cell membranes and ensures their functionality, participates in the synthesis of certain hormones and metabolism of substances, especially fat-soluble vitamins

A small part of cholesterol enters the human body through food.

Since its chemical structure is an alcohol, this substance should be called cholesterol. However, in Russian both versions of the name are considered correct.

The molecules that transport fats between blood cells are called lipoid proteins. These are complexes that include proteins and fats (lipids).

There are three types of such complexes:

  • High-density lipoproteins, which help remove cholesterol from the body and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. For this reason, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is considered “good.” Such lipoproteins are sometimes designated by the English letters HDL, which is an abbreviation for high-density lipoproteins.
  • Low-density lipoproteins that transport fats from the liver to the cells of other organs. With an excess of lipids of this type, cholesterol penetrates the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques and reducing their lumen, which increases the risk of developing vascular pathologies.
  • Triglycerides, which form blood fats together with cholesterol. The body converts all excess calories into triglycerides, which accumulate in fat deposits. With a lack of nutrition, fats are broken down and triglycerides become a source of energy.

The transcript of the cholesterol analysis should show not only the content of each lipid fraction, but also total cholesterol in blood.

Let's take a closer look at how high-density lipoproteins affect the body, and what pathologies a deviation from the norm may indicate.


High-density cholesterol, or alpha cholesterol as it is also called, ensures the cleansing of blood vessels from clogging plaques. High-density lipids capture excess cholesterol from low-density lipids and transfer them from body cells to the liver, after which cholesterol is excreted from the body.

Therefore, the balance of these fractions must be clearly maintained in the body.

If cholesterol levels increase, then the level of good cholesterol should also be increased, otherwise a disease such as atherosclerosis, as well as various ischemic pathologies, may develop. Because in this case, the rate of movement of cholesterol through the vessels towards the liver decreases sharply, which is why it begins to settle on their walls. When the patency of the vascular bed decreases, the risk of thromboembolism, heart attack, stroke and other serious diseases increases.

Explanation of the relevant indicators in biochemical analysis blood, subject to the rules for donating biomaterial, can tell the doctor about the presence of such pathologies:

  • acute form of infection;
  • liver or kidney disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • metabolic disorders, obesity, vitamin C deficiency;
  • developing atherosclerosis;
  • IBS().

Biochemistry must be carried out before planned operations, as well as when adjusting the diet, monitoring the effectiveness of therapy.

If tests show that HDL is low while it is high, then the doctor should find out the reasons for this condition. To clarify the diagnosis, a number of additional examinations are prescribed.


The normal level of HDL fraction in a blood test depends on the age and gender of the patient. Typically its concentration is significantly lower than the content of low-density lipids. The norm for women by age differs from men’s indicators.

For alpha cholesterol, the norm in women is higher than in the blood of men of the same age. In addition, with age, both total cholesterol and the HDL fraction in the body increase.

HDL cholesterol is normal in the blood of women by age:

If it is above normal, then the doctor must also determine the cause of this condition and take measures to lower the level of lipid proteins to the desired level.

The quantitative indicators of the lipid profile can be affected by various physiological factors. Thus, in women, low-density fats are increased during pregnancy and after menopause, this is explained by changes in female hormonal levels.

Deviations from the norm

Level good protein may deviate from the norm either more or less. In each case there are some hidden reasons for this.

If HDL cholesterol is low, this condition can be caused by the following reasons:

  • violation of fat metabolism;
  • food allergies;
  • liver diseases.

Low HDL cholesterol - what does this mean? A decrease in the level of VP lipoproteins below normal significantly increases the risk of developing vascular and cardiac pathologies. With this deviation, it is important to consume enough vitamin C.

Therefore, it is important to prescribe therapy in a timely manner that will increase this indicator.

Despite the fact that doctors most often try to increase good cholesterol in the blood, too high level HDL may also be a concern, especially if the reasons for this increase in concentration are not established.

How to improve your lipid profile

To assess the patient's condition, the doctor prescribes a lipid profile. Research shows general indicator and quantitative values ​​of various lipids. What to do if the indicators deviate from the norm and how to increase good cholesterol to normal levels?

For those who do not know how to increase alpha cholesterol levels, doctors give the following recommendations:

  • limit alcohol consumption as much as possible;
  • give up nicotine addiction;
  • dose correctly physical exercise;
  • review your diet, instead of fats and carbohydrates, switch to pectin, which lowers the amount of bad cholesterol.

To prevent atherosclerosis, eat foods rich in vitamin C.

Balance of bad and good cholesterol

When assessing the analysis, the doctor must evaluate not only cholesterol indicators, but also their balance, expressed by the atherogenicity coefficient.

This indicator reflects the ratio of the amount of NP lipoproteins to VP lipoproteins. The higher the coefficient, the more the likelihood of developing hypertension, strokes and heart attacks, vascular damage.

Atherogenicity increases with intense physical activity, stressful situations and states of emotional uplift, since all this causes an increase in the amount of NP lipoproteins.

When testing the amount of good cholesterol, the doctor must conduct comprehensive examination and analyze everything associated factors. This will allow timely identification of the risk of developing severe cardiovascular pathologies and prescribing effective treatment. A cholesterol test should be taken at least once a year. This will allow doctors to better monitor all changes occurring in the body and begin treatment in a timely manner if necessary.

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Hello, dear readers! In the article we talk about LDL cholesterol. We discuss the reasons for its increase. You will learn what diseases cause fatty alcohol deposits and how to reduce the level of the compound at home.

LDL cholesterol is low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a substance popularly called bad or bad cholesterol. LDL is the main transport form organic compound, it is this type of fatty alcohol that actively reaches the blood vessels and internal organs.

The liver and small intestine person.

Substance indicators in to a greater extent associated with the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Compared to HDL cholesterol levels, this is due to the fact that the fatty alcohol fraction of LDL interacts with blood vessels and internal organs.

When moving through vessels increased amount cholesterol, the cells of the vascular walls capture particles of the substance. Under the influence of local factors, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques occurs. Plaques narrow the lumen of blood vessels and provoke blood clots, causing diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

When elevated

ABOUT high cholesterol LDL says when values ​​exceed 4.52 mmol/liter in women and 4.8 mmol/liter in men. With increased concentrations of low-density compounds, the risk of developing dysfunction of the cardiovascular system and brain increases.

High concentration provokes its deposition on vascular walls. As a result of the formation of plaques and narrowing of the lumen of veins and arteries, circulatory disorders occur, primarily from pathological changes the heart, kidneys and brain are affected.

Good and bad cholesterol

The value of total cholesterol includes indicators of LDL and HDL cholesterol. HDL is high-density lipoprotein, popularly called “good” cholesterol.

When a substance is produced in the liver, low-density lipoproteins pick up the substance and carry it to the cells. This process is natural and necessary for human body, and in the absence of unfavorable factors, it is completely safe. If the liver produces too much of the compound, LDL can lose it during transport, falling behind and forming plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

High-density lipoproteins perform reverse transport of the substance, delivering cholesterol from cells to the liver in the form of bile. HDL has an antiatherogenic effect - it removes fatty alcohol deposits from the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of new accumulations of organic matter.

See the next video for more details.

Reasons for the increase

An increase in the level is called hyperlipidemia; doctors consider this condition to be the main cause of the development of atherosclerosis, a disease that leads to consequences such as heart attack and stroke.

An increase in concentration is provoked by the following conditions:

  • congestion and gallstones;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreas cancer;
  • cancer prostate gland in men;
  • alcoholism;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • obesity.

The level of the substance in the blood is also affected by the food a person eats daily.

Normal for women and men

The table shows the norms for cholesterol concentrations in men and women depending on age, in units of mmol/liter:

How to find out if it's up or down

Levels of the compound are measured through a laboratory blood test. The test is carried out on an empty stomach; in the morning the patient is allowed to drink some water. The test can only be carried out 12 hours after the last meal, but the interval cannot take more than 14 hours.

Before taking the test, stop taking medications for several weeks. In cases where discontinuation of medications increases the risk of a threat to the life and health of the patient, it is necessary to provide the doctor with all information about the medications taken and indicate the exact dosages of the medications.

What foods lower cholesterol?

At elevated level the patient is prescribed treatment for the underlying cause that caused pathological secretion fatty alcohol, therapy, and a medicinal diet. Special diet excludes products with high content fats and includes foods with a high concentration of HDL.

  • sea ​​fish, as well as special additives based on fish oil;
  • nuts and seeds, especially flaxseed;
  • barley and oats;
  • apples, pears;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • peas;
  • dried beans.

To cleanse blood vessels, the menu includes cranberries, persimmons, freshly squeezed Orange juice, watermelons, green tea, dark chocolate, oat bran.

You will learn more about nutrition for high cholesterol in the following video.

Drugs to reduce

The main medications for normalizing LDL cholesterol levels in the blood are statins. Statins reduce the secretion of fatty alcohol by the liver, blocking the work of the main enzyme that is responsible for the production of the harmful substance.

Drugs from the statin group:

  • Simvastatin;
  • Lovastatin;
  • Pravastatin.

Patients are also prescribed fibrates, which destroy LDL in the blood and partially dissolve cholesterol deposits:

  • Atromidine;
  • Oralipin;
  • Traikor;
  • Clofibrine;
  • Lipigem.

Basic therapy includes nicotinic acid. Medicines from this group inhibit the synthesis of bad cholesterol, as a result of which they lower the level of fatty alcohol in the blood.

Folk remedies

It is allowed to use as an adjuvant therapy traditional medicines. Here are some recipes:

  • Flaxseed - add one tablespoon to food flaxseeds, previously crushed in a mortar, 1 time per day. It is recommended to use the medicine for 1 month.
  • Celery – boil celery stalks in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, sprinkle the finished product with sesame seeds and sugar.
  • Licorice roots – grind the licorice roots, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into 500 ml of boiling water, boil for ten minutes over low heat, strain the medicine. Take a decoction of one third of a glass four times a day. The course of treatment takes 2-3 weeks, then take a break for a month.

Lowering cholesterol at home

To reduce the concentration of a harmful compound in the blood, taking medications is not enough - without changing lifestyle, after the end of the course of therapy, this value will increase again.

Nutrition adjustments and healthy image life will help avoid the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

Preventative measures include:

  • refusal junk food– fatty, fried foods, canned food, marinades, smoked products, bakery and confectionery, fast food, inclusion in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits, healthy cereals;
  • exception bad habits– drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • healthy weight loss for obesity problems;
  • daily physical activity - sports, exercise, exercise therapy or walks in nature.

These simple rules will help lower cholesterol levels and prevent it from rising again.

It is also important to treat all diseases in a timely manner, many of them provoke increased secretion organic matter.

What to remember

The value of total cholesterol includes:

  • LDL – “bad”;
  • HDL means “good”.

The norm varies depending on age:

  • from 3.1 to 7.8 mmol/liter – in women;
  • from 2.9 to 7.05 mmol/liter – in men.

To reduce use:

  • medications – satins, fibrates, nicotinic acid;
  • folk remedies and food;
  • lifestyle correction.

See you in the next article!

High-density lipoproteins circulate in the blood plasma. Their main property is antiatherogenic. It is these lipoproteins that protect blood vessels from the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on their walls. For this property, they (HDL) are called good cholesterol, since they also remove excess cholesterol, transporting it to the liver. Some patients are concerned that blood tests show elevated HDL cholesterol. This is especially true for people with problems in cardiovascular system, in particular, having high risk development of atherosclerosis.

HDL is responsible for the processing and removal of fats from the body, which is why they are called good cholesterol.

LDL and total cholesterol levels are also assessed. It is important to know due to which fractions of lipoproteins the cholesterol level is increased, or what it consists of when its numbers are normal.

To determine the value of both cholesterol and lipoproteins of different densities, blood is taken from a vein in the morning, on an empty stomach. According to the results laboratory tests a lipid profile is formed containing the concentration in the blood of total cholesterol, high, low and very low density lipoproteins, as well as triglycerides. All indicators are analyzed first independently of each other, and then together.

Differences between HDL, LDL and VLDL

To understand the topic, first of all, it is worth understanding what atherosclerosis is. Scientifically, this is a vascular disease caused by a disorder of lipid and protein metabolism, which is accompanied by the accumulation of cholesterol and some fractions of lipoproteins in the lumen of blood vessels in the form of atheromatous plaques. To put it simply, these are deposits of cholesterol and some other substances in the wall of the vessel, reducing its capacity. Consequently, blood flow becomes worse. Up to complete blockage. In this case, blood does not enter the organ or limb and necrosis develops - death.

Deposits of cholesterol and lipids in the walls of blood vessels lead to atherosclerosis.

All lipoproteins are spherical formations of varying density that circulate freely in the blood. Very low-density lipids are so large in size (naturally, on a cell scale) that they are unable to penetrate the vascular wall. Accumulation does not occur and the above-described atherosclerosis does not develop. But it is worth remembering that if they increase, then the development of pancreatitis - a disease of the pancreas - is possible.

Simply, low-density lipids are able to penetrate the vessel wall. Moreover, when the body tissues need them, lipids pass through the artery further, as they say, “to the address.” If there is no need, and the concentration in the blood is high, then LDL penetrates the wall and remains there. Next, unwanted oxidative processes occur, which cause atherosclerosis.

HDL is the smallest of the listed lipids. Their advantage is that they can easily both penetrate the vessel wall and easily leave it. In addition, they have an antioxidant effect, inhibiting the process of converting low-density lipids into atherosclerotic plaques.

LDL cholesterol is considered “bad” because when it is in excess, plaques appear in the walls of blood vessels, which can restrict the movement of blood through the vessel, which threatens atherosclerosis and significantly increases the risk of heart disease (coronary disease, heart attack) and stroke

Now it becomes clear why high-density lipids are usually called good or good cholesterol. It also becomes clear why it is worth assessing not only total cholesterol, but also its fractions.

However, do not panic when reading the above mechanism. This does not mean that plaques are constantly forming in the vessels, and their subsequent blockage is only a matter of time. Normally, lipid regulation mechanisms work constantly. Only with age, with an unhealthy lifestyle or with various pathologies this process is violated. The accumulation does not occur instantly, in a matter of minutes or hours, but rather over a long period of time. But you shouldn’t delay treatment.

Reasons for increases and decreases in HDL

We can safely say that it is more dangerous low level of these lipoproteins than high. If HDL levels are elevated in a blood test, their increase is regarded as protection against atherosclerosis, an anti-atherogenic factor. Undoubtedly, under certain circumstances, inflated numbers of this indicator may cause concern; if the numbers are too high, high-density lipoproteins lose their protective properties.

Raising HDL levels is not dangerous!

The reasons for increasing the level of this lipoprotein fraction are as follows:

  • Genetic mutations that result in overproduction or decreased excretion of good cholesterol.
  • Chronic alcoholism, especially at the stage of liver cirrhosis.
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Taking certain medications: insulin, glucocorticoids.
  • Familial hyperalphapipoproteinemia. It is not accompanied by any symptoms, the patient is not bothered by anything, and is detected as an incidental finding.
  • The rate may increase in women preparing to become mothers. This is especially true on later pregnancy, when the rate can almost double.

High cholesterol during pregnancy is due to the fact that the body increases lipid metabolism and the synthesis of hormones by the adrenal glands

Reasons for low HDL levels:

  • Diabetes.
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia type IV.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • Acute viral and bacterial infections.

You need to understand that one HDL indicator is not proof of a particular condition of the body. It can only be taken into account in comparison with the level of total cholesterol and LDL.

This is expressed, first of all, in the so-called atherogenic coefficient. It is calculated using the following formula: high-density cholesterol is subtracted from total cholesterol, and then the resulting figure is divided again by HDL. The resulting coefficient is compared with normal values. On average, it should not be higher than 2.5-3.5 in men (depending on age) and no higher than 2.2 in women. The higher the coefficient, the higher the risk of coronary heart disease. By turning on simple mathematical logic, you can understand that the higher the total cholesterol and the lower the lipoproteins, the more the coefficient value will increase; and vice versa. Which again proves the protective function of high-density proteins. Therefore, if both cholesterol and HDL are elevated, this means that the overall coefficient will be low, but it is worth thinking about reducing the cholesterol content in the blood. If HDL is only elevated, this means that there is no cause for concern.

It is impossible to correlate high- and low-density proteins through any coefficient. They are assessed independently of each other.

What can be done

If the reasons for the increase in high-density lipoproteins remain unknown and there is concern about your health, then you should visit your doctor. This is true if blood was donated, for example, as part of a medical examination or for some other reason not directly related to seeing a doctor about problems with the cardiovascular system.

Don't worry if the doctor prescribes additional methods examinations. They are needed only for a comprehensive study of the reasons for changes in blood parameters.

Two weeks before the study, it is necessary to discontinue drugs that lower blood lipid levels, unless the goal is to determine the effect of therapy with these drugs in the analysis.

The doctor's recommendations will contain simple but very important notes. To begin with, you should limit your intake of fats, in particular saturated fats found in butter, lard, lamb fat, margarine and a number of other products. They should be replaced polyunsaturated fats, which include olive oil, salmon fish and others. If you are overweight, you should lose it. This is achieved by adjusting nutrition and increasing physical activity. Try to avoid excessive drinking and quit smoking completely.

If the indicators go far beyond acceptable standards, then can be assigned drug therapy. But its effectiveness will be many times higher if the above recommendations are followed.

An increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as its individual fractions, at first glance, may seem dangerous. But don’t worry or panic ahead of time.